Blog vs Vlog: What Works Better For You? (2024)

So you want to start creating content online, but you can't decide between blogging or vlogging. You've seen successful YouTube vloggers building an audience and business around video, but you've also read about bloggers who have turned their websites into full-time jobs and sources of income. How do you choose between the two?

The good news is you don't necessarily have to pick just one. Many creators find success using a mix of blogging and vlogging. But if you had to start with one, here are a few things to consider to help determine which is better for you.

Blog vs Vlog: Definition

Starting a blog or a vlog are two popular ways to share your message with the world. But what exactly are they, and which one is right for you?


A blog is an online journal where you share written posts about topics you’re passionate about. Blogging has been around since the early days of the internet, but remains a great medium for establishing yourself as an expert in your industry, connecting with readers, and potentially making money.

To start a blog, you need a website — you can use free platforms like WordPress, Medium, or Blogger to get up and running quickly. Then start creating content like:

  • Tutorials
  • Reviews
  • Opinion pieces
  • Interviews
  • Roundups of useful resources

Promote your posts on social media, email newsletters, and guest posting on other blogs to increase traffic. Many bloggers are able to monetize their sites through ads, sponsorships, affiliate links, and online courses.


A vlog is a video blog where you post regular video updates instead of written posts. Vlogging has exploded in popularity in recent years, especially among younger generations. It’s a great format if you prefer speaking to writing, or want to show how to do something visually.

Blog vs Vlog: What Works Better For You? (1)

To start vlogging, you’ll need a video camera or camera on your phone, a tripod, lighting, and video editing software. Create content like:

  • “Day in the Life” videos
  • Product reviews and unboxing
  • DIY tutorials
  • Travel and lifestyle vlogs
  • Reaction and commentary on trending topics

Post your vlogs on YouTube, Instagram, and TikTok, and promote them on all your social channels. Many popular vloggers are able to make a full-time living from ads, sponsorships, paid product placements, and appearance fees.

In the end, the choice comes down to your strengths, goals, and what you enjoy doing most. Don’t be afraid to experiment with different formats to find what works for you.

Blog vs Vlog: What's The Difference?

A blog or vlog are two popular mediums to share your message with the world. But what exactly are their differences?

Content format

With blogging, you’re writing text-based content, like articles, tutorials, or stories. Vlogging involves recording and uploading video content. If you prefer writing over talking on camera, blogging may be a better fit. If you’re comfortable on camera and want to engage viewers personally, vlogging could be ideal.

Time commitment

Creating video content typically requires more time than writing a blog post. You have to shoot, edit, and upload video footage. Blogging also takes time, but the overall process may be quicker. Consider how much time you want to spend creating and publishing content.

Technical skills

Vlogging necessitates some video production chops like filming, lighting, and editing. Blogging only requires the ability to write and use a content management system to publish your posts. If you’re not tech-savvy or interested in learning video skills, blogging will likely be simpler to pick up.

Search engine optimization

It may be easier to rank blog content in search engines since Google and others are set up to index text. Videos can also rank well, but you’ll need to optimize for video SEO which adds another layer of complexity. Choose the format that you think you can optimize most effectively.

Revenue opportunities

Both blogging and vlogging offer ways to generate income, like ads, sponsorships, affiliate links, and product sales. However, bloggers typically have more options for monetization through ads and affiliate partnerships. Vloggers can also leverage sponsorships and product placement but may be more limited in other areas. Consider which options interest you most.

Pros of Blogging

Blogging has been around for decades and continues to be a popular way for people to express themselves and share knowledge online. However, vlogging, or video blogging, has become increasingly popular. So which is better for you? Here are some pros and cons of blogging to consider.

Easy to Get Started

One of the biggest pros of blogging is that it’s simple to get started. All you need is a blog platform like WordPress, Blogger, or Medium and you can be up and running within minutes. You don’t need fancy equipment or technical skills to start sharing your message with the world through blogging. In fact, you can even use an AI writing assistant to support your blog, enhancing your writing process and making it even more efficient. With tools like Hypotenuse AI, you can elevate your content creation, improve your SEO, and captivate your readers with engaging and professional writing.

Blog vs Vlog: What Works Better For You? (2)

Low Cost

Blogging is very budget-friendly. The only costs are your time and potentially a small monthly fee for hosting your blog. You don’t need expensive cameras, lighting equipment, microphones, or video editing software like you do with vlogging. Blogging can be a very affordable hobby or even a source of income.


Blogging offers a lot of flexibility. You can blog as often or as little as you like, on any topic you want. You’re not locked into a schedule and you have creative freedom over what you write about. Blogging also gives you the flexibility to write posts of any length, from short blurbs to long-form, in-depth articles.

Cons of Blogging

Challenging to Build an Audience

One of the biggest downsides of blogging is that it can be difficult to build an audience and gain traffic. With so many blogs on the Internet, you have a lot of competition for readers and it takes time to gain visibility. Vlogging may have an advantage here since video content tends to get more engagement and shares on social media.


Creating content for your blog takes time. Coming up with post ideas, researching, writing, editing, and promoting your posts requires effort and diligence. While blogging does offer flexibility, to be successful at it requires consistent work to keep your blog active and provide value to your readers. For some, the time required can be a downside. By using a well-crafted template, such as our blog post template, you can save time and ensure consistency in your blog posts.

Pros of Vlogging

Vlogging, or video blogging, has become hugely popular in recent years. While vlogging does have some advantages over traditional blogging, there are also some downsides to consider before you start your vlog.

Visual medium

Vlogging allows you to connect with your audience through visuals and video. Viewers get to see your facial expressions, gestures, and body language, allowing for a more personal connection. Video also tends to be more engaging and attention-grabbing than text alone. This can lead to higher viewership and subscriber numbers.

Monetization opportunities

Once you build a sizable viewership, vlogging opens up opportunities for monetization through ads, sponsorships, product placements, and fan sponsorships or "memberships". Top vloggers can make a full-time living from their channels. However, monetizing a vlog typically takes a very long time and a lot of work.

Cons of Vlogging

Technical challenges

Vlogging requires certain technical skills like filming, lighting, audio, and video editing. This can pose challenges for beginners and require a learning curve. You'll need to invest in equipment like a high-quality camera, microphone, lighting, and video editing software. The costs for vlogging gear can add up quickly.


Creating vlogs requires a major time commitment to film, edit, and upload videos. It can take hours of work to produce a single 5-10-minute vlog. In contrast, writing a blog post may only take 30-60 minutes. If you have a busy schedule, vlogging may be difficult to keep up with consistently.

In the end, blogging and vlogging each have their pros and cons. The option that is right for you comes down to your skills, interests, goals, and how much time you have to dedicate to creating content. Don’t be afraid to experiment with both to see what you enjoy and excel at.

Blogs vs Vlogs: What Makes More Money?

When it comes to making money online, the age-old debate between blogs and vlogs is an important one to consider. Both have the potential to generate income, but which path is truly the most profitable?

Blog vs Vlog: What Works Better For You? (3)


Blogs have been around for years and continues to be a popular way for people to make money from home. Some of the benefits of blogging include:

  • Low barrier to entry. Starting a blog is easy and inexpensive. All you need is a domain name, hosting, and a theme.
  • Flexibility. You have full control over your content and schedule. You can blog as often or as little as you like.
  • Scalability. Once your blog is established, it’s easy to scale and monetize through ads, sponsorships, digital products, and affiliate links.

However, blogging also has some downsides:

  • It can take time to build up traffic and make money. Unless you already have an audience, it may take 6-18 months of consistent blogging to gain enough traffic to generate revenue.
  • Competition is high. There are over 600 million blogs, so standing out can be challenging. You need to find a niche and a unique angle.
  • Revenue is often small at first. While some bloggers make a full-time living, most start out earning only a few hundred dollars a month. It takes work to scale up to higher earnings.


Vlogs, or video blogs, has become hugely popular in recent years. Some benefits of vlogging include:

  • Visual medium. Vlogs are an engaging visual medium that many viewers prefer. It can be easier to build an audience and follow with video.
  • Faster growth. Vlogs have the potential for massive exposure and more rapid growth compared to blogs. With viral videos, your audience can explode overnight.
  • Higher earning potential. Top vloggers make significantly more money than top bloggers. Sponsorships and brand deals for vloggers are often much more lucrative.

However, there are also some downsides to consider with vlogging:

  • Steeper learning curve. Creating professional video content takes a lot more work and skill than writing blog posts. It has a steeper learning curve.
  • Expensive equipment. You need a quality camera, lighting, and editing software to make engaging vlogs. This can require a significant upfront investment.
  • Irregular income. Vlogging income can be inconsistent and irregular. One month you may make a lot, then next month much less. It depends on views and sponsorships.

Overall, while vlogging has the potential for higher and faster earnings, blogging tends to be an easier path to get started with.

Tips for Success Whether You Choose a Blog or a Vlog

When deciding between blogging or vlogging, think about your strengths and preferences. Both can be equally successful paths, so choose what excites you!

Choose a blog if:

  • You prefer writing over talking on camera. Blogging allows you to share your message through the written word at your own pace.
  • You want to establish yourself as an expert in your industry. A blog gives you a platform to share advice, opinions, and in-depth knowledge on topics that matter to you.
  • You have a gift for storytelling. Blogging gives you space to craft well-written stories and anecdotes to engage your readers.
  • You want to improve your writing skills. Blogging regularly helps you become a better writer over time through practice and feedback.

Opt for a vlog if:

  • You're comfortable on camera. Vlogging requires filming yourself speaking directly to your audience. If you enjoy being on camera, vlogging may come more naturally.
  • You want to build a personal connection with your viewers. Vlogging allows your personality and passion to shine through, and viewers can connect with you on a more personal level.
  • You prefer casual, conversational content. The vlog format lends itself well to a spontaneous, unscripted style. You can speak freely to your viewers as if talking to friends.
  • You have a visual topic or talent. Whether it's makeup tutorials, travel guides, or video game playthroughs, vlogging is ideal for sharing visual how-to's, experiences, and skills with your audience.

No matter which path calls to you, the keys to success are consistency, quality content, and authenticity. Stay consistent by posting on a regular schedule. Focus on high-quality, valuable content that provides real value or insight to your viewers. And be authentic by sharing topics you genuinely care about in your unique voice and style.

Blog vs Vlog FAQs

Here are some FAQs to help determine what will suit your needs and talents best:

Do I like writing or talking on camera more?

If you prefer writing, blogging may be ideal. You can thoughtfully craft posts at your own pace. If talking on camera comes naturally, vlogging could be a great outlet for your personality and passion for a topic.

How tech-savvy am I?

Blogging requires learning a blogging platform and some basic skills like adding images, links, and formatting text. Vlogging demands equipment like a camera, microphone, lighting, and video editing software. You'll need to learn how to film, edit, and optimize videos.

What topics do I want to cover?

Some subjects may lend themselves better to one medium over the other. For example, tutorials, reviews and personal stories tend to work well as vlogs. In-depth advice, life lessons and more serious subjects are often better suited to blog posts. Think about what you want to share and the best way to convey it.


At the end of the day, you need to go with what suits your strengths and what you're most passionate about. Don't feel limited to choosing one over the other though. You can easily do both — start a blog to share your deeper thoughts and use video to give your audience a more personal behind-the-scenes look into your life or business. The most important thing is that you start creating and putting your message out there. The world is waiting to hear from you, so take that first step and get started!

Blog vs Vlog: What Works Better For You? (2024)


Blog vs Vlog: What Works Better For You? ›

With blogging, you're writing text-based content, like articles, tutorials, or stories. Vlogging involves recording and uploading video content. If you prefer writing over talking on camera, blogging may be a better fit. If you're comfortable on camera and want to engage viewers personally, vlogging could be ideal.

Is it better to blog or vlog? ›

Both blogging and vlogging offer chances to make money online through sponsored content, affiliate marketing, and advertisem*nts. However, vlogging has higher money-making potential earnings through brand partnerships and product endorsem*nts.

Are videos better than blogs? ›

In general, videos are much easier to consume; they convey information quickly and simply, and remove the need for the user to read lots of text, or scroll through numerous pages.

What makes more money, vlogging or blogging? ›

Higher earning potential. Top vloggers make significantly more money than top bloggers. Sponsorships and brand deals for vloggers are often much more lucrative.

Do most blogs make money? ›

But if there's no chance of making money from it, you'll only ever be a hobby blogger. The fact is, most people don't make money blogging (or at least not enough to become full-time bloggers). According to ProBlogger, about two-thirds of bloggers earn less than $100 a month from their blogs.

Is vlogging still profitable? ›

It often depends on factors like niche, audience engagement, and monetization strategies. Blogs can have diverse income sources like ads, affiliate marketing, and products, while vlogs often rely on ad revenue, sponsorships, and merchandise sales. Both can be highly profitable with the right approach.

Is it hard to monetize a blog? ›

Monetizing a blog can be a time-consuming and challenging process, and it is not something that can be achieved overnight. However, there are a few ways that you can make money off your blog, even if you're blogging as a beginner.

Are blogs no longer popular? ›

Do people still read blogs? The state of blogs now. Short answer: yes. A recent survey found that over 60% of all internet users read blogs, while another found that 77% of internet users read blogs daily.

Are blogs really worth it? ›

Some bloggers may make a few thousand dollars a month, while others with large audiences may make over $100,000 a month. “If you're looking to monetize your blog, you need to treat it like starting a business from the start,” says Rebecca.

What is better than blogging? ›

Alternatives include vlogging, podcasts, blog sites, and social media microblogging.

Do vlogs make money? ›

Many vloggers make money by recommending products and services to their viewers. For example, many lifestyle vloggers film daily routine videos showing off their favorite skincare or fitness products.

Are blogs still a good idea? ›

But while the internet has transformed significantly in recent years, we're here to debunk the myth. Blogging isn't dying. In fact, blogging is thriving in 2024 - and remains a relevant and profitable content marketing channel for the foreseeable future.

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Author: Jerrold Considine

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Author information

Name: Jerrold Considine

Birthday: 1993-11-03

Address: Suite 447 3463 Marybelle Circles, New Marlin, AL 20765

Phone: +5816749283868

Job: Sales Executive

Hobby: Air sports, Sand art, Electronics, LARPing, Baseball, Book restoration, Puzzles

Introduction: My name is Jerrold Considine, I am a combative, cheerful, encouraging, happy, enthusiastic, funny, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.