Cake Frosting Fudge Recipes (2024)

Recipe: No Bake Fudge - Thanks!

October 24, 2005

Cake Frosting Fudge Recipes (1)A huge thank you to a wonderful thrifty member. She sent a no bake, bake sale recipe for fudge. It was one cup of peanut butter and one tub of pre made frosting. I made it this weekend.


Microwave the peanut butter (I used chunky) for one minute add triple chocolate frosting and microwave for another minute, then I added cashews. Stir and pour in a wax paper lined dish. Yes, it took two minutes, was a huge hit and will be a staple for gifts in the future. Don't pass up this excellent recipe. Thank you for sharing this with all of us!

By Tedebear from San Jose CA

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Tip: Two Minute Fudge

August 29, 2006

Take one tub of frosting mix (any flavor), microwave for one minute. Add one cup of peanut butter to the frosting and microwave an additional minute. . .


Question: Frosting Fudge?


December 20, 2006

How do you make fudge from a can of frosting?

Thank you,
Ann from GA


By Tedebear (Guest Post)

December 20, 20064 found this helpful

Best Answer

Hi Ann,
One cup of peanut butter microwave one minute
add 1 tub (any flavor) frosting and microwave one more minute
Mix and add nuts, if desired. Pour into a wax paper line pan and refrigerate.

I have never had this fail and it is eaten as soon as I serve it! Everyone asks for the recipe!

By Cindy Beadlady (Guest Post)

December 20, 20068 found this helpful

Best Answer

Easy Peanut Butter Fudge

Put one 12 ounce bag of Reese's peanut butter chips in a glass
bowl, spread them out so that they are not all in the middle of
the bowl and they will melt easier. Cook in microwave for 1 and
1/2 minutes. Take out and stir, then stir in one can vanilla
frosting (NOT WHIPPED), stir real well and put back in microwave
and cook for 1 and 1/2 minutes. Take out, add 1 teaspoon vanilla
and pinch of salt, and stir. Put in a 8x8 inch or 9x9 inch
buttered pan. Cool in refrigerator for 20 minutes, cut and eat.

More variations of Fudge

You may add 1/2 - 1 cup of chopped nuts to any of the variations

Chocolate chips/chocolate frosting (this is for the die-hard


Peanut Butter chips/chocolate frosting (tastes like Reese's
Peanut Butter Cup
Chocolate chips/vanilla frosting (not as chocolately)
Mint chocolate chips/chocolate frosting (tastes like Andes mint)
Cherry chips/chocolate frosting (tastes like a chocolate covered
Vanilla chips/any flavor frosting
Milk chocolate chips/coconut pecan frosting

Bronze Post Medal for All Time! 148Posts

December 20, 20065 found this helpful

Best Answer

This recipe is so easy that my husband made all the fudge this year with this recipe, trying many different combinations. We make homemade fudge and give to friends every year. The one that he made that is my favorite was with white chocolate chips, vanilla frosting, 1 teaspoon coconut flavoring and 1 cup of flake coconut.


Remove the labels from the frosting cans, wash, dry thoroughly, and replace the label with bright Christmas wrapping paper. Fill cans with cut pieces of assorted flavors of fudge for gift giving. Perfect gift for the mailman, paperman, favorite bank teller, etc. You get the picture.
Harlean from ArkansasCake Frosting Fudge Recipes (4)

December 10, 20112 found this helpful

Best Answer

1 can cream cheese or butter cream frosting
12oz bag of chocolate chips. I like milk chocolate. Can use butterscotch, semi choc, or peanut butter chips


Put frosting in microwaveable bowl

Pour half chips and microwave 30 seconds. Stir til smooth add other half of chips and microwave 30 seconds stir til smooth add tsp vanilla stir microwave 30 seconds more. It is ready to pour in greased pan or add nuts then pour.

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Question: Making Peanut Butter Cake Frosting Fudge?

June D.

October 3, 2019

Some state 1 cup PB and a tub of frosting. The one I saw said 1 16 oz jar PB and 1 tub BC frosting?


Gold Post Medal for All Time! 677Posts

October 3, 20190 found this helpful

I have had success using Allrecipes. It recommends an 18 ounce jar of peanut butter and a container of frosting

Bronze Post Medal for All Time! 105Posts

October 10, 20191 found this helpful

Yes you will need a tub of frosting but the amount of peanut butter you add will also depend on you. The reason you see people saying 1 cup and other saying 16 ounces is because they like it to have a more peanut butter taste.


I would start of with the 1 cup of peanut butter and go from there. Mix it well and you can always add a little more if you do not feel it has the right amount of peanut butter for your taste.

Toni Landau N.

March 14, 20210 found this helpful

I used a 16oz jar of pb and microwaved for 30 seconds, and did the same with a can of chocolate frosting. I then combined the 2 in a bowl, mixed, and poured in a pan to cool. Delicious!


December 8, 20220 found this helpful

My mom used to add milk coffee crystals a tablespoon or two and with a tablespoon or so of melt of bowling hot water and then add it to her peanut butter when she made fudge she said that brought out more of the peanut butter flavor in it then

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Question: Making Frosting Fudge?

December 22, 2014

Can you use sugar free frosting in the quick fudge recipes?

By Julie P.

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Making Peanut Butter Fudge Using Vanilla Frosting?

June 13, 2016

This is a page about making peanut butter fudge using vanilla frosting. A new twist on fudge making starts with packaged cake frosting.

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Cake Frosting Fudge Recipes (2024)
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Author: Kimberely Baumbach CPA

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Name: Kimberely Baumbach CPA

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Introduction: My name is Kimberely Baumbach CPA, I am a gorgeous, bright, charming, encouraging, zealous, lively, good person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.