Breadcrumbs In Web Design: Examples And Best Practices — Smashing Magazine (2024)

  • Jacob Gube
  • 9 min read
  • Inspiration,Showcases,Web Design,Navigation

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Jacob Gube is the Founder and Chief Editor of Six Revisions, a web publication for web developers and designers, and the Deputy Editor of Design Instruct, a web …More aboutJacob↬

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On websites that have a lot of pages, breadcrumb navigation can greatly enhance the way users find their way around. In terms of usability, breadcrumbs reduce the number of actions a website visitor needs to take in order to get to a higher-level page, and they improve the findability of website sections and pages.

A “breadcrumb” (or “breadcrumb trail”) is a type of secondary navigation scheme that reveals the user’s location in a website or Web application. The term comes from the Hansel and Gretel fairy tale in which the two title children drop breadcrumbs to form a trail back to their home. Just like in the tale, breadcrumbs in real-world applications offer users a way to trace the path back to their original landing point.

Breadcrumbs In Web Design: Examples And Best Practices — Smashing Magazine (8)

You can usually find breadcrumbs in websites that have a large amount of content organized in a hierarchical manner. You also see them in Web applications that have more than one step, where they function similar to a progress bar. In their simplest form, breadcrumbs are horizontally arranged text links separated by the “greater than” symbol (>); the symbol indicates the level of that page relative to the page links beside it.

In this article, we’ll explore the use of breadcrumbs on websites and discuss some best practices for applying breadcrumb trails to your own website.

We’ve also published a recent article on designing better breadcrumbs UX, with examples and guidelines.

This article is part of our ongoing series on design patterns. It’s also a part of the upcoming 4-weeks live UX training🍣 and will be in our recently released video course soon.

When Should You Use Breadcrumbs?

Use breadcrumb navigation for large websites and websites that have hierarchically arranged pages. An excellent scenario is e-commerce websites, in which a large variety of products is grouped into logical categories.

You shouldn’t use breadcrumbs for single-level websites that have no logical hierarchy or grouping. A great way to determine if a website would benefit from breadcrumb navigation is to construct a site map or a diagram representing the website’s navigation architecture, and then analyze whether breadcrumbs would improve the user’s ability to navigate within and between categories.

Breadcrumb navigation should be regarded as an extra feature and shouldn’t replace effective primary navigation menus. It’s a convenience feature; a secondary navigation scheme that allows users to establish where they are; and an alternative way to navigate around your website.

There Are 3 Types Of Breadcrumbs

1. Location-basedLocation-based breadcrumbs show the user where they are in the website’s hierarchy. They are typically used for navigation schemes that have multiple levels (usually more than two levels). In the example below (from SitePoint), each text link is for a page that is one level higher than the one on its right.

Breadcrumbs In Web Design: Examples And Best Practices — Smashing Magazine (9)

2. Attribute-basedAttribute-based breadcrumb trails display the attributes of a particular page. For example, in Newegg, breadcrumb trails show the attributes of the items displayed on a particular page:

Breadcrumbs In Web Design: Examples And Best Practices — Smashing Magazine (10)

This page displays all computer cases that have the attributes of being manufactured by Lian Li and having a MicroATX Mini Tower form factor.

3. Path-basedPath-based breadcrumb trails show users the steps they’ve taken to arrive at a particular page. Path-based breadcrumbs are dynamic in that they display the pages the user has visited before arriving on the current page.

Benefits Of Using Breadcrumbs

Here are just some of the benefits of using a breadcrumb trail.

Convenient for usersBreadcrumbs are used primarily to give users a secondary means of navigating a website. By offering a breadcrumb trail for all pages on a large multi-level website, users can navigate to higher-level categories more easily.

Reduces clicks or actions to return to higher-level pagesInstead of using the browser’s “Back” button or the website’s primary navigation to return to a higher-level page, users can now use the breadcrumbs with a fewer number of clicks.

Doesn’t usually hog screen spaceBecause they’re typically horizontally oriented and plainly styled, breadcrumb trails don’t take up a lot of space on the page. The benefit is that they have little to no negative impact in terms of content overload, and they outweigh any negatives if used properly.

Reduces bounce ratesBreadcrumb trails can be a great way to entice first-time visitors to peruse a website after having viewed the landing page. For example, say a user arrives on a page through a Google search, seeing a breadcrumb trail may tempt that user to click to higher-level pages to view related topics of interests. This, in turn, reduces the overall website bounce rate.

Mistakes In Breadcrumb Trail Implementation

Using breadcrumb trails is a fairly straightforward affair, and there are only a few guidelines to consider before deciding to implement them on a website. Let’s take a look at some common mistakes to avoid.

Using breadcrumbs when you don’t need toA common mistake in implementing breadcrumbs is using them when there is no benefit.

Breadcrumbs In Web Design: Examples And Best Practices — Smashing Magazine (11)

In the above example, Slicethepie risks overwhelming users with too many navigation options. The (1) primary navigation, (2) breadcrumb trail and (3) secondary navigation are very close together. The breadcrumb trail in this application offers users no added convenience because the secondary navigation for lower-level pages sits right below it. Additionally, clicking on the second-level link in the breadcrumb trail (“Music”) takes you back to the first tab (“Listen”), which mistakenly suggests that the first tab is on a higher level than the other two (“Search” and “Artist hall of fame”).

Using breadcrumb trails as primary navigationAs stated earlier, use breadcrumbs as an optional aid to navigation.

Breadcrumbs In Web Design: Examples And Best Practices — Smashing Magazine (12)

In the above example, mefeedia does not offer a primary navigation menu for viewing videos. Though there is text link navigation in the footer section, there’s no navigation menu in the body of the pages, making it hard to navigate to other sections of the website.

Breadcrumbs In Web Design: Examples And Best Practices — Smashing Magazine (13)

If you arrive on a video page directly – say, for example, through a Google search result – the only navigation option you may have is the breadcrumb trail. Or if you’ve already been browsing a website’s pages and reach a page that does not display the primary navigation menu, you will have to hit the “Back” button in your browser to access the main menu.

Using breadcrumbs when pages have multiple categoriesBreadcrumb trails have a linear structure, so using them will be difficult if your pages can’t be classified into neat categories. Deciding whether to use breadcrumbs largely depends on how you’ve designed your website hierarchy. When a lower-level page is (or can be put) in more than one parent category, breadcrumb trails are ineffective, inaccurate and confusing to the user.

Breadcrumb Navigation Design Considerations

When designing a breadcrumb navigation scheme, keep several things in mind. Let’s take a look at some questions that might arise when you’re working with breadcrumbs.

What should be used to separate link items?The commonly accepted and most recognizable symbol for separating hyperlinks in breadcrumb trails is the “greater than” symbol (>). Typically, the > sign is used to denote hierarchy, as in the format of Parent category > Child category.

Breadcrumbs In Web Design: Examples And Best Practices — Smashing Magazine (14)

Other symbols used are arrows pointing to the right, right angle quotation marks (») and slashes (/).

Breadcrumbs In Web Design: Examples And Best Practices — Smashing Magazine (15)

The choice depends on the aesthetics of the website and the type of breadcrumb used. For example, for path-based breadcrumbs in which the links do not necessarily have a hierarchical relationship to each other, using a “greater than” symbol may not convey their relationship accurately.

How big should it be?You don’t want your breadcrumbs to dominate the page. A breadcrumb trail functions merely as an aid to users (a convenience); its size should convey this to users and thus should at least be smaller, or less prominent, than the primary navigation menu.

Breadcrumbs In Web Design: Examples And Best Practices — Smashing Magazine (16)

A good rule of thumb to follow when sizing your breadcrumb trail is that it shouldn’t be the first item that grabs the user’s attention when arriving on a page.

Where should breadcrumbs be located?Breadcrumb trails are usually displayed in the top half of the page, below the primary navigation menu if a horizontal menu layout is used.

Breadcrumb Showcase

Now that we’ve discussed the who, what, when, where, why and hows of breadcrumb trails, we should take a look at some live examples. In the following section, you’ll find a few examples of great websites that use breadcrumb trails.

1. Classic Text-Based Breadcrumbs

TypePad Design Assistant

Breadcrumbs In Web Design: Examples And Best Practices — Smashing Magazine (17)


Breadcrumbs In Web Design: Examples And Best Practices — Smashing Magazine (18)

Nestle uses a breadcrumb trail whose text is significantly smaller than the text on the rest of the page, effectively making it unobtrusive.

Breadcrumbs In Web Design: Examples And Best Practices — Smashing Magazine (19)

Marchand de Trucs

Breadcrumbs In Web Design: Examples And Best Practices — Smashing Magazine (20)

Bridge 55

Breadcrumbs In Web Design: Examples And Best Practices — Smashing Magazine (21)

Overstock uses the standard “greater than” symbol for its attribute-based breadcrumb trail. Checkboxes for product attributes are used so that users can uncheck them to filter them out.

Breadcrumbs In Web Design: Examples And Best Practices — Smashing Magazine (22)

2. Replacing > With Other Symbols

TechRadar UK and BP< use right-pointing triangles.

Breadcrumbs In Web Design: Examples And Best Practices — Smashing Magazine (23)
Breadcrumbs In Web Design: Examples And Best Practices — Smashing Magazine (24)

PSDTUTS and Martique use slashes.

Breadcrumbs In Web Design: Examples And Best Practices — Smashing Magazine (25)
Breadcrumbs In Web Design: Examples And Best Practices — Smashing Magazine (26)

Mouse to Minx uses a right-angled quotation mark to denote page hierarchy.

Breadcrumbs In Web Design: Examples And Best Practices — Smashing Magazine (27)

Jakob Nielsen’s Alertbox uses right-pointing arrows.

Breadcrumbs In Web Design: Examples And Best Practices — Smashing Magazine (28)

Target uses colons (:) for separators.

Breadcrumbs In Web Design: Examples And Best Practices — Smashing Magazine (29)

3. Beyond Simple Text Links

One current trend in breadcrumb design basically says, “Breadcrumbs don’t have to be simple”. In these designs, you’ll see beautifully styled breadcrumbs that integrate well with the overall design.


Breadcrumbs In Web Design: Examples And Best Practices — Smashing Magazine (30)

Yahoo! TV

Breadcrumbs In Web Design: Examples And Best Practices — Smashing Magazine (31)


Breadcrumbs In Web Design: Examples And Best Practices — Smashing Magazine (32)

Apple Store

Breadcrumbs In Web Design: Examples And Best Practices — Smashing Magazine (33)


Breadcrumbs In Web Design: Examples And Best Practices — Smashing Magazine (34)


Breadcrumbs In Web Design: Examples And Best Practices — Smashing Magazine (35)


Breadcrumbs In Web Design: Examples And Best Practices — Smashing Magazine (36)


Breadcrumbs In Web Design: Examples And Best Practices — Smashing Magazine (37)

Breadcrumbs In Web Design: Examples And Best Practices — Smashing Magazine (38)

4. Breadcrumbs For Multi-Step Processes

Statement Tracker uses a breadcrumb trail to indicate the steps involved in registering for an account, as well as a progress indicator.

Breadcrumbs In Web Design: Examples And Best Practices — Smashing Magazine (39)

Flickr uses a breadcrumb trail to indicate the number of sections in the Flickr tour.

Breadcrumbs In Web Design: Examples And Best Practices — Smashing Magazine (40)

5. Breadcrumbs With Sub-Navigation

Here are some examples of breadcrumb trails whose links, when clicked on or hovered over, open a sub-navigation panel that lists additional attributes or locations.

MarketWatch has a fly-out sub-navigation menu that appears when you hover over a breadcrumb link.

Breadcrumbs In Web Design: Examples And Best Practices — Smashing Magazine (41)

Profoto has a unique breadcrumb trail: clicking on a breadcrumb link opens an area below it that gives users additional attributes to select from.

Breadcrumbs In Web Design: Examples And Best Practices — Smashing Magazine (42)

Cranfield University has a similar fly-out breadcrumb scheme, which serves a dual function: as an location indicator for the user and as a robust and interactive secondary navigation scheme.

Breadcrumbs In Web Design: Examples And Best Practices — Smashing Magazine (43)

Lonely Planet also has a fly-out breadcrumb trail in which you can change attributes.

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Clicking on a breadcrumb link takes you to that item’s page, while clicking on the downward-pointing arrow opens additional options.

Breadcrumbs In Web Design: Examples And Best Practices — Smashing Magazine (45)

MSDN has a breadcrumb trail that opens a scrollable sub-navigation list when the user hovers over a link.

Breadcrumbs In Web Design: Examples And Best Practices — Smashing Magazine (46)

Wowhead has a multi-level sub-navigation scheme.

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6. Interactive Breadcrumbs

Delicious lets you remove items in the breadcrumb trail of keyword tags to help you quickly find bookmarks.

Breadcrumbs In Web Design: Examples And Best Practices — Smashing Magazine (48)

7. Experimental Examples

Booreiland uses a breadcrumb-style navigation scheme for its primary menu, allowing visitors to quickly understand what they’re currently viewing.

Breadcrumbs In Web Design: Examples And Best Practices — Smashing Magazine (49)

Further Reading on SmashingMag: Link

  • Planning And Implementing Website Navigation
  • Web Design Elements: Examples And Best Practices
  • Smashing Book 5 — Real-Life RWD (Book)”)
  • Mobile Navigation For Smashing Magazine: A Case Study

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Breadcrumbs In Web Design: Examples And Best Practices — Smashing Magazine (2024)


What are the rules for breadcrumbs? ›

Breadcrumbs should sit above the content but below the main navigation. Navigation, regardless of the type, is usually expected to sit above the content. The main navigation is always at the very top, followed by breadcrumbs. This allows users to orientate themselves as they move throughout the website.

What are breadcrumbs in web design? ›

Breadcrumbs are a navigational aid that allows users to keep track of their current location on a website or interface. A breadcrumb trail displays the page a user is currently on and its relation to the pages they visited before it, or the hierarchy of higher level parent pages above the current page.

Are breadcrumbs outdated? ›

Utilization. Not every app needs breadcrumbs. At the same time, you should not avoid them due to the common misconception that they are outdated. You should leverage breadcrumbs if your app has a large hierarchical structure.

Where do you put breadcrumbs on a website? ›

A breadcrumb menu is an element that displays the visitor's journey on a website or application. It is usually placed at the top of a page, just below the main navigation bar.

When or how is it most appropriate to use breadcrumbs? ›

You should use breadcrumbs when you have a large amount of content organized in a strict linear structure with defined categories. An excellent scenario is e-commerce website, in which a large variety of products is grouped into logical categories.

Do websites still need breadcrumbs? ›

Improves the User Experience (UX)

Breadcrumbs can reduce the number of clicks it takes to move upward in a website's architecture (e.g., from a subcategory to its parent category). And therefore improve UX. On a website without breadcrumbs, users might need to hit the back button multiple times.

What are the disadvantages of breadcrumbs? ›

However, breadcrumbs can also have some disadvantages. They can clutter a website's navigation bar and confuse some users. Breadcrumbs take up valuable space on a website's homepage, which can be problematic if the page already uses many elements.

When not to use breadcrumbs? ›

Use breadcrumb navigation for large websites and websites that have hierarchically arranged pages. An excellent scenario is e-commerce websites, in which a large variety of products is grouped into logical categories. You shouldn't use breadcrumbs for single-level websites that have no logical hierarchy or grouping.

When should we consider using breadcrumbs in our design? ›

Use breadcrumbs when designing websites that are three or more levels deep. Place breadcrumbs directly above or next to the page title. For mobile, a single breadcrumb (pointing back one level) should be used at a minimum. Use arrows — not slashes or vertical lines — to imply movement between pages or point back home.

Are breadcrumbs good for UX? ›

Breadcrumbs act as simple navigation aids that show your path within a website. They provide a major UX boost on mobile devices where you'll have limited space to work with. They also play a crucial role when users arrive at a page via search results or external links.

Do breadcrumbs impact SEO? ›

Breadcrumbs have both SEO and user experience benefits. They can increase conversions by making it easier for users to explore a site. Higher engagement means lower bounce rates too.

How to use breadcrumbs in UX design? ›

The placement of breadcrumbs can vary depending on the specific design and the needs of the users, but it is generally recommended to place them in a prominent and easily accessible location that is consistent throughout the application or website.

What is toxic breadcrumbing? ›

In a toxic relationship, the person who is bread crumbing will often maintain inconsistent communication patterns. They may go days or even weeks without contacting their partner, only to reappear and act as if nothing happened.

What is the bread crumb strategy? ›

This is a type of persuasion method focused on getting your visitors to say “yes” to small, less aggressive questions in order to gain their trust. From there, you slowly start asking slightly more aggressive questions until the “ultimate ask” or goal is reached.

Where is the best place for breadcrumb? ›

More often than not, the user will look for the breadcrumbs immediately below the main navigation, because this is where they're most commonly found.

What is breadcrumb navigation example? ›

For example, let's say you visited a website specializing in cloud-based communication software. The breadcrumb navigation could read: Home > 8x8 > solutions like 8x8.

What is breadcrumb protocol? ›

A breadcrumbs protocol is a convention by which information is left to allow another to follow.

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