BNB Smart Chain vs Ethereum - What’s the Difference? (2024)

On the surface, BNB Smart Chain (BSC) and Ethereum don’t look that different. It makes sense, since BSC is a hard fork of the Go Ethereum (Geth) protocol. The two blockchains share many similarities, in fact, users’ public wallet addresses are the same on both blockchains.

Thanks to BSC compatibility with the Ethereum Virtual Machine, there are even cross-chain projects operating across both networks. While their similarities make them compatible, their differences can make a significant impact on the experience of users and developers.

In this article

  • > BNB Smart Chain vs Ethereum: An Introduction
  • > About BNB Smart Chain
  • > About Ethereum
  • > BSC vs Ethereum: Traffic
  • > BSC vs Ethereum: Consensus Mechanisms
  • > BSC vs Ethereum: Transaction Fees
  • > BSC vs Ethereum: Token Standards
  • > Most Popular dApps on the Chains
  • > BSC vs Ethereum: Closing Thoughts
  • > Mulitchain Support with Crypto APIs

BNB Smart Chain vs Ethereum: An Introduction

BNB Smart Chain (formerly known as Binance Smart Chain) first came onto the blockchain scene in 2020, and ever since have been pitted against Ethereum in a battle of the blockchains.

Ethereum is one of the largest and most popular blockchains, second only to the premier chain, Bitcoin. According to State of the Dapps, Ethereum hosts almost 3000 dApps while BNB Smart Chain hosts just 211.

On the surface it appears like a blockchain version of David and Goliath.

BNB Smart Chain vs Ethereum - What’s the Difference? (1)

Ethereum rose to fame by being the first to champion the use of smart contracts, an innovation that propelled blockchain’s use beyond mere cryptocurrency. Even though a number of blockchains have sprouted up around it, BSC being just one of them, Ethereum still dominates the dApp and smart contract market.

That said, Ethereum is far from perfect and BSC is a direct attempt at addressing its imperfections— its volatile gas fees being the main issue for Ethereum users.

Although BSC’ numbers may pale in comparison to Ethereum’s, it’s important to remember just how new BSC is. As a concept, Ethereum was introduced in 2013 and the blockchain launched in 2015. Considering how young BSC is, it is proving itself as a worthy contender against a more developed and mature ecosystem.

About BNB Smart Chain

BNB Smart Chain is a relatively new blockchain designed for developing high-performance decentralized applications.

It first started life as “Binance Smart Chain” but in the beginning of 2022 it had a label overhaul to distance itself from the Binance exchange. The newly named BNB Smart Chain was created to run in parallel with the Binance Chain (now BNB Beacon Chain) and is powered by the token BNB.

Even the token has been given a makeover— the BNB coin was formerly known as Binance Coin but has been renamed “Build and Build” but keeps the same acronym.

Now we have all the name changes out of the way...

BNB Beacon Chain (formerly Binance Chain) was launched in 2019 to facilitate fast, decentralized trading but it has limited flexibility and scalability. BSC was a way to add smart contract functionality to the Binance ecosystem without causing the inevitable congestion and impact on network throughput.

BSC is an independent blockchain (rather than a layer 2 or off-chain scalability solution), which means that if BNB Beacon Chain were to go offline for any reason, BSC would continue to run.

The cross-chain compatibility between BSC and BNB Beacon Chain provides users with a larger and more complete ecosystem. Users can easily transfer their assets from one to the other, easily trade BSC assets on multiple exchanges, and use them in a wide range of DApps.

BSC also made a couple of smart moves early on, firstly with design— BSC is compatible with the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM), meaning it supports Ethereum tools and DApps.

This makes it easier for developers to import their projects from Ethereum (should they need to bypass Ethereum’s congested network), and allow users to easily configure applications like crypto wallets to work with BSC.

The second smart move was to introduce the Binance Smart Chain BUIDL Reward Program to encourage builders to create dApps on the BSC platform. The incentive program offers up to $5m in BNB to be paid back to developers in proportion to the gas used for their contracts.

About Ethereum

The Ethereum blockchain was conceived by programmer Vitalik Buterin. In the Ethereum Whitepaper published in 2014, Buterin envisaged a blockchain that would give developers complete freedom to build any application they wished upon it. And so, in 2015, the smart contract was born with Ethereum as its vehicle and ether (ETH) as its fuel.

Ethereum opened up a whole new world of blockchain use case possibilities, from finance to gaming, identity management, decentralized autonomous organizations (DAOs), and supply chain management. But the most popular use case has been non-fungible tokens otherwise known as NFTs.

Read more: What are NFTs and How do They Work?

Currently, Ethereum is the most popular choice for minting NFTs but for how long? Ethereum’s NFT market share fell from 95% to 80% in early 2021. The network’s notoriously high gas fees have been coined as the culprit for the shift in sales.

Yet, developers are still very much attracted to the Ethereum network. According to the Electric Capital Developer Report (2021), more than 20% of new Web 3 developers joined Ethereum.

The scripting possibility that Solidity (the programming language for developing Ethereum smart contracts) provides is one of the main reasons dApp developers choose Ethereum over other blockchains.

Ethereum also provides a rich library of supporting tools including tutorials and developer tools such as debuggers, unit test frameworks, and test coverage tools.

Now that we have been acquainted with the background of each blockchain, let’s look at how they differ.

BSC vs Ethereum: Traffic

Despite being a newer blockchain, BSC managed to topple Ethereum off the top of the list when it comes to unique active addresses. The report from cryptocurrency analytics platform, Nansen, considered the number of active addresses across selected blockchains during January 2022.

The report found that BNB Smart Chain (BSC) had a volume of 10.4 million unique active addresses while Ethereum recorded almost half that, at a total of 5.44 million.

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Everyday transactions can also give an interesting insight into the differences between the two blockchains. For example:

BSC: Highest number of 16,262,505 transactions on Thursday, November 25, 2021.

Ethereum: Highest number of 1,716,600 transactions on Sunday, May 9, 2021.

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With more active users and more daily transactions, it appears that BSC is the more popular choice. The significant difference in transactional throughput and active users can be attributed to the fact that BSC is quicker and more cost-efficient when it comes to transferring funds and creating smart contracts.

BSC vs Ethereum: Consensus Mechanisms

A consensus mechanism is the method that the networks’ nodes reach consensus about the data submitted to the block. There are various ways of forming consensus, including Proof-of-Work (PoW), Proof of Stake (PoS), Proof of Authority (PoA).

Consensus on Ethereum

Ethereum is currently undergoing a shift from Proof of Work towards Proof of Stake, but for the moment, it is still mostly operating on the PoW algorithm.

In Proof of Work the nodes compete to solve the block hash in order to be the node to add a block of data to the blockchain (and be rewarded with the transaction/gas fees therein). The node (the prover) must prove to the other nodes (the verifiers) that they have expended a certain amount of computational effort (work) in solving the hash of a block.

The problem with PoW is that it requires a huge amount of computational power resulting in extremely high-energy usage.

In fact, according to the Digiconomist, Ethereum uses 113 terawatt-hours per year. That’s the same amount of power as consumed by the Netherlands. A single transaction on Ethereum is the energy usage equivalent to watching 20,723 hours of YouTube videos.

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Proof of Work is also a lengthy process making it one of the slowest methods of achieving consensus on the blockchain. The average transaction time on Ethereum is 13-15 seconds, compared to just 3 seconds of BSC.

It’s for these reasons that Ethereum is migrating to a Proof of Stake mechanism.

PoS involves validators staking a certain number of coins in order to claim their right to add a block to the chain. Instead of competing as miners do in a PoW mechanism, validators are then chosen at random.

It provides the financial incentive for participating nodes but doesn’t require the same computational effort or energy consumption. It also doesn’t require the same heavy-duty equipment, which lowers the barrier to entry.

This switch will not only bring down Ethereum’s gas fees and waiting times but the PoS method also supports sharding which will allow for greater scalability.

Consensus on BNB Smart Chain

BSC is a hybrid consensus mechanism called Proof of Staked Authority (PoSA).

Like PoS, BSC validators “stake” their BNB but the number of active validators, participants eligible to validate transactions, is limited. Although the limit has increased from 21 to 41 with the recent changes to the BNB ecosystem it is still considerably more “centralized” than Ethereum which has more than 70,000 validators.

The validators are chosen from a set built on the BNB Beacon Chain. The top 41 validators are determined by the number of BNB tokens they have staked, and then propagated once a day from BC to BSC via cross-chain communication.

The PoSA consensus model enables short block times and lower costs, but it does mean it compromises network decentralization.

BSC vs Ethereum: Transaction Fees

Any transaction on the blockchain requires payment. Both BSC and Ethereum use a gas fee model and are calculated in gwei.

0.000000001 ether = 1 gwei

0.000000001 BNB = 1 gwei

The gas fees are a way to incentivize and compensate miners and validators for the computational power spent in validating the blockchain's transaction records.

BSC and Ethereum users set a gas price to entice miners/validators to prioritize their transactions. The higher gas prices will get processed faster, while transactions with lower gas can end up with longer wait times or staying unconfirmed.

Historically, Ethereum gas fees have been much higher than those experienced on BSC.

From a snapshot from Etherscan and BscScan we can see that the average gas prices differ drastically. On Biance Smart Chain, the highest average recorded on the 16th August 2021 was 7.7278 gwei which equates to roughly $5.

The highest average gas price on Ethereum during the same time period was recorded on the 10th January 2022, at 218.547966407, the equivalent of about $144.

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BSC vs Ethereum: Token Standards

Ethereum uses ERC standards (Ethereum Request for Comments), while BNB Smart Chain uses BEP (which did stand for Binance Evolution Proposal).

Both set programming standards that act like a blueprint for the development of smart contracts, including details on how they should be created, issued, used, transferred, and deployed on the respective blockchain.

BNB Smart Chain uses BEP-20 tokens which have an architecture similar to Ethereum’s ETH-20 token.

Implemented in 2015, ERC-20 is one of the most commonly used Ethereum standards, and is used for the creation of fungible tokens. These are digital assets that have value, and can be sent and received.

It had a huge impact on the crypto-world as it introduced the ability for Ethereum tokens to be re-used by other applications, such as wallets and decentralized exchanges.

An ERC-20 token’s functionality provides the ability to:

  • transfer tokens from one account to another
  • get the token balance of an account
  • get the total supply of the token available on the network
  • approve whether an amount of token from an account can be spent by a third-party account

BEP-20 is basically an extension of the ERC-20 standard but for the BNB Smart Chain. It is fully compatible with ERC-20, and gives BSC developers and programmers the same flexibility as they enjoy with ERC-20 on Ethereum.

The added benefit of the BEP-20, however, is that it is also interoperable with the BNB Beacon Chain standard BEP-2, meaning they can be swapped equally.

Most Popular dApps on the Chains

Thanks to the compatibility between BSC and Ethereum, there is quite a lot of cross-over when it comes to dApps. It allows developers to easily switch applications from one to the other or use the open-source Ethereum code to launch something “new” on the BSC.

Let’s take a look at some of the most popular projects on each of the blockchains.

Top Ethereum Smart Chain Dapps

OpenSea: The world’s first and largest decentralized marketplace for user-owned digital items— it’s like the Amazon of the NFT world. OpenSea provides digital artists and content creators with the ability to mint NFTs, create NFT collections, set their own fees, and create auctions.

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UniSwap: Launched in 2018, UniSwap was one of the first DeFi applications to really take off on the Ethereum blockchain. It is the one of the world’s largest decentralized exchanges (DEX) that allows its global users to trade crypto without an intermediary. It also has its own governance token (UNI).

CryptoKitties: CryptoKitties was one of the first ever crypto games. It allows users to buy, sell, collect, breed, and trade unique vitual cats in the form of NFTs. It was so popular it crashed the Ethereum network back in 2017, and since then it has continued to ride high on the dApp charts.

Top Binance Smart Chain Dapps

PancakeSwap: PancakeSwap is DEX similar in core design to UniSwap. The BSC-based DeFi app has its own utility token known as "CAKE” that can be used in different ways including yield farming, staking, a PancakeSwap Lottery, and voting on governance proposals.

MOBOX: NFT FARMER: MOBOX: NFT Farmer is a Free to Play to Earn (F2P2E) next-generation game and a regular entry to DappRadar’s top ten charts. It combines elements of DeFi, NFTs, and gaming mechanics, to create an infrastructure they call “GameFi”.

X World Games: A gaming system designed around simplicity and convenience with the aim to introduce blockchain technology and NFTs to traditional (non-crypto) game players. The diversified gaming ecosystem that includes the crypto game - Dream Card, an NFT Marketplace and DeFi Pool, X World Games has over 2 million registered gamers.

BSC vs Ethereum: Closing Thoughts

BNB Smart Chain extends the functionality of BNB Beacon Chain while also bridging the gap between it and Ethereum through the EVM compatibility. Its interoperability, lower fees and transaction times make BSC an ideal platform for building powerful decentralized applications.

On the other hand, Ethereum is a well-established and rich ecosystem that offers a flexible platform for dApp development. Its large user base is also a huge incentive for deployment on Ethereum. If the Ethereum 2.0 developments continue towards a Proof of Stake consensus method, then network interaction should become much faster and cheaper.

Mulitchain Support with Crypto APIs

The good thing is that no matter which blockchain you decide to build upon or connect with, BSC or Ethereum, Crypto APIs support them both. In fact, we support more than 30 networks (mainnets and testnets) and are constantly adding more as new protocols emerge.

Our multichain support gives businesses the freedom to implement the right blockchain infrastructure for their business needs and gives them the scope to scale faster, more easily, and without huge infrastructure costs.

With just one integration, our full product suite gives developers access to quantum secure and blockchain agnostic MPC Wallet as a Service, instant access to live and historical blockchain data, webhooks, automations, and powerful and unified endpoints.

It is our mission to provide businesses with a frictionless way to interact with cryptocurrency and digital assets across multiple blockchains.

If you’d like to know more about our products and the other top blockchain protocols, layers and tokens we support contact us today.

BNB Smart Chain vs Ethereum - What’s the Difference? (2024)
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