Binance Smart Chain: Bitquery's BSC GraphQL API - Bitquery (2024)

Launched in September 2020 by the renowned cryptocurrency exchange Binance, BSC represents a groundbreaking development in decentralized finance (DeFi) and blockchain ecosystems.

At its core, BSC is a blockchain platform designed to facilitate the creation and execution of decentralized applications (DApps) and smart contracts. What sets BSC apart is its compatibility with the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM), allowing developers to easily port their Ethereum-based projects to the BSC network.

This interoperability opens doors for seamless migration and expansion of existing dApps, leveraging the advantages of BSC's high throughput and low transaction fees.

BSC provides a lot of advantages to developers for building applications. Let’s discuss how you can leverage Bitquery APIs to extract BSC network’s real-time data for easy implementation.

BSC Overview

BSC stands for Binance Smart Chain and uses a proof-of-stake algorithm. It has a double-chain architecture, which makes it compatible with Ehtereum, while allowing it to process transactions faster and at lower fees.

BSC can provide both historic and real-time data. Historic data can be obtained starting from the very first block (29th August 2020) to the latest; however, certain block data during April 2021 to June 2022 is not accessible.

BSC's native token is the Binance Coin (BNB).

Key Features/Advantages

BSC offers key advantages for developers, such as:

  • Performance, Cost-effectiveness: With significantly lower transaction fees compared to Ethereum, BSC offers users a cost-effective solution for executing transactions and interacting with DApps.It can run a high volume of transactions per second, through DPoS (delegated proof-of-stake).

  • Established community and ecosystem: Through on-chain governance mechanisms, BSC community members can participate in protocol upgrades, fee adjustments, and other critical decisions, fostering a decentralized and community-driven ecosystem. With comprehensive documentation, developer resources, and support from the Binance ecosystem, building and deploying DApps on BSC has never been easier. Active promotions of the blockchain by the community has fast-tracked the growth and adoption by developers.

  • Interoperability: Porting applications from Ethereum to Binance is very easy.

  • Tokens: Both BSC and Ethereum have similar token standards, which enables developers to seamlessly work on both the blockchains.

  • NFTs: BSC’s vibrant NFT marketplace further showcases its versatility, enabling creators and collectors to tokenize and trade digital assets seamlessly.

BSC Explorer API from Bitquery

Overview of Binance (BNB) Smart Chain Mainnet

Here’s the BSC Smart Contract Explorer data that gives you a quick overview of the number of transactions on the BSC network during a time period, as shown here.

Binance Smart Chain: Bitquery's BSC GraphQL API - Bitquery (1)

To embed queries in your applications, simply click the Get API on the bottom right of the screen (check the above image). To write your own queries, use Bitquery’s in-built GraphQL IDE.

Obtaining Real-Time BSC Data

Bitquery provides a variety of streaming APIs to extract real-time or historic BSC chain data. Here are some examples that showcase how to get real-time data on the BSC network using Bitquery’s APIs.


Fetching NFT Holders

This API retrieves BSC addresses that hold NFT tokens related to smart contracts.

In this query, let’s check the NFT holders for a specific smart contract, 0xDf7952B35f24aCF7fC0487D01c8d5690a60DBa07 (as above). Specify the network as “bsc” and the smart contract address as given. Set the dataset parameter to “realtime” to get the latest data on NFT holders. This query returns NFT tokens and their balances in descending order.

{ EVM(network: bsc, dataset: realtime) { BalanceUpdates( limit: {count: 100} orderBy: {descendingByField: "balance"} where: {Currency: {SmartContract: {is: "0xDf7952B35f24aCF7fC0487D01c8d5690a60DBa07"}}} ) { BalanceUpdate { Address } balance: sum(of: BalanceUpdate_Amount) } }}

Obtaining All NFTs of an Address

You can get the details of all NFTs of a specific address on the BSC network using this API. For example, to get all the NFTs of the same smart contract as above, 0xDf7952B35f24aCF7fC0487D01c8d5690a60DBa07, use this query. Specify the network as “bsc” and the smart contract address as above. Set the dataset parameter to “combined” to get both archive and real-time data on the given smart contract NFTs.

{ EVM(network: bsc, dataset: combined) { BalanceUpdates( limit: {count: 100} orderBy: {descending: BalanceUpdate_Amount} where: {BalanceUpdate: {Address: {is: "0xDf7952B35f24aCF7fC0487D01c8d5690a60DBa07"}}, Currency: {Fungible: false}} ) { Currency { Fungible Symbol SmartContract Name HasURI Delegated Decimals } BalanceUpdate { Id Amount Address URI } } }}

Obtaining Recent NFT Trades

Now, let’s try to use the NFT API to obtain the latest NFT trades on BSC DEX for a given address or project. For example, in this query, we will retrieve the NFT DEX trades for the same smart contract, 0xDf7952B35f24aCF7fC0487D01c8d5690a60DBa07. Specify the network as “bsc” and the address (Buy Currency) as given.

{ EVM(network: bsc) { DEXTrades( orderBy: {descending: Trade_Dex_Pair_SmartContract} where: {Trade: {Buy: {Currency: {SmartContract: {is: "0xDf7952B35f24aCF7fC0487D01c8d5690a60DBa07"}}}}} ) { Block { Time } Transaction { Hash } Trade { Dex { ProtocolFamily ProtocolName ProtocolVersion SmartContract } Buy { Price Buyer Ids URIs } Sell { Seller Amount Currency { Symbol SmartContract } } } } }}

NFT Ownership API

Tracking NFT owners

Use this API to get the latest data on NFT owners on the BSC network. For example, let’s get the latest NFT owner on BSC for this address 0xd17584633bc8d190e5a14502976dad9640456d6d using this query. Specify the network as “bsc” and set the dataset parameter to “combined”. Also, set the parameter Fungible to “false” to get the NFT owner.

{ EVM(dataset: combined, network: bsc) { BalanceUpdates( orderBy: {descending: Block_Time} limit: {count: 1} where: {BalanceUpdate: {}, Currency: {Fungible: false, SmartContract: {is: "0xd17584633bc8d190e5a14502976dad9640456d6d"}}} ) { Currency { Name SmartContract } BalanceUpdate { Address Amount Id } Block { Number Date } } }}

Obtaining NFT Creator Address

Even though you cannot query for the NFT creator address directly, you can obtain the same by inferring the sender of the first transfer. For this, we will use the Transfers parameter as shown in this query. Specify the network as “bsc” and set the dataset parameter to “archive” (to get the first sender). And, set the smart contract address as required, in this case, we’ll use 0xd17584633bc8d190e5a14502976dad9640456d6d.

{ EVM(dataset: archive, network: bsc) { Transfers( limit: {count: 1} orderBy: {ascending: Block_Time} where: {Transfer: {Currency: {SmartContract: {is: "0xd17584633bc8d190e5a14502976dad9640456d6d"}}}} ) { Block { Time } Transfer { Amount Currency { Symbol SmartContract ProtocolName Native Name HasURI Fungible DelegatedTo Delegated Decimals } Data Id Receiver Success Type } } }}

NFT Transfers API

Tracking daily NFT transfers

Let’s check the number of daily NFT transfers on BSC using this query. Here, we’ll get data on NFT transfers for the period of 1 week (15-22 February 2024). Specify the network as “bsc” set the dataset parameter to “combined”, Fungible as “false” and dates as given.

{ EVM(dataset: combined, network: bsc) { Transfers( orderBy: {ascending: Block_Date} where: {Block: {Date: {since: "2024-02-15", till: "2024-02-22"}}, Transfer: {Currency: {Fungible: false}}} ) { Block { Date } count } }}

Frequently Transferred NFTs on BSC

By using this query, you can fetch the most transferred NFTs on the BSC blockchain. Specify the network as “bsc” set the dataset parameter to “combined”, Fungible as “false” and dates from 15-22 February as shown here.

{ EVM(dataset: combined, network: bsc) { Transfers( orderBy: {descendingByField: "count"} limit: {offset: 10, count: 0} where: {Block: {Date: {since: "2024-02-15", till: "2024-02-22"}}, Transfer: {Currency: {Fungible: false}}} ) { Transfer { Currency { Symbol SmartContract } } count senders: uniq(of: Transfer_Sender, method: approximate) receivers: uniq(of: Transfer_Receiver, method: approximate) ids: uniq(of: Transfer_Id, method: approximate) } }}

Similarly, you can obtain more NFT data using various NFT APIs by Bitquery. To learn more, refer to this page.

DEX Trades API

Obtaining token trades

To see details of all the token trades including the protocol used, DEX exchanges, currency traded etc. on a particular day, check this query. Specify the network as “bsc” and set the dates as required.

query ($network: EthereumNetwork!, $limit: Int!, $offset: Int!, $from: ISO8601DateTime, $till: ISO8601DateTime) { ethereum(network: $network) { dexTrades( options: {desc: ["block.height", "tradeIndex"], limit: $limit, offset: $offset} time: {since: $from, till: $till} ) { block { timestamp { time(format: "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") } height } tradeIndex protocol exchange { fullName } smartContract { address { address annotation } } buyAmount buyCurrency { address symbol } buy_amount_usd: buyAmount(in: USD) sellAmount sellCurrency { address symbol } sell_amount_usd: sellAmount(in: USD) transaction { hash } } }}

Checking DEX Smart Contract Protocols

You can get a list of all smart contract DEX protocols on BSC during a 1-week period, with this query. Specify the network as “bsc”, set the dataset parameter to “combined”, and dates equal to 21-28 February as shown here.

query ($network: evm_network, $limit: Int!, $offset: Int!, $from: String, $till: String) { EVM(dataset: combined, network: $network) { DEXTrades( limit: {count: $limit, offset: $offset} where: {Block: {Date: {since: $from, till: $till}}} orderBy: {descending: Trade_Dex_ProtocolName} ) { ChainId currencies: uniq(of: Trade_Buy_Currency_Name) contracts: uniq(of: Trade_Dex_SmartContract) trades: count Trade { Dex { ProtocolName ProtocolFamily ProtocolVersion } } } }}

Pools API

Latest pools for a specific DEX

Use this query to get recent data on pools on BSC including trading volume, fees and other metrics.

{ EVM(dataset: combined, network: bsc) { Events( orderBy: {descending: Block_Number} limit: {count: 10} where: {Log: {SmartContract: {is: "0xdB1d10011AD0Ff90774D0C6Bb92e5C5c8b4461F7"}, Signature: {Name: {is: "PoolCreated"}}}} ) { Log { Signature { Name Parsed Signature } SmartContract } Transaction { Hash } Block { Date Number } Arguments { Type Value { ... on EVM_ABI_Boolean_Value_Arg { bool } ... on EVM_ABI_Bytes_Value_Arg { hex } ... on EVM_ABI_BigInt_Value_Arg { bigInteger } ... on EVM_ABI_Address_Value_Arg { address } ... on EVM_ABI_String_Value_Arg { string } ... on EVM_ABI_Integer_Value_Arg { integer } } Name } } }}

Monitoring pool liquidity

You can also get the liquidity of a specific pool using the Pool API. Let’s find out token details in the a random pool which has following address, 0xb4c7e9f5ea5e79a66cc93a198c605f1ba9478138, in this query. Specify the network as “bsc”, and address as specified here.

{ EVM(dataset: combined, network: bsc) { BalanceUpdates( where: {BalanceUpdate: {Address: {is: "0xb4c7e9f5ea5e79a66cc93a198c605f1ba9478138"}}} orderBy: {descendingByField: "balance"} ) { Currency { Name } balance: sum(of: BalanceUpdate_Amount, selectWhere: {gt: "0"}) BalanceUpdate { Address } } }}

Learn more about extracting pool data here.

Smart Contracts API

Tracking Smart Contract Creation

Another cool thing you can explore on BSC through this API is monitoring how many smart contract calls are created in real-time. For this, we will use the “subscription” parameter. Specify the network as “bsc” in this query. You can obtain all the details of the smart contracts created and monitor them through this subscription.

subscription { eth_creates: EVM(network: bsc) { creates: Calls(where: {Call: {Create: true}}) { Block { Time } Transaction { Hash From } Call { Input To Output } } }}

Smart Contract Calls API

Fetching latest smart contract calls

To obtain all the latest (last 10 days or so) smart contract calls on BSC, use this query. This query returns 10 recent smart contract calls made on BSC for the last 10 days, in this case, after 20th of February 2024. Specify the network as “bsc”, set the dataset parameter to “realtime”, and date after to “2024-02-20” (or, as required).

query MyQuery { EVM(dataset: realtime, network: bsc) { Calls( limit: {count: 10} orderBy: {descending: Block_Date} where: {Block: {Date: {after: "2024-02-20"}}} ) { Call { LogCount InternalCalls } Transaction { Gas Hash From To Type Index } Block { Date } } }}

Events API

Tracking Recent Events

With Events API, you can track the latest events and other statistics on the BSC blockchain. Let’s obtain the latest (last 2 weeks, in this case) 10 events on BSC in this query. Specify the network as “bsc”, set the dataset parameter to “realtime”, and date after to “2024-02-15” (or, as required)

query MyQuery { EVM(dataset: realtime, network: bsc) { Events( limit: {count: 10} orderBy: {descending: Block_Time} where: {Block: {Date: {after: "2024-02-15"}}} ) { Block { Number } Call { CallPath InternalCalls } Topics { Hash } Receipt { CumulativeGasUsed } Transaction { From To Type } Log { Signature { Signature } SmartContract } } }}

Transfers API

Retrieving Highest BNB Transfer on BSC

BNB is the native token of BSC. So, to analyze the highest transactions of BNB on BSC, for a specified time period, use this query. Here, we are getting the largest transactions of the BNB token in February 2024. Specify the network as “bsc”, and dates as specified here.

query ($network: EthereumNetwork!, $token: String!, $dateFormat: String!, $from: ISO8601DateTime, $till: ISO8601DateTime) { ethereum(network: $network) { transfers( currency: {is: $token} height: {gt: 0} date: {since: $from, till: $till} ) { date { date(format: $dateFormat) } max_amount: maximum(of: amount, get: amount) } }}

Transactions API

Latest Transactions

Transactions API lets you fetch the latest transactions on the BSC chain. This query fetches the latest 20 transactions on BSC in real-time. Specify the network as “bsc”, set the dataset parameter to “realtime”, and the count parameter to “20”.

query { EVM(dataset: realtime network: bsc) { Transactions(limit: {count: 20} orderBy: [{descending: Block_Number} {descending: Transaction_Index}]) { Block { Time Number } Transaction { Hash Cost } } }}

Token Holders API

Listing unique token holders

This API lets you obtain data on the number of unique token holders on BSC. For example, here we are retrieving the most recent number of unique holders of USDT token on BSC. Specify the network as “bsc”, set the dataset parameter to “archive”, and the smart contract address as “0x55d398326f99059ff775485246999027b3197955” (USDT).

{ EVM(dataset: archive, network: bsc) { TokenHolders( date: "2024-02-01" tokenSmartContract: "0x55d398326f99059ff775485246999027b3197955" where: {Balance: {Amount: {gt: "0"}}} ) { uniq(of: Holder_Address) } }}

This API also enables you to track other token related information, such as balance, transfers, holder activity and more. To learn more, refer to the documentation.

Mempool API

This API enables real-time data retrieval from the mempool of EVM chains. With this API, you can track token trades, simulate pending transactions, obtain fee information, track transfers etc., stored in the mempool.

Mempool API is not yet available for the BSC network. It’s expected to come soon. Stay tuned for more information.

About Bitquery

Bitquery is a set of software tools that parse, index, access, search, and use information across blockchain networks in a unified way. Our products are:

  • Coinpath® APIs provide blockchain money flow analysis for more than 24 blockchains. With Coinpath’s APIs, you can monitor blockchain transactions, investigate crypto crimes such as bitcoin money laundering, and create crypto forensics tools. Read this to get started with Coinpath®.
  • Digital Assets API provides index information related to all major cryptocurrencies, coins, and tokens.
  • DEX API provides real-time deposits and transactions, trades, and other related data on different DEX protocols like Uniswap, Kyber Network, Airswap, Matching Network, etc.

If you have any questions about our products, ask them on our Telegram channel or email us at Also, subscribe to our newsletter below, we will keep you updated with the latest in the cryptocurrency world.

This article has been written by guest writer Aparna Sridhar

Binance Smart Chain: Bitquery's BSC GraphQL API - Bitquery (2024)
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