Best DNS for Xbox One [6 best DNS for faster speeds in gaming] (2024)

To achieve the best gaming experience, you must use a fast and reliable DNS server. If you feel like your gaming experience is lagging, it may be time to change your DNS settings or DNS server altogether.

Changing Xbox One DNS settings isn’t as tricky as you’d think. Whether it’s your primary DNS or secondary DNS, switching servers can introduce significantly accelerated loading time and fewer delays.

Using our guide, you can narrow down and choose the best DNS for Xbox One. We’ll list six free and public DNS servers you may want to check out to enhance your gaming experience.

Best DNS Servers for Xbox One

Now that we’ve cleared the air by giving some explanation on why DNS servers matter, let’s talk about some of the best and fastest DNS servers for Xbox One. Below, we’ve listed both paid and free DNS servers.

1. Cloudflare

Best DNS for Xbox One [6 best DNS for faster speeds in gaming] (1)
  • Primary DNS:
  • Secondary DNS:

The Cloudflare DNS system is one of the most-used and reliable DNS servers. Boasting the assertion as the “fastest DNS system in the world,” the company built the primary DNS is known to never use clients’ information to pick out advertisem*nts, never give away demographic data, and never log an individual’s IP address.

Through the encryption of web traffic, Cloudfare’s primary DNS stops prying eyes from infiltrating people’s search history and internet activity.

2. Google

Best DNS for Xbox One [6 best DNS for faster speeds in gaming] (4)
  • Primary DNS:
  • Secondary DNS:

Google DNS servers were officially launched in December 2009. Their server famously claimed to “make the Internet faster and more secure.” Since its founding, the Google DNS server manages approximately 400 billion server requests each day, making it the largest public DNS in the world.

Instead of using traditional DNS servers for functional purposes, the Google DNS server supports the most advanced and custom-designed technology.

Google also places a large emphasis on the security of DNS servers. The typical plan of attack is to interrupt a DNS server to redirect the routing of web pages from authentic servers to fraudulent ones. Google takes note of tests to be aware of potential attacks on DNS servers, especially the denial-of-service (DoS) attacks.

The DoS attacks are an alternative to cyberattacks, through which the guilty party attempts to make the resource of a system unobtainable to users by temporarily disrupting or interfering with the web-connected services of a host connected with the web.

Cyber-attackers achieve DoS by sending hundreds of unnecessary and phony requests to a server and ultimately overflowing the resource to overload the system. This prevents any legitimate requests from going through. This process eventually causes high volumes of web traffic, which slows down the server speed.

3. OpenDNS Network

Best DNS for Xbox One [6 best DNS for faster speeds in gaming] (5)
  • Primary DNS:
  • Secondary DNS: 67.220.220

Over nearly 100 million people worldwide use OpenDNS. The corporation professes complete effectiveness and reliability. It also included parental controls and various filter options.

In correspondence with parental controls, OpenDNS allows parents to block explicit adult content, which the server called the “OpenDNSFamilyShield.”

Similar to Cloudflare, OpenDNS has data warehouses located all over the world. These warehouses focus on trimming data routes between data centers and networks, making internet access run faster.

4. Comodo Secure DNS

Best DNS for Xbox One [6 best DNS for faster speeds in gaming] (6)
  • Primary DNS:
  • Secondary DNS:

Since the early 2000s, the Comodo Secure DNS server has offered reliable, solution-based services to over 85 million devices, and providing control and protection to users from all over the world. That makes this the largest threat-combatting DNS server in the world.

Comodo is an international server system that is operable in over 25 countries. It also is a Cloud-based DNS server that gaming and corporate consoles use to reduce cyberattacks, phishing, and malware formation.

Regardless of the device or network connected to it, Comodo effectively protects and covers the user’s web traffic. The server has customizable functionality, maintaining absolute transparency. Any reports of users connected to the internet are immediately and directly sent to the user’s email.

Comodo works to prevent invasion and ensure maximum security by creating stern and precise guidelines for themselves and their users. The service also allows users to add customized logos to previously blocked pages; that way, users can instantly recognize fraud when it comes their way.

Comodo filters approximately 80 groups of differing content every other hour to maintain the security of domain names. If the server finds any malware, it then adds them to a blacklist, thus shielding them from further intrusion.

Users may sign up for a one-month free trial before purchasing the services. The Comodo Secure DNS server guarantees users a safer, smarter, faster, and streamlined internet experience.

5. QUAD9

Best DNS for Xbox One [6 best DNS for faster speeds in gaming] (7)
  • Primary DNS:
  • Secondary DNS:

Supported by IBM and various other noteworthy cybersecurity companies, the Quad9 server system, a non-profit DNS server system, manages a private security-focused free and public DNS server.

Quad9 is a free public service that secures your network, among other devices, from online threats and attacks. The DNS server system mechanically obstructs entry to fraudulent and suspicious websites without giving access to any of the user’s private and personal information enclosed in the files of data.

However, Quad9 does not allow users to block or screen content. The server only blocks domains that include phishing sites or malware.

Thanks to the Quad9 DNS system, cyber attackers cannot infiltrate the identified malicious domain servers, thus inhibiting their control over the system. Additionally, the attackers have less of a chance to damage the information.

The Quad9 system does not keep track of the IP addresses when a user or a group of individuals uses the server. However, Quad9 does include the server’s geographical position, specifically by state or regional location, and uses this evidence to examine the data’s fraudulent elements.

The DNS server system prevents the distribution of registered and stored data to people who are associated with the primary market. What’s more, it doesn’t utilize any real data for testing. The sole purpose of Quad9 is to fight against cybercrime and cyber threats to give users secure access to the web.

While no domain name system server is 100% foolproof from threats and cyber-attacks, decades of extensive research and experience from professionals helped establish Quad9 as a reliable and efficient DNS organization.

Several strenuous factors potentially affect the Quad9 system and its users, but the former continues to test multiple technologies to successfully combat any complications.

6. Oracle Dyn DNS

Best DNS for Xbox One [6 best DNS for faster speeds in gaming] (8)

Oracle Dyn is one of the top DNS providers today. The DNS server system enables its users to choose a customizable hostname for devices compatible with an IP address.

To ensure a user’s device is constantly up to date, Oracle Dyn ensures frequent software updates so the device and data are upgraded. This action reduces any delays and allows users to have as smooth of an internet experience as possible.

Oracle Dyn’s process of automatically and regularly updating the system maintains the user’s connection to accurate and reliable service. And compared to the affordable price Oracle Dyn charges, this feature is undeniably worth it.

If you use an Xbox One, the DNS server can take note of several locations and devices, which prevents the waste of data and saved processes. When you alter a device’s IP address, you also must immediately change the hostname.

Using Oracle Dyn’s DNS server, this modification can happen in just 20 seconds, which cuts back on the amount of time consumed for device upgrades.

Ever since the company’s founding, experts have dedicated years to studying and refining Oracle Dyn’s DNS server, making sure users have access to a faster, more secure, and more reliable internet connection.

Oracle Dyn DNS boasts the status of being one of the leading DNS providers and continues to serve nearly 2,000 company startups from aspiring entrepreneurs. The company also guarantees user-friendly and secure services for individuals and companies alike.

What Is a DNS Server?

Before we jump into our list of the best DNS servers for Xbox One, let’s define what a DNS server is.

DNS, or the Domain Name System, is a grading system for services, computers, and other internet-related sources. This system interprets information into domain names, which transfers into the IP addresses needed for services and devices to load those internet resources.

The working parts behind DNS are somewhat complicated since information isn’t contained in a single database. Instead, information is divided up in a worldwide catalog, including a wide range of DNS servers.

However, most internet users don’t need to know these technical details. Whenever you go online or enter a URL into your browser, your ISP address gives you immediate access to a DNS server.

Why Is a DNS Server Important?

Domain names essentially make it possible for you to quickly visit websites. Each time you enter a domain name into your browser, your computer uses information from a DNS server to identify the related IP address.

When it comes to how fast those pages load, DNS servers can vary largely in speed, especially in areas that don’t have great internet reception.

Internet coverage in areas like Oceania, South America, and Africa has notable extra waiting time before browsers can load and access new websites. However, these delays might only occur now and then.

Slow or lagging DNS servers can negatively affect your browsing and loading speed. But changing your DNS server can potentially improve your speed.

Is a Paid Dns Server Better Than a Free Dns Server?

While free DNS servers might seem a deal you can’t refuse, they’re often linked to slow, lagging, or spotty internet speeds. Many people choose to use premium or paid DNS servers.

Not everyone wants to pay for the server, however. It also largely depends on your needs and what exactly you’re using your DNS server for. With that in mind, paid servers do offer better quality services. Besides the enhanced website security and performance, you also have access to extra features.

Premium Dynamic DNS services include primary DNS and secondary DNS. These DNS servers work with dynamic IP addresses and allow users to use their computers worldwide. The secondary DNS serves almost as a backup server. This feature is just one of many features that premium DNS offers.

Will Changing My DNS Server Change My Gaming Experience?

Now you may ask, “Does changing my DNS server change anything? Does it improve or lesson the gaming experience?” Numerous people claim that changing their server offers smoother connection and reduced lag. However, this evidence isn’t solid, and it may just be a happenstance.

The argument generally ends in the answer no, and here’s why: The people who claim that changing DNS servers improved their gaming experience likely don’t understand the networking concepts that are relevant to online gaming.

Delay before the transfer of data is most relevant in online gaming, not bandwidth, or more specifically upload and download speeds. Many use the term “speed” in this context very loosely. When people discuss internet speed, it’s generally very vague, and they often don’t specify whether it’s bandwidth or latency they’re talking about.

These two things are very separate, even though they’re often lumped together. Because of this, DNS servers tend to boast they can provide faster internet, but in saying this, they mean bandwidth, not latency, which is technically more important.

So, it’s not necessarily incorrect that changing DNS servers can give a faster and smoother internet speed regarding bandwidth or more specifically. In terms of upload and download speeds, bandwidth isn’t the more important aspect for a faster internet connection. Latency, or how quickly data is transferred, is the main thing that affects your online gaming experience.

Networking experts ran several thorough tests to find out if bandwidth or latency determines online gaming experience. These tests concluded that DNS can occasionally influence upload and download speeds. However, there’s no hard evidence that it can improve latency, even after conducting thorough tests.

So, that means changing DNS servers does not have any direct positive impact on your gaming experience. While some people argue that it provides a faster connection, this result may be due to several other factors. But since latency is the most important factor, changing DNS servers won’t directly improve online gaming speeds.

Specific cases show that increasing bandwidth may occasionally decrease lags, but not directly. Lags result in slow upload speed and adjusting your DNS servers tends to help increase upload speed, causing less lag.

However, the chances of this happening consistently are low, and in reality, works only in a small number of cases. Regardless, the majority of upload speeds operating with default DNS servers are sufficient for online gaming.

DNS servers can provide different bandwidth improvements, which may be useful for downloading and streaming video content (specifically from sites like Netflix, Amazon, Hulu, etc.) If you primarily use your console for these types of things, switching out and trying different DNS servers may prove to be effective.

The improvements may not be very large, but it’s always worth a shot. Testing different DNS servers can potentially extract and utilize more bandwidth from your internet connection, causing smoother and faster streaming.

That being said, it’s important to still keep in mind that using different DNS servers does not necessarily have any impact on the most important factor of online gaming, and that is latency.

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As a knowledgeable enthusiast in networking, I've spent years delving into the intricacies of DNS (Domain Name System) servers, their functionalities, and their impact on internet experiences. I've actively engaged in configuring, troubleshooting, and optimizing DNS servers for various purposes, including improving gaming performance, understanding the nuances between different servers, and keeping abreast of the latest advancements in the field.

The article you've provided extensively covers the significance of DNS servers, their impact on gaming experiences, and detailed insights into specific DNS server providers like Cloudflare, Google, OpenDNS, Comodo Secure DNS, QUAD9, and Oracle Dyn DNS. Here's a breakdown of the concepts covered:

  1. DNS Servers and Their Importance: DNS servers translate domain names into IP addresses, facilitating the loading of internet resources. They play a crucial role in determining the speed at which web pages load and how efficiently devices connect to online services.

  2. Best DNS Servers for Xbox One: The article lists several free and public DNS servers, highlighting their features, advantages, and emphasis on speed, security, and reliability. The servers mentioned include:

    • Cloudflare: Emphasizes speed, security, and privacy.
    • Google: Known for managing a vast number of server requests and focusing on security against DoS attacks.
    • OpenDNS Network: Offers parental controls and emphasizes effectiveness, reliability, and faster internet access.
    • Comodo Secure DNS: Aims to combat cyber threats and offers protection against malware and phishing attempts.
    • QUAD9: Focuses on security by blocking access to suspicious websites without compromising user data.
    • Oracle Dyn DNS: Provides customizable hostnames and emphasizes regular updates for enhanced performance.
  3. Functions and Features of DNS Servers: The article discusses various features provided by different DNS servers, such as security measures against cyber threats, parental controls, faster internet access through optimized data routes, and frequent software updates to ensure reliability and performance.

  4. Differentiation Between Paid and Free DNS Servers: It explores the differences between paid and free DNS services, highlighting that while paid services offer enhanced features, security, and performance, free servers might sometimes result in slower or less consistent internet speeds.

  5. Impact of DNS Server Change on Gaming Experience: The article delves into the commonly debated topic of whether changing DNS servers directly influences gaming experiences. While DNS server changes might occasionally impact bandwidth and improve upload speeds, it's clarified that these changes typically don't significantly affect latency, which is crucial for online gaming.

  6. Clarification on Bandwidth vs. Latency: It emphasizes the distinction between bandwidth and latency and explains how DNS servers might impact one but not necessarily the other. Bandwidth improvements might slightly benefit streaming experiences but may not significantly enhance gaming experiences reliant on low latency.

Overall, the article provides a comprehensive overview of DNS servers, their significance in gaming, and the nuances between different DNS providers, shedding light on misconceptions regarding their direct impact on gaming experiences.

Best DNS for Xbox One [6 best DNS for faster speeds in gaming] (2024)


Best DNS for Xbox One [6 best DNS for faster speeds in gaming]? ›

Whether you are using a PS4, PS5, Xbox, or PC, the best DNS server for gaming on them is Cloudflare.

What is the best DNS for gaming on Xbox? ›

Whether you are using a PS4, PS5, Xbox, or PC, the best DNS server for gaming on them is Cloudflare.

Does make gaming faster? ›

Yes. DNSPerf ranks 1.1. 1.1 as the fastest DNS server for gaming in the world.

Which DNS has the fastest speed? ›

Cloudflare's 1.1. 1.1 DNS service has been ranked as the fastest DNS resolver globally by the independent DNS monitor DNSPerf. Cloudflare's network extends to 310 cities worldwide, enabling quick DNS response times for users globally, hence recommended for excellent speed and stability.

How to increase DNS speed? ›

The best way to speed up DNS propagation is to reduce the time-to-live (TTL) value for your DNS records. This tells DNS resolvers how long to cache your DNS records, so reducing the TTL value will ensure that DNS resolvers refresh your records more often, which can speed up the propagation process.

Is 1.1 1.1 or 8.8 8.8 faster? ›

According to DNS Performance, 1.1. 1.1 is the fastest public DNS resolver. But, for you the answer might differ according to the area where you live and it might be possible that 8.8. 8.8 is faster for you.

Does DNS speed up gaming? ›

A fast DNS Server improves your gaming experience by providing a fast and reliable connection to the game. The best DNS server for Gaming provides users with the fastest and most consistent connection to the game.

Does make the Internet faster? ›

1.1. 1.1 is a free, public DNS resolver from Cloudflare and Asia Pacific Network Information Centre (APNIC) that could make your searches faster and more secure. But the product won't work for everyone, and some have concerns about how it will use their data.

Which is better for gaming Google DNS or Cloudflare DNS? ›

Cloudflare DNS delivers superior performance, high availability, and robust security. Cloudflare DNS is an authoritative DNS service that offers significantly better query response performance than Google Cloud DNS.

How to find the best DNS for gaming? ›

Best DNS servers for gaming PS4 & PS5
  1. Cloudflare ( and
  2. Google DNS ( and
  3. Quad9 DNS ( and
  4. OpenDNS ( and
  5. Comodo Secure DNS (8.26. 56.26 and
Mar 28, 2024

Which private DNS is faster? ›

Note: Although each of the above free DNS services is worth trying, I recommend going with Cloudflare ( I find it to be the fastest and the most secure of the bunch.

How do I know which DNS is fastest for me? ›

Using namebench

namebench is a tool to find the fastest DNS server relative to the current client. In fact, namebench tests the name servers that we're currently using, plus some popular global DNS services. Moreover, the result suggests some additional name servers for us.

How to force DNS to update? ›

You use the ipconfig /registerdns command to manually force an update of the client name registration in DNS.

How to get DNS to update faster? ›

Method #1 – Decrease the Time-to-Live (TTL) value

One way to do this is by lowering the TTL value for your records a day before implementing the change. This will help the updated records propagate faster, allowing a smoother transition for both search engines and website visitors.

Can changing DNS make internet faster? ›

Although DNS is not directly related to your Internet speed, it can influence how fast an individual webpage appears on your computer. Once a connection has been established though, it should not affect download speeds. If you want to amend your router's DNS servers however, this can help improve your overall speed.

What should my DNS be for gaming? ›

1. Google Public DNS (Best for all-around gaming and browsing) Google Public DNS is a reliable and smooth DNS service that ensures a secure gaming experience and unique protection against cyberattacks common to the gaming world.

Is 8.8 8.8 DNS safe? ›

Both the Google DNS servers, though public, are safe to use. They don't provide any additional blocking or filtering; however, they are secure.

What DNS has the lowest ping? ›

Google Public DNS

The low-latency DNS resolution can give you the edge in competitive gaming, where timing is everything. Google's massive infrastructure is virtually second to none.

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Name: Otha Schamberger

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Introduction: My name is Otha Schamberger, I am a vast, good, healthy, cheerful, energetic, gorgeous, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.