Calculate and declare gains and losses on cryptoassets (2024)

When you buy and sell cryptocurrencies, special rules apply to how your transactions must be calculated. It is important to be familiar with the rules before you declare your gains and losses to us.

As a general rule, gains are taxed just like your earned income (but without labour market contributions at 8%), because they are included in your personal income. Your personal income depends on your specific income circ*mstances, and gains on cryptocurrencies can be taxed at up to 53%.

Losses are deductible at a rate equivalent to 26% of your losses.

When you buy and sell cryptocurrencies as a private individual, this is in principle considered to be speculation. This means that the cryptocurrency was purchased with the intention of making a gain on selling the cryptocurrency again.

When you sell or exchange (relinquish) cryptocurrency, you must calculate whether you have made a gain or a loss.

In some cases, you are required to calculate the gain and loss even if you have not yet sold or exchanged your cryptocurrency. This applies, for example, to trading in certain stablecoins.

Read more about stablecoins here.

How to calculate gains and losses

When you trade in cryptocurrencies, you will probably have made both gains and losses during the year. You must calculate gains and losses separately. This means that, as a general rule, you may not offset the loss on one transaction against the gain on other transactions.

This means that you may not deduct a loss from a gain. You must therefore declare the total gains and the total losses in two different boxes on your tax assessment notice.

Use the FIFO principle

Gains and losses are calculated as the difference between the purchase price and the selling price. As a general rule, you must calculate gains and losses according to the FIFO (First In First Out) principle.

The FIFO principle means that the cryptocurrency you buy first is also the cryptocurrency that is sold first. This applies regardless of which exchange service or wallet you have sold or exchanged from, because your holdings are deemed to be one single holding.

This means that if, for example, you buy 8 Ethereum in April and 5 Ethereum in May, and you want to sell 4 Ethereum in June, you must use the purchase price for the first 4 Ethereum you purchased in April to calculate the gain and loss.

Please note that even if you have only made one transaction, it may well consist of several underlying transactions. In these cases, you must also use the FIFO principle.

See examples of calculation: Trading in one type of cryptocurrency

Markus has not traded in cryptocurrency before. But this year he makes 2 purchases and 2 sales in Bitcoin against DKK.

Purchase 1 in January = 1 BTC at rate 1,000 corresponding to DKK 1,000.

Purchase 2 in February = 1 BTC at exchange rate 1,500 corresponding to DKK 1,500.

Markus' total holding is 2 BTC.

Sale 1

In March, Markus sells 0.5 BTC at exchange rate 1.600 corresponding to DKK 800.

First, he has to calculate the purchase price for the first 0.5 BTC that he bought in Purchase 1.

Purchase 1 = DKK 1,000 per BTC.

Purchase 1 is split, da he is only selling half:

Purchase price:DKK 1,000
x 0,5 BTC
=DKK 500

(Sales price - purchase price)

DKK 800
- DKK 500

=DKK 300

Sale 2 (consists of 2 calculations)

In April, Markus sells his remaining 1.5 BTC at exchange rate 1.200 corresponding to DKK 1,800.

To calculate his gain/loss he has to include the following:

  • The remaining 0.5 BTC from Purchase 1
  • All of Purchase 2

Calculation 1:

First, he has to calculate the purchase price of the first 0.5 BTC of Purchase 1.

Purchase price:
DKK 1,000
x 0,5 BTC
=DKK 500

Then, he has to calculate the sales price of 0.5 BTC from Purchase 1.

Sales price:
(exchange rate)

DKK 1,200
x 0,5 BTC


DKK 600

(sales price - purchase price)

DKK 600
- DKK 500

=DKK 100

Calculation 2:

Now, he has to calculate the purchase price of 1 BTC in Purchase 2.

Purchase 2 = DKK 1,500 per BTC.

Then, he has to calculate the sales price of 1 BTC in Purchase 2.

Sales price:
(exchange rate)
DKK 1,200
x 1 BTC
=DKK 1,200

(sales price - purchase price)

DKK 1,200
DKK - 1,500

=- DKK 300 kr.
Markus' total statement:
Gains:DKK 300
+ DKK 100
=DKK 400

Gains to declare in box 20.


=- DKK 300 kr.

Losses to declare in box 58.

If you use one type of cryptocurrency as payment for another type

If you use one type of cryptocurrency (for example bitcoins) as payment for the purchase of another type of cryptocurrency (for example ripples), you have sold bitcoins to buy ripples. You must therefore also calculate the gain and loss on the sale of bitcoins according to the FIFO principle.

See examples of calculation: Trading in several types of cryptocurrencies

You bought 10 bitcoins at a value of DKK 1,000 apiece in January and 10 bitcoins at a value of DKK 2,000 in February.

You sell 8 of these in March at a value of DKK 3,000 apiece
Purchase price:8 x DKK 1,000
=DKK 8,000

Selling price:

8 x DKK 3,000

DKK 24,000


DKK 24,000
- DKK 8,000

=DKK 16,000

You should enter theprofitof DKK 16,000 in your tax assessment notice in box 20.

You are now left with 2 bitcoins from the purchase in January with a purchase price of DKK 1,000 a piece.

At a later point, you sell the remaining 12 at a value of DKK 1,000 apiece.

Purchase price:

2 x DKK 1,000

+ 10 x DK 2,000

=DKK 22,000

Selling price:

12 x DKK 1,000

DKK 12,000


DKK 12,000
- DKK 22,000

=- DKK 10,000

You should enter yourlossof DKK 10,000 in box 58 in your tax assessment notice.

You have no bitcoins left as you sold all 20 of them.

If you do not have Ethereum, for example, in your portfolio, but you buy 10 Ethereum at the same time and then sell them in several stages within the same income year, you are permitted to offset losses against gains. This is subject to the assumption that you do not buy new Ethereum between your sales, and that your sales with a gain take place in the same income year as your sales with a loss.

This means that if, for example, you sell 3 Ethereum with a gain and 3 Ethereum with a loss in the same income year, you must make a net calculation.A net loss may not be deducted from personal income, but must be declared in box 58 of your tax assessment notice.

You may not offset losses against gains between different types of cryptocurrencies purchased in several stages and sold in the same income year.

If you are in any doubt, please contact us on (+45) 72 22 28 94.

Read more about the calculation of gains (our Danish-language legal guide)

Read a relevant decision (in Danish)

Speculative loss on cryptocurrency is not personal income (SKM2022.583.SR)

Your expenses for buying and selling cryptocurrencies are deductible if the expenses are related directly to the actual purchase or sale.

Expenses relating to internal transfers between, for example, own wallets, and expenses for tax calculation reports etc., are not related to specific cryptocurrency transactions. These expenses are therefore not deductible.

When you buy cryptocurrencies with the intention of making a profit on selling them again, this is called speculation. As a general rule, cryptocurrency trading is considered to be speculation, and you must therefore disclose sales gains and losses on your tax assessment notice.

In case of doubt, we undertake an overall assessment, taking various circ*mstances of the purchase into consideration.

This might be:

  • Which cryptocurrency did you buy - for example bitcoins?
  • What can it be used for?
  • Is it attractive for speculation - such as rising or falling prices?
  • Is it possible to sell the cryptocurrency at a profit?
  • Why did you buy the cryptocurrency?
  • Are you the owner of the cryptocurrency purchased?

Read more about speculation (our Danish-language legal guide)

We recommend that you contact us to receive a binding ruling with a specific assessment, if you are in any doubt. The binding ruling is our decision on what the sale of cryptocurrency specifically entails for the tax you pay.

If you have sold cryptocurrency in the course of this year

If you sell cryptocurrency in the course of this year and are unsure of whether you have to pay tax on the sales gain, you can contact us to request a binding ruling.

Request a binding ruling.

Log on and correct your tax assessment notice

Once you have calculated your transactions for the year, you have to declare the results on your tax assessment notice. You enter your total gains and your total losses in two different boxes:

  • Enter gains in box 20.
  • Enter losses in box 58.

The deadline for declaring your results on the tax assessment notice is 1 May of the year after you sold or exchanged cryptocurrency.

How to enter gains in box 20:

  1. Log on to E-tax (TastSelv Borger)
  2. Select Ret årsopgørelsen/oplysningsskemaet (Correct your tax assessment notice/tax return).
  3. Go to box 20 Anden personlig indkomst (Other personal income). If you have not filled in the box before, you will find it under Anden indkomst (Other income) andthenFradrag (Deductions).
  4. Enter your total gains.
  5. SelectNæste (Next)at the bottom of the page.
  6. SelectGodkend (Accept).

How to enter losses in box 58:

  1. Log on to E-tax (TastSelv Borger)
  2. Select Ret årsopgørelsen/oplysningsskemaet (Correct your tax assessment notice/tax return).
  3. Go to box 58 Øvrige lønmodtagerudgifter (Other earned income expenses). If you cannot see box 58 on your tax assessment notice, please contact usand request it to be opened.
  4. Enter your total losses.
  5. SelectNæste (Next)at the bottom of the page.
  6. SelectGodkend (Accept).

If you have sold cryptocurrency in previous years

If you have sold cryptocurrency in previous years without entering gains or losses on your tax assessment notice, you must correct the tax assessment notice for the year in question.

Read more about correcting previous tax assessment notices here.

If you are in any doubt, please contact us on (+45) 72 22 28 94.

See video: How to report profit and loss when you have traded with crypto assets (4:18)

Click cc for English subtitles

If you want to avoid having to pay outstanding tax, you can state your expected gains and losses on your preliminary income assessment (forskudsopgørelsen).

The information on your preliminary income assessment will not be transferred to your tax assessment notice automatically. You must therefore always make sure that your tax assessment notice is also updated.

  • Enter your expected gains in field 250.
  • Enter your expected losses in field 449.

How to enter gains in field 250:

  1. Log on to E-tax (TastSelv Borger)
  2. SelectForskudsopgørelsen (Preliminary income assessment)
  3. Go to field 250 Anden personlig indkomst (Other personal income). If you have not filled in the field before, you can find it under Andre felter (Other fields)and thenIndkomst (Income).You can also search for the field inSøg felt (Search field).
  4. Enter your expected gains.
  5. SelectBeregn (Calculate)at the bottom of the page.
  6. SelectGodkend (Accept).

How to enter losses in field 449:

  1. Log on to E-tax (TastSelv Borger)
  2. SelectForskudsopgørelsen (Preliminary income assessment)
  3. Go to field 449 Øvrige lønmodtagerudgifter (Other earned income expenses). If you have not filled in the field before, you can find it under Andre felter (Other fields)and thenFradrag (Deductions).You can also search for the field inSøg felt (Search field).
  4. Enter your expected losses.
  5. SelectBeregn (Calculate)at the bottom of the page.
  6. SelectGodkend (Accept).

When you buy and sell cryptocurrencies, you should keep certain information as documentation of your profit/loss calculation.

Such documentation could be:

  • Vouchers on orders, purchases, sales and payment. Take screenshots or download CSV files.
  • E-mails and other correspondence
  • Information about your wallet provider
  • Basis of agreement with your wallet provider
  • Information about the number of your wallet, meaning the public code
  • Basis of agreement in force at the time of purchase and possible subsequent changes
  • Printout of your cryptocurrency holdings
  • Bank account statements related to purchases and sales of cryptocurrencies
  • Printout of your transactions
  • Possible other relevant documentation of your purchases and sales to verify your ownership
  • Deposits or withdrawals (When we receive the transaction statements of deposits or withdrawals of the exchange services or wallets, we have to be able to follow the transactions to and from the senders)

See video: Documentation from used exchange services and wallets (1:59)

Click cc for English subtitles

For further legal information in Danish see our legal guide

Calculate and declare gains and losses on cryptoassets (2024)


Calculate and declare gains and losses on cryptoassets ›


In financial accounting (CON 8.4), a gain is when the market value of an asset exceeds the purchase price of that asset. The gain is unrealized until the asset is sold for cash, at which point it becomes a realized gain. This is an important distinction for tax purposes, as only realized gains are subject to tax. › wiki › Gain_(accounting)
and losses are calculated as the difference between the purchase price and the selling price. As a general rule, you must calculate gains and losses according to the FIFO (First In First Out) principle. The FIFO principle means that the cryptocurrency you buy first is also the cryptocurrency that is sold first.

How to calculate crypto gains and losses for taxes? ›

If you acquired the crypto through other means and don't know the cost basis - use the fair market value of the crypto in fiat currency on the day you received it as your cost basis instead. Once you've got your cost basis, simply subtract it from the price you sold your crypto for to calculate your profit or loss.

How do you calculate profit and loss in cryptocurrency? ›

Unrealized Profit & Loss: The potential profit or loss of your current crypto holdings, calculated as the difference between the market value of your token balance and the cost of accumulating it. Realized Profit & Loss: The actual gain or loss from previous positions that you sold or withdrew.

How do I report gains and losses on crypto? ›

Reporting your crypto activity requires using Form 1040 Schedule D as your crypto tax form to reconcile your capital gains and losses and Form 8949 if necessary. You report your total capital gains or losses on your Form 1040, line 7.

How do you write off losses on crypto? ›

US taxpayers can offset crypto losses against capital gains and deduct up to $3,000 from ordinary income, with the ability to carry over excess losses to future years. Reporting all crypto sales on Form 8949 is essential for claiming these tax benefits.

What is the best crypto tax calculator? ›

Best Crypto Tax Software Of September 2024
CompanyForbes Advisor RatingGood for
TurboTax Premium5.0Ease of use, advanced features and expert tax assistance
Koinly4.0Ease of use and customer support options
CoinTracker3.9Customer support options and expert tax assistance
CoinTracking3.6Expert tax assistance
Aug 30, 2024

Is a crypto tax calculator worth it? ›

Crypto Tax Calculator offers a robust solution for managing cryptocurrency taxes, supporting an extensive range of digital currencies, exchanges, wallets, and DeFi operations. Its key feature is the effortless importing of transaction data, streamlining the tax reporting process for crypto investors and traders.

How much will $50 of Bitcoin be worth in 5 years? ›

After five years, the $50 investment might be worth around $67.20. If the price of Bitcoin were to climb at a rate of 25% each year, the initial investment of $50 might be worth around $129.70.

How much will $1000 in Bitcoin be worth in 10 years? ›

Looking at Bitcoin's price history, halvings typically precede higher highs, followed by higher lows. If Bitcoin continues this pattern into 2030, the price could peak around 2029 or 2030. If Wood is correct and Bitcoin reaches $3.8 million, if you invested $1,000 in Bitcoin now, it would be worth $54,280 in 2030.

How do I calculate my profit and loss? ›

A profit and loss statement is calculated by totaling all of a business's revenue sources and subtracting from that all the business's expenses that are related to revenue.

What if I forgot to report my crypto gains? ›

In fact, failing to report income, gains or losses from your crypto transactions on your taxes may come with stiff consequences. This may include potential audits, penalty fees, interest charges on unpaid taxes or even criminal charges.

Can the IRS see crypto transactions? ›

Cryptocurrencies are traceable, with transactions recorded on a public ledger accessible to the IRS. The IRS uses advanced methods to track crypto transactions and enforce tax compliance. Centralized exchanges provide user data to the IRS.

How do I declare crypto on my tax return? ›

Add the value of these under the heading 'Other income' in your tax return. Make sure to do this in the financial year you received it. When you later sell the crypto you earned through staking or airdrops, the amount you reported as income will be your cost base for calculating CGT.

Do you have to report crypto on taxes if you don't sell? ›

If you buy Bitcoin, there's nothing to report until you sell. If you earned crypto through staking, a hard fork, an airdrop or via any method other than buying it, you'll likely need to report it, even if you haven't sold it.

How do you prove losses on crypto? ›

To claim a capital loss, you will need to be able to provide the following evidence to show your ownership:
  1. the date you acquired the private key.
  2. the date you lost the private key.
  3. the digital wallet address for the private key.
  4. the cost to acquire the crypto assets in the digital wallet.
Jun 16, 2024

Can you deduct crypto losses from income? ›

Capital losses

If you dispose of your crypto for less than it cost you, you may have a capital loss. Capital losses can be used to reduce your capital gains in the current or future income years. Make sure you report the loss in your tax return so you have it available to offset future capital gains.

How to calculate capital gains tax on crypto? ›

To work out if you made a capital gain or capital loss from each CGT event, keep records for each crypto asset and your transactions. You will make a capital gain if the proceeds from the disposal of your crypto asset is more than its cost base.

How is loss of crypto taxed? ›

The Income Tax Department (ITD) has not provided specific guidance on how lost or stolen crypto is treated. However, based on precedents from Indian court rulings regarding the loss or theft of other types of assets, you likely won't be required to pay tax on crypto that has been lost due to a hack, scam, or theft.

How much crypto do I have to report on taxes? ›

If you earn $600 or more in a year paid by an exchange, including Coinbase, the exchange is required to report these payments to the IRS as “other income” via IRS Form 1099-MISC (you'll also receive a copy for your tax return).

How to avoid capital gains tax on crypto? ›

How To Minimize Crypto Taxes
  1. Hold crypto long-term. If you hold a crypto investment for at least one year before selling, your gains qualify for the preferential long-term capital gains rate.
  2. Offset gains with losses. ...
  3. Time selling your crypto. ...
  4. Claim mining expenses. ...
  5. Consider retirement investments. ...
  6. Charitable giving.
Apr 22, 2024

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Author: Maia Crooks Jr

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Name: Maia Crooks Jr

Birthday: 1997-09-21

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Hobby: Web surfing, Skiing, role-playing games, Sketching, Polo, Sewing, Genealogy

Introduction: My name is Maia Crooks Jr, I am a homely, joyous, shiny, successful, hilarious, thoughtful, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.