B2C Content Marketing: How to Do It the RIGHT Way | Intergrowth® (2024)

It doesn’t matter if you have the greatest product or most incredible service in the world — unless you know how to market it, no one will know that it exists.

There are all sorts of traditional marketing techniques that you can use to get your products in front of your customers.

You can pay for radio, television, and print ads. You can put up billboards or mail out catalogs, flyers, and coupons. You can place ads on Google and Facebook.

But one of the most effective techniques we have today is content marketing.

Not sure how to make content marketing work to your advantage?

Here’s our full breakdown of how your B2C company can build a content marketing campaign to grow your business. We’ll start by discussing what makes B2C content marketing crucial to your business’s success and explain how it differs from B2B marketing.

Why Is B2C Content Marketing So Important?

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Results from the first 12 months of helping one B2C client grow through our Standard Growth service tier

No matter where or how you sell your products, marketing should be a key component of your operation.

In the digital world, it’s all about content.

Content marketing is a long game. It’s not a “hack” for getting a bunch of sales today, but more of a strategy for building your brand and establishing your business as an important player in your niche.

B2C content marketing has a lot ofbenefitsand can help you do a lot of things:

  • Build brand awareness
  • Drive traffic to your website
  • Increase sales conversions by increasing organic traffic
  • Establish yourself as a thought leader in your industry
  • Improve ROI

How Does B2C Content Marketing Differ from B2B?

Unlike B2B content marketing, where your marketing has to connect with the decision-maker (the person buying the product for their business), B2C marketing allows you to target your ideal user directly (because the user and the buyer are the same person).

B2C marketing tends to be a lot simpler and more concise, too — B2B marketing often includes a lot of industry terms and technical jargon related to the business.

If you’re a business owner or in charge of marketing for a B2C brand, we may be able to help. Learn about ourcontent marketing services, and give us a call if you’re interested.

How to Build a B2C Content Strategy

Your competitors are already implementing their own content marketing campaigns.

If you don’t have one or need to build upon the strategy you’ve already established, there are many ways to do so.

Here are seven key steps to building a killer B2Ccontent marketing campaign that will help you grow your business:

1. Define Your Target Audience

The first step in any marketing plan is to know your target audience. By defining yourbuyer personas, you can create content that’s tailored to that audience.

Content marketing is all about messaging.

Think about what your brand stands for. Think about the customer base that you’re trying to attract. The best content is that which resonates with your audience and demonstrates that you have common values and ideas.

Creating content with this intent helps build more than brand awareness — it helps to build brand loyalty.

2. Create a Timeline

Once you’ve defined your target audience, create a calendar and a timeline for how and when you want to roll out your incredible new content.

To keep your audience engaged, you’ll need to post content on a regular basis.

3. Determine What Types of Content You Want to Create

Scheduling your timeline requires brainstorming content ideas and determiningwhat type of contentyou want to create. Blog content, video content, and visual content (such as photos and infographics) should all be a part of your plan to some degree.

4. Hire Content Creators

Don’t assume that every marketing professional is a great content creator. They’re not.

When developing any business-to-consumer marketing plan, you need to hirecontent marketing writersand creators who understand your specific audience.

With a limited marketing budget, it’s best tohire an individual freelance writerto create content for you based on ideas you’ve already come up with.

If you have more room in your budget, it’s better to hire an entire team that will pitch content ideas, do the preliminary research, and create the content you need.

Oh, and if you’re considering the prospect of using AI to generate content, think twice. There are definitely some benefits to using AI for content marketing, but there are also some downsides. Read our take on the pros and cons here.

5. Research Topics

A little bit ofkeyword researchcan help you identify topics that will attract your target audience to your blog.

We won’t get into all of the ins and outs of keyword research here, but these resources offer some helpful insight:

One thing to keep in mind when coming up with new content ideas is searcher intent.

In other words, does your content target terms and topics that your target audience is actually searching for?

For example, if you’re writing a blog about sustainable fashion, you might want to build a piece of content around the keyword “organic.”

But, searches for the term “organic” are likely related more to “organic beef” and “organic vegetables” than organic fabric.

In this scenario, the keyword “organic cotton” is much more likely to fulfill searcher intent for someone researching sustainable clothing.

If your content addresses your audience’s search intent, it will be easier for them to find your website and services.

6. Execute a Plan for Content Creation

You’ve created your timeline. You’ve decided to either create your own content or hire acontent teamto do it for you. Now it’s time to put the plan in motion.

Take your content marketing plan seriously. Adhere to the timelines. Follow up to make sure that your writers and content creators are meeting their deadlines.

A great content plan is meaningless unless you put the plan into action. If you can’t handle the entire process yourself, hire someone to do it for you.

Related:Hiring an Agency vs. Hiring an In-House Marketer

7. Publish and Promote Your Content

Once you have fantastic content, it’s time for promotion. Social media, online forums, and email marketing campaigns are some of the best ways to do so.

Generate a social media post for every new piece of content. The more shareable the content is, the more likely your existing followers and customers are to share it with their friends and followers.

Keep in mind that not all social media platforms work for every business.

For example, if you’re targeting a mature audience in their 60s and 70s, you may havemore success with Facebook. If you’re trying to reach a younger audience,Instagram,TikTok, andYouTubemay be better avenues for success.

Improve Your B2CContent Marketing Strategy With Lifestyle Content

There are all different types of content that you can create, and one of the most effective types is lifestyle content.

Lifestyle content features topics and ideas that are part of your target customer’s everyday lifestyle. It helps to create an emotional connection between your brand and your potential customers and can strengthen the customer relationships that you’ve already built.

Lifestyle content can be related to fashion and beauty or eating healthy and working out. It can be about travel, social justice, or sustainability. Or about sports, technology, or finance.

It can be about anything that your audience cares about.

The point of lifestyle content is to entertain and educate your audience about topics that they want to learn more about. Whether you produce video content, visual content, written content, audio content, or a combination of all, great lifestyle content will resonate with your audience.

The ultimate goal with lifestyle content is to convert some of your audience into customers.

The more they understand that their lifestyle aligns with the goals and values of your brand, the more likely they are to turn to your brand when they’re in the decision-making stage of buying a product or service.

Related:How Blogging Drives Sales

How to Choose Topics for Lifestyle Content

So how exactly should you go about selecting the right topics for lifestyle content?

There are several different approaches you can take:

Improve on a Niche Topic

One way is to look at what your direct competitors are writing about. You don’t need to steal ideas, but if everyone in your niche is writing about the same topic, you may want to contribute to the conversation.

Any time you find a piece of content from a competitor you think you can improve upon, do so! You can attract new customers by providing them with content that offers more value and more information than the content that’s already out there.

Use the Right Tools to Find Keywords

Another way to find relevant topics is to research keywords throughGoogle Keyword Planner.

With this tool, you can enter specific keywords and then scroll through the results to find related keywords that have a high number of average monthly searches and a low competition rate.

The higher the competition rating, the harder it will be to compete with existing content. But if you can out-do the content that’s already out there, you can get results.

Note: Google Keyword Planner is one of our favorite free tools. There are some premium tools (likeAhrefsandSEMRush) that cost money but offer a lot more data and features.

Create Content About Complementary Topics

Another smart way to develop lifestyle content is to choose a topic that’s one degree removed from your product or service.

For example:

  • If you sell pillows or sheets, write about the importance of sleep.
  • If you sell sneakers, blog about the importance of exercising, running, or how the right pair of shoes can improve your posture and relieve joint pain.
  • If you sell clothing, do a review of the most current New York Fashion Week, and discuss how the runway trends can translate to real-world looks.

More Ways to Improve Your B2C Content

Lifestyle content is one of the most effective ways to drive traffic to your website, but there are some other content marketing strategies you might want to consider.

Here are some additional B2C content marketing examples that can help you attract leads, build a loyal following, and expand your customer base.

Partner With Influencers in Your Niche

B2C Content Marketing: How to Do It the RIGHT Way | Intergrowth® (3)

Partnering with an online influencer can bring a lot of attention to your brand in a short amount of time. Getting a notable person to back your brand with their own reviews, testimonials, and images of them representing your product can be invaluable to your business.

But it will cost you.

The people who make “influencing” a business don’t come cheap. Charli D’Amelio makes a staggering $50,000 per TikTok ad post (we’re not kidding!). Her 123.5 billion TikTok followers are helping her to rake in some bucks.

… and that’s a drop in the bucket compared to what other celebrity influencers make.

Ready to fall off your chair?

SugarBearHair paid Kylie Jenner a million dollars to post Instagram pics of their bright blue teddy-bear-shaped hair vitamins. Again,not kidding.

With a small budget, you’ll need to turn to lesser-known influencers. Instagrammers with about 50,000 followers will only cost you about $200 per post.

Influencers can be expensive, but even those with a small following can put your brand in front of tens of thousands of potential customers with a single post.

Use User-Created Content as Ads

Looking for great content that won’t cost you a penny? Turn to your existing users, customers, and followers to create ad content for you.

Testimonials and reviews written by actual customers can be powerful, and you can use those reviews or comments as free ad content.

Start a Podcast

You can use a podcast that showcases your personality and in-depth understanding of a particular industry or niche as audio content, video content, and written content.


Make a video recording of your podcast while you record the audio. Publish the audio as usual, then publish the video recording of your podcast as visual content on your website.

You can also turn your audio into a transcription that you can publish as written content on your website in question and answer interview form. Or, you can have a content writer pull out the most important parts of the audio, add some relevant keywords, and turn your podcast into a search engine-friendly blog post.

Give Your Website a Fresh Look

Whether you have an interactive website or an old-school site with just pictures and information, it needs to work. Your site must be user-friendly, appealing to the eye, and easy to navigate.

If your site isn’t 100% functional, it’s encouraging users to click away, and it’s time to think about building a new site orupgrading your current site design.

Analyze Your Results

B2C Content Marketing: How to Do It the RIGHT Way | Intergrowth® (5)

Results from the first 12 months of helping one B2C client grow through our Rapid Growth service tier

It’s easy to think you’re putting out great content, but you’ll never know if your content is effective unless you analyze your metrics.

To know which of your content marketing efforts are working, look at the analytics. This is the best way to identify which type of content is generating results.

  • Are you driving traffic through videos?
  • Is written content helping you make conversions?
  • Are you getting new subscribers from audio content?

Once you know which channels are driving results, you can make an informed decision as to whether or not you should stick with your existingcontent marketing strategy.

In some cases, you’ll find that it’s time to reassess your marketing budget for next year or next month. By analyzing your performance metrics, you can shift your focus onto the channels generating the most ROI.

Hire a Content Marketing Agency Agency to Analyze Your Metrics for You

Content marketing agencies do more than research topics and pump out incredible content — they also help you analyze your data and understand your metrics.

If you don’t have the time or ability to create content or analyze the results, consider hiring a content marketing agency to do it for you.

We might be the perfect agency partner for you. Learn more about ourcontent marketing services here, and reach out if you want to chat.

Pushing out content for content’s sake is never the way to go.

Every piece of content should be quality content that speaks straight to your target audience and resonates with your specific B2C customers.

Remember, content is only effective when it offers value to the person reading, viewing, or watching it.

Ready to develop a new B2Ccontent marketing strategy for your brand?Contact Intergrowth® now to learn more about our content marketing services.


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B2C Content Marketing: How to Do It the RIGHT Way | Intergrowth® (6)

B2C Content Marketing: How to Do It the RIGHT Way | Intergrowth® (2024)


How to create a B2C content strategy? ›

Creating a B2C content marketing strategy: How to start
  1. Who you target. Your B2C business wants to attract specific customers to your website. ...
  2. What you want to achieve with your content marketing. ...
  3. What types of content to create. ...
  4. What topics you'll cover. ...
  5. How often you create content. ...
  6. How you'll measure results.

How to write appealing B2C marketing content? ›

5 Expert Tips To Improve B2C Marketing Content
  1. Improve text readability.
  2. Add visuals.
  3. Check for grammatical errors.
  4. Relate with latest trends.
  5. Clean structure of content.
Jan 22, 2024

What is the B2C marketing strategy? ›

B2C marketing refers to the approach businesses take to directly sell products and services to consumers. This method involves utilizing targeted digital campaigns, personalized communication, and active social media engagement, with a focus on addressing personal needs and interests to effectively drive sales.

How do you make B2C successful? ›

10 Highly-Effective B2C Marketing Strategies
  1. Targeted Ads And Recommendations. ...
  2. Personalise Your Marketing Campaign. ...
  3. Incorporate A Virtual Try-On Feature. ...
  4. Use Of Blockchain Technology. ...
  5. Greater Focus On Social Media Marketing. ...
  6. Add Gamification To Your Marketing Campaigns. ...
  7. Work With Social Media Influencers.

What are the most important things to focus on to be successful in B2C sales? ›

Key steps in the B2C sales process include lead generation, needs assessment, product presentation, closing the sale, customer service, and feedback and improvement.

How to target B2C? ›

These channels offer diverse opportunities for B2C marketers to connect with their audience, drive engagement, and ultimately increase conversions.
  1. Social Media. ...
  2. Email Marketing. ...
  3. Websites. ...
  4. Blogs. ...
  5. Podcasts. ...
  6. Influencer Marketing. ...
  7. Videos. ...
  8. Understand how consumers think.

What are the best B2C examples? ›

B2C companies operate on the internet and sell products to customers online. Amazon, Meta (formerly Facebook), and Walmart are some examples of B2C companies.

What is an example of B2C writing? ›

B2C Copywriting Examples

It's the ads in the magazines, the billboards on the side of the highway, and the commercials on television. It's the emails in your inbox offering 10% off your next purchase or telling you about a new product or service your favorite brand has to offer.

How do you retain customers in B2C? ›

Strategies to improve customer retention
  1. Shore up your quality assurance. ...
  2. Maintain contact with customers. ...
  3. Keep customers engaged online. ...
  4. Implement a customer loyalty program. ...
  5. Form relationships with customers using social media.

How to capture the B2C market? ›

For B2C, an emotional appeal, clear value proposition, and memorable brand experience are fundamental. Broad campaigns build awareness rapidly across channels, while strong packaging, visuals, and seamless user experience attract consumers.

What is the B2C theory? ›

B2C, or business-to-consumer, is a retail model where products or services move directly from a business to the end user who has purchased the goods or services for personal use.

What are the three main types of B2C sales? ›

B2C Industries
  • Direct sellers- Like Amazon, Banana Republic, and Zappos that sell directly to customers.
  • Online Intermediaries- Such as Amazon.com, which can sell products from a variety of vendors. ...
  • Community-based models—These represent specific interest groups, like a bulletin board for gardeners.

How to boost B2C sales? ›

The key to success in B2C sales involves effective marketing, sync between sales and marketing, and sales process automation to improve the productivity of sales representatives. By streamlining your internal sales process, you can achieve better sales targets with the same resources.

Who is the target audience of B2C? ›

Target Audience

B2C brands typically target a large audience of individual shoppers. B2B companies sell their products or services to businesses. Their target customers are key decision-makers within their organizations.

What are 3 benefits of B2C? ›

B2C eCommerce involves selling products or services directly to individual consumers. It typically features a simpler, user-friendly interface, straightforward pricing, and quick purchase processes, often focusing on emotion-driven marketing and brand loyalty. Examples include online retail stores like Amazon or eBay.

What is B2C content? ›

B2C content often aims to evoke emotions, inspire, or entertain. The purchasing journey is generally shorter than in B2B, with decisions influenced by personal preferences, emotions, and peer recommendations. It's crucial to create content that's relatable, engaging, and aligns with the consumer's lifestyle and values.

What are the monetization strategies for B2C? ›

Today's B2C subscription businesses thrive with a Total Monetization strategy. This modern business approach goes beyond simply acquiring subscribers; it's about understanding your customers in nuanced detail, catering to their evolving needs, and creating flexible pricing that adapts to their journeys.

How do you create a content distribution strategy? ›

Building a winning content distribution strategy
  1. Step 1: Research your target audience. ...
  2. Step 2: Audit and analyse your existing content. ...
  3. Step 3: Set KPIs and goals. ...
  4. Step 4: Choose your most important content distribution channels. ...
  5. Step 5: Choose content types. ...
  6. Step 6: Create a content calendar.
Oct 23, 2023

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Author: Domingo Moore

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Name: Domingo Moore

Birthday: 1997-05-20

Address: 6485 Kohler Route, Antonioton, VT 77375-0299

Phone: +3213869077934

Job: Sales Analyst

Hobby: Kayaking, Roller skating, Cabaret, Rugby, Homebrewing, Creative writing, amateur radio

Introduction: My name is Domingo Moore, I am a attractive, gorgeous, funny, jolly, spotless, nice, fantastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.