Basic Japanese Phrases You Need To Learn before Traveling to Japan (2024)

Japan, the Land of the Rising Sun, is an amazing Country with an exciting culture, delicious cuisine and a blend of Nature and Modernness in their cities. Lately, they have proclaimed a new Emperor and to be in the generation to witness such thing happen is an honor.

Basic Japanese Phrases You Need To Learn before Traveling to Japan (1)

In Japan, besides Japanese, English is being taught to students. However, there are some who are too shy to speak the language. The older generation might not speak or will tell you that they can’t. My friends who went to Japan experience a lot of times when she tends to ask for directions people will say “No English.”

This guide will help you in your travel to Japan as this will list common phrases to be used in Japan. Also, speaking the native language will make locals appreciate you and could get you more help or attention.

Basic Japanese Phrases You Need To Learn before Traveling to Japan (2)

Here are basic Japanese phrases for your Japan Travel including Greetings, Introduction, Basic Responses, Accommodation, Transportation, Food, Emergency and practical terms that will be helpful in your travel in Japan.

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Table of Contents

Japan 101

The Japanese language has three components: Hiragana, Katakana, and Kanji. Hiragana is used for Japanese words, Katakana for foreign words, Kanji are Chinese characters. The Japanese are syllables and a pair of consonants and vowels. The lone alphabets are the vowels (A, I, U, E, O) and N. The others are paired (Ka, Ki, Ku, Ke, Ko). Reading is quite easy as you just read it the way it is, except for m, p, t, and those ending with -u as you make it silent.

Hiragana: にほん

Katakana: ニホン

Kanji: 日本

Romaji (Romanized): Nihon

This is Japan in Hiragana, Katakana, and Kanji. All is read as Ni-Hon. For Kanji, this Ni means Sun while Hon means Roots.

There are casual and polite in speaking the Japanese Language; casual is usually good for friends. However, for those tourists, though it is better to use the more polite version, broken Japanese or casual Japanese can be accepted as the polite ones are long and hard to memorize. Let’s say we want to ask where the train is, polite versions is “Eki e doko desu ka?,” you can say “Eki doko?”

Also, the Japanese are very polite; so you need to greet them with a bow and they will bow back. There are different kinds of bow depending on the degrees. A 15-degree bow is okay.

Basic Japanese Phrases You Need To Learn before Traveling to Japan (3)

Why is it important for Travelers to know Japanese Phrases?

As I have stated in the introduction, many people are shy in speaking English. When I asked my Japanese Friend why it’s because they are afraid to make mistakes. However, they may understand what you are saying, so you can speak especially the younger generation.

Older generations like those 60 and above might not understand. Also, for outer cities and provinces, English may not be spoken so you will definitely put this in good use.


Here are the basic greetings, you can do this with a head bow or a 15-degree bow.

Konnichiwa – Hi. Hello. Good day. Good afternoon.

Ohayou (Gozaimasu) (polite with Gozaimasu, read as Gozaimas) – Good Morning

Konbanwa – Good Evening

Oyasumi(nasai) – Good Night

Sayonara – GoodBye.

Ja or Mata ne (informal) – Good Bye or See You Later

(O)genki desu ka – How are you?

Genki desu – I am fine


Sumimasen – Excuse Me.

If asking questions or directions, you may start with this line to locals or strangers.

Please note that when it ends with u like -masu then you say at at -masu.

Watashi wa … desu – I am …

or Onamae wa … desu – My name is …

… kara kimash*ta – I am from …

… ni sundeimasu – I live in …

Watashi wa (country)-jin desu – I am (nationality).

(Example: Watashi wa Firipin-jin desu – I am Filipino)

Basic Responses

Hai – Yes

Iie – No

Tabun – Maybe

Honto? – Really?

Onegaishimasu (or add kudasai in the sentence) – Please

(Doumo) Arigatou (gozaimasu) (polite) – Thank You

Dou itashimash*te (pronounced as do itash-mash-te) – You are Welcome


… wo hanashimasu ka (formal) – Do You Speak (language)?

Eigo wo hanashimasu ka – Do You Speak English?

Nihongo – Japanese

Sometimes, you can say “Eigo?” with a questioning tone and they can understand that you are asking if they speak English.

Wakarimasu – I understand

Wakarimasen – I don’t understand

Nihongo wa wakarimasen – I don’t understand Japanese.

Sukoshi Nihongo wo hanashimasu – I speak a little Japanese.

Mou Ichido Onegaishimasu – Again, please (In case someone is speaking to you and you didn’t get some words you can say this)

Yukkuri Onegaishimasu – Slowly, please

Dareka wa Eigo wo hanashimasu ka – Does someone can speak English?

… no Nihongo no iikata – How to say … in Japanese?

Directions and Places

Doko – Where?

… wa doko desu ka (formal) – Where is the …?

Example: Eki wa doko desu ka – Where is the train station?

Eki – Train Station

Hikouko – Airport

Basu – Bus

Hoteru – Hotel

Byouin – Hospital

Konbini – Convenience Store

Depato – Department Store

… ni tsurete itte kudasai – Take me to …, please

… made dore kurai desu ka – How far is it to …

Dono Gurai no … ni tsure te iku no desu ka – How long does it take to …

Dou yatte … ni ikimasu ka – How do I go to ..?

Dochira – Which way?

Dochira e eki desu ka (formal) – Which way is the train station?

Migi – Right

Left – Hidari

Massugu – Straight

… e no chiketto wo 1-mai kudasai – One ticket to …, please


Kush*tsu wa arimasu ka – Do you have any rooms available?

1-paku wa ikura desu ka – How much is one night?

Watashi wa … haku shimasu – I will stay for … nights.


…-yo no teburu wo onegaishimasu – A table for … person(s), please.

Menyu o goran kudasai – Can I see the menu, please?

Kono resutoran no senmon wa nan desu ka– What is the specialty of the Restaurant?

Nihon-ryouri wo tabetai – I want to eat Japanese cuisine.

Watashi wa … wo tabemasen – I don’t eat ….

Nomimasu – Drink

Niku (butaniku, toriniku, gyuuniku) – Meat (pork, chicken, beef)

Sakana – Fish

Biru – Beer

Mizu wo itadakemasu ka – May I have water, please.

Kampai! – Cheers!

Ryousho-sho wo onegaishimasu –The bill, please?

Before eating, you may say Itadakimasu – thank you for the meal and Gouchisousama desh*ta after eating


Ikura – How much

Hyaku-en (100-en) – 100 yen

Kore wa ikura desu ka – How much is this?

Kono wa watashi no saizu de motte imasu ka – Do you have that (near you) in my size

Ka-do wo ukeiremasu ka – Do you accept credit card?

Kawase reto wa ikura desu ka – What is the exchange rate?

… ga hitsuyou desu – I need …

kusuri – medicine

tabemono – food

nomimono – drinks

omiyage – souvenirs


Tasukete – Help.

Tetsudatte itadakemasen ka – Could you please help me?

Keisatsu wo yobimasu – Call the Police

Mayotte imasu – I’m lost.

Baggu wo nakush*ta – I lost my bag

Kega o sh*te imasu – I am injured.

Watashi wa isha o hitsuyou to suru – I need a doctor.

Taishikan ni renraku sh*tai – I want to contact my Embassy.


There are different counting terms in Japan, for example for sticks it is i-pon, ni-pon; for hours ichi-jikan, ni-jikan; for months ichi-gatsu, ni-gatsu … But here are the basics on how to count.

Ichi – One

Ni – Two

San – Three

Yon/Shi – Four

Go – Five

Roku – Six

Shichi / Nana – Seven

Hachi – Eight

Kyuu – Nine

Juu – Ten

Juu-ichi – Eleven

Ni-juu-ni – Twenty Two

Hyaku – One Hundred

Sen – One Thousand

man – Ten Thousand

Other terms that Maybe of use

Shashin wo totte kudasai – please take my picture

Shashin wo totte mo ii desu ka – can I take pictures?

Haitte mo ii desu ka – can I enter?

Iriguchi (deguchi) wa doko desu ka – where is the entrance (exit)

Kirei – Beautiful

Basic Japanese Phrases You Need To Learn before Traveling to Japan (4)

Bookmark this article and use these Basic Japanese Phrases for your travel in Japan. This will really be of help to you and will help you experience talking to Japanese people or make a new friend.​

Basic Japanese Phrases You Need To Learn before Traveling to Japan (5)

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Basic Japanese Phrases You Need To Learn before Traveling to Japan (6)

Basic Japanese Phrases You Need To Learn before Traveling to Japan (7)

Basic Japanese Phrases You Need To Learn before Traveling to Japan (2024)


Basic Japanese Phrases You Need To Learn before Traveling to Japan? ›

Yet, many travelers hesitate, wondering if the idea of visiting Japan without knowing Japanese is even possible – the answer is a big YES. If you are visiting Japan without knowing Japanese, you would need to utilize tech tools, understand key cultural cues, and learn essential phrases to navigate and enjoy your trip.

What phrases should I learn before going to Japan? ›

The Basics: Common Japanese Words and Phrases
  • Hello - Konnichiwa (こんにちは) Pronunciation: kohn-nee-chee-wah. ...
  • Thank you - Arigatou Gozaimasu (ありがとうございます) ...
  • Please - kudasai (ください) ...
  • Excuse me/ I'm sorry - Sumimasen (すみません) ...
  • Yes - Hai (はい) ...
  • No - Īe (いいえ) ...
  • Nice to meet you - Hajimemash*te (はじめまして) ...
  • Goodbye - Sayōnara (さようなら)
Aug 15, 2023

Is it okay to go to Japan without knowing Japanese? ›

Yet, many travelers hesitate, wondering if the idea of visiting Japan without knowing Japanese is even possible – the answer is a big YES. If you are visiting Japan without knowing Japanese, you would need to utilize tech tools, understand key cultural cues, and learn essential phrases to navigate and enjoy your trip.

What do you say in Japan before leaving? ›

Ittekimasu (行って来ます) – I'm leaving (when leaving home) Sometimes you quickly need to go somewhere and inform someone that you will be back shortly. The right goodbye word to use in that situation is ittekimasu.

What Japanese to know before visiting Japan? ›

Basic Japanese Words and Phrases
  • Arigatou Gozaimasu (ありがとうございます) – Thank you. ...
  • Sumimasen (すみません) – Excuse me. ...
  • __ o Kudasai (をください) – I would like , please. ...
  • __ wa Doko Desu ka? (はどこですか) – Where is __? ...
  • Nihonshu (日本酒) – Japanese sake. ...
  • Nanji ni? (何時に?) ...
  • Asa (朝) – Morning. ...
  • Kyou (今日) – Today.
Nov 1, 2019

What are the 10 Japanese words? ›

Learn 10 Japanese words and phrases
  • “Konnichi wa” means “hello!”
  • “Je ne” means “goodbye.”
  • “O-negai shimasu” means “please.”
  • “Arigato” means “thank you!”
  • “Doitashimash*te” means “you're welcome.”
  • “Ohayo gozaimasu” means “good morning.”
  • “Konbanwa” means “good evening.”
  • “O-yasumi nasai” means “good night.”

What is the Japanese phrase 80% full? ›

Hara hachi bun me (腹八分目) (also spelled hara hachi bu, and sometimes misspelled hari hachi bu) is a Confucian teaching that instructs people to eat until they are 80 percent full. The Japanese phrase translates to, "Eat until you are eight parts (out of ten) full", or "belly 80 percent full".

What is number 1 in Japanese? ›

Numbers are pronounced in a certain way when you count up from zero* to ten in Japanese. I want you to check how four and seven are read, in particular. 0 - ぜろ (zero) 1 - いち (ichi) 2 - に (ni) 3 - さん (san)

What does mi ni ikitai mean? ›

“Mi ni ikitai” means want to go see!

Can I travel to Japan if I only speak English? ›

English is in common use in Japan with Chinese and Korean also becoming more common meaning that you can certainly get around without using Japanese. This is most true in the big cities and in areas frequented by foreign visitors. But as you move outside of the cities, foreign languages will quickly dry-up.

Can I go to Japan if I only know English? ›

Of course! There are no laws or regulations that prohibit international tourists from visiting Japan if they don't know Japanese. All tourists are welcome in Japan, no matter your age, race, gender, religion, disability, etc.

Is it OK to go to Japan by yourself? ›

You bet! Japan is a country that is largely accessible, even when alone. For the more introverted among us, it's a wonderful opportunity to enjoy your time without having to socialize. While in the West, eating solo in a restaurant can sometimes feel uncomfortable, this is not at all the case in Japan.

What do Japanese say after eating? ›

Itadakimasu is said when you start eating but, when the meal is over, remember to give thanks again using the phrase gochisousama, which is a sign of respect towards the chef. This translates as a more formal way of saying “it was a feast,'' as the word gochiso refers to a meal of luxurious foods.

What is the most polite way to say thank you in Japanese? ›

Arigatou on its own is a simple, somewhat casual “thank you.” That said, most people prefer doumo arigatou or arigatou gozaimasu as their standard way of saying thanks, because both of those phrases are more polite than arigatou on its own.

How to learn Japanese phrases for travel? ›

Greetings and Basic Japanese Phrases
  1. Hello — konnichiwa. こんにちは
  2. Good morning — ohayou gozaimasu. おはようございます
  3. Nice to meet you — hajimemash*te. はじめまして
  4. Goodbye — sayounara. さようなら
  5. Please — onegaishimasu. お願いします
  6. Thank you — arigatou gozaimasu. ありがとうございます
  7. You're welcome — dou itashimash*te. どういたしまして
  8. Excuse me/Sorry — sumimasen. すみません
Jan 16, 2024

What language should I learn to visit Japan? ›

Japanese is a nice language to speak. Many people remark that it sounds nice and is fun to try! English is in common use in Japan with Chinese and Korean also becoming more common meaning that you can certainly get around without using Japanese.


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Name: Edmund Hettinger DC

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Introduction: My name is Edmund Hettinger DC, I am a adventurous, colorful, gifted, determined, precious, open, colorful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.