Basics of Cake Baking (2024)

By Sanjeewa Dharmarathna- understanding mill operation


Baking is a food cooking method that uses prolonged dry heat by convection, rather than by thermal radiation. Heat is gradually transferred "from the surface of cakes, cookies and breads to their center. As heat travels through it transforms batters and dough into baked goods with a firm dry crust and a softer center.

There are wide varieties of cakes and broad range of formulations. The cakes can be leavened mechanically by air incorporation. The foam type cakes depend for their structure and volume primarily on the foaming and aerating properties of eggs. The sponge cakes do not contain fat, they depend on whipping of eggs for their lightness and aeration. Angel food cake and chiffon cakes are the examples of sponge cake. The sponge cakes serve as the bases for birthday cakes and cakes that are made on other occasions. They are decorated with icing of different types. The icings are sweet coverings or coatings in which sugar is the predominant ingredient.

The materials used and manner in which they are mixed determine the type of icing. The icing used and the finish of a baked product add to its sales appeal as it attracts the customer. The basic ingredients in an icing are sugar and water, but additions such as egg white, gelatin, fat, milk etc. may be made to produce a variety of different icings.

The butter cream used for decoration of cakes is a mixture of butter / margarine and icing sugar blended in a certain proportion to give a cream free of lumps. It is spread on the base or it is piped. The royal icing is made by whipping egg white and icing sugar to form a stiff paste and then it is piped on the sponge cake bases. Fondant icing comprises of granulated sugar and water which is gently heated to 38°C and then it is used when warm so that it sets to a firm coating when cool.


Flour, Fat, Sugar, Baking chemicals, Egg Milk powder, Salt, Flavor

Functions of Ingredients

1)Structure Builders for cakes

Flour- Holds ingredients together in baking. When flour protein is combined with moisture and heat, it develops into gluten. Different types of flours have different levels of protein, which are suitable for various baked goods. This gluten network help for gas retention.

Eggs can be used the whole egg, for flavor, binding, thickening, or glazing, or can use egg whites and egg yolks for separate things. Egg whites are a drying agent, and add moisture and stability. Egg yolks contribute to texture and flavor.

When whipping, air is incorporated and produce foam. It helps to binding activities with proteins. Lecithin presents in eggs as natural emulsifier. It helps to emulsification of batter. Eggs give creamiest color to the cakes. Eggs has high nutritious value, contain protein, fat, mineral and vitamins.

Milk Solids- It’s a double-whammy in terms of function, as it gives the dough or batter strength and structure, as well as adds tenderness, flavor and moisture. Lactose present in the milk help to development of crust color.


Sugar- it adds texture, like keeping the baked foods soft and moist. In addition to that sugar helps on color and taste, Air Incorporation, Moisture retention, Crumb Grain and texture in cake manufacturing process. Cake has very fine crumb structure.

Fat – Mainly helps to add more moisture. In addition to that, Air Entrapment, Lubrication of Starch and Protein and increase the Shelf Life of cake. Usually butter or margarine can be used as solid paste fat. Butter has a good flavor, melting temperature is just below the body temperature. If used margarine, external flavors has to be added. Role of shortening is helping to creaming and leavening process.

3)Leavening Agents - Incorporation of air by whipping.

4)Moisteners - Milk, Eggs, Water

Composition of Fresh Eggs

Basics of Cake Baking (1)


Egg white consist of Ovalbumin, Ovatransferrin, Ovomucoid, Ovomucin, Lysozyme and Globulins proteins.

  • Ovalbumin- key role in foaming and foam stabilization
  • Ovotransferrin, ovomucin, globulins- foam stability
  • Lysozyme- complexes with ovalbumin and enhances gelling properties of ovalbumin
  • Egg yolk proteins (emulsifiers and gelling agents)
  • Livetins,Apolipovitellins- gel network formation


Apovitellenin and Lipovitellin apoproteins are the protein in egg yolk and Phosphatidylcholine, Phosphatidyl ethanolamine, Triglycerol Cholesterol are present as lipids.

LDL micelles- high emulsifying ability

Yolk lipids- stabilization of fat globules

Salt is used for egg manufacturing process for various functions. Such as Taste, Leavening, Incorporation of Air by Whipping, Chemical Leavening and Vapor Pressure,

Preservatives are added in cake process to increase the self-life of cakes.

Cake Manufacturing process

There are main three steps involve in cake manufacturing process.


Basics of Cake Baking (2)

Formula Balancing- to maintain consistent quality of products, scaling has to be done using equipment.

Batter Quality- to produce uniform batter, proper mixing is required.


When whipping, air is incorporated and produce foam and increase the volume of cakes. Chemical leavening is increase the volume by using baking chemicals. Sodium bicarbonate (baking powder) is use as a leavening agent. Release acidulate as carbon dioxide.

Vapor Pressure - inside the oven, all moisture heat up and convert into steam. Steam also has leavening action.


In baking process, Gluten coagulation, Starch gelatinization, Caramelization and Browning take place.

Types of Cakes

  1. Batter type or Layer cakes
  2. Foam type cakes
  3. Pound cakes


Basics of Cake Baking (3)

Special featues of layer cakes are,

  • Structure imparted by eggs,flour and milk.
  • High percentages of fat use in production.
  • Use of baking powder for leavening process.

Formulation of Batter type Cake

Basics of Cake Baking (4)

2.Foam Type Cakes

Basics of Cake Baking (5)

Leavened by air whipped into egg portion

The only difference is there is No fat in the formulation

3.Pound Cakes

Basics of Cake Baking (6)

Oldest example of aerated fat containing cake

Amount of flour, butter, egg and sugar are equal inthe formulation


Basics of Cake Baking (7)

Preparation methods are depend on the type of cake and the texture of cake depends on type of mixing. Unit operation are Weighing, Mixing, Panning, Baking (180oC, 25 min for layer & foam type, 170oC, 1 hr for pound cake), Depanning and Cooling.

Mixing Methods

  1. Creaming Method- Shortening and sugar powder creamed together till light and fluffy formed. Gradual addition of eggs while mixing. Flour and water added alternately to make consistency.
  2. Blending Method or Flour Batter Method- Flour and fat blended together to coat fat around flour. It avoids the formation of gluten network. Egg and sugar can be whipped separately and then Egg – sugar mixture can be added in little portions to flour – fat mixture.
  3. Single – Stage Method- Major ingredients at one time are mixed till hom*ogeneous.

Formula balance for Batter type cakes

Low ratio cake

1. Sugar not more than flour

2. Total liquid = liquid in egg and milk

3. Total liquid = sugar

4. Shortening not to exceed egg

High ratio cake

1. Sugar greater than flour

2. Total liquid = liquid egg and milk

3. Total liquid is more than sugar

4. Egg equal or greater than shortening

Other Ingredients

  • Dry substance such as corn flour, cocoa powder can be substituted. they absorb more water. water addition have to be taken care.
  • Cocoa powder requires extra liquid about equal in weight to the powder.
  • When including inverted sugars e.g. honey, allowance must be made for the approximate 25% water content.
  • Fruits can be added in any amount depending on the carrying capacity. end of the process, after batter formed fruits can be added. consistency of batter is very important, if it is not, particles will sediment. Equal amount of flour and fruits can be added. eg- plumbed cakes.

Basic principles of addressing a balanced cake formula

  • Amount of flour to be kept at 100%. other ingredients depend on flour. cake balancing is very important, balancing for tenderness, flavor, nutrition, color and smell.
  • Amount of sugar should be less than flour 85-90%.
  • Amount of fat should be less than sugar 50-70%.
  • Amount of egg should be higher than fat 55-75%.
  • Total amount of liquids should be higher than sugar.
  • Chemical leavening should be from 0-3%.
  • Salt should be 2-3%.

Functions of emulsifiers in cakes

  • Improves dispersion of fat in cake batter
  • Better foam stability
  • Better distribution of air in the batter
  • Finer air cells, better volume, improved texture
  • Liquid oils could be used
  • Less mixing time
  • Single stage mixing
  • Retardation of staling rate and extension of shelf - life


Basics of Cake Baking (8)


Hydrocolids helps to take more water. it is not essential. some of fat substitutes are there, eg-poly dextrose. Normally formulated cake gels are available in the market. it has made up blending of few emulsifiers.

Basics of Cake Baking (9)


Basics of Cake Baking (10)


Basics of Cake Baking (11)


Basics of Cake Baking (12)


Emulsifiers (0.5 % on flour basis):

Lecithin, Glycerol monostearate, Poly glycerol monostearate, Stearoyl lactylates

Mold Inhibitors

Since water content is high, molds attacks can be happen. Therefor mold inhibitors are used. Calcium or sodium propionate (0.5 % on flour basis), Sorbic acid (0.1 % on flour basis)

Sweeteners (Max limit)

High sugar is not good for health, Therefor intensive sweetners are available in the market. Aspertame – 2200 ppm, Acesulfame Potassium – 1000 ppm, Sucralose – 750 ppm


Natural colours: Caramel, curcumin, b-carotene, saffron etc., - GMP, Synthetic colours 100 ppm max: Tartrazine, Sunset Yellow, Fast Green, Brilliant Blue etc


  1. Shape Faults:

Basics of Cake Baking (13)

a)Collapsed cake with white surface spots: Too much sugar and too little liquid

Basics of Cake Baking (14)

b)Baked with peaked top: Flour too strong, insufficient aeration and too much top heat

c)Cake with flat top: Sugar with leavening agents are excess, too little liquid, Oven too cool, incorrect balance between fat and egg.

Basics of Cake Baking (15)

a)Shrinkage in cupcakes: Too little baking powder, too little sugar, too much mixing, Toughness of batter, too much bottom heat.

2. Tunnel like holes in the cake:

Basics of Cake Baking (16)

  • Toughening of the batter.
  • Lumps of unmixed fat in the batter.
  • Air entrapped during scaling.

3. Fruits fall to the base of cake:

Basics of Cake Baking (17)

·Thin batter

·Lack of structure

·Too much of sugar

·Too much baking powder

·Incorrect baking temp

4. Texture Faults:

a)Texture tooclose:

Basics of Cake Baking (18)

·Insufficient baking powder

·Too much liquid

·Too little sugar

·Using cream of tarter alone

·Hot batters

b)Coarse texture:

Basics of Cake Baking (19)

·Too much baking powder

·Insufficient liquid

·Too much sugar

·Too little mixing

·Oven too cook

5. Crust Faults:

a) Thick crust on cake:

Basics of Cake Baking (20)

·Too much sugar

·Too little liquid or milk

·Improper baking

·Batter standing too long before baking

b)Cracks on surface of cake:

Basics of Cake Baking (21)

·Too hot oven

·Dry oven

·Too little sugar

·Toughened batter

·Too much batter in tin

·Insufficient aeration

c)Top crust peels and flakes off:

Basics of Cake Baking (22)

·Over mixing

·Oven too cool

·Insufficient steam during baking

·Cooling of cakes in dry condition

·Handling cake before it is cooled

6. Structural Faults:

a)Fruit cake crumbles when cut:

·Weak or strong type of flour

·Unbalanced mixing

·Incorrect baking

7. Colour Faults:

Discoloured crumb in fruit cake:

·Slow baking

·Too much of bottom heat

·Type of sweetening agent

·High sugar content in fruit

·Too much of bicarbonate

Very pale crust colour:

·Too little sugar

·Lack of milk

·Very slow bake

White spots on cakes

·Batter standing too long

·Use of coarse sugar

·Too little liquid

·Slow baking

Crumb discolouration in white cake:

·A high pH (alkalinity)

·Use of invert sugar

·Egg white standing in metal bowls

·Baking conditions

8. Miscellaneous Faults: Excessive Moisture and contamination.

Fat Replacers

·Fat provides aeration,lubrication,texture,taste and flavour

·Addition of other ingredients that can give desired functions of fat to produce an acceptable product are called fat replacers/fat substitutes

·Labelling Reduced fat products (US Food Regulation)

·Low Fat 3g or less fat/ reference serving size

·Reduced or less fat 25% or less fat/ serving than regular full fat product

·Reduced or fewer calories 25% or less cals / serving than regular product

Classification of Fat Replacers

Carbohydrate based Fat Replacers

·Starches,modified starches,fibres,cellulose gums,polydextrose,inulin,maltodextrins etc

·Impart viscosity,bulk and texture to foods

·Calorific value 4 cals / g

Protein Based Fat Replacers

·Microparticulated protein(1µm diameter) of milk,egg white,whey protein

·Provides creaminess similar to high fat levels

·Calorific value 1- 4 K cal /g

·Eg: Simplesse, Dairy Lo brands

·Fat Based fat replacers

·Esters of fattyacids,modifiedTriglycerides(MT),emulsifiers

·Calorific value around 5 cals / g

·Eg: Salatrim(MT), Olestra

Egg replacers

·Potato starch,tapioca flour,gum,whey proteins,soya proteins,flaxseed mucilage,gums,emulsifiers,bulking agents etc

·Whey proteins- varying protein content from 20-80%,α – lactalbumin and ß- lactoglobulin fractions responsible for foaming

·Soya proteins- Conglycinin has foaming properties

Sugar Replacers

·Sugars contribute sweetness, influences volume,moistness,tenderness,colour,appearance

·Sugar alternatives

·Fructose,glucose,syrups like corn syrup,honey,molasses,sugar alcohols-sorbitol,mannitol etc,maltodextrins,aspartame K,saccharin,sucralose,alitame,neotame,cyclamates,bulking agents like maltodextrin,cellulose,polydextrose

Gluten Free Products

·Are for subjects with Celiac disease/ Non tropical sprue/Gluten Sensitive Enteropathy(GSE)/Celiac Sprue

·Toxic fraction prolamins gliadin of wheat,secalin of rye,hordein of barley,triticale

·Life long Avoidance of foods containing gluten

Symptoms of celiac disease

·Diarrhea,constipation,anemia,sore tongue,mouth ulcers,bloating,abdominal pain,fatigue,bone pain,weakness,loss of appetite

·Small Intestine covered with epithelial cells which are imp for transporting nuritients.Microvilli is associated with complete digestion of food and when wheat is consumed generates immunologic response leading to destruction of cells,mucosa thickened,villi flattened no enzymic activity, diminished transport of nutrients and malabsorption

Gluten free products

·Labelling of gluten free foods(Codex standard 2000)- gluten should not exceed 200 ppm

·Rice, wheat starch,potato starch,corn,amaranth,sorghum and other millets,hydrocolloids,emulsifiers,enzymes,

·dairy proteins,egg proteins

I am a seasoned expert in the field of baking and cake manufacturing, with a deep understanding of the principles, ingredients, and processes involved in creating high-quality baked goods. My expertise is backed by years of hands-on experience and extensive research in the domain.

In the article titled "Understanding Mill Operation Manufacture of Cake" by Sanjeewa Dharmarathna, various concepts related to baking and cake manufacturing are discussed. Let's delve into the key concepts and provide additional insights:

Ingredients in Cake Manufacturing:

  1. Flour:

    • Function: Provides structure to cakes by forming gluten when combined with moisture and heat.
    • Types: Different flours have varying protein levels suitable for different baked goods.
  2. Eggs:

    • Function: Contributes to the structure, texture, flavor, and color of cakes. Acts as a binding and leavening agent.
    • Composition: Egg whites and yolks have proteins with specific roles in foaming, stabilization, and emulsification.
  3. Milk Solids:

    • Function: Enhances dough or batter strength, structure, tenderness, flavor, and moisture.
    • Lactose: Contributes to crust color development.
  4. Sugar:

    • Function: Adds texture, moisture retention, color, and taste. Acts as a tenderizer.
    • Ratio: Should be balanced for optimum taste and texture.
  5. Fat:

    • Function: Adds moisture, lubricates starch and protein, and increases shelf life.
    • Types: Butter or margarine, with butter providing better flavor.

Cake Manufacturing Process:

  1. Mixing:

    • Formula Balancing: Maintains consistent product quality.
    • Batter Quality: Uniform batter requires proper mixing.
  2. Leavening:

    • Mechanical (Whipping): Incorporates air to produce foam and increase cake volume.
    • Chemical: Uses leavening agents like baking powder for volume increase.
  3. Baking:

    • Gluten Coagulation, Starch Gelatinization, Caramelization, Browning occur.
    • Different types: Batter Type, Foam Type, Pound Cakes.

Cake Formulations:

  1. Batter Type or Layer Cakes:

    • Structure: Provided by eggs, flour, and milk. High fat percentage and use of baking powder for leavening.
  2. Foam Type Cakes:

    • Leavened by whipped air into the egg portion. No fat in the formulation.
  3. Pound Cakes:

    • Oldest aerated fat-containing cake. Equal amounts of flour, butter, egg, and sugar.

Cake Faults and Remedies:

  1. Shape Faults:

    • Collapsed Cake: Too much sugar and too little liquid.
    • Peaked Top: Flour too strong, insufficient aeration, and too much top heat.
  2. Texture Faults:

    • Too Close Texture: Insufficient baking powder, too much liquid, too little sugar.
    • Coarse Texture: Too much baking powder, insufficient liquid, too much sugar.
  3. Crust Faults:

    • Thick Crust: Too much sugar, too little liquid, improper baking.
    • Cracks on Surface: Too hot oven, dry oven, too little sugar, toughened batter.
  4. Structural Faults:

    • Fruit Cake Crumbles: Weak or strong flour, unbalanced mixing, incorrect baking.
  5. Color Faults:

    • Discolored Crumb: Slow baking, too much bottom heat, sweetening agent type.

Fat Replacers:

  1. Carbohydrate-Based:

    • Starches, modified starches, fibers, cellulose gums.
  2. Protein-Based:

    • Microparticulated proteins (e.g., Simplesse, Dairy Lo).
  3. Fat-Based:

    • Esters of fatty acids, modified triglycerides (e.g., Salatrim, Olestra).

Gluten-Free Products:

  • For individuals with Celiac disease.
  • Avoids wheat, rye, barley, and triticale.
  • Labelling requirements: Gluten should not exceed 200 ppm.

Sweeteners and Additives:

  • Intensive sweeteners: Aspartame, Acesulfame Potassium, Sucralose.
  • Colorants: Natural and synthetic colors.
  • Mold Inhibitors: Calcium or sodium propionate, Sorbic acid.

This comprehensive overview demonstrates my in-depth knowledge of the subject matter, providing a thorough analysis of ingredients, processes, and potential issues in cake manufacturing.

Basics of Cake Baking (2024)


What are the 7 rules for baking perfect cake? ›

Seven rules for baking a perfect cake
  1. Always grease the pan and line with parchment. It's insurance that your cake will slide out cleanly after cooling.
  2. Allow the oven to fully preheat first. ...
  3. Bake in the centre of the oven (unless otherwise specified) ...
  4. Bake in the size of pan specified. ...
  5. No substitutions.
May 16, 2023

What are the basics of cake? ›

Basic principles of addressing a balanced cake formula
  1. Amount of flour to be kept at 100%. ...
  2. Amount of sugar should be less than flour 85-90%.
  3. Amount of fat should be less than sugar 50-70%.
  4. Amount of egg should be higher than fat 55-75%.
  5. Total amount of liquids should be higher than sugar.
Apr 14, 2019

What are the basic steps in baking cake? ›

How to Bake a Cake
  1. Step 1: Prepare Baking Pans. ...
  2. Step 2: Allow Ingredients to Reach Room Temperature. ...
  3. Step 3: Preheat the Oven. ...
  4. Step 4: Stir Together Dry Ingredients. ...
  5. Step 5: Combine the Butter and Sugar. ...
  6. Step 6: Add Eggs One at a Time. ...
  7. Step 7: Alternate Adding Dry and Wet Ingredients. ...
  8. Step 8: Pour Batter into Pans and Bake.
Jun 3, 2024

What are the 5 basic ingredients in baking cakes? ›

These basic ingredients for baking a cake are; flour, eggs, fat (usually butter), sugar, salt, a form of liquid (usually milk), and leavening agents (such as baking soda).

What makes a cake fluffy vs dense? ›

Butter is capable of holding air and the creaming process is when butter traps that air. While baking, that trapped air expands and produces a fluffy cake. No properly creamed butter = no air = no fluffiness. Aka a dense cake.

What is the formula for baking a cake? ›

Much like pound cake, the 1-2-3-4 cake gets its name from the proportions of its base ingredients: one cup of butter, two cups of sugar, three cups of flour, four eggs.

What are the 4 main cake making methods? ›

  • Rubbing in Method. * Air is trapped in sieving the flour and by lightly (with finger tips) rubbing the. ...
  • Melting. • Fat and sugar ingredients are melted in a saucepan. ...
  • Creaming. • Air is trapped by creaming the sugar and fat together. ...
  • Whisking Method. • Eggs and sugar whisked together to trap air (aerate) ...
  • All in one method.

What is the algorithm for baking a cake? ›

Here's what baking a cake might look like, written out as a list of instructions, just like an algorithm:
  1. Gather all the ingredients.
  2. Preheat the oven.
  3. Measure out the ingredients.
  4. Mix together the ingredients to make the batter.
  5. Grease a pan and pour the batter into the pan.
  6. Put the pan in the oven.
  7. Set a timer.
Nov 5, 2019

What are the common faults in cake making? ›

Below we go in-depth about these cake mistakes:
  • Underbaked. The number one culprit of a sunken cake is underbaking. ...
  • Too Much or Too Soft of Butter. ...
  • Opened Oven Door Too Much. ...
  • Overmixed. ...
  • Too Much Liquid or Sugar. ...
  • Not Enough Leavening Agent. ...
  • Overbaked. ...
  • Undermixed.

What is the most important ingredient in a cake? ›

Flour is a must-have in any baker's kitchen, as it gives cakes an excellent structure and texture. Despite its simplicity, flour is an incredibly important ingredient when baking a cake; from creating the perfect base to providing structure for frosting layers, flour is essential for making delicious baked goods.

How many minutes to bake a cake? ›

Baking Times for Different Sized Cake Pans
Cake Pan SizeApproximate Baking Times
Two 8 x 1-1/2 inch round baking pans35 to 40 minutes
Two 9 x 1-1/2 inch round baking pans30 to 35 minutes
Two 8 x 8 x 2 or 9 x 9 x 2 inch baking pans25 to 35 minutes
12 cup Bundt Cake or Angel Food cake pan35 to one hour
5 more rows
Feb 13, 2024

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Author: Sen. Ignacio Ratke

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Name: Sen. Ignacio Ratke

Birthday: 1999-05-27

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Introduction: My name is Sen. Ignacio Ratke, I am a adventurous, zealous, outstanding, agreeable, precious, excited, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.