Block Storage service (cinder) command-line client (2024)

Table of Contents
cinder usage¶ cinder optional arguments¶ cinder absolute-limits¶ cinder api-version¶ cinder attachment-create¶ cinder attachment-delete¶ cinder attachment-list¶ cinder attachment-show¶ cinder attachment-update¶ cinder availability-zone-list¶ cinder backup-create¶ cinder backup-delete¶ cinder backup-export¶ cinder backup-import¶ cinder backup-list¶ cinder backup-reset-state¶ cinder backup-restore¶ cinder backup-show¶ cinder backup-update¶ cinder cgsnapshot-create¶ cinder cgsnapshot-delete¶ cinder cgsnapshot-list¶ cinder cgsnapshot-show¶ cinder cluster-disable¶ cinder cluster-enable¶ cinder cluster-list¶ cinder cluster-show¶ cinder consisgroup-create¶ cinder consisgroup-create-from-src¶ cinder consisgroup-delete¶ cinder consisgroup-list¶ cinder consisgroup-show¶ cinder consisgroup-update¶ cinder create¶ cinder credentials¶ cinder delete¶ cinder encryption-type-create¶ cinder encryption-type-delete¶ cinder encryption-type-list¶ cinder encryption-type-show¶ cinder encryption-type-update¶ cinder endpoints¶ cinder extend¶ cinder extra-specs-list¶ cinder failover-host¶ cinder force-delete¶ cinder freeze-host¶ cinder get-capabilities¶ cinder get-pools¶ cinder group-create¶ cinder group-create-from-src¶ cinder group-delete¶ cinder group-list¶ cinder group-show¶ cinder group-snapshot-create¶ cinder group-snapshot-delete¶ cinder group-snapshot-list¶ cinder group-snapshot-show¶ cinder group-specs-list¶ cinder group-type-create¶ cinder group-type-default¶ cinder group-type-delete¶ cinder group-type-key¶ cinder group-type-list¶ cinder group-type-show¶ cinder group-type-update¶ cinder group-update¶ cinder image-metadata¶ cinder image-metadata-show¶ cinder list¶ cinder list-extensions¶ cinder list-filters¶ cinder manage¶ cinder manageable-list¶ cinder message-delete¶ cinder message-list¶ cinder message-show¶ cinder metadata¶ cinder metadata-show¶ cinder metadata-update-all¶ cinder migrate¶ cinder qos-associate¶ cinder qos-create¶ cinder qos-delete¶ cinder qos-disassociate¶ cinder qos-disassociate-all¶ cinder qos-get-association¶ cinder qos-key¶ cinder qos-list¶ cinder qos-show¶ cinder quota-class-show¶ cinder quota-class-update¶ cinder quota-defaults¶ cinder quota-delete¶ cinder quota-show¶ cinder quota-update¶ cinder quota-usage¶ cinder rate-limits¶ cinder readonly-mode-update¶ cinder rename¶ cinder replication-promote¶ cinder replication-reenable¶ cinder reset-state¶ cinder retype¶ cinder service-disable¶ cinder service-enable¶ cinder service-list¶ cinder set-bootable¶ cinder show¶ cinder snapshot-create¶ cinder snapshot-delete¶ cinder snapshot-list¶ cinder snapshot-manage¶ cinder snapshot-manageable-list¶ cinder snapshot-metadata¶ cinder snapshot-metadata-show¶ cinder snapshot-metadata-update-all¶ cinder snapshot-rename¶ cinder snapshot-reset-state¶ cinder snapshot-show¶ cinder snapshot-unmanage¶ cinder thaw-host¶ cinder transfer-accept¶ cinder transfer-create¶ cinder transfer-delete¶ cinder transfer-list¶ cinder transfer-show¶ cinder type-access-add¶ cinder type-access-list¶ cinder type-access-remove¶ cinder type-create¶ cinder type-default¶ cinder type-delete¶ cinder type-key¶ cinder type-list¶ cinder type-show¶ cinder type-update¶ cinder unmanage¶ cinder upload-to-image¶ cinder version-list¶ References

The cinder client is the command-line interface (CLI) forthe Block Storage service (cinder) API and its extensions.

This chapter documents cinder version 2.2.0.

cinder usage

usage: cinder [--version] [-d] [--os-auth-system <os-auth-system>] [--os-auth-type <os-auth-type>] [--service-type <service-type>] [--service-name <service-name>] [--volume-service-name <volume-service-name>] [--os-endpoint-type <os-endpoint-type>] [--endpoint-type <endpoint-type>] [--os-volume-api-version <volume-api-ver>] [--bypass-url <bypass-url>] [--os-endpoint <os-endpoint>] [--retries <retries>] [--profile HMAC_KEY] [--os-auth-strategy <auth-strategy>] [--os-username <auth-user-name>] [--os-password <auth-password>] [--os-tenant-name <auth-tenant-name>] [--os-tenant-id <auth-tenant-id>] [--os-auth-url <auth-url>] [--os-user-id <auth-user-id>] [--os-user-domain-id <auth-user-domain-id>] [--os-user-domain-name <auth-user-domain-name>] [--os-project-id <auth-project-id>] [--os-project-name <auth-project-name>] [--os-project-domain-id <auth-project-domain-id>] [--os-project-domain-name <auth-project-domain-name>] [--os-region-name <region-name>] [--os-token <token>] [--os-url <url>] [--insecure] [--os-cacert <ca-certificate>] [--os-cert <certificate>] [--os-key <key>] [--timeout <seconds>] <subcommand> ...


Lists absolute limits for a user.
Display the server API version information. (SupportedbyAPIversions3.0-3.latest)[hint:use‘–os-volume-api-version’flagtoshowhelpmessageforproper version]
Create an attachment for a cinder volume. (SupportedbyAPIversions3.27-3.latest)[hint:use‘–os-volume-api-version’flagtoshowhelpmessageforproper version]
Delete an attachment for a cinder volume. (SupportedbyAPIversions3.27-3.latest)[hint:use‘–os-volume-api-version’flagtoshowhelpmessageforproper version]
Lists all attachments. (Supported by API versions 3.27- 3.latest) [hint: use ‘–os-volume-api-version’ flagto show help message for proper version]
Show detailed information for attachment. (SupportedbyAPIversions3.27-3.latest)[hint:use‘–os-volume-api-version’flagtoshowhelpmessageforproper version]
Update an attachment for a cinder volume. (SupportedbyAPIversions3.27-3.latest)[hint:use‘–os-volume-api-version’flagtoshowhelpmessageforproper version]
Lists all availability zones.
Creates a volume backup.
Removes one or more backups.
Export backup metadata record.
Import backup metadata record.
Lists all backups.
Explicitly updates the backup state.
Restores a backup.
Shows backup details.
Renamesabackup.(SupportedbyAPIversions3.9-3.latest)[hint:use‘–os-volume-api-version’flagtoshow help message for proper version]
Creates a cgsnapshot.
Removes one or more cgsnapshots.
Lists all cgsnapshots.
Shows cgsnapshot details.
Disables clustered services. (Supported by APIversions3.7-3.latest)[hint:use‘–os-volume-api-version’flagtoshowhelpmessageforproperversion]
Enables clustered services. (Supported by API versions3.7 - 3.latest) [hint: use ‘–os-volume-api-version’flag to show help message for proper version]
Lists clustered services with optional filtering.(Supported by API versions 3.7 - 3.latest) [hint: use‘–os-volume-api-version’ flag to show help messagefor proper version]
Show detailed information on a clustered service.(Supported by API versions 3.7 - 3.latest) [hint: use‘–os-volume-api-version’ flag to show help messagefor proper version]
Creates a consistency group.
Creates a consistency group from a cgsnapshot or asource CG.
Removes one or more consistency groups.
Lists all consistency groups.
Shows details of a consistency group.
Updates a consistency group.
Creates a volume.
Shows user credentials returned from auth.
Removes one or more volumes.
Creates encryption type for a volume type. Admin only.
Deletes encryption type for a volume type. Admin only.
Shows encryption type details for volume types. Adminonly.
Shows encryption type details for a volume type. Adminonly.
Update encryption type information for a volume type(Admin Only).
Discovers endpoints registered by authenticationservice.
Attempts to extend size of an existing volume.
Lists current volume types and extra specs.
Failover a replicating cinder-volume host.
Attempts force-delete of volume, regardless of state.
Freeze and disable the specified cinder-volume host.
Show backend volume stats and properties. Admin only.
Show pool information for backends. Admin only.
Createsagroup.(SupportedbyAPIversions3.13-3.latest)[hint:use‘–os-volume-api-version’flagtoshow help message for proper version]
Creates a group from a group snapshot or a sourcegroup. (Supported by API versions 3.14 - 3.latest)[hint: use ‘–os-volume-api-version’ flag to show helpmessage for proper version]
Removes one or more groups. (Supported by API versions3.13 - 3.latest) [hint: use ‘–os-volume-api-version’flag to show help message for proper version]
Listsallgroups.(SupportedbyAPIversions3.13-3.latest)[hint:use‘–os-volume-api-version’flagtoshow help message for proper version]
Shows details of a group. (Supported by API versions3.13 - 3.latest) [hint: use ‘–os-volume-api-version’flag to show help message for proper version]
Creates a group snapshot. (Supported by API versions3.14 - 3.latest) [hint: use ‘–os-volume-api-version’flag to show help message for proper version]
Removes one or more group snapshots. (Supported by APIversions3.14-3.latest)[hint:use‘–os-volume-api-version’flagtoshowhelpmessageforproperversion]
Lists all group snapshots. (Supported by API versions3.14 - 3.latest) [hint: use ‘–os-volume-api-version’flag to show help message for proper version]
Shows group snapshot details. (Supported by APIversions3.14-3.latest)[hint:use‘–os-volume-api-version’flagtoshowhelpmessageforproperversion]
Lists current group types and specs. (Supported by APIversions3.11-3.latest)[hint:use‘–os-volume-api-version’flagtoshowhelpmessageforproperversion]
Creates a group type. (Supported by API versions 3.11- 3.latest) [hint: use ‘–os-volume-api-version’ flagto show help message for proper version]
List the default group type. (Supported by APIversions3.11-3.latest)[hint:use‘–os-volume-api-version’flagtoshowhelpmessageforproperversion]
Deletes group type or types. (Supported by APIversions3.11-3.latest)[hint:use‘–os-volume-api-version’flagtoshowhelpmessageforproperversion]
Sets or unsets group_spec for a group type. (SupportedbyAPIversions3.11-3.latest)[hint:use‘–os-volume-api-version’flagtoshowhelpmessageforproper version]
Lists available ‘group types’. (Admin only will seeprivatetypes)(SupportedbyAPIversions3.11-3.latest)[hint:use‘–os-volume-api-version’flagtoshow help message for proper version]
Show group type details. (Supported by API versions3.11 - 3.latest) [hint: use ‘–os-volume-api-version’flag to show help message for proper version]
Updates group type name, description, and/oris_public. (Supported by API versions 3.11 - 3.latest)[hint: use ‘–os-volume-api-version’ flag to show helpmessage for proper version]
Updatesagroup.(SupportedbyAPIversions3.13-3.latest)[hint:use‘–os-volume-api-version’flagtoshow help message for proper version]
Sets or deletes volume image metadata.
Shows volume image metadata.
Lists all volumes.
(Supported by API versions 3.33 - 3.latest) [hint: use‘–os-volume-api-version’ flag to show help messagefor proper version]
Manage an existing volume.
Lists all manageable volumes. (Supported by APIversions3.8-3.latest)[hint:use‘–os-volume-api-version’flagtoshowhelpmessageforproperversion]
Removes one or more messages. (Supported by APIversions3.3-3.latest)[hint:use‘–os-volume-api-version’flagtoshowhelpmessageforproperversion]
Listsallmessages.(SupportedbyAPIversions3.3-3.latest)[hint:use‘–os-volume-api-version’flagtoshow help message for proper version]
Shows message details. (Supported by API versions 3.3- 3.latest) [hint: use ‘–os-volume-api-version’ flagto show help message for proper version]
Sets or deletes volume metadata.
Shows volume metadata.
Updates volume metadata.
Migrates volume to a new host.
Associates qos specs with specified volume type.
Creates a qos specs.
Deletes a specified qos specs.
Disassociates qos specs from specified volume type.
Disassociates qos specs from all its associations.
Lists all associations for specified qos specs.
Sets or unsets specifications for a qos spec.
Lists qos specs.
Shows qos specs details.
Lists quotas for a quota class.
Updates quotas for a quota class.
Lists default quotas for a tenant.
Delete the quotas for a tenant.
Lists quotas for a tenant.
Updates quotas for a tenant.
Lists quota usage for a tenant.
Lists rate limits for a user.
Updates volume read-only access-mode flag.
Renames a volume.
Promote a secondary volume to primary for arelationship.
Sync the secondary volume with primary for arelationship.
Explicitly updates the entity state in the Cinderdatabase.
Changes the volume type for a volume.
Disables the service.
Enables the service.
Lists all services. Filter by host and service binary.(Supported by API versions 3.0 - 3.latest) [hint: use‘–os-volume-api-version’ flag to show help messagefor proper version]
Update bootable status of a volume.
Shows volume details.
Creates a snapshot.
Removes one or more snapshots.
Lists all snapshots.
Manage an existing snapshot.
Lists all manageable snapshots. (Supported by APIversions3.8-3.latest)[hint:use‘–os-volume-api-version’flagtoshowhelpmessageforproperversion]
Sets or deletes snapshot metadata.
Shows snapshot metadata.
Updates snapshot metadata.
Renames a snapshot.
Explicitly updates the snapshot state.
Shows snapshot details.
Stop managing a snapshot.
Thaw and enable the specified cinder-volume host.
Accepts a volume transfer.
Creates a volume transfer.
Undoes a transfer.
Lists all transfers.
Shows transfer details.
Adds volume type access for the given project.
Print access information about the given volume type.
Removes volume type access for the given project.
Creates a volume type.
List the default volume type.
Deletes volume type or types.
Sets or unsets extra_spec for a volume type.
Lists available ‘volume types’.
Show volume type details.
Updates volume type name, description, and/oris_public.
Stop managing a volume.
Uploads volume to Image Service as an image.
List all API versions. (Supported by API versions 3.0- 3.latest) [hint: use ‘–os-volume-api-version’ flagto show help message for proper version]
Prints arguments for bash_completion.
Shows help about this program or one of itssubcommands.


cinder optional arguments

show program’s version number and exit
-d, --debug
Shows debugging output.
--os-auth-system <os-auth-system>
DEPRECATED! Use –os-auth-type. Defaults toenv[OS_AUTH_SYSTEM].
--os-auth-type <os-auth-type>
Defaults to env[OS_AUTH_TYPE].
--service-type <service-type>
Service type. For most actions, default is volume.
--service-name <service-name>
Service name. Default= env[CINDER_SERVICE_NAME].
--volume-service-name <volume-service-name>
Volume service name.Default= env[CINDER_VOLUME_SERVICE_NAME].
--os-endpoint-type <os-endpoint-type>
Endpoint type, which is publicURL or internalURL.Default= env[OS_ENDPOINT_TYPE] or novaenv[CINDER_ENDPOINT_TYPE] or publicURL.
--endpoint-type <endpoint-type>
DEPRECATED! Use –os-endpoint-type.
--os-volume-api-version <volume-api-ver>
Block Storage API version. Accepts X, X.Y (where X ismajor and Y is minorpart).Default= env[OS_VOLUME_API_VERSION].
--bypass-url <bypass-url>
DEPRECATED! Use os_endpoint. Use this API endpointinstead of the Service Catalog. Defaults toenv[CINDERCLIENT_BYPASS_URL].
--os-endpoint <os-endpoint>
Use this API endpoint instead of the Service Catalog.Defaults to env[CINDER_ENDPOINT].
--retries <retries>
Number of retries.
--profile HMAC_KEY
HMAC key to use for encrypting context data forperformance profiling of operation. This key needs tomatch the one configured on the cinder api server.Without key the profiling will not be triggered evenif osprofiler is enabled on server side.
--os-auth-strategy <auth-strategy>
Authentication strategy (Env: OS_AUTH_STRATEGY,default keystone). For now, any other value willdisable the authentication.
--os-username <auth-user-name>
OpenStack user name. Default= env[OS_USERNAME].
--os-password <auth-password>
Password for OpenStack user. Default= env[OS_PASSWORD].
--os-tenant-name <auth-tenant-name>
Tenant name. Default= env[OS_TENANT_NAME].
--os-tenant-id <auth-tenant-id>
ID for the tenant. Default= env[OS_TENANT_ID].
--os-auth-url <auth-url>
URL for the authentication service.Default= env[OS_AUTH_URL].
--os-user-id <auth-user-id>
Authentication user ID (Env: OS_USER_ID).
--os-user-domain-id <auth-user-domain-id>
OpenStack user domain ID. Defaults toenv[OS_USER_DOMAIN_ID].
--os-user-domain-name <auth-user-domain-name>
OpenStack user domain name. Defaults toenv[OS_USER_DOMAIN_NAME].
--os-project-id <auth-project-id>
Another way to specify tenant ID. This option ismutually exclusive with –os-tenant-id. Defaults toenv[OS_PROJECT_ID].
--os-project-name <auth-project-name>
Another way to specify tenant name. This option ismutually exclusive with –os-tenant-name. Defaults toenv[OS_PROJECT_NAME].
--os-project-domain-id <auth-project-domain-id>
Defaults to env[OS_PROJECT_DOMAIN_ID].
--os-project-domain-name <auth-project-domain-name>
Defaults to env[OS_PROJECT_DOMAIN_NAME].
--os-region-name <region-name>
Region name. Default= env[OS_REGION_NAME].
--os-token <token>
Defaults to env[OS_TOKEN].
--os-url <url>
Defaults to env[OS_URL].

cinder absolute-limits

usage: cinder absolute-limits [<tenant_id>]

Lists absolute limits for a user.

Positional arguments:

Display information for a single tenant (Admin only).

cinder api-version

usage: cinder api-version

Display the server API version information.

cinder attachment-create

usage: cinder attachment-create [--connect <connect>] [--initiator <initiator>] [--ip <ip>] [--host <host>] [--platform <platform>] [--ostype <ostype>] [--multipath <multipath>] [--mountpoint <mountpoint>] <volume> <server_id>

Create an attachment for a cinder volume.

Positional arguments:

Name or ID of volume or volumes to attach.
ID of server attaching to.

Optional arguments:

--connect <connect>
Make an active connection using provided connectorinfo (True or False).
--initiator <initiator>
iqn of the initiator attaching to. Default=None.
--ip <ip>
ip of the system attaching to. Default=None.
--host <host>
Name of the host attaching to. Default=None.
--platform <platform>
Platform type. Default=x86_64.
--ostype <ostype>
OS type. Default=linux2.
--multipath <multipath>
Use multipath. Default=False.
--mountpoint <mountpoint>
Mountpoint volume will be attached at. Default=None.

cinder attachment-delete

usage: cinder attachment-delete <attachment> [<attachment> ...]

Delete an attachment for a cinder volume.

Positional arguments:

ID of attachment or attachments to delete.

cinder attachment-list

usage: cinder attachment-list [--all-tenants [<0|1>]] [--volume-id <volume-id>] [--status <status>] [--marker <marker>] [--limit <limit>] [--sort <key>[:<direction>]] [--tenant [<tenant>]] [--filters [<key=value> [<key=value> ...]]]

Lists all attachments.

Optional arguments:

--all-tenants [<0|1>]
Shows details for all tenants. Admin only.
--volume-id <volume-id>
Filters results by a volume ID. Default=None. Thisoption is deprecated and will be removed in newerrelease. Please use ‘–filters’ option which isintroduced since 3.33 instead.
--status <status>
Filters results by a status. Default=None. This optionis deprecated and will be removed in newer release.Please use ‘–filters’ option which is introducedsince 3.33 instead.
--marker <marker>
Begin returning attachments that appear later inattachment list than that represented by this id.Default=None.
--limit <limit>
Maximum number of attachments to return. Default=None.
--sort <key>[:<direction>]
Comma-separated list of sort keys and directions inthe form of <key>[:<asc|desc>]. Valid keys: id,status, size, availability_zone, name, bootable,created_at, reference. Default=None.
--tenant [<tenant>]
Display information from single tenant (Admin only).
--filters [<key=value> [<key=value> ...]]
Filterkeyandvaluepairs.Pleaseuse‘cinderlist-filters’tocheckenabledfiltersfromserver,Default=None. (Supported by API version 3.33 andlater)

cinder attachment-show

usage: cinder attachment-show <attachment>

Show detailed information for attachment.

Positional arguments:

ID of attachment.

cinder attachment-update

usage: cinder attachment-update [--initiator <initiator>] [--ip <ip>] [--host <host>] [--platform <platform>] [--ostype <ostype>] [--multipath <multipath>] [--mountpoint <mountpoint>] <attachment>

Update an attachment for a cinder volume. This call is designed to be more ofan attachment completion than anything else. It expects the value of aconnector object to notify the driver that the volume is going to be connectedand where it’s being connected to.

Positional arguments:

ID of attachment.

Optional arguments:

--initiator <initiator>
iqn of the initiator attaching to. Default=None.
--ip <ip>
ip of the system attaching to. Default=None.
--host <host>
Name of the host attaching to. Default=None.
--platform <platform>
Platform type. Default=x86_64.
--ostype <ostype>
OS type. Default=linux2.
--multipath <multipath>
Use multipath. Default=False.
--mountpoint <mountpoint>
Mountpoint volume will be attached at. Default=None.

cinder availability-zone-list

usage: cinder availability-zone-list

Lists all availability zones.

cinder backup-create

usage: cinder backup-create [--container <container>] [--name <name>] [--description <description>] [--incremental] [--force] [--snapshot-id <snapshot-id>] <volume>

Creates a volume backup.

Positional arguments:

Name or ID of volume to backup.

Optional arguments:

--container <container>
Backup container name. Default=None.
--name <name>
Backup name. Default=None.
--description <description>
Backup description. Default=None.
Incremental backup. Default=False.
Allows or disallows backup of a volume when the volumeis attached to an instance. If set to True, backs upthevolumewhetheritsstatusis“available”or“in-use”.Thebackupofan“in-use”volumemeansyourdatais crash consistent. Default=False.
--snapshot-id <snapshot-id>
ID of snapshot to backup. Default=None.

cinder backup-delete

usage: cinder backup-delete [--force] <backup> [<backup> ...]

Removes one or more backups.

Positional arguments:

Name or ID of backup(s) to delete.

Optional arguments:

Allows deleting backup of a volume when its status is other than“available” or “error”. Default=False.

cinder backup-export

usage: cinder backup-export <backup>

Export backup metadata record.

Positional arguments:

ID of the backup to export.

cinder backup-import

usage: cinder backup-import <backup_service> <backup_url>

Import backup metadata record.

Positional arguments:

Backup service to use for importing the backup.
Backup URL for importing the backup metadata.

cinder backup-list

usage: cinder backup-list [--all-tenants [<all_tenants>]] [--name <name>] [--status <status>] [--volume-id <volume-id>] [--marker <marker>] [--limit <limit>] [--sort <key>[:<direction>]] [--filters [<key=value> [<key=value> ...]]]

Lists all backups.

Optional arguments:

--all-tenants [<all_tenants>]
Shows details for all tenants. Admin only.
--name <name>
Filters results by a name. Default=None. This optionis deprecated and will be removed in newer release.Please use ‘–filters’ option which is introducedsince 3.33 instead.
--status <status>
Filters results by a status. Default=None. This optionis deprecated and will be removed in newer release.Please use ‘–filters’ option which is introducedsince 3.33 instead.
--volume-id <volume-id>
Filters results by a volume ID. Default=None. Thisoption is deprecated and will be removed in newerrelease. Please use ‘–filters’ option which isintroduced since 3.33 instead.
--marker <marker>
Begin returning backups that appear later in thebackup list than that represented by this id.Default=None.
--limit <limit>
Maximum number of backups to return. Default=None.
--sort <key>[:<direction>]
Comma-separated list of sort keys and directions inthe form of <key>[:<asc|desc>]. Valid keys: id,status, size, availability_zone, name, bootable,created_at, reference. Default=None.
--filters [<key=value> [<key=value> ...]]
Filterkeyandvaluepairs.Pleaseuse‘cinderlist-filters’tocheckenabledfiltersfromserver,Default=None. (Supported by API version 3.33 andlater)

cinder backup-reset-state

usage: cinder backup-reset-state [--state <state>] <backup> [<backup> ...]

Explicitly updates the backup state.

Positional arguments:

Name or ID of the backup to modify.

Optional arguments:

--state <state>
The state to assign to the backup. Valid values are“available”, “error”. Default=available.

cinder backup-restore

usage: cinder backup-restore [--volume <volume>] [--name <name>] <backup>

Restores a backup.

Positional arguments:

Name or ID of backup to restore.

Optional arguments:

--volume <volume>
Name or ID of existing volume to which to restore. Thisis mutually exclusive with –name and takes priority.Default=None.
--name <name>
Use the name for new volume creation to restore. This ismutually exclusive with –volume (or the deprecated–volume-id) and –volume (or –volume-id) takespriority. Default=None.

cinder backup-show

usage: cinder backup-show <backup>

Shows backup details.

Positional arguments:

Name or ID of backup.

cinder backup-update

usage: cinder backup-update [--name [<name>]] [--description <description>] <backup>

Renames a backup.

Positional arguments:

Name or ID of backup to rename.

Optional arguments:

--name [<name>]
New name for backup.
--description <description>
Backup description. Default=None.

cinder cgsnapshot-create

usage: cinder cgsnapshot-create [--name <name>] [--description <description>] <consistencygroup>

Creates a cgsnapshot.

Positional arguments:

Name or ID of a consistency group.

Optional arguments:

--name <name>
Cgsnapshot name. Default=None.
--description <description>
Cgsnapshot description. Default=None.

cinder cgsnapshot-delete

usage: cinder cgsnapshot-delete <cgsnapshot> [<cgsnapshot> ...]

Removes one or more cgsnapshots.

Positional arguments:

Name or ID of one or more cgsnapshots to be deleted.

cinder cgsnapshot-list

usage: cinder cgsnapshot-list [--all-tenants [<0|1>]] [--status <status>] [--consistencygroup-id <consistencygroup_id>]

Lists all cgsnapshots.

Optional arguments:

--all-tenants [<0|1>]
Shows details for all tenants. Admin only.
--status <status>
Filters results by a status. Default=None.
--consistencygroup-id <consistencygroup_id>
Filters results by a consistency group ID.Default=None.

cinder cgsnapshot-show

usage: cinder cgsnapshot-show <cgsnapshot>

Shows cgsnapshot details.

Positional arguments:

Name or ID of cgsnapshot.

cinder cluster-disable

usage: cinder cluster-disable [--reason <reason>] [<binary>] <cluster-name>

Disables clustered services.

Positional arguments:

Binary to filter by. Default: cinder-volume.
Name of the clustered services to update.

Optional arguments:

--reason <reason>
Reason for disabling clustered service.

cinder cluster-enable

usage: cinder cluster-enable [<binary>] <cluster-name>

Enables clustered services.

Positional arguments:

Binary to filter by. Default: cinder-volume.
Name of the clustered services to update.

cinder cluster-list

usage: cinder cluster-list [--name <name>] [--binary <binary>] [--is-up <True|true|False|false>] [--disabled <True|true|False|false>] [--num-hosts <num-hosts>] [--num-down-hosts <num-down-hosts>] [--detailed]

Lists clustered services with optional filtering.

Optional arguments:

--name <name>
Filter by cluster name, without backend will list allclustered services from the same cluster.Default=None.
--binary <binary>
Cluster binary. Default=None.
--is-up <True|true|False|false>
Filter by up/dow status. Default=None.
--disabled <True|true|False|false>
Filter by disabled status. Default=None.
--num-hosts <num-hosts>
Filter by number of hosts in the cluster.
--num-down-hosts <num-down-hosts>
Filter by number of hosts that are down.
Get detailed clustered service information(Default=False).

cinder cluster-show

usage: cinder cluster-show [<binary>] <cluster-name>

Show detailed information on a clustered service.

Positional arguments:

Binary to filter by. Default: cinder-volume.
Name of the clustered service to show.

cinder consisgroup-create

usage: cinder consisgroup-create [--name <name>] [--description <description>] [--availability-zone <availability-zone>] <volume-types>

Creates a consistency group.

Positional arguments:

Volume types.

Optional arguments:

--name <name>
Name of a consistency group.
--description <description>
Description of a consistency group. Default=None.
--availability-zone <availability-zone>
Availability zone for volume. Default=None.

cinder consisgroup-create-from-src

usage: cinder consisgroup-create-from-src [--cgsnapshot <cgsnapshot>] [--source-cg <source-cg>] [--name <name>] [--description <description>]

Creates a consistency group from a cgsnapshot or a source CG.

Optional arguments:

--cgsnapshot <cgsnapshot>
Name or ID of a cgsnapshot. Default=None.
--source-cg <source-cg>
Name or ID of a source CG. Default=None.
--name <name>
Name of a consistency group. Default=None.
--description <description>
Description of a consistency group. Default=None.

cinder consisgroup-delete

usage: cinder consisgroup-delete [--force] <consistencygroup> [<consistencygroup> ...]

Removes one or more consistency groups.

Positional arguments:

Name or ID of one or more consistency groups to bedeleted.

Optional arguments:

Allows or disallows consistency groups to be deleted. Ifthe consistency group is empty, it can be deletedwithout the force flag. If the consistency group is notempty, the force flag is required for it to be deleted.

cinder consisgroup-list

usage: cinder consisgroup-list [--all-tenants [<0|1>]]

Lists all consistency groups.

Optional arguments:

--all-tenants [<0|1>]
Shows details for all tenants. Admin only.

cinder consisgroup-show

usage: cinder consisgroup-show <consistencygroup>

Shows details of a consistency group.

Positional arguments:

Name or ID of a consistency group.

cinder consisgroup-update

usage: cinder consisgroup-update [--name <name>] [--description <description>] [--add-volumes <uuid1,uuid2,......>] [--remove-volumes <uuid3,uuid4,......>] <consistencygroup>

Updates a consistency group.

Positional arguments:

Name or ID of a consistency group.

Optional arguments:

--name <name>
New name for consistency group. Default=None.
--description <description>
New description for consistency group. Default=None.
--add-volumes <uuid1,uuid2,......>
UUID of one or more volumes to be added to theconsistency group, separated by commas. Default=None.
--remove-volumes <uuid3,uuid4,......>
UUID of one or more volumes to be removed from theconsistency group, separated by commas. Default=None.

cinder create

usage: cinder create [--consisgroup-id <consistencygroup-id>] [--group-id <group-id>] [--snapshot-id <snapshot-id>] [--source-volid <source-volid>] [--source-replica <source-replica>] [--image-id <image-id>] [--image <image>] [--name <name>] [--description <description>] [--volume-type <volume-type>] [--availability-zone <availability-zone>] [--metadata [<key=value> [<key=value> ...]]] [--hint <key=value>] [--allow-multiattach] [<size>]

Creates a volume.

Positional arguments:

Size of volume, in GiBs. (Required unless snapshot-id/source-volid is specified).

Optional arguments:

--consisgroup-id <consistencygroup-id>
ID of a consistency group where the new volume belongsto. Default=None.
--group-id <group-id>
ID of a group where the new volume belongs to.Default=None. (Supported by API version 3.13 andlater)
--snapshot-id <snapshot-id>
Creates volume from snapshot ID. Default=None.
--source-volid <source-volid>
Creates volume from volume ID. Default=None.
--source-replica <source-replica>
Creates volume from replicated volume ID.Default=None.
--image-id <image-id>
Creates volume from image ID. Default=None.
--image <image>
Creates a volume from image (ID or name).Default=None.
--name <name>
Volume name. Default=None.
--description <description>
Volume description. Default=None.
--volume-type <volume-type>
Volume type. Default=None.
--availability-zone <availability-zone>
Availability zone for volume. Default=None.
--metadata [<key=value> [<key=value> ...]]
Metadata key and value pairs. Default=None.
--hint <key=value>
Scheduler hint, like in nova.
Allow volume to be attached more than once.Default=False

cinder delete

usage: cinder delete [--cascade] <volume> [<volume> ...]

Removes one or more volumes.

Positional arguments:

Name or ID of volume or volumes to delete.

Optional arguments:

Remove any snapshots along with volume. Default=False.

cinder encryption-type-create

usage: cinder encryption-type-create [--cipher <cipher>] [--key-size <key_size>] [--control-location <control_location>] <volume_type> <provider>

Creates encryption type for a volume type. Admin only.

Positional arguments:

Name or ID of volume type.
The class that provides encryption support. Forexample, LuksEncryptor.

Optional arguments:

--cipher <cipher>
--key-size <key_size>
Size of encryption key, in bits. For example, 128 or256. Default=None.
--control-location <control_location>
Notional service where encryption is performed. Validvalues are “front-end” or “back-end.” For example,front-end=Nova. Default is “front-end.”

cinder encryption-type-delete

usage: cinder encryption-type-delete <volume_type>

Deletes encryption type for a volume type. Admin only.

Positional arguments:

Name or ID of volume type.

cinder encryption-type-list

usage: cinder encryption-type-list

Shows encryption type details for volume types. Admin only.

cinder encryption-type-show

usage: cinder encryption-type-show <volume_type>

Shows encryption type details for a volume type. Admin only.

Positional arguments:

Name or ID of volume type.

cinder encryption-type-update

usage: cinder encryption-type-update [--provider <provider>] [--cipher [<cipher>]] [--key-size [<key-size>]] [--control-location <control-location>] <volume-type>

Update encryption type information for a volume type (Admin Only).

Positional arguments:

Name or ID of the volume type

Optional arguments:

--provider <provider>
Class providing encryption support (e.g.LuksEncryptor)
--cipher [<cipher>]
Encryptionalgorithm/modetouse(e.g.,aes-xts-plain64).Provideparameterwithoutvaluetosettoprovider default.
--key-size [<key-size>]
Size of the encryption key, in bits (e.g., 128, 256).Provide parameter without value to set to providerdefault.
--control-location <control-location>
Notional service where encryption is performed (e.g.,front-end=Nova). Values: ‘front-end’, ‘back-end’

cinder endpoints

usage: cinder endpoints

Discovers endpoints registered by authentication service.

cinder extend

usage: cinder extend <volume> <new_size>

Attempts to extend size of an existing volume.

Positional arguments:

Name or ID of volume to extend.
New size of volume, in GiBs.

cinder extra-specs-list

usage: cinder extra-specs-list

Lists current volume types and extra specs.

cinder failover-host

usage: cinder failover-host [--backend_id <backend-id>] <hostname>

Failover a replicating cinder-volume host.

Positional arguments:

Host name.

Optional arguments:

--backend_id <backend-id>
ID of backend to failover to (Default=None)

cinder force-delete

usage: cinder force-delete <volume> [<volume> ...]

Attempts force-delete of volume, regardless of state.

Positional arguments:

Name or ID of volume or volumes to delete.

cinder freeze-host

usage: cinder freeze-host <hostname>

Freeze and disable the specified cinder-volume host.

Positional arguments:

Host name.

cinder get-capabilities

usage: cinder get-capabilities <host>

Show backend volume stats and properties. Admin only.

Positional arguments:

Cinder host to show backend volume stats and properties; takes theform: host@backend-name

cinder get-pools

usage: cinder get-pools [--detail] [--filters [<key=value> [<key=value> ...]]]

Show pool information for backends. Admin only.

Optional arguments:

Show detailed information about pools.
--filters [<key=value> [<key=value> ...]]
Filterkeyandvaluepairs.Pleaseuse‘cinderlist-filters’tocheckenabledfiltersfromserver,Default=None. (Supported by API version 3.33 andlater)

cinder group-create

usage: cinder group-create [--name <name>] [--description <description>] [--availability-zone <availability-zone>] <group-type> <volume-types>

Creates a group.

Positional arguments:

Group type.
Comma-separated list of volume types.

Optional arguments:

--name <name>
Name of a group.
--description <description>
Description of a group. Default=None.
--availability-zone <availability-zone>
Availability zone for group. Default=None.

cinder group-create-from-src

usage: cinder group-create-from-src [--group-snapshot <group-snapshot>] [--source-group <source-group>] [--name <name>] [--description <description>]

Creates a group from a group snapshot or a source group.

Optional arguments:

--group-snapshot <group-snapshot>
Name or ID of a group snapshot. Default=None.
--source-group <source-group>
Name or ID of a source group. Default=None.
--name <name>
Name of a group. Default=None.
--description <description>
Description of a group. Default=None.

cinder group-delete

usage: cinder group-delete [--delete-volumes] <group> [<group> ...]

Removes one or more groups.

Positional arguments:

Name or ID of one or more groups to be deleted.

Optional arguments:

Allows or disallows groups to be deleted if they are notempty. If the group is empty, it can be deleted withoutthe delete-volumes flag. If the group is not empty, thedelete-volumes flag is required for it to be deleted. IfTrue, all volumes in the group will also be deleted.

cinder group-list

usage: cinder group-list [--all-tenants [<0|1>]] [--filters [<key=value> [<key=value> ...]]]

Lists all groups.

Optional arguments:

--all-tenants [<0|1>]
Shows details for all tenants. Admin only.
--filters [<key=value> [<key=value> ...]]
Filterkeyandvaluepairs.Pleaseuse‘cinderlist-filters’tocheckenabledfiltersfromserver,Default=None. (Supported by API version 3.33 andlater)

cinder group-show

usage: cinder group-show <group>

Shows details of a group.

Positional arguments:

Name or ID of a group.

cinder group-snapshot-create

usage: cinder group-snapshot-create [--name <name>] [--description <description>] <group>

Creates a group snapshot.

Positional arguments:

Name or ID of a group.

Optional arguments:

--name <name>
Group snapshot name. Default=None.
--description <description>
Group snapshot description. Default=None.

cinder group-snapshot-delete

usage: cinder group-snapshot-delete <group_snapshot> [<group_snapshot> ...]

Removes one or more group snapshots.

Positional arguments:

Name or ID of one or more group snapshots to be deleted.

cinder group-snapshot-list

usage: cinder group-snapshot-list [--all-tenants [<0|1>]] [--status <status>] [--group-id <group_id>] [--filters [<key=value> [<key=value> ...]]]

Lists all group snapshots.

Optional arguments:

--all-tenants [<0|1>]
Shows details for all tenants. Admin only.
--status <status>
Filters results by a status. Default=None. This optionis deprecated and will be removed in newer release.Please use ‘–filters’ option which is introducedsince 3.33 instead.
--group-id <group_id>
Filters results by a group ID. Default=None. Thisoption is deprecated and will be removed in newerrelease. Please use ‘–filters’ option which isintroduced since 3.33 instead.
--filters [<key=value> [<key=value> ...]]
Filterkeyandvaluepairs.Pleaseuse‘cinderlist-filters’tocheckenabledfiltersfromserver,Default=None. (Supported by API version 3.33 andlater)

cinder group-snapshot-show

usage: cinder group-snapshot-show <group_snapshot>

Shows group snapshot details.

Positional arguments:

Name or ID of group snapshot.

cinder group-specs-list

usage: cinder group-specs-list

Lists current group types and specs.

cinder group-type-create

usage: cinder group-type-create [--description <description>] [--is-public <is-public>] <name>

Creates a group type.

Positional arguments:

Name of new group type.

Optional arguments:

--description <description>
Description of new group type.
--is-public <is-public>
Make type accessible to the public (default true).

cinder group-type-default

usage: cinder group-type-default

List the default group type.

cinder group-type-delete

usage: cinder group-type-delete <group_type> [<group_type> ...]

Deletes group type or types.

Positional arguments:

Name or ID of group type or types to delete.

cinder group-type-key

usage: cinder group-type-key <gtype> <action> <key=value> [<key=value> ...]

Sets or unsets group_spec for a group type.

Positional arguments:

Name or ID of group type.
The action. Valid values are “set” or “unset.”
The group specs key and value pair to set or unset. For unset,specify only the key.

cinder group-type-list

usage: cinder group-type-list

Lists available ‘group types’. (Admin only will see private types)

cinder group-type-show

usage: cinder group-type-show <group_type>

Show group type details.

Positional arguments:

Name or ID of the group type.

cinder group-type-update

usage: cinder group-type-update [--name <name>] [--description <description>] [--is-public <is-public>] <id>

Updates group type name, description, and/or is_public.

Positional arguments:

ID of the group type.

Optional arguments:

--name <name>
Name of the group type.
--description <description>
Description of the group type.
--is-public <is-public>
Make type accessible to the public or not.

cinder group-update

usage: cinder group-update [--name <name>] [--description <description>] [--add-volumes <uuid1,uuid2,......>] [--remove-volumes <uuid3,uuid4,......>] <group>

Updates a group.

Positional arguments:

Name or ID of a group.

Optional arguments:

--name <name>
New name for group. Default=None.
--description <description>
New description for group. Default=None.
--add-volumes <uuid1,uuid2,......>
UUID of one or more volumes to be added to the group,separated by commas. Default=None.
--remove-volumes <uuid3,uuid4,......>
UUID of one or more volumes to be removed from thegroup, separated by commas. Default=None.

cinder image-metadata

usage: cinder image-metadata <volume> <action> <key=value> [<key=value> ...]

Sets or deletes volume image metadata.

Positional arguments:

Name or ID of volume for which to update metadata.
The action. Valid values are ‘set’ or ‘unset.’
Metadata key and value pair to set or unset. For unset, specifyonly the key.

cinder image-metadata-show

usage: cinder image-metadata-show <volume>

Shows volume image metadata.

Positional arguments:

ID of volume.

cinder list

usage: cinder list [--group_id <group_id>] [--all-tenants [<0|1>]] [--name <name>] [--status <status>] [--bootable [<True|true|False|false>]] [--migration_status <migration_status>] [--metadata [<key=value> [<key=value> ...]]] [--image_metadata [<key=value> [<key=value> ...]]] [--marker <marker>] [--limit <limit>] [--fields <fields>] [--sort <key>[:<direction>]] [--tenant [<tenant>]] [--filters [<key=value> [<key=value> ...]]]

Lists all volumes.

Optional arguments:

--group_id <group_id>
Filters results by a group_id. Default=None.Thisoption is deprecated and will be removed in newerrelease. Please use ‘–filters’ option which isintroduced since 3.33 instead. (Supported by APIversion 3.10 and later)
--all-tenants [<0|1>]
Shows details for all tenants. Admin only.
--name <name>
Filters results by a name. Default=None. This optionis deprecated and will be removed in newer release.Please use ‘–filters’ option which is introducedsince 3.33 instead.
--status <status>
Filters results by a status. Default=None. This optionis deprecated and will be removed in newer release.Please use ‘–filters’ option which is introducedsince 3.33 instead.
--bootable [<True|true|False|false>]
Filters results by bootable status. Default=None. Thisoption is deprecated and will be removed in newerrelease. Please use ‘–filters’ option which isintroduced since 3.33 instead.
--migration_status <migration_status>
Filters results by a migration status. Default=None.Admin only. This option is deprecated and will beremoved in newer release. Please use ‘–filters’option which is introduced since 3.33 instead.
--metadata [<key=value> [<key=value> ...]]
Filters results by a metadata key and value pair.Default=None. This option is deprecated and will beremoved in newer release. Please use ‘–filters’option which is introduced since 3.33 instead.
--image_metadata [<key=value> [<key=value> ...]]
Filters results by a image metadata key and valuepair. Require volume api version >=3.4.Default=None.This option is deprecated and will beremoved in newer release. Please use ‘–filters’option which is introduced since 3.33 instead.(Supported by API version 3.4 and later)
--marker <marker>
Begin returning volumes that appear later in thevolume list than that represented by this volume id.Default=None.
--limit <limit>
Maximum number of volumes to return. Default=None.
--fields <fields>
Comma-separated list of fields to display. Use theshow command to see which fields are available.Unavailable/non-existent fields will be ignored.Default=None.
--sort <key>[:<direction>]
Comma-separated list of sort keys and directions inthe form of <key>[:<asc|desc>]. Valid keys: id,status, size, availability_zone, name, bootable,created_at, reference. Default=None.
--tenant [<tenant>]
Display information from single tenant (Admin only).
--filters [<key=value> [<key=value> ...]]
Filterkeyandvaluepairs.Pleaseuse‘cinderlist-filters’tocheckenabledfiltersfromserver,Default=None. (Supported by API version 3.33 andlater)

cinder list-extensions

usage: cinder list-extensions

cinder list-filters

usage: cinder list-filters [--resource <resource>]

Optional arguments:

--resource <resource>
Show enabled filters for specified resource.Default=None.

cinder manage

usage: cinder manage [--id-type <id-type>] [--name <name>] [--description <description>] [--volume-type <volume-type>] [--availability-zone <availability-zone>] [--metadata [<key=value> [<key=value> ...]]] [--bootable] <host> <identifier>

Manage an existing volume.

Positional arguments:

Cinder host on which the existing volume resides;takes the form: host@backend-name#pool
Name or other Identifier for existing volume

Optional arguments:

--id-type <id-type>
Type of backend device identifier provided, typicallysource-name or source-id (Default=source-name)
--name <name>
Volume name (Default=None)
--description <description>
Volume description (Default=None)
--volume-type <volume-type>
Volume type (Default=None)
--availability-zone <availability-zone>
Availability zone for volume (Default=None)
--metadata [<key=value> [<key=value> ...]]
Metadata key=value pairs (Default=None)
Specifies that the newly created volume should bemarked as bootable

cinder manageable-list

usage: cinder manageable-list [--detailed <detailed>] [--marker <marker>] [--limit <limit>] [--offset <offset>] [--sort <key>[:<direction>]] <host>

Lists all manageable volumes.

Positional arguments:

Cinder host on which to list manageable volumes; takesthe form: host@backend-name#pool

Optional arguments:

--detailed <detailed>
Returned detailed information (default true).
--marker <marker>
Begin returning volumes that appear later in thevolume list than that represented by this reference.This reference should be json like. Default=None.
--limit <limit>
Maximum number of volumes to return. Default=None.
--offset <offset>
Number of volumes to skip after marker. Default=None.
--sort <key>[:<direction>]
Comma-separated list of sort keys and directions inthe form of <key>[:<asc|desc>]. Valid keys: size,reference. Default=None.

cinder message-delete

usage: cinder message-delete <message> [<message> ...]

Removes one or more messages.

Positional arguments:

ID of one or more message to be deleted.

cinder message-list

usage: cinder message-list [--marker <marker>] [--limit <limit>] [--sort <key>[:<direction>]] [--resource_uuid <resource_uuid>] [--resource_type <type>] [--event_id <id>] [--request_id <request_id>] [--level <level>] [--filters [<key=value> [<key=value> ...]]]

Lists all messages.

Optional arguments:

--marker <marker>
Begin returning message that appear later in themessage list than that represented by this id.Default=None. (Supported by API version 3.5 and later)
--limit <limit>
Maximum number of messages to return. Default=None.(Supported by API version 3.5 and later)
--sort <key>[:<direction>]
Comma-separated list of sort keys and directions inthe form of <key>[:<asc|desc>]. Valid keys: id,status, size, availability_zone, name, bootable,created_at, reference. Default=None. (Supported by APIversion 3.5 and later)
--resource_uuid <resource_uuid>
Filters results by a resource uuid. Default=None. Thisoption is deprecated and will be removed in newerrelease. Please use ‘–filters’ option which isintroduced since 3.33 instead.
--resource_type <type>
Filters results by a resource type. Default=None. Thisoption is deprecated and will be removed in newerrelease. Please use ‘–filters’ option which isintroduced since 3.33 instead.
--event_id <id>
Filters results by event id. Default=None. This optionis deprecated and will be removed in newer release.Please use ‘–filters’ option which is introducedsince 3.33 instead.
--request_id <request_id>
Filters results by request id. Default=None. Thisoption is deprecated and will be removed in newerrelease. Please use ‘–filters’ option which isintroduced since 3.33 instead.
--level <level>
Filters results by the message level. Default=None.This option is deprecated and will be removed in newerrelease. Please use ‘–filters’ option which isintroduced since 3.33 instead.
--filters [<key=value> [<key=value> ...]]
Filterkeyandvaluepairs.Pleaseuse‘cinderlist-filters’tocheckenabledfiltersfromserver,Default=None. (Supported by API version 3.33 andlater)

cinder message-show

usage: cinder message-show <message>

Shows message details.

Positional arguments:

ID of message.

cinder metadata

usage: cinder metadata <volume> <action> <key=value> [<key=value> ...]

Sets or deletes volume metadata.

Positional arguments:

Name or ID of volume for which to update metadata.
The action. Valid values are “set” or “unset.”
Metadata key and value pair to set or unset. For unset, specifyonly the key(s): <key key> (Supported by API version 3.15 andlater)

cinder metadata-show

usage: cinder metadata-show <volume>

Shows volume metadata.

Positional arguments:

ID of volume.

cinder metadata-update-all

usage: cinder metadata-update-all <volume> <key=value> [<key=value> ...]

Updates volume metadata.

Positional arguments:

ID of volume for which to update metadata.
Metadata key and value pair or pairs to update.

cinder migrate

usage: cinder migrate [--force-host-copy [<True|False>]] [--lock-volume [<True|False>]] <volume> <host>

Migrates volume to a new host.

Positional arguments:

ID of volume to migrate.
Destination host. Takes the form: host@backend-name#pool

Optional arguments:

--force-host-copy [<True|False>]
--lock-volume [<True|False>]
Enables or disables the termination of volumemigration caused by other commands. This optionapplies to the available volume. True means it locksthe volume state and does not allow the migration tobe aborted. The volume status will be in maintenanceduring the migration. False means it allows the volumemigration to be aborted. The volume status is still inthe original status. Default=False.

cinder qos-associate

usage: cinder qos-associate <qos_specs> <volume_type_id>

Associates qos specs with specified volume type.

Positional arguments:

ID of QoS specifications.
ID of volume type with which to associate QoSspecifications.

cinder qos-create

usage: cinder qos-create <name> <key=value> [<key=value> ...]

Creates a qos specs.

Positional arguments:

Name of new QoS specifications.
QoS specifications.

cinder qos-delete

usage: cinder qos-delete [--force [<True|False>]] <qos_specs>

Deletes a specified qos specs.

Positional arguments:

ID of QoS specifications to delete.

Optional arguments:

--force [<True|False>]
Enables or disables deletion of in-use QoSspecifications. Default=False.

cinder qos-disassociate

usage: cinder qos-disassociate <qos_specs> <volume_type_id>

Disassociates qos specs from specified volume type.

Positional arguments:

ID of QoS specifications.
ID of volume type with which to associate QoSspecifications.

cinder qos-disassociate-all

usage: cinder qos-disassociate-all <qos_specs>

Disassociates qos specs from all its associations.

Positional arguments:

ID of QoS specifications on which to operate.

cinder qos-get-association

usage: cinder qos-get-association <qos_specs>

Lists all associations for specified qos specs.

Positional arguments:

ID of QoS specifications.

cinder qos-key

usage: cinder qos-key <qos_specs> <action> key=value [key=value ...]

Sets or unsets specifications for a qos spec.

Positional arguments:

ID of QoS specifications.
The action. Valid values are “set” or “unset.”
Metadata key and value pair to set or unset. For unset, specifyonly the key.

cinder qos-list

usage: cinder qos-list

Lists qos specs.

cinder qos-show

usage: cinder qos-show <qos_specs>

Shows qos specs details.

Positional arguments:

ID of QoS specifications to show.

cinder quota-class-show

usage: cinder quota-class-show <class>

Lists quotas for a quota class.

Positional arguments:

Name of quota class for which to list quotas.

cinder quota-class-update

usage: cinder quota-class-update [--volumes <volumes>] [--snapshots <snapshots>] [--gigabytes <gigabytes>] [--volume-type <volume_type_name>] <class_name>

Updates quotas for a quota class.

Positional arguments:

Name of quota class for which to set quotas.

Optional arguments:

--volumes <volumes>
The new “volumes” quota value. Default=None.
--snapshots <snapshots>
The new “snapshots” quota value. Default=None.
--gigabytes <gigabytes>
The new “gigabytes” quota value. Default=None.
--volume-type <volume_type_name>
Volume type. Default=None.

cinder quota-defaults

usage: cinder quota-defaults <tenant_id>

Lists default quotas for a tenant.

Positional arguments:

ID of tenant for which to list quota defaults.

cinder quota-delete

usage: cinder quota-delete <tenant_id>

Delete the quotas for a tenant.

Positional arguments:

UUID of tenant to delete the quotas for.

cinder quota-show

usage: cinder quota-show <tenant_id>

Lists quotas for a tenant.

Positional arguments:

ID of tenant for which to list quotas.

cinder quota-update

usage: cinder quota-update [--volumes <volumes>] [--snapshots <snapshots>] [--gigabytes <gigabytes>] [--backups <backups>] [--backup-gigabytes <backup_gigabytes>] [--consistencygroups <consistencygroups>] [--groups <groups>] [--volume-type <volume_type_name>] [--per-volume-gigabytes <per_volume_gigabytes>] <tenant_id>

Updates quotas for a tenant.

Positional arguments:

ID of tenant for which to set quotas.

Optional arguments:

--volumes <volumes>
The new “volumes” quota value. Default=None.
--snapshots <snapshots>
The new “snapshots” quota value. Default=None.
--gigabytes <gigabytes>
The new “gigabytes” quota value. Default=None.
--backups <backups>
The new “backups” quota value. Default=None.
--backup-gigabytes <backup_gigabytes>
The new “backup_gigabytes” quota value. Default=None.
--consistencygroups <consistencygroups>
The new “consistencygroups” quota value. Default=None.
--groups <groups>
The new “groups” quota value. Default=None. (Supportedby API version 3.13 and later)
--volume-type <volume_type_name>
Volume type. Default=None.
--per-volume-gigabytes <per_volume_gigabytes>
Set max volume size limit. Default=None.

cinder quota-usage

usage: cinder quota-usage <tenant_id>

Lists quota usage for a tenant.

Positional arguments:

ID of tenant for which to list quota usage.

cinder rate-limits

usage: cinder rate-limits [<tenant_id>]

Lists rate limits for a user.

Positional arguments:

Display information for a single tenant (Admin only).

cinder readonly-mode-update

usage: cinder readonly-mode-update <volume> <True|true|False|false>

Updates volume read-only access-mode flag.

Positional arguments:

ID of volume to update.
Enables or disables update of volume to read-onlyaccess mode.

cinder rename

usage: cinder rename [--description <description>] <volume> [<name>]

Renames a volume.

Positional arguments:

Name or ID of volume to rename.
New name for volume.

Optional arguments:

--description <description>
Volume description. Default=None.

cinder replication-promote

usage: cinder replication-promote <volume>

Promote a secondary volume to primary for a relationship.

Positional arguments:

Name or ID of the volume to promote. The volume should have thereplica volume created with source-replica argument.

cinder replication-reenable

usage: cinder replication-reenable <volume>

Sync the secondary volume with primary for a relationship.

Positional arguments:


cinder reset-state

usage: cinder reset-state [--type <type>] [--state <state>] [--attach-status <attach-status>] [--reset-migration-status] <entity> [<entity> ...]

Explicitly updates the entity state in the Cinder database. Being a databasechange only, this has no impact on the true state of the entity and may notmatch the actual state. This can render a entity unusable in the case ofchanging to the ‘available’ state.

Positional arguments:

Name or ID of entity to update.

Optional arguments:

--type <type>
Type of entity to update. Available resources are:‘volume’, ‘snapshot’, ‘backup’, ‘group’ (since 3.20)and ‘group-snapshot’ (since 3.19), Default=volume.
--state <state>
The state to assign to the entity. NOTE: This commandsimply changes the state of the entity in the databasewith no regard to actual status, exercise caution whenusing. Default=None, that means the state isunchanged.
--attach-status <attach-status>
This is only used for a volume entity. The attachstatus to assign to the volume in the database, withno regard to the actual status. Valid values are“attached” and “detached”. Default=None, that meansthe status is unchanged.
This is only used for a volume entity. Clears themigration status of the volume in the DataBase thatindicates the volume is source or destination ofvolume migration, with no regard to the actual status.

cinder retype

usage: cinder retype [--migration-policy <never|on-demand>] <volume> <volume-type>

Changes the volume type for a volume.

Positional arguments:

Name or ID of volume for which to modify type.
New volume type.

Optional arguments:

--migration-policy <never|on-demand>
Migration policy during retype of volume.

cinder service-disable

usage: cinder service-disable [--reason <reason>] <hostname> <binary>

Disables the service.

Positional arguments:

Host name.
Service binary.

Optional arguments:

--reason <reason>
Reason for disabling service.

cinder service-enable

usage: cinder service-enable <hostname> <binary>

Enables the service.

Positional arguments:

Host name.
Service binary.

cinder service-list

usage: cinder service-list [--host <hostname>] [--binary <binary>] [--withreplication [<True|False>]]

Lists all services. Filter by host and service binary.

Optional arguments:

--host <hostname>
Host name. Default=None.
--binary <binary>
Service binary. Default=None.
--withreplication [<True|False>]
Enables or disables display of Replication info forc-vol services. Default=False. (Supported by APIversion 3.7 and later)

cinder set-bootable

usage: cinder set-bootable <volume> <True|true|False|false>

Update bootable status of a volume.

Positional arguments:

ID of the volume to update.
Flag to indicate whether volume is bootable.

cinder show

usage: cinder show <volume>

Shows volume details.

Positional arguments:

Name or ID of volume.

cinder snapshot-create

usage: cinder snapshot-create [--force [<True|False>]] [--name <name>] [--description <description>] [--metadata [<key=value> [<key=value> ...]]] <volume>

Creates a snapshot.

Positional arguments:

Name or ID of volume to snapshot.

Optional arguments:

--force [<True|False>]
Allows or disallows snapshot of a volume when thevolume is attached to an instance. If set to True,ignores the current status of the volume whenattempting to snapshot it rather than forcing it to beavailable. Default=False.
--name <name>
Snapshot name. Default=None.
--description <description>
Snapshot description. Default=None.
--metadata [<key=value> [<key=value> ...]]
Snapshot metadata key and value pairs. Default=None.

cinder snapshot-delete

usage: cinder snapshot-delete [--force] <snapshot> [<snapshot> ...]

Removes one or more snapshots.

Positional arguments:

Name or ID of the snapshot(s) to delete.

Optional arguments:

Allows deleting snapshot of a volume when its status is otherthan “available” or “error”. Default=False.

cinder snapshot-list

usage: cinder snapshot-list [--all-tenants [<0|1>]] [--name <name>] [--status <status>] [--volume-id <volume-id>] [--marker <marker>] [--limit <limit>] [--sort <key>[:<direction>]] [--tenant [<tenant>]] [--metadata [<key=value> [<key=value> ...]]] [--filters [<key=value> [<key=value> ...]]]

Lists all snapshots.

Optional arguments:

--all-tenants [<0|1>]
Shows details for all tenants. Admin only.
--name <name>
Filters results by a name. Default=None. This optionis deprecated and will be removed in newer release.Please use ‘–filters’ option which is introducedsince 3.33 instead.
--status <status>
Filters results by a status. Default=None. This optionis deprecated and will be removed in newer release.Please use ‘–filters’ option which is introducedsince 3.33 instead.
--volume-id <volume-id>
Filters results by a volume ID. Default=None. Thisoption is deprecated and will be removed in newerrelease. Please use ‘–filters’ option which isintroduced since 3.33 instead.
--marker <marker>
Begin returning snapshots that appear later in thesnapshot list than that represented by this id.Default=None.
--limit <limit>
Maximum number of snapshots to return. Default=None.
--sort <key>[:<direction>]
Comma-separated list of sort keys and directions inthe form of <key>[:<asc|desc>]. Valid keys: id,status, size, availability_zone, name, bootable,created_at, reference. Default=None.
--tenant [<tenant>]
Display information from single tenant (Admin only).
--metadata [<key=value> [<key=value> ...]]
Filters results by a metadata key and value pair.Require volume api version >=3.22. Default=None. Thisoption is deprecated and will be removed in newerrelease. Please use ‘–filters’ option which isintroduced since 3.33 instead. (Supported by APIversion 3.22 and later)
--filters [<key=value> [<key=value> ...]]
Filterkeyandvaluepairs.Pleaseuse‘cinderlist-filters’tocheckenabledfiltersfromserver,Default=None. (Supported by API version 3.33 andlater)

cinder snapshot-manage

usage: cinder snapshot-manage [--id-type <id-type>] [--name <name>] [--description <description>] [--metadata [<key=value> [<key=value> ...]]] <volume> <identifier>

Manage an existing snapshot.

Positional arguments:

Cinder volume already exists in volume backend
Name or other Identifier for existing snapshot

Optional arguments:

--id-type <id-type>
Type of backend device identifier provided, typicallysource-name or source-id (Default=source-name)
--name <name>
Snapshot name (Default=None)
--description <description>
Snapshot description (Default=None)
--metadata [<key=value> [<key=value> ...]]
Metadata key=value pairs (Default=None)

cinder snapshot-manageable-list

usage: cinder snapshot-manageable-list [--detailed <detailed>] [--marker <marker>] [--limit <limit>] [--offset <offset>] [--sort <key>[:<direction>]] <host>

Lists all manageable snapshots.

Positional arguments:

Cinder host on which to list manageable snapshots;takes the form: host@backend-name#pool

Optional arguments:

--detailed <detailed>
Returned detailed information (default true).
--marker <marker>
Begin returning volumes that appear later in thevolume list than that represented by this reference.This reference should be json like. Default=None.
--limit <limit>
Maximum number of volumes to return. Default=None.
--offset <offset>
Number of volumes to skip after marker. Default=None.
--sort <key>[:<direction>]
Comma-separated list of sort keys and directions inthe form of <key>[:<asc|desc>]. Valid keys: size,reference. Default=None.

cinder snapshot-metadata

usage: cinder snapshot-metadata <snapshot> <action> <key=value> [<key=value> ...]

Sets or deletes snapshot metadata.

Positional arguments:

ID of snapshot for which to update metadata.
The action. Valid values are “set” or “unset.”
Metadata key and value pair to set or unset. For unset, specifyonly the key.

cinder snapshot-metadata-show

usage: cinder snapshot-metadata-show <snapshot>

Shows snapshot metadata.

Positional arguments:

ID of snapshot.

cinder snapshot-metadata-update-all

usage: cinder snapshot-metadata-update-all <snapshot> <key=value> [<key=value> ...]

Updates snapshot metadata.

Positional arguments:

ID of snapshot for which to update metadata.
Metadata key and value pair to update.

cinder snapshot-rename

usage: cinder snapshot-rename [--description <description>] <snapshot> [<name>]

Renames a snapshot.

Positional arguments:

Name or ID of snapshot.
New name for snapshot.

Optional arguments:

--description <description>
Snapshot description. Default=None.

cinder snapshot-reset-state

usage: cinder snapshot-reset-state [--state <state>] <snapshot> [<snapshot> ...]

Explicitly updates the snapshot state.

Positional arguments:

Name or ID of snapshot to modify.

Optional arguments:

--state <state>
The state to assign to the snapshot. Valid values are“available”, “error”, “creating”, “deleting”, and“error_deleting”. NOTE: This command simply changes thestate of the Snapshot in the DataBase with no regard toactual status, exercise caution when using.Default=available.

cinder snapshot-show

usage: cinder snapshot-show <snapshot>

Shows snapshot details.

Positional arguments:

Name or ID of snapshot.

cinder snapshot-unmanage

usage: cinder snapshot-unmanage <snapshot>

Stop managing a snapshot.

Positional arguments:

Name or ID of the snapshot to unmanage.

cinder thaw-host

usage: cinder thaw-host <hostname>

Thaw and enable the specified cinder-volume host.

Positional arguments:

Host name.

cinder transfer-accept

usage: cinder transfer-accept <transfer> <auth_key>

Accepts a volume transfer.

Positional arguments:

ID of transfer to accept.
Authentication key of transfer to accept.

cinder transfer-create

usage: cinder transfer-create [--name <name>] <volume>

Creates a volume transfer.

Positional arguments:

Name or ID of volume to transfer.

Optional arguments:

--name <name>
Transfer name. Default=None.

cinder transfer-delete

usage: cinder transfer-delete <transfer>

Undoes a transfer.

Positional arguments:

Name or ID of transfer to delete.

cinder transfer-list

usage: cinder transfer-list [--all-tenants [<0|1>]]

Lists all transfers.

Optional arguments:

--all-tenants [<0|1>]
Shows details for all tenants. Admin only.

cinder transfer-show

usage: cinder transfer-show <transfer>

Shows transfer details.

Positional arguments:

Name or ID of transfer to accept.

cinder type-access-add

usage: cinder type-access-add --volume-type <volume_type> --project-id <project_id>

Adds volume type access for the given project.

Optional arguments:

--volume-type <volume_type>
Volume type name or ID to add access for the givenproject.
--project-id <project_id>
Project ID to add volume type access for.

cinder type-access-list

usage: cinder type-access-list --volume-type <volume_type>

Print access information about the given volume type.

Optional arguments:

--volume-type <volume_type>
Filter results by volume type name or ID.

cinder type-access-remove

usage: cinder type-access-remove --volume-type <volume_type> --project-id <project_id>

Removes volume type access for the given project.

Optional arguments:

--volume-type <volume_type>
Volume type name or ID to remove access for the givenproject.
--project-id <project_id>
Project ID to remove volume type access for.

cinder type-create

usage: cinder type-create [--description <description>] [--is-public <is-public>] <name>

Creates a volume type.

Positional arguments:

Name of new volume type.

Optional arguments:

--description <description>
Description of new volume type.
--is-public <is-public>
Make type accessible to the public (default true).

cinder type-default

usage: cinder type-default

List the default volume type.

cinder type-delete

usage: cinder type-delete <vol_type> [<vol_type> ...]

Deletes volume type or types.

Positional arguments:

Name or ID of volume type or types to delete.

cinder type-key

usage: cinder type-key <vtype> <action> <key=value> [<key=value> ...]

Sets or unsets extra_spec for a volume type.

Positional arguments:

Name or ID of volume type.
The action. Valid values are “set” or “unset.”
The extra specs key and value pair to set or unset. For unset,specify only the key.

cinder type-list

usage: cinder type-list [--filters <key=value> [<key=value> ...]]

Lists available ‘volume types’. (Only admin and tenant users will see privatetypes)

Optional arguments:

--filters [<key=value> [<key=value> ...]]
Filter key and value pairs. Please use ‘cinder list-filters’to check enabled filters from server, Default=None.(Supported by API version 3.52 and later)

cinder type-show

usage: cinder type-show <volume_type>

Show volume type details.

Positional arguments:

Name or ID of the volume type.

cinder type-update

usage: cinder type-update [--name <name>] [--description <description>] [--is-public <is-public>] <id>

Updates volume type name, description, and/or is_public.

Positional arguments:

ID of the volume type.

Optional arguments:

--name <name>
Name of the volume type.
--description <description>
Description of the volume type.
--is-public <is-public>
Make type accessible to the public or not.

cinder unmanage

usage: cinder unmanage <volume>

Stop managing a volume.

Positional arguments:

Name or ID of the volume to unmanage.

cinder upload-to-image

usage: cinder upload-to-image [--force [<True|False>]] [--container-format <container-format>] [--disk-format <disk-format>] [--visibility <public|private>] [--protected <True|False>] <volume> <image-name>

Uploads volume to Image Service as an image.

Positional arguments:

Name or ID of volume to snapshot.
The new image name.

Optional arguments:

--force [<True|False>]
Enables or disables upload of a volume that isattached to an instance. Default=False. This optionmay not be supported by your cloud.
--container-format <container-format>
Container format type. Default is bare.
--disk-format <disk-format>
Disk format type. Default is raw.
--visibility <public|private>
Set image visibility to either public or private.Default=private. (Supported by API version 3.1 andlater)
--protected <True|False>
Prevents image from being deleted. Default=False.(Supported by API version 3.1 and later)

cinder version-list

usage: cinder version-list

List all API versions.

Block Storage service (cinder) command-line client (2024)


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Author: Aron Pacocha

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Name: Aron Pacocha

Birthday: 1999-08-12

Address: 3808 Moen Corner, Gorczanyport, FL 67364-2074

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Hobby: Jewelry making, Cooking, Gaming, Reading, Juggling, Cabaret, Origami

Introduction: My name is Aron Pacocha, I am a happy, tasty, innocent, proud, talented, courageous, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.