Best way to invest in gold: Sovereign gold bond, gold fund or gold ETF (2024)

Indians are well known to have a great affinity for gold investments. From traditional physical investments in the form of jewellery or bullion, options have now expanded to virtual investments in gold. Sovereign gold bonds (SGBs), gold mutual funds (MFs) and gold ETFs (exchange traded funds) have become the most prominent ways to invest in gold.

Though these options track the same underlying — gold — there are significant differences between them when it comes to return, liquidity, risk, ease of investment and taxation. As a gold investor, you must understand and compare these so that you can make the best of the gold investment options according to your financial standing.

How pricing matters?

The issue price of the SGB for the ongoing subscription period (ending on June 24) has been kept at Rs 5,926 per gram. As per IBJA, a gram of gold of 999 purity had a price (AM) of Rs 6,121 on May 15. The offered price in the current SGB subscription is lower. However, gold prices have corrected of late. It reached Rs 5,886 per gram on June 21, which is lower than the current tranche’s issue price. So in SGB, the price comes with a lag. This may be beneficial but not always. When it comes to gold funds or ETFs, you can get the same-day price if you invest before the daily cut-off time of 3 pm.

Where is the lowest cost of investment management?
Cost of investment plays a vital role in arriving at the net return. “The cost of investment management is relatively low for SGBs as they are issued by the government. However, there may be brokerage charges or transaction fees during the buying and selling process,” says Sanjeev Govila, a certified financial planner and CEO of Hum Fauji Initiatives.

Gold mutual funds cannot avoid fund management costs. “Gold mutual funds charge an expense ratio, which covers the fund management fees, administrative costs and other expenses. The expense ratio varies across mutual fund schemes,” says Govila. Typically these funds charge an expense ratio between 1% and 2%.

When it comes to ETFs, the cost is lower than gold funds. “Gold ETFs also charge an expense ratio, which is relatively lower compared to gold mutual funds. The expense ratio covers the fund management fees and operational expenses,” he says.

Which one scores higher on total return?
The total return on SGBs comprises two components: the fixed interest rate paid annually, and the capital appreciation based on the prevailing gold prices. The interest rate and capital appreciation together determine the overall return.

The total return of gold mutual funds is based on the performance of the underlying assets, which is influenced by the price movements of gold. The returns are directly linked to market performance. However, investors have to bear an expense ratio of 1% to 2%. This brings down the net return.

Similar to gold mutual funds, the total return of gold ETFs is based on the price movements of gold. The returns are directly linked to market performance. However, the expense ratio of ETFs is much less than that of gold funds. Typically, a gold ETF has an expense ratio between 0.2% and 0.5%.

Therefore, due to the extra interest and lower cost, SGB has no competition as its returns will always be more than those of gold MFs or gold ETFs.

How different forms of paper gold scores

Particulars Sovereign Gold Bonds Gold Mutual Funds Gold ETFs
Entry price Simple average of closing price of gold of 999 purity of previous 3 business days published by IBJA Price with a lag of hours to a working day Price with a lag of hours to a working day
Investment limit Minimum 1 gm to maximum 4 kg for individuals Unlimited Unlimited
Holding form Holding certificate or demat MF units or demat MF units or demat
Lock-in 8 years No No
Cost of management Nil 1-2% of the fund's AUM 0.2-0.5% of the fund’s AUM
Additional return 2.5% annual interest paid at half yearly interval No No
Total return Gold price appreciation + 2.5% p.a. interest Gold price appreciation - fund management fees Gold price appreciation - ETF management fees
Liquidity Premature redemption allowed after 5 years. However, the bond is tradable on stock exchange after a fortnight of issuance Can be bought or sold any time, providing liquidity to investors Are highly liquid; you can buy and sell quickly and easily
Taxation Gain exempted if held till maturity; sold after 5 years -20% with indexation; sold within 1-5 years - 10%; sold before 1 year - at slab rate Short-term gain taxable at the slab rate, long-term gain taxable at 20% Short-term gain taxable at the slab rate, long-term gain taxable at 20%

Source: ET Online Research and

How easy is it to sell the paper gold and get money?
SGBs become tradable on stock exchanges within a fortnight of issuance — on a date notified by the Reserve Bank of India (RBI). The redemption price will be in the rupee based on the simple average of the closing price of gold of 999 purity of the previous 3 working days published by the India Bullion and Jewellers Association Ltd (IBJA).

It is fairly easy to redeem your gold MF units. “Gold mutual funds can be bought or sold on any business day at the prevailing net asset value (NAV). They offer relatively higher liquidity compared to SGBs. Gold ETFs can be bought or sold on stock exchanges during market hours, providing high liquidity as they trade like any other stock,” says Govila.

Which one has the best ease of investment?
Gold bonds are issued as Government of India stocks under the Government Securities Act, 2006. Investors get a holding certificate for their investment. The bonds are eligible for conversion into the demat form.

Adhil Shetty, CEO of, says, “SGBs can be bought online through the RBI’s website or through the websites of the participating banks and institutions. SGBs are not physical gold, but rather government securities denominated in grams of gold. This means that investors do not have to worry about the storage and security of physical gold.”

Investing in gold MFs is not very difficult either. “It requires opening an account with a mutual fund company. The process involves filling out application forms (online or offline) and completing the necessary KYC documentation,” says Govila.

To invest in a gold ETF, you must have a demat account. “Investors can buy and sell gold ETF units on stock exchanges, similar to trading stocks,” says Govila.

Therefore, SGB scores more in this parameter too. “SGBs are the easiest to invest in, followed by gold ETFs and gold funds. Gold ETFs and gold funds can be bought and sold through a broker or online platforms,” says Shetty.

Which one gives you highest tax benefit?
The interest on SGBs is taxable under the Income Tax Act, 1961. The capital gains tax arising on redemption of SGBs to an individual has been exempted. “Indexation benefits are available on long-term capital gains arising to any person on transfer of bond,” says Shetty.

Taxation on gold mutual funds is similar to debt funds and attracts short-term capital gains tax. “From April 1, gains from investments in gold funds will be taxed at the slab rate irrespective of the holding period. However, you are liable to pay a 20.8% tax on long-term capital gains on gold sales,” says Shetty.

Where should you invest?
When it comes to risk, there is hardly any significant difference. “SGBs are issued by the RBI, while gold funds and gold ETFs are managed by AMCs (asset management companies). SGBs offer a fixed interest rate, while gold funds and gold ETFs track the price of gold. In terms of risk, all three options are considered to be low-risk investments,” says Shetty.

The question is who is best suited to invest in SGB? “Overall, SGBs are a good option for investors looking for a low-cost, government-backed investment with tax-free gains till maturity but with moderate liquidity in-between too,” says Govila.

Long-term investors should go for SGBs due to many benefits. “SGBs have the additional benefit of being backed by the Government of India. Plus they provide a guaranteed interest income. If you are looking for a low-risk investment with tax benefits, then SGBs may be a good option for you. If you are looking for an investment that is more liquid, then gold ETFs and funds may be a good option for you,” says Shetty.

However, if you can not predict your liquidity requirement now, gold funds may be a better option. “Gold mutual funds are a good option for investors who want the flexibility to redeem their investment at any time, invest automatically in small tranches through SIPs, or invest in a bulk amount whenever they wish to,” says Govila.

In case you are looking for the quickest liquidity option, ETFs are the best option. “Gold ETFs are a good option for investors who want the highest liquidity and who are comfortable trading on stock exchanges,” adds Govila.

As an enthusiast deeply immersed in the world of gold investments, I bring a wealth of knowledge and practical experience to guide investors through the intricate landscape of gold-based financial instruments. My expertise is not merely theoretical; it extends to a nuanced understanding of the market dynamics and the intricate details that influence investment decisions.

Now, delving into the concepts outlined in the article, let's break down the key elements:

1. Gold Investment Options Overview:

Indians have a historical affinity for gold, and investment options have evolved beyond traditional forms to include virtual investments. The three primary avenues mentioned are:

  • Sovereign Gold Bonds (SGBs): Issued by the government, providing a fixed interest rate and capital appreciation.
  • Gold Mutual Funds (MFs): Subject to fund management costs, covering fees, administrative costs, and other expenses.
  • Gold ETFs (Exchange Traded Funds): Similar to gold mutual funds but with lower expense ratios.

2. Pricing Dynamics:

  • SGB pricing comes with a lag, potentially advantageous or otherwise.
  • Gold funds and ETFs offer same-day pricing if transactions occur before the daily cut-off time.

3. Cost of Investment Management:

  • SGBs have relatively low management costs, but brokerage charges may apply.
  • Gold mutual funds have an expense ratio between 1% and 2%.
  • Gold ETFs feature a lower expense ratio compared to gold mutual funds, typically between 0.2% and 0.5%.

4. Total Return Comparison:

  • SGBs offer a total return comprising fixed interest and capital appreciation.
  • Gold mutual funds and ETFs base returns on gold price movements, with mutual funds incurring higher expenses.

5. Forms of Paper Gold:

Particulars Sovereign Gold Bonds Gold Mutual Funds Gold ETFs
Entry Price Simple average of closing price of gold (lag of hours to a working day) Price with a lag of hours to a working day Price with a lag of hours to a working day
Investment Limit 1 gm to 4 kg for individuals Unlimited Unlimited
Holding Form Holding certificate or demat MF units or demat MF units or demat
Lock-in 8 years No No
Cost of Management Nil 1-2% of the fund's AUM 0.2-0.5% of the fund’s AUM
Additional Return 2.5% annual interest paid half-yearly No No
Total Return Gold price appreciation + 2.5% p.a. interest Gold price appreciation - fund management fees Gold price appreciation - ETF management fees
Liquidity Premature redemption allowed after 5 years; Tradable on stock exchange after a fortnight Buy/sell any time; Higher liquidity Highly liquid; Buy/sell quickly and easily
Taxation Gain exempted if held till maturity; Taxed after 5 years with indexation; Short-term gain taxed at slab rate Short-term gain taxable at slab rate; Long-term gain taxed at 20% Short-term gain taxable at slab rate; Long-term gain taxed at 20%

6. Selling Paper Gold and Liquidity:

  • SGBs become tradable on stock exchanges within a fortnight of issuance.
  • Gold mutual funds offer relatively higher liquidity compared to SGBs.
  • Gold ETFs trade on stock exchanges, providing high liquidity like any other stock.

7. Ease of Investment:

  • SGBs, issued as government stocks, can be bought online or through participating banks and institutions.
  • Gold mutual funds require opening an account with a mutual fund company and completing KYC documentation.
  • Gold ETFs demand a demat account for buying and selling on stock exchanges.

8. Tax Benefits:

  • Interest on SGBs is taxable, but capital gains tax on redemption is exempted.
  • Gold mutual funds attract short-term capital gains tax and 20.8% tax on long-term capital gains.

9. Risk Assessment:

  • SGBs, being government-backed, offer a fixed interest rate, while gold funds and ETFs track gold prices.
  • All three options are generally considered low-risk investments.

10. Investment Recommendations:

  • SGBs suit investors seeking low-cost, government-backed investments with tax-free gains till maturity.
  • Long-term investors may benefit from SGBs' guaranteed interest income.
  • Gold mutual funds provide flexibility for investors wanting liquidity, automatic investments, or bulk investments.
  • Gold ETFs are suitable for those desiring high liquidity and comfortable with stock exchange trading.

In conclusion, my comprehensive understanding of these gold investment options positions me to provide valuable insights for making informed financial decisions.

Best way to invest in gold: Sovereign gold bond, gold fund or gold ETF (2024)


Which is better, gold ETF or sovereign gold bond? ›

Gold ETFs are more liquid compared to SGBs as they can be traded in the open market at the free will of the investors as it does not have any lock-in period. Thus Gold ETFs can be used for the short term, medium-term, or long term investment objectives as desired.

Which is best, gold ETF or gold mutual fund? ›

Comparatively, gold ETFs are cheaper as there are no exit loads to be paid. Redeeming gold ETFs is easy than that in gold mutual funds. Since gold ETFs are traded on stock exchanges, you can buy or sell units at any time of the day during trading hours.

Is it better to buy physical gold or gold ETF? ›

According to the World Gold Council, gold returned an average of 7.78% per year between 1971 and 2022. 8 Physical gold storage and insurance fees for small investors are usually higher than 0.4% per year. Therefore, gold ETFs are an efficient vehicle for investing in gold.

What is the best gold ETF to invest in? ›

Best-performing gold ETFs
TickerCompanyPerformance (Year)
SGOLabrdn Physical Gold Shares ETF22.08%
GLDMSPDR Gold MiniShares Trust22.05%
IAUMiShares Gold Trust Micro22.05%
FGDLFranklin Responsibly Sourced Gold ETF21.99%
1 more row
Jul 1, 2024

Is it wise to invest in gold ETF? ›

Gold ETFs are more profitable than other gold-based investments if you plan to invest large sums, or indulge in regular trade. Since gold ETFs come with brokerage or commission charges of 0.5 to 1 percent, shop around the ETF market a bit to find a stockbroker/fund manager whose charges are low.

How many goldbees is 1 gram? ›

They are open-ended Exchange-Traded Funds (ETF) whose goal is primarily to reflect the price movements of physical gold. A single unit of this fund equals 0.01 gram of gold in dematerialised or paper form and is backed by physical gold bullions of 99.5% purity.

What is the best fund to buy gold? ›

Invest in stocks, fractional shares, and crypto all in one place.
  • SPDR Gold Shares (GLD)
  • VanEck Gold Miners ETF (GDX)
  • ProShares Ultra Gold (UGL)
  • VanEck Merk Gold Trust (OUNZ)
  • iShares Gold Trust Micro (IAUM)
Jul 15, 2024

Which gold investment is best? ›

Solid Gold (Biscuits/Bars/Coins)

Individuals can also invest in solid gold by purchasing biscuits, bars, or coins. The making charges here are very low, and you get good returns while selling. However, one common risk factor in the possession of physical gold is storage and theft.

Do gold ETFs actually hold gold? ›

Physically Backed Gold ETFs seek to track the spot price of gold. They do this by physically holding gold bullion, bars and coins in a vault on investors' behalf. Each share is worth a proportionate share of one ounce of the gold. The ETF's price will fluctuate based on the value of the gold in the vault.

Can gold ETF be converted to physical gold? ›

The minimum quantity e-gold units can be converted into 1gm gold coin, and in denominations of 8gm, 10gm, 100gm and 1kg or in combinations of these multiples. 1 unit of e-gold is equivalent to 1gm of gold. General applicable charges are Rs. 200 for 8gm and 10gm, Rs.

Does Vanguard offer a gold ETF? ›

Although Vanguard does not offer a pure gold fund, it does offer a fund that invests around one-quarter of its portfolio in precious metals and mining companies, providing indirect exposure to this market: The Vanguard Global Capital Cycles Fund (VGPMX).

What is the difference between gold fund and gold ETF fund? ›

Gold ETFs allow you to invest in gold without paying extra fees like exit loads and expense ratios. On the other hand, gold funds allow you to invest through SIPs for even Rs. 500 per month. Investors can invest in gold funds if they want to make regular investments for a long period of time.

Which is better gold ETF or digital gold? ›

Liquidity: Transactions in Digital Gold can be conducted 24/7, providing greater flexibility compared to Gold ETFs, which can only be transacted during market hours. SGBs, on the other hand, have restrictions on redemption before 5 years.

Which gold ETF pays a dividend? ›

Sprott Gold Miners ETF has a dividend yield of 1.22%, though it only holds 33 different companies. The VanEck Vectors Gold Miners ETF holds 56 different companies and has a dividend yield of 1.15%. The iShares MSCI Global Gold Miners ETF has the highest distribution yield within article with a current yield of 2.08%.

What is the best form to invest in gold? ›

Instead, the average gold investor should consider gold-oriented mutual funds and ETFs, as these securities generally provide the easiest and safest way to invest in gold. Larger investors seeking direct exposure to the price of gold can buy gold directly through bullion.

Is a sovereign gold bond a good investment? ›

Thus, one can consider SGBs if looking for long-term investments in gold, offering a superior alternative to physical gold and gold ETFs. It gives better returns, zero storage concerns, liquidity, tax benefits, and purity assurance. It is a hassle-free and efficient way to invest in gold.

What are the disadvantages of SGB? ›

Lack of Liquidity

SGBs have a fixed maturity period, and liquidity can be a challenge if you need to sell them before maturity. You may have to rely on the secondary market, which can have varying prices.

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Name: Virgilio Hermann JD

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Introduction: My name is Virgilio Hermann JD, I am a fine, gifted, beautiful, encouraging, kind, talented, zealous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.