Best Growth Stocks to Buy in 2024 | The Motley Fool (2024)

Investing in growth stocks can be a great way to earn life-changing wealth in the stock market. The key, of course, is to know which growth stocks to buy and when.

Many growth stocks suffered major losses in 2022. While the crashed more than 19%, the S&P 500 Growth index fell 30% for the year. Some growth stocks fell much more, with stock prices cut by half or two-thirds. But growth stocks rebounded in 2023, outpacing the overall market. Still, there may be room for them to continue outperforming.

Here's a handy guide to help you get started investing in growth stocks. With these tools and strategies, you'll be able to position your portfolio for long-term success with growth stocks.

What is a growth stock?

What is a growth stock?

Growth stocks are companies that increase their earnings faster than the average business in their industry or the market as a whole. Growth investing, however, involves more than picking stocks that are going up.

Often, a growth company has developed an innovative product or service that is gaining share in existing markets, entering new markets, or even creating entirely new industries. The market tends to reward businesses that can grow faster than average for long periods, delivering handsome returns to shareholders in the process. And the faster they grow, the bigger the potential returns.

Unlike value stocks, high-growth stocks tend to be more expensive than the average stock in terms of profitability ratios, such as price-to-earnings, price-to-sales, and price-to-free-cash-flow. Despite their premium price tags, the best growth stocks can still deliver fortune-creating returns to investors when they fulfill their awesome growth potential.

That said, growth stocks took a beating in the market in 2022, and they haven't fully recovered despite strong performances in 2023. Meanwhile, the total return for the S&P 500 since the start of 2022 turned positive by the end of 2023.

High inflation had put pressure on growth stocks since it reduces the future value of their expected earnings. Additionally, supply chain constraints affected the ability of some to expand, while other macroeconomic factors were slowing the entire economy. However, the downturn may give long-term investors a buying opportunity while growth stock prices are low.

Top growth stocks

Top growth stocks in 2024

To provide you with some examples, here are 10 excellent growth stocks available in the stock market today.

Data sources: Morningstar, YCharts, company quarterly financial reports. Data as of Jan. 17, 2024. CAGR = compound annual growth rate.
Company3-Year Sales Growth CAGRIndustry
Tesla (NASDAQ:TSLA)39%Automotive
Shopify (NYSE:SHOP)24%E-commerce
Block (NYSE:SQ)16%Digital payments
Etsy (NASDAQ:ETSY)10%E-commerce
Nvidia (NASDAQ:NVDA)39%Semiconductors
Netflix (NASDAQ:NFLX)7%Streaming entertainment
Amazon (NASDAQ:AMZN)10%E-commerce and cloud computing
Meta Platforms (NASDAQ:META)10%Digital advertising (NYSE:CRM)17%Cloud software
Alphabet (NASDAQ:GOOG), (NASDAQ:GOOGL)15%Digital advertising

As this list shows, growth stocks come in all shapes and sizes. They can be found in a variety of industries, both within the U.S. and international markets. And although all the stocks on this list are larger businesses, smaller companies can be fertile ground for growth investors, too.

A great way to invest in a wide variety of small-cap growth stocks is via an exchange-traded fund (ETF) such as Vanguard Small-Cap Growth ETF (VBK -0.39%). This fund tracks the performance of the CRSP U.S. Small Cap Growth Index, which gives investors an easy way to invest in roughly 580 small-cap growth companies all at once.

Importantly, the Vanguard Small-Cap Growth ETF has an ultra-low expense ratio of 0.07%. This means investors will receive almost all of the fund's returns, with only a small amount in fees going to Vanguard. (An annual expense ratio of 0.07% equates to only $0.70 in fees per $1,000 invested annually.)

How to find growth stocks

How to find growth stocks

To find great growth stocks, you'll need to:

  1. Identify powerful long-term market trends and the companies best positioned to profit from them.
  2. Narrow your list to businesses with strong competitive advantages.
  3. Further narrow your list to companies with large addressable markets.

Best Growth Stocks to Buy in 2024 | The Motley Fool (1)

Image source: The Motley Fool.

Identify trends

Identify trends and the companies driving them

Companies that capitalize on powerful long-term trends can increase their sales and profits for many years, generating wealth for their shareholders along the way. Here are some examples, along with the companies that can help you profit from those trends:

  • E-commerce: As more people shop online, Amazon, Shopify, and Etsy are well positioned to profit within the U.S. (and many international markets). Mercado Libre holds a leading share of the online retail market in Latin America. While consumers started returning to physical stores in 2022, e-commerce still has tons of growth potential as an industry.
  • Digital advertising: Meta (formerly Facebook) and Alphabet (which owns Google) own the lion's share of the digital ad market and are poised to profit handsomely as marketing budgets shift from TV and print to online channels. Amazon has built a massive advertising business, which continues to expand into new formats. Even Netflix has come around to advertising as a way to increase its subscriber base and boost its revenue.
  • Digital payments: Block (formerly Square) is helping accelerate the global shift from cash to digital payment forms by allowing businesses of all sizes to accept debit and credit card transactions and giving consumers easier access to cashless payments.
  • Cloud computing: Computing power is migrating from on-premise data centers to cloud-based servers. Amazon's and Google's cloud infrastructure services help make this possible, while provides some of the best cloud-based enterprise software available. The rise of artificial intelligence (AI) will require vast amounts of computing power that cloud providers are ready, willing, and able to offer.

Cloud Computing

Cloud computing is a network of interconnected servers and data centers working together to deliver a service through the Internet.

  • Cord-cutting and streaming entertainment: Millions are canceling their cable subscriptions and replacing them with less expensive and more convenient streaming options. As the global leader in streaming entertainment, Netflix offers a great way to profit from this trend, but it faces growing competition from other media companies.
  • Remote work: Remote work became necessary for many organizations during the COVID-19 pandemic. While many companies are pushing employees to return to the office, people have grown comfortable working from home and are resisting. Companies making remote work or hybrid work easier should continue to benefit from the sea change caused by the pandemic.
  • Electric vehicles: The world is shifting from its reliance on gasoline to using electricity to power vehicles. According to a survey of industry executives, half of all auto sales could be EVs by 2030. Tesla is the leader in the space, with its lineup of vehicles and its battery technology.
  • AI: Companies have recently poured billions into accelerating their AI development and applying it to their businesses. Nvidia has been a big beneficiary since it designs the chips used to train many large language models (the foundation of generative AI). Alphabet, Amazon, and Microsoft (MSFT -0.71%) also benefit from growth in AI applications, as many run on their cloud computing platforms.

The key is to try to invest in these trends and companies as early as possible. The earlier you get in, the more you stand to profit. However, the most powerful trends can last for many years, even decades, giving you plenty of time to claim your share of the profits they create.

Prioritize competitive advantages

Prioritize companies with competitive advantages

It's also important to invest in growth companies that possess strong competitive advantages. Otherwise, their competitors may pass them, and their growth may not last long.

Competitive advantages become especially important during turbulent times, such as during a pandemic or periods of high inflation. A strong competitive advantage will help companies survive and thrive through market downturns, while those without a competitive advantage will struggle.

We saw a big sell-off in many tech-focused growth stocks in 2022. Many top growth stocks' share prices were slashed by more than 50%, but some of the biggest stock market losers of the year turned out to be the biggest winners in 2023.

If you can identify stocks of companies with strong competitive advantages being sold off along with the rest of the market, it can be an opportunity to generate massive returns as they recover. Some competitive advantages are:

  • Network effects: Meta's Facebook is a prime example here. Each person who joins its social media platform makes it more valuable to other members. Network effects can make it difficult for new entrants to displace the current market share leader. Meta's 3 billion users across its family of apps certainly make it unlikely that a new social media company will displace it.
  • Scale advantages: Size can be another powerful advantage. Amazon is a great example in this category because its massive global fulfillment network is something its smaller rivals will find extremely difficult to replicate.
  • High switching costs: Switching costs are the expenses and difficulties involved in switching to a rival's product or service. Shopify, which serves as an online retail system for more than 1 million businesses, is a perfect example of a business with high switching costs. Once a company begins using Shopify as the core of its online operations, it's unlikely to go through the hassle of switching to a competitor.

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Large addressable markets

Find companies with large addressable markets

Finally, you'll want to invest in businesses with large addressable markets -- and long runways for growth still ahead. Industry reports from research firms -- such as Gartner (IT -1.37%) and Insider Intelligence, which provide estimates of industry sizes, projections for growth, and market share figures -- can be very helpful.

The larger the opportunity, the larger a business can ultimately become. And the earlier in its growth cycle it is, the longer it can continue to grow at an impressive rate.


Growth stocks FAQ

What are growth stocks?

Growth stocks are shares of companies expected to increase their revenue and earnings faster than the average business in their industry or the market as a whole. They generally trade for high price multiples and experience more price volatility than the average stock.

What growth stock is going to boom in 2024?

The stock market prices future expectations for each company into its stock price. If a company exceeds expectations, it'll likely see its stock price increase. So, the stocks expected to rise the most in 2024 are those that outperform market expectations.

What is an example of a growth stock?

One example of a growth stock is Amazon. Its shares are usually considered expensive by traditional valuation measures, like price-to-earnings or price-to-sales ratios. But the company is continuously investing to grow its business and expand into new markets and industries. The long-term potential profit remains extremely high.

What are the best stocks for growth?

The best stocks for growth are usually smaller companies with unique competitive advantages in large or potentially large addressable markets. They are typically expensive relative to their peers, but the company's upside justifies the stock price.

Expert Q and A

Expert Q&A on growth stocks

Best Growth Stocks to Buy in 2024 | The Motley Fool (2)

Dr. Preston D. Cherry, PhD, CFP

Assistant Professor of Finance & Personal Financial Planning at University of Wisconsin, Green Bay

The Motley Fool: What's your best advice on finding high potential stocks like growth stocks?

Dr. Cherry: Because growth stocks tend to operate in a growth business cycle or business sector, finding high potential growth stocks should contain metrics that attempt to confirm or support current growth and best signal sustainable growth patterns. One important feature of a growth company is to ask, "do they possess a unique business service or product in their sector that provides a valuable moat?" This service or product is the lifeline of growth where the company needs to market, produce, deliver, and protect better than competitors and new entrants. Performance metrics to consider are whether the company shows historical increases in earnings over select periods and profit margin analysis, which illustrates how a company can manage costs and increase revenues. Other analysis considerations are the technical chart trend characteristics and experienced market analysts' forward growth and price projections.

The Motley Fool: Are growth stocks risky?

Dr. Cherry: Investing in individual stocks, in general, contains risk factors such as overall market risk and business risk, among others. The characteristics of growth stocks can make them riskier than their value stock counterparts. As their name suggests, growth stock companies tend to be in a growing business phase. The growing stage could consist of younger and smaller companies with an unproven product or entity track record that tend to use much of their revenues and raised capital to grow the business. These growth characteristics, among others, tend to make growth stocks riskier through higher stock price volatility or reactions to market, company, economic, and political risks, to name a few, thus more significant exposure to downside stock price pressure. However, as investors should avail themselves of the downside cautions of growth stock risk, the upside potential should also be considered. With additional risk comes the prospect of added returns. Because growth companies have the potential for higher company growth rates, growing from earlier business stages to mature business stages, growth stocks could potentially experience higher returns over shorter time horizons. Above all, investors should consider their risk tolerance, capacity, portfolio allocations, and goals to accept the higher risk of growth stocks.

The Motley Fool: How do you tell the difference between a growth vs. value stock?

Dr. Cherry: Growth and value stocks tend to differ in a few areas, such as company size, business stage, and revenues to return gains to the shareholder. Growth stocks tend to be in the emerging markets or small or mid-cap company size areas whereas value stock companies tend to be large-cap. The size of companies tends to be the lens of what business stage a company resides. Growth stocks tend to be in the early to mid-business stages, the growth stages (although a small segment of large companies can be growth companies too), and value stock companies tend to be larger, more mature business stage companies. The value stock companies tend to be trading at a discount, "on-sale," or a premium, "overvalued," to their valuation, thus their name, finding value. Growth stock companies tend to reinvest their earnings back into the company and return value to shareholders solely through stock price appreciation. In comparison, value companies may return earnings to investors through a dividend, representing income to an investor and complements stock price appreciation. This income and stock price appreciation mean a total return approach.

Best Growth Stocks to Buy in 2024 | The Motley Fool (3)

Scott Stewart, PhD

Clinical Professor at Cornell University’s Samuel Curtis Johnson Graduate School of Management, Cornell SC Johnson College of Business

The Motley Fool: How do you tell the difference between a growth vs. value stock?

Dr. Stewart: The Gordon valuation model is an excellent tool to illustrate the difference between growth and value stocks. Professor Gordon’s model, with some simplifying assumptions, shows that stock prices equal next year’s earnings (e) divided by the expression r – g, where “r” is a discount rate and “g” is a growth rate. For the same stock price, a lower growth rate necessitates a higher earnings number. Conversely, (illustrated by dividing both sides by e) a high-p/e stock is associated with a high growth rate. Of course, these numbers reflect investor expectations.

Investors bid up the p/e ratios of some stocks because, despite low current earnings relative to their market values, they expect earnings to grow at high rates. These are traditionally defined as growth stocks. Tesla stock is a good example of a growth stock, with its 154 p/e multiple and 73% earnings growth rate (using Yahoo Finance data).

The Motley Fool: Are growth stocks risky?

Dr. Stewart: Note that a company’s risk is embedded in its discount rate “r.” As a result, companies with stable earnings will justify higher p/e multiples than ones with volatile earnings, other things equal. Clorox, a large-cap, stable-earnings company with only modest growth expectations (basically 0% using Yahoo Finance data) still justifies a p/e of 30 (using next fiscal year’s earnings).

Empirical evidence suggests that high-growth stocks underperform low-growth, low-p/e “value” stocks over the very long term. For example, the Russell small-cap Value index yielded roughly 3% a year higher than its Growth peer over the forty years ending 2019, and at lower return volatility. One explanation is that investors over-estimate the sustainability of high-growing companies since these “glamour” stocks subsequently fail to deliver on those high expectations. However, there can be long periods in which growth stocks outperform, such as the 10 years ending 2020.

The theory and evidence suggest that the key to picking good growth stocks is to identify the ones whose earnings growth rates will accelerate in the short term (increasing the p/e and price) and not disappoint in the long term (sustaining e growth and maintaining a high p/e). For value stocks, some practitioners suggest picking companies that investors have given up on (ones with very low-p/e or other multiples if e is less than zero), that won’t fail in the short-term and will recover in the long-term. Not easy tasks!

Randi Zuckerberg, a former director of market development and spokeswoman for Facebook and sister to Meta Platforms CEO Mark Zuckerberg, is a member of The Motley Fool's board of directors. John Mackey, former CEO of Whole Foods Market, an Amazon subsidiary, is a member of The Motley Fool’s board of directors. Suzanne Frey, an executive at Alphabet, is a member of The Motley Fool’s board of directors. Adam Levy has positions in Alphabet, Amazon, Meta Platforms, Microsoft, Netflix, and Salesforce. The Motley Fool has positions in and recommends Alphabet, Amazon, Block, Etsy, Meta Platforms, Microsoft, Netflix, Nvidia, Salesforce, Shopify, Tesla, and Vanguard Index Funds - Vanguard Small-Cap Growth ETF. The Motley Fool recommends Gartner. The Motley Fool has a disclosure policy.

Best Growth Stocks to Buy in 2024 | The Motley Fool (2024)


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The Motley Fool has positions in and recommends Advanced Micro Devices, Alphabet, Amazon, Fiverr International, Home Depot, Meta Platforms, Nike, Nvidia, PayPal, Salesforce, Target, Uber Technologies, Visa, Walt Disney, and Zoom Video Communications.

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JPMorgan Chase & Co. (JPM)9.6%
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