Bloodhound (character) (2024)

Bloodhound (character) (1)

Character/background page

This article concerns the background of the subject in Apex Legends universe. For the subject and content related to it in the main game, see Bloodhound. For the subject and content related to it in Apex Legends Mobile, see Bloodhound (Mobile).

Bloodhound (character) (2)
Real NameBlóðhundr
NicknameHoundy (by Fuse)
RelativesJohann (father, deceased)
Brigida (mother, deceased)
Artur (uncle, deceased)
Boone (ex-boyfriend, deceased)
Walter Fitzroy Jr. (partner)
Real-world Info
Voice ActorAllegra Clark
AppearancesOld Ways, New Dawn
Friends Like These

Bloodhound is a Legend first introduced at the launch of Apex Legends. A spiritual hunter from Talos, they joined the Apex Games to collect honor in the name of their deceased lover, Boone, so that he may enter Valhalla.


  • 1 Lore
    • 1.1 Background
    • 1.2 Meeting Boone
    • 1.3 The Broken Ghost
    • 1.4 Overtime
    • 1.5 Season 8 Launch Trailer
    • 1.6 Armageddon
    • 1.7 The Legacy Antigen
    • 1.8 Season 9
    • 1.9 Season 10
    • 1.10 Old Ways, New Dawn
    • 1.11 Friends Like These
    • 1.12 Season 16
    • 1.13 Season 18
    • 1.14 Season 19
  • 2 Appearances
  • 3 Trivia
  • 4 References



The hunter known as Bloodhound was born in 2695 on Talos to Johann and Brigida[1], two engineers working at New Dawn, [2] a cooling plant used to process Branthium. The family moved to the nearby town of World's Edge in 2703. Brigida, a mechanical engineer, had previously worked with Evelyn Witt. [3] Their uncle, Artur, also lived on Talos, but he joined a community that rejected technology.[4]

Bloodhound has very few memories of their time with their parents, though they do remember learning how to repair broken toys from Brigida. [1] However, early in their life, a disastrous flash freeze buried their home, and much of the surrounding town of World’s Edge, in snow and ice. [5] A young Bloodhound watched as Johann was buried by an avalanche. [6]

Bloodhound (character) (3)

After the death of their parents, Bloodhound was adopted by Artur into his tribe. This new group rejected all technology, with anything more advanced than a lightbulb being forbidden. [3] Artur trained Bloodhound in the Old Ways, a belief system seemingly adapted from Norse mythology.

After ten years, Bloodhound was given a final trial for full acceptance into the tribe. Armed with nothing more than a small axe and the Old Ways, they were to hunt a Prowler. They set off only to find their prey already killed by a greater beast, which seemed to reside in an old industrial tunnel. Inside, Bloodhound found a Charge Rifle, and played with it out of intrigue. This, however, alerted the Goliath that lived inside. In a panic, they fired the Charge Rifle, cutting off one of the Goliath’s horns and seemingly killing the creature. Bloodhound rejoiced until they noticed Artur’s raven companion, who flew off to report the truth behind the encounter.

Bloodhound returned to the village and buried the Charge Rifle on the outskirts in an attempt to hide it. They then presented the Goliath’s horn as a trophy. An enraged Artur rejected this offering, telling his protégé that they had rejected the glory of the hunt for a quick kill. He then exiled Bloodhound from the tribe.

While Bloodhound was departing, the same Goliath they had attacked approached the village, seeking revenge. The villagers attacked the beast to no avail, with Artur being mortally wounded. Bloodhound, wishing to help, attempted to dig up their Charge Rifle, but the Goliath smashed it. They then threw the Charge Rifle’s energy core at the Goliath, disarming it and causing it to flee.

Artur, in his dying breaths, stated that Bloodhound had indeed passed his trial, and that their tactics had led to victory rather than the use of technology. Taking his axe, Bloodhound then returned to the Goliath’s den to avenge their uncle. They were eventually cornered by the beast, but they sliced open a coolant pipe, freezing the Goliath and suffering severe scarring and lung damage in the process. Taking a nearby respirator to cope, they triumphantly decapitated the frozen Goliath.

Artur, along with the other villagers who died in the Goliath’s attack, were given a Viking funeral upon Bloodhound’s return. They were joined by the raven, who Bloodhound christened as “Artur” in memory of their uncle. [6]

Meeting Boone

In the three years following the attack, Bloodhound assumed leadership of the tribe. They began to become more accepting of modern technology, and began to use generators and electricity to join the Old Ways and the new.

One day, the village was visited by Boone, a hunter known for his proficiency in tracking rare creatures. Boone initially simply requested passage to hunt in the tribe’s forests, but Bloodhound eventually convinced him to let them join his hunt. He did not trust them at first, but the two eventually grew close, with the pair becoming lovers.

Eventually, Boone spoke to Bloodhound about his true quarry - an elusive beast known only as the óséður. The creature is stealthy and leaves very little traces, but Bloodhound proposed that they try to track it through heat signatures left in its wake. The pair obtained parts to develop a tool that would track this way, with it being named the taekni-sonar. Boone gave the tool to Bloodhound, as it was the product of their knowledge.

The pair found the óséður hibernating in its den. Bloodhound was initially saddened, as this would mean they must wait until spring for an honorable kill. However, Boone then revealed his true intent - he was attempting to capture it and sell it to the Thunderdome on Solace. The pair argued, with Bloodhound disturbed that he would disrupt the sanctity of the hunt. The two then departed on bad terms, and Boone left before sunrise the next day.

Bloodhound pressured a trader to lead them to where Boone had gone. The trader agreed, and Bloodhound left Talos for the first time in their life. Bloodhound followed Boone to the Thunderdome, where he was showing off the beast. However, it escaped its cage and brutally killed Boone before leaping into the crowd to wreak havoc. A devastated Bloodhound subdued the creature.

Bloodhound (character) (4)

Bloodhound, finding Boone’s death lacking in honor, decided to gather honor in his stead so that he may enter Valhalla. [3] They entered the Apex Games in 2732[7] to pursue this end and became one of its most talented competitors. [8] They continue to hold a flame for Boone to this day, twenty years later, [3] expressing their sorrow in poetry. [9]

The Broken Ghost

After Loba joined the Apex Games, she solicited the assistance of the other Legends (sans Revenant) to hunt down pieces of an artifact on an alternate Kings Canyon, in the Shadowfall dimension. [10]

At some point, Wattson was injured in the Shadowfall dimension. While she recovered from her injuries, Revenant came to harass and threaten the Legends. [11] Bloodhound, Gibraltar, and Bangalore suddenly returned from the dimension to fend off their assailant. [12] Eventually, Revenant returned in the form of Crypto’s drone and revealed that there was a mole amongst the group, sowing distrust amongst the Legends. [13]

Bloodhound, keeping their involvement with the quest at a minimum, sent Artur to gather information about the Legends after their divide. They expressed hope that they will come together now, stating their respect for some of the Legends and their sadness over what they see to be a petty argument. However, Bloodhound declared that the matter would not weigh on them, as they have more important goals. [14] [15]


One Saturday in 2733, Bloodhound completed an Apex Games match on Kings Canyon. After leaving the arena, they won a brass leg while gambling in the Paradise Lounge. [16] They were later contacted by Octane to track down a group of scrappers who had kidnapped Pathfinder. [17]

After Solace City’s hospital was leveled by a crashing aircraft, Bloodhound helped the Legends to escape from the rubble. [18]

Season 8 Launch Trailer

After explaining his story to the Legends, Fuse gave Caustic a jovial "buttsmack". He attempted to do the same with Bloodhound, but they stopped him at gunpoint. [19]


"You've always had me back. Why?"
"You remind me of an old companion."
"A noble gent with a heart of gold?"
"...Not precisely, no."
— Fuse and Bloodhound

After Mad Maggie’s attack on Kings Canyon, [19] she demanded Fuse’s other arm as tribute, lest more attacks follow. Bloodhound decided to accompany Fuse and Lifeline to confront Maggie. [20] When asked why, Bloodhound responded that Fuse reminds them of an old companion. [21]

After Maggie’s assumed death, the Legends gathered around a fire, where Bloodhound offered a toast “to second chances.” [22]

The Legacy Antigen

Bloodhound assisted the Legends in finding a cure for the Medusa Vines outbreak, traveling to Gaea to hunt Carthage spiders with Fuse. [23] They later helped to rescue Loba, Valkyrie, Caustic, and Crypto after the four were captured by the spiders. [24]

After the Medusa outbreak ended, the Legends gathered at Mirage’s bar, the Paradise Lounge. There, Fuse gave a toast to Bloodhound in attempted Icelandic. Bloodhound, touched by the gesture, returned the favor by giving a toast to “more buttsmacks,” causing the pair to erupt in laughter. [25]

Season 9

Talos, especially the area surrounding World’s Edge, began to suffer increased seismic activity, likely as a result of Hammond Robotics’ Harvester heavily fracturing the landscape with its fracking. Bloodhound expressed grave concern over this. [26]

Season 10

Eventually, the Harvester overloaded, self-destructing and fracturing the landscape even further. In response to this, Hammond Robotics, scrambling to enact damage control, added two new structures - the Climatizer and the Lava Siphon - in an attempt to fix their errors. [27] However, some remarked that these, in reality, do nothing, with the Climatizer simply cooling the air and the Lava Siphon warming it back up. [28]

Bloodhound became very distraught over the state of their home planet. Possibly as a result of residual guilt over their uncle’s death, they placed the blame on themselves, declaring that they must atone for their “sins.” [29] Fuse, noticing their distress, sent Bloodhound a letter, offering his sympathy and a shoulder to lean on. [30]

Old Ways, New Dawn

Bloodhound (character) (5)

One day, Bloodhound encountered a white raven with red markings. [31] While tracking a wounded Prowler across World’s Edge, they heard the raven speak to them in Artur’s voice, angrily reprimanding the Legend and declaring that they had a hand in their parents’ death. [32] [33] [34]

Bloodhound followed the Prowler to its den, where they found it reclined in pain. Meanwhile, they continued to hear Artur’s voice, lashing out at them for abandoning the Old Ways. Bloodhound received a vision of five apparitions, each a manifestation of their trauma. As Artur’s voice berated Bloodhound that they failed their home, their family, Boone, and him, they denied this, reinforcing their confidence in themself.

Bloodhound consoled the Prowler in its last breaths, reassuring it that it will live on in Valhalla. [35]

At some point, Fuse began living with Bloodhound in their village on Talos.[36]

Friends Like These

Eventually, Bloodhound decided that the damage to Talos was too great. Fuse began assisting them in relocating the village to the vicinity of Storm Point.[37] While preparing for this, the two were visited by Vantage, who was seeking to make friends. The two offered their own advice, with Bloodhound saying that one needs to be attentive and listen. Vantage additionally pointed out that they had missed Mirage's party, as well as the feelings between the two, flustering both. The young hunter then left the two, with Bloodhound unaware that Mirage had held a party.[36]

Soon after, Bloodhound and Fuse embarked on a hunting trip, where the latter proposed that they talk about the obvious feelings between the two. Bloodhound stated that, after their experience with Boone, they were afraid of losing another lover. Fuse told them that he was not going anywhere, and the two embraced and shared a kiss.[38]

Season 16

Near the anniversary of the Apex Games, Lifeline attempted to recruit Bloodhound for an operation against the Mercenary Syndicate. However, Bloodhound refused this offer.[39]

Season 18

Not long before Bloodhound and Fuse's first anniversary, Fuse destroyed a guitar that had been given to him by Maggie. They quickly approached and comforted him. During their heart-to-heart, the two decided to move in together at the tribe's new home on Gaea. Bloodhound later refurbished the broken guitar for Fitzroy as an early anniversary gift.[40]

Season 19

After Maggie turned herself into Syndicate custody, Bloodhound visited her in prison, encouraging her to not give up in her fight for her people.[41]


In-GameVideos & TrailersOnline MediaPublications

Transition Blurbs

  • Bloodhound (character) (6) Ravenous
  • Bloodhound (character) (7) A New Dawn (mentioned)
  • Bloodhound (character) (8) True Warrior
  • Bloodhound (character) (9) Self-Destruct
  • Bloodhound (character) (10) Chaos & Love (Ode to Boone)
  • Bloodhound (character) (11) Eavesdroppin' a Line (mentioned)




  • Character

  • Cultural References

  • Voice Actor

  • Bloodhound has been confirmed as non-binary and using they/them pronouns by Respawn Community Manager Jay Frechette[42], Bloodhound's voice actress Allegra Clark[43], and Narrative Director Mohammad Alavi[44].
  • Because Bloodhound keeps their identity a secret, Bloodhound is rumored to be fabulously wealthy, a bloodthirsty murderer, a Goliath whisperer, a former slave, half bat, and a dozen other things depending on who's doing the whispering.[45]
  • Bloodhound joined the Apex Games in its 121st season and has been crowned the Apex Champion twice in their first four seasons.[8]
  • Bloodhound was originally intended to appear in the Titanfall series and can be found in The Art of Titanfall 2 by Andy McVittie [46]
  • While it is customary in Bloodhound's tribe to take the skull of one's first kill, they instead took the skull of the second creature slain by their hands, a Flyer. [47]
  • After their victory in the 123rd Apex Games, Bloodhound asked for "bookends", or an identical copy of their previous trophy, as a reward. [48]
  • Bloodhound is an avid reader, and enjoys all genres.[48]
  • Bloodhound suffers from ship-sickness, [3] as well as a fear of heights. [49]
  • Bloodhound hunts most of their food. They enjoy large, meaty dishes and mostly cook over a fire or lava.[50]
  • Bloodhound is multilingual, speaking English, Icelandic, and Māori.[41]
  • Bloodhound regularly references Old Norse language and mythology with the words they use and their accent. Examples of these are:
    • Bloodhound's raven named Artur is likely a reference to Huginn and Muninn, ravens from Norse mythology that travel the world and give the information they find to Odin. Named after Bloodhound's uncle, he appears to share his namesake's disdain for technology, as he often attacks Pathfinder.
      • The official Twitter account once incorrectly tweeted out that the raven's name is "Arthur".[51] However, an in-game Rare charm of the bird confirms it is spelled "Artur". Interestingly, the same spelling error was made again in the original official subtitles of "The Old Ways" short, though for Bloodhound's uncle and not the raven, and was corrected to "Artur" a few days after release.
    • Saying "slátra" ("Slaughter" in Old Norse) in their trailer and voice quips, calling enemies "andskoti" ("devil") and referring to their raven/teammates as "Félagi Fighter(s)" (Old Norse: "Félagi", meaning companion or partner)
    • Making numerous references to the Allfather, a commonly used kenning for the Norse god Odin.
  • Bloodhound's Bloodhound (character) (12) Lifeblood skin is based on Ken Kaneki from the Tokyo Ghoul series.
  • Bloodhound (character) (13)

    Bloodhound (character) (14) Lifeblood


  1. 1.0 1.1 Transition - Bloodhound (character) (15) Felagi Fighters
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 Pathfinder's Quest Chapter 7 - Frozen in Time
  4. Transition - Bloodhound (character) (16) A New Dawn
  5. Transition - Bloodhound (character) (17) World's Edge - Meltdown
  6. 6.0 6.1 Stories from the Outlands - The Old Ways
  7. Apex Games Museum on World's Edge
  8. 8.0 8.1 Apex Legends Opening Cinematic
  9. Transition - Bloodhound (character) (18) Chaos and Love (Ode to Boone)
  10. The Broken Ghost Prologue - "The Duplicitous Snake"
  11. The Broken Ghost Chapter 2 - "The Detached Chaperone"
  12. The Broken Ghost Chapter 3 - "The Liberated Narc"
  13. The Broken Ghost Chapter 6 - "The Oblivious Mole"
  14. The Broken Ghost Continuation Comic
  15. Season 6 Transition - "Self-Destruct"
  16. Overtime Issue 1
  17. Overtime Issue 2
  18. Overtime Issue 4
  19. 19.0 19.1 Season 8 Launch Trailer
  20. Armageddon Page 1 - "Armed and Dangerous"
  21. Armageddon Page 4 - "She's a Charmer"
  22. Armageddon Page 7 - "Harmony"
  23. The Legacy Antigen Part 5 - "Haunted By Broken Ghosts"
  24. The Legacy Antigen Part 9 - "Retribution"
  25. Online media - The Legacy Antigen - Epilogue
  26. World's Edge Season 10 teaser
  28. Season 10 Transition - "Why Is No One Else Freaking Out?"
  29. Bloodhound Season 10 Interactions
  30. Season 10 Transition - "Eavesdroppin' a Line"
  31. Old Ways, New Dawn - "Prologue"
  32. Old Ways, New Dawn Chapter 1 - Old Ways
  33. Old Ways, New Dawn Chapter 2 - "Cold Tracks"
  34. Old Ways, New Dawn Chapter 3 - "Dying Ambers"
  35. Old Ways, New Dawn Finale
  36. 36.0 36.1 Friends Like These Chapter 4 - "Definitely, Maybe"
  37. Season 11 Interactions
  38. A Beast That Cannot Be Tracked
  39. Season 16 Interactions
  40. This One Goes Out to the One I Love
  41. 41.0 41.1 This One Goes Out to the One I Left Behind
  42. Apex Legends: Two Playable Characters Are LGBTQ, Says EA
  43. Allegra Clark on Twitter
  44. Every Legend in Apex Legends Explained By Respawn | WIRED
  45. Archived Character Page
  47. Town Takeover Flyer skull quote - "The skull of a flyer - the second creature slatra by my hands. It is traditional to claim the skull of the first, but... that is lost to the winds."
  48. 48.0 48.1 Tom Casiello on Twitter
  49. Interaction with Loba on Olympus - "I... cannot see the ground. It is bothersome. That is all."
  50. Apex Legends: The Official Cookbook

v · d · eCharacters in the Apex Legends universe

AlterAshBallisticBangaloreBloodhoundCatalystCausticConduitCryptoFuseGibraltarHorizonLifelineLobaMad MaggieMirageNewcastleOctanePathfinderRampartRevenantSeerValkyrieVantageWattsonWraith

Major characters
Recurring characters
Minor characters
Bloodhound (character) (2024)


Is Bloodhound canonically a girl? ›

Gender. Bloodhound has been canonically nonbinary ever since launch in February 2019.

Who does Bloodhound have a crush on? ›

Bloodhound admits they love Fuse, but are afraid of losing them like they lost Boone. Fuse comforts Bloodhound and they embrace, then kiss.

How long does a Bloodhound scan last? ›

The maximum distance it will highlight is 75 meters. It will also tell you how many hostiles were detected. With the maxed number of detected hostiles being 10, any higher will read as "10+ HOSTILES DETECTED". The full-body scan lasts 1 second, while the tracking marker lasts 3 seconds.

How to get good with Bloodhound? ›

Apex Legends Bloodhound Guide: Best Tips and Tricks for Playing as Bloodhound
  1. Scanning at the Right Time. One of the most important tips for new Apex Legends Bloodhound players is to scan at the right time. ...
  2. Smoke Hacks. ...
  3. The Ultimate Escape. ...
  4. Eye to Initiate. ...
  5. Don't Overextend. ...
  6. Weapon Choice is Key. ...
  7. Lead the Hunt.
May 17, 2023

Who in Apex is LGBTQ? ›

2 Seer (Pansexual)

The ambush artist was confirmed to be part of the LGBTQ+ community in a series of tweets posted by Respawn's lead writer, Amanda Doiron. The writer tweeted "Seer sees to the heart of people and doesn't limit himself to a specific gender" in reply to fans asking if he was straight.

Who is Bloodhounds boyfriend? ›

Season 18. Not long before Bloodhound and Fuse's first anniversary, Fuse destroyed a guitar that had been given to him by Maggie. They quickly approached and comforted him. During their heart-to-heart, the two decided to move in together at the tribe's new home on Gaea.

Is Bloodhound nonbinary? ›

Bloodhound is non-binary and uses they/them pronouns.

What does Bloodhounds face look like? ›

Bloodhounds and Basset Hounds are both droopy-faced dogs with wrinkles and long ears. Both breeds of dog were bred to track scents, and the Bassett is the second-best sniffer after the Bloodhound.

Does Bloodhound ult make you faster? ›

Ultimate Ability (Z) – Beast of the Hunt

Bloodhound transforms into the ultimate hunter. This enhances their senses, allowing them to see tracks and move faster. This ability lasts 30 seconds and can be extended by downing opponents.

What is Bloodhound's passive ability? ›

Passive - Tracker: Bloodhound's passive ability enables them to track enemy movements by detecting clues left behind by foes. This includes footsteps, indicating recent enemy activity, and the occasional appearance of White Ravens, guiding Bloodhound to nearby enemies.

Why is Bloodhound so good? ›

The nose isn't the only part of bloodhounds well-suited for tracking. Their signature wrinkly skin helps trap scents, too.

What gender is Bloodhound lore? ›

Bloodhound is non-binary and uses they/them pronouns. Confirmed by respawn, the writers, and their voice actor.

Is there a male or female Bloodhound? ›

The most significant difference between male and female Bloodhounds is that the females have a more calming nature. She is much more tolerant of children and more eager to please her master. In addition, she is very understanding and accepts change better than the male.

Is Bloodhound gender neutral? ›

Before they became legend, young Bloodhound faced a rite of passage. Join them on the hunt and learn the harsh lessons of the Old Ways. Before bloodhound use the voice modifier that we all know today, bloodhound used to be a she (imo from this video) but the devs confirmed bloodhound non-binary.

Is Bloodhound lgbtq? ›

Respawn have used they/them pronouns for Bloodhound the moment they were revealed, and a variety of writers have stated that Bloodhound is non-binary. While not a sexual orientation, Bloodhound's identity is very important to a lot of players.

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