Blog | Air ambulance | Repatriation from abroad (2024)

Reading Time: 6 minutes

Table of contents

  1. Common medical emergencies that might occur on a plane?
  2. How are medical emergencies handled onboard a commercial plane?
  3. What are the medical equipment available on commercial planes?
  4. Why are commercial medical escorts the right option for you?
  5. What kinds of services can medical escorts offer while traveling?
  6. Air ambulances: an alternative and why you should opt for it
  7. Do you have any additional questions?
  8. Contact us today!

The last thing you want to think about as you fly to your summer vacation destination is getting sick on the plane. Nonetheless, medical emergencies in the sky are more common than you might think. How will you be treated if you pass out, choke, or become ill during a flight? This article explains how medical emergencies on commercial planes are handled. Read till the end to find out how we organize our medical flights to meet the needs of critically ill and severely injured passengers.

Common medical emergencies that might occur on a plane?

The most common in-flight medical emergencies involve:

  • Seizures;
  • Cardiac symptoms;
  • Nausea or vomiting;
  • Respiratory problems and
  • Lightheadedness or fainting.

Rare in-flight medical emergencies involve:

  • Ear pain;
  • Headache;
  • Laceration;
  • Cardiac arrest and
  • Obstetrical or gynecological symptoms.

There is no such thing as a risk-free flight in terms of health and safety. A medical emergency will occur on approximately one out of every 600 commercial flights, according to a study published in the New England Journal of Medicine. This amounts to approximately 44,000 flights per year worldwide, which means airlines must be prepared to handle medical emergencies occurring on commercial flights.

Blog | Air ambulance | Repatriation from abroad (1)

Medical emergencies on flights are classified as either health-related or injury-related. Gastrointestinal issues, allergic reactions, shortness of breath, heart attacks and strokes are all examples of health-related issues. Anxiety about the flight, dizziness, and fainting can also result in serious consequences. In extremely rare cases, food poisoning or a communicable disease can affect multiple passengers at the same time. Scalds or burns caused by contact with galley ovens or hot liquids, an onboard altercation, luggage falling from an overhead bin, or turbulence can result in injuries.

Furthermore, high altitude may increase the risk of in-flight medical events because, while airlines pressurize their cabins, they are not necessarily pressurized to sea level. Simply put, you're breathing in dry air. As a result, passengers with underlying medical issues, such as cardiovascular or respiratory issues, are more likely to experience an in-flight medical event. The same is true for passengers who have recently had surgery or are traveling with a plaster cast. The unfamiliar cabin environment, combined with the confined space and long periods of immobilization, can lead to the formation of blood clots and, eventually, deep vein thrombosis, for example.

In the most severe cases, access to rapid treatment on aircraft is limited. As a result, while cardiac arrest, obstetric and gynecologic problems, and strokes are rare, they are more likely to necessitate an emergency landing. Some commercial flight medical emergencies are heartbreaking One example is the case of, such as Ed Gilligan (American Express President), who died on a flight in 2015 after suffering from a sudden heart attack. These are, thankfully, extremely rare.

Blog | Air ambulance | Repatriation from abroad (2)

How are medical emergencies handled onboard a commercial plane?

Trained in first aid, flight attendants have access to basic medical supplies, such as bandages and cold packs onboard. However, it is crucial to remember that they are not paramedics and lack the necessary training and resources to deal with serious medical emergencies. This explains why most airlines adhere to strict protocols in the event of a medical emergency, so that the crew knows exactly how to proceed.


Aside from direct observation, flight attendants may become aware of a medically distressed passenger through a traveling companion or a nearby passenger who brings the situation to their attention. The first flight attendant on the scene will typically take charge of the patient and notify the rest of the crew, who will then provide any necessary assistance.


The flight crew's response will be influenced by the nature of the problem, the level of urgency for medical intervention, as well as the location and phase of flight in which the emergency occurs. No decisions are made until the assessment and diagnosis process is completed, unless the passenger is in a life-threatening condition.


The preliminary evaluation varies according to the patient's condition. If they are awake, the flight attendant will inquire about the source of their distress. If they are not responding, the initial evaluation will include the ABCs of first aid:

  • Is the patient's airway blocked?
  • Is the patient breathing?
  • Is a heartbeat detectable?

If any of these questions is answered negatively, appropriate first aid techniques such as the Heimlich maneuver or cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) will be initiated.

Many airlines typically work with emergency medical service providers such as MedAire's MedLink or Stat MD. These service providers can be contacted during the flight using a satellite phone. Direct communication with an emergency room or trauma center is also possible. But, let's be honest, without proper medical training and equipment, this may be of little use.

What are the medical equipment available on commercial planes?

Commercial aircraft almost always have one or more first-aid kits (FAK). The majority of the items required to treat a non-life-threatening injury such as a cut, a burn, or a broken bone are contained in these. Therapeutic oxygen can be made available if requested prior to the flight, typically in portable oxygen cylinders equipped with a regulator and mask. Passengers with breathing difficulties or other symptoms that necessitate the use of supplemental oxygen are usually given oxygen by the cabin crew.

For heart-related emergencies, most commercial aircraft are outfitted with an automated external defibrillator (AED). Flight attendants receive CPR training and are certified to use this equipment. Finally, many commercial aircraft are equipped with a physician's kit or emergency medical kit, which includes a variety of drugs as well as diagnostic and invasive medical instruments. Flight attendants, on the other hand, are not trained or qualified to administer medications. The contents of this kit can only be accessed and administered by a licensed medical practitioner, if one is available onboard.

Finally, it is reasonable to assert that commercial aircraft are not intended to be flying clinics. They are not designed to respond to every type of medical emergency, and the cabin crew is not trained to handle every situation that may arise.

Why are commercial medical escorts the right option for you?

A medical escort, also known as a patient escort, is advised to anyone who has non-urgent medical needs and risks and requires transportation from point A to point B. They will accompany the patient on a commercial airliner all the way to their destination. They will help them stay safe and comfortable throughout the flight, ensuring a successful journey. The patient can sit in one of the plane's seats, or the airline may have provisions for the patient to travel on a stretcher.

Blog | Air ambulance | Repatriation from abroad (3)

A medical escort is most useful in non-emergency situations. Following surgery, a medical escort may be required to transport the stabilized patient home. A post-operative medical escort will ensure that the patient arrives at their destination safely and with all necessary assistance. If an unexpected situation arises, a medical escort doctor may be able to provide emergency treatment.

Hiring a medical escort is also appropriate when a patient must change locations while being closely monitored by a doctor. While traveling away from home or abroad, for example, you or a loved one may become ill. A medical escort can give you peace of mind that you're getting the care you need when you return home.

What kinds of services can medical escorts offer while traveling?

Our medical escort services are tailored to the specific needs of the patient and are subject to change on an individual basis. Here are some typical medical escort services:

  • Reducing the patient’s stress and anxiety
  • Assisting them with boarding and exiting the plane
  • Monitoring their overall health to ensure a stable condition
  • Administering pain relievers or other medications as needed

Other services can be provided based on your specific demands. When requesting a quote and booking your medical escort, be sure to include your or your loved one's exact medical condition and needs.

Air ambulances: an alternative and why you should opt for it

A medical jet is an aircraft that has been fully equipped with special medical equipment that allows it to function as a flying ambulance (hence the term "air ambulances").

Let us give you an overview of what to expect to give you a better idea of the benefits we provide.

Blog | Air ambulance | Repatriation from abroad (4)

Our consultants will direct you to the services best suited to your health condition after you have explained your needs and booked a medical flight. Because you or a loved one may have mobility issues or complex medical needs, we strongly advise you to use our personalized bed-to-bed transfer service. We will send a fully equipped ground ambulance and a medical team consisting of at least one doctor and one paramedic to pick you up on the day of your flight.

During ground transportation to the nearest airport terminal to your home or the health care facility to which you have been admitted, you will receive the necessary attention and care. In fact, we place a high value on minimizing travel time. In addition, there is no need to wait in line for baggage check-in or security checks once you arrive at the airport. Our team handles these procedures, which are more straightforward than those on a regular flight.

Our medical jets have wide doors and ramps that allow the stretcher to be easily transferred inside the cabin. The stretcher can be installed and secured in a predetermined location in the cabin so that the rigors of takeoff or landing do not jeopardize your safety. Our medical aircraft are equipped similarly to a modern and sophisticated intensive care unit. Our armada of cutting-edge medical devices can include supplemental oxygen and ventilation equipment, as well as medications and intravenous solutions. We also take precautions to avoid pressure sores, especially on long-distance trips.

When you arrive at your destination, a new ground ambulance adhering to similar safety measures will pick you up from the private airport terminal. Once again, a medical team will accompany you to your home or a suitable care facility to ensure a smooth transition. In fact, we frequently follow up with your family to ensure your well-being.

Think a private medical flight will break the bank? Learn more about our cheap medical flights here. Our consultants are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to provide you with a free, no-obligation quote. Furthermore, our prices are completely customizable. This means there are no hidden fees, and you only pay for the services you select.

Do you have any additional questions?

If you couldn't find what you were looking for, please visit our FAQ page.

Contact us today!

Please contact our 24-hour service if you require additional information or a free non-binding quote.

Get in touch now
Blog | Air ambulance | Repatriation from abroad (2024)


How much is an air ambulance from Mexico to the US? ›

How much does medical evacuation cost?
Caribbean$15,000 to $25,000
Europe$65,000 to $90,000
Mexico$15,000 to $25,000
Middle East$165,000 to $225,000
3 more rows

How to get a sick person home from abroad after? ›

Transportation: Medical repatriation can include air ambulances, commercial flights with medical escorts, or stretcher services depending on the patient's condition and needs. Medevac often involves helicopters, airplanes, or specialized ambulances equipped for critical care.

How much does medical repatriation cost to the UK? ›

Air ambulance costs vary greatly depending on the distance between the two countries and can range from £6000 to over £20,000. Commercial flights are typically more affordable but still costly. Repatriation is usually charged per mile and can cost anywhere from £200-£400 per mile.

Why do they send an air ambulance? ›

Air Ambulances are called out for the most serious injuries or life-threatening situations. Situations that require the Great North Air Ambulance Service can happen anytime, anywhere. Thanks to our helicopters, we are able to reach the scene of an incident quickly, no matter how rural the location is.

Does Medicare cover an air ambulance from Mexico? ›

Medicare does not typically cover care received outside of the United States, including air ambulance services. It will cover international medical care in only a few scenarios. These include emergencies near the U.S. border, where the nearest hospital is in another country.

What is the best air ambulance service in the US? ›

Best Air Ambulance Companies in the USA
  • Air Ambulance 1. ...
  • Fai Aviation Air Ambulance. ...
  • Air Ambulance Network. ...
  • Global Guardian Air Ambulance. ...
  • AirMed International, LLC. ...
  • Air Ambulance America. ...
  • Global Medflight, LLC. ...
  • Angel MedFlight Worldwide Air Ambulance Services.
Jul 17, 2024

What happens if a tourist gets sick in the USA without insurance? ›

Seek Emergency Care When Necessary

In life-threatening medical situations, don't hesitate to call 9-1-1 or visit the nearest emergency room. Medical providers are required by law to stabilize patients in emergency situations regardless of their insurance status.

How to get a body home from abroad? ›

Before you can bring the body home, you'll need the following documents:
  1. a certified English translation of the foreign death certificate from the country in which the person died.
  2. authorisation to remove the body from the country.
  3. a certificate of embalming.

Does insurance cover medical evacuation? ›

Most travel medical policies will cover medical evacuation to the “nearest acceptable facility”, but that's likely where you'll stay until you are well enough to be repatriated home by commercial airline. Getting home for further treatment and recovery, to a hospital of your choice, is typically not covered.

Who is eligible for repatriation? ›

A U.S. citizen or a dependent of a U.S. citizen; Referred by the U.S. Department of State (such as your local embassy) to the Program; and. Without resources, such as money or credit, available to meet your basic needs.

Does travel insurance cover medical flights? ›

Many travelers may not be aware that standard travel insurance often doesn't cover the cost of medical flights, which can be expensive. With medical flight insurance, you can ensure that you're not left with unexpected bills in case of an unforeseen medical crisis during your international trips.

Does all travel insurance cover repatriation? ›

Thankfully, there's no need to purchase a separate 'repatriation insurance' policy. This coverage is typically included in standard travel insurance policies as part of the medical cover. However, it's worth noting that some insurers may list repatriation separately, so it's crucial to read the fine print.

What are the cons of air ambulance? ›

Weight also has to be carefully calculated since the engines are only able to produce a finite amount of power. An aircraft that is overweight can end in disaster. Another disadvantage of air medical transport is that it is inherently more dangerous than ground transport, especially in helicopter transport.

Who goes in an air ambulance? ›

Types of Patients Served by Air Ambulances

Typically anyone who needs to travel more than 250 miles that needs special medical care is who will most benefit from air ambulance services.

How many people can go in an air ambulance? ›

This is dependent upon the weight of individuals. However, there is space for 1 pilot, 2 paramedics, 1 patient and 1 patient escort or consultant doctor.

How much does it cost for an ambulance to come to your house USA? ›

The average base rate might range from $400 to $1,200 or more, while mileage can cost anywhere from $10 to $30 per mile, and these are ballpark figures and can vary widely.

How much does an air ambulance cost in the US? ›

In America, air ambulance costs can range from $10,000 to $50,000, while internationally, the expenses can be significantly higher, typically ranging from $50,000 to $150,000 or more. Contrary to ground ambulance rides, air ambulance services are not typically charged by the hour or mile.

How to transfer a patient from Mexico to the US? ›

In most cases, air ambulance service is the most practical form of transportation from Mexico to US medical centers. Aeromedevac works with medical and travel insurance companies around the world. We work with travel insurance companies to coordinate air ambulance services for customers traveling to and from Mexico.

Do you have to pay for an ambulance in Mexico? ›

Mexican citizens and legal residents can use public ambulances free of charge. Expats who are unable to access the public healthcare sector in Mexico may use private ambulance services. Contact reputable private ambulance services for assistance. Your private insurance can help.

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