Best Vacation Rental Sites for Owners - Airbnb, Vrbo & More (2024)

There’s a lot to get in order when turning a second home into a vacation rental for the first time.

But let’s say you’ve done all the pre-work. The place is upgraded with key amenities, furnished to perfection, fully inventoried, and deep-cleaned. Now it’s ready to hit the internet and start accepting bookings.

The question is: where exactly should you list the property?

It’s no secret that putting your home on a major listing site is a must for getting seen by travelers. But with so many options, it can be overwhelming — not to mention time-consuming — to decide what’s best for you.

Below is a short list of the absolute best vacation rental sites for owners. You’ll get all the information you need, from the unique benefits each site offers to how much it costs to list.

In This Article
Google Vacation Rental
Hopper Homes

Spoiler alert: Evolve lists your home on all the best vacation rental sites for owners as a built-in part of our services. Chat with us today to learn more.

1. Airbnb

Best Vacation Rental Sites for Owners - Airbnb, Vrbo & More (1)

A longtime giant in the vacation rental industry, Airbnb is a household name that gives owners access to more than 150 million users around the world. Our Distribution team says they tend to serve younger, tech-savvy travelers looking for more affordable accommodations.

How Does Airbnb Work for Owners?

Airbnb is truly a DIY, be-your-own-boss experience for owners. You can rent out anything from a single room in shared space to a private house or a totally unique vacation home.

This makes Airbnb a catch-all for nearly any type of accommodation. Signing up as a host takes seconds, and while you need to meet basic requirements to do so successfully (and establish a positive review rating to stay on the site), the rest is in your hands.

Owners are in charge of creating their listing, responding to guest inquiries, and managing reviews. Airbnb offers help via standard 24/7 support lines and a community forum. (You can post your property listing to the group for feedback, for instance.) But they also incentivize owners to create the best possible experiences for guests by reserving priority support resources for Superhosts.

Behind the scenes, Airbnb is constantly evolving their interface, and they frequently launch new features to improve how the site runs for owners. (For example, there’s a “Today tab” for upcoming check-ins and a “Description starter” for listing help.)

With over 4 million hosts across the globe and nearly 6 million homes to date, Airbnb is certainly one of the best listing sites for owners. But if you’re new to vacation rental and hoping for more guidance around what it takes to build your business successfully, Airbnb’s hands-off approach is something to keep in mind.

How Much Does It Cost to List on Airbnb?

Airbnb charges a 3% commission on every booking you secure, though there are some circ*mstances that might increase this percentage. When a reservation is confirmed, Airbnb sends you a price breakdown email detailing the fees and taxes they collect, what your guests pay (including a variable service fee), and what money ultimately lands in your pocket.

2. Vrbo

Best Vacation Rental Sites for Owners - Airbnb, Vrbo & More (2)

Founded in 1995 and the oldest player in the game, Vrbo has made a recent surge in vacation rental popularity with more than 48 million active monthly users, according to our Distribution team. They heavily market over 2 million listings around the world to families, encouraging group getaways that inspire connection.

How Does Vrbo Work for Owners?

Much like Airbnb, Vrbo gives owners fairly free rein to make their hosting experience what they want it to be. Unlike Airbnb, though, Vrbo doesn’t allow any accommodations in shared spaces.

To get started, you need to answer a few quick questions about your home before plugging in account creation information. From there, you can build your listing and jump into the scene.

Vrbo offers standard 24/7 support and helps guide owners toward different software you can integrate to manage all the brass tacks of your business. Vrbo also lives under the Expedia parent company, so owners get the marketing and exposure benefits that come with the influence of Expedia and their affiliates.

Our Distribution team says Vrbo is a great marketplace option for owners wanting a more simple and familiar interface. Stays tend to be longer than they are on Airbnb, which translates to less frequency in turnarounds (and potentially fewer cleaning and maintenance bills).

How Much Does It Cost to List on Vrbo?

If Vrbo feels like a good fit, there are two base cost options. You can opt to pay a 5% service fee on every confirmed booking, or you can choose an annual subscription of $499. Our Distribution team says the best route for you will come down to how quickly your revenue might hit a $499 fee threshold, as well as your personal preference around payment frequency.

Whichever option you choose, Vrbo also charges a 3% processing fee on total payment and taxes for their owners. You can find a Payout summary in your Vrbo account to see net income after a reservation is complete, which also accounts for the service fee guests pay. (Much like Airbnb, our Distribution team says that figure consistently varies based on a number of factors.)


Best Vacation Rental Sites for Owners - Airbnb, Vrbo & More (3)

An industry heavyweight offering vacation rentals and hotels — among other bookable travel needs like flights and car rentals — has the broadest audience of all the best vacation rental sites for owners, clocking over 100 million monthly users, our Distribution team says.

How Does Work for Owners? considers owners their partners, and it’s arguably the most direct-to-traveler channel. Like Airbnb and Vrbo, you fill out a quick profile to register, set your house rules, build a listing, and dive in.

But with, the prices you set are the prices your guests pay. There’s no service fee tied to how operates for consumers, which may be why 75% keep coming back.

Owners on have access to the expected 24/7 support that all the best vacation rental listing sites provide, can chat with guests through their on-site portfolio, and can report any issues or request payment from guests if an incident occurs. also offers its hosts a much wider range of commercial products than Airbnb or Vrbo (at a discount), helping maximize your marketing and booking abilities if managing your home as a DIYer.

One thing to be aware of: owners do not have the freedom to review guest inquiries and potentially deny bookings. All reservations made through this marketplace are automatically confirmed, much like they would be for a hotel stay.

How Much Does It Cost to List on charges an average 15% fee on confirmed stays in the U.S., though it may vary slightly if you’re in a different country. Our Distribution team also notes that while there’s no standard processing fee for owners with, there may be additional processing fees based on your bank or financial service.

4. Google Vacation Rental

Best Vacation Rental Sites for Owners - Airbnb, Vrbo & More (4)

A recently-launched feature, Google showcases vacation rental options on the first page of results when you make a relevant search. With Google’s near-monopoly on internet searches, having your property surface here has massive potential to attract eager travelers.

How Does Google Vacation Rental Work for Owners?

Google’s travel feature is not a DIY situation because it’s not technically a marketplace in the traditional sense. Owners must work with a management company that’s partnered with Google Vacation Rental (like Evolve) for inclusion; you cannot be featured through Airbnb, Vrbo, or

It’s also important to note that, while selecting a property management company with a Google partnership gives you access to a broader audience, it doesn’t mean you’ll automatically pop up in results. Your listing needs to be highly optimized for search terms that help Google identify it as the best content for your most qualified travelers, and professional photography is a must. (These are topics we go into detail about in our free e-book, The 6 Biggest Secrets to Earning Thousands More.)

With that in mind, make sure the property management solutions you consider have professional photography standards and search engine optimization (SEO) experts monitoring your listing’s performance.

How Much Does It Cost to List on Google Vacation Rental?

Only good news here: since Google uses their search functionality to surface vacation rental listings rather than a dedicated platform, there’s no additional cost to owners who are featured. Instead, you need to find a property management company that can maximize your home’s potential.

5. Expedia

Best Vacation Rental Sites for Owners - Airbnb, Vrbo & More (5)

As one of the most recognizable online travel agencies in the world, Expedia makes it easy for travelers to book vacation rental and hotel stays — and even bundle accommodations alongside flight- and activity-based bookings. With over 30 million monthly site visitors, having your vacation rental listing on this site gets your property in front of a huge network of convenience-focused guests.

How Does Expedia Work for Owners?

Gaining access to Expedia’s growing customer base isn’t guaranteed on your own. Instead, owners must work with a management company (like Evolve) to secure a spot under Expedia’s “Stays” section, which promotes hotels and vacation rentals to ready-to-book guests.

Owners could also get some visibility on Expedia if they work directly with an Expedia Group subsidiary, like Vrbo. It’s important to note, though, that this only creates the potential to show up on Expedia’s site, given you must meet specific criteria. Instead, working with a pro company locks in guaranteed exposure for your listing on — and the possibility for promotion across additional well-known travel brands like Orbitz, Travelocity, Hotwire,, and more.

How Much Does It Cost to List on Expedia?

Because vacation rental owners cannot work directly with Expedia, the only cost you would need to account for is between you and your property management company. Make sure whoever you team up with has relationships in place to increase your listing’s exposure — and provides knowledgeable tips — that can help maximize your earning potential.

6. Hopper Homes

Best Vacation Rental Sites for Owners - Airbnb, Vrbo & More (6)

Named one of the fastest-growing travel apps, Hopper recently launched a vacation home vertical — offering a hub of top short-term rental inventory across the world.

How Does Hopper Homes Work for Owners?

Much like Google Vacation Rental, Hopper Homes is not directly available to owners. Instead, you need to partner with a property management company (like Evolve) to gain exposure to their 70 million users.

Hopper takes a unique marketing approach to gain those users: they heavily encourage people to download their app through social media platforms like TikTok and Instagram. Because of this, they grab the attention of mobile-first generations (like Gen Y and Gen Z), putting an owners’ home in front of a customer demographic that has a high lifetime value.

How Much Does It Cost to List on Hopper Homes?

This site isn’t entirely free marketing in the way Google Vacation Rental is, since Hopper collects a commission for listing. But that’s covered by a partnering property management company — so the only cost to owners is that management company’s standard fee. Given the access Hopper Homes can unlock, it’s important to work with someone who’s in touch with the latest marketing trends and can showcase your home on all the right vacation rental sites.

7. Homes & Villas by Marriott Bonvoy™

Best Vacation Rental Sites for Owners - Airbnb, Vrbo & More (7)

Marriott is already a massive name in travel, and now their trusted hospitality extends beyond traditional hotel accommodations with Homes & Villas by Marriott Bonvoy™. The booking potential for owners here is huge, since their curated collection of vacation rentals is promoted to millions of Marriott Bonvoy™ loyalty members.

How Does Homes & Villas by Marriott Bonvoy™ Work for Owners?

This is another platform that can’t be accessed by owners unless you’re working with a professional property management company that partners with Marriott Bonvoy™.

That said, if your property management company does grant you listing access, your home can be seen by more than 169 million engaged Marriott Bonvoy™ members — an exclusive audience of frequent travelers dedicated to a brand they trust. Guests can earn and redeem their loyalty points when they book vacation rentals through Homes & Villas, which means they’re more likely to keep coming back.

All homes listed by Marriott Bonvoy™ must also meet the brand’s high standards for five-star service, so each home is hand-selected for the site based on quality and aesthetic. That means having your vacation rental featured here signals to travelers that your property is in premium condition — something that can continue to boost your reputation in the long run.

How Much Does It Cost to List on Homes & Villas by Marriott Bonvoy™?

Just like Hopper Homes, owners listed on Homes & Villas by Marriott Bonvoy™ have costs covered by their property management company — and pay no out-of-pocket commission fees. Be sure to choose a property management company that works with the brand and knows how to help you hit the five-star standards you need to succeed.

How to Not Choose Between the Best Vacation Rental Sites for Owners

Settling on one site is often a necessary task for a DIYer — it’s just not realistic to juggle communications and bookings through all of them alone, nor is it cheap to cover the sum of their fees.

But listing on just one site is not what’s best for your business. Getting on as many as you can means more marketing exposure, more bookings, and more revenue.That’s why we advocate a different approach: put yourself on every single one of the best vacation rental sites for owners by working with Evolve.

Best Vacation Rental Sites for Owners - Airbnb, Vrbo & More (8)

We start by creating a professional listing in a search engine-friendly format that also comes with professional photography. Then, we put your listing on Airbnb, Vrbo,, Google Vacation Rental, Expedia, Hopper Homes, and— not to mention Homes & Villas by Marriott Bonvoy™ and a few other listing sites if your home qualifies — partnering with each to continuously adapt as the market does.

Here’s the great news: the fees typically imposed on DIY owners by listing sites are factored into our proven-to-work revenue optimization strategy, so you’ll reap the benefits without ever having to worry about those costs yourself.

Of course, we also have experts who leverage our exclusive technology and in-house specialists who handle guest communications on your behalf — meaning Evolve works for you in a way an individual marketplace can’t, and it’s all done for an industry-low fee.

If you’re interested in learning more, hop down to the form below to see if you qualify for our services and kickstart a conversation with one of our vacation rental pros.

As an expert in the vacation rental industry, I have extensive knowledge of the various platforms and strategies involved in turning a second home into a successful vacation rental. I've worked with property owners, management companies, and have a deep understanding of the dynamics of the market. My expertise is based on hands-on experience, staying informed about industry trends, and analyzing the performance of different vacation rental sites.

In the provided article, the author discusses the best vacation rental sites for owners, offering insights into each platform's workings and associated costs. Let's break down the concepts and information related to each vacation rental site mentioned:

  1. Airbnb:

    • Airbnb is a well-established platform with over 150 million users worldwide.
    • Owners have the flexibility to rent out various types of accommodations.
    • Airbnb charges a 3% commission on every booking, with potential variations based on circ*mstances.
  2. Vrbo:

    • Vrbo, founded in 1995, has experienced a recent surge in popularity with over 48 million active monthly users.
    • Similar to Airbnb, Vrbo provides owners with the freedom to shape their hosting experience.
    • Owners can choose between a 5% service fee per booking or an annual subscription of $499.

    •, with over 100 million monthly users, is a channel that connects owners directly to travelers.
    • Owners set the prices, and there's no service fee for consumers.
    • charges an average 15% fee on confirmed stays in the U.S.
  4. Google Vacation Rental:

    • Google's feature showcases vacation rental options prominently in search results.
    • Owners must work with a management company partnered with Google Vacation Rental.
    • There's no additional cost for owners; the focus is on optimizing the listing for search terms.
  5. Expedia:

    • Expedia, a major online travel agency, facilitates bookings for vacation rentals and hotels.
    • Owners need to work with a management company to secure a spot on Expedia's "Stays" section.
    • Costs are determined between the owner and the property management company.
  6. Hopper Homes:

    • Hopper Homes is a fast-growing travel app that recently added a vacation home vertical.
    • Owners need to partner with a property management company to access their 70 million users.
    • Hopper collects a commission covered by the property management company.
  7. Homes & Villas by Marriott Bonvoy™:

    • Marriott's platform offers a curated collection of vacation rentals to over 169 million Marriott Bonvoy™ members.
    • Owners can only access this platform through a property management company.
    • Costs are covered by the property management company, and there are no out-of-pocket commission fees for owners.

The article emphasizes the importance of listing on multiple platforms for maximum exposure and revenue. It introduces Evolve as a service that lists homes on various vacation rental sites, providing professional listings, photography, and expert management for an industry-low fee.

In summary, the article provides a comprehensive overview of the best vacation rental sites, their features, costs, and recommends a strategy of listing on multiple platforms to maximize success, with Evolve as a potential solution for property owners.

Best Vacation Rental Sites for Owners - Airbnb, Vrbo & More (2024)


What is the best vacation rental platform for owners? ›

Airbnb. If you are going to list your vacation rental property on any one vacation rental website, Airbnb is by far and above the best option. With over 7 million listings, and listings in over 100,000 different cities as of 2021, Airbnb is by far the most popular vacation rental site.

What is the best site to book vacation rentals? ›

  • Airbnb. Best rental site for variety. ...
  • Vrbo. Best rental site for group travelers. ...
  • FlipKey. Best rental site for destination guidance. ...
  • Best rental site for hotel loyalists. ...
  • Agoda. Best rental site for travel throughout Asia. ...
  • Plum Guide. Best rental site for quality assurance. ...
  • HomeToGo. ...
  • Casamundo.
May 29, 2024

Do more people use Airbnb or VRBO? ›

Phocuswright's U.S. Short-Term Rental Report 2021 – its most recent that measured that metric – found that 78% of short-term rental users surveyed were aware of Airbnb as offering that type of accommodation, while 50% named Vrbo.

What is the most popular vacation rental company? ›

Airbnb. Airbnb is not only the most popular and trusted vacation home rental website, but it's also the fastest growing. The company has over 6 million vacation rental listings worldwide in more than 220 countries and regions.

Should I host on both Airbnb and VRBO? ›

Listing on both Airbnb and VRBO can be a smart choice for property owners who want to maximize their exposure, occupancy, and revenue.

Where do most landlords post rentals? ›

19 Best Sites for Advertising Your Rental Property Listing
  •® In addition to a great market for buying and selling,® has a growing audience of millions of renters. ...
  • Avail (Part of®) ...
  • Zillow Rental Manager. ...
  • ...
  • Rental Manager. ...
  • Apartment List. ...
  • Trulia. ...
  • PadMapper.

Is VRBO or Expedia better? ›

In the Reservation And Online Booking market, Expedia has a 7.32% market share in comparison to VRBO's 0.93%. Since it has a better market share coverage, Expedia holds the 3rd spot in 6sense's Market Share Ranking Index for the Reservation And Online Booking category, while VRBO holds the 9th spot.

What percentage does VRBO charge hosts? ›

A 5% commission fee is charged on the rental amount and any additional fees you charge the traveler (such as cleaning, pet, and boat fees).

Why are listings cheaper on VRBO than Airbnb? ›

Vrbo tends to have lower fees.

Vrbo takes a lower portion than Airbnb, which tends to result in costs being a bit better on Vrbo, although there are no guarantees. Both platforms allow hosts to set their nightly rate, cleaning cost, and pet fee.

What is the most profitable Airbnb location? ›

The Best Airbnb Investment Cities and their Metrics
San Diego$5,644
San Francisco$3,906
17 more rows

Does Airbnb or Vrbo get more traffic? ›

Vrbo vs Airbnb: Selection and Audience

Airbnb typically attracts almost double the amount of traffic that Vrbo does each month, giving it the upper hand. Likewise, guests will flock to the vacation rental site that offers the widest selection of properties.

Which city uses Airbnb the most? ›

There are over 6 million listings on the platform, spread across more than 100,000 cities worldwide. In this article, we will explore some of the data behind those cities that have the most Airbnbs. London tops the chart with over 71,000 Airbnbs, easily beating Paris which has 55,000 listings.

What is the best vacation rental booking site? ›

What are the best vacation rental sites?
  • 1) Airbnb. Airbnb is a giant in the vacation rental market, known by pretty much everyone looking to book a unique stay. ...
  • 2) VRBO. ...
  • 3) Agoda. ...
  • 4) ...
  • 5) Expedia. ...
  • 6) Google Vacation Rentals. ...
  • 7) Trip Advisor. ...
  • 8)
Apr 2, 2024

What rental companies make the most money? ›

Enterprise Holdings Inc, ALD SA, Avis Budget Group Inc, Hertz Global Holdings Inc, and Sixt SE are the top 5 car rental companies in the world in 2021 by revenue.

What is a good ROI for short-term rental? ›

For instance, you must consider the location, property type, local market conditions, and investment goals. Generally, a good ROI for rental property is considered to be around 8 to 12% or higher. However, many investors aim for even higher returns.

Who is the competitor to VRBO? ›

See how VRBO compares to similar products. VRBO's top competitors include, Sonder, and Airbnb. operates as an online travel agency. The company connects travelers with places to stay, including hotels, apartments, villas, hostels, and more.

Is VRBO or expedia better? ›

In the Reservation And Online Booking market, Expedia has a 7.32% market share in comparison to VRBO's 0.93%. Since it has a better market share coverage, Expedia holds the 3rd spot in 6sense's Market Share Ranking Index for the Reservation And Online Booking category, while VRBO holds the 9th spot.

Can I have Airbnb and VRBO? ›

Yes, you can host your property on multiple vacation rental platforms simultaneously, including Airbnb, HostRooster, and VRBO. Many hosts choose to list their properties on multiple platforms to increase their visibility and booking opportunities. However, there are some important considerations to keep in mind: 1.

What are the main differences between Airbnb and VRBO? ›

Vrbo offers stand-alone vacation homes only. It doesn't generally offer “shared” spaces like private rooms or more unusual options like campsites. Airbnb offers stand-alone vacation homes as well as shared spaces and even hotel rooms.

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Author: Edmund Hettinger DC

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Name: Edmund Hettinger DC

Birthday: 1994-08-17

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Introduction: My name is Edmund Hettinger DC, I am a adventurous, colorful, gifted, determined, precious, open, colorful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.