Boros (2024)


I lead the band of thieves known as Dark Matter. I am Boros, Dominator of the Universe.

—Boros introducing himself to Saitama[1]

Boros (ボロス, Borosu), also called Lord Boros (ボロス様, Borosu-sama) by his subordinates, was the leader of the Dark Matter Thieves, a group of alien invaders responsible for the destruction of A-City. Like Saitama, Boros faced a self-imposed existential crisis, having become so powerful that no battle thrilled him. His intergalactic travels in search of a worthy opponent led him to Earth, where he was killed by Saitama.[4]

Boros is the main antagonist of the Alien Conquerors Arc.


  • 1 Appearance
  • 2 Personality
  • 3 History
  • 4 Plot
    • 4.1 Hero Association Saga
      • 4.1.1 Alien Conquerors Arc
  • 5 Original Webcomic
    • 5.1 Neo Heroes Saga
      • 5.1.1 Neo Heroes Uprising Arc
  • 6 Appearances in Other Media
    • 6.1 Video Games
      • 6.1.1 One Punch Man: A Hero Nobody Knows
      • 6.1.2 Grand Summoners
  • 7 Abilities and Powers
    • 7.1 Physical Abilities
    • 7.2 Fighting Style
    • 7.3 Equipment
  • 8 Major Battles
  • 10 Trivia
  • 11 References
  • 12 Site Navigation


Boros was a very tall cyclops-like alien with light-pink, spiky hair and bangs that fell over his face. He had sharp teeth and pointed ears lined with a row of gold earrings (silver in the animated adaptation). He had one large blue eye and light blue skin with dark blue crack-shaped markings that started from his eye and covered most of his body. He wore a set of armor with spikes on the shoulder and forearms and wore a pair of matching curved boots. In the manga, his skin in his sealed form was purple with darker purple stripes on his face. He also had a red orb on his chest with purple markings on his stomach and arms. He wore a pair of white harem pants, held by a magenta-colored sash with silver-lined purple blades hanging from it.

After Saitama destroyed his armor, Boros's appearance changed into a second transformation. His muscle mass increased, and his body grew spiky plates and his spine and the surrounding tissue became exposed, while his skin changed to a navy blue color with light blue markings that emitted energy. He was shown with an additional yellow eye under his chest which moved in sync with his original, now yellowish-green eye and his hair was completely spiked up becoming slightly darker in color.

In his Meteoric Burst form, his appearance changed drastically. His hair grew, reaching his back, his eye became completely white, though at times a black pupil became visible, and his body got engulfed in white energy, while his markings returned to their original, dark blue color.

Boros (2)

Boros's second transformation

Boros (3)

Boros in his Meteoric Burst form


Boros (4)

Because of his incredible power, Boros was both arrogant and prideful. Due to his love of battles and his inability to find an opponent who has been able to match him in power, he roamed the universe looking for worthy opponents that would be able to stand against him. He was also extremely callous, indifferent to the destruction and loss of life his invasion caused to A-City, and the destruction of his ship and the death of most of his crew while fighting Saitama. He did show a certain amount of courtesy and respect, reassuring Geryuganshoop when he was concerned about the ship, greeting and exchanging names with Saitama when he arrived and showed increasing amounts of respect to Saitama as their fight wore on and he continued to survive Boros's attacks. After being defeated, he seemed to be at peace with his imminent death, discounting the prophecy, but still satisfied that his fight with Saitama had been as exciting as he desired it to be, even if he was not victorious.

In battle, he was shown to have a very cautious and serious behavior, attempting to end fights quickly and make sure his opponent doesn't have any chance to surprise him.


An alien seer told Boros that on a faraway planet he would find an opponent who could fight on equal footing with him and give him the enjoyable fight he had always desired. Boros traveled the universe for 20 years before finding Earth.[5]


Hero Association Saga[]

Alien Conquerors Arc[]

Boros (5)

The Dark Matter Thieves appear above A-City and bombard it with shells, destroying 99.8% of the city in an instant.[6] The only structure left standing is the Hero Association headquarters.[7] Saitama, who was in the building, breaks into the spaceship and kills Groribas[8] and Geryuganshoop, two of Boros's top subordinates, much to the alien's surprise.[9] Saitama then confronts Boros.

Boros (6)

Face to face with Saitama, Boros explains that he traveled to Earth because of a prophecy that foretold of a worthy opponent there.[10] He attempts to goad Saitama into fighting with him. Suddenly, Saitama punches him into a pillar and berates him for destroying A-City for a stupid reason. Boros, much to Saitama's surprise, survives the hero's punch and stands up. With his restraining armor now destroyed, Boros unleashes his true strength and prepares to fight the hero.[11]

Boros (7)

Boros and Saitama engage in an intense fight. Seeing Saitama is unfazed by his attacks, Boros uses his trump card, Meteoric Burst and continues his assault on Saitama. He finishes his attacks with a knee that launches Saitama to the moon.[12] Soon, Saitama jumps back from the moon, landing right on the ship.[13] Upon the hero's return, Boros is surprised but also excited, and he charges at him with a barrage of attacks. Although Saitama is initially not moving, he soon counters with a normal punch that knocks him back before attacking him with his Consecutive Normal Punches, tearing Boros into pieces. However; his regenerative ability allows him to re-form almost immediately.[14]

Boros (8)

Eager to end the fight, Boros decides to use his final attack, Collapsing Star Roaring Cannon, to annihilate Saitama and the planet itself. Before the blast hits the planet, Saitama uses his killer move, Serious Punch to repel it and critically damage Boros. Defeated and incapable of regenerating from the heavy damage, Boros compliments Saitama for the splendid battle.[15] Although Saitama agrees with him, Boros replies that the hero was lying and that he had strength to spare, stating that the prophecy he had gambled on was unreliable as Saitama is too powerful. Boros then passes away while a victorious Saitama leaves the ruins of the spaceship.[16]

Original Webcomic[]

Boros (9) Expand to see original webcomic information. Beware of spoiler content.

Neo Heroes Saga[]

Neo Heroes Uprising Arc[]

Boros (10)

It's revealed that Boros's body was also taken by Bofoi along with his giant spaceship. When Genos arrives at one of Bofoi's laboratories in an attempt to find the latter, he discovers that an unconscious Boros is inside a medical machine filled with some form of liquid that is healing him. Genos notes that Boros's brain activity has stopped and wonders if he is a mindless weapon whose purpose is only to fight. The cyborg prepares to destroy the container and kill him but is interrupted by two robots identical to the Metal Knight Unit. Genos quickly defeats them before seemingly destroying the whole laboratory and leaving. It's unclear whether Boros remains alive or not after this.[17]

Appearances in Other Media[]

Video Games[]

One Punch Man: A Hero Nobody Knows[]

Boros is a playable character in the video game, One Punch Man: A Hero Nobody Knows. He is also the final boss of the game's Story Mode.

Grand Summoners[]

Boros is one of the various characters able to be summoned. He is a powerful dark unit.

Abilities and Powers[]

As the leader of the invading force of aliens, Boros had authority over the entire armada, his rule being absolute while being extremely powerful in his own right. According to Boros, his species developed the greatest regenerative ability in the entire universe to adapt to living on their home planet, which had harsh climates. Boros also appeared to be able to sense peoples' energy, which manifested itself as an aura around said person. He was the first on-screen opponent that survived a normal punch from Saitama, a notable feat considering all of the previous disasters had been obliterated, while Boros simply had his armor destroyed by the first punch.

Furthermore, he was also impressive enough for Saitama to remark that the hero was "almost in a real fight".[18] In his fight with Saitama, Boros was hit with 3 normal punches, a Consecutive Normal Punches attack, as well as the shockwave from the hero's Serious Punch. His might was acknowledged by Saitama, who regarded him as a powerful opponent and even the strongest foe the hero had ever faced up to that point.

Boros (11) Expand to see original webcomic information. Beware of spoiler content.

Genos, upon discovering Boros still recuperating in a recovery chamber at one of Bofoi's laboratories, finds himself unable to gauge the disaster level posed by the immensely powerful organism. Recognizing the potential threat Boros represents, the cyborg desires to eliminate him.[19]

Physical Abilities[]

Boros was gifted with superpowers from birth, which vastly increased his powers with time and experience. He claimed that he, in particular, possessed regeneration, physical prowess, and latent energy that far surpassed all other members of his race.

Boros (12)

Immense Strength: Boros has displayed extreme amounts of physical strength during his fight against Saitama. He was able to knock Saitama through several pillars of his ship with only a single punch, with the alien's various strikes easily damaging the place.[20] He was also capable of busting through the outer hull of his spaceship with apparent ease,[21] the same hull that was durable enough to even withstand the immense impact caused by Saitama leaping on it all the way from the Moon, with the jump being powerful enough to leave a massively huge crater on the natural satellite.[22]

Boros (13)
  • Shockwave Generation: Boros can generate powerful shockwaves with the force of his punches. His punch had so much power behind it, that the sheer pressure of the collision of his fist drove away an immense smoke cloud created by his energy blast with a powerful shockwave.

Immense Durability: Boros was shown to be amazingly resilient, to the point of being the first on-screen opponent of Saitama to survive after being hit directly by his normal punch, despite having his full power sealed by his armor, mildly surprising the hero. Even after receiving a direct punch from Saitama in his Meteoric Burst form, he remained intact, albeit was bleeding and injured.

Boros (14)

Immense Speed and Reflexes: Boros possessed incredible speed and agility, as he was able to keep up with a suppressed Saitama. He used the latent energy shunted from his body as a means of propulsion, making him incredibly fast. Even at high speeds, he was very agile. While battling inside the giant space ship, Boros and Saitama were so fast that normal human eyes would have been unable to follow their fight.[2]

Immense Endurance: Boros had great endurance. Despite having his arm torn off while fighting Saitama, he showed no signs of pain.[23] Even after completely exhausting all of his energy using his final move and having his entire body nearly obliterated by the shockwave from Saitama's Serious Punch, without being able to regenerate, Boros was still able to stay conscious and briefly talk with the hero before finally passing away.[24]

Boros (15)

Regeneration: Like the rest of his race, Boros had an incredible rate of regeneration, with Boros himself surpassing all others of his race as stated before. Boros had been shown to regrow an arm in seconds just by concentrating his energy on it. When struck by Saitama's Consecutive Normal Punches, he was blown apart but was able to regenerate his whole body in an instant. However, Boros' regeneration ability had a limit, as it showed in the end, he lost to Saitama and was unable to regenerate again after being struck by Saitama's Serious Punch as he had already used up all his energy.

Boros (16)

Energy Projection: Boros could use the latent energy that his body produced to fire large energy blasts from the eye in his chest with great destructive power, enough to incinerate parts of the highly durable spaceship. These energy attacks have huge area of effect, as the one used against Saitama was shown spreading flames across the top of the gigantic spaceship when exploded.[25] He also combined his energy projection with his physical attacks, resulting in shockwaves and blasts capable of destroying city-sized areas.[26] According to Boros himself, the resulting blasts were so powerful that small fries would find even their bones vaporized instantly.[24]

  • Flight: By releasing energy from his body through his use of energy projection, Boros was able to propel himself through the air at incredibly high speeds.
  • Energy Bullets (エネルギ弾, Enerugi-dan): Boros condenses the energy in his body and shoots through his eyes.[2]

Power Release (パワー解放, Pawā kaihō): Boros wore an ornate suit of armor that was designed to keep his immense powers in check. When the armor was removed from his body, it became black and spiky and began to glow from the released energy. Boros praised Saitama for being the first to last as long against his power in that state, suggesting that even in that form, Boros was immensely powerful compared to other enemies.

Fighting Style[]

Experienced Combatant: Boros was presumably a skilled fighter with decades of experience and not a single loss in combat.

Boros (17)
  • Meteoric Burst (メテオリックバースト, Meteorikku Bāsuto): Boros's trump card which he resorted to when he wished to settle a fight quickly. He used his latent energy to boost his body to speed and power beyond normal limits, at the cost of putting an immense burden on his body and thus shortening his lifespan. This also completely changed his appearance, the color of his body changing to cherry pink and his hair growing longer.
    Boros (18)
    • Augmented Speed: Boros's speed was also shown to increase drastically with the activation of Meteoric Burst. He moved so quickly that he appeared as just a purple streak and caused the durable ship around him to melt just by moving within its vicinity.[24] In this form, Boros's movements were fast enough that even Saitama seemed mildly impressed.[27] Boros's movements are propelled by energy, not his limbs.[28]
    • Augmented Strength: Along with his other attributes, Boros's strength grew to preposterous levels. The first punch he threw at Saitama in this state devastated a section of his ship. One of Boros's kicks had so much strength behind it that its force was enough to send Saitama rocketing through space, all the way to the moon. The kicking technique envelops the opponent in energy and moves them at almost the speed of light.[29][30]
    • Boros (19)
      Collapsing Star Roaring Cannon (崩星咆哮砲, Hōsei Hōkōhō): Boros's ultimate attack. While in his Meteoric Burst form, he could launch a massive beam of energy from his mouth which was much larger than his average energy beams. The color was also different; instead of being only blue, it had golden tones to it. Boros stated that he needed to concentrate and release the entirety of his latent energy to perform this technique. The beam was stated to be powerful enough to destroy the surface of the planet or the planet itself depending on the translation.[2]


Restraining Armor: Boros wore a set of armor that restrained his power. It was shattered by Saitama's first blow.

Major Battles[]

Boros vs. Saitama34, 35, 3611, 12Loss


  • (To Saitama) "There exists a prophecy. I was once a traveler, exploring the universe, ravaging everything in sight. But I was too strong; eventually, I found there were none left that could face me. I came to know the torment of utter, all-encompassing boredom. Then one day, a great seer told me somewhere on a faraway planet, a being exists who is my match; one who could rekindle my passion for battle. That was nearly 20 years ago; have you any concept of the distance I've traveled to get here? My men thought the prophecy was a ruse, a fairy tale meant to focus my attention and lure me away. But now I am certain it was true! Come, and give stimulation to my existence! That, is why I am here!"[31]
  • (Referring to Saitama) "This state... It burdens my body immensely, similar to anaerobic exercise. It's supposed to be a trump card I only use to settle a fight quickly... but this man, makes me wanna go all out!"[32]
  • (To Saitama) "That's the way, Saitama. You are indeed worth defeating!"[33]
  • (To Saitama) "You lie. You had strength to spare. I never stood a chance. It wasn't even a battle. So much for prophecies. You were too strong... Saitama..."[34]


  • Boros is ranked 11th in the character popularity poll.[35]
Boros (20)
  • In the first release of the manga, Boros looked more human and had a steel-plated looking armor with a skull ornament. His design was later redrawn by Yusuke Murata in order to look more alien.
  • Boros was the first on-screen opponent of Saitama that survived after getting punched, much to the hero's surprise. In fact, he is the very first of Saitama's opponents that took more than one punch to kill; Saitama even considered him to be the strongest opponent he had faced so far.
  • The origin of Boros' name is from a game ONE played.[36] It could be a reference to Ballos, the true antagonist of Cave Story, who shares the same Japanese name.
  • In an interview where ONE was questioned about who would win in a fight between Boros and Garou, ONE stated that it would be a "good match"; however, Garou is stronger in close combat.[37][38] This statement was made long before the introduction of Awakened Garou: Cosmic Fear Mode.
  • ONE has stated that Boros' disaster level is "Dragon or higher," but did not outright say God. A similar statement was also made about Orochi's disaster level by Murata.[3][39]
  • Boros is one of the few opponents that has deduced Saitama's immense power without first underestimating him based on appearance,[40] the other two being Carnage Kabuto and Orochi.
  • Boros is actually an allusion to one of ONE's previous works that was never officially released, Taiyo Man (Sun Man). In the story, the final boss was too strong for the plot to progress, so ONE had to scrap it.[41]
  • Murata states that Boros and Deep Sea King are his favorite monsters due to the impact they have had on the series.[42]
  • Boros (21)
    Murata wanted to give Boros another transformation past Meteoric Burst before unleashing Collapsing Star Roaring Cannon. The idea was abandoned because that would imply Boros was still holding back in Meteoric Burst, which was not the case, as he was already going all out.[43]
  • In the 2017 One Punch Man Halloween cover, Boros was depicted as Great King Enma (閻魔大王, Enma Dai-Ō) with the kanji 王 (King) on his hat.[44]
  • In the anime, Boros' fight against Saitama presents many similarities with Saitama's dream fight against the Subterraneans in terms of poses and the heartbeat, creating a connection between the first and the last episode of the season. This further highlights how Boros can relate to Saitama's existential crisis and felt the exhilaration of a real fight like Saitama in his dream.
  • One of Blast's companions bears a strong resemblance to Boros and may be the same species as him.

Boros (22)

Boros Databook


  1. One-Punch Man Manga and Anime; Chapter 34, and Episode 11
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 One-Punch Man Encyclopedia; One-Punch Man: Hero Encyclopedia, page 160-161
  3. 3.0 3.1 One-Punch Man Interview; Hero Encyclopedia Q&A
  4. One-Punch Man Manga and Anime; Chapter 36, and Episode 12
  5. One-Punch Man Manga; Chapter 34, page 9
  6. One-Punch Man Manga; Chapter 32, page 13
  7. One-Punch Man Manga; Chapter 34, page 14-19
  8. One-Punch Man Manga; Chapter 32, page 23-26
  9. One-Punch Man Manga; Chapter 34, page 1-5
  10. One-Punch Man Manga and Anime; Chapter 34, page 9, and Episode 11
  11. One-Punch Man Manga and Anime; Chapter 34, page 6-14, and Episode 11
  12. One-Punch Man Manga; Chapter 35, page 1-14
  13. One-Punch Man Manga; Chapter 35, page 7-16
  14. One-Punch Man Manga; Chapter 35, page 17-30
  15. One-Punch Man Manga; Chapter 35, page 31-46
  16. One-Punch Man Manga and Anime; Chapter 35, page 49-53, and Episode 12
  17. One-Punch Man Webcomic; Chapter 150
  18. One-Punch Man Manga; Chapter 36, page 20
  19. One-Punch Man Webcomic; Chapter 150, page 18
  20. One-Punch Man Manga and Anime; Chapter 35, and Episode 12
  21. One-Punch Man Manga and Anime; Chapter 35, page 27-28, and Episode 12
  22. One-Punch Man Manga and Anime; Chapter 36, and Episode 12
  23. One-Punch Man Manga and Anime; Chapter 34, and Episode 12
  24. 24.0 24.1 24.2 One-Punch Man Anime; Episode 12
  25. One-Punch Man Manga and Anime; Chapter 35, page 30-33, and Episode 12
  26. One-Punch Man Manga and Anime; Chapter 36, page 10-13, and Episode 12
  27. One-Punch Man Manga and Anime; Chapter 36, page 7, and Episode 12
  28. One-Punch Man Collaboration; ONEBUKURO 2, page 21
  29. One-Punch Man Collaboration; ONEBUKURO 2, page 18
  30. Murata's Twitter Account
  31. One-Punch Man Manga; Chapter 34, page 9-11
  32. One-Punch Man Manga; Chapter 36, page 27
  33. One-Punch Man Manga; Chapter 36, page 31
  34. One-Punch Man Manga; Chapter 36, page 68-69
  35. One-Punch Man Manga Popularity Poll
  36. One-Punch Man Interview; Niconico
  37. Niconico Live Interview
  38. One-Punch Man Stream; 4/1/2016
  39. One-Punch Man Stream; 16/5/2018
  40. One-Punch Man Manga and Anime; Chapter 33, page 25-26, and Episode 11
  41. ONE's Twitter account
  42. One-Punch Man Stream; 2/1/2016
  43. One-Punch Man Collaboration; ONEBUKURO 2, page 17

Site Navigation[]

Mysterious Beings
Dragon (or higher)BorosOrochi
DragonBakuzanBlack SpermCarnage KabutoElder CentipedeEnergiserForest KingFuhrer UglyGale WindGeryuganshoopGouketsuGroribasGyoro GyoroGumsGolden SpermHellfire FlameHomeless EmperorKenzan RatMarugoriMelzargardNyanOvergrown RoverPlutonPsykosVaccine Man
Demon170,000-Year-Old Cicada Larva170,000-Year-Old Cicada AdultArmored GorillaAwakened co*ckroachBaqumaBeast KingBruinadoBug GodBuilding BooperDeep Sea KingDemonic FanDevil Long Hair*Do-S*EyesightFace RipperFist Fight DjinnFree HuggerG4G5Game-BerusGiant CrowGiant SnowmanGrizzly NyahHundred-Eyes OctopusInternet SurfersJumping SpiderLord of MountainsMacho DaikonMosquito GirlRafflesidonRhino WrestlerRoyal RipperScaledonSenior CentipedeShowerheadSky KingSubterranean KingSuper MouseSurprise-Attack PlumThe Great Food TubThe Three CrowsTwin-Headed TsuchinokoUnihornVampire (Pureblood)
TigerBlack RoastCrablanteDeloreanDestrochloridiumElectric Catfish ManFighting Bull-FrogForest FolkFrog ManGround DragonKamakyuriKombu InfinityMad Doctor FishMaiko PlasmaMarshall Gorilla*Master JoeMan-Eating CapybaraOctopus Claw ManPersonification Of A Light Pull CordSludge JellyfishSlugerousThree-Eyed GhostUrn EelWithered Sprout
WolfBeer BelleeHimawariHotdogMessenger of the SeafolkPiggy BanconTongue StretcherShiverhuahua
Less than WolfMonster Chick Man
UnknownAlien Seer*Ancient KingAngry GrandpaAutumn Phantom Red Golden-ringed Dragonfly*Benpatsu*ChozeCruel DragonDarkDark Matter GunnerDirt EarthwormEagleEmpty VoidEnamelEvil EggsEvil EyeEvil Natural WaterFalconFish of DarknessGaleGiant SalamanderGigakiganGodGoddess GlassesGyoffreyHamukichi*HaragiriHawkHellfireJunior CentipedeKiteLord Great WhiteManako*Men's Esthetician Man*Platinum SpermRosieRaptoraReptera*RangorResearch Hybrid MonsterSage CentipedeSea SlugSnake-type monsterSuper Custom YO649Z Mk. IISupponSword Devil ExecutionerThe Mad CyborgThe Three Tempest BrothersTV Junkyard MonsterVenus MantrapVolten*
Dark Matter Thieves
Lieutenant GeneralsDark Matter Gunner
Base of OperationsGiant Spaceship
Boros (2024)
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Name: Cheryll Lueilwitz

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Introduction: My name is Cheryll Lueilwitz, I am a sparkling, clean, super, lucky, joyous, outstanding, lucky person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.