Bifrost Bridge (2024)

"The Bifrost gives me access to everything the Nine Realms has to offer."

The Bifrost Bridge, commonly referred to as simply the Bifrost, is a dimensional energy which allows instantaneous travel within the Nine Realms. It was used primarily by the Asgardians, who were able to use a Rainbow Bridge to harness the energy and access the Bifrost in order to travel to and protect those realms. The Bifrost was also able to be called upon using dark magic and was also imbued into Stormbreaker, allowing its wielder to access the bridge at any time. The immense dimensional energy, given enough concentration, could also be used to destroy planets. Whenever it is used, it leaves a pattern-like marking.


  • 1 History
    • 1.1 Key to Cosmic Entities
    • 1.2 Guardian Heimdall
      • 1.2.1 Attack on Jotunheim
      • 1.2.2 Banished to New Mexico
    • 1.3 Loki's Campaign
      • 1.3.1 Defying Orders
      • 1.3.2 Used as a Weapon
    • 1.4 Out of Action
    • 1.5 Reactivation
      • 1.5.1 Protecting the Nine Realms
      • 1.5.2 Temporary Shut Down
    • 1.6 Loki's Disguised Reign
      • 1.6.1 Continued Use
    • 1.7 Thor's Return to Space
    • 1.8 Ragnarök
      • 1.8.1 Thor's Return to Asgard
      • 1.8.2 Hela's Return
    • 1.9 Infinity War
      • 1.9.1 Heimdall's Last Bridge
      • 1.9.2 Thor Arrives in Wakanda
    • 1.10 Gorr's Quest
      • 1.10.1 Thor's Rescue Mission
      • 1.10.2 Returning to New Asgard
      • 1.10.3 Gateway to Eternity
      • 1.10.4 Evacuating Children
    • 1.11 Alternate Universes
      • 1.11.1 Asgardian Invasion
      • 1.11.2 Zombie Apocalypse
      • 1.11.3 Thor's Party
  • 2 Capabilities
  • 3 Alternate Versions
  • 4 Appearances
  • 5 Notes
  • 6 References
  • 7 External Links


Key to Cosmic Entities[]

Bifrost Bridge (1)

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Guardian Heimdall[]

Attack on Jotunheim[]

"If your return threatens the safety of Asgard, Bifrost will remain closed to you. And you'll be left to die in the cold waste of Jotunheim."
"Couldn't you just leave the bridge open for us?"
"To leave the bridge open would unleash the full power of the Bifrost and destroy Jotunheim, and with you upon it."
Heimdall and Volstagg[src]
Bifrost Bridge (2)

Thor, Loki, Sif, and the Warriors Three decided to use the Bifrost to reach Jotunheim and attack the Frost Giants by surprise following an unexpected breach of Odin's Vault. Loki prepared to deceive Heimdall, however the Bridge's guardian, knowing their intent and curious as to how the Jotuns had slipped by him, allowed them into Himinbjorg. After activating the Bridge, Heimdall informed them that if their return threatened Asgard, he would keep the Bifrost closed to them, and informed Volstagg that the Bifrost's energy would eventually destroy Jotunheim if left open when the rotund warrior suggested that he leave it open for them.

As they fled from the Frost Giants, Loki, Sif, and the Warriors Three returned to the Bifrost site, asking Heimdall to open the Bridge to allow their way, although to no response. Only when they and Thor were completely surrounded did the Bifrost open, allowing Odin, riding Sleipnir, to arrive. After Laufey refused the Allfather's request to excuse his son's and friends' incursion, Odin signaled for the bridge's activation, and the Asgardians were pulled back to their home realm.[2]

Banished to New Mexico[]

"Heimdall? I know you can hear me! Open the Bifrost!"

Upon their return to Asgard, Heimdall was dismissed from his post by Odin as he and Thor argued. Odin proceeded to use Gungnir to activate the Bifrost, stripping Thor of Mjølnir, his armor and his power and banishing him to New Mexico on Earth, to be found by Jane Foster and her colleagues.[2]

Loki's Campaign[]

Defying Orders[]

Bifrost Bridge (3)
"Then you'll open the Bifrost to no one. Until I have repaired the damage that my brother has done."
Loki to Heimdall[src]

Later, in order to prove himself worthy of the throne of Asgard and distance himself from his Frost Giant heritage, Loki decided to use the Bifrost to completely destroy Jotunheim. Loki used the Bifrost to travel to Jotunheim so that he could forge a false alliance himself with Laufey, offering him access to Asgard through the Bifrost rather than one of his secret pathways.

Heimdall was suspicious of Loki's disguised actions while away, having been unable to see him with his omni-sense, and in response Loki ordered him to keep the Bifrost closed until he had dealt with the issues caused by Thor.

Knowing that Loki was acting out of his own selfish interests, Heimdall's omni-sense allowed him to learn that Sif and the Warriors Three wanted to use the Bifrost to reach Earth to rescue Thor and bring him back to Asgard after his banishment. Skirting Loki's order to not allow any through the Bifrost, Heimdall instead left Hofund behind for them to use.[2]

Used as a Weapon[]

"The Bifrost will build until it rips Jotunheim apart."
"Why have you done this?"
"To prove to Father that I am a worthy son!"
Loki and Thor[src]

Having seen the Bifrost being activated, Loki decided to send the Destroyer to New Mexico to eliminate Thor and his allies to ensure his rule. After confronting Heimdall, Loki declared that he was relieved of duty and then froze him using the Casket of Ancient Winters. Using Gungnir, Loki activated the Bifrost to send the Destroyer to Earth, and after it was defeated, opening the Bifrost to Jotunheim, welcoming Laufey and a few of his men to Asgard.

Once Heimdall was able to break free of the ice, he opened the Bifrost to allow Thor and the others to return. After Thor confronted him in Odin's bedchamber, Loki returned to Himinbjorg to activate the bridge once again, intending to use Laufey's infiltration of Asgard as justification for the Frost Giants' destruction. Once the Bifrost was opened to Jotunheim, Loki used the Casket to freeze the energy, so that its power would continue to build until Jotunheim was destroyed.[2]

Bifrost Bridge (4)

As Loki and Thor dueled on the Rainbow Bridge, the Bifrost continued to launch its full power at Jotunheim, the effects of which began to be visible on other worlds in the Nine Realms. Unable to get close enough Himinbjorg in order to shut it down, Thor realized he had to destroy the Rainbow Bridge, bringing Mjølnir down with full force and shattering it. After it was destroyed, the Bifrost could no longer be harnessed, preventing the annihilation of the Frost Giants, and creating a temporary wormhole[3] which Loki allowed himself to fall through after Odin condemned Loki's actions.[2]

Out of Action[]

"With the Bifrost gone, how much dark energy did the Allfather have to muster to conjure you here?"

With the Rainbow Bridge destroyed, preventing Asgard from harnessing the Bifrost and leaving them cut off from the rest of the Nine Realms, several Marauders began attacking the more peaceful of the unprotected realms.[4]

Due to the Rainbow Bridge's destruction, Odin was forced to use dark magic to harness the Bifrost, at the cost of both of their health, to send Thor to Earth in order to retrieve Loki, who was attempting to use the Tesseract to conquer Earth.[5][6]


Protecting the Nine Realms[]

"Take the Tesseract. Use its power instead of the Allfather's to restore what I have destroyed. Let the fires of Bifrost burn once more..."
Thor to Heimdall[src]

Once Thor returned to Asgard with Loki and the Tesseract, the Asgardians were able to regenerate the Rainbow Bridge using the energy obtained from the cube, thus granting them access to the Bifrost once more. The Tesseract was then placed under the care of Heimdall, who resumed his position as gatekeeper of the bridge.

Bifrost Bridge (5)

Thor and his friends used the Bifrost multiple times to pacify the Nine Realms, the last campaign of which sent them and several Einherjar to Vanaheim. Thor arrived after the battle had already begun, launching Mjølnir at a Marauder while the bridge was still open.

Once the Marauders were defeated, Volstagg, Fandral and the Einherjar began transporting their prisoners back to Asgard through the Bifrost for imprisonment, transporting dozens at a time. In order to infiltrate Asgard, the Dark Elf Algrim disguised himself as a Marauder so that he was transported amongst their prisoners.[4]

Temporary Shut Down[]

Bifrost Bridge (6)
"The Bifrost is closed by your father's orders. No one is to come or to go."
Heimdall to Thor[src]

In 2013, Odin ordered the Bifrost shut down to prevent anyone from leaving Asgard, forcing Thor to ally with Loki in order to find another way to leave the planet. However, after the Second Dark Elf Conflict subsided, the Bifrost was reactivated, and Thor used it to return to Earth and reunite with Jane Foster.[4]

Loki's Disguised Reign[]

Continued Use[]

Bifrost Bridge (7)
"She escaped when the Dark Elves invaded Asgard and came here using one of Loki's secret pathways between worlds."
"Do we know where she is now?"
"All I know is the Bifrost delivered me to her last known location."
Sif and Grant Ward[src]

Sif used the Bifrost to come to Earth when she was chasing the criminal Lorelei. After her capture, the duo used the bridge to return to Asgard.[7] A year later, she used the Bifrost to transport the Kree agent Vin-Tak from Earth.[8]

Thor's Return to Space[]

Bifrost Bridge (8)

In 2015, Thor used the Bifrost to leave the Avengers Compound and return to space to research the Infinity Stones. After Thor left, Tony Stark disdainfully commented on how the Bifrost made a mark on the Facility's grounds.[9]


Thor's Return to Asgard[]

Bifrost Bridge (9)
"Heimdall. I know it's been a while, but I could use a fast exit!"

By 2017, Loki had charged Heimdall with treason and employed Skurge to take Heimdall's place as Guardian of the Bifrost. During his time as Gatekeeper, Skurge repeatedly used the Bifrost to travel to the Nine Realms to procure items, even visiting Texas and acquiring two assault rifles. While stuck in Muspelheim, Thor called out to Heimdall to use the Bifrost to transport him to Asgard, unaware that Heimdall was no longer in duty. Skurge, who was distracted, was eventually made aware of the request and activated the Bifrost, transporting Thor, as well as the head of a Fire Dragon, back to Asgard.[10]

Hela's Return[]

Bifrost Bridge (10)
"The Bifrost brought me out here weeks ago."
"Weeks ago?"
Loki and Thor[src]

Thor and Loki used the Bifrost to travel to Earth to New York City in order to find their father. After his death, Hela was released, and Loki called for the Bifrost to take him and Thor from Norway to Asgard.

Bifrost Bridge (11)

When the Bifrost reached them, Hela managed to also enter, which ensued a skirmish between her, Loki, and Thor. She manifested blades while inside the Bifrost, quickly thrusting Loki into the void, and then Thor, inadvertently causing them to land on Sakaar. As Hela took over Asgard, Heimdall infiltrated Himinbjorg and stole Hofund in order to prevent the Bifrost from being used to assist Hela's plans. He then attempted to use the Bifrost to evacuate the Asgardians, but their path was blocked by Hela's Berserker Army and Fenris. When Thor arrived, he realized that they had to allow Ragnarök to occur in order to defeat Hela. After Surtur was restored and granted his full power, he destroyed Asgard, as well as the Rainbow Bridge, causing the Bifrost to be defunct.[10]

Infinity War[]

Heimdall's Last Bridge[]

Bifrost Bridge (12)
"In a narrow escape from THANOS, the Bifrost transported BRUCE BANNER home to Earth. He warned the fractured AVENGERS of the Mad Titan's impending assault."
Watchers Report[src]

In 2018, after Thanos knocked out Hulk, Heimdall used his final strength to muster enough dark magic to summon the Bifrost, which transported Hulk to the New York Sanctum.[11]

Thor Arrives in Wakanda[]

Bifrost Bridge (13)

Through the power of his newly forged weapon, Stormbreaker, Thor was able to summon the Bifrost again. He used the Bifrost to transport himself, Rocket Raccoon, and Groot from Nidavellir to Wakanda, arriving during the Battle of Wakanda.[11]

Gorr's Quest[]

Thor's Rescue Mission[]

"Let's go get Sif."
Thor to Korg[src]

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Returning to New Asgard[]

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Gateway to Eternity[]

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Evacuating Children[]

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Alternate Universes[]

Asgardian Invasion[]

"Director, sensors are reporting a massive energy surge. Seems like it came out of nowhere."
"What are you seeing, Coulson?"
"A meteorological phenomenon of some kind."
S.H.I.E.L.D. Technician, Nick Fury and Phil Coulson[src]

In an alternate 2010, Loki, along with Sif, the Warriors Three, the Destroyer, and a number of Asgardian soldiers appeared via Bifrost Bridge in front of the S.H.I.E.L.D perimeter base in New Mexico to take revenge over the death of his brother.[12]

Zombie Apocalypse[]

"Dr. Bruce Banner, the human hiding within the Hulk, fell from the stars to warn humanity of imminent danger. But the world he found was not one he recognized."
The Watcher[src]

In an alternate 2018, Thanos attacked the Statesman and defeated the Hulk. This prompted an injured Heimdall to ask for the dark magic to flow through him one last time, allowing him to open the Bifrost Bridge to send Hulk to Earth. The Bridge carried Hulk through space to Earth, crashing into the New York Sanctum.[13]

Thor's Party[]

To be added[14]

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The Bifrost Bridge is a transit system used by Asgardians to travel to the various realms among the Nine Realms and numerous other planets. The Bifrost uses a powerful, rainbow-like energy drawn/ from the center of Asgard to create wormhole-like portals that can instantaneously transport people and objects between realms, over millions of light-years of distance. On other realms, the Bifrost appears as a brilliant beam of white light that shines down on its surface, often leaving behind a rune-like pattern burned into the ground.

The Bifrost is composed of two physical structures in Asgard; Himinbjorg and the Rainbow Bridge, which act as two components of a large machine that channels energy from Asgard to create the portals that allow for transportation. The Rainbow Bridge draws energy from the center of Asgard to Himinbjorg where it is directed to its destination allowing transportation that is precise and accurate. The Bifrost also behaves like a tractor beam, drawing people and objects bathed in its light back to Himinbjorg, such as people wishing to reach Asgard or pulling the Aether from Svartalfheim to prevent Malekith from using it.[4] The beam of energy projected by the Bifrost is powerful enough to destroy a realm/planet if it is allowed to remain open long enough, as Loki tried to do to Jotunheim.[2]

Alternate Versions[]

Australian Resident ThorActiveThor
New York Time HeistActiveLoki
Avengers AssassinatedActiveLoki
Party Prince ThorActiveThor
Jane Foster
Zombie OutbreakActiveBruce Banner
Gamma Enhanced Happy HoganActiveThor
Merciful HelaActiveHela
Xu Wenwu
Ten Rings
Thor: Movie StorybookActiveThor
Mangog UnleashedActiveThor
Worldkiller AttackActiveThor
Midgard Serpent RagnarökActiveThor
Marvel's Phase Two Video GamesActiveThor
Thor: The Dark World: The Movie StorybookActiveThor
Marvel Cinematic Universe: Phase One Book Boxed SetActiveThor
Thor: Ragnarok: The Junior NovelActiveThor


Appearances for the Bifrost Bridge

In chronological order:



Bifrost Bridge (56)

The Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki has a collection of images and media related to Bifrost Bridge.

External Links[]

Bifrost Bridge (2024)


Is Bifrost faster than light? ›

The Bifrost can transport someone much faster than the speed of light. Traveling at the speed of light, it takes five hours just to leave the solar system and four years to reach the next star. What is the speed of Bifrost in the movie Thor: Ragnarok? bifrost is fast enough to pass galaxies in seconds.

Do they fix the Bifrost? ›

Loki used the Bridge as a weapon in order to kill all the Frost Giants and earn the respect of his father Odin Borson, but it was destroyed by Thor. When Thor retrieves the Tesseract from Earth, Heimdall uses the power of the Tesseract to rebuild the Bifrost Bridge.

Who is the watcher over the Bifrost Bridge? ›

Heimdall, in Norse mythology, the watchman of the gods. Called the shining god and whitest skinned of the gods, Heimdall dwelt at the entry to Asgard, where he guarded Bifrost, the rainbow bridge.

Can the Bifrost take you anywhere? ›

The Bifrost Bridge, commonly referred to as simply the Bifrost, is a dimensional energy which allows instantaneous travel within the Nine Realms. It was used primarily by the Asgardians, who were able to use a Rainbow Bridge to harness the energy and access the Bifrost in order to travel to and protect those realms.

Who is faster flash or Thor? ›

Flash claps with ease. He's simply WAY too fast for Thor. Quicksilver was orders of magnitude slower and he was still too fast for the MCU Avengers. Josh Burrell and yet for all his speed, Flash still managed to get taken out by a Parademon with a gun.

What is technically faster than light? ›

Particles whose speed exceeds that of light (tachyons) have been hypothesized, but their existence would violate causality and would imply time travel. The scientific consensus is that they do not exist.

What broke the bifrost? ›

The Bifrost Bridge was protected by its guardian Heimdall, who would also use his sword to activate the bridge. The bridge was destroyed by Thor when his adopted brother Loki tried using the bridge to destroy Jotunheim, home of their enemies the Frost Giants.

Why did Thor destroy the Bifrost Bridge? ›

In order to prove himself worthy of the throne of Asgard to the eyes of Odin, Loki wants to use Bifrost to completely destroy Jotunheim, and he opens it after freezing Heimdall and killing Laufey; during a battle between the brother gods, Thor chooses to destroy Bifrost, so preventing the annihilation of the Giants.

Can Thor destroy a planet with the Bifrost? ›

Yes. With the Bifrost, Thor can definitely destroy planets.

Is Asgard a real place? ›

No, Asgard is not a real place, though it was considered to be real by the practitioners of the Norse religion and is also considered to be real by some Neo-Pagans today. Like Mount Olympus in Greek mythology, it is the home of the gods, but unlike Mount Olympus, it is not a real location on Earth.

Why did Heimdall leave the Bifrost? ›

While he activated the Bifrost using Hofund, Heimdall warned he may be forced to not reopen the Bifrost if it proved too great a risk to the safety of Asgard. He allowed them passage and watched as they fought, but did not put his focus on them, as he was distracted by the invasion.

Can stormbreaker summon the Bifrost? ›

Powers and characteristics

Both weapons also enable Thor to fly, and to channel his power to summon lightning. Stormbreaker has the additional power to summon the Bifröst, allowing Thor to teleport anywhere in the Nine Realms.

How does Thor get back to Earth after destroying the bridge? ›

The explanation given at the time was that Thor had to use “Dark Energy” to return to Earth, and that's just it. Then the bifrost bridge is simply rebuilt at some point before Thor: The Dark World (so it really wasn't all THAT big of a sacrifice, if they could just rebuild it in a couple of years).

Who guards the Bifrost Bridge? ›

Heimdall is the guardian of the Bifrost Bridge, and as its gatekeeper, he controls access and travel between Asgard and the other nine realms.

What is the Viking word for bridge? ›

brúm: [ A. S. brycg and bricg; Scot. brigg; Germ. brücke; Dan. bro; cp. bryggja]:—a bridge, Stur l.

What is the speed of Bifrost? ›

The Bifrost allows characters to travel at speeds far faster than light, able to crossing intergalactic distances in mere seconds.

Is there anything faster than light itself? ›

What is faster than the speed of light? Nothing! Light is a "universal speed limit" and, according to Einstein's theory of relativity, is the fastest speed in the universe: 300,000 kilometers per second (186,000 miles per second).

Is there anything faster than lighting? ›

Nothing can travel faster than 300,000 kilometers per second (186,000 miles per second). Only massless particles, including photons, which make up light, can travel at that speed. It's impossible to accelerate any material object up to the speed of light because it would take an infinite amount of energy to do so.

What is the fastest thing in the world than light? ›

Inside ice, a neutrino with enough energy can travel faster than light can. When that high-energy neutrino collides with the nucleus of an atom in the ice, it can produce charged subatomic particles also traveling faster than light.

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