Backblaze vs Carbonite: Who Has The Better Service in 2024? (2024) may earn a small commission from some purchases made through our site. However, any earnings do not affect how we review services. Learn more about our editorial integrity and research process.

Backblaze vs Carbonite: Who Has The Better Service in 2024? (1)

Backblaze vs Carbonite: Who Has The Better Service in 2024? (2)Backblaze vs Carbonite: Who Has The Better Service in 2024? (3)

Written by Aleksander Hougen (Co-Chief Editor)

Reviewed by Jackie Leavitt (Co-Chief Editor)

Last Updated: 2024-02-07T04:43:47+00:00

All our content is written fully by humans; we do not publish AI writing. Learn more here.

Backblaze and Carbonite are two cloud backup services with a lot in common. They both focus on ease of use over providing a bunch of advanced features. Both of them also provide unlimited storage, one computer per license and excellent security, but they suffer from mediocre speed. Thus, we’ve put together this Backblaze vs Carbonite comparison to find out which one is the better service.

Because this is such a close comparison, users looking for a simple cloud backup service to combine with the top cloud storage services will be well served by either one. However, to spoil things a bit, we think Backblaze is slightly better, for reasons we’ll go into as we put the two services through eight rounds covering all of our regular cloud backup review criteria.

If you’re wondering what else is out there in terms of cloud backup, you can check out our list of the best online backup providers. You can also read our Backblaze review and Carbonite review, as well as our IDrive vs Carbonite comparison.

  • 10/26/2022

    Updated Carbonite’s prices.

  1. 1

    • :
    • :
    • :
    • :
    • :
    • :
    • :

    Unlimited GB$7.88 / month(save 12%)(All Plans)

    Visit BackblazeReview

  2. 2

    • :
    • :
    • : Yes but not on Basic plan (all other plans)
    • : Yes but only on Safe Backup Pro plan
    • :
    • :
    • :

    250GB - Unlimited GB$4.75 / month(All Plans)

    Visit CarboniteReview

1. Features

Neither service is what you’d call feature-rich. Both focus on providing a simple and streamlined backup process with unlimited storage, all without overloading users with too many advanced features.

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Both services are available on Windows and Mac, but not on Linux. If you use the latter, check out our list of the best online backup for Linux to find an alternative. Both services make it onto our lists for the best cloud backup for Mac and best online backup for Windows, though, so if you’re not a Linux user, either is a good option for data backup for your desktop device.

There’s also no mobile backup for either service, but Backblaze has a mobile app for iOS and Android that you can use to access and manage your files remotely.

Backup Features

In terms of versioning, Backblaze retains deleted and changed files for a maximum of 30 days. For deleted files, this is the same as Carbonite, but when it comes to old versions of changed files, Carbonite instead limits you to 12 archived versions rather than a simple time limit. If you’re looking for a service with unlimited versioning, check out SpiderOak ONE instead.

Both services also employ a block-level algorithm for uploads, meaning you won’t waste bandwidth reuploading entire files when they’ve been changed. You can perform external hard drive backup with either service, but Carbonite locks this behind its more expensive plans.

Neither service offers image-based backups, meaning you can’t create a complete clone of your device to store online. There’s no hybrid backup, either, so you’re stuck with uploading your files to online storage. Both of these features are available in IDrive, though, so consider that service instead if you want these things.

Backblaze doesn’t let you backup any servers with its service, but Carbonite does, provided you subscribe to one of the more expensive server plans. On the other hand, Backblaze does support NAS backups, which again is something you only get with Carbonite if you opt for one of the pricier plans, in this case the Safe Backup Pro plan.

Courier Recovery

If you have a slow internet connection, you can use a courier recovery service to restore your data with both services. For Backblaze, this takes the form of a USB flash drive for restores of 256GB or less, and an external hard drive for restores up to 8TB.

Carbonite, on the other hand, has no upper limit, and the size of the external hard drive sent to you is determined by the size of your restore. This means that if you want to restore 5TB of data, the service will ship a 5TB external hard drive to you.

Other Features

Aside from the backup features themselves, Backblaze offers some tangential functionality that Carbonite doesn’t. This includes file sharing, something that’s more common for cloud storage providers, as opposed to cloud backup services.

If you’re not quite clear on what this distinction means, check out our guide on cloud storage vs online backup to learn more. You can also check out our cloud space comparisonif you’re less interested in performing regular backups than you are with sharing and syncing files across devices.

Backblaze also lets you inherit the backup state from a different device, which is great if you’ve switched computers but want to keep your backup settings. Finally, it also includes a “find your computer” type of feature that helps you locate your device in the event of theft or loss.

Neither of these two contestants provide a whole lot in terms of features, so we recommend checking out our IDrive review or Acronis Cyber Protect Home Office review if you’re the type of user who prefers a rich set of functionality over a streamlined backup process.

If you’re looking for an online backup service that offers unlimited storage for your business, you can read our CrashPlan review. While still at it, read our CrashPlan vs Backblaze review to see how the two top dogs compare.

Despite not being a feature-rich backup service by any means, Backblaze earns the victory in this round, as it still significantly outperforms Carbonite in terms of functionality.

Round: Features
Point for Backblaze

Visit Backblaze1
Visit Carbonite0

2. Pricing

The prices for Backblaze and Carbonite are very similar at a glance, as they both offer unlimited storage for $6 or less per month (something that’s not even an option in IDrive’s pricing). However, when you dig into the plans a little more, there are some significant differences in what features are available and how much you pay long term.

If you don’t want to pay a monthly fee, you can go for Acronis Cyber Protect Home Office instead, which offers its backup software for a one-time fee, rather than a recurring subscription.

Unlimited Personal

  • Unlimited GB
1-month plan, 1-year plan1-month plan$9/month1-year plan$8.25/month$99 billed every year Save 8%
2-year plan$7.88/month$189 billed every 2 years Save 12%

In terms of courier recovery prices, Carbonite is significantly cheaper than Backblaze. The former charges $99 per request, regardless of size. It also offers a hefty discount to Safe Prime subscribers, who can use the service for as little as $19. Backblaze, on the other hand, charges $99 for restores of 256GB or less and $189 for anything up to 8TB.

Backblaze also offers a full year of its backup service for $60, whereas its not possible to pay monthly for Carbonite, meaning it has a yearly price tag of $49.99.

Carbonite Personal Basic

  • Cheaper price with promo link
  • Unlimited GB
1-year plan$4.75/month$56.99 billed every year

Carbonite Personal Plus

  • Unlimited GB
1-year plan$6.58/month$78.99 billed every year

Carbonite Personal Prime

  • Unlimited GB
1-year plan$8.08/month$96.99 billed every year
More plans

Carbonite Professional Core

  • 250GB
1-year plan$24/month$287.99 billed every year

Carbonite Professional Power

  • 500GB
1-year plan$66.67/month$799.99 billed every year

Carbonite Professional Ultimate

  • 500GB
1-year plan$108.33/month$1299.99 billed every year

Furthermore, while Backblaze offers only a single plan that includes all of its features, Carbonite has several tiers with some significant functionality locked behind the more expensive plans. This includes external hard drive and server backup, as well as automatic video uploads and 256-bit encryption.

All this makes the pricing round an easy win for Backblaze. The reason for that is, quite simply, the cost. Both Carbonite Basic and Backblaze let you backup unlimited data for one computer, but Backblaze lets you do it for $10 less per year and comes with discounts via the Backblaze offer code. Plus, Carbonite Basic doesn’t include external drive backup. That means the score is now 2-0, cementing Backblaze’s early lead.

Round: Pricing
Point for Backblaze

Visit Backblaze2
Visit Carbonite0

3. Speed

Speed is a problem for both of our contestants in this Carbonite vs Backblaze comparison, but in different ways. Carbonite is incredibly slow when restoring your data, while Backblaze does this very quickly but is instead slow when uploading, especially during your initial backup.

This is somewhat surprising, as Backblaze supports multithreading where Carbonite doesn’t, which should in theory make the former’s uploads faster.

When testing the speed of each backup service, we used a fiber connection with an upload and download speed of 50 Mbps to transfer a 3.51GB folder filled with various types of files. This means that each transfer could theoretically finish in about 10 minutes, but more realistically we expect them to finish in roughly 15 to 20 minutes.

Both tests were performed from Oslo, Norway, to a data center located in the U.S. Although Backblaze operates a data center in the Netherlands (which would’ve offered better speeds for our location), we wanted to make the tests as similar as possible. Users in North America (or Backblaze users in Europe using the Dutch data center) should see better results.

First Attempt:Second Attempt:Average:
Backblaze Upload0:42:000:41:00
Backblaze Download0:15:000:15:000:15:00
Carbonite Upload0:19:000:26:000:22:30
Carbonite Download0:32:000:31:000:31:30

Based on these results, picking the winner of this round of our Carbonite vs Backblaze comparison is pretty subjective, as it depends on whether you prioritize a quick backup or a quick restore.

We’ll give Backblaze the win here, as we think restoring your data is probably a more time-critical task than backing up. This takes the score to 3-0, which is starting to make this battle look like a slam dunk for Backblaze.

Round: Speed
Point for Backblaze

Visit Backblaze3
Visit Carbonite0

4. Ease of Use

Ease of use is clearly where both services focused their efforts when designing their software. The backup app for both is very simple, without a lot of menus or settings to complicate things.

In Carbonite’s case, the client is basically just divided into two panels: one for your backup and one for some basic settings, like scheduling and pausing your backup. Backblaze is similar, with a main panel showing the status of your backup and a settings window where you can adjust how the client operates.

There’s a bit more to Backblaze’s settings than Carbonite’s, though, including file exclusions, performance settings — like multithreading and throttling — and a list of files scheduled for backup.

Carbonite also sets up a virtual drive on your computer called “Carbonite Backup Drive” where you can see all the files you have backed up, as well as the ones that are pending.

Here, you can restore old versions of files and remove data from your online storage. This puts it ahead of Backblaze because, with the latter, the only way to instantly remove files from your cloud storage is to delete the entire backup.

With all this in mind, Carbonite ekes out a win in this category, earning its first point in our comparison and bringing the score to 3-1.

Round: Ease of Use
Point for Carbonite

Visit Backblaze3
Visit Carbonite1

5. Backup Process

Setting up your backup to cloud storage is very easy to do with both services. With Carbonite, you simply right-click the files or folders that you want to backup online and select the “back this up” option in the context menu, and that’s it.

Backblaze, on the other hand, automatically scans your computer and uploads anything that isn’t listed under “exclusions” to your online storage. While this is great for users who want to take advantage of Backblaze’s unlimited storage to backup all of their data, it does make manually choosing what files you want to upload a bit clunky.

To do so, you have to essentially set up the data backup in a backward direction, picking what files you don’t want uploaded to online storage rather than the ones that you do.

Backblaze also doesn’t tell you much about the status of your backup. There’s no progress bar and it’s hard to tell what is currently being uploaded, unless your files have very short names. This is in stark contrast to Carbonite, which gives you plenty of info on your backup’s progress.

Because of this lack of information, as well as no manual file selection, we’re giving this round to Carbonite, which brings the score to 3-2.

Round: Backup Process
Point for Carbonite

Visit Backblaze3
Visit Carbonite2

6. Security

Once again there’s a lot of similarities between the two cloud backup services. Both offer solid encryption, though Backblaze offers AES 256-bit for all customers while Carbonite restricts anyone not on a server plan to AES 128-bit. Both of these encryption protocols are more than sufficient to protect your data, though, so there’s not much difference, in practice.

Carbonite actually acquired the cybersecurity company Webroot (as well as the backup service Mozy) back in 2019 in order to place a heavier emphasis on keeping your files safe from cybercriminals.

When your data is in transit, both services protect it using SSL. Both also allow you to set up two-factor authentication, which provides an extra layer of security if your password becomes compromised.

The actual data centers that house your data are hardened, regardless of which service you use. This means that they’re safe from natural disasters, loss of power or physical intrusions, like break-ins.

However, despite the similarities, there is one significant difference between Carbonite and Backblaze, and that is its implementation of encryption. Because of how Backblaze handles the data restore process (you have to upload your encryption key to restore your backup), it doesn’t offer truly private encryption.

This potentially leaves the door open for man-in-the-middle attacks, not to mention the privacy implications, which we’ll talk more about in the next round.

Because of this, we’ll have to give this round to Carbonite, even if every other aspect of the two cloud backup services’ security is pretty similar. With this win, Carbonite has managed to close the distance, leaving the two services tied at 3-3.

Round: Security
Point for Carbonite

Visit Backblaze3
Visit Carbonite3

7. Privacy

Like with security, privacy is another category where there’s a significant difference between the two backup services. Once again, this comes down to Backblaze’s approach to encryption.

Because you need to give up your encryption key to Backblaze to restore your data, this means the encryption isn’t really private at all. Theoretically, this gives Backblaze the power to access your files or decrypt them and hand them over to someone else.

Both providers store most of their users’ online backup data in the U.S., which is less than ideal, given its poor cloud privacy laws. Examples of this include the Patriot Act, the infamous PRISM program and the intelligence-sharing network called the Five Eyes.

Although Backblaze does allow users to opt for its data center in the Netherlands instead, this is only marginally better, as we explained in our guide on the best VPN for the Netherlands.

Both services have clear-cut privacy policies that state that the companies never sell your personal information for any reason and will only share it with trusted third-party partners or the authorities, if required to do so by law.

The only information they collect is basic personal information that you provide when registering an account, as well as some anonymized usage data, such as total data sizes and IP addresses.

Both services comply with GDPR and HIPAA, though Carbonite complies only with the latter on its server plans. Backblaze also follows a host of other official regulations, such as the EU/Swiss Privacy Shield for international data transfers.

Despite Backblaze complying with a lot more privacy regulations than Carbonite, we still have to give this round to the latter. At the end of the day, the most important thing a cloud backup service can do to protect your privacy is to provide truly private encryption, which Backblaze doesn’t do, meaning it’s not a zero-knowledge service.

This means that, despite Backblaze taking an early lead, Carbonite has managed to creep ahead. With the score at 4-3 in Carbonite’s favor, we can proceed to our final round.

Round: Privacy
Point for Carbonite

Visit Backblaze3
Visit Carbonite4

8. Support

Both backup services offer similar customer support. There’s a searchable knowledgebase that you can use to solve basic problems, as well as email and chat support.

Carbonite also offers phone support, but it’s available only in three countries: the U.S., the UK and Brazil. Neither service has 24/7 support, but we managed to get a response via email within 24 hours from both of them.

However, when we contacted Carbonite, it took a few emails back and forth to actually get an answer to our technical question, whereas Backblaze cut right to the chase in its first response. Because of this, we’ll give this round to Backblaze, even though it’s another very narrow win, leaving us with a tie as the final score settles on 4-4.

Round: Support
Point for Backblaze

Visit Backblaze4
Visit Carbonite4

9. The Verdict

That’s a wrap for our Carbonite vs Backblaze battle. Despite the two services being incredibly similar, we think Backblaze narrowly edges out Carbonite, mainly due to its simpler pricing structure and richer feature set.

However, users who are more concerned with privacy and security for their files will be better served by Carbonite, as its implementation of encryption is superior to Backblaze’s. We also think setting up your backup is a bit simpler with Carbonite, since Backblaze doesn’t let you pick and choose files as easily. Check out our list of the best Carbonite alternatives.

Winner: Backblaze

Backblaze narrowly defeated Carbonite in our review, but does it edge out other popular services such as Dropbox? Read our Backblaze vs Dropbox comparison to learn more.

What do you think of our Carbonite vs Backblaze comparison? Do you agree that these are two incredibly similar services with very little separating them from each other? Or do you think that there are some bigger differences that we missed and that this comparison has a more obvious winner? Let us know in the comments below, and check out our list of Backblaze alternatives, too. Thank you for reading.

Backblaze vs Carbonite: Who Has The Better Service in 2024? (2024)


Backblaze vs Carbonite: Who Has The Better Service in 2024? ›

The Verdict

What is better than Backblaze? ›

IDrive is second to none in terms of the capabilities it offers for file backup. Unlike Backblaze, it offers many backup features and takes a solid approach to private encryption.

What is the most secure cloud backup service? ›

These are the six most secure cloud storage solutions:
  • IDrive: Best overall secure cloud storage solution.
  • pCloud: Best for extended storage functionalities.
  • OneDrive: Best for Microsoft systems integration.
  • Internxt: Best option for secure file sharing features.
  • Best for ease of use and administration.
Mar 21, 2024

Which backup is the best? ›

The best cloud backup services of 2024 in full:
  1. IDrive. Best cloud backup overall. ...
  2. pCloud. Best cloud backup with lifetime subscription. ...
  3. Dropbox Backup. Best cloud backup for simplicity and features. ...
  4. Our expert review: ...
  5. CrashPlan. Best cloud backup service for no-limit versioning. ...
  6. Backblaze Business. ...
  7. Microsoft OneDrive.
Aug 12, 2024

Who competes with Carbonite? ›

Competitors and Alternatives to Carbonite Server Backup
  • Veeam Data Platform.
  • Commvault Cloud.
  • Veritas NetBackup.
  • Acronis Cyber Protect.
  • Microsoft Azure Backup.
  • Actifio Sky (Legacy)
  • Arcserve Unified Data Protection (UDP)
  • Barracuda Backup.

Which is better, Backblaze or carbonite? ›

Both offer solid encryption, though Backblaze offers AES 256-bit for all customers while Carbonite restricts anyone not on a server plan to AES 128-bit. Both of these encryption protocols are more than sufficient to protect your data, though, so there's not much difference, in practice.

Why did Backblaze stop backing up? ›

These are the most common issues that can prevent Backblaze from uploading a file: The permissions on the file do not allow Backblaze to read the file for the backup. The file is open in another program/application. This file is on an external drive that is not plugged in.

What are the top 3 cloud service providers? ›

Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud Platform (GCP) are the big three cloud service providers today. Together, they take up 66% of the worldwide cloud infrastructure market, an increase from 63% the previous year, according to Synergy Research Group.

Which cloud has highest security? ›

AWS is architected to be the most secure global cloud infrastructure on which to build, migrate, and manage applications and workloads. This is backed by the trust of our millions of customers, including the most security sensitive organizations like government, healthcare, and financial services.

Do I need carbonite if I have Google Drive? ›

By default, Google Drive files are backed up with Carbonite if you selected the Automatic setup option when you initially installed. If you are unsure whether these files have been selected for backup, you can navigate to them within Windows Explorer to check.

What is the best long term backup storage? ›

Tape, disk, flash and cloud are four top options for backing up and storing data long-term. Each method has its benefits and drawbacks. Security is a key factor for all storage, but organizations working with long-term data backups should also pay particular attention to access, cost and capacity.

Is Backblaze reliable? ›

The Bottom Line. Backblaze is a streamlined and secure online backup service that's good for novices but may frustrate users who want more control over backups.

Is Backblaze secure? ›

When you use Backblaze, data encryption is built in. Files scheduled for backup are encrypted on your machine. These encrypted files are then transferred over a secure SSL (https) connection to a Backblaze datacenter where they are stored encrypted on disk.

Who is Carbonite competition? ›

Top Competitors and Alternatives of Carbonite

The top three of Carbonite's competitors in the Backup category are AWS Backup with 38.74%, ConnectWise Automate with 11.99%, SolarWinds Backup with 10.69% market share.

Who bought Carbonite? ›

Acquired by OpenText in December 2019, Carbonite products bring cyber-resilient solutions to each of our customers, from home users to managed service providers and businesses of all sizes.

Is Carbonite really unlimited? ›

Carbonite Safe plans will allow you to backup unlimited amount of data on one PC, where one PC includes one internal hard drive. As a practical matter, the speed of your backup is determined by the available bandwidth of your internet connection and the total amount of data selected for backup.

Do I really need Backblaze? ›

If you're just looking for an ultra-simple high capacity backup service, then Backblaze is a must-see, especially as with only a single payment tier and unlimited storage, you're always paying just the same amount, not matter how much you upload.

What does Backblaze not backup? ›

To save your bandwidth and data center disk space, Backblaze does not back up your operating system, application files, empty folders or directories, or temporary internet files that are transient.

What is the limitation of Backblaze? ›

To keep the Backblaze Computer Backup service "astonishingly easy," unlimited backup means that you can back up as much data as you want with no data caps or additional charges if you exceed a certain amount of data. The only limitation is the speed of your upload connection to the Backblaze data center.

Does Backblaze slow down your computer? ›

By default, Backblaze automatically tests your connection to the data centers, then uses performance settings to maximize your backup speed while avoiding major impacts to your regular computer usage.

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Author: Melvina Ondricka

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Name: Melvina Ondricka

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