Best TFSA Investments for Canadians in 2024 (2024)

The Tax-Free Savings Account (TFSA) has been well received by Canadians, with recent polls showing that more Canadians now have a TFSA (57%) compared to an RRSP (52%).

TFSAs are versatile tools in that you can use them to save or invest for practically any purpose, not only for retirement. You can also withdraw your money at any time.

What investments can you hold in a TFSA account? It’s a lot. Most investment assets in your RRSP are acceptable in a TFSA.

Read on for some of the best TFSA investment options for your tax-free savings account.

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Best TFSA Investment Accounts

To start, let us clarify what the government permits you to invest in using your TFSA funds. Generally, you can use the following “qualified” investments:

  • Cash, savings, and term deposits (GICs).
  • Securities listed on a designated stock exchange, e.g. stocks and ETFs.
  • Bonds (including federal, provincial government, and corporate bonds).

Some others, e.g. gold and silver bullion, small business corporation shares, etc., do not apply to most people.

Some types of investments are prohibited in a TFSA, and you can read about them here.

From the general TFSA investment options listed above, your choice may be determined by your:

  • Investment objectives, e.g. are you investing for a long-term goal (e.g. retirement), short-term savings (e.g. emergency fund, wedding, car), or other purposes?
  • Level of risk tolerance.
  • Investment knowledge and confidence with self-directed investing.
  • Overall asset allocation in your investment portfolio.

Traditional Low-Risk TFSA Investments

The most popular assets for TFSA accounts are savings accounts and GICs.

Best TFSA Savings Accounts in Canada

Savings accounts are an ideal option if you will likely need your funds within a year or so. Any interest income you earn remains 100% tax-free.

For example, if you are saving towards a home downpayment or your wedding, you want some assurance that your funds are going to be accessible on short notice.

If your money is invested in the stock markets, you are exposed to the ups and downs that may mean significant losses (or gains) when you need the money.

Your best bet is a high-interest savings account that pays you returns in excess of the inflation rate. Unfortunately, most big banks fail in this area.

Our #1 choice for TFSA savings at Savvy New Canadians is EQ Bank. It offers one of the best interest rates for TFSAs in Canada.

For a list of other TFSA savings account options, see our list of the best TFSA savings accounts in Canada.

Best TFSA GICs in Canada

A Guaranteed Investment Certificate (GIC) may be ideal if you want to save for a short to medium-term (1-5 years) in a very low-risk asset.

GICs can be laddered to provide income at specific times, and they generally offer rates higher than a savings account for the same duration.

Your principal is guaranteed, so you don’t have to worry about going belly-up. Typically, the longer the term (i.e. the number of months or years), the higher the interest rate earned.

Note that you may be penalized for cashing out your GIC before its term expires if it’s a non-cashable GIC. Earnings on a GIC are also not taxed in a TFSA account.

Compare the best GIC rates in Canada.

Self-Directed TFSA Accounts

Self-directed TFSA investing can save you money in lower management fees and higher returns if you know what you are doing. With a self-directed TFSA account, you determine what assets you want to hold and in what proportions.

Using a discount brokerage account, you can buy and sell stocks, ETFs, mutual funds, and other assets easily from the comfort of your home on most devices.

Managing your own portfolio without the assistance of “professionals” can be challenging. You will need to:

  • Understand asset allocation and the dynamics of risk and return.
  • Be comfortable with portfolio rebalancing.
  • Be aware of fees, as trading fees and commissions add up if you are frequently trading. More on this later.

Using ETFs in a TFSA

Exchange-Traded Funds (ETFs) are similar to mutual funds; however, they are usually cheaper and trade like common stocks on an exchange. ETFs offer a great way to diversify your investments since a single ETF may hold thousands of stocks or bonds.

Like index funds, an ETF can be designed to mirror the performance of an entire index, market, or industry sector.

The increasing popularity of ETFs vs. mutual funds is mostly due to their lower MER. The average equity mutual fund costs more than 2%, while you could easily find an ETF that costs less than 0.25% and provides similar coverage or even better historical returns.

The fact is that paying more in fees does not necessarily translate into better returns. The opposite is often true.

You can easily purchase ETFs using a discount brokerage, e.g. Questrade ($50 in free trades and free ETF purchases) or Wealthsimple Trade (no trading fees or commissions).

ETF providers like Vanguard, iShares and BMO have taken ETFs a step further, so you don’t even need to worry about rebalancing with their introduction of All-in-One ETF Portfolios.

Vanguard’s all-in-one ETFs include:

  • Vanguard All-Equity ETF Portfolio (VEQT)
  • Vanguard Growth ETF Portfolio (VGRO)
  • Vanguard Balanced ETF Portfolio (VBAL)
  • Vanguard Conservative ETF Portfolio (VCNS), and
  • Vanguard Conservative Income ETF Portfolio (VCIP)

Investing TFSA in Stocks

Trading stocks using a discount brokerage is easy. Heck, some brokers like Wealthsimple Trade even allow you to buy and sell stocks for free (i.e. no trading commissions) using your TFSA account.

Investing in stocks is a risky business, and your returns are not guaranteed. However, historical data shows us that you could enjoy significantly higher long-term returns. Between 1970 and 2015, the Canadian stock markets provided an average annual return of 10.4%.

Four things you should note if you decide to invest in individual stocks for your TFSA:

  • Capital losses cannot be used to offset capital gains in a TFSA account.
  • Holding an adequately diversified portfolio is impossible if you are invested in a handful of stocks. A preferred alternative is to use diversified equity ETFs.
  • Foreign dividend income provided by blue-chip stocks is subject to a withholding tax (15% for U.S. dividend stocks) when held inside a TFSA.
  • Day-trading stocks, ETFs, or anything for that matter in your TFSA will get you in trouble.

TFSA Mutual Funds

Mutual funds have traditionally been a very popular way to invest – whether it be in an RRSP, TFSA, or non-registered investment account. They are easy to use. Simply walk into your bank, answer some questions, and they set you up with some mutual funds.

The problem with this approach is that you may end up paying your fund manager a lot of money in fees – 2% or more per year the last time I checked.

I generally don’t recommend investing in expensive mutual funds if you can avoid them since there are now better options available.

Index funds are similar to mutual funds. However, they are passively managed and are cheaper. Some of the popular index funds available in Canada are:

  • TD e-Series Funds
  • Tangerine Investment Funds (one-fund solution)
  • RBC Index Funds
  • Scotiabank Index Funds
Best TFSA Investments for Canadians in 2024 (1)

Robo-Advisor TFSA Accounts in Canada

Online wealth managers, aka Robo-advisors, offer TFSA accounts using low-cost ETFs. Robo-advisors are an excellent option because they offer investors access to professional money management at a lower fee compared to the traditional wealth management services available through bigger financial institutions.

Also, you don’t need much investment know-how to invest with them.

Robo-advisors ask you a series of questions to determine your risk tolerance and investment objectives and then match you up with a portfolio that meets your needs. Unlike in a self-directed TFSA, they help you with rebalancing your portfolio when required.

On the fees side of things, robo-advisor fees are much lower, at an average of 0.75% (including the management fee and ETF MERs).

Questwealth is Canada’s lowest-fee robo-advisor, and you can learn more about what it offers in this review.

Wealthsimple Invest is one of Canada’s most popular robo-advisors. Learn more about it in this review.

You can compare the services and offerings provided by the various robo-advisors in Canada. If you are interested in how their fees compare, you can read this robo-advisor fee post.

Benefits of a Tax-Free Savings Account

The main benefits of a TFSA (Tax-Free Savings Account) include:

  1. Tax-Free Growth: Any income earned within a TFSA account, such as interest, dividends, or capital gains, is tax-free. This means that you don’t pay taxes on the growth of your investments, which can result in higher investment returns over time.
  2. Tax-Free Withdrawals: Unlike an RRSP, withdrawals from a TFSA account are tax-free. This makes TFSAs a good option for short-term savings goals or for individuals who anticipate being in a higher tax bracket in the future.
  3. Flexibility: TFSAs are flexible in terms of contribution and withdrawal options. There are no restrictions on how you use the money in your TFSA, and you can withdraw funds at any time without penalty. Additionally, unused contribution room can be carried forward indefinitely, and the contribution limit is indexed to inflation and adjusted annually.
  4. No Age Limit: Unlike an RRSP, there is no age limit for contributing to a TFSA. This means that you can continue to contribute to your TFSA account throughout your lifetime, regardless of whether you are working or retired.
  5. No Impact on Government Benefits: Because withdrawals from a TFSA are tax-free, they do not count as income and do not impact government benefits such as Old Age Security (OAS) or the Guaranteed Income Supplement (GIS).

Downsides of TFSAs

Some limits of the TFSA include the following:

  1. Over-Contribution Penalty: If you exceed your contribution limit, you may be subject to a penalty tax of 1% per month on the excess amount.
  2. Not Tax-Deductible: Unlike RRSPs, contributions to a TFSA are not tax-deductible. This means that high-income earners may not benefit as much from a TFSA as they would from an RRSP, which can offer significant tax savings.
  3. Short-Term Mentality: Because withdrawals from a TFSA are tax-free, some individuals may use their TFSA as a short-term savings account rather than a long-term investment vehicle. This can result in a failure to maximize the potential tax-free growth of the account over time.


To recap, if you want to save money for the short term, a high-interest savings account like EQ Bank or similar is an option.

For medium to long-term investment plans, you can use a robo-advisor like Wealthsimple or Questwealth to save on fees and invest in ETFs while you sit back and watch your account grow.

If you’d rather be in the driver’s seat, you can use a discount brokerage account like Questrade or Wealthsimple Trade to buy and sell investment assets in your portfolio.

TFSA Investment FAQs

Here are answers to some of the questions I’m frequently asked in relation to TFSA investments.

What is the TFSA contribution room for 2024?

The TFSA contribution limit in 2024 will increase to $7,000. If you have been eligible to contribute since 2009, your total contribution room in 2024 is $95,000.

What is the TFSA contribution room for 2023?

The TFSA contribution limit in 2023 is $6,500. Here is some information about TFSA contribution rules.

Can you lose money in a TFSA?

Yes, investments in the financial markets are exposed to various risks. However, TFSA contributors enjoy some protections, including:
– Funds in TFSA savings or term deposit accounts may be protected for up to $100,000 by the Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation (CDIC). For deposits in a credit union TFSA, you could get up to 100% protection regardless of the amount.
– Investments (stocks, mutual funds, ETFs) are protected for up to $1 million through the Canadian Insurance Protection Fund (CIPF).

Can I have US stocks in my TFSA?

Yes, you can purchase Canadian, US, and other international stocks in your TFSA account. To purchase individual stocks, you will need a discount brokerage account such as Questrade or Wealthsimple Trade. Currency exchange fees may apply.

Is the TFSA really tax-free?

Interest income, dividends, and capital gains earned in a TFSA are tax-free. With that said, taxes may be due if you invest in foreign stocks that pay dividends (effectively a 15% withholding tax) or contribute to a TFSA while you are deemed a non-resident of Canada (1% penalty tax per month). Excess TFSA contributions are subject to a 1% penalty every month until they are withdrawn.

When can I withdraw from my TFSA?

Any time. When you withdraw money from your TFSA, you can re-contribute it in future years.

What happens to a TFSA when someone dies?

After death, the TFSA goes to either a named successor holder, beneficiary, or the estate of the deceased contributor.

A Successor Holder (e.g. a spouse) can simply take over the TFSA and transfer it to their own. They get the money tax-free. A beneficiary (spouse, child, or anybody really) can contribute the value of the TFSA to their own account. The estate receives the proceeds if no successor holder or beneficiary is named. Read more about TFSA disposition after death.

How much money do you need to open a TFSA?

$1. Seriously. A robo-advisor like Questwealth allows you to open a TFSA account and start investing with as little as $1,000.

Is the TFSA an investment account?

The TFSA account is what you make it. You can use it to invest for retirement or turn it into your savings piggy bank (not recommended). For investing purposes, you can purchase stocks, ETFs, mutual funds, GICs, and many other assets.

What investments can be held in a TFSA?

Stocks, ETFs, mutual funds, savings, GICs, bonds, and pretty much any other investment you can hold in an RRSP.

How many TFSAs can you have?

You can open multiple TFSA accounts in different financial institutions and contribute to them as long as you have contribution room.

How do I know how much money I have in my TFSA?

You can check your CRA My Account to find out (it may not be up-to-date) or call CRA at 1-800-267-6999.

Do I claim my TFSA contributions on my tax return?

TFSA contributions are from after-tax dollars. No, you can’t deduct your TFSA contributions from the taxable income on your tax return.

How is a TFSA different from an RRSP?

Here is a detailed TFSA vs. RRSP guide that highlights their similarities and differences.

Editorial Disclaimer: The investing information provided here is for informational purposes only and is not intended as individual investment advice or recommendation to invest in any specific security or investment product. Investors should always conduct their own independent research before making investment decisions or executing investment strategies. Savvy New Canadians does not offer advisory or brokerage services. Note that past investment performance does not guarantee future returns.

Best TFSA Investments for Canadians in 2024 (2024)


Best TFSA Investments for Canadians in 2024? ›

The annual TFSA dollar limit for 2024 is $7,000. The annual dollar limit is indexed to inflation.

What is the best TFSA in Canada? ›

Top high-interest TFSA rates in Canada:
Savings AccountInterest RateMonthly Fee
MAXA Financial TFSA High Interest Savings Account3.45%$0
Meridian Credit Union TFSA HISA1.85%$0
Motive TFSA Savings Account**4.10%$0
Motusbank TFSA High interest savings account1.85%$0
15 more rows
5 days ago

How much can I put in my TFSA for 2024? ›

The annual TFSA dollar limit for 2024 is $7,000. The annual dollar limit is indexed to inflation.

What bank currently has the highest savings interest rate in Canada? ›

Top HISA rates in Canada
Savings AccountInterest RateInsurance
KOHO Spending and Savings Accountup to 5.00%*CDIC
Laurentian Bank High Interest Savings Accountup to 3.85%*CDIC
Manulife Bank Advantage Account2.45%CDIC
MAXA Financial High Interest Savings Account3.45%Deposit Guarantee Corporation of Manitoba
17 more rows
4 days ago

What is the TFSA limit for 2025? ›

In 2025, it will be $141,000 if no further changes are announced. In 2015, Tax-Free Savings Accounts (TFSA) have a new annual contribution limit of $10,000 per year, as confirmed by the Canada Revenue Agency. Up from $5,500, it's now easier than ever to answer the questionWhen is the right time to contribute to a TFSA?

Which bank gives 7% interest on savings accounts? ›

7% Interest Savings Accounts: What You Need To Know. Why Trust Us? As of August 2024, no banks are offering 7% interest rates on savings accounts. Two credit unions have high-interest checking accounts: Landmark Credit Union Premium Checking with 7.50% APY and OnPath Credit Union High Yield Checking with 7.00% APY.

Who pays the highest interest on TFSA? ›

The following are the best TFSA GIC rates available in Canada as of July 26, 2024:
  • Oaken Financial – 5.05% (1-year, 2-year)
  • Peoples Bank of Canada – 5.05% (1-year)
  • EQ Bank – 5.05% (1-year)

What is the lifetime limit for TFSA in Canada? ›

It also means that starting on January 1, 2024, eligible Canadians will now have a cumulative lifetime TFSA contribution limit of $95,000 (see “What is the lifetime contribution limit for TFSA?” below for examples and charts).

How much can I put in my TFSA if I have never contributed? ›

What if you've never contributed to a TFSA before? If you have lived in Canada your entire life and you were 18 or older when the Government of Canada first introduced TFSAs (in 2009) and you've never put money into a TFSA, then your contribution room could be as much as $95,000 (in 2024).

What happens if you overcontribute to TFSA? ›

The government will charge you 1% monthly on your entire overcontribution. It's important to note that unused room carries forward with TFSAs, too. In practice this means you could set up your first TFSA in 2024 with up to $95,000.

How much interest does $1 million dollars earn per year in Canada? ›

Traditional savings accounts, generally reserved for short-term savings, available at banks generally yield low rates of interest. A million-dollar deposit with the average 0.45% APY would generate $$4,510.08 of interest after one year.

Which Canadian bank pays the highest interest on GIC? ›

The following are the best GIC rates in Canada as of August 2, 2024:
  • Oaken Financial – 5.05% (1-year, 2-year)
  • Motive Financial – 5.05% (1-year)
  • Peoples Bank of Canada – 5.00% (1-year)
  • Saven Financial – 5.00% (1-year)
  • ICICI Bank – 5.00% (1-year)

How to avoid tax on savings account in Canada? ›

The Tax-Free Savings Account (TFSA) program began in 2009. It is a way for individuals who are 18 and older and who have a valid social insurance number (SIN) to set money aside tax-free throughout their lifetime. Contributions to a TFSA are not deductible for income tax purposes.

Will TFSA limits increase in 2024? ›

The Tax-Free Savings Account (TFSA) contribution limit will increase to $7,000 (from $6,500) for 2024.

Should you max out your TFSA? ›

If you max out your TFSA by investing all of your savings into it at once, you may find yourself with a nice stock portfolio but no emergency fund. Additionally, there are certain investment objectives that are better served by keeping some of your assets outside a TFSA than by putting them all in the account.

What happens if TFSA grows beyond limit? ›

If you contribute more than your contribution limit in the current year, you may be subject to a penalty tax of 1% per month, every month the excess amount stays in your account, based on the highest excess TFSA amount in that month.

What is best to put in a TFSA? ›

Common types of qualified investments include:
  • Cash.
  • Guaranteed Income Certificates (GICs)
  • Government and corporate bonds.
  • Stocks.
  • Mutual Funds.
  • Exchage-traded funds (ETFs)
  • Certain shares of small business corporations.

Is a TFSA worth it in Canada? ›

The TFSA is one of the safest options for saving money for both short and long-term financial plans. They have non-tax-deductible features which make the amount in your TFSA safe and secure from taxation. The TFSA is one of the best options for all Canadians to make for a safe and secure way to save.

What is the downside of a TFSA? ›

No tax deductions: The biggest drawback of a TFSA, is that your contributions are made with after-tax dollars and are not tax deductible, unlike the FHSA and RRSP. Contribution limits: Though there is no lifetime maximum contribution limit, there is an annual contribution limit, stipulated by the Government of Canada.

Which tax-free savings account is best? ›

The 17 very best tax-free savings accounts in South Africa
  • African Bank TFSA. ...
  • Capitec TFSA. ...
  • Discovery TFSA. ...
  • ABSA TFSA. ...
  • Old Mutual TFSA. ...
  • Standard Bank TFSA. ...
  • Nedbank TFSA. ...
  • FNB TFSA. FNB asks for no monthly fee, you can manage an account online and access your money within 32 days.

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Author: Trent Wehner

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Name: Trent Wehner

Birthday: 1993-03-14

Address: 872 Kevin Squares, New Codyville, AK 01785-0416

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Job: Senior Farming Developer

Hobby: Paintball, Calligraphy, Hunting, Flying disc, Lapidary, Rafting, Inline skating

Introduction: My name is Trent Wehner, I am a talented, brainy, zealous, light, funny, gleaming, attractive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.