Best PPTP Compatible VPNs For Fast And Easy Connections (2024)

PPTP compatible VPNs, however, they still support the point-to-point tunneling protocol, which is an older form of VPN that is known for its high speeds and simplicity. Although it is no longer considered secure for sensitive tasks, there are some users who still need it to be compatible with old devices or some network setups.

This guide will explore VPNs that support PPTP protocol as of September 2024. We will look at the merits and demerits of point-to-point tunneling, why certain services have not abandoned it yet and which other options exist? Please note that even if it is fast and widely compatible with many devices, activities requiring high security should avoid it by all means. When possible always consider more up-to-date protocols which offer greater security.

What is PPTP?

PPTP is just a fancy way of saying a method to keep your internet stuff private. It is like having a secret tunnel for your online activities. Imagine you are passing notes in class. You do not want the teacher to read them, so you use a secret code. It is kind of like that secret code but for your internet.

Here’s why some folks still like PPTP

  • It’s super fast. Like Usain Bolt is fast.
  • It’s easy peasy to set up. Even your grandma could probably do it!
  • It works on old gadgets. Did you get a phone from the Stone Age? PPTP might still work on it!

But here is the thing: it is not very safe anymore. It is like using a lock on your diary that everyone knows how to open. Not great if you want to keep secrets, right? Over the years, some really smart computer nerds have found out that it has some big problems. It’s like they found a bunch of holes in our secret tunnel. Oops!

However, some VPN companies still offer point-to-point tunneling. Why? Well, some people still need it. Maybe they have a really old computer, or maybe their work only allows PPTP. So, that’s it in a nutshell! It’s an old way of keeping your internet stuff private. It is super fast and easy to use but not very safe. If you are doing something private online, you might want to use something newer and safer instead.

Best PPTP Compatible VPNs For Fast And Easy Connections (1)

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Why Would Anyone Use This Old Thing?

Best PPTP Compatible VPNs For Fast And Easy Connections (2)

  • It’s Super Fast: It is very fast compared to other VPNs. It zooms along because it does not have all the heavy security stuff weighing it down.
  • It is Easy to Set Up: Even if you are not good in tech still you can probably set up PPTP. It’s super easy to use.
  • It Works on Old Devices: Got an old phone or computer? It might be your only VPN option. It is like having an adapter that fits all your old gadgets.
  • Sometimes, It is the Only Choice: Imagine you are at work or school, and they only allow PPTP connections. In that case, it is PPTP or nothing!
  • The Not-So-Great Stuff About PPTP: There aresome problems, especially when it comes to keeping your information safe.

Using point-to-point tunneling is kind of like using a lock on your diary that everyone knows how to open. It might keep some people out, but anyone who wants to can probably get in. So, if you are doing something super private or important, it might not be the best choice.

PPTP Compatible VPNs in September 2024

Best PPTP Compatible VPNs For Fast And Easy Connections (3)

Alright, now let us talk about which PPTP VPNs are in September 2024. Remember, a lot of providers have stopped supporting it because it is not very safe. But some still do, so let us check them out.


PureVPN is like that friend who always has everything you need. They still offer point-to-point tunneling protocol, but they also have newer, safer options.

Cool Things About PureVPN

  • They have servers all over the world.
  • Their app is pretty easy to use. It’s not rocket science, we promise!
  • They tell you upfront that PPTP isn’t the safest choice.

How to Use PPTP with PureVPN?

  • Sign up for PureVPN (it’s like creating a social media account)
  • Download their app (just like getting a new game on your phone)
  • Open the app and go to settings
  • Find the place where you can choose your VPN type and pick point-to-point tunneling
  • Connect to a server (it’s like choosing which friend’s house to visit)

📍 Read our in-depth details about PureVPN

Ivacy VPN

Ivacy is another provider that’s still cool with PPTP. They’re like the easygoing friend who’s up for anything.

What is Cool About Ivacy?

  • They support it on some of their servers
  • Their app is simple to use, even if you’re not a tech genius
  • They also have safer virtual private network types if you want to try something else

Setting Up PPTP with Ivacy

  • Get an Ivacy account
  • Install their app on your device
  • Open the app and find the settings
  • Look for the option to change your VPN type and choose this protocol
  • Pick a server and hit connect!

📍 Read our in-depth details about Ivacy


BolehVPN is a smaller provider, kind of like a cozy local café compared to big coffee chains. They still offer it for folks who need it.

Cool Stuff About BolehVPN

  • They’re upfront about PPTP not being the safest choice
  • They have a smaller network, which sometimes means less crowded servers
  • Their customer service is often more personal

Using PPTP with BolehVPN

  • Sign up for a BolehVPN account
  • They don’t have an app for PPTP, so you’ll need to set it up manually (don’t worry, they give you instructions!)
  • Use your device-built VPN settings to connect

📍 Read our in-depth details about BolehVPN

It is one of the VPNs that support the PPTP protocol. They allow PPTP connections, but they want you to use something safer.

What’s Great About

  • They’re big on privacy and security.
  • They give you detailed guides on how to set up PPTP
  • They have a good reputation among privacy enthusiasts

Setting Up PPTP with

  • Get a subscription
  • Follow their step-by-step guide for setting up point-to-point tunneling
  • Use your device’s VPN settings to connect

📍 Read our in-depth details about


Last but not least we have VPNSecure. They are cool with offering point-to-point tunneling, but they all make sure you know it is not the safest option out there.

Cool Things About VPNSecure

  • They give you the choice to use this protocol
  • They have servers in quite a few countries
  • They’re very clear about the risks of using PPTP

Using PPTP with VPNSecure

  • Sign up for VPNSecure
  • You can use their app or set it up manually
  • If using the app, find PPTP in the settings
  • Connect to a server and you’re good to go!

📍 Read our in-depth details about VPNSecure

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  • Rated 4.5/5 on Google Play with over 825,000 reviews
  • Rated 4.7/5 on Apple App Store from 6,600 users

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Why Are These VPNs Still Offering PPTP?

You might be wondering, “If PPTP isn’t very safe, why do these VPNs still offer it?” Great question! Here are a few reasons:

  • Some Customers Still Want It: It’s like how some stores still sell flip phones. There’s a demand, so they supply it.
  • It Works on Almost Everything: It is like that universal charger that fits all your devices. It works on old computers and new phones and everything in between.
  • Some Old Systems Only Work with PPTP: Imagine your school or work has an old computer system that only works with point-to-point tunneling. In that case, having PPTP compatible VPNs are super helpful.
  • They Believe in Giving Users Choices: These VPNs are like that friend who tells you the pros and cons of something but ultimately lets you decide for yourself.

What are the Best Alternatives to PPTP?

Best PPTP Compatible VPNs For Fast And Easy Connections (5)

  • OpenVPN: It is super versatile and secure. It might be a bit slower than point-to-point tunneling but it is way safer.
  • IKEv2: IKEv2 is great if you Are always on your phone. It Is fast and secure, and it Is good at staying connected even if your internet is a bit unstable.
  • WireGuard: WireGuard is one of the newest VPN protocols. It Is super fast and secure. It Is like PPTP got a major upgrade.
  • L2TP/IPSec: This one is a bit older than OpenVPN but still newer and safer than point-to-point tunneling.

These newer options are kind of better than the old ones. They might take a bit more setup, but they all keep you much safer on the road. You can learn more about these latest protocols by visiting our guide.

Tips and Tricks for Staying Safe with PPTP

  • Only Use It When You Need To: They are fine for quick use but you should not use them for hard tasks.
  • Avoid Doing Super Private Stuff: When you are using it, maybe do not do your online banking or send private emails. Save that for when you are using a more secure connection.
  • Keep Everything Updated: Make sure your device your apps and your VPN software are all up to date. It is like making sure your bike is in good condition before a long ride.
  • Use Extra Security When You Can: If a website offers two-factor authentication. That is when they send a code to your phone to make sure you are the one who uses it. It is like adding an extra lock to your door.
  • Be Aware of the Risks: Just knowing that point-to-point tunneling is not super secure can help you make smart decisions about when and how to use it.

Understanding VPN Protocols: A Simple Explanation

Okay, we have talked a lot about PPTP and other VPN protocols. But what exactly is a VPN protocol? Let us break it down super simply. Think of it as a secret language. When you use a virtual private network service, your device and the server need to talk to each other in a way that other people can’t understand. The protocol is the set of rules they use to have this secret conversation.

Different protocols (like PPTP, OpenVPN, IKEv2) are like different secret languages. Some are easier to learn but easier for others to figure out (like PPTP). Others are more complicated but much harder for outsiders to understand (like OpenVPN). When you choose a VPN protocol, you’re picking which secret language you want to use.

The History of PPTP: A Trip Down Memory Lane

It has been around for a long time. Let’s take a quick, fun look at its history:

  • 1999: PPTP is born! Microsoft creates it to make a VPN connection over dial-up networks.
  • 2012: Big security issues are found in point-to-point tunneling. It’s like someone found a master key that could open any PPTP lock.
  • From 2020 onwards, Many providers have started to drop support for PPTP because of its security issues.
  • September 2024: A few VPN providers still offer PPTP for those who need it but most recommend using newer safer protocols.

It is kind of like how we have gone from big, boxy TVs to flat screens to smart TVs. The point-to-point tunneling protocol was great when it started, but now we have better options.

PPTP vs. Newer Protocols: A Simple Comparison

Best PPTP Compatible VPNs For Fast And Easy Connections (6)

Let’s compare PPTP to some newer protocols. We’ll keep it super simple:


  • PPTP: Super fast!
  • OpenVPN: It can be a bit slower, but still good
  • IKEv2: Pretty fast!
  • WireGuard: Fast, almost as fast as PPTP


  • PPTP: Not very secure
  • OpenVPN: Very secure!
  • IKEv2: Also very secure
  • WireGuard: Super secure

Ease of Use

  • PPTP: Super easy to set up
  • OpenVPN: This can be a bit tricky
  • IKEv2: Usually pretty easy
  • WireGuard: Getting easier as more providers support it

Works on Old Devices

  • PPTP: Yes!
  • OpenVPN: Not always
  • IKEv2: Usually on newer devices
  • WireGuard: Mainly on newer devices

As you can see, point-to-point tunneling wins in terms of speed and ease of use but falls behind in terms of security.

When Might You Need to Use PPTP?

Even though point-to-point tunneling is not the safest choice, there are still some situations where you might need to use it:

  • Old Devices: If you have a really old computer or phone, PPTP might be the only VPN it supports.
  • Certain Networks: Some work or school networks might only allow their connections.
  • When Speed is Super Important: If you need the fastest possible connection and aren’t doing anything too private, it might be okay.
  • Compatibility with Old Software: Some old programs or apps might only work with PPTP.
  • Testing Purposes: If you are learning about VPNs, you might use this protocol to understand how VPNs work.

Remember, in most cases, it is better to use a newer, safer VPN protocol if you can.

The Future of VPNs: What is Next?

  • Even Faster Protocols: Maybe we’ll get VPN protocols that are as fast as point-to-point tunneling but as safe as the newer ones.
  • Built-in VPNs: Imagine if every device came with a supersecure VPN built right in!
  • Smart VPNs: Virtual private networks might get smarter, automatically choosing the best protocol for what you’re doing.
  • VPNs for Smart Homes: As our homes get smarter, we might see VPNs designed to protect all our smart home devices.
  • Quantum VPNs: As quantum computers develop, VPNs might need to use super-advanced math to stay secure. You can get to know more about quantum VPNs by checking this helpful guide.

Who knows? By 2030, we might look back at PPTP the same way we now look at dial-up internet.

Best PPTP Compatible VPNs For Fast And Easy Connections (7)

Rated 4.9 based on 1M+ reviews.

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  • Top-rated VPN for macOS 10.15 Catalina Mac
  • Ultra-fast speed in US in 2024
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  • Rated 4.5/5 on Google Play with over 825,000 reviews
  • Rated 4.7/5 on Apple App Store from 6,600 users

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is PPTP?

PPTP means Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol, which is an outdated method of keeping your internet private.

Why do some people still use PPTP?

Some individuals still utilize it because its speed is very high and can work with older gadgets.

Is PPTP safe to use?

Nope, it’s not considered secure anymore. Most recent techniques are much more secure for that.

Can I use PPTP on my phone?

Generally yes, particularly on older phones; however, new ones may not support this.

What VPN companies still offer PPTP?

There are a few such as PureVPN, Ivacy VPN, and BolehVPN.

Should I use PPTP for banking or sensitive stuff?

No! It’s not secure enough for that try using the newer and more secure types of VPNs instead of this one.

What are some alternatives to PPTP?

Newer, safer options include OpenVPN, IKEv2, and WireGuard.

Is PPTP faster than other VPN types?

Yes, it’s often faster than others since it doesn’t have many security features slowing it down although there are fewer chances of improving security protocols in the future.

Do I need special software to use PPTP?

Most devices usually come with settings built-in for connections using PPTP so normally, there is no need for special software although you might need some extra things depending on your computer’s configuration like additional files or drivers installed specifically designed for PPTP communications.

Why have many VPN providers stopped offering PPTP?

This is because it has become insecure and they want to protect their users too from being compromised by attackers who can easily take advantage of any unencrypted data through such services in order to further improve their own security protocols.

The Bottom Line

It is super fast and easy to use, but not very safe anymore. Some VPN companies still offer this protocol because some people need it for old devices or certain networks. We looked at five PPTP VPNs that still allow you to use it: PureVPN, IvacyVPN, BolehVPN,, and VPNSecure. But remember, these companies also offer newer, safer options.

If you do use PPTP, be careful. Don’t do super private stuff like banking. And if you can, try newer VPN types like OpenVPN or WireGuard. They’re safer. In the future, we might see even better VPNs. They could be super fast, super safe, and super smart!

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Date of Experience:
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Date of Experience:
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Date of Experience:
December, 15 2023

Best PPTP Compatible VPNs For Fast And Easy Connections (2024)
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Name: Nathanael Baumbach

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