Beyond Big Tech: 6 Great Nasdaq ETFs For 2024 (2024)

The Nasdaq Composite has likely made a few millionaires in recent years. While the index was down 33% in 2022, it's grown between 21% and 43% in every other year since 2019.

Investing in a Nasdaq ETF is a simple way to add some of that growth potential to your own portfolio. If you can withstand its volatility, it offers a gateway to investing in some of the most innovative and groundbreaking companies of our time. Read on to learn more about Nasdaq ETFs, including which ones look promising for 2024 and beyond.

Breaking Down Nasdaq ETFs

Nasdaq exchange-traded funds are investment funds that base their portfolio strategy on a Nasdaq index. Nasdaq indexes are different groupings of stocks that are listed on the Nasdaq exchange.

Understanding Nasdaq ETFs

Understanding Nasdaq ETFs begins with learning about the indexes they replicate. These indexes include the Nasdaq Composite, Nasdaq-100, Nasdaq-100 Equal Weighted Index, Nasdaq Next Generation 100 and the Nasdaq-100 ESG Index.

  • Nasdaq Composite includes all stocks listed on the Nasdaq exchange. There are more than 3,500 constituents, which include Apple (AAPL), Microsoft (MSFT) and Amazon (AMZN). This index is weighted by market capitalization, which means larger companies have a proportionally larger influence over index performance. Technology stocks comprise nearly 60% of the Nasdaq Composite.
  • Nasdaq-100 includes the 100 largest non-financial stocks on the Nasdaq. This index uses a modified weighting system that relies on two measures of market capitalization. The Nasdaq-100 is rebalanced quarterly.
  • Nasdaq-100 Equal Weighted Index includes the Nasdaq-100 stocks, weighted equally rather than by market capitalization.
  • Nasdaq Next Generation 100 includes the 101th to 200th largest stocks on the Nasdaq, in terms of market capitalization. This index is also rebalanced quarterly.
  • Nasdaq-100 ESG Index screens Nasdaq-100 constituents on ESG criteria. ESG stands for environmental, social and governance; these are the three pillars of sustainability tracking and reporting. The Nasdaq-100 ESG index is rebalanced quarterly in March, June, September and December.

Some Nasdaq ETFs look to replicate the performance of their underlying index, while others modify the strategy in some way. Those modifications can include shorting the index or using leverage.

  • Shorting the index: A short position is a bet the asset will decline. Investors who believe Nasdaq stocks are poised to lose value could open a short position with an inverse Nasdaq ETF. Inverse ETFs gain when the benchmark index falls.
  • Use of leverage: Leveraged index ETFs use debt to amplify the returns of the underlying index. This is risky because the amplification occurs whether the index goes up or down.

Advantages Of Nasdaq ETFs

People invest in Nasdaq ETFs because they provide diversified access to high-growth Nasdaq stocks. The best of Nasdaq ETFs also have low expense ratios, which means investors don't pay too much for the convenience of a fund vs. individual stocks.

The growth story of the Nasdaq has come into its own in the last 20 years. Since January 2000, the Nasdaq Composite has grown 283% while the S&P 500 grew 236%. In the last 10 years, that performance gap has widened. The Nasdaq Composite expanded 265% compared to 168% for the S&P 500.

Those gains have not been linear, of course. For example, the composite was down more than 30% in 2022. Nasdaq stocks, even the biggest of them, can be volatile. For that reason, Nasdaq exposure—and even through a diversified Nasdaq ETF—requires a good dose of risk tolerance.

Methodology For These Picks

The best Nasdaq ETFs for 2024 are funds that pursue long positions in a Nasdaq index without leverage. Inverse and leveraged ETFs may suit some specific investing goals, but they're too risky to be included here.

Additionally, all six ETFs below have expense ratios no higher than 0.35%. A fund's expense ratio quantifies what investors are charged annually for the fund's administrative costs. A ratio of 0.35% equates to $35 per year for every $10,000 invested.

A lower expense ratio keeps more of your money invested in the underlying assets, which contributes to higher returns over time.

The brain trust at Forbes has run the numbers, conducted the research, and done the analysis to come up with some of the best places for you to make money in 2024. Download one of Forbes' most popular and widely anticipated reports, 12 Best Stocks To Buy for 2024.

The 6 Best Nasdaq ETFs For 2024

The table below introduces the six best ETFs for Nasdaq exposure, ordered from largest to smallest.

Invesco QQQ (QQQ)

  • Date launched: March 10, 1999
  • One-year NAV return: 54.7%
  • Annualized NAV return since inception: 9.5%
  • Number of holdings: 101

Invesco QQQ Overview

QQQ tracks the Nasdaq-100 using a full replication strategy. Full replication means the fund holds all index constituents, rather than a representative sample.

Since inception, QQQ's annualized return of 9.5% is 23 basis points lower than its index. The shortfall, called tracking difference, is largely due to the fund's 0.20% expense ratio. Timing of rebalancing trades can also contribute to tracking difference.

Note that a large and persistent tracking difference beyond the expense ratio would be cause for concern. That would indicate the fund is not efficiently representing its benchmark index.

Why QQQ Is A Top Pick

In terms of popularity, QQQ is the top Nasdaq ETF. The fund is at least 10 times larger than any other option on this list. QQQ also has ample trading volumes, which means you can buy and sell shares easily and quickly.

QQQ also has enviable performance metrics. The fund's five-year annualized return of 22.4% handily beats S&P 500 funds over the same timeframe.

Invesco Nasdaq 100 ETF (QQQM)

  • Date launched: October 13, 2020
  • One-year NAV return: 54.9%
  • Annualized NAV return since inception: 11.6%
  • Number of holdings: 101

Invesco QQQM Overview

QQQM is another Nasdaq-100 ETF by Invesco. It has the same portfolio and strategy as QQQ but differs in expense ratio. QQQM charges 0.15% for expenses vs. 0.20% for QQQ. The lower expense ratio shrinks QQQM’s tracking difference and increases returns slightly relative to its sibling fund.

Why QQQM Is A Top Pick

QQQM isn’t as large or as liquid as QQQ, but the holdings are the same and the costs are lower. That positions QQQM as a better fit for the individual investor who doesn’t need to trade large blocks of shares.

Fidelity Nasdaq Composite Index ETF (ONEQ)

  • Date launched: December 4, 2003
  • One-year NAV return: 45.3%
  • Annualized NAV return since inception: 11.9%
  • Number of holdings: 1,021

Fidelity Nasdaq Composite Index ETF Overview

ONEQ tracks the larger Nasdaq Composite Index using a sampling approach. This means the fund invests in a smaller group of stocks with the goal of mimicking the index's investment profile.

For larger indexes like the Nasdaq Composite, sampling can be more cost-efficient than full replication. The downside is that if the sampling strategy isn't effective, a large tracking difference may result.

In 2023, ONEQ outperformed its index, producing a NAV return of 45.3% while the index grew 44.6%.

Why ONEQ Is A Top Pick

ONEQ has more than 1,000 holdings, while the other five funds featured here have about 100. The broader portfolio provides exposure to mega-caps, which have driven much of the performance in recent years, as well as mid-, small- and microcaps.

Tech stocks make up 49% of ONEQ's portfolio. That probably sounds high, but it is more moderate than the underlying index which is nearly 60% tech stocks.

Invesco ESG Nasdaq 100 ETF (QQMG)

  • Date launched: October 27, 2021
  • One-year NAV return: 55.3%
  • Annualized NAV return since inception: 5.6%
  • Number of holdings: 94

Invesco ESG Nasdaq 100 ETF Overview

QQMG tracks the Nasdaq-100 ESG Index. The index starts with the Nasdaq-100 and screens out companies that are involved in unsavory industries such as weapons or gambling. The index also excludes companies that are not compliant with the United Nations Global Compact principles and/or don’t meet minimum ESG risk rating scores.

Why QQMG Is A Top Pick

ESG investors review how companies manage environmental, social and governance risks as part of their investing process. The rationale is that addressing these risks proactively contributes to business health, sustainability and competitive advantage.

QQMG gives ESG investors an easy path to Nasdaq exposure that aligns with their investment process and values. In terms of performance, QQMG and its index slightly outpaced the standard Nasdaq-100 and related funds in 2023 and 2022.

Direxion Nasdaq-100 Equal Weighted Index Shares (QQQE)

  • Date launched: March 21, 2012
  • One-year NAV return: 22.8%
  • Annualized NAV return since inception: 14.3%
  • Number of holdings: 100

Direxion Nasdaq-100 Equal Weighted Index Shares Overview

The QQQE portfolio tracks the Nasdaq-100 Equal Weighted Index. The fund holds all Nasdaq-100 stocks, with each comprising 1% of the portfolio at rebalancing. Rebalancing happens quarterly to adjust for market fluctuations.

Why QQQE Is A Top Pick

Equally weighting the top Nasdaq stocks has the effect of reducing exposure to the technology and communications services sectors. It also reduces concentration in Apple, Microsoft, Amazon and others.

In the last 12 months, QQQE has underperformed the market-cap-weighted funds like QQQ, thanks to the strength of big tech stocks Nvidia (NVDA), Amazon, Alphabet (GOOG) and the like.

That trade-off may be worth it for some investors. The big advantage is more balanced exposure, which limits concentrations in popular stocks that are prone to overvaluation. Equal weighting of these holdings also provides more opportunity to benefit from smaller Nasdaq companies that can grow quickly.

Invesco Nasdaq Next Gen 100 ETF (QQQJ)

  • Date launched: October 13, 2020
  • One-year NAV return: 13.6%
  • Annualized NAV return since inception: 1.0%
  • Number of holdings: 100

Invesco Nasdaq Next Gen 100 ETF Overview

QQQJ tracks the Nasdaq Next Generation 100 index, which is primarily mid-caps. Names you might recognize from this list include Super Micro Computer (SMCI), Ultra Beauty (ULTA) and eBay (EBAY).

Why QQQJ Is A Top Pick

QQQJ is an interesting pick because it's a diversified portfolio of up-and-coming growth stocks. Many of these companies are innovators that could potentially grow into the Nasdaq-100. Invesco reports that 39 of current Nasdaq-100 stocks were formerly in this "next generation" group.

Mid-caps are also a nice complement to core large-cap holdings.

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Strategies For Maximizing ETF Returns

Before you place a buy order on any of these Nasdaq ETFs, make sure you have the right plan in place. Follow the four strategies below to keep your expectations in check and your wealth protected.

1. Invest For The Long Term

The Nasdaq, and the entire stock market, enjoyed strong growth in 2023. Unfortunately, that means nothing with respect to 2024 or 2025. The growth could continue, or things could go the other way.

For that reason, it's smart to invest with the intention of waiting 10 years or more before liquidating. Financial markets and economies move up and down in cycles. A 10-year holding period increases your chances of benefitting from the upswings more than you get punished from the downswings.

2. Research

While Nasdaq index funds require less monitoring and management than individual stocks, you should always know where you're putting your money. Research your fund options carefully and choose only the ETFs that make sense.

As an example, if you're conservative-minded but still want Nasdaq exposure, QQQ may be the best choice. The portfolio includes only the largest, most established Nasdaq companies. Plus, the fund is so heavily traded that any shares you own will be easy to sell.

3. Diversify

Nasdaq funds are somewhat diversified, but you could lose the benefit of that diversification by holding more than one. You don't need two Nasdaq-100 funds, for example, or a Nasdaq-100 fund alongside a Nasdaq Composite fund. You could pair a Nasdaq-100 ESG fund with a Nasdaq Next Generation fund, however.

Note, too, that most Nasdaq-100 companies are also in the S&P 500. So you may want to check for concentration risk that can arise through exposure to the same stocks via different funds.

4. Opt for low expense ratios

If you have a choice between two similar funds with different expense ratios, opt for the lower-cost fund. Lower expenses contribute to results that are closer to the benchmark index, which is what you want. Higher expenses divert more of your capital away from the assets, which depresses returns over time.

Bottom Line

Nasdaq ETFs provide a simple way to invest in a diversified portfolio of Nasdaq stocks. You can tailor your exposure to suit your investing goals, whether that involves owning the top Nasdaq companies, the entire exchange or something in between.

Whatever route you take, be prepared for volatility. Nasdaq stocks, especially the top 100 of them, can deliver incredible returns—but you may have to endure some big downswings along the way.

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How many stocks are listed on the Nasdaq?

The Nasdaq index contains more than 3,000 stocks.

How are Nasdaq ETFs different from tech ETFs?

A Nasdaq ETF covers a broad range of companies listed on the Nasdaq exchange, which has a heavy but not exclusive emphasis on technology. A tech ETF, on the other hand, focuses exclusively on companies within the technology sector, regardless of where their stocks are listed. They could be listed on the Nasdaq, NYSE or any other exchange.

Is now a good time to buy Nasdaq ETFs?

The Nasdaq and the "Magnificent 7" thrived in late 2023, but that offers no prediction for future performance. For that reason, it's smart to invest for 10-plus years to improve your chances of weathering downturns and benefiting from upswings.

Are Nasdaq ETFs or S&P 500 ETFs better?

While the appropriate ETF will depend on your personal goals and risk tolerance, since January 2000, the Nasdaq Composite has grown 283% while the S&P 500 grew 236%. In the last 10 years, the Nasdaq Composite expanded 265% compared to 168% for the S&P 500.

The brain trust at Forbes has run the numbers, conducted the research, and done the analysis to come up with some of the best places for you to make money in 2024. Download one of Forbes' most popular and widely anticipated reports, 12 Best Stocks To Buy for 2024.

Beyond Big Tech: 6 Great Nasdaq ETFs For 2024 (2024)


Beyond Big Tech: 6 Great Nasdaq ETFs For 2024? ›

Fund description

The Invesco NASDAQ Next Gen 100 Fund (Fund) is based on the NASDAQ Next Generation 100 Index (Index). The Fund will invest at least 90% of its total assets in the securities that comprise the Index by investing in the 101st to the 200th largest companies on the NASDAQ.

What is the best ETF for 2024? ›

10 Best-Performing ETFs of 2024
ETFExpense RatioAssets Under Management
VanEck Digital Transformation ETF (DAPP)0.51%$121 million
Bitwise Crypto Industry Innovators ETF (BITQ)0.85%$141 million
Invesco S&P 500 Momentum ETF (SPMO)0.13%$1.9 billion
Roundhill Magnificent Seven ETF (MAGS)0.29%$513 million
6 more rows
Jul 26, 2024

What is the best Nasdaq ETF to buy? ›

The best Nasdaq 100 ETF by 1-year fund return as of 31.07.24
1Invesco Nasdaq-100 Swap UCITS ETF Dist+25.92%
2Invesco Nasdaq-100 Swap UCITS ETF Acc+25.91%
3AXA IM Nasdaq 100 UCITS ETF USD Acc+25.75%

What is the next 100 Nasdaq ETF? ›

Fund description

The Invesco NASDAQ Next Gen 100 Fund (Fund) is based on the NASDAQ Next Generation 100 Index (Index). The Fund will invest at least 90% of its total assets in the securities that comprise the Index by investing in the 101st to the 200th largest companies on the NASDAQ.

What are the best performing ETFs over the last 5 years? ›

100 Highest 5 Year ETF Returns
SymbolName5-Year Return
USDProShares Ultra Semiconductors53.18%
FNGOMicroSectors FANG+ Index 2X Leveraged ETNs51.07%
ETHEGrayscale Ethereum Trust (ETH)43.97%
GBTCGrayscale Bitcoin Trust34.03%
93 more rows

What are the top 5 ETFs to buy? ›

Top 7 ETFs to buy now
Vanguard S&P 500 ETF(NYSEMKT:VOO)Fund that tracks the S&P 500
Invesco QQQ Trust(NASDAQ:QQQ)Fund that tracks the Nasdaq 100
Vanguard Growth ETF(NYSEMKT:VUG)Invests in large-cap U.S. growth stocks
iShares Core S&P Small-Cap ETF(NYSEMKT:IJR)Fund that tracks the S&P SmallCap 600 Index
3 more rows
Jul 24, 2024

What ETF has the highest 10 year return? ›

Past performance is no guarantee of future returns.
  • VanEck Semiconductor ETF. ...
  • iShares Semiconductor ETF. ...
  • Invesco Dynamic Semiconductors ETF. ...
  • SPDR S&P Semiconductor ETF. ...
  • iShares U.S. Technology ETF. ...
  • Technology Select Sector SPDR Fund. ...
  • Vanguard Information Technology ETF. ...
  • Fidelity MSCI Information Technology Index ETF.

What ETF is better than QQQ? ›

That said, regardless of how lucrative the Invesco QQQ ETF has been, there are two ETFs I like more going into 2024: the Vanguard S&P 500 ETF (VOO 1.58%) and Vanguard Growth ETF (VUG 2.46%).

Is QQQ better than voo? ›

Average Return

In the past year, QQQ returned a total of 23.62%, which is slightly higher than VOO's 22.05% return. Over the past 10 years, QQQ has had annualized average returns of 18.33% , compared to 13.11% for VOO. These numbers are adjusted for stock splits and include dividends.

Is there a cheaper alternative to QQQ? ›

And the QQQ is cheap, only charging 0.2%. There's an even cheaper version, the Invesco Nasdaq 100 ETF (QQQM), which charges just 0.15%.

What is the largest ETF in the Nasdaq? ›

Largest ETFs: Top 100 ETFs By Assets
QQQInvesco QQQ Trust Series I$281,771,000.00
VEAVanguard FTSE Developed Markets ETF$134,418,000.00
VUGVanguard Growth ETF$130,899,000.00
VTVVanguard Value ETF$119,133,000.00
96 more rows

Does QQQ follow Nasdaq 100? ›

Yes. Invesco QQQ is a passively managed ETF that tracks the Nasdaq-100 index, which contains some of the world's most innovative companies.

What is the average return of Nasdaq 100 ETF? ›

Average Nasdaq 100 Returns Based on QQQ
Years Averaged (as of June 24, 2024)Nasdaq 100 Annaulized Return Per Year (with dividends)Nasdaq 100 Annualized Return Per Year (no dividends)
10 years18.68%17.71%
5 years21.05%20.25%
3 years11.38%10.66%
1 year31.83%30.93%
2 more rows
Jun 24, 2024

Which ETF gives the highest return? ›

List of 15 Best ETFs in India
  • Kotak Nifty PSU Bank ETF. 205.5%
  • Nippon India ETF PSU Bank BeES. 200.8%
  • BHARAT 22 ETF. 191.7%
  • ICICI Prudential Nifty Midcap 150 Etf. 106.6%
  • Mirae Asset NYSE FANG+ ETF. 80.6%
  • HDFC Nifty50 Value 20 ETF. 72.4%
  • UTI S&P BSE Sensex ETF. 59.0%
  • Nippon India ETF Nifty 50 BeES. 57.9%
5 days ago

How many ETFs should I own? ›

Experts agree that for most personal investors, a portfolio comprising 5 to 10 ETFs is perfect in terms of diversification.

What is the most successful ETF launch? ›

The Bitcoin ETFs were widely seen as the most successful ETF launch of all time. Both in terms of their combined volumes and flows on the first day, as well as their continued high metrics over the following months.

What stock will boom in 2024? ›

Best S&P 500 stocks as of August 2024
Company and ticker symbolPerformance in 2024
Super Micro Computer (SMCI)146.8%
Nvidia (NVDA)136.3%
Vistra (VST)105.7%
Howmet Aerospace (HWM)76.8%
6 more rows

Which ETF will grow the most? ›

Invesco QQQ Trust (QQQ). Vanguard Growth ETF (VUG). iShares Russell 1000 Growth ETF (IWF).

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Total Return (%)2.474.94
Market Price (%)2.434.99
Benchmark (%)2.415.08
After Tax Pre-Liq. (%)1.681.08
1 more row

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Name: Pres. Lawanda Wiegand

Birthday: 1993-01-10

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Introduction: My name is Pres. Lawanda Wiegand, I am a inquisitive, helpful, glamorous, cheerful, open, clever, innocent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.