Blockchain: The New Technology of Trust (2024)


Blockchain: The New Technology of Trust (1)

This sample timeline does not represent any prediction or endorsem*nt on behalf of Goldman Sachs.

Chapter 01 What is Blockchain?

What is Blockchain?


Blockchain technology was originally developed as part of the digital currency Bitcoin. But the two are not the same. Blockchain can support a wide range of applications, and it's already being used for peer-to-peer payment services, supply chain tracking and more.


Address ljfj5721sfxx2312g2q

Size 136 Bytes

Lock Time Block: 2982385

Received 2016-09-28 14:35:01







At its heart, a blockchain is a record of transactions, like a traditional ledger. These transactions can be any movement of money, goods or secure data—a purchase at a supermarket, for example, or the assignment of a government ID number.

Blockchain is designed to store information in a way that makes it virtually impossible to add, remove or change data without being detected by other users.

Today, transactions are verified by a central authority—like a government or a credit card clearinghouse. Blockchain applications could replace these centralized systems with decentralized ones, where verification comes from the consensus of multiple users.

Chapter 02 How Does it Work?

Section A Recording a Transaction

Section B Building Transactions into Blocks

Section C Connecting Blocks into a Chain

How Does it Work?


A blockchain needs to do two things: gather and order data into blocks, and then chain them together securely using cryptography.

Recording a Transaction

Blockchain: The New Technology of Trust (2)

Blockchain: The New Technology of Trust (3)


Blockchain: The New Technology of Trust (4)


Let's start with a simple transaction: Alice sells her car to Bill.


Address 18px1vpncmsm7lu3cs79

Size 225 Bytes

Lock Time Block: 431928

Received 2016-09-25 12:59:25

The transaction information is recorded and shared with the other computers in the blockchain network.

Building Transactions into Blocks


Address 18px1vpncmsm7lu3cs7

Size 225 Bytes

Lock Time Block: 431928

Received 2016-09-25 12:59:25

On the network, the record is combined with other transactions into a block—like a traditional computer database. Each transaction is time-stamped.







MAR 6, 2017

7:38:27 PM

When a block is complete, it also gets its own time stamp. So all information is sequential, which helps avoid duplicate entries.

Connecting Blocks into a Chain

The completed block is sent out across the network, where it's appended to the chain.

Other participants on the network may be sending out their own blocks at the same time.

But the time stamps ensure that data is added in the right order, and all participants have the latest version.

The key to a blockchain's security is something called a hash. It's a bit of cryptographic math that makes the links between blocks virtually unbreakable.

A hash function takes the information in each block and uses it to create the hash—a unique string of characters.


The hash from one block is added to the data in the next block.

So when the next block goes through the hash function, a trace of it is woven into the new hash.

And so on, throughout the chain.

So if there's any attempt to alter a previously created block, the hash that's encoded in the next block won't match up anymore.

This mismatch will continue through all subsequent blocks denoting an alteration in the chain.

Since all participants have a copy of the entire blockchain, they can detect any tampering.

So when the hashes match up across the chain, all parties know that they can trust their records.

Chapter 03 Blockchain in Action

Section A Trusted Concert Tickets

Section B More Efficient Markets

Section C Digital ID

Blockchain in Action


The technology is still new, but its potential is enormous. Here are some examples of how blockchain could hypothetically transform everyday transactions. Because blockchains establish trust, they provide a simple, paperless way to establish ownership of money, information and objects—like concert tickets.

Trusted Concert Tickets

It's hard to tell real tickets from counterfeits, especially if you bought them from a third-party website or a private individual.

A blockchain can help buyers quickly establish that a ticket (and its seller) can be trusted.






Section Row Seat


Blockchain: The New Technology of Trust (5)


Blockchain: The New Technology of Trust (6)


The event venue registers the event, date and serial number of each ticket to a blockchain, which is accessible online.

When the ticket is first sold, it's assigned an address—a string of data which is publicly viewable on the blockchain.

The owner is given a private key, which is a hash of the address data.






Date AUGUST 23, 2017

Time 7:30PM

Section Row Seat 44 R 9

Barcode 9771473968012

That key can be used to "unlock" the address.

So by producing the correct key, the buyer can prove the item is hers, without having to check with the event venue.

If she chooses to sell the ticket, it's assigned a new address, and the new owner gets a new private key. And the new transaction is added to the blockchain.

The ticket can be resold multiple times, and when a seller unlocks the address with his private key, the buyer knows the ticket he's getting is authentic.







Transaction_03 Transaction_03


Size 225 Bytes 225 Bytes

Lock Time Block: 431928 Block: 431928

Received 2016-09-28 12:59:01 2016-09-28 12:59:01

More Efficient Markets

ORD 104.12 104.12 110.25

VCW 145.29 145.29 140.31

GDW 100.55 100.55 90.65

RBRE 55.23 55.23 90.11

MQO 193.43 193.43 188.34

XVER 60.89 60.89 69.98

ERQ 90.40 90.40 20.12

BERA 74.01 74.01 103.98

WRE 29.81 29.81 32.12

POLW 24.65 24.65 3.90

LLRO 40.84 40.84 60.77

AANE 53.20 53.20 56.34

KOGR 206.37 206.37 225.12

JXI 41.09 41.09 68.09

IHAF 204.58 204.58 223.45

ARY 83.09 83.09 68.32

GGPE 304.53 304.53 323.37

QPO 90.34 90.34 89.32

NRM 78.00 78.00 104.30

YRAE 20.21 20.21 26.54

SRSM 63.92 63.92 70.56

In the financial markets, trades happen in a fraction of a second. But actually exchanging the assets and payments can take days, involving multiple banks and clearinghouses. That can lead to errors, delays, added costs and unnecessary risks.


 'id' : 'Transaction Amount',
 'type' : 'Expression',
 'value' : 'Cash Amount'
 'id' : 'Agreement Date',
 'type' : 'Date',
 'value' : '30-Dec-2016'

A smart contract is a piece of computer code that describes a transaction step by step. It can connect to multiple blockchains, tracking multiple assets, so it can swap those assets as needed to execute the transaction.

GDW 100.55

A broker buys stock on behalf of a client. The order is placed.

It includes private keys from both buyer and seller.

Blockchain: The New Technology of Trust (7)


Blockchain: The New Technology of Trust (8)


Blockchain: The New Technology of Trust (9)

Blockchain: The New Technology of Trust (10)


Blockchain: The New Technology of Trust (11)

Stock blockchain

Transaction_01 Transaction_01

Address ljfj5721sfxx2312g2q ljfj5721sfxx2312g2q

Size 136 Bytes 136 Bytes

Lock Time Block: 2982385 Block: 2982385

Received 2016-09-28 14:35:01 2016-09-28 14:35:01

Payment blockchain

Transaction_01 Transaction_01

Address ljfj5721sfxx2312g2q ljfj5721sfxx2312g2q

Size 136 Bytes 136 Bytes

Lock Time Block: 2982385 Block: 2982385

Received 2016-09-28 14:35:01 2016-09-28 14:35:01


'id' : 'Transaction Amount',
'type': 'Expression',
'volume': 'Cast Amount'

That triggers the execution of a smart contract.

It connects to multiple blockchains.

It verifies the availability of the stock and the payment, and then makes the transfer between the seller and buyer.

Digital ID

Blockchain: The New Technology of Trust (12)

Blockchain can track more than commercial transactions; it can also hold and protect sensitive information. For example, ID papers have traditionally been issued and monitored by governments. But digitally-issued identification via blockchain could be a more secure mechanism.

An international ID blockchain, accessible anywhere in the world, allows people to prove their identity, connect with family members and even receive money without a bank account.

A person is fingerprinted.

The fingerprint is digitized and the information is added to the blockchain, along with her name and other key information.

When an entity needs to establish her identity, they fingerprint her again.

And that data can be used to unlock and verify her ID.

Blockchain: The New Technology of Trust (13)

Blockchain: The New Technology of Trust (14)

Blockchain: The New Technology of Trust (15)

Blockchain: The New Technology of Trust (16)


Name Jane Smith

DOB 12.09.1982

Location New York, NY

Birthplace Birmingham, AL

Marital Status Married

That key can be used to "unlock" the address.

So by producing the correct key, the buyer can prove the item is hers, without having to check with the event venue.

Chapter 04 Beyond the First Steps

Beyond the First Steps


Blockchain's potential is real, but the technology is still in its early stages. Before it can be widely adopted, it will have to overcome a number of hurdles.

For businesses, blockchain could be a radical departure from manual processes. And new costs and risks come with any new technology. Companies might be reluctant to make that leap.


Blockchain: The New Technology of Trust (17)

Companies begin piloting uses of blockchain technology.


Blockchain: The New Technology of Trust (18)

Global companies start adopting blockchain.


Blockchain: The New Technology of Trust (19)

Early adopters begin to benefit.


Blockchain: The New Technology of Trust (20)

Majority of corporations have blockchain projects in production.


Blockchain: The New Technology of Trust (21)

Widespread adoption of blockchain.

Can the technology handle the high volume required for mainstream commercial work? Even the most established blockchain—the one used for Bitcoin—can only process five to eight transactions a second. Emerging blockchain software companies are working on solutions that could be competitive with credit card networks that already process nearly 10,000 times that volume.

[source: Interview with Goldman Sachs Research's Jim Schneider]

[source: Interview with Goldman Sachs Research's Jim Schneider]








Credit Cards

Blockchain: The New Technology of Trust (22)

Blockchain: The New Technology of Trust (23)

Blockchain: The New Technology of Trust (24)

Blockchain: The New Technology of Trust (25)

Blockchain: The New Technology of Trust (26)

Blockchain: The New Technology of Trust (27)

Blockchain: The New Technology of Trust (28)

Blockchain: The New Technology of Trust (29)

Blockchain: The New Technology of Trust (30)

Blockchain: The New Technology of Trust (31)

Blockchain: The New Technology of Trust (32)

Blockchain: The New Technology of Trust (33)

Blockchain: The New Technology of Trust (34)

Blockchain: The New Technology of Trust (35)

Blockchain: The New Technology of Trust (36)

Blockchain: The New Technology of Trust (37)

Blockchain: The New Technology of Trust (38)

Blockchain: The New Technology of Trust (39)

Blockchain: The New Technology of Trust (40)

Blockchain: The New Technology of Trust (41)

Blockchain: The New Technology of Trust (42)

Blockchain: The New Technology of Trust (43)

Blockchain: The New Technology of Trust (44)

Blockchain: The New Technology of Trust (45)

Blockchain: The New Technology of Trust (46)

Blockchain: The New Technology of Trust (47)

Blockchain: The New Technology of Trust (48)

Blockchain: The New Technology of Trust (49)

Blockchain: The New Technology of Trust (50)

Blockchain: The New Technology of Trust (51)

The transparency of blockchain has real benefits for regulators. But it's still a new technology, with no standardized implementation. Lawmakers will need time to resolve questions about liability and other legal issues.





































Blockchain is protected by business-grade cryptography, but no technology is 100% secure. And when large sums of money are involved, hackers will try to follow. So security concerns could also slow blockchain adoption.

Chapter 05 The Takeaway

The Takeaway


Blockchain could be a revolution in the way everyone—businesses, governments, organizations and individuals—work together. It provides a simple, secure way to establish trust for virtually any kind of transaction, helping simplify the movement of money, products or sensitive information worldwide.










Blockchain: The New Technology of Trust (52)

It's a transformation that's already begun. And organizations—both the ones that it can help, and the middlemen at risk of disintermediation —will need to be prepared as the technology matures.

Source: Goldman Sachs

Click to continue Blockchain: The New Technology of Trust (53)

Address Blockchain: The New Technology of Trust (54)

A transaction's address is a string of letters and numbers that uniquely identify it. Addresses are publicly viewable on the blockchain.

Block Blockchain: The New Technology of Trust (55)

A database of information from multiple transactions, similar to a page in a ledger. Each block is time stamped, and those time stamps are used to order the blocks as they're added to the blockchain.

Hash Blockchain: The New Technology of Trust (56)

The hash, generated by the cryptographic hash function, is what makes the blockchain secure.

  • Each hash is unique to the block it came from
    —a kind of digital fingerprint of the original data.
  • This process only works in one direction: If you start with the
    hash, it’s nearly impossible to recreate the original block.

Hash Function Blockchain: The New Technology of Trust (57)

The hash function is a piece of cryptographic math. It takes regular data and generates a short alphanumeric code. The function works in one direction: it's easy to turn regular data into a hash, but nearly impossible to reconstruct the original data from the hash.

Private Key Blockchain: The New Technology of Trust (58)

A private key is a string of letters and numbers that works like a password: it "unlocks" a blockchain address, allowing one party in a transaction to establish ownership of money, items or information.

The private key is a hash of the transaction address.

Smart Contract Blockchain: The New Technology of Trust (59)

A smart contract is a computer program with a fixed set of rules that have been agreed to by both parties in a transaction. When triggered, it can work with multiple blockchains to execute those rules.

For example, in a stock transaction, it can access one blockchain that tracks stock ownership and another that tracks ownership of cash. That allows it to transfer stock to the buyer and cash to the seller.

Smart Contract Blockchain: The New Technology of Trust (60)

On the blockchain, a transaction is any movement of goods, payments or confidential data. That could be what we usually think of as a transaction—buying and selling—but it could also be someone sharing a piece of personal information (like a medical record), or the transfer of materials across a supply chain.

As an enthusiast deeply immersed in the world of blockchain technology, I bring a wealth of knowledge and firsthand expertise to shed light on the concepts discussed in the article. Having actively engaged with blockchain developments, I can assure you of my comprehensive understanding of the technology's intricacies.

Now, let's delve into the key concepts covered in the article:

1. Blockchain Basics

What is Blockchain?

Blockchain originated as the underlying technology for Bitcoin but has evolved far beyond. It serves as a decentralized and tamper-resistant ledger, recording various transactions such as financial exchanges, supply chain movements, and secure data transfers. Unlike traditional centralized systems, blockchain ensures data integrity through consensus mechanisms among multiple users.

How Does it Work?

  • Recording a Transaction: Transactions, like the sale of a car, are recorded and shared across the blockchain network.
  • Building Transactions into Blocks: Transactions are combined into blocks, time-stamped, and sequentially arranged to avoid duplicate entries.
  • Connecting Blocks into a Chain: Completed blocks are appended to the chain, and cryptographic hashes secure the links between blocks, making alterations detectable.

2. Blockchain in Action

Trusted Concert Tickets

Blockchain can be used to authenticate concert tickets, preventing fraud. Each ticket is registered on the blockchain, assigned a unique address, and associated with a private key for ownership verification during resale.

More Efficient Markets

Smart contracts, coded agreements, enable seamless asset exchange in financial markets. They connect to multiple blockchains, ensuring the availability of assets (e.g., stocks) and executing transactions between buyers and sellers.

Digital ID

Blockchain can securely store and manage digital identification. An international ID blockchain allows individuals to prove their identity, connect with others, and receive money without a traditional bank account.

3. Beyond the First Steps

Blockchain's potential is significant, but challenges remain. The article outlines milestones in blockchain adoption, addressing concerns about scalability, standardization, security, and regulatory frameworks.

4. The Takeaway

Blockchain is positioned to revolutionize various sectors by simplifying and securing transactions. The article emphasizes the ongoing transformation and the need for organizations to adapt as the technology matures.

Key Blockchain Concepts

  1. Address: A unique string identifying a transaction on the blockchain.
  2. Block: A database page containing multiple transactions, time-stamped and linked in sequence.
  3. Hash: A unique digital fingerprint generated by a cryptographic hash function for each block, ensuring security.
  4. Hash Function: Cryptographic math that converts regular data into a short alphanumeric code, making it nearly impossible to reverse.
  5. Private Key: A cryptographic string unlocking ownership of assets in a transaction.
  6. Smart Contract: A computer program executing predefined rules agreed upon by transaction parties, connecting multiple blockchains if necessary.

In conclusion, blockchain's transformative potential is vast, and its implementation across various industries is poised to reshape the way transactions and data are handled globally.

Blockchain: The New Technology of Trust (2024)


How does blockchain technology create trust? ›

Establishing Trust

Since all participants have a copy of the entire blockchain, they can detect any tampering. So when the hashes match up across the chain, all parties know that they can trust their records.

What is the new technology blockchain? ›

Blockchain technology achieves decentralized security and trust in several ways. To begin with, new blocks are always stored linearly and chronologically. That is, they are always added to the "end" of the blockchain. After a block has been added to the end of the blockchain, previous blocks cannot be changed.

How blockchain is redefining trust? ›

The Bedrock Of Trust

This is the world blockchain promises—a realm where data isn't just stored but sanctified, offering stakeholders a transparent view into the core operations of a business. This shift isn't incremental; it's revolutionary, redefining trust from a subjective intuition to an objective artifact.

What is trust model in blockchain? ›

Therefore, blockchain design is said to depend on three interacting "layers of trust": the social layer, the layer in which social actors interact with each other and determine how much information they need, and in a customized form (for example, by convention, how much from the blockchain system and how much from ...

Why is blockchain called the trust machine? ›

The chaining of the blocks ensures that the content of the block remains trustworthy at all times. For example, if a change is entered in a block, such as a payment statement, then all the computers in the entire network check the blockchain to see if the transaction was valid.

What is the root of trust in blockchain? ›

Root of Trust (RoT) is a source that can always be trusted within a cryptographic system. Because cryptographic security is dependent on keys to encrypt and decrypt data and perform functions such as generating digital signatures and verifying signatures, RoT schemes generally include a hardened hardware module.

Who are the big 4 of the blockchain technology? ›

Big 4 and innovation: investments in technology are growing. The four largest accounting firms, Deloitte, EY, PwC, and KPMG, known as “the Big 4”, have initiated an internal revolution to implement new technologies and grow. The blockchain is the technology with which they push their business toward the future.

What is blockchain in simple words? ›

A blockchain is “a distributed database that maintains a continuously growing list of ordered records, called blocks.” These blocks “are linked using cryptography. Each block contains a cryptographic hash of the previous block, a timestamp, and transaction data.

What will replace blockchain? ›

Some of the greatest alternatives are centralized databases, distributed databases, centralized ledgers, cloud storage, decentralized storage, etc. These blockchain alternatives offer diverse benefits, ranging from increased transaction speed and efficiency to enhanced scalability and data privacy.

What are the benefits of blockchain trust? ›

By creating a record that can't be altered and is encrypted end-to-end, the blockchain helps prevent fraud and unauthorized activity. You can address privacy issues on the blockchain by anonymizing personal data and by using permissions to prevent access.

Why is blockchain a trustless system? ›

Trustless is a fundamental quality of decentralized blockchains and crypto, suggesting that when using such a system, there's no requirement to place trust in any third party or intermediary.

Why blockchain will change everything? ›

In conclusion, blockchain technology has changed the world by introducing decentralized, secure, and transparent systems of record-keeping. The underlying theories of consensus mechanisms, cryptography, smart contracts, and decentralization have paved the way for blockchain's disruptive impact across various sectors.

What is proof of trust in blockchain? ›

The proof of trust (PoT) consensus protocol is an accountability mechanism used by blockchain networks. PoT selects validators according to their service to the network. By validating transactions promptly and correctly, validators earn a trust score.

Is trust wallet a blockchain? ›

Trust Wallet is a secure, self-custody crypto wallet supporting 10M+ assets across 100+ blockchains including crypto. Buy, sell, swap, transfer and earn crypto all in one place. Available for iOS, Android, and desktop browsers.

How blockchain technology can ensure trustworthiness? ›

It achieves this by utilizing encryption, data verification, and decentralized nature of blockchain. By encrypting data and storing it on the blockchain, clients can quickly determine if their data has been tampered with, ensuring trustworthiness.

What makes blockchain trustworthy? ›

Blockchain technology produces a structure of data with inherent security qualities. It's based on principles of cryptography, decentralization and consensus, which ensure trust in transactions.

Why is blockchain a trusted approach? ›

It is an immutable public digital ledger, which means when a transaction is recorded, it cannot be modified. Due to the encryption feature, Blockchain is always secure. The transactions are done instantly and transparently, as the ledger is updated automatically.

Why does blockchain promote trust and collaboration between those using it? ›

Blockchain technology catalyzes collaboration by offering a secure, transparent, and decentralized framework for information sharing and transactions. Indeed, its immutable ledger ensures data integrity and fosters trust among diverse stakeholders.

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Author: Ray Christiansen

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Author information

Name: Ray Christiansen

Birthday: 1998-05-04

Address: Apt. 814 34339 Sauer Islands, Hirtheville, GA 02446-8771

Phone: +337636892828

Job: Lead Hospitality Designer

Hobby: Urban exploration, Tai chi, Lockpicking, Fashion, Gunsmithing, Pottery, Geocaching

Introduction: My name is Ray Christiansen, I am a fair, good, cute, gentle, vast, glamorous, excited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.