Best Programming Languages For Hacking In 2024 - InvoZone (2024)

Table of Contents

  • An Introduction to Coding Languages for Hacking
  • Types of Programming Languages
    • Low-Level
    • High-Level
    • Scripting Languages
  • Top 5 Best Programming Languages for Hacking
    • Python
    • JavaScript
    • SQL
    • C Programming
    • BASH
  • Importance of Learning Different Programming Languages for Hackers
    • Learning to Code is Important
    • Comprehensive Code Analysis
    • Penetrates Target Fields Easily
  • What Programming Language Do Hackers Use?
  • Key Takeaways
  • Frequently Asked Questions
    • Why do hackers love Python?
    • Do hackers use C++?
    • Do hackers use Python or C++?

Looking to learn the best programming languages for hacking? As technology continues to evolve rapidly, coding tech stacks and frameworks will most likely also advance with time. New technologies are always emerging, but not all of them gain popularity as expected.

Did you know that knowing how to hack can land you some incredibly high-paying jobs? With markets such as healthcare and shipping being prime candidates for hackers to make a hefty paycheck.

If you want to learn programming for a career in computer security, it's important to have a clear idea about the most trending languages for hacking. These languages are going to remain stable and powerful for about the next five years.

The year 2024 is right around the corner. If you want to stay relevant in your career, it's time to start thinking about what new skills you'll need. Learning to code is one of those things that can help you get ahead.

There are many programming languages available, each with its own unique features. But it's important to find one that suits your interests and skill set. In this article, we'll look at some of the most popular computer coding languages and discuss how they stack up against one another.

An Introduction to Coding Languages for Hacking

Programming languages are a staple of the hacking world. They help you write code, which is the language that computers understand. Machine coding has been around for more than 60 years, and it continues to evolve every year.

In 1952, Alan Turing created the first programming language, called "Flip-Flop". John Backus created FORTRAN (Formula Translator) in 1955, the first widely used programming language.

Types of Programming Languages

The three most common types are:

Best Programming Languages For Hacking In 2024 - InvoZone (1)

  • Low-Level

Low-level programming languages are a great way to start learning the basics of programming. They can be useful for hacking because they allow direct access to a computer's instruction set. Assembly and Machine Language are written directly in binary numbers, which are composed of 1s and 0s.

Assembly is a command-line-based language that runs on top of more complex high-level languages like C/C++ or Java. Computers use Machine Language to communicate with each other at a very basic level. Understanding assembly language helps you understand the way computers work internally.

  • High-Level

These include C, C++, Java, and Python. High-level programming languages are easier for humans to read and understand because they use words instead of numbers to represent instructions and data.

High-level coding helps you build programs faster than other types of languages because they don't require you to write as much code.

  • Scripting Languages

These include JavaScript, Perl, and PHP (hypertext preprocessor). High-level languages are compiled into another language before execution, but scripting languages are run directly from the source code.

Top 5 Best Programming Languages for Hacking

Now that you know why programming is critical, it's time to explore the best five programming languages used by hackers. Hacking involves several different types of systems.

However, your choice of a programming language must depend on the type of system you are targeting and your attack strategy.

Best Programming Languages For Hacking In 2024 - InvoZone (2)

The following is a list of the top 5 most popular programming languages to learn for hacking.


If you're a computer programmer, and you want to start a career in ethical hacking, Python is the way to go. It's an incredibly flexible language that can be used for a variety of purposes, from web development to data analysis and machine learning.

If you're not already familiar with Python, here are some reasons why it's such an important skill for ethical hacking:

  • Easy to Learn

Python is one of the best programming languages for hacking in the world—and for good reason. It's relatively simple to pick up and learn how to use, even if you don't have any programming experience. The syntax is straightforward to understand, so even if you're brand new to coding, there isn't a lot that will throw you off from what you need to do.

  • Offers Incredible Flexibility

Python is also highly flexible—you can use it on your own or in conjunction with other languages like Java or C++ if need be! Since 1990, Minecraft and Super Mario Bros. have used it as an alternative language for coding games. If it can handle those kinds of projects, then it should be able to handle anything else that comes along!

  • Availability of Pre-Made Modules

Python is easy to use for hacking because it comes with a lot of preloaded modules, including OS modules and socket modules. Python is also used for finding vulnerabilities in systems.

  • Extensive Community of Developers

Python has a large community of developers who create and share third-party plugins. Since Python is easy to read and simple to write, it's helpful for beginners. You can easily write automation scripts using Python, making prototyping much faster.

  • Huge Sets of Libraries and Frameworks

Python is a good hacking language because there are so many libraries available for it. There are libraries for just about any kind of task you could imagine: image processing, data analysis, web scraping, cryptography - the list goes on and on!

All of these libraries and frameworks are well-aligned and work in harmony. Using them all together makes your code very powerful.


JavaScript is a programming language that websites use to make them more interactive. It's also one of the most popular languages in the world because it's so easy to learn and use.

But did you know that JavaScript is also a hacking programming language? That's right—you can use JavaScript to hack into websites and steal people's data, just like a computer hacker would!

The best part is that learning how to do this will help you understand how coding works and make you a better programmer in general. Here are some reasons why you should learn JavaScript as an ethical hacker.

  • Dynamic Web Hacking

JavaScript has been the go-to language for hackers since it was first introduced. Most developers use it to build their applications, and it is used by almost every major website. This means that if a hacker wants to attack a web application, they need to understand JavaScript.

  • Better Scripting Made Possible

JavaScript is a scripting language that you can use to add interactive features to websites. It allows websites to run small programs (known as scripts) that can make changes to their appearance and functionality.

These codes are written in programming languages. You can write them on any text editor, such as Notepad++ or Sublime Text. You can also use online editors like CodePen, JSFiddle, or JS Bin to create them.

  • Collaboration with Node.js

Hackers have been using JavaScript to attack web apps since its inception. Using JavaScript, Node.js makes it easy to create a server-side app that can host a website. All you need is a browser, which comes pre-installed on most devices, to run a server and host your website.


SQL is a programming language used to extract information from databases. It is considered a "hacking" language because its creators designed it to be able to access any database. You don't need to write code in SQL - you can use the query builder which is part of most database management systems (DBMS).

Here are some reasons why SQL is a good programming language to learn in 2024.

  • Scalable Hacking of Databases

SQL is one of the most useful languages for hacking large databases. It's a powerful tool that allows you to write your queries, allowing you to access information in a database that you might not have been able to access otherwise.

  • SQL Injection Attacks

Hackers perform SQL injection attacks using Structured Query Language (SQL). SQL injection is a code that helps hackers perform various activities, such as viewing and modifying confidential information from databases.

  • Database Security Testing

SQL is also useful for ethical hacking tasks such as security testing, performance testing, and database forensics. For example, an ethical hacker could use SQL to generate a large number of queries to a database to test its performance under load.

C Programming

C programming is a high-level language, which means that it's easier to use than machine code (like binary). High-level languages make programming easier to read and write by using words instead of numbers and letters.

Hackers can use C as a hacking language because it's easy to modify without having to understand low-level assembly or machine code. Let’s take a look at the top features of C programming as a hacking language.

  • Enhanced Exploit Writing and Development

Programmers use C extensively in security fields. C was invented in the 1970s and became popular in hacker culture, which uses it to create programs. Because C is a low-level language, it proves better than higher-level languages at hacking.

  • Better Access to Hardware

Hackers use the C programming language to access and manipulate resources on a system, like those in RAM. Many security professionals use C for their systems work.

C also helps penetration testers write programming scripts for testing a system's security features. Learning C will also help hackers get an overview of the structure of operating systems.

  • Shellcodes Creation

C is a great language for creating shellcodes, rootkits, exploits, and other malicious programs. The knowledge of C and C++ can be a good idea for hackers who want to conceal their activities.


BASH supports procedural, object-oriented, and functional programming. It also has built-in arrays and shell pipelines that support functional programming.

Hackers use BASH, or the Bourne Again Shell, to write scripts that will allow them to break into systems and gain access to files that they shouldn't have access to. These tools, called exploits, take advantage of vulnerabilities in an operating system or a program. Some of the best features of BASH as a programming language for hacking include:

  • A Beginner’s Delight

Because of its simple syntax, built-in features, and ease of use, BASH is great for new programmers who want to learn how to program without getting overwhelmed by the number of things they need to learn at once.

  • Top-Notch Scripting Made Possible

If you're looking to get started writing programs and don't want to learn another language from scratch, Bash is your best bet. You can use it as a starting point for your own custom scripts or just use existing scripts as they are and modify them as needed.

  • Run Multiple Commands At Once

It allows you to run multiple commands at once. This means that you can do multiple tasks at once without having to wait for each one to finish before starting the next one.

Importance of Learning Different Programming Languages for Hackers

The ethical hacking industry has a growing need for programmers who can create and update software. Learning the best programming languages for ethical hackers will help you stay ahead of the curve in this fast-moving field.

But why learn a new programming language? Well, a single language might not be enough for you to do your job well or even just adequately. You might need different languages for different projects.

If you're building an Android app, you'll probably want to use Java as your primary language, but if you're working on a website, HTML5 would probably be more appropriate.

In the world of ethical hacking, knowing how to program is a huge asset. Ethical hackers are able to write code that can be used to break into and exploit vulnerabilities in software or operating systems.

Best Programming Languages For Hacking In 2024 - InvoZone (3)

When it comes to being a good ethical hacker, it's important to know more than just one programming language. Here are some reasons why:

Learning to Code is Important

Hacking is the process of breaking security protocols and exploiting computer networks. To become a hacker, you should have knowledge of the technology you are focused on. If you are not trained in coding stacks, it will be difficult for you to become a hacker.

Comprehensive Code Analysis

Understanding programming languages will help you be able to analyze and dissect code. If you are an ethical hacker, you can also write your own scripts and modify the available scripts if the situation calls for it.

At such times, not knowing programming would limit you. Programs also help you automate multiple tasks, which would typically take a long time to do manually.

Penetrates Target Fields Easily

Coding allows you to enter different fields and hack systems. It helps you find the plan and strategy behind an attack, as well as how to break into a system.

What Programming Language Do Hackers Use?

In the world of hacking, there are a lot of technologies that hackers use. Most hackers use Python, which is an open-source language that is easy to learn.

Python is also quite popular because it is easy to understand and has a wide range of libraries available for it. Hackers also use C++, a powerful object-oriented language used by many large companies and corporations.

Another popular language in the world of hacking is JavaScript, which has been around since 1995 and has gained popularity due to its ease of use and ability to run on any platform.

JavaScript is a language that's capable of being used for multiple purposes and can be applied to both frontend development as well as backend development. This makes it incredibly versatile and can be referred to as a utility programming language.

Python and C++ are both great choices for anyone who wants to learn how to hack computers, but if you're looking for something easier on your wallet then JavaScript might be just what you're looking for!

Key Takeaways

In the programming world, a hacker is a programmer with an advanced knowledge of computer code. A few of the most common skills are being able to identify and fix errors in someone else's code, and knowing how to write code for things like web pages and apps. All programmers should have these skills, whether they work with Python or Java.

Network security and ethical hacking are no longer questions of simply segregating networks or having solid base security. A holistic approach is necessary to avoid attribution, liability, and loss of competitive edge.

If you strive to reach and maintain the highest level of cyber-immunity, why entrust that mission to a team without a security background? InvoZone provides cybersecurity services such as vulnerability scanning, pen testing, and red-teaming.

Get in touch to perform a security audit and penetration test. We have the best team of ethical hackers to help you identify and mitigate weaknesses before a cyber attack.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why do hackers love Python?

While Python is a great language for just about anything, it's especially well-suited to the hacking world.

Python is an easy-to-learn language that can be used by beginners and experts alike. It's got a simple syntax and is easy to read, which makes it perfect for beginners, and its flexibility means that pros can use it to write complex programs.

Additionally, Python is open-source, so anyone can use it without having to pay any fees or royalties. This means that hackers can get started with Python right away without having to worry about whether they'll have enough money in the bank when they're ready to start using their skills professionally.

Do hackers use C++?

Yes. Hackers use C++ to hack.

Hackers use C++ because it's a programming language that is easy to understand and use, but also allows for complex coding. This means that hackers can write code that is both simple and powerful. Hackers also use C++ because of its ability to manipulate data types, which makes it easier for them to manipulate the data they want to steal from systems.

Do hackers use Python or C++?

There is a lot of debate about which language to use for hacking, but it depends on what kind of hacker you are.

If you're a script kiddie, then probably C++. Script kiddies are more likely to use tools that have already been written by other people, and many of those tools are written in C++.

If you're an advanced hacker, then probably Python. Python is easier to learn and has more libraries available—it's also easier to work with than C++ if you don't have much experience in coding languages.

Reads You Might Be Interested In:

  • Guide to Detect and Protect Security Risks in Web Applications
  • What are API Attacks and How to Prevent them?
  • 5 Top Cyber Attacks and Steps to Prevent Them
Best Programming Languages For Hacking In 2024 - InvoZone (2024)


Which programming language should I learn in 2024? ›

Best Programming Languages to Learn For Your Career Goals

Front-end web development: JavaScript, TypeScript, CSS. Back-end web development: JavaScript, TypeScript, Python, Go, Ruby, Scala. Mobile development: Swift, Java, C#

Which coding language is best for hacking? ›

Web Hacking: Currently, JavaScript is one of the best programming languages for hacking web applications. Understanding JavaScript allows hackers to discover vulnerabilities and carry web exploitation since most of the applications on the web use JavaScript or its libraries.

What is the best programming language to learn in 2025? ›

Here are five languages that are predicted to play a significant role in the future of software development:
  1. Python. Benefits: Renowned for its simplicity and readability, Python is a beginner-friendly language that's incredibly versatile. ...
  2. R. ...
  3. Scala. ...
  4. Swift. ...
  5. Java.
Jul 26, 2024

What programming language does Kevin Mitnick use? ›

He was known for his ability to hack into computer systems and steal sensitive information. Mitnick has said that he used a variety of programming languages for his hacking activities, including C, C++, and Perl.

Is coding still worth it in 2024? ›

The programming field in 2024 extends beyond mere coding. There's a burgeoning demand for professionals in areas such as DevOps, cybersecurity, data science, and AI ethics. These roles necessitate human expertise to interpret, strategize, and ensure the ethical deployment of technology.

Is C++ still relevant in 2024? ›

Is C++ a Good Career in 2024? Yes, C++ is still a popular and in-demand programming language in 2024, and a career in C++ programming can be rewarding. Even though the emergence of newer languages has impacted the IT sector, C++ remains the language of choice for many industries.

Is Python or C++ better for hacking? ›

If you're a script kiddie, then probably C++. Script kiddies are more likely to use tools that have already been written by other people, and many of those tools are written in C++. If you're an advanced hacker, then probably Python.

What program do most hackers use? ›

Some of the most famous hacking tools in the market are Nmap (Network Mapper), Nessus, Nikto, Kismet, NetStumbler, Acunetix, Netsparker, and Intruder, Nmap, Metasploit, Aircrack-Ng, etc.

What do hackers learn first? ›

To become an ethical hacker, follow these steps: Understand computer networks, operating systems, and protocols. Gain proficiency in programming languages like Python, Java, or C++. Learn about TCP/IP, subnetting, and other networking fundamentals.

What are the most in-demand programming skills for 2024? ›

The most in-demand programming languages for 2024 are Python, JavaScript, PHP, C++, TypeScript, Java, Swift, and Kotlin.

What is the most future proof programming language? ›

Here's a rundown of the top 5 programming languages you should consider learning this year:
  • Python — The Unrivaled Leader. ...
  • JavaScript — The Web's Backbone. ...
  • Java — The Enterprise Mainstay. ...
  • Kotlin — The Modern Twist on Java. ...
  • Rust — The Rising Star for System Programming.
Jan 20, 2024

Which coding language is booming? ›

‍Statista's survey of developers worldwide identified JavaScript, SQL, Python, and Java as the most commonly used languages in 2022, whereas GitHub recognized Python, Java, C++, and Go as the top programming languages.

Who is the king of hackers? ›

Kevin Mitnick: The World's Most Famous Hacker.

What programming languages does the CIA use? ›

Programming languages, and related web technologies, such as: Java, JavaScript/TypeScript, Python, C, C#, C++, Go, Rust, Ruby, SQL, CSS, HTML, XML, JSON.

What language is hack written in? ›

Hack is a programming language for the HipHop Virtual Machine (HHVM), created by Meta (formerly Facebook) as a dialect of PHP. The language implementation is open-source, licensed under the MIT License. Hack allows programmers to use both dynamic typing and static typing.

Which language is popular in 2024? ›

Most spoken languages in the world
RankLanguageOfficial language in
1English46 countries
2Mandarin Chinese2 countries
3Hindi2 countries (India and Fiji)
4Spanish21 countries
6 more rows
Aug 28, 2024

Which programming language pays the most in 2024? ›

It's important to know which programming languages pay the most in tech. The top 10 highest-paying languages in 2024 are Rust, Go, Scala, Kotlin, TypeScript, Swift, Ruby, Python, JavaScript, and Java. These languages offer great job opportunities and can significantly boost your career and earning potential.

Is Python in demand in 2024? ›

Yes, Python is in demand in 2024. According to the TIOBE index, Python ranks as the highest-demanded programming language in 2024, crossing C# and Java on the list.

Is it worth learning Java in 2024? ›

Yes, learning Java in 2024 is still valuable. Java remains a widely-used, versatile, and powerful programming language with applications in web development, enterprise systems, Android app development, and more.

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Name: Moshe Kshlerin

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