Brotherhood of Steel ranks (2024)

The following outlines the Brotherhood of Steel ranks seen throughout the Fallout series. For a comprehensive list of characters listed by game, see the characters article. For a general overview of the hierarchy, see this article.


  • 1 Background
  • 2 Elders
    • 2.1 High elder
    • 2.2 Elder
    • 2.3 Elder cleric
    • 2.4 Cleric
    • 2.5 Sentinel
  • 3 Paladins
    • 3.1 Head paladin
    • 3.2 Senior paladin
    • 3.3 Star paladin
    • 3.4 Paladin commander
    • 3.5 Paladin
  • 4 Knights
    • 4.1 Head knight
    • 4.2 Knight commander
    • 4.3 Knight captain
    • 4.4 Knight sergeant
    • 4.5 Senior knight
    • 4.6 Journeyman knight
  • 5 Initiates
    • 5.1 Squire
    • 5.2 Aspirant
    • 5.3 Senior initiate
    • 5.4 Initiate
  • 6 Hopefuls
  • 7 Scribes
    • 7.1 Overview
    • 7.2 Head scribe
    • 7.3 Proctor
    • 7.4 Senior scribe
    • 7.5 Journeyman scribe
    • 7.6 Scribe initiate
    • 7.7 Archivist
  • 8 Lancers
    • 8.1 Overview
    • 8.2 Lancer-captain
    • 8.3 Lancer-sergeant
    • 8.4 Lancer-knight
    • 8.5 Lancer
    • 8.6 Lancer-initiate
  • 9 Special ranks
    • 9.1 Knight-errant
    • 9.2 Officer of the Watch
    • 9.3 Operations officer
    • 9.4 Intelligence officer
    • 9.5 Scout
    • 9.6 Sentry
  • 10 Members by rank
  • 11 Appearances
  • 12 References


Each rank is part of a hierarchy that follows the Chain That Binds.[1] The ranks were devised by Roger Maxson, serving as a way to help transition the former members of the United States Armed Forces into the Brotherhood.[2][3]


The Elders have so much to teach us. I hope I'll get to meet them in person, someday.— Brotherhood initiate

High elder[]

The high elder is the supreme leader of the entire Brotherhood of Steel and as such oversees the other elders. High elders may also honorarily be addressed as "generals".[4][5][6]

Known high elders:


Brotherhood of Steel ranks (3)

The elders form the Brotherhood's ruling council. Individual elders are occasionally leaders of localized chapters of the Brotherhood.[Non-game 1] Under normal circ*mstances, the ability to become an elder is reserved for paladins, although there are exceptions, such as Elder Elijah, who was a scribe.[8]

Elder cleric[]

The highest ranked cleric, effectively an elder in their own right.


Clerics are the religious leaders of the Brotherhood of Steel. They are responsible for educating aspirants, anointing new squires and blessing knights with incense before their missions. The highest clerics of the Commonwealth were responsible for providing intel that led to a manhunt focusing on Siggi Wilzig.[9]


Brotherhood of Steel ranks (4)

Sentinel is a rank used by the East Coast division, ranking between star paladin and elder. Sentinels do not require specific orders and usually conduct operations at their own discretion, with the elder issuing only standing, high-level orders. Sentinels are appointed directly by the chapter's elder, acting as an extension of their will. There is no requirement to appoint a sentinel and many chapters can go for years without one.[10]


A Paladin must be a leader first, and a person second.Knight Daniel Shin

Head paladin[]

The commander of the paladins, responsible for overseeing their operations and training them.[11] The head paladin may induct other members of the Brotherhood into the paladins at their discretion, depending on their aptitude.[12]

Senior paladin[]

Senior paladins are paladins that show promise to become head paladins. They are well respected among other paladins and knights and can greatly increase the morale of soldiers.

Star paladin[]

Star paladins are paladins who have been recognized by the Brotherhood for their honor, loyalty, and tenacity in battle. They are given far more freedom (similar to sentinel) in how they conduct operations, although not as much as a sentinel would.

  • In Fallout 3, there is only Star Paladin Cross, appointed by Elder Lyons. Lyons himself was a star paladin before he was promoted to elder.[Non-game 2]
  • In Fallout 4, star paladins can be seen guarding Liberty Prime's construction platform, and they can be seen out in the field at checkpoints in the southern area of the Commonwealth if the Sole Survivor has completed Ad Victoriam. Star paladins continuously level with the player character.

Paladin commander[]

Brotherhood of Steel ranks (5)

Paladin commanders are unit leaders in the Eastern division and are well respected among the Brotherhood's ranks. They are scarcely found in the field, often planning with the other commanders in the Brotherhood, but when they are, they are a force to be reckoned with, often found with powerful energy weapons and leading huge forces. They rank only below star paladin, sentinel, and elder.


Brotherhood of Steel ranks (6)

Paladins are a class of members of the Brotherhood of Steel. They are likened to the scribes of the Brotherhood as being on the same level, but with a different purpose. They are the protectors of the Brotherhood, fighting and protecting its interests across the wasteland, equipped with power armor and an array of lethal weapons.[Non-game 3]


It is a knight's duty to better this fallen world.Maximus, 2296

Head knight[]

The commander of the knights, in charge of all their operations. The Brotherhood allows for positions to be combined, and one person can be both head knight and head paladin.[14]

  • In Fallout, Rhombus is the head knight.

Knight commander[]

Knight commanders are often seen in the field leading shock troopers dropped off of Vertibirds, or in charge of a command post in the Commonwealth, leading lower ranking knights into battle. They are the highest ranking knights in the Brotherhood.

Knight captain[]

Brotherhood of Steel ranks (7)

Knight captain is a rank used by the East Coast division. Knight captains can be seen holding staff jobs as well as command positions.

Knight sergeant[]

Brotherhood of Steel ranks (8)

Knight sergeant is a rank used by the East Coast chapter, denoting a position below knight captain. The rank gives command of one or two squads of knights, as well as the command of a base or outpost like the GNR building plaza.

Senior knight[]

Experienced knights may be promoted to a position of seniority, overseeing the activities of their juniors.

Brotherhood of Steel ranks (9)

Journeyman knight[]

This rank is typically referred to as just Knight.

Knights are responsible for manufacturing and repairing weapons and other pieces of technology. After many years of service and experience, the best knights are promoted to paladins, the pinnacle of the Brotherhood military.[Non-game 4] The next rank is senior knight, and finally, the leader of the order is the head knight.

In the East Coast chapter, similarly to the early decades of the West Coast chapter as seen in the case of the First Expeditionary Force, "knight" is a strictly military rank and the scribes are the ones responsible for manufacturing technology there.

  • Knights appear in every game in some form or another.
  • In Fallout, Anthony and Paul are described as journeyman knights under their IDs.
  • In the Fallout 3 add-on Broken Steel, the Lone Wanderer becomes a knight after the quest Take it Back! is completed. Although knights are typically required to train as initiates, it appears that this can be waived at the elder's discretion as Elder Lyons directly appoints the Lone Wanderer as a knight. Lyons even states that he will "circumvent our standard recruitment procedures" in the Lone Wanderer's case.


Initiates are the future of the Brotherhood. Induction into our order is an honor that should not be taken lightly.— Knight Daniel Shin


Originally, the rank of squire was a precursor to the rank of initiate. Similarly to initiates, squires were adult members of the Brotherhood training to become full knights. However, some members of the Brotherhood found the idea of being referred to by the same title that was once used to refer to children insulting. The argument eventually reached Roger Maxson, who agreed to rename the rank.[15]

By 2277, the East Coast chapter of the Brotherhood has adopted the rank of squire as a title for children who have been born into, or been recruited by the Brotherhood, making it the lowest rank in the chapter. These children are not permitted to take part in combat. Instead, they perform errands and menial labor for the Brotherhood's military and are provided with training and education in return. They also appear to be heavily conditioned by propaganda, with those aboard the Prydwen claiming not to fear death and possessing an almost religious devotion to the Brotherhood. Upon reaching adulthood, squires become initiates and begin active duty.

Squires are occasionally taken out as observers on a sweep and clean mission led by high-ranking members of the Brotherhood. Lancer Captain Kells bestows such a responsibility upon the Sole Survivor in the radiant quest Leading by Example. The squire that accompanies the player character does not take part in the fighting and is merely there to observe and study combat techniques.

By 2296, the rank of squire appears to have undergone another reform. Instead of being reserved for children, it is now used by adult members and is above the rank of aspirant in the chain of command. Squires are assigned to knights and act as their personal servants, tasked with carrying their belongings and maintaining their power armor. Squires are expected to fulfill any order from their knight, no matter how minor it may be, even if it means climbing up a tree to grab an apple for their lord.[16]

This reform, however, has also affected the way squires are treated by the Brotherhood, with their deaths being disregarded and dead squires being quickly replaced by new ones, since the Brotherhood has plenty of squires in its ranks.[16] Squires are also expected to charge headfirst into danger, even if they lack proper equipment to survive the ordeal, at the behest of their lord. Such situations are seen as "acts of bravery" that squires have to commit in order to someday become a knight and earn their own suit of power armor.[17]

As part of their initiation as squires, aspirants go through the ritual of anointment, during which they give an oath to protect the Brotherhood, its mission and their knights, whose initials get branded on their bodies.[18] Some squires, like Thaddeus, believe that they cannot officially be considered squires until they are branded by their lord.[19]


The rank of aspirant denotes a member of the Brotherhood who has progressed beyond the level of initiate but has not yet become a squire or a full-fledged knight. Aspirants share many of the same duties as initiates and spend most of their time training or studying under the guidance of more senior members, such as clerics. Aspirants have a variety of responsibilities that range from latrine duty to field operations. When they are deemed worthy, some aspirants are chosen to get anointed as squires, which is seen as an honor, with those lucky enough to receive the promotion being cheered on by their peers.

Despite such displays of comradery, fresh aspirants sometimes become victims of physical abuse at the hands of more senior aspirants. However, these acts of violence are unlawful and aspirants who commit such crimes quickly run away when caught by their officers.[20]

Senior initiate[]

Senior initiates are initiates who have completed basic training and move on to more advanced training.


Brotherhood of Steel ranks (10)

Initiate is one of the lowest ranks in the Brotherhood of Steel's rank system. The precise definition of the rank appears to vary between the regional chapters.

The West Coast division uses the term to indicate a mere trainee as having been initiated into the Brotherhood, whereas the other two reserve that title until the recruit has completed initial training. The most plausible explanation lies in the fact that the West Coast division is significantly more insular than the others; the bulk of its new recruits are the offspring of existing members and only rarely are outsiders accepted into the organization. By contrast, circ*mstances have forced the other two divisions to actively recruit from among the local population.

The West Coast chapters divide the rank into "buck" initiate and senior initiate, while the East Coast only has a single initiate rank.[21]

In the West Coast division, initiate is the base rank of one who has only just been accepted into the Brotherhood as a trainee. After completing initial training, initiates are promoted to apprentice, like Apprentice Watkins. Apprentices who are at the stage of choosing their career path then become a journeyman, but must choose which order of training they wish to receive; either scribe or knight.[22]

Initiates may even be issued power armor if their assignment merits it as in the case of Cabbot outside the Lost Hills Bunker, or the ill-fated Initiate Reddin of the Lyons' Pride. These are uncommon cases, however. In some chapters, such as under Arthur Maxson's East Coast division, or the Mojave chapter, initiates are never seen wearing power armor and are instead wearing Brotherhood fatigues or recon armor.

Brotherhood of Steel ranks (11)

See Also

A Brotherhood initiate as introduced in Fallout: The Roleplaying Game


A semi-official rank first used by the Brotherhood First Expeditionary Force. Hopefuls were those wishing to join the Brotherhood, but not yet formally inducted into the organization. TThe rank originated from the First Expeditionary Force's need for manpower to establish their new chapter in Appalachia, combined with the high number of wastelanders eager to join any organization that offered a semblance of safety and order. Hopefuls are provided equipment and training, and are also sent on missions alongside full-fledged Brotherhood members. Following a probationary period, they are considered for formal entry into the organization as initiates.



Knowledge is power.— Scribe, 2161

Scribes are tasked with creating and keeping records of the technology recovered and used by the Brotherhood and experimenting with new weapons and other useful devices to be used in the field by the knights and paladins. Scribes rarely leave the safety of the BoS bunkers, but they are sometimes called into the field to examine a piece of technology or perform a task beyond the skills of the Brotherhood soldiers.[Non-game 5] The attitude of many scribes in the Brotherhood can be described as techno-centric. While a great number study history and cultures, the majority of scribes focus their studies on subjects related to the acquisition, repair, or creation of technology.[23][24] Scribes are also assigned to educate young Brotherhood of Steel members. Their teachings involve the principles of science, including nuclear fusion, chemistry, and combat tactics.[25]

There are three major scribe orders: each is headed by a proctor, designated by the head scribe.[26][27]

  • The Order of the Sword is responsible for weapons research and development. Guns, ammunition anything of an offensive nature.[26]
  • The Order of the Shield is responsible for defensive research. Power Armor, defensive structures, anything that is intended to protect.[26]
  • The Order of the Quill preserves the written knowledge of the ancients, seeking out all manner of books and holotapes.[26]

Brotherhood of Steel ranks (12)

Collage of differing depictions of an unused Scribe insignia from The Art of Fallout 3

Brotherhood of Steel ranks (13)

Magic: The Gathering card featuring a scribe

Brotherhood of Steel ranks (14)

Magic: The Gathering card, extended art

Head scribe[]

The head scribe is the highest-ranking civilian class of the Brotherhood of Steel. The head scribe is responsible for choosing which scribes work on which project and which scribes should be assigned to each order. The head scribe also chooses the proctors of each order and must also oversee the projects each order is working on. The head scribe is a highly intelligent person who has mastered the orders of the Sword, Shield, and Quill, and may also take on a project of their own interest, as Head Scribe Rothchild did with the Liberty Prime project. The head scribe is one of the people who must attend the meetings with the high elder, elder council, generals, head paladin, and head knight. The head scribe reports to the high elder and Elder Council only.


The proctors oversee and approve of each project that the scribes in their order are working on, and assign the proper scribes to the right projects. Each proctor must report to the head scribe, which assigned them to their respective order, on each project, and to get approval to move ahead with a new project. They often work on their own projects, which are usually completed very quickly because the proctor can prioritize them and assign senior scribes to them.

In 2277, there were three proctors in the Capital Wasteland region: Peabody, Order of the Sword; Elizabeth Jameson, Order of the Quill; and Bowditch, Order of the Shield.

In Fallout 3, proctors are not actually ranks but rather roles taken on by certain scribes. As of the events of Fallout 4, however, proctors have become a rank of their own, superior to senior scribes.

Senior scribe[]

Senior scribes are some of the most advanced scribes. They are always chosen for the most important projects and are the next in line to become proctors of orders when the old proctor retires or dies. They often take on the most promising journeyman scribes to be their apprentices and choose what order they should be in (usually, it is the same order that the senior scribe is in). Senior scribes teach their apprentices everything they know and will continue to teach them until they are nearly senior scribes themselves. On rare occasions, the senior scribe will be promoted to head scribe and their apprentice to proctor. When this occurs, the apprentice will be given special treatment and the elders usually separate the two to remove any impression of impropriety.

Journeyman scribe[]

This rank is typically referred to as just Scribe.

Scribes are tasked with creating and keeping records of the technology used by the Brotherhood. The attitude of many scribes in the Brotherhood can be described as techno-centric. While a great number study history and culture, the majority of scribes focus their studies on subjects related to the acquisition, repair, or creation of technology.

Scribe initiate[]

These are scribes in training serving in the East Coast Brotherhood.


An archivist is a position used by Arthur Maxson's Brotherhood. Little is known of their role inside the Brotherhood of Steel other than they can work with and directly report to the elder on matters assigned to them, and have a highly scientific skill set, capable of parsing energy readings and determining the source and possible purpose.

In 2287, the only known archivist was Knox, who identified energy readings from the Commonwealth as originating from the Institute. Elder Maxson reviewed his findings and they both agreed on the possibility of a weapon or other device being in development, which prompted his expedition into the Commonwealth.[28]



The rank of lancer is the dedicated pilot class of the Brotherhood. Lancers must undergo specialist training to learn how to operate and pilot Vertibirds and airships. This training covers standard operating and piloting procedures but the real training is for piloting while under heavy fire. The primary role of a lancer is to provide air support and carry out transport duties for ground forces. While lancers are trained mainly for air combat, they also receive ground force training and often carry a laser weapon in case of being downed and caught in a firefight. The lancer rank is entirely unique to the Brotherhood of Steel under Arthur Maxson's leadership.[Non-game 6]


Brotherhood of Steel ranks (15)

Lancer-captains are the highest-ranking members of the lancers, being the head of the branch as a whole. Lancer Captain Kells is the only named member of this rank.


Brotherhood of Steel ranks (16)

Lancer-sergeants are the officers of the lancer branch.


Lancer-knights are veteran pilots and crewmembers of the Prydwen.


Brotherhood of Steel ranks (17)

Lancers are fully qualified pilots who have completed their training.


Brotherhood of Steel ranks (18)

Lancer-initiates are the lowest caste of the lancers. They are however still capable of piloting Vertibirds by themselves.

Special ranks[]


This is a unique honorary title made for one specific recipient: it was bestowed by the leader of the Brotherhood First Expeditionary Force upon a Vault 76 dweller who aided the chapter in 2104. The role is considered fully unprecedented, as its holder is given full independence from the command structure and can freely travel away from base and interact with outside factions, recognizing the dweller's unique status as an outside party who was nominally considered a Brotherhood initiate. Due to the lack of precedent, the title did not fit in the existing rank structure.[29][30]

Officer of the Watch[]

This role was used by the Appalachian chapter. Its holder was responsible for lookout duties at Camp Venture (the chapter's training camp)[31] and later for receiving and handling field information regarding Scorched sightings.[32][33]

Operations officer[]

The only known person with this rank is Operations Officer Edwards, a paladin in the Brotherhood of Steel under Elder Lyons who commanded a small assault squad in a battle against the Enclave in Broken Steel.

Intelligence officer[]

Brotherhood intelligence officers are responsible for conducting espionage activities, such as observation, sabotage, data collection, and theft of critical objects or intel. The only known member to be shown with this rank is Brotherhood Intelligence Officer Matthew.


Brotherhood scouts are tasked with infiltrating and scouting an area. Their responsibilities include observation of enemy movements and recording data.


Brotherhood sentry is a rank given to those who guard a location or item belonging to the organization. Some examples of Brotherhood sentries are Sentry Luke and Sentry Joshua, who guard Brotherhood outposts in the Den and Shady Sands respectfully.

Members by rank[]

The following members of the Brotherhood are mentioned by rank. They are listed below by highest rank achieved.

SquireBrotherhood squire· Enrique Belmonte· Evelyn· Gary Weber· Gilden· Hannah de Silva· Montgomery· R. Rosen· Schultz· MaximusFallout 3
Fallout 4
Fallout 76
Fallout TV series
HopefulBrotherhood hopefulFallout 76
AspirantFallout 4
Brotherhood of Steel ranks (19)InitiateReddin· Melissa Watkins· Initiate (Fallout 3)· Anthony· Cabbot· Darrel· Jerry· Stanton· Fowler· Tieggs· Ellison· Erika Hewsen· Felton Reed· Luis Ramirez· Norland· Pappas· Russell Dorsey· Solomon Hardy· Vernon Dodge· Ishmael Ashur· Pek· Jennings· D. Clarke· Initiate (Lost Hills)· Thaddeus· DaneFallout
Fallout 3
New Vegas
Fallout 4
Fallout 76
Fallout TV series
ScribeNeriah· Osridge· Rothchild· Peabody· Elizabeth Jameson· Bowditch· Linda Schuler· Yearling· Veronica Santangelo· Lorri's assistant· Knox· Vree · Ibsen· Lars Taggart· Kerry· Odessa Valdez· Ingram· Quinlan· Teagan· Bigsley· Vallincourt· Faris· Haylen· ScribeFallout
Fallout 3
New Vegas
Fallout 4
Brotherhood of Steel ranks (20)KnightDaniel Shin· Lorenzo· Ted Wilson· Anthony· Paul· Kyle· Tex Rogers· Michael· Paul· Larry· Lone Wanderer· Torres· Esposito· Johnny Moreno· Kaede Ito· Reische· Matthew Thornberry· Alan Connors· Casserly· Artoro· Ianelli· Conard· Patriarcus· Artemis· Church· Dillon· Finley· Tara Astlin· Varham· Keane· Lucia· Rhys· Rylan· Wagner· Rogue knight· Titus· Knight (Fallout)· Knight (Fallout 3)· Knight (Fallout 4)· Christine RoyceFallout
Fallout 3
New Vegas
Fallout 4
Fallout 76
Fallout TV series
Brotherhood of Steel ranks (21)Knight-sergeantMerric· Wilks· GavilFallout 3
Fallout 4
Brotherhood of Steel ranks (22)Knight-captainCade· Dusk· Gallows· Colvin· Durga· LarsenFallout 3
Fallout 4
Lancer-captainKellsFallout 4
Brotherhood of Steel ranks (23)PaladinRhombus· Leila Rahmani· Talus· Krieg· Gunny· Brandis· Hudson· Edgar Hardin· Ramos· Cross· Edwards· Lindquist· Mathia· Talus· Thomas· Jennifer· Fairbanks· Hughes· Lander· Matiz· Raseleanne· Sato· Todd· Swafford· Bael· Glade· Kodiak· Tristan· Vargas· Hoss· Jensen· Danse· Paladin (Fallout 3)· Sawagachi· Jennings· Stein· Blanchett· Paladin (Fallout)· Paladin (Fallout: New Vegas)· Latham· Elizabeth TaggerdyFallout
Fallout 3
New Vegas
Fallout 4
Fallout 76
Brotherhood of Steel ranks (24)SentinelSarah LyonsFallout 3
Fallout 4
Brotherhood of Steel ranks (25)Elder

Mary· Jacob· Rachael· Jonathan
Owyn Lyons· Sarah Lyons· Theis
Elijah· Nolan McNamara· Edgar Hardin (optional) · David James· Lindquist· Raymond Lorn· Kenneth Jones
Arthur Maxson

Fallout 3
New Vegas
Fallout 4
High elderRoger Maxson· Maxson II· John MaxsonFallout
Fallout 76


Brotherhood of Steel ranks appear throughout the Fallout series.


  1. Hidden Valley bunker terminals; terminal (restored), Elder Dismissal Incidents
  2. Anonymous diary page
  3. Camp Venture terminal entries; Commander's terminal, Squires and Ranks
  4. The Vault Dweller: "Maxson? General Maxson?"
    Kyle: "Not General Maxson, his grandfather, Roger Maxson. I heard you brought back a disk that told what happened to the guys who rebelled against him and went down there to recover the lost technology."
    (Kyle's dialogue)
  5. Examine: "You see General Maxson."
    (John Maxson's dialogue)
  6. The Vault Dweller: "Elder"
    Rhombus: "Ah, General Maxson was the finest Head Paladin ever. When he took over as High Elder, I became Head Paladin."
    (Rhombus' dialogue)
  7. The Vault Dweller: "Elder"
    John Maxson: "Hehehe. A fine, handsome, upstanding man. The High Elder position is to mediate the meetings between the Elders. You see, two years ago I got talked into it. If I'd of known then..."
    (John Maxson's dialogue)
  8. 8.0 8.1 The Courier: "Tell me about your last Elder."
    Edgar Hardin: "Elijah was a strange one. His even becoming Elder was highly questionable, seeing as how he was a Scribe. Typically, only Paladins are eligible. But an exception was made in his case, on account of him being a genius. Unfortunately, whatever scientific acumen he had didn't extend to tactics. Trying to defend HELIOS was a blunder of the worst kind, and many brothers lost their lives because of it. Many of the senior paladins, myself included, advised him to fight a retreating action, but he refused to budge. Said he almost 'had it working'. We never did find out exactly what he was talking about. When the perimeter was finally overrun, the Elder had simply vanished."
    (Edgar Hardin's dialogue).
  9. The End (episode)
  10. The Sole Survivor: "Would I be the only Sentinel in the Brotherhood?"
    Arthur Maxson: "In our division, yes. There hasn't been a Sentinel serving under me for many years now. It's a position that commands a great deal of honor and respect, so I do not award it lightly."
    (Arthur Maxson's dialogue)
  11. The Vault Dweller: "Tell me about yourself."
    Rhombus: "I am Rhombus, head of the Paladins. I train those willing to learn."
    (Rhombus' dialogue)
  12. The Vault Dweller: "You think I could become a paladin?"
    Rhombus: "Possibly. When the invading army is vanquished, come back to be trained."
    (Rhombus' dialogue)
  13. Dialogue differences with Knight Sergeant Gavil in Fallout 4.
  14. Jennifer: "Have you talked to Rhombus? He's the Head Knight. He's just right over there in that room."
    (Jennifer's dialogue)
  15. Camp Venture terminal entries; commander's terminal, Squires and Ranks
  16. 16.0 16.1 The Head
  17. The Target
  18. Fallout (TV series)
  19. The Past
  20. The End (episode)
  21. The Sole Survivor: "So there is a human being under all of that power armor after all."
    Danse: "Sometimes I need a reminder, but yes... there is. When I was an Initiate, my sponsor was Paladin Krieg. Toughest squad leader I ever served with. He was a model soldier, embodying the values every trainee was striving to achieve. Fiercely loyal, secure in his beliefs and brave to a fault. From the moment I was assigned to his squad I was singled out... it felt like he was pushing me harder than the rest of the team. I fought by his side for years and we had some seriously close calls, but he never explained to me why I was treated that way."
    (Danse's dialogue)
  22. The Courier: "What do you mean decide for yourself?"
    Melissa Watkins: "I'm currently an Apprentice in the Brotherhood, and recently became eligible for Journeyman status. But first, I have to decide which Order I want to join - the Knights or the Scribes."
    (Melissa Watkins' dialogue)
  23. The Vault Dweller: "What is the Brotherhood's main purpose?"
    John Maxson: "Our main goal is to survive. The Scribes copy old plans for weapons or design new ones, and the Knights make the guns from 'em. Most guns come from us."
    (John Maxson's dialogue)
  24. The Vault Dweller: "Scribes"
    John Maxson: "Well, Scribes copy down the weapon specs. We've got information all the way back to my granddad. Sometimes a scribe comes up with a new idea for a weapon. Hehehe. Doesn't happen too often. They all answer to Vree."
    (John Maxson's dialogue)
  25. The Brotherhood scribe in the classroom in the Hidden Valley bunker.
  26. 26.0 26.1 26.2 26.3 The Lone Wanderer: "What are the Orders?"
    Elizabeth Jameson: "The Order of the Sword is responsible for weapons research and development. Guns, ammunition anything of an offensive nature. Defensive research is done by the Order of the Shield. Power Armor, defensive structures anything that is intended to protect us. The Order of the Quill preserves the written knowledge of the ancients, seeking out all manner of books and holotapes."
    (Elizabeth Jameson's dialogue)
  27. The Lone Wanderer: "What Order are you a part of?"
    Elizabeth Jameson: "Actually, I am proctor of the Order of the Quill. I oversee the Archives and Library here in the Citadel. We are dedicated to preserving the history of the Brotherhood as well as unearthing the secrets of the pre-war civilizations. We have a single field associate: Scribe Yearling. She operates out of the former Library of Congress to the northeast."
    (Elizabeth Jameson's dialogue)
  28. The Prydwen terminal entries; Captain Kells' terminal, Maxon MX-001E CP-05
  29. Vault 76 dweller: "I'm a bit disappointed, Knight. I wanted to pledge my life to the order."
    Knight Shin: "While I appreciate your enthusiasm, I can't allow it. Full-fledged Brotherhood members are stationed at the Fort and do not fraternize with other factions. This is as big of an exception as I can make. I hope you'll come to see it as the honor that it is."
    (Daniel Shin's dialogue)
  30. Paladin Rahmani: "So, Knight-Errant. How does your new title feel?"
    Vault 76 dweller: "Like a bit of a consolation prize. Does this mean I can never become a Knight or a Paladin?"
    Paladin Rahmani: "Not currently, no. But seeing as there's never been a Knight-Errant, before, there aren't exactly any established rules for Knight-Errants, either."
    (Leila Rahmani's dialogue)
  31. Camp Venture terminal entries; commander's terminal, JAN-03-81: E Fisher
  32. Fort Defiance terminal entries; Senior Knight Wilson's terminal, 95-JUN-03
  33. Brotherhood of Steel ranks (26) Brotherhood's emergency radio


  1. Fallout: The Roleplaying Game Rulebook p.382: "Elders make up the Brotherhood of Steel's leadership council. To reach the lofty position of Elder, an individual must progress through the Brotherhood's ranks and must reach at least Paladin to be considered. While a council of Elders are responsible for the entire organization, one or more Elders may also lead their own chapters in various parts of the wasteland."
  2. Fallout 3 Official Game Guide Game of the Year Edition pp.43-44
    "In 2042,Brotherhood of Steel ranks (27) Star Paladin Lyons of the Brotherhood of Steel led the Scourge, a large-scale military action that wiped out nearly the entire population of The Pitt. In a single night, the Brotherhood swept through the city, eliminating any resident who put up a fight. Although the intent of the Scourge remains unclear, several unmutated children were taken from The Pitt by the Brotherhood and placed into initiate training. The motivations for the Scourge are unclear to this day, but many in the Brotherhood note that it was a marked change in the way the Brotherhood operates. Additionally, it is known that something was recovered from The Pitt during the Scourge, although to date it would seem that only Elder Lyons knows what it was.
    It is said that a Brotherhood of Steel Paladin from the Scourge stayed on in The Pitt, seeking to bring law and order to the unwashed masses and creating an underclass of Pitt Slaves in the process, guarded by Pitt Raiders under his personal command. However, in the decades following the events of the Scourge, nobody has heard anything from The Pitt. Travelers who have gone to investigate have not returned, and no survivors have emerged."
    (Fallout 3 Official Game Guide faction profiles) Note: This is an excerpt from a larger section on the Pitt raiders, Pitt slaves, trogs, and wildmen.
  3. Fallout: The Roleplaying Game Rulebook p.383: "Paladins are the prize soldier within the Brotherhood's forces. Equipped with Power Armor and the best weapons the Brotherhood can offer, they represent the veterans of the Brotherhood and often those who are decorated fighters. Achieving the rank of Paladin requires an individual to show both extreme devotion to the Brotherhood and have an impressive record and is a rank many aspire to achieve."
  4. Fallout: The Roleplaying Game Rulebook p.383: "The rank of Knight among the Brotherhood of Steel is a much respected one. Knights are often responsible for maintaining weapons, armor, and technology within the brotherhood'sBrotherhood of Steel ranks (28) possession. Reaching this rank is not easy and requires dedication and years of service. Many who reach this rank are ambitious and aspire to move upwards towards the prestigious rank of Paladin."
  5. Fallout: The Roleplaying Game Rulebook p.384: "Scribes are the recordkeepers and scholars of the Brotherhood of Steel. While they can fight and receive the same basic combat training as any other member, this is not their primary role. Scribes handle the cataloguing, repair, acquisition, and study of any technology that finds its way into the Brotherhood's hands. They sometimes accompany field units if their expertise is required in retrieving or locating an artifact of importance, but most Scribes stay within the base of operations of the chapter."
  6. Fallout: The Roleplaying Game Rulebook p.385: "The rank of Lancer denotes a member of the Brotherhood who takes on the role as a Vertibird pilot. They undergo specialist training to learn how to fly and maintain the aircraft used by the Brotherhood of Steel so that they can properly provide transport and air support. Not only do Lancers need to have a good understanding of their craft but also a good understanding of how to fly while under heavy fire. While they primarily focus on combat from the skies, they also carry laser weaponry in case they find themselves on the ground amid a firefight."


Membership and hierarchy

EldersHigh Elders: Roger Maxson (20772135)· High Elder Maxson II (2135 – 2155)· High Elder John Maxson (2159)· High Elder Rhombus (2208)· High Elder Jeremy Maxson (2231)· Arthur Maxson (2278)
Elder Jacob· Elder Rachael· Elder Jonathan· Elder Mary· Elder Owyn Lyons (2278)· Elder Theis· Elder David James· Elder Kenneth Jones· Elder Lindquist· Elder Patrocolus· Elder Raymond Lorn· Elder Elijah· Elder Nolan McNamara (2281)
PaladinsHead Paladins: John Maxson (2159)· Rhombus· Lindquist· Edgar Hardin· Sarah Lyons
KnightsHead Knights: John Maxson· Rhombus
ScribesHead Scribes: Vree· Reginald Rothchild· Lars Taggart· Talwin· Morgan· Bucek
LancersLancer-Captain Kells


ChaptersNew California chapter· Mojave chapter· Montana chapter· Brotherhood Outcasts · Maxson's Eastern chapter· Original Appalachia chapter · Brotherhood First Expeditionary Force
SplinterMidwest detachment· Lyons' Eastern chapter
DivisionsWestern:Brotherhood First Expeditionary Force· Circle of Steel
2nd Monument Defense Detachment· Lyons' Pride


Brotherhood of SteelLost Hills bunker· Den outpost· San Francisco outpost· Shady Sands outpost· Montana bunker
Mojave chapterBrotherhood of Steel safehouse· Bunker 13 (formerly)· Hidden Valley bunker· HELIOS One (formerly)
Appalachian chapterBig Bend Tunnel East (formerly)· Camp Venture (formerly)· Firebase LT (formerly)· Firebase Major (formerly)· Fort Defiance (formerly)· Forward Station Alpha (formerly)· Forward Station Delta (formerly)· Grafton Dam (formerly)· Survey camp Alpha (formerly)· The Thorn (formerly)· Thunder Mountain Power Plant (formerly)· Watoga (formerly)
Lyons' Brotherhood of SteelAdams Air Force Base· Arlington Library· The Citadel· Falls Church· GNR building plaza· Jefferson Memorial· MDPL mass relay station (formerly)· Washington Monument· White House Plaza
Brotherhood OutcastsBrotherhood Outcast shack· Fort Independence· Outcast outpost
Maxson's Eastern divisionAdams Air Force Base· Boston Airport· Cambridge Police Station· The Citadel· The Prydwen· Waypoint Echo (potentially)


UniformsBrotherhood of Steel holotags·
Power armorT-45 power armor· T-51 power armor· T-60 power armor
RobotsAutomated turrets· Liberty Prime· Mister Gutsies (Sawbones)· Robobrains
VehiclesAirships (Caswennan· The Prydwen)· Vertibirds


TextsCaptain Maxson's diary· Chain That Binds· Codex· Maxson log
Wars and BattlesNCR-Brotherhood War (Operation: Sunburst, Battle of Griffith Observatory)
EventsScourge· Brotherhood-Attis War
Related articlesHierarchy· Maxson (state)· The Glow· United States Armed Forces
See also Midwest Brotherhood and Texas chapter.
Brotherhood of Steel ranks (2024)


What's the highest rank you can get in the Brotherhood of Steel? ›

Becoming a Sentinel, the Brotherhood's highest attainable rank in Fallout 4, involves completing the last five main quests within the faction's questline. First, you'll have to raid and snuff out members of The Railroad for the Tactical Thinking quest.

What is the lowest rank in the Brotherhood of Steel? ›

By 2277, the East Coast chapter of the Brotherhood has adopted the rank of squire as a title for children who have been born into, or been recruited by the Brotherhood, making it the lowest rank in the chapter. These children are not permitted to take part in combat.

Can a squire become a knight in the Brotherhood of Steel? ›

"The BOS is divided into different ranks: Initiates are trainees who are expected to perform well enough in the training process to be promoted to Squires. After proving themselves, Squires are promoted to Knights.

What rank does Paladin Danse give you? ›

Despite this, he extends an offer to join the Brotherhoold of Steel faction to the Sole Survivor, providing them the rank of initiate if they accept. If the Sole Survivor declines, they part ways and Danse returns to the police station.

Is the Enclave evil? ›

They are bad because they are willing to kill all irradiated beings in the Wasteland. This also makes them stupid. Not only would they kill humans, but also animals that could be used for food, or animals that are important for the animal kingdom (herbivores, animals that can be tamed, scavenger animals).

Can you become a Paladin in Fallout 4? ›

Nope, can't become a Paladin. Just get cozy with the Brotherhood and pretend. Actually, there's no direct path to becoming a 'Paladin' in Fallout 4 because the game doesn't specifically offer ranks like 'Paladin' as a title you can achieve and display.

Who is more evil Institute or Brotherhood of Steel? ›

A lot of people share the same opinion, which is that The Institute is the most evil faction in the Commonwealth. In truth, especially if you side with them, the Brotherhood of Steel is. The Institute has, and always had a sole goal to achieve; the preservation of mankind, and it's future.

How old is Paladin Danse? ›

Danse was a practical, single-minded person and a very skilled officer, leading to him having the rank of Paladin at the young age of thirty-one.

What rank is Paladin? ›

Knight-sergeant- Corporal. Knight-captain- Sergeant. Knight-commander- Sergeant major. Paladin- Lieutenant/Captain.

At what age if worthy would a squire become a knight? ›

When finally fully trained, a squire could be made a knight by their lord or another knight, usually when between the ages of 18 and 21.

Can a commoner become a knight? ›

A knight had to be born of nobility – typically sons of knights or lords. In some cases, commoners could also be knighted as a reward for extraordinary military service. Children of the nobility were cared for by noble foster-mothers in castles until they reached the age of seven.

What rank was a squire? ›

Squire - although often a person of noble birth, aside from pages, the squires were the lowest rank of knighthood. Not yet officially a knight, squires had to tend to the needs of other knights by carrying and cleaning their armor and weapons.

Is The Soul Survivor a synth? ›

The sole survivor isn't a synth, here's why | Fandom.

Is Danse really a synth? ›

In the Institute's records, Danse's model is listed as “missing,” meaning that Danse was likely a rescued synth. Given this, most of the memories of his childhood were likely fabricated. The memories he actually experienced probably began with him meeting Cutler and joining the Brotherhood of Steel.

What happens if you refuse to execute Paladin Danse? ›

If the Sole Survivor spares Danse, traveling with him will cause the Brotherhood of Steel to be hostile to the Sole Survivor. When Danse is dismissed, the Brotherhood will return to neutral status afterwards. Sparing Danse and sending him to the Boston Airport will cause all of the Brotherhood soldiers to be hostile.

What is the level cap in Fallout Brotherhood of Steel? ›

The maximum level reachable varies from game to game: Fallout: 21. Fallout 2 and Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel: 99. Fallout Tactics: should be 99, but is bugged and will not go past 50 even if the required experience level is reached, or perks such as Here and Now are used.

What is the max Dark Brotherhood rank? ›

The maximum rank for the Dark Brotherhood Guild is Reputation rank level 12.

What is the highest rank in the BoS in Fallout 76? ›

The high elder is the leader of the entire Brotherhood of Steel and the other elders. Since all other known high elders came from the Maxson family, it has been speculated that Rhombus was descended from Roger Maxson as well.

What do you get for completing the Brotherhood of Steel? ›

At the very end, you will get promoted to the rank Sentinel in the Brotherhood of Steel. You also gain a jetpack for your Power Armor. Everyone that is part of the Brotherhood of Steel will also have a great deal of respect for you in their dialogue, as well as appear in various locations like Diamond City!

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