Blogs as Marketing Tools. A Blog Copywriter Can Help Grow Your Business (2024)

Need help writing blog posts? Get a quote from a professional blog writer.

Blogs are exploding on the Internet. Evidently, people have a lot to say. They are using the Internet to publish things at an astonishing pace.

Although it’s impossible to say exactly, in 2021 it’s estimated there are over 600 million blogs online. And over 6.8 million blog posts are published on any given day,

Astounding, isn’t it? And the blog reading universe keeps getting bigger as more people around the globe get internet access.

Blogging started in the mid-nineties as a means of personal journaling. Bloggers shared their thoughts, dreams and desires. Since then, it’s come a long way.

Everyone Can Publish a Blog

Publishing used to be constrained by physical limitations. You had to have a printing press or a publisher and a distribution network to reach a good-sized audience. No more. Today, most publishing is done by users for users.

Blog software is readily available online for free. WordPress is the most popular blogging platform today and you need nothing more than a keyboard and internet connection to get started.

Blogs as Marketing Tools. A Blog Copywriter Can Help Grow Your Business (2)

Blogging is a low-cost form of marketing that can build your brand’s identity.

Blogs can be hosted on public sites for free or with host companies for less than $10 per month. A domain costs roughly $12. In other words, you can spend as little as $10-$20 and create a blog.

Why Blog?

Blogs are a revolutionary marketing tool. Think of them as mini-magazines that give businesses and individuals a dynamic vehicle in which to promote their products or themselves. They build brands and attract attention in a way that advertising can’t do.

If you’re like most bloggers, you’ll want to consider writing posts for one of the following half-dozen reasons:

  1. Help grow a business — Blogging to grow is effective for small startups on up to large, established corporations looking to expand their market.
  2. Build a relationship with your customers — Your customers want to know what you’re up to and what’s coming next.
  3. Promote your e-commerce business — Blogging is one of the most popular and effective e-commerce strategies. With the United States as the second-biggest e-commerce market in the world, it should come as no surprise that it’s home to millions of bloggers.
  4. Make extra cash on the side — Once you have an established subscriber base, you can sell products, services or accept ads to generate revenue.
  5. Gain credibility as an expert in a niche — After you’ve authored numerous blog posts on a specific subject, you develop a reputation as a subject authority.
  6. Drive traffic to your website — Many businesses start blogs to increase their online visibility.
  7. For fun and self-expression — There’s nothing wrong with starting a blog for selfish reasons. Perhaps you have a hobby and want to build a community for participants. Or maybe you want to test your writing chops by writing blog posts when the spirit moves you. Or maybe you just want to document a journey, whether physical or mental.

Blogs as Marketing Tools. A Blog Copywriter Can Help Grow Your Business (3)

Blogging is a great way to gain exposure and credibility for your business.

What Comes First?

Businesses of all kinds start blogging as a way to build up a long-term audience.But the opposite also happens with bloggers starting businesses as an extension of their publishing.

According to Shopify Blogs, “One of the biggest challenges new businesses face is building an audience for their products. Bloggers, on the other hand, often work backwards, building an audience first by consistently putting out good content, andthenexploring ways to monetize their traffic.”

No matter which group you fall into, having a blog can accelerate your success.

Blogs Encourage Interaction

Part of what makes blogs unique and so compelling is the interaction between the copywriter and the reader. Compare blogs to newspapers, magazines, books and even television in which the user sits idly by, passively absorbing the information delivered to them.

Blogs as Marketing Tools. A Blog Copywriter Can Help Grow Your Business (4)

Get your blog readers involved. Ask them to comment on your posts.

With blogging, readers get involved. They comment on posts. They offer opinions, criticism, and suggestions. They’ll even take quizzes and surveys, which you can easily create using an online quiz maker.

In essence, they become a community who share a common interest and get to know each other. And they may even interact not just on the blog itself but also on social media where bloggers promote their posts!

Getting Started as a Blogger

If you want to start a blog, or become a blog copywriter, there’s no shortage of guides on blogging. Get some background and then find blogs that match your interests. Spend some time as a spectator. Follow popular blogs and do a little reverse engineering. Take note of the blog’s:

  • Niche or focus
  • Design and layout
  • Image
  • Target audience
  • Frequency of posts
  • Quality of content
  • Comments from visitors
  • Sponsors and advertisers
  • Methods being used to generate traffic
  • Affiliations to other blog

Then develop a plan for writing your own blog. Start by choosing a name that accurately reflects your focus. Bonus points if it’s clever and catchy.

Blogs as Marketing Tools. A Blog Copywriter Can Help Grow Your Business (5)

Choosing the right name for your blog is important. It needs to speak to your niche and be memorable.

Blogger Ryan Robinson advises careful consideration before making a decision. “Your blog name is the first thing people see when you show up in search results and can tell them about who you are, what you’re writing about, and even your personality,” he says.

Determine your objective and what you’ll need to do to achieve it. Blogging is a journey, and you’ll want to have a roadmap. Even if your direction changes as your blog develops and grows, you’ll need to have a solid plan before starting to write.

Blogs as Marketing Tools. A Blog Copywriter Can Help Grow Your Business (6)

Develop a roadmap for where you want your blog to go, even if it’s a fluid plan.

According to blogger Neil Patel, “With any blog topic, your choice may easily spread into other areas of interest. Don’t feel that the initial topic of the blog will pigeon hole you for life. Feel free to experiment with a few topics, and see what best matches your interests and passions.”

Kidd, a California-based company that helps people launch online businesses and build profitable blogs, recommends starting with a narrow niche. “Niching down allows you to focus your resources where they will be most effective. You may already have a topic in mind for your blog, but to narrow down, you want to look at the sub-topics.”

For example, if your topic is a broad general category like a pet blog or dog blog, you can niche down into various sub-topics to come up with ideas for content. Some might be:

  • Dog foods
  • Dog training
  • Different dog breeds

Blogs as Marketing Tools. A Blog Copywriter Can Help Grow Your Business (7)

Pet-related blogs written by pet owners and pet lovers are some of the most popular.

You could even take one of those sub-topics and go another layer down.The sub-topics for dog training could be:

  • New puppy training
  • Obedience training
  • Agility training

Can you see how any of those bullet points could lead to multiple blog posts?

There’s no shortage of blog post ideas online. See what others have done in different industries and then adapt their concepts to your specific niche.

Monetizing Your Blog

You’ve probably heard of bloggers making thousands off of their blog. That’s certainly possible, but blogging is extremely competitive, and it can be a while before you’re generating enough traffic to be profitable.

“Focus on monetizing your blog only when you’re consistently getting 75-100 visitors a day,” suggests one blog start-up guide. Nonetheless, it advises setting up your blog following one of four business models right off the bat so that you’ll be ready to generate income when traffic does start flowing:

  1. A content-based business that sells advertising — ads promoting other businesses
  2. A content-based business that sells digital products — ebooks, templates, software, etc.
  3. A service-based business marketing its services — accountant, lawyer, maid service, personal trainer, etc.
  4. An e-commerce business selling physical products — jewelry, toys, clothes, etc.

On a personal note, I follow model #3, using my blog to introduce my copywriting services to customers. My 200+ blog posts showcase my writing chops and help me rank high on Google so prospects searching for a copywriter can find me. While my blog itself doesn’t sell anything, it brings me new clients, which is a form of monetization.

10 Steps to Writing Your First Blog Post

Blogging is a skill like any other — the more you do it, the faster and better you’ll get. Those first few posts are often the most difficult. But soon you’ll find your rhythm.

Here are 10 steps to get you started on cranking out Blog Post #1:

  1. Pick your topic — Choose what you’ll be writing about. Select a subject for your post that you’re comfortable with.
  2. Consider your audience — Think of your ideal reader. What do you want him to know? What do you think she cares about related to your chosen subject?
  3. Research — Do a quick Google search. What’s already been written on the subject? What’s lacking? Or can you take a new slant on an old topic?
  4. Outline — Start listing your main talking points and putting them in order.
  5. Back up your points — See if you can find any facts, figures or insightful quotes to add to your post. They’ll give your copy credibility and give the reader a more well-rounded understanding of the subject.
  6. Show your personality — You don’t want the post to sound like a high school research paper. Ugh! So be conversational and add in a little bit of yourself, whether that’s through humorous comments, personal anecdotes or opinions.
  7. Edit your copy— Once you’ve written your first draft, review it. Read it aloud if that helps you catch an awkward or run-on sentences. Proofread for errors. You don’t want careless mistakes to detract from the content. Some blog writers set their posts aside for at least a day before proofing and sending them out. Having a little distance helps them see errors they might otherwise have missed.
  8. Sprinkle in photos — Copy by itself can be a bit blah. See if you can find one or more stock photos that work with your text. If budget is a consideration, websites like and offer free photos. And of course, if you have or can take your own photos, that’s even better. Other visuals like charts, artsy graphics, infographics, screenshots and even video can also supplement your blog post.
  9. Publish and promote — Put your post on your blog and look for ways to drive traffic to it such and as linking to it on your social media accounts.
  10. Respond to comments — If you set up your blog to accept comments, be sure to respond to them. Get some interaction going between you and your readers. Failing to respond is a sign that you don’t respect or care about your audience.

Hire a Blog Writer

Not everyone is cut out to be a blogger. For some people writing is fun; for others it’s a chore.

Blogs as Marketing Tools. A Blog Copywriter Can Help Grow Your Business (8)

If you find writing to be a chore or have limited time, stop torturing yourself and hire a professional blog writer.

If you fall into the latter category, or if blogging isn’t the best use of your time, hire a professional blog writer. You can determine your level of involvement. Come up with the topics yourself or let the blog writer offer suggestions.

You’ll want to choose your blog writer with care. The saying “You get what you pay for” is more often true than not when hiring a copywriter. While you can find Third World writers willing to compose blog posts for as little as $25 a piece, the quality is often lacking, as someone who is not a native speaker of your language won’t be proficient. Also someone charging $25 a post probably isn’t an experienced copywriter.

Select a blog writer who is comfortable with your subject matter. A beauty writer would likely not be a good choice for a blog on software design.

Blogs as Marketing Tools. A Blog Copywriter Can Help Grow Your Business (9)

Work with a copywriter who has experience blogging and a comfort level with your subject matter.

Readers have no shortage of blogs from which to choose. If your blog isn’t well written and interesting, it won’t attract a loyal following. And if having your blog represent your business is your objective, then quality copywriting is a necessity.

Ideas for Blog Posts

Need some ideas for what to write about in your blog posts? Consider these 10 recommendations:

  1. Offer advice and tips — Your subscribers consider you an authority. Put into writing your most helpful suggestions.
  2. Comment on current events— What’s in the news? How does it relate to your blog’s focus? Write about how it affects you.
  3. Post a video — If you’ve come across a video that makes a point you feel is relevant to your subscribers, post the video. Be sure to add an introduction and conclusion so readers know why the video is important to you. Of course, you can also create your own video. Your subscribers will love seeing you and hearing your voice.
  4. Tell a story — The best way to communicate a point is with an anecdote. Everyone loves a good story. The trick though, is to relate it to your main subject matter, so be sure you draw the connection.
  5. Getnostalgic — Talk about days gone by and bring up all your warm, fuzzy memories. You can draw subtle connections between your brand and the positive feelings your audience associates with the past.
  6. Host a contest — Who doesn’t love winning? Invite your subscribers to weigh in with their ideas and award the best commenters with a prize. You’ll be amazed at the audience participation you get.
  7. Invite guest posts — Welcome others to write about their views. Bonus points if you can get a guest post from an industry giant or celebrity.
  8. Talk about trends — What’s hot now? What’s the next big thing? Write about how it relates to your blog’s focus.
  9. Take a survey — Poll your readers on a particular topic. Use a blog post to share the results and your conclusions.
  10. Weigh in on a controversy — What’s got everyone talking? Present the different sides and give your opinion.

Regardless of which of the above ideas you choose, be sure to keep your focus narrow. Each post should have one main concept.

For example, instead of writing about antiques in general, write about antique typewriters. Even better is to zoom in on vintage typewriters made by Underwood.

Blogs as Marketing Tools. A Blog Copywriter Can Help Grow Your Business (10)

Now explore that topic in detail, enlightening and delighting your readers. The result will be far more compelling than a general post that never dips beneath the surface to bring up intriguing facts.

Applying SEO Principles to Blog Posts

Once you’ve gone to the trouble of writing your blog post, you want to be sure it gets read. In addition to your existing subscribers, strive to have your blog posts get found on the internet via Google searches.

You or your hired blog writer will need to pay attention to search engine optimization (SEO) techniques when creating your posts. That means strategically choosing keywords, creating good title and meta-description tags and using alt tags on your photos.

Blogs as Marketing Tools. A Blog Copywriter Can Help Grow Your Business (11)

Using SEO best practices is the right way to attract more subscribers to your blog.

Blogs that are integrated into your corporate website can help your site gain search engine ranking, which then translates into increased traffic. If you add content to your blog on a regular basis, Google will notice that your site is fresh and is a good source of information on your chosen subject area

Start Blogging Today!

The benefits of blogging are significant in terms of building your brand and creating demand for your products or services. Well-crafted content by a professional blog writer can go a long way in boosting your visibility and positioning you as an authority in your industry.

Don’t let another day go by with your competitors gaining steam via their blog. The best time for you to hop on board this exciting marketing vehicle is now!

Contact Susan Greene

Quality content is the key to success with a blog. Need help writing posts that will engage your readers and turn them into loyal fans?

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Blogs as Marketing Tools. A Blog Copywriter Can Help Grow Your Business (2024)


Blogs as Marketing Tools. A Blog Copywriter Can Help Grow Your Business? ›

One of the benefits of blogging for business is the opportunity to give insight into your business and how it's run. This is a chance to talk about the day-to-day operations, how you source materials, introduce your employees, and highlight experiences you want your customers to know about.

How blogs can help your business? ›

One of the benefits of blogging for business is the opportunity to give insight into your business and how it's run. This is a chance to talk about the day-to-day operations, how you source materials, introduce your employees, and highlight experiences you want your customers to know about.

Why are blogs an important marketing tool? ›

Blogging is a powerful marketing tool that businesses can use to increase website traffic, promote products and services, and build customer trust. A high-quality blog with useful and engaging content can differentiate your company from competitors.

How does a blog post help in marketing? ›

Blogging is an important part of any content marketing strategy because it is the part of your site that you will most frequently update with new posts and information to keep readers engaged. It is often through blog content that you first entice people to your site and start to build your brand's audience.

What are the benefits of a blog? ›

Here's a quick rundown of blog advantages. Keep reading for more details.
  • Increase brand awareness.
  • Boost your website SEO.
  • Reach new potential customers or clients.
  • Stand apart from your competition.
  • Develop trust with your target audience.
  • Grow your email list.
  • Increase conversions.
  • Create content for other platforms.
Jul 28, 2023

What is the purpose of a blog? ›

The purpose of a blog is to provide a platform for individuals or organizations to share information, ideas, and thoughts with a wider audience. Blogs can be used for personal or professional purposes, and can cover a wide range of topics, such as lifestyle, fashion, technology, politics, business, and more.

Do I need a blog for my business? ›

Establish Authority and Attract High-Quality Clients

This is by far the best reason to add a blog to your small business website. Having a blog is the best way to share your expertise and establish trust with a targeted audience and this allows you to attract people to your business.

How effective is blogging for marketing? ›

Blogging is a powerful key component to any digital marketing strategy, it can increase your leads by 67% and get you up to 97% more links to your website.

What is the purpose of blogging in marketing? ›

Marketing refers to all activities a company does to promote and sell products or services to consumers. Marketing makes use of the "marketing mix," also known as the four Ps—product, price, place, and promotion.

How effective are blog posts? ›

Blog articles are a great platform for interaction with readers through comments or social media sharing. Engaging with readers fosters a sense of community, which is vital for brands in 2024, as brands with successful communities are proven to command more brand loyalty.

What is the power of blogging? ›

Blogging allows you to showcase your expertise and knowledge in your industry. By consistently providing valuable and insightful content, you can position yourself or your brand as a trusted authority, gaining credibility and attracting a loyal audience.

What is the main point of the blog post? ›

Blog posts allow you and your business to publish insights, thoughts, and stories on your website about any topic. They can help you boost brand awareness, credibility, conversions, and revenue. And most importantly, they can help you drive traffic to your website.

What is the most important part of a blog post? ›

Lead Paragraph.

This is key. If you take too long on the wind-up, you will lose readers. You have to get into the premise of the post and make it relevant to your readers. After the title, this is the second most important component of your post.

How does a blog help your business? ›

A blog gives you a platform, a type of website, to answer frequently asked questions and share company news. Plus, sharing high-quality content shows your target market what you know about your industry, so they can trust you to provide a quality product or service.

What does a blog need to be successful? ›

How to Blog: 20 Blogging Tips to Improve Your Writing
  • Find Your Niche. You needn't have a niche, but it helps. ...
  • Define Your Ideal Readers. Once you've found your niche, you need to know who will be reading your blog. ...
  • Add Value. ...
  • Be Original. ...
  • Be Interesting. ...
  • Be Yourself. ...
  • Be Honest. ...
  • Transparency.
Jun 11, 2024

What is the blog mainly about? ›

blog, online journal where an individual, group, or corporation presents a record of activities, thoughts, or beliefs. Some blogs operate mainly as news filters, collecting various online sources and adding short comments and Internet links.

For what purposes do companies use blogs? ›

Companies use blogs for public relations, customer relations, crisis communication, market research, viral marketing, online communities, internal communication, and recruiting. Blogs are not used for collaborative meetings because they do not provide real-time collaboration features.

How does a blog directly impact sales of a company? ›

Blogs help in link building and have a great impact on the sales of the company. Well-written blogs can lead you to top results of SERP that directly impact your website's growth. If you provide content related to your niche, it helps in building trust within your audience.

When writing a blog, an advantage is? ›

Question: When writing a blog, an advantage is that it is sent to a wide audience and encourages responses . When writing a blog, an advantage is that it is sent to a wide audience and encourages responses .

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Author: Fr. Dewey Fisher

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Name: Fr. Dewey Fisher

Birthday: 1993-03-26

Address: 917 Hyun Views, Rogahnmouth, KY 91013-8827

Phone: +5938540192553

Job: Administration Developer

Hobby: Embroidery, Horseback riding, Juggling, Urban exploration, Skiing, Cycling, Handball

Introduction: My name is Fr. Dewey Fisher, I am a powerful, open, faithful, combative, spotless, faithful, fair person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.