Best Uses For A Home Equity Line Of Credit | Bankrate (2024)

Key takeaways

  • A home equity line of credit (HELOC) is a popular and versatile way for homeowners to access cash by borrowing against the home's value.
  • The six best uses for a HELOC are home improvements or repairs, paying for education or emergencies, consolidating high-interest debt, starting a business and buying property.
  • Using a HELOC is not recommended for luxury/discretionary purchases, ongoing retirement income, or if your home is your only substantial asset.

One of the most common ways homeowners can tap their residences for cash is through a home equity line of credit (HELOC). It makes available to you, at a variable interest rate, a sum based on the dollar value of your ownership stake.

One of the best parts of a home equity line of credit (HELOC) is its versatility: You can use the funds for almost anything. But, given the nature of the financing, some uses are more suitable than others.

These are the six best uses for a home equity line of credit — and a few that are not so ideal.

Home equity line of credit (HELOC)
Secured against the value of your home, a HELOC is a revolving line of credit (much like a credit card). You can borrow funds from it as needed for a set multi-year period, repaying in installments. When this period ends, you can no longer draw funds, but must pay off the balance over a new, multi-year period.

6 best uses for a home equity line of credit (HELOC)

HELOCs tend to be taken out for big-ticket expenses: The minimum line of credit you can establish is $10,000, and $30,000 is a common floor for many lenders.

1. Home improvements or repairs

Home renovations and repairs are among the most popular reasons for opening a HELOC. That’s partly due to the tax advantages: The interest you pay can be deducted from your tax return if the funds are used to substantially improve or repair the home.

A HELOC can help you address essential issues like fixing a leaky roof, updating old plumbing, or dealing with foundation problems. Keeping up with these repairs ensures your home stays in tip-top condition.

Plus, a HELOC lets you access large amounts of money over time as needed, making it perfect for long-term renovation projects and potentially increasing your home’s value. According to Remodeling‘s Cost vs. Value 2024 report, a garage door replacement recoups nearly 200 percent of its cost, while a minor kitchen remodeling returns 96 percent.

A HELOC can also be used to make aging-in-place or disability modifications, such as creating a first-floor bathroom or bedroom, widening doorways, or installing a curb-less shower, that make it more accommodating to physical needs. Again, the interest on the borrowed sums could be tax-deductible if you itemize on your tax return.

2. Paying for education

Homeowners can use HELOCs to pay for the cost of college tuition. This sort of extended expense is ideal for the HELOC setup: You draw funds as you need them — for a semester or a year — owing interest solely on what you actually take out. You (or your child) can also start paying back the debt sooner, instead of being saddled with it all at once after graduation.

Be sure your lender allows HELOCs to be used for educational expenses. You’ll also want to investigate all possible student loan options before taking this route, especially federal Direct PLUS Loans (which parents take out). You’d want prevailing HELOC rates to be lower or at least competitive.

3. Using as an emergency fund

It’s always a good idea to have an emergency fund that includes three to six months of living expenses. If you don’t, and the unexpected happens, a HELOC can be used to help cover some of these nasty surprise costs, providing a source for cash fairly quickly (though not as fast as some personal loans).

When using a HELOC for this purpose, however, it’s a good idea to have a repayment plan, so you can aim to start proactively saving. You can’t use a HELOC as an emergency fund forever. The draw period of a HELOC (when you can access funds) lasts about a decade at most. After that, you’ll need another source of ready money.

4. Consolidating and paying off high-interest debt

The credit card bills have piled up on you — either over the years or due to a big expense, like a child’s wedding. Either way, a HELOC can get you out from under, as it generally offers a lower interest rate than unsecured loans, and certainly a lower rate than your credit card’s APR. So it’s a good choice for paying off credit cards or consolidating other types of high-interest debt.

However, be careful. “Using a HELOC to consolidate debt is only a reasonable option if the individual has dealt with their spending issues; otherwise, digging a bigger hole of debt is a likely outcome,” says Steve Sexton, CEO of Sexton Advisory Group, a San Diego, Calif.-based firm of financial advisors.

You can also use a HELOC to pay off student loans, but understand the tradeoffs. Federal student loans, for instance, offer forbearance, deferment and income-driven repayment options should you face unexpected financial troubles. Once you’ve retired your loans, you will no longer have access to these programs — and of course they won’t apply to your HELOC debt.

5. Starting a business

A HELOC can provide seed money to take your side hustle to the next level or provide a stream of cash to fund expenses for an existing business. A HELOC’s interest rates may be lower than those of a comparable business loan. And because a HELOC is a secured loan — meaning your home is used to back it — it may be easier to get approved for one.

Remember, the fact that your home is collateral for a HELOC also has its downsides. If your business fails or you experience unexpected financial challenges that make it difficult to remain current on loan payments, the lender can foreclose on the place.

6. To buy property

It’s not unusual for homeowners to access the equity in their homes to buy additional real estate. By tapping into the equity of your current home, you can use the funds from a HELOC as a down payment on a new property, such as a second home, vacation home, or rental property. This approach, often referred to as piggybacking, allows you to leverage your home’s equity to finance the purchase without having to liquidate other investments or savings.

When Bankrate’s recent Home Equity Insights Survey asked homeowners what would they consider good reasons to access built-up home equity as cash, 16% of the responding U.S. adults cited “other investments.” It was particularly popular with millennials, cited by 30% of those in this home-ownng age group.

Is it a good idea to use a HELOC for retirement?

Tapping into your HELOC for retirement can be a convenient and cost-effective way to access large sums of money at potentially lower interest rates. It may be worth it to use home equity for aging-in-place home modifications or sudden repairs, or clearing long-standing debts. Or maybe even to pay off your mortgage, if the HELOC offers a better (i.e., lower) interest rate.

However, using a HELOC to pay ongoing, everyday expenses is not such a great idea: going into debt to make up for budget shortfalls rarely is. Also, if you’re a retiree with limited income, you run the risk of losing your home if you miss monthly payments — and remember, a HELOC’s fluctuating rate can easily cause them to rise unexpectedly. Additionally, taking out a HELOC impacts the value of your home when you die, complicating matters for your survivors and reducing their proceeds if they sell (as it will have to be repaid in full).

When should you not use a HELOC?

Advantageous as it can be, a HELOC is not suited for every sort of expense.

Generally, a HELOC is not recommended if:

  • Your home is your only real asset: While this line of credit might offer you a short-term fix, remember it’s backed by your home. That means that if you don’t repay what you borrow, your lender can seize your house. And if debt is already a problem, the open line of credit might tempt you to withdraw more than you really need.
  • You can get financing with lower fees and lifetime costs: Few loans come for free. HELOCs, in particular, come with plenty of costs, from upfront expenses like a home appraisal and to ongoing ones like a variable (read: likely rising) interest rate. Make sure you weigh your other financing options, such as a personal loan, so you don’t end up overpaying to borrow what you need.
  • You’re only thinking about the draw period: While that draw period phase of the HELOC can seem appealing, giving you access to money as you need (or want) it, all good things come to an end. Don’t forget to consider the repayment phase that follows and the way that will affect your cash flow moving forward. Usually, you’ll be repaying the HELOC for somewhere around 20 years.
  • Your income fluctuates: In this case, it could be tempting to pull as much as possible from the HELOC, but that could land you in a situation where you struggle to pay back what you’ve borrowed during the repayment period. Remember, monthly repayments can vary due to fluctuating interest rates, creating a strain if your income varies too. In this case, a home equity loan (see below) might be a better option.
  • You want to purchase non-essential, big-ticket items: Using a HELOC to buy luxury cars or expensive vacations is risky as it puts your home in danger for discretionary purchases — things that don’t offer investment value or improve your financial profile. Additionally, using a HELOC ties you to long-term payments with depreciating assets and reduces your home equity for future use or bequests.

What are the alternatives to a HELOC?

A HELOC is not your only option. If you need access to cash, here are some other alternatives to a home equity line of credit.

  • Home equity loan: A home equity loan also uses your home as collateral to secure your debt. It offers a fixed interest rate, so there’s greater predictability when it comes to your payments. On the other hand, you may be stuck with higher interest rates than with a HELOC. And the set sum you borrow may not be enough for your needs.
  • Credit card: If you need to pay a short-term expense, try to find the best credit card with a zero-percent introductory interest rate. This gives you a chance to make your purchases and pay off your credit before interest rates kick in, but you will still need to make timely payments to protect your credit.
  • Personal loan: A personal loan is unsecured debt that allows you to borrow funds for any purpose. You do not need any collateral since approval is based on individual factors like your income and credit score. Personal loans typically have shorter terms and carry higher interest rates than a home equity loan, though (but can be cheaper than a credit card).
  • Reverse mortgage: A reverse mortgage allows you to access tax-free funds via a line of credit, lump sum or combination of both. Your lender makes regular payments to you, the opposite of how you make mortgage payments to a lender. To be eligible for a reverse mortgage, you must be a homeowner aged 62 or older with equity in your home that you can borrow against. But you must repay the loan immediately if you move or sell the home.
  • Cash-out refinance: A cash-out refinance is a new mortgage — one bigger than your original loan, as it includes an extra sum that you receive immediately as ready money. The sum is based on the current amount of equity you have in the home. However, this new mortgage will reset the schedule on your loan, incur new closing costs and could saddle you with a higher interest rate.
  • Savings or emergency fund: By dipping into your savings account or your emergency fund, you can preserve the equity in your home and avoid interest payments, an approval process and accumulating debt. However, using any accumulated funds can deplete your cash reserves, leaving you vulnerable for future financial emergencies.

Is a HELOC a good idea in today’s rate environment?

The rising interest rate environment has affected HELOC rates, and — hovering around 9 percent currently — they’re not the bargain they once were, Still, they remain cheaper than other types of debt. Here are some factors to consider when deciding whether a HELOC may be right for you:

  • Variable interest rate: Unlike other types of loans that allow you to lock in a specific interest rate, most HELOCs include a variable rate, meaning your monthly repayment amount could rise suddenly and unexpectedly. “Ask yourself whether you feel comfortable having an adjustable rate that can rise if interest rates rise, potentially increasing your monthly payments in the future,” said Matt Hackett, operations manager for mortgage lender Equity Now.
  • Funding needs: HELOCs offer the flexibility of borrowing what you need and only when you need it, making them a good choice for those who lack a defined sum or those who require ongoing access to funding.
  • Responsible borrowing: Opening a HELOC provides access to a line of credit that you can draw from again and again for as long as 10 to 15 years. Managing this type of fund requires discipline and a plan for repayment, or you can easily get in over your head. “For fiscally responsible people, these can be amazing tools. For folks with less financial discipline or security, they can be devastatingly bad,” says Ryan Cicchelli, founder of Generations Insurance & Financial Services, a Cadillac, Mich.-based financial planning firm.

The bottom line on best uses for a HELOC

What is a HELOC used for? Clearly, lots of things. There are many cases in which a HELOC can provide a smart way to leverage the equity in your home to achieve other financial goals or pay for large expenses. Before opening a HELOC, however, it’s always a good idea to shop around and crunch the numbers, ensuring that this line of credit is truly the most cost-effective option. In addition, you should be diligent about responsibly managing the HELOC and develop a clear repayment plan that you can stick to.

Whatever you use the HELOC for, responsible management is the key. “You can do this by only drawing funds that you feel secure in repaying relatively quickly, making timely payments and not digging in too deep,” Cicchelli explains.

Best Uses For A Home Equity Line Of Credit | Bankrate (2024)


What should I use my home equity line of credit for? ›

The six best uses for a HELOC are home improvements or repairs, paying for education or emergencies, consolidating high-interest debt, starting a business and buying property. Using a HELOC is not recommended for luxury/discretionary purchases, ongoing retirement income, or if your home is your only substantial asset.

What is the smartest thing to do with a HELOC? ›

Consolidate debt

For example, you may be wondering, "Should I pay off my credit cards with a HELOC?" Often, the answer depends on interest rates. Consider incorporating a lower-rate home equity loan or HELOC into your financial planning to help consolidate your higher-rate debt.

What should you not use a home equity loan for? ›

Home equity loans ideally should be used to finance home improvements or consolidate debt at a lower interest rate — but not to cover holiday, vacation or everyday expenses, buy a car, or invest.

What is the monthly payment on a $50,000 HELOC? ›

Assuming a borrower who has spent up to their HELOC credit limit, the monthly payment on a $50,000 HELOC at today's rates would be about $403 for an interest-only payment, or $472 for a principle-and-interest payment.

What is the downside of a HELOC? ›

Depending on how you use the funds, you might also get a tax write-off. The cons are that HELOCs use your home as collateral, they can make it easy to overspend, and they have variable rates that can rise. What are the risks of HELOCs in 2024?

Can money from a HELOC be used for anything? ›

One of the major benefits of a HELOC is its flexibility. Like a home equity loan, a HELOC can be used for anything you want. However, it's best-suited for long-term, ongoing expenses like home renovations, medical bills or even college tuition.

How to strategically use HELOC? ›

How Do You Strategically Use A (HELOC)?
  1. Smart Debt Management with HELOCs. Reducing Mortgage Debt. Consolidating Debts.
  2. Investing in Your Home and Beyond. Boosting Property Value. Diversifying Your Portfolio.

Is a HELOC a trap? ›

Watch out for balloon payments: If you don't manage your HELOC monthly payments properly, you could be hit with a large “balloon payment” at the end of your repayment period. This large payment can trap you in a cycle of debt if you can't pay it off or, worse, could result in losing your home.

How to use HELOC correctly? ›

A HELOC has two phases, known as the draw period and the repayment period. During the draw period, you borrow money as needed, and required monthly payments generally just cover interest. In the repayment period, you can no longer borrow money, and you'll pay back the principal and interest.

When should you not do a HELOC? ›

Experts advise against using loan money to buy stocks—you can possibly lose the money and be stuck with a loan you can't afford to repay. You should also avoid using a HELOC to invest in luxuries like vacations, since the money will be gone quickly without an asset to sell if you end up needing the money down the road.

How to use a HELOC to make money? ›

Invest in more real estate: Using a HELOC to purchase additional real estate can be a lucrative investment. Rental properties can generate steady income and appreciate over time, increasing your overall net worth. Fund home improvements: Investing in home improvements with a HELOC can enhance your property's value.

Can you walk away from a home equity line of credit? ›

The short answer is yes. The long answer is yes, but you may not want to. There are good reasons not to discharge your home equity line of credit, which we'll discuss below. Can you keep your home and still get out of debt?

What is the monthly payment on a $100 000 HELOC? ›

That noted, here's how much a $100,000 HELOC would cost per month if taken now, pegged to two different repayment periods: 10-year HELOC at 9.18%: $1,276.52 monthly for a total of $53,182.28 in interest paid. 15-year HELOC at 9.18%: $1,025.00 monthly for a total of $84,500.41 in interest paid.

What is the monthly payment on a $80,000 HELOC? ›

10-year HELOC at 9.17%: $1,020.78 monthly for a total of $42,493.73 in interest paid. 15-year HELOC at 9.17%: $819.52 monthly for a total of $867,514.23 in interest paid.

How much is a $50,000 loan for 10 years? ›

Calculating the monthly cost for a $50,000 loan at an interest rate of 8.75%, which is the average rate for a 10-year fixed home equity loan as of September 25, 2023, the monthly payment would be $626.63.

Can I use my home equity loan for anything? ›

Yes, you can use the proceeds of a home equity loan or HELOC for anything you want. Whether you should is another matter. In general, tapping home equity is better for major home renovations or other goals that will further your financial life, such as paying off debt.

What is the point of home equity line of credit? ›

A HELOC lets you borrow money using the available equity in your home, which is the value of your home minus the amount you owe on your mortgage. Only consider a HELOC if you're confident you can keep up with the loan payments. If you fall behind or can't repay the loan on schedule, you could lose your home.

How to use your HELOC to make money? ›

Invest in more real estate: Using a HELOC to purchase additional real estate can be a lucrative investment. Rental properties can generate steady income and appreciate over time, increasing your overall net worth. Fund home improvements: Investing in home improvements with a HELOC can enhance your property's value.

What is the monthly payment on a $100,000 home equity loan? ›

If you took out a 10-year, $100,000 home equity loan at a rate of 8.75%, you could expect to pay just over $1,253 per month for the next decade. Most home equity loans come with fixed rates, so your rate and payment would remain steady for the entire term of your loan.

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