BitcoinIRA Review 2024: What to Look Out For! (2024)

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Investing inBitcoin with aIRA isasmart move topreserve and grow your wealth. BitcoinIRA has the brand name but offers many altcoins with noticable red flags! Let’s see how compares toSwan Bitcoin inJuly of2024.

BitcoinIRA Review 2024: What to Look Out For! (3)

BitcoinIRA Review 2024: What to Look Out For! (4)BitcoinIRA Review 2024: What to Look Out For! (5)

Nick Payton

Jun 5, 2024June 5, 202410 min read10 minutes read

In this article

  • What is BitcoinIRA?
  • Who is BitcoinIRA's Target Customer Base?
  • Why Choose a Bitcoin-only IRA Platform vs. Crypto IRA
  • BitcoinIRAvs. Swan Bitcoin
  • Why Do Fees Alter When Investing in an IRA?
  • Feature and Compliance Comparison
  • BitcoinIRA FAQs—Know Before You Invest
  • What Are Some BitcoinIRA Alternatives?
  • What to Keep in Mind When Choosing a Bitcoin or Crypto IRA Provider

Investing inBitcoin through atax-advantaged individual retirement account (IRA) isasmart move tocapitalize onBitcoin’s long-term potential.

Inthis BitcoinIRA review, we’ll explore its features, fees, pros and cons, risks, and other crucial factors toconsider and compare ittothe Swan’s Bitcoin IRA.

BitcoinIRA Review 2024: What to Look Out For! (6)

BitcoinIRA Review 2024: What to Look Out For! (7)BitcoinIRA Review 2024: What to Look Out For! (8)

Swan Bitcoin IRA

Bitcoin isthe ultimate asset for your retirement. Create atax shelter for exponential returns! Get started inless than 2 minutes. Book acall with one ofour Bitcoin IRA specialists today!

What isBitcoinIRA?

BitcoinIRA Pros

  • Wide Range ofOptions:Offers +60 cryptocurrencies, providing diverse investment choices.

  • Versatile Account Types:Itsupports various IRA types, including traditional, Roth, SEP, and even aSaver IRA, catering todifferent retirement planningneeds.

  • High Customer Satisfaction:Solid ratings onTrustpilot and mobile app stores indicategooduser satisfactionoverall.

BitcoinIRA Cons

  • High Fees:Chargesa2% trading fee, a5.99% initial setup fee, and a0.08% monthly maintenance fee, higher than many competitors.

  • Legal Concerns:Faces potential risks from ongoing SEC scrutiny regarding the cryptocurrencies itoffers, similar tootherplatforms.


  • Initial Setup Fee:5.99%

  • Trading Fee:2% ontransactions

  • Monthly Fee:0.08% with a$100 minimum.

  • More onFees

Customer Insights from Trustpilot

  • Rating:4.4/5 from 35 reviewsTrustpilot

  • Feedback:There are generally positive reviews praising the variety ofcrypto options and user-friendly platform, though some mention high fees asadownside.

Unique Solutions Offered byBitcoinIRA

  • Besides offering traditional crypto IRAs, BitcoinIRA has introduced aSaver IRA for those seeking regular, smaller contributions totheir retirement savings with cryptocurrency.

Recent Developments

  • The platform isunder the same regulatory scrutiny affecting much ofthe crypto industry, with recent SEC actions highlighting the risks associated with including certain altcoins intheir offerings.SEC Lawsuit Information

Pros and Cons

What are some ofBitcoinIRA’s pros andcons?

Who isBitcoinIRA’s Target CustomerBase?

Over 170,000 users have joined the platform, making itone ofthe biggest crypto retirementplatforms. BitcoinIRA isfor investors who want toinvest inmore than Bitcoin.

BitcoinIRA Review 2024: What to Look Out For! (9)

BitcoinIRA Review 2024: What to Look Out For! (10)BitcoinIRA Review 2024: What to Look Out For! (11)

BitcoinIRA isone such type ofIRA that promotes and asks investors todiversifytheir investments into all sorts ofrisky fly-by-night altcoins.

Ifyou’re atrue believer inBitcoin and its long-term potential, you will beirritated withBitcoinIRA. However, ifyou have ahigher risk tolerance, okay paying much higher fees, and can navigate the complexities ofself-managed retirement accounts, BitcoinIRA might beright foryou!

Why Choose aBitcoin-only IRA Platformvs. Crypto IRA

Using a Bitcoin-only platform like Swan Bitcoin, asopposed toabroad crypto IRA platform like BitcoinIRA, offers anarray ofadvantages.

  • Simplicity and Focus: Bitcoin-only platforms offer asimplified user experience and focus all their resources onBitcoin-related services.

    • Ifyou only want toinvest inBitcoin, astreamlined platform without the complexity ofmanaging multiple cryptocurrencies.

  • Specialized Expertise: Bitcoin-only platforms like Swan Bitcoin deeply understands Bitcoin’s technology, market dynamics, and trends.

    • These platforms offer more customized advice, research, and support specific toBitcoininvesting.

  • Enhanced Security: They also prioritize and optimize security measures explicitly designed forBitcoin. This may include robust encryption, multi-signature wallets, cold storage solutions, and other security practices toprotect Bitcoinholdings.

  • Access toSpecific Bitcoin Features: You get unique features orservices exclusive toBitcoin.

    • For Eample: Access toBitcoin lending, staking, orother specialized investment options isunavailable onbroaderplatforms.

  • Lower Fees: Bitcoin-only platforms may incur lower fees than broader platforms supporting multiple cryptocurrencies.

BitcoinIRAvs. Swan Bitcoin

Swan Bitcoin IRA

Account Minimum: Nominimum balance requirements
Investment Options: Bitcoin-only
Fees: 0.99% funded from IRA funds
Custody Provider: BitGo Trust Company
Trustpilot Rating: 4.5/5 from 1,018 reviewsApple App Store: 4.8/5 from 948 reviews
Google Play Store: 4.7/5 from 403 reviews, +50,000 downloads


Account Mminimum: $3,000
Investment Options: +60 cryptocurrencies
Fees: 2% plus 5.99% setup fee + 0.08% monthly fee with a$100 minimum
Custody Provider: BitGo Trust
Trustpilot Rating: 4.3/5 from 26 reviews
Apple App Store: 4.5/5 from 936 reviews
Google Play Store: 4.4/5 from 1,930 reviews, +100,000 downloads

Fee Comparison

While all BitcoinIRA fees are very high compared toother providers, account minimums and the funding fee are both particularlyegregious.

BitcoinIRA Review 2024: What to Look Out For! (12)

BitcoinIRA Review 2024: What to Look Out For! (13)BitcoinIRA Review 2024: What to Look Out For! (14)

BitcoinIRA requires a$3,000 minimum account balance starting fee + charges a5.99% funding fee and a2% trading fee (plus ahefty spread). There’s also a1% custody fee chargedannually.

Swan Bitcoin IRA offers lower fees across the board, with noone-time orupfront fees, a0.99% trading fee, and a0.25% annual administration fee for balances over $100,000.

Example: Ifyou transfer a$100k IRA balance toBitcoinIRA, you’ll becharged 7.99% onDay 1.


A5.99% funding fee totransfer USD totheircustody. Another 2% trading fee toconvert the remaining USD balance into Bitcoin.Worse still, every time you transfer new money toBitcoinIRA and purchase Bitcoin, they clip another 7.99%. Imagine this fee structure applying toyour new contributions yearly until you retire.

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BitcoinIRA Review 2024: What to Look Out For! (16)BitcoinIRA Review 2024: What to Look Out For! (17)

Why DoFees Alter When Investing inanIRA?

Consider a25-year-old. We’ll call them Mike.

Mike plans toretire at67 and allocates $100,000 toward Bitcoin intheirIRA. Healso make additional annual contributions of$6,500 toward Bitcoin.

Let’s assume a15% annual appreciation ofBitcoin inUSD.

Inthis scenario, choosing Swan IRA over BitcoinIRA could mean amassive difference of>$900,000 inyour Swan IRA vs. your BitcoinIRA endingbalance!


  • 25-year-old, single

  • Planning toretire at65 (40-year time horizon)

  • IRA starting balance of$0

  • $6,500 annual contribution

  • Projected annual returns (BTC) = 10%

  • Projected annual returns (60/40 portfolio) = 7%

  • Projected BTC price bythe time ofretirement (2063) = $1.3M

Despite implementing the same investment strategy— buying and holding Bitcoin and accumulating itinaretirement account over the years.

** The result will bemassively different based onMike’s IRA provider.

Running the Numbers

  • With a0% (BTC) allocation, Mike expects tohave $824k byretirement

  • With a100% (BTC) allocation, Mike expects tohave $3.2M byretirement

  • $2.3M more inhis retirement account (3.8x more money) should these projections become true

BitcoinIRA Review 2024: What to Look Out For! (18)

BitcoinIRA Review 2024: What to Look Out For! (19)BitcoinIRA Review 2024: What to Look Out For! (20)

Jack Bogle, the founder ofindex investing, once said: “Ininvesting, you get what you don’t pay for.”

This holds for Bitcoin saved inretirementaccounts. Your future retiree self will thank you for paying close attention tothe costs ofhaving Bitcoin inaretirementaccount.

NOTE: This analysis was completed using tools from Swan Research, anew department atSwan Bitcoin focused onbringing deep research and analytics toBitcoin. You can read our previous Swan Research piece explaining Why Bitcoin isthe Ultimate Asset For Your IRA.

Ifyou’d like toexplore the model and modify the inputs, you can see the details using Swan Research’s Portfolio Modeling Tool.

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BitcoinIRA Review 2024: What to Look Out For! (22)BitcoinIRA Review 2024: What to Look Out For! (23)

The Nakamoto Portfolio isaset ofpowerful portfolio construction and investment tools tohelp you explore Bitcoin’s effects onyour financiallife.

Feature and Compliance Comparison

BitcoinIRA Overview

  • Diverse Options: BitcoinIRA offers abroader range ofcryptocurrencies, including over 60altcoins. This might beappealing for those looking todiversify their crypto holdings within theirIRA.

  • Large Asset Management: Manages over $2 billion incrypto assets, indicating asignificant scale ofoperations and asubstantial customer base.

  • Recent Developments: BitcoinIRA recently acquired

    • isatool that allows users toconnect their exchanges and wallets toautomate and streamline their crypto investing process, indicating afocus onenhancing user experience and investment capabilities.

Compliance and Regulatory Risks

  • Exposure toAltcoins: BitcoinIRA’s inclusion ofnumerous altcoins inits product offerings carries potential regulatory risks, particularly with the ongoing scrutiny bythe SEC, which has taken legal actions against prominent crypto platforms and identified several altcoins aspotentially unregistered securities.

  • The key istostop following around incrypto.

  • Platform Viability: The regulatory challenges facing platforms that offer awide range ofaltcoins may affect their ability tooperate smoothly inthe future.

  • Simplicity: Swan Bitcoin IRA isbest-practices driven, guided byaninherent principle: “Dowhat’s right for Bitcoin and Bitcoiners.”

  • High-Quality Information: Swan Studio’s, the Swan YouTube channel the Signal Blog and the Welcome toBitcoin: 101 Series provide some ofthe best insight and content inthe industry.

  • Compliant and Risk-Focused: Swan minimizes the potential risks ofinvesting inBitcoins and keeping them incustody, handling adverse regulatory orcompliance developments concerning your IRA.

Swan Bitcoin IRA Highlights

  • Simplicity and Focus: Swan Bitcoin IRA champions astraightforward approach, prioritizing best practices and focusing solely onBitcoin, which they believe aligns with their philosophy ofdoing what’s right for Bitcoin and itsinvestors.

  • Educational Resources: Swan provides high-quality information through various channels like Swan Media onYouTube, Signal Blog, and the “Welcome toBitcoin: 101 Series”, which are aimed atenhancing investors' understanding ofBitcoin and the cryptoindustry.

  • Compliance and Risk Management: Swan emphasizes minimizing risks associated with Bitcoin investing andcustody. This includes handling regulatory orcompliance developments proactively tosafeguard investors' interests.

  • Customer Support: Swan isknown for its industry-leading customer support, with adedicated team that isresponsive and knowledgeable about Bitcoin, ready toassist with any queries investors might have. Contact SwanSupport.

  • Marketing Strategy: Unlike many crypto IRA providers, Swan does not promote multiple digital assets orengage inmaking price predictions.

Their marketing isfocused oneducating about Bitcoin and discouraging speculative trading with retirement funds. Learn more.

BitcoinIRA FAQs—Know Before You Invest

Who OwnsBitcoinIRA?

Founded inMarch 2015, BitcoinIRA isowned byentrepreneurs Chris Kline, Johannes Haze, and Camilo Concha.

IsBitcoinIRA Secure andReliable?

BitcoinIRA isawell-known trading platform that specializes invarious crypto-based IRA services.

How Does BitcoinIRA Work?

The platform offers aself-directed IRA, enabling investors tointegrate digital assets into their retirement portfolios.

Can IInvest My401(k) inBitcoin?

Yes, you can open anew account with BitcoinIRA orrollover funds from anexisting IRA orretirement account such as401(k) and allocate those funds toward cryptocurrencies such asBitcoin, Ethereum, Bitcoin Cash (BCH), orLitecoin.

What Are Some BitcoinIRA Alternatives?

Swan Bitcoin IRA, iTrustCapital, Alto Crypto IRA, and Broad Financial.

What isthe Minimum and Maximum Investment Amount forBitcoinIRA?

There’s nomaximum investment limit but there isaminimum initial investment of$3,000.

IsBitcoinIRA Tax-free?

You are exempt from taxation aslong asthe money and assets stay within youraccount.

What Are the Risks ofBitcoinIRA?

The primary risks include market volatility, regulatory and legal challenges, security and fraud risks, and tax implications. Before investing inBitcoinIRAs, speak toyour financial advisor and carefully review the terms and conditions ofany financial institution you wish toworkwith.

What toKeep inMind When Choosing aBitcoin orCrypto IRA Provider

Bitcoin isn’t atypical investment. Given its many benefits and lucrative growth, more companies will offer aBitcoinIRA orcrypto IRA product sooner orlater. Here are some key considerations:

Key Considerations

Research Thoroughly

  • Before investing inariskier option like BitcoinIRA, conduct additional research toensure you protect yoursavingswhile exposing yourself tolong-term price appreciation inasecure asset likeBitcoin.

Risk Management

  • Mixing your retirement portfolio with unregistered securities and altcoins onBitcoinIRA platforms isextremelyrisky.

  • Consider going Bitcoin-only when choosing anIRA provider tominimizerisk.

Fee Structure

  • Understand the fees and how the costs will affect your long-term retirementgoals.

Provider Reputation

  • Choose aprovider with asolid reputation and transparent businesspractices.

Security Measures

  • Ensure the provider has robust security measures inplace toprotect yourassets.

Customer Support

  • Good customer support can becrucial ifyou encounter any issues orhave questions about your investments.

Byconsidering these factors, you can make amore informed decision and potentially reap the benefits ofincluding Bitcoin inyour retirementportfolio. Bygoing Bitcoin-only when choosing anIRA provider tominimize risk and maximize your investment’s security and growthpotential.

Learn more about Swan IRA and how itcan help you reach your retirement goals while maximizing yoursavings. Contact the team for more info.t Bitcoin allocations, backed byworld-class custody and educationalcontent.

For more information, please

Swan IRA— Real Bitcoin, NoTaxes*

Hold your IRA with the most trusted name inBitcoin.

BitcoinIRA Review 2024: What to Look Out For! (24)

BitcoinIRA Review 2024: What to Look Out For! (25)BitcoinIRA Review 2024: What to Look Out For! (26)

Nick Payton

Nick Payton isthe Director ofMarketing atSwan Bitcoin. Hehas operated his own consulting agency for over 10 years with afocus ondigital campaigns for Fortune 500 companies. Nick’s analysis isshared across social media and native content Heisfocused oneducating people onthe benefits ofadopting Bitcoin.

In this article

  • What is BitcoinIRA?
  • Who is BitcoinIRA's Target Customer Base?
  • Why Choose a Bitcoin-only IRA Platform vs. Crypto IRA
  • BitcoinIRAvs. Swan Bitcoin
  • Why Do Fees Alter When Investing in an IRA?
  • Feature and Compliance Comparison
  • BitcoinIRA FAQs—Know Before You Invest
  • What Are Some BitcoinIRA Alternatives?
  • What to Keep in Mind When Choosing a Bitcoin or Crypto IRA Provider



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By Rapha Zagury and Brandon Quittem

Adding Bitcoin toyour IRA can provide asset diversification, aswell asthe potential for higher returns and ameasure ofprotection against monetary debasem*nt.

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Secure Your Retirement With Swan IRA

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By John Haar

… and advance Bitcoin adoption while doingit.

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By Terrence Yang and Jeremy Showalter

The Swan IRA isuniquely designed and features adistinctive account setup that incorporates various levels oflegal compliance, regulatory oversight, custodial services, and high-level institutional security measures.

BitcoinIRA Review 2024: What to Look Out For! (2024)
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Author: Prof. Nancy Dach

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Name: Prof. Nancy Dach

Birthday: 1993-08-23

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Hobby: Web surfing, Scuba diving, Mountaineering, Writing, Sailing, Dance, Blacksmithing

Introduction: My name is Prof. Nancy Dach, I am a lively, joyous, courageous, lovely, tender, charming, open person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.