Being frugal – the other side of the coin (2024)

Personal Finance/opinion

For those who choose to live a frugal life, Lynda Moore points out some downsides, especially the ones counterproductive to building wealth

Being frugal – the other side of the coin (1)

30th Apr 24, 1:34pmbyLynda Moore

Being frugal – the other side of the coin (2)

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We are being told that frugal is the way to go. We are all tightening our belts, as the cost of living and servicing our mortgage (or rent) increases.

I’m not disagreeing with this as a strategy. But like everything there are two sides to the coin, and if we go too extreme, the coin flips and overdoing your frugality could work against you. Let's explore how some extreme cost-cutting measures might be counterproductive whenit comes tobuilding wealth. Which even in tough times I like to keep front and centre in my mind.

My points below are working on the assumption that you are actively choosing to live this way; it’s not because you have to, due to your economic circ*mstances.

As a spender of money personality, I struggle with being frugal. My partner on the other hand is an extremely frugal person and he finds it very easy to live this way. So, when I was writing this article and we were talking about it, he really struggled to see any of these points as potentially counterproductive. There are two sides to our money personalities too.

1. Cutting costs a little too far
Spending less than we earn, is what we all should aim to do. However, there's a fine line between being thrifty and excessively scrimping. For instance, opting for a less expensive living situation or doubling up with roommates cansave money. But consider this: if your living situation hampers your comfort, your mental health, or your career prospects, it may not be worth the savings.

2. Endless price comparing
This drives me crazy! Now, I love a good bargain (many of us spenders do), saving on purchases is great. Hunting for the best deal can be addictive, and that’s fine up to a point. But, what about the time spent to secure these savings? Time, as they say, is money.If you're spending hours online or driving across town to shave off a few dollars here and there, youmight want torethink your priorities.Think of the opportunity costs. What else could you do with that time? You could work on a side hustle, expand your professional network, orsimplyrelax with loved ones. Sometimes, the pursuit of minor savings just isn't worth the effort, and by the time you have decided on the best deal, it might be gone!

3. Skipping the fun stuff
I know we need to watch our entertainment spending, and I’m very conscious of how much I spend and how often I go out for coffee/wines or dinner. My frugal other half, however, would happily never leave the house for a meal, or a hot chocolate. So, what are the potential unintended consequences of this one? Social interactions—like grabbing a coffee or sharing a meal—are important to make (and maintain) valuable connections and open up not only avenues for friendship but professional opportunities as well. These interactions can be very important for career development, and if like us, moving to a new town, it’s a good way to meet new people. In this context, investing in your social network might yield better returns than what you'd save by staying home.

4. Investing in yourself
I follow Darren Hardy, and I recall a post saying we should invest 10% of our income in our personal development. I have been reasonably consistent in doing this over the years. Some on my investments have paid off, and others have been a complete waste of money. But either way, I have learned something new, or grown an existing skill. Consider the potential returns from investing in yourowneducation and skill development.Whileit might seem like an extravagance to enrol in courses or attend workshops, the long-term benefits can be substantial. It seems counter intuitive to pay when there is so much available for free. Acquiring new skills or certifications can lead to better job opportunities and, ultimately,greaterearnings. Don’t be scared to pay to invest in yourself, and balance that with what you can learn for free.

5. Build some flexibility into your budget
I see this quite often with clients. They set a figure for a particular category and come what may, they are going to stick to it. Having a Money Plan is foundational to good financial health. Having one that is too rigid is not.Life is unpredictable—Stuff happens. It isn’t just unexpected expenses that can arise, opportunities can present themselves as well. Sometimes, it's okay to stray from your plan to seize a moment or handle a surprise. We all need a ‘stuff happens’ account built into our money plan that allows us the flexibility to cope with a crisis or an opportunity.

OK, I admit it, my partner’s frugality is rubbing off on me, just a little. And my enjoyment of spending a little more is rubbing off on him.

It's about balance and recognising when it's wise to loosen the reins, and when you need to pull them back in.

Balancing saving with strategic spending is the key tonot only building wealth but alsoenjoying the journey along the way.

Lynda Moore is a Money Mentalist coach and New Zealand’s only certified New Money Story® mentor. Lynda helps you understand why you do the things you do with your money, when we all know we should spend less than we earn. You can contact her here.

frugalityimpulse controlLynda Moore

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byLouB|30th Apr 24, 2:29pm1714444156

Hmm, living within one's means comes to mind.

I really can't say that I took anything from that read. Am I alone in that?

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byBadDragon|30th Apr 24, 3:33pm1714448028

I felt like it was justifying oneself not really being frugal. but that might just be me.

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byJesse1|30th Apr 24, 4:30pm1714451444

What it's saying is that overly focussing on expenditure can sometimes lead to worse outcomes for your life.

Another example is if you had a business and you focused on controlling costs so much that you didn't have time or energy to make new sales, which results in a worse bottom line.

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byLynda Moore|15th May 24, 1:59pm1715738389

Thanks for your feedback! It's always good to hear different perspectives. Living within one's means is definitely an important point. Hopefully, some of the upcoming articles will resonate more with you!

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byKH|30th Apr 24, 4:01pm1714449665

I'm with Micawber. Worked marvellously.

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bysolardb|30th Apr 24, 5:17pm1714454237

Certainly applies to travelling overseas. or I guess in NZ.

Backpacking in India or South America 30 years ago, you meet plenty of people who will literally miss an experience for the sake of the equilvalent of 10 cents.They just want to survive there on next to nothing for 6 months or however long their visa lets them. They pride themselves of been real travellers , and not those tourist throwing money around. and in a lot of ways they are better for the local economy. They tend to visit ore places that are off the tourist trail.Some of the best experiences i had were virtually free, on the other hand there are still some actions i took that i am still ashamed of , again for the sake of a few dollars. If it travelled now , my partner and kids would certainly make sure we were spending money , lol. As in the article , it is often the case one partner is alot more frugal than the other , and it kind of drags you towards the middle.

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byLouB|1st May 24, 8:22am1714508579

Wealth (richness, wellbeing) is both qualitative and empirical. The "right" balance is different for each individual. I'll never do bungy jumping because I can't see any personal benefit in jumping into an abyss attached to a rubber band. Yet I still get great pleasure and satisfaction from riding horses even though I have been hospitalised a couple of times.

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byLynda Moore|15th May 24, 2:04pm1715738647

Absolutely! It's all about striking the right balance that fits your unique preferences and values.

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byLynda Moore|15th May 24, 2:04pm1715738672

Thanks for sharing your travel experiences! It's fascinating how different approaches to spending can shape our adventures. Your point about partners balancing each other out financially is spot on too—it often leads to a more balanced and enriching experience overall. Safe travels on your next adventure!

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bykiwimm|1st May 24, 9:36am1714512996

I keep my savings (actually investing) rate above 50% of net income. I ruthlessly cut back on needless spending and keep spending on what is important to me and brings long term happiness. The large spending buffer and the set aside investments mean that zero Fs are given when economic situations change.

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byLynda Moore|15th May 24, 2:03pm1715738581

That's impressive! Kudos to you for staying focused on long-term happiness and security!

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bySND|1st May 24, 9:59am1714514366

My solution for 2), buy as much as you can overseas. Even with shipping and hypothetical tax (there's a $1000 threshold now and many sellers not complying with OSS) I still save 30 to 50% on most things.

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byLouB|1st May 24, 12:28pm1714523313

I don't mind paying a higher price for basics and treats at our local village dairy, in fact I expext to - there's a very limited pool of foot traffic. If it shut down, then it's a 47km trip to the nearest town. If the community doesn't support it, we'll lose it and not a situation I want to think about.

Ironically, Allied diesel and petrol (only fuel outlet) are cheaper in the village than in town, typically 20c/Lt.

Sometimes we have to think about the greater good and resilience. I guess it's different in cities.

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bySND|1st May 24, 12:46pm1714524361

Sure, agree with you. But paying double for a TV from Dick Smith or my mower blades from Bunnings, no thanks.

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byLynda Moore|15th May 24, 2:05pm1715738721

That's a great point about supporting local businesses. Thanks for sharing this perspective!

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Being frugal – the other side of the coin (2024)


What does it mean when someone is frugal with their money? ›

Frugal people prioritize spending money on things that add value to their life, and they avoid using money for what they don't consider important. Those who are frugal recognize the value of their time, health and happiness over material possessions.

What is the point of being frugal? ›

Frugal living is about making financial choices that emphasize saving money, reducing waste, and making efficient use of resources while still enjoying a good quality of life.

How to be frugal but not cheap? ›

15 Tips for Living Frugally Without Looking Cheap
  1. Eliminate monthly subscriptions.
  2. Shop for new insurance.
  3. Reduce prescription costs.
  4. Buy used items.
  5. Rent, don't own.
  6. Purchase at the right time.
  7. Buy high-quality products.
  8. Enlist your friends.

What is extremely frugal with money? ›

Living a frugal lifestyle means approaching your spending a little differently. And one of the most impactful shifts is to focus on the quality of your possessions rather than the quantity. Purchasing higher-quality clothing, furniture, appliances and so forth often means they will last longer.

What do you call someone who is very frugal? ›

Synonyms: penny-pinching, tight, stingy, miserly, prudent, careful, provident, chary, thrifty.

Why rich people frugal? ›

Wealth is generated by the DIFFERENCE between what you make and what you spend. Frugality gives you a surplus between what you spend and what you make. This surplus, if invested wisely, is what leads to wealth generation.

How can you tell if someone is frugal? ›

10 Signs You've Mastered the Art of Frugal Living
  1. You Budget Consistently. ...
  2. You Prioritize Needs Over Wants. ...
  3. You Actively Save Money. ...
  4. You Have Little Consumer Debt. ...
  5. You Opt for Sustainable Options. ...
  6. You Make Intentional Spending Choices. ...
  7. You Prioritize Functionality. ...
  8. You Do It Yourself.
Jan 5, 2024

What do you call a person who doesn't spend money easily? ›

A cheapskate can also be called a miser or a tightwad. Definitions of cheapskate. noun. a miserly person. synonyms: tightwad.

When someone is too frugal? ›

Being frugal is a great way to save money — but what happens if you become overly frugal? Frugality can be a great thing, but it can also become addictive (and not in a good way). For example, being frugal at the expense of others can push loved ones away.

How to be insanely frugal? ›

Frugal Living – Extremely Frugal Tips and Tricks
  1. Freeze the credit cards. ...
  2. Write Down Every Expense. ...
  3. Turn Your Water Heater Down to 120F or Lower. ...
  4. Start a Winter Garden. ...
  5. Start running the dishwasher on the short cycle. ...
  6. Use rags instead of paper towels. ...
  7. Make one freezer meal per week.

What are the disadvantages of being frugal? ›

For those who choose to live a frugal life, Lynda Moore points out some downsides, especially the ones counterproductive to building wealth
  • Cutting costs a little too far. ...
  • Endless price comparing. ...
  • Skipping the fun stuff. ...
  • Investing in yourself. ...
  • Build some flexibility into your budget.
Apr 30, 2024

What is a frugal mindset? ›

Having a frugal mindset means you value what you have and what you've done to attain it.

What frugal people don t do? ›

9 Things Frugal People Avoid Doing
  • Frugal people don't pay full price. ...
  • Frugal people don't have a lot of subscriptions. ...
  • Frugal people don't maintain a ton of memberships. ...
  • Frugal people don't eat out all the time. ...
  • Frugal people don't keep balances on their credit cards. ...
  • Frugal people don't buy everything brand new.
Jun 27, 2024

What causes someone to be frugal? ›

Generally speaking, people don't like to lose money, which makes it difficult for some people to spend it. This follows a psychological concept called Loss Aversion, which means that people would rather avoid loss than gain an equivalent amount. Simply put, people would rather not lose $5 than find $5.

Who is the frugal billionaire? ›

Warren Buffett: how the frugal billionaire spends his fortune, from McDonald's breakfasts to the occasional splurge. Berkshire Hathaway CEO and chairman Warren Buffett's net worth is an estimated $138 billion. He's the world's 9th-richest person, per Bloomberg, above Sergey Brin and the Walton siblings.

What is an example of a frugal person? ›

frugal Add to list Share. A person who lives simply and economically can be called frugal. Buying clothes at a consignment shop would be considered frugal. Not getting your mom a gift for her birthday — that's just cheap.

What is a frugal behavior? ›

In behavioral science, frugality has been defined as the tendency to acquire goods and services in a restrained manner, and resourceful use of already-owned economic goods and services, to achieve a longer term goal.

Is frugal positive or negative? ›

Frugal people avoid overspending and instead focus on their long-term financial well-being. Admittingly, being frugal can cost you money the first time but the amount spent is valued. As a result, being described as frugal is more of a complement than a derogatory one.

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