California Open Carry Gun Laws - Penal Code 26350 PC (2024)

Table of Contents
Sixto villalva Past Client J Line (Jerry) Past Client niaz g Past Client Fernando Navarro Past Client Past Client Past Client Guizhen Lei Past Client Past Client Lisa Alexander Mark McGuinness II Past Client Past Client Past Client Past Client Past Client Aurélia Taleb-Ahmed Past Client Past Client Past Client Salvador Torres Past Client Past Client Past Client Past Client Past Client Past Client Past Client Past Client Past Client Past Client David Hollie Past Client Bobby Parrish Sebastian Turner Google Sucks Past Client Past Client Past Client Past Client Past Client 49erwill Past Client Past Client Past Client Past Client Past Client Past Client Past Client Past Client Past Client Past Client Past Client Past Client Dakota Mendoza Past Client Past Client Past Client Past Client Past Client Past Client Past Client gabriel cruz Alyssa Morillo Past Client Past Client Past Client Past Client Lizzy Sotelo Jason Rappaport Past Client Past Client Yareth Sarmiento Past Client Cara Gafner Past Client Past Client Past Client Jeffrey Oller Past Client Past Client Sheree (2nd 2 No 1) Past Client Past Client Past Client Past Client Mitchell Dominguez Past Client Martin Avelar Past Client Austin Greenly Past Client Past Client Past Client Past Client Paul S Past Client Past Client Past Client Nina M Chris Fordham benjamin cruz Past Client Michael McCoy Past Client Pandra Beecroft Francisco “Cisco” Ramirez Past Client Aniceto Gonzales Jr Kiersten Hall Past Client Past Client Past Client Past Client Past Client Past Client Past Client Past Client Past Client Past Client Past Client Past Client Past Client Past Client Past Client Past Client Past Client Past Client Mike Ballantyne Past Client Past Client Past Client Past Client Past Client julio cabrera Past Client Past Client Past Client Past Client Past Client Past Client Past Client Past Client Past Client Past Client Past Client Past Client Past Client Past Client Joey Gonzalez Brad Wind Past Client Past Client Past Client Juan Guerrero Griffin Chen Past Client Past Client Past Client Past Client Dulce Cortez Past Client Past Client Past Client Past Client Past Client Past Client Past Client Past Client Henry Diaz Past Client Past Client Past Client Past Client Past Client Past Client Past Client Past Client Past Client Past Client Past Client Past Client Past Client Past Client C C Past Client Past Client Past Client Past Client Past Client Past Client Jason Past Client Jose Ibarra Past Client Past Client Past Client Past Client Past Client Past Client Past Client Past Client Daisy Serrato Past Client Past Client Past Client Past Client Past Client Past Client Past Client Past Client Past Client Past Client Past Client Past Client Past Client Past Client Past Client Past Client Duke Le Past Client Past Client Past Client S D 2A_CRYPTO Past Client Past Client Past Client Past Client Past Client Past Client Past Client Past Client rhana tabrizi Past Client Past Client Past Client Past Client Blair London Past Client ruth Fraire leslie Ramirez Past Client Past Client Past Client Jeffrey Mendoza Past Client Past Client Anthony Varelas Past Client Dominic Carter Past Client Carlos Cortez Yolanda Torres Past Client Past Client Past Client Past Client Rabih Aboul Hosn Past Client Past Client Past Client Carlos Manzanera Past Client Past Client Cameron Daniel Past Client FAQs

I definitely recommend this law office , they work really hard for you case they are very professional, and get the results fast. I'm personally thank Attorney Klarich and Attorney Gregory for all the good work they did for me. Se los recomiendo mucho ...Gracias

Sixto villalva

“My uncle was looking at state prison for a repeat felony probation violation. I heard the prosecutor keep saying 16 months state prison. I knew then I needed a good lawyer so I hired Wallin & Klarich. My uncle’s Wallin & Klari...

Past ClientCalifornia Open Carry Gun Laws - Penal Code 26350 PC (1)

Attorney Gabriel Dorman, I cannot say enough about in this small space to adequately express my gratitude and appreciation. If you want an attorney that is going to tell you everything you want to hear then he is probably not the attorney to choose, however if you want an attorney that will advise you truthfully according to the law, he will defend you and your rights within the law with heart. In the end he looked me in the eyes and said “I am so happy for you” and that told me everything to know about this man. He is a good attorney, and he cares!

J Line (Jerry)

“After Wallin & Klarich fought a probation violation for me and got it dismissed, I hired Wallin & Klarich again to file a motion to modify my probation. They filed a formal motion with the Court. The District Attorney handling t...

Past ClientCalifornia Open Carry Gun Laws - Penal Code 26350 PC (2)

Best firm in Orange County, highly recommend and completely trust them! Garrett and Gabriel took great care of me.

niaz g

“I would like to take this time to thank you for the tremendous help I received from your law firm. Your professionalism and diligence during the process of my case changed my perspective about lawyers’ ethics. I realize how much you truly care for your clients, as well as how intensely you figh...

Past ClientCalifornia Open Carry Gun Laws - Penal Code 26350 PC (3)

Great service satisfied with the result of my case were able to help me out I did not get no point against my license

Fernando Navarro

“I was arrested for a DUI and had a blood alcohol level of 0.12. My attorney was able to poke holes in the case and get me a reduced charge. I am pleased with my representation by Wallin & Klarich. Wallin & Klarich is a very good law firm.”-A. A....

Past ClientCalifornia Open Carry Gun Laws - Penal Code 26350 PC (4)

“I was arrested for a DUI. I was concerned because the DUI involved an accident with my car being totaled. I was worried about jail so I hired Wallin & Klarich. Wallin & Klarich was able to keep me out of jail and was able to resolve my case for a lesser charge. I received a nominal fine a...

Past ClientCalifornia Open Carry Gun Laws - Penal Code 26350 PC (5)

“I had two warrants for me from nearly 3 years ago. I failed to go through with my drug programs because of numerous personal reasons. I talked to other attorneys and they told me that I was looking at six months of jail time. Then, I came in and talked to Wallin & Klarich, and they told me th...

Past ClientCalifornia Open Carry Gun Laws - Penal Code 26350 PC (6)

My experience with Attorney John Patrick-Lujan was excellent. My case was dismissed by the judge. Throughout this one year ordeal, Mr. Patrick Lujan listened to me intently and navigated the case to the end professionally. I am very satisfied with the results and will recommend Mr. Lujan.

Guizhen Lei

“I had a 0.25 Blood alcohol level test result. Yet my attorney was able to show that I had a rising blood alcohol level and was able to get the enhancement charged dismissed. Terrific result!”-C. R....

Past ClientCalifornia Open Carry Gun Laws - Penal Code 26350 PC (7)

After I was arrested for a felony hit and run with injuries to the other party, I hired the law offices of Wallin & Klarich to represent me. Even though the their parties suffered serious injuries requiring treatment at a hospital, My Wallin & Klarich attorney was able to convince the Distri...

Past ClientCalifornia Open Carry Gun Laws - Penal Code 26350 PC (8)

Matt Walkin is one of the best attorneys I have come across. He is very professional, straightforward and knowledgeable. He assisted my best friend in obtaining a great deal on such an unfortunate case.I would recommend him to resolve any case.

Lisa Alexander

This team works hard to get the best possible results. Their diligence and passion are second to none. They answer all your questions and are willing to go the extra mile.

Mark McGuinness II

After extensive negotiations with the prosecutor, attorney Matt Wallin was able to get the grand theft and petty theft charges against me DISMISSED. I was very relieved and grateful I did not have to report to custody or complete any Shoplifter’s education courses. In addition, attorney Matt Walli...

Past ClientCalifornia Open Carry Gun Laws - Penal Code 26350 PC (9)

“I hired the law firm of Wallin & Klarich to seek a Governor’s Pardon in California. I was convicted many years ago of a felony and very much wanted to clean my record. I wanted to obtain my right to possess a firearm, which was taken away because of the felony conviction. I am happy to say ...

Past ClientCalifornia Open Carry Gun Laws - Penal Code 26350 PC (10)

“What a marvelous result! I was charged with assault with a deadly weapon and a high-grade domestic violence charge. The prosecutor initially evaluated the case as a 120 county jail requirement. My attorney at Wallin & Klarich was able to resolve the case for no jail and a lesser charge. Also,...

Past ClientCalifornia Open Carry Gun Laws - Penal Code 26350 PC (11)

I was facing criminal charges for driving under the influence of drugs. I believed in my innocence on the charges and wanted to fight my case even if I had to face jail time. I originally hired another law firm, but they tried to convince me to plead guilty, so I dropped them.Therfore, I sought ...

Past ClientCalifornia Open Carry Gun Laws - Penal Code 26350 PC (12)

“I am writing this letter to praise your employee. What an incredible asset he is to your firm. As you know my son Skyler was being tried on the charge of penal code 288(a). This is a very sensitive charge and quite uncomfortable for a parent. I had interviewed other attorneys and was becoming ver...

Past ClientCalifornia Open Carry Gun Laws - Penal Code 26350 PC (13)

Attorney Soheil Levy represented me on a 2 days complex hearing for a temporary restraining order case (with petitioner requesting to move it to a permanent one). Attorney Levy came through for me during these tough times, showed professionalism but especially humanity!He knows the law and was able to object and cross-examine like a champion! Attorney Levy WON this case: no TRO, no permanent restraining order and no opposing party’s attorney fees to be paid (>$70K).I recommend him for his skills, knowledge and kind heart!Thank you Attorney for changing my life for the better!

Aurélia Taleb-Ahmed

My Wallin & Klarich attorney:A simple “thank you” can’t possibly express how much I appreciate your hard work, professionalism, and unwavering dedication to my case. I was accused of felony drug possession and driving while on a suspended license. I knew the district attorney was pushi...

Past ClientCalifornia Open Carry Gun Laws - Penal Code 26350 PC (14)

“I am very pleased with my legal representation by Wallin & Klarich. I was facing jail time because of having a high blood alcohol level and for having a car accident. I meant no harm. Wallin & Klarich was able to keep me out of jail and get me the help. I would recommend Wallin & Klarich to anyon...

Past ClientCalifornia Open Carry Gun Laws - Penal Code 26350 PC (15)

My brother was convicted of second degree murder in Los Angeles County. He was sentenced to 16 years to life in state prison. I hired Stephen Klarich from the law firm of Wallin and Klarich to work on his appeal. Our family was very worried and fearful he would spend the rest of his life in prison. ...

Past ClientCalifornia Open Carry Gun Laws - Penal Code 26350 PC (16)

I have found myself very satisfied with attorney Soheil Levy from this office. I came here specifically because of his attentiveness and professionalism. Overall the office and assistant's were polite as well and helpful. He has on multiple occasions made complex and at times confusing legal situations much more understandable with a comforting tone. I hold absolutely no reservation in giving Soheil Levy and this law firm my highest possible recommendation.

Salvador Torres

“I was arrested for a DUI with enhancement penalties. My attorney at Wallin & Klarich was able to get all the enhancements stricken to avoid any mandatory jail. I am impressed.”-W.H...

Past ClientCalifornia Open Carry Gun Laws - Penal Code 26350 PC (17)

Attorney Matt Wallin, a simple thank you can’t possibly express how much I appreciated your hard work, professionalism and unwavering dedication to my case. I was accused of felony drug possession and driving while on a suspended license. I knew the district attorney was pushing for 3 years state ...

Past ClientCalifornia Open Carry Gun Laws - Penal Code 26350 PC (18)

“I was charged with corporal injury to a child. I hired Wallin & Klarich to represent me, and my attorney from Wallin & Klarich got all charges against me dismissed because the district attorney violated my right to a speedy trial. I would recommend Wallin & Klarich to anyone who feels...

Past ClientCalifornia Open Carry Gun Laws - Penal Code 26350 PC (19)

Being charged with felony vandalism was very overwhelming at first. I knew that if convicted the consequences would be severe. I was not sure where to turn or what to do. Thankfully, I contacted the experienced criminal defense firm of Wallin & Klarich and met with my Wallin & Klarich attorn...

Past ClientCalifornia Open Carry Gun Laws - Penal Code 26350 PC (20)

“Wallin & Klarich got my case dismissed! I was backing out of my parking spot and accidentally bumped another vehicle. I left my information for the other vehicle’s owner to contact me. Instead, I was contacted by the City Attorney’s Office telling me that I was charged with hit and run and th...

Past ClientCalifornia Open Carry Gun Laws - Penal Code 26350 PC (21)

I was devastated when police served a search warrant at my home and seized my computers and arrested me for a felony sex crime. I found the law offices of Wallin & Klarich on the internet and immediately made an appointment to meet with my attorney. My attorney listened to my side of the story a...

Past ClientCalifornia Open Carry Gun Laws - Penal Code 26350 PC (22)

When I received a letter from the DA indicating I had been charged with a violation of 653k PC for possession of a switch-blade knife, I turned to friends looking for recommendations and was referred to the Law Offices of Wallin & Klarich.Even though I first contacted them late in the evenin...

Past ClientCalifornia Open Carry Gun Laws - Penal Code 26350 PC (23)

“I am very, very pleased with my resolution of my case by Wallin & Klarich. My first lawyer, the public defender, told me to take a 60 day jail offer and said it was only going to get worse if I did not take it. I hired Wallin & Klarich and they aggressively represented me. The result was ...

Past ClientCalifornia Open Carry Gun Laws - Penal Code 26350 PC (24)

I recently retained your law office for my son, Scott Berdequez. From my initial call, I was treated professionally, but as that same time with compassion. The call back from you was immediate. I was assigned a Wallin & Klarich attorney. He too was very professional. He treated my son and me on ...

Past ClientCalifornia Open Carry Gun Laws - Penal Code 26350 PC (25)

“I was very depressed and did not know what to do when when I got arrested again for my third DUI. I called Wallin & Klarich and my attorney was able to successfully resolve my case. My lawyer gave me hope and he was right that, “there is a light at the end of the dark tunnel.”-J. R....

Past ClientCalifornia Open Carry Gun Laws - Penal Code 26350 PC (26)

Great service and representation. I was updated periodically and any questions I had were answered in a timely manner. I was always kept in the loop and the attorney was always available. I appreciated the attention to detail and making me feel at ease during the process. The professionalism and commitment to their clients is stellar. Thank you again for your help and expertise!

David Hollie

“I was on my way home at about 1a.m., and a police officer began to follow me. For no apparent reason at all, the officer pulled me over. He said that I was weaving and arrested me for driving under the influence. I later found out that I had a blood alcohol content of 0.10.I hired the Law firm ...

Past ClientCalifornia Open Carry Gun Laws - Penal Code 26350 PC (27)

They were very helpful in answering all of my questions. Highly recommended.

Bobby Parrish

Got my tickets dismissed i love them thank you so much

Sebastian Turner

Gregory Balderrama and Alexander Tran handled my case, and they did a terrific job!They started six months ago, and yesterday I received notification from the Attorney General that my many years of grief were finally over. And I didn't even have to appear in court!Thank you guys for all your effort, and I will definitely recommend Walking and Klarich to anyone needing legal expertise.--D.N.

Google Sucks

“I received notice that I was facing a violation of probation out of Riverside Court and was facing up to 600 plus days in jail. I contacted Wallin & Klarich and hired their services. The Judge wanted to take me into custody that day. My attorney was able to keep me out on bail while she was h...

Past ClientCalifornia Open Carry Gun Laws - Penal Code 26350 PC (28)

“I was charged with driving under the influence of alcohol and hired Wallin & Klarich. I knew that I was intoxicated, but I also knew that my rights had been violated and that officers did not see me drive even though others had. My attorney met with me on several occasions to strategize how w...

Past ClientCalifornia Open Carry Gun Laws - Penal Code 26350 PC (29)

“Prior to retaining the services of Wallin & Klarich, I was convicted of statutory rape, which subjected me to automatic deportation. I retained the services of Wallin & Klarich to appeal my conviction in order to avoid deportation. The attorneys of Wallin & Klarich moved aggressively ...

Past ClientCalifornia Open Carry Gun Laws - Penal Code 26350 PC (30)

“I am writing to thank you for all you’ve done to help me. I was charged with possession for sale. To make matters worse, I had a prior conviction of the same offense. My old lawyer just kept asking for more money, and the best he could do for me was was to reduce my sentence to 4 years in state...

Past ClientCalifornia Open Carry Gun Laws - Penal Code 26350 PC (31)

“I had four open DUI’s, one could have been a felony. I am thankful for the services of Wallin & Klarich. I was very happy with the services provided and would recommend the law firm of Wallin & Klarich to anyone else in my position.”-T. B....

Past ClientCalifornia Open Carry Gun Laws - Penal Code 26350 PC (32)

Highly recommend. Great, caring people.


I was arrested for domestic violence. My girlfriend was alleging that I pushed her. I hired the Law Offices of Wallin & Klarich for representation. Attorney of Wallin & Klarich was assigned to handle my case. My attorney set the case for trial as the District Attorney did not have any eviden...

Past ClientCalifornia Open Carry Gun Laws - Penal Code 26350 PC (33)

I had a horrible history of domestic violence. When I was young, I was quick to get angry and was unable to control myself. I was convicted of Felony domestic violence 7 years ago. I served a year in jail and did my anger management counseling for 18 months. I really learned to manage my temper and ...

Past ClientCalifornia Open Carry Gun Laws - Penal Code 26350 PC (34)

“I didn’t know what to do when I was accused of burglary and grand theft charges. I was certain that I was facing jail time.I put my faith in Wallin and Klarich due to their years of experience helping people facing similar charges. Thanks to my attorney’s experience and relationship with ...

Past ClientCalifornia Open Carry Gun Laws - Penal Code 26350 PC (35)

“Thank you for your excellent work getting my case dismissed. I really appreciate the time and effort you spent to help me understand the criminal justice process and to explain the possible outcomes. You helped me organize my documents and asked many questions to better understand my case.You...

Past ClientCalifornia Open Carry Gun Laws - Penal Code 26350 PC (36)

“I didn’t know what to do when I was accused of burglary and grand theft charges. I was certain that I was facing jail time.I put my faith in Wallin and Klarich due to their years of experience helping people facing similar charges. Thanks to my attorney’s experience and relationship with ...

Past ClientCalifornia Open Carry Gun Laws - Penal Code 26350 PC (37)

“I was arrested for a Misdemeanor DUI in October 1999. I contacted Wallin & Klarich for representation. A Wallin & Klarich attorney was assigned to handle my case. My case was not filed until May of 2000. My Wallin & Klarich attorney was informed that in addition to the misdemeanor cha...

Past ClientCalifornia Open Carry Gun Laws - Penal Code 26350 PC (38)

“My son was facing serious felony molestation charges in Juvenile Court. We hired a Wallin & Klarich criminal defense attorney to represent my son. It was a very long process, but my Wallin & Klarich attorney was with us throughout each step of the way. At the conclusion, my son avoided an...

Past ClientCalifornia Open Carry Gun Laws - Penal Code 26350 PC (39)

My son was 17 years old when he admitted to stealing a car and then ran into a house and caused a great deal of damage. He had been living with his mother but the family court file reflected that I had sole physical custody. I had no reason to believe that my son was up to any criminal activity unti...

Past ClientCalifornia Open Carry Gun Laws - Penal Code 26350 PC (40)

“Within 24 hours upon retaining the Law Office of Wallin & Klarich, my daughter was released from custody, with only probation time to serve. The Law Office of Wallin & Klarich are the best juvenile lawyers in all of San Bernardino County. Don’t take a chance with any other, it will only...

Past ClientCalifornia Open Carry Gun Laws - Penal Code 26350 PC (41)

I was in a state of shock when I was arrested for attempted battery on a police officer and resisting arrest. I knew I was innocent of these crimes and knew that I needed to find the right criminal defense attorney to help me fight my case. I wasn’t comfortable with the first attorney I met with b...

Past ClientCalifornia Open Carry Gun Laws - Penal Code 26350 PC (42)

Hello,I am writing this letter to tell that one of your lawyers did a great job. This was a petty theft case for my husband which was taken care of by Andrei Lapine.The whole case was dismissed. And now my husband doesn’t have any criminal record and we can keep forward with our Canadian I...

Past ClientCalifornia Open Carry Gun Laws - Penal Code 26350 PC (43)

“I was arrested and charged with driving under the influence. I took a blood test, which the police claimed was 0.15. I retained the Law offices of Wallin & Klarich to represent me. My Wallin & Klarich attorney fought for me, he was aggressive and knowledgeable with the issues surrounding my DUI c...

Past ClientCalifornia Open Carry Gun Laws - Penal Code 26350 PC (44)

Mr. Lujan handled my case and got it dismissed. Before attaining Mr. Lujan I was being represented by another attorney from another firm who offered me a horrible deal from the DA. Mr. Lujan fought for a better out come that completely changed my future I'm so glad that Mr. Lujan handled my case. He was very professional, understanding, and made himself available throughout the whole process. I'm so greatful for his hard work and honesty. I would highly recommend him to anyone that is looking for an attorney that provides the results you want.

Dakota Mendoza

“I was charged with a DUI and due to a prior DUI conviction, I faced the harsh reality of serving significant time in county jail. Without a doubt, I was worried and scared. I hired the law firm of Wallin and Klarich and my attorney David R. Cohn quickly got to work in resolving my case with the b...

Past ClientCalifornia Open Carry Gun Laws - Penal Code 26350 PC (45)

I was involved in a traffic collision and was arrested a few hours later at my house with the officer claiming that I was driving under the influence of alcohol. I had exchanged information with the party involved and over an hour later she decides that she feels I had been drinking and calls the po...

Past ClientCalifornia Open Carry Gun Laws - Penal Code 26350 PC (46)

I was arrested and charged with three DUI cases in California all within about one calendar year. I hired the law firm of Wallin & Klarich and Attorney Andrei Lapine handled all of my cases at the DMV. I am happy to say that Mr. Lapine was able to win all three DMV case...

Past ClientCalifornia Open Carry Gun Laws - Penal Code 26350 PC (47)

“My Wallin & Klarich attorney stood up for me and by my side through the entire DUI process. His legal representation through the judicial system got my license back, when the police had not conducted the chemical test of my blood (BAC) properly.Without my Wallin & Klarich attorney I w...

Past ClientCalifornia Open Carry Gun Laws - Penal Code 26350 PC (48)

I wanted to express my enormous relief and gratitude to Wallin & Klarich. My son was arrested for statutory rape and domestic battery. The allegations were extremely serious. We were concerned that our son would end up in jail and also be branded a “sex offender” for the rest of his life. Wh...

Past ClientCalifornia Open Carry Gun Laws - Penal Code 26350 PC (49)

On behalf of myself and family, I would like to extend my gratitude, appreciation and thanks to Wallin & Klarich and its staff, for the hard work and diligence in obtaining a positive outcome to my appeal.-N.G....

Past ClientCalifornia Open Carry Gun Laws - Penal Code 26350 PC (50)

“After interviewing various attorneys and doing some research online, I retained the Law Offices of Wallin & Klarich to represent me. I was charged with a DUI and driving on a suspended license. My Wallin & Klarich attorney went to court and filed a motion to dismiss the case, he was aggre...

Past ClientCalifornia Open Carry Gun Laws - Penal Code 26350 PC (51)

I had two serious charges filed against me. I hired Wallin & Klarich and Mr.Vargas my lawyer fought diligently and got my charges reduced to informal probation. My case didn’t even go to trail. I was impressed by how Wallin and Klarich handled my case and more than satisfied with my outcome. I highly recommend hiring Wallin and Klarich law corp if ever in need of legal representation thanks Wallin & Klarich!

gabriel cruz

“Our son was taken into custody for assault with a deadly weapon. He was looking at a maximum exposure of 4 years at the California Youth Authority. Our sons’ lawyer was able to resolve the case for home on probation and some community service. Our son means a lot to our family and we are very t...

Past ClientCalifornia Open Carry Gun Laws - Penal Code 26350 PC (52)

“I was charged with child annoyance, which required registration as a sex offender and possible jail time. I am very thankful for the outcomes my Wallin & Klarich attorney achieved for my case. I am very happy because I do not have to register as a sex offender, I do not have to spend any time...

Past ClientCalifornia Open Carry Gun Laws - Penal Code 26350 PC (53)

“My son was facing serious felony molestation charges in Juvenile Court. We hired a criminal defense attorney of the law firm of Wallin & Klarich to represent my son. It was a very long process, but my Wallin & Klarich attorney was with us throughout each step of the way. At the conclusion...

Past ClientCalifornia Open Carry Gun Laws - Penal Code 26350 PC (54)

I was on my way home from the desert at dusk on a two lane highway when a car approached from the other direction. The other car was swerving onto my side of the road and then straightened out. As the car got very close to me it swerved onto my side of the road again. At the last moment, I turned of...

Past ClientCalifornia Open Carry Gun Laws - Penal Code 26350 PC (55)

Thanked you Soheil. Got my case dismissed and very

Lizzy Sotelo

Here is why I STRONGLY recommend you use the law firm of Wallin & Klarich ( if you need any kind of criminal defense.I recently was accused by a group that matters to me of having done something illegal. I hadn’t done anything illegal, but I needed a reputable lawyer to put this on paper.I called 5 law firms that specialize in the relevant area of law, and each promised to have a lawyer call me back that day. Only one called me back, and the attorney told me that my situation (needing a legal opinion) was to “small” for his firm to deal with.Then I called Wallin & Klarich. Paul Wallin, co-founder and partner, IMMEDIATELY hopped onto the call. He understood the kind of legal opinion letter I needed and quoted me a rate I felt was very fair. And even though they routinely take on big cases, Paul never made me feel like my situation was too unimportant to deal with.Just one day later I got their EXCELLENT first draft of a letter from another attorney in the firm, Gregory Balderrama. I’m a professional writer so I know great writing like Gregory's when I see it. There were a few emails back and forth to tweak the letter and then it was finished.Paul and Gregory treated me as if I was their closest friend in need of help. If you want this kind of swift, expert, and attentive help, I can’t recommend the professionals at Wallin & Klarich strongly enough.

Jason Rappaport

“On July 8, 2000 I was arrested for driving with a blood alcohol of 0.18. My lawyer at Wallin & Klarich was able to show a title 17 violation that helped me resolve the case for a lesser charge. I am very pleased with my legal representation by Wallin & Klarich.”-J. T....

Past ClientCalifornia Open Carry Gun Laws - Penal Code 26350 PC (56)

I was charged with felony sexual battery. I was facing serious prison time, life long sex offender registration, and the loss of my career. With so much on the line, I put my entire future in the hands of Wallin and Klarich. From day one my attorney fought long and tirelessly on my behalf in order t...

Past ClientCalifornia Open Carry Gun Laws - Penal Code 26350 PC (57)

Great attorneys! They take a personal approach to cases and really listen to client concerns. They will fight for you until the very end of your case. Could not recommend them enough!

Yareth Sarmiento

“I definitely appreciate all the services that you’ve provided me in both of my court cases. You guys are worth many times more then what I have paid. All the transactions were precise and concise. I would definitely refer your services to anyone in need. You saved my business and my livelihood....

Past ClientCalifornia Open Carry Gun Laws - Penal Code 26350 PC (58)

Paul is an incredible attorney and wonderful human being that deeply cares about his clients. He is fiercely invested in creating a more just and equitable world through his professionalism and passion for helping others. I am grateful for his guidance, mentorship, and kindness.

Cara Gafner

I WAS ACCUSED OF Rape of a child under 12 years of age, sodomy of a child less than 12 years of age and indecent acts with a child under 12 years of age. I faced a maximum of life imprisonment if convicted of these crimes. I was referred to the law firm of Wallin & Klarich, a firm I was told had...

Past ClientCalifornia Open Carry Gun Laws - Penal Code 26350 PC (59)

“I just wanted to take this opportunity to express how happy and impressed I was with the way you handled my case. Not only did I feel comfortable with your expertise, but also the reputation of your firm exceeded all my expectations. I will definitely refer any of my friends, family or colleagues...

Past ClientCalifornia Open Carry Gun Laws - Penal Code 26350 PC (60)

“I am writing this letter to thank my attorney from Wallin & Klarich for providing me with outstanding representation when handling my case. I retained Wallin & Klarich in December 2000. My case was a possession charge that I received in 1988. The bail was set at $50,000.00. My attorney of Wallin ...

Past ClientCalifornia Open Carry Gun Laws - Penal Code 26350 PC (61)

I would like to thank Gabriel Dorman for the exceptional service provided for my son. He was extremely professional throughout the whole process from our initial conversation in which we discussed our legal problems, and his explanations offering advice and strategy that he thought would provide the best outcomes. Although we were confident in the firm's experience and knowledge, and familiarity with how the court system works, we were always skeptical that the best possible outcome would come to fruition. However, we were extremely thrilled when attorney Dorman called to indicate that all three cases against my son were dismissed. Other than a little delay on receiving evidence of the final disposition of the cases, the whole process was painless and were well worth the fee charged. Thank you very much!

Jeffrey Oller

My brother was convicted of second degree murder in Los Angeles County. He was sentenced to 16 years to life in state prison. I hired Stephen Klarich from the law firm of Wallin and Klarich to work on his appeal. Our family was very worried and fearful he would spend the rest of his life in prison. ...

Past ClientCalifornia Open Carry Gun Laws - Penal Code 26350 PC (62)

“I would like to tell you that Wallin & Klarich did a great job on my case. I was charged with a Hit and Run. I have never been in trouble in my life and knew I had to face some consequences. I knew that a typical case would land me about a month of jail time. This is something I could not afford ...

Past ClientCalifornia Open Carry Gun Laws - Penal Code 26350 PC (63)

My ticket was dismissed thanks to Brian Okakbayash!! He was patient with all my questions. He was helpful and always responded quickly to my calls and e-mails. I got a traffic ticket for allegedly going 109 in a 65mph zone! Definetly would hire again!! Worth every penny!! Thank you Brian Okayabashi!!!

Sheree (2nd 2 No 1)

I want to thank you for your excellent representation in my son’s minor in possession alcohol case. When I called your office in advise, my son was already facing his third charge for minor in possession and anticipated losing his driver’s licenses for a minimum of one year. Wallin & Klarich...

Past ClientCalifornia Open Carry Gun Laws - Penal Code 26350 PC (64)

“After being caught in an undercover sting operation, I was charged with four criminal counts including: providing liquor to a minor, possession of alcohol while under 21, possession of open container while driving, and unlawful use of an identification card. I was 18 years old at the time. These ...

Past ClientCalifornia Open Carry Gun Laws - Penal Code 26350 PC (65)

“I am very pleased that I hired Wallin & Klarich to represent me and help me dismiss the charges I was facing for possession of a concealed weapon. My attorney filed a motion to get the case dismissed and the Judge at the Airport Court granted the motion. I am relieved that the case has been d...

Past ClientCalifornia Open Carry Gun Laws - Penal Code 26350 PC (66)

“Recently I used the services of attorneys at the law firm of Wallin & Klarich. I was referred to this law firm by CTA after my arrest. A student alleged that I had assaulted him and I was subsequently arrested. In my initial consultation with Mr. Klarich the allegations were discussed and I r...

Past ClientCalifornia Open Carry Gun Laws - Penal Code 26350 PC (67)

I'm just amazed how Wallin & klarich law firm work. If they say there able to handle it They will. I will recommend this law firm to my family and friends there like family to me. Thank you and God bless.

Mitchell Dominguez

“I would like to just thank your incredible effort on my behalf. When I was wrongfully charged with Domestic Violence, I did not know where to turn. All I knew was that the police were going to take her side, simply because of my prior conviction when I was young. I had changed so much since that ...

Past ClientCalifornia Open Carry Gun Laws - Penal Code 26350 PC (68)

This law firm has been a God send. They have been helpful guiding me through some recent legal matters I have been traversing. Eric Jones and Soheil Levy were very helpful representing me and getting me to a reasonable outcome. They were always available to answer any questions or concerns I had, and were very honest when presenting my options. I will be keeping them for any further representation I may need in the future. Thanks, Team.

Martin Avelar

“I was young and naïve and had sex with a girl that I went to school with. She had a boyfriend and when she was confronted by her parents about where she had been, she told them and the police that I had raped her. I was looking at being in custody for 10 years prior to retaining Wallin & Klarich...

Past ClientCalifornia Open Carry Gun Laws - Penal Code 26350 PC (69)

Not a client, but I know many people (personally) who work at WK and I can easily say that they all TRULY care about their clients and operate with their best interests in mind. I've seen some of the negative reviews on here (many of them blatantly fake) and, from an unbiased perspective who's heard both sides of the story, I can full-heartedly say that I have yet to see a single review that is justified. As with any business, there may be accounting errors at times or other administrative errors, but they are the exception, not the rule.As a rule, Wallin and Klarich is full of hard working, passionate, intelligent people who truly care about their clients and the work they do. Even when they aren't working, they are talking about law and ways to better their clients. I can't and won't speak on any other firms' behalf, but as for WK, they have great workers and produce great outcomes. I do and will continue to trust them. If I ever have any legal issues (knock on wood) they will 100% be the firm representing me.

Austin Greenly

“I would like to thank you for all your help. To say the least, this was a very traumatic period in my life. I was facing two situations in two courts. You were able to explain everything to me and work closely with the courts to get me through this trying period. Initially, I knew I was facing lo...

Past ClientCalifornia Open Carry Gun Laws - Penal Code 26350 PC (70)

“I was charged and convicted of a serious felony years ago. After the conviction, I turned my life around. I found that the conviction on my record was preventing me from seizing opportunities that came my way.I contacted Wallin & Klarich, and met with attorney Rastin Ashtiani. He went ove...

Past ClientCalifornia Open Carry Gun Laws - Penal Code 26350 PC (71)

I was arrested for a DUI with injury from traffic collision. I sought the services of Wallin & Klarich for representation. Because this accident involved alcohol and injuries, I was facing a felony charge, which could have placed me in state prison. My blood alcohol level came back at 0.06%. My ...

Past ClientCalifornia Open Carry Gun Laws - Penal Code 26350 PC (72)

Thank you for the excellent professional service you provided in my case. The attorney was easy to talk too and listened to my concerns and discussed and answered them with straight forward information. I was very thankful for your honesty. I am extremely pleased with the outcome.It really does ...

Past ClientCalifornia Open Carry Gun Laws - Penal Code 26350 PC (73)

Wallin & Klarich aren't just great defense attorneys, they are a team of defense experts who not only understand your case and what your going through, they understand what your family and loved ones go through. I trust Stephen Klarich and his team 1000%, you should too. Don't settle for anythingless than the best, trust me, you can't afford to.

Paul S

“I was arrested for misdemeanor petty theft. I hired Wallin and Klarich to represent me. Due to my attorney’s reputation in the court, she was able to explain to the District Attorney that I made a mistake and have never done anything like this before and would never do this in the future. A mis...

Past ClientCalifornia Open Carry Gun Laws - Penal Code 26350 PC (74)

“I was taken into custody after failing to report to my felony probation officer for an entire year. The judge almost sent me to state prison on my last visit to court, so I was afraid he would keep his promise and send me to state prison. After my attorney met with the Judge and the District Atto...

Past ClientCalifornia Open Carry Gun Laws - Penal Code 26350 PC (75)

“I got a DUI and was on active military duty, I live and travel out of state a lot and therefore needed someone to appear for me and take care of this matter. I hired Wallin & Klarich and Attorney Andrei F. Lapine to handle my case and I didn’t have to be present at all, which saved me tons ...

Past ClientCalifornia Open Carry Gun Laws - Penal Code 26350 PC (76)

Wallin and Klarich live up to their word. I don’t know what I would have done without the help of my attorney, Solheil Levy. He was very knowledgeable and helped alleviate a lot of my fears. Everyone I talked to at the firm listened to what I had to say and were very helpful and attentive. They got back to me in a timely manner. Sol understood about how trying some matters can be and was willing to work with me to get the results that I wanted, and that’s exactly what I got.

Nina M

I was very pleased with this Law Firm and the service provided to me! They had very reasonable pricing as far as the Retainer cost went, especially for everything that was taken care of on my expungement of past cases. A huge thanks to Patrick and the rest of the Firm! I would absolutely recommend them to anyone.

Chris Fordham

My experience with this lawfirm has been a 100000/10! Truly an amazing team. The attorneys really care and listen.

benjamin cruz

Thank you so very much for taking on my case and for doing such an incredible job reducing the felony burglary charge to a misdemeanor! My experience with your professional representation could not have gone any better, and I truly appreciate all the time and effort you put into this case. I will de...

Past ClientCalifornia Open Carry Gun Laws - Penal Code 26350 PC (77)

Soheil Levy saved my job and my family. I’m so thankful that he got my felony charges dismissed. Great attorney and totally recommend him.

Michael McCoy

“I was involved in a domestic incident with my girlfriend, which included a charge of child endangerment. I hired the offices of Wallin & Klarich to represent me. In the very first pre-trial the lawyers of Wallin & Klarich presented my case to the District Attorney and the Judge and the ca...

Past ClientCalifornia Open Carry Gun Laws - Penal Code 26350 PC (78)

Matthew Wallin helped me navigate my case. He answered all of my emails and questions In a timely manner. I would highly recommend Matthew to any of my family and friends.

Pandra Beecroft

They do excellent work, accurate and to the point. I would highly recommend them.

Francisco “Cisco” Ramirez

“I retained the services of Wallin & Klarich after I was arrested for battery in May 2000 in Pasadena, California. I met with my attorney to discuss my case and found him to be honest, highly professional as well as very personable. He discussed my case with me thoroughly and I left his office...

Past ClientCalifornia Open Carry Gun Laws - Penal Code 26350 PC (79)

Great service, fast, professional with awesome communication. Would definitely use them again.

Aniceto Gonzales Jr

I recently had to face being convicted with a second DUI. Anyone would agree that dealing with the court system can be daunting, over whelming and intimidating. Immediately after speaking with lawyers at W&K law about my case, I felt a huge sense of relief . They took care of everything for me and I didn’t even have to show up to court like I did in my previous case . John-Patrick Mullen-Luhan took care of my case , and made sure to always be available for my calls and questions during the stressful time. He was extremely patient , and took his time explaining and re explaining any concerns I had . I truly felt like he and the team at W&K Law care, and that’s the type of support one needs when dealing with situations such as these . They also helped lighten the load of my penalties compared to others I know of in the same situation . If you are looking for a lawyer for DUI , I highly recommend .

Kiersten Hall

“I was charged with a misdemeanor battery. Wallin & Klarich lawyers fought to keep me out of jail. I am glad they did. I am pleased to have been represented by such hard working lawyers. Wallin & Klarich have assembled the best talent of lawyers.”– T.M....

Past ClientCalifornia Open Carry Gun Laws - Penal Code 26350 PC (80)

“I was facing three serious drug charges out of Whittier. The most aggravating about my situation was that I had previously been given diversion on an earlier case. Thus, I was facing a full year in county jail. Wallin & Klarich was able to work out a deal to get me into another diversion prog...

Past ClientCalifornia Open Carry Gun Laws - Penal Code 26350 PC (81)

“I was charged with three felonies: possession for sales, transportation, and cultivation of marijuana. Due to the persistence of Wallin & Klarich, all charges were dismissed against me. I am grateful to Wallin & Klarich and would recommend them to anyone else who is facing criminal charge...

Past ClientCalifornia Open Carry Gun Laws - Penal Code 26350 PC (82)

I was charged with petty theft for allegedly stealing merchandise from a major Orange County California department store. Words cannot describe the level of anxiety that came over me when I was contacted by Loss Prevention and then the Police, who arrested me. My mind was racing about the devastatin...

Past ClientCalifornia Open Carry Gun Laws - Penal Code 26350 PC (83)

“I was arrested and charged with Driving Under the Influence of Alcohol (DUI). I had never been in trouble before and I wasn’t sure what to do or expect. My lawyer walked me through each step of the process and always kept me informed. The charges reduced to Reckless Driving and I was able to ke...

Past ClientCalifornia Open Carry Gun Laws - Penal Code 26350 PC (84)

“Wallin & Klarich attorneys are the best. I was facing two serious felony possession charges, and I received a treatment program only and no prison time. Due to their tremendous efforts, I have been given the chance to turn my life around. Thank you Wallin & Klarich with all my heart.”...

Past ClientCalifornia Open Carry Gun Laws - Penal Code 26350 PC (85)

I was arrested and charged with several felony counts of fraud, forgery, and identity theft. I had been incarcerated for over two months, and needed a qualified attorney to help me out of my horrible situation. I was facing several years in prison and did not know when or if I was going to be releas...

Past ClientCalifornia Open Carry Gun Laws - Penal Code 26350 PC (86)

“I was placed on 3 years probation out of Whittier Court. I needed to terminate probation early and have my case expunged before my work found out about it. I hired an attorney from Wallin & Klarich and he was able to terminate my probation early and my case expunged. Thanks again Wallin &...

Past ClientCalifornia Open Carry Gun Laws - Penal Code 26350 PC (87)

“When I was charged with assault I knew I had serious problems. So I hired the law firm of Wallin & Klarich to represent me. Due to my ongoing medical problems, the case was dragged on for a long time. After several months, my attorney was able to convince the District Attorney’s office to s...

Past ClientCalifornia Open Carry Gun Laws - Penal Code 26350 PC (88)

“I was charged with DUI with a refusal allegation and a vandalism charge. I was facing mandatory jail time. I could have easily been sent to county jail for 45 days. Wallin & Klarich was able to work with the prosecutors and expose the weaknesses of their case. This allowed them to plea bargai...

Past ClientCalifornia Open Carry Gun Laws - Penal Code 26350 PC (89)

“I was arrested for a DUI warrant and I hired Wallin & Klarich to represent me. The District Attorney wanted to send me to State Prison for up to 3 years. After Wallin & Klarich looked at all the police reports and paperwork in my file, they found that this warrant was over 2 years old. Th...

Past ClientCalifornia Open Carry Gun Laws - Penal Code 26350 PC (90)

I was arrested and charged with a first time DUI. I was facing possible jail time and losing my license. I hired the law offices of Wallin & Klarich to assist me with my case in Riverside Court. They were able to negotiate with the district attorney and get the DUI charge dismissed and reduced t...

Past ClientCalifornia Open Carry Gun Laws - Penal Code 26350 PC (91)

“My son was charged with several misdemeanor counts and for violating probations for a domestic violence case. He was looking at one year in jail but thanks to my lawyer at Wallin & Klarich he was able to get credited time served and released back to my home where he belongs. This is a great r...

Past ClientCalifornia Open Carry Gun Laws - Penal Code 26350 PC (92)

“I was charged with a domestic violence case and was also facing a probation violation. My attorney at Wallin & Klarich was able to get my case dismissed. I am very pleased with my results.”-N.Q....

Past ClientCalifornia Open Carry Gun Laws - Penal Code 26350 PC (93)

“I was arrested for being under the influence of narcotics. My job as a truck driver was on jeopardy. Any jail time could have cost me my job, especially because it was my second case. My attorney was able to resolve the case with no jail. I am very pleased with the result Wallin & Klarich got...

Past ClientCalifornia Open Carry Gun Laws - Penal Code 26350 PC (94)

Last year on Mother’s day I was arrested and subsequently charged with a violation of Penal Code 12020(a), possession of a weapon which was a collapsible baton. I turned to the Law Offices of Wallin & Klarich.I met with the attorney, and hired Wallin & Klarich because they appeared to ...

Past ClientCalifornia Open Carry Gun Laws - Penal Code 26350 PC (95)

I was really upset when I was charged with possession for sales of drugs, cultivation and possession of more than $25,000 in drug proceeds. Attorney David E. Wohl worked tirelessly on my case from the day he got it. In the end I will end up with nothing more than a misdemeanor on my record—probati...

Past ClientCalifornia Open Carry Gun Laws - Penal Code 26350 PC (96)

I am grateful for the services provided by Wallin & Klarich and my attorney at this firm. I would recommend them to anyone in my situation.-A.G....

Past ClientCalifornia Open Carry Gun Laws - Penal Code 26350 PC (97)

Paul Wallin and his law team are exceptional defense attorneys. Their unparalleled expertise and dedication shine through in my case. Navigating legal intricacies with precision, they provide myself with top-tier representation. Trustworthy and effective, they stand out as the best choice for anyone seeking a strong defense. Thank you Paul!

Mike Ballantyne

“My husband was arrested for a DUI for having a 0.15 BAC. He was being charged with a 2nd time DUI offense, looking at mandatory jail, a lengthy 18-month alcohol program and stiff fines. His lawyer George Kita filed a MOTION TO SUPRESS all evidence seized as a result of an ILLEGAL TRAFFIC STOP. He...

Past ClientCalifornia Open Carry Gun Laws - Penal Code 26350 PC (98)

“My child was facing jail time even after completing over 15 months of drug rehabilitation classes. We were not trying to avoid punishment, but simply letting my child do the time in a safe environment such as home or a charitable organi...

Past ClientCalifornia Open Carry Gun Laws - Penal Code 26350 PC (99)

I was charged with 3 felony counts of aggravated assault with a deadly weapon and great bodily injury – all serious and violent strikes. I was facing the possibility of many years in prison. My Wallin & Klarich Attorney believed in my innocence and fought hard for my freedom. After fully discu...

Past ClientCalifornia Open Carry Gun Laws - Penal Code 26350 PC (100)

When we needed a law firm to assist our daughter who was facing a serious drug offense, we didn’t know where to turn. Wallin & Klarich provided the professional legal representation and extraordinary guidance that helped my daughter overcome this challenge. I want to take time to thank all the...

Past ClientCalifornia Open Carry Gun Laws - Penal Code 26350 PC (101)

I was going through a child custody dispute and my girlfriend to gain custody of my child, made an allegation that I physically abused her. I hired the law offices of Wallin & Klarich and they assigned an attorney to handle my case. My Wallin & Klarich attorney was able to prove to the distr...

Past ClientCalifornia Open Carry Gun Laws - Penal Code 26350 PC (102)

Excellent and very responsive firm. I worked with Soheil Levy from Wallin and Klarich, he is a very diligent lawyer. He did everything in his power so that my case was not filed. He's always available during calls whenever needed. He explained to me everything I needed to know regarding my situation and continues to monitor my case. I highly appreciate that Mr. Soheil is a straightforward attorney and completely understands what he is doing.

julio cabrera

“I plead guilty to possession of a controlled substance and received the PC 1000 drug program. However, I had a relapse and because I had been terminated from the program once before, the Judge was going to sentence me to 90 days in custody. Going to jail would have caused extreme hardship on my f...

Past ClientCalifornia Open Carry Gun Laws - Penal Code 26350 PC (103)

I want to thank you for your excellent representation in my probation violation matter. When I called your office for advice, I was facing almost guaranteed jail time on probation violations for my drug possession convection. Due to my attorney’s excellent representation at the probation violation...

Past ClientCalifornia Open Carry Gun Laws - Penal Code 26350 PC (104)

I was accused of Hit and Run, wherein my vehicle collided with another vehicle, and I did not stop to exchange information with the other driver. I did not realize at the time that this offense could carry a sentence of six months in jail and $1,000.00 fine. I called the offices of Wallin & Klarich ...

Past ClientCalifornia Open Carry Gun Laws - Penal Code 26350 PC (105)

“I had a 0.14 BAC through a blood test. My lawyer at Wallin & Klarich was able to get me reduced charges by showing a chain of custody problems. Needless to say I am very pleased with my representation by Wallin & Klarich. I will recommend them to all my friends.”-G. B. J....

Past ClientCalifornia Open Carry Gun Laws - Penal Code 26350 PC (106)

I was charged with driving with a suspended license (Vehicle Code x14601) with two prior convictions. I could have served more then 30 days in jail because of the new crime and my prior record. In addition, I was still on probation for the prior crimes and if I was found guilty or had to plea to a c...

Past ClientCalifornia Open Carry Gun Laws - Penal Code 26350 PC (107)

“I John B. was accused of a misdemeanor charge of assault and battery charges. The attorneys of Wallin & Klarich presented my case in the best light to the court and negotiate with the District Attorney. In the end my charges were DISMISSED. Without the expert advice and guidance of Wallin &am...

Past ClientCalifornia Open Carry Gun Laws - Penal Code 26350 PC (108)

“I was accused of felony domestic violence with injury and faced up to three years in state prison. The attorneys of Wallin & Klarich moved aggressively to present my case in the best light to the court and negotiate with the District Attorney. In the end my felony domestic violence charge was...

Past ClientCalifornia Open Carry Gun Laws - Penal Code 26350 PC (109)

I was accused of a misdemeanor because of the unauthorized possession of a syringe that contained Methamphetamine. Due to my prior convictions, which caused me to go to State Prison, I was ineligible for any drug programs. I was facing about 90 days or more of jail time. The attorneys of Wallin &a...

Past ClientCalifornia Open Carry Gun Laws - Penal Code 26350 PC (110)

My son was charged with two felonies, (1) felony drug charge (possession for sale) and (2) felony weapon charge (possession of an assault weapon). Based on the severity of the charges and my son’s extensive criminal record, it appeared an extended state prison sentence was inevitable. My son was f...

Past ClientCalifornia Open Carry Gun Laws - Penal Code 26350 PC (111)

“I was facing charges of domestic violence. A conviction for domestic violence would ruin my chances of becoming a United States Citizen. I contacted the law offices of Wallin & Klarich and they quickly contacted the prosecutor’s office. Wallin & Klarich arranged a pre-filing hearing wit...

Past ClientCalifornia Open Carry Gun Laws - Penal Code 26350 PC (112)

“I was facing four counts of driving on a suspended license, all of which became warrants. In addition I had four traffic violations which were also warrants. Wallin & Klarich was able to have all charges against me dismissed. I didn’t have to pay a fine, community service or go to jail. I a...

Past ClientCalifornia Open Carry Gun Laws - Penal Code 26350 PC (113)

“After Wallin & Klarich fought a probation violation for me and got it dismissed, I hired Wallin & Klarich again to file a motion to modify my probation. They filed a formal motion with the Court. The District Attorney handling the case opposed the motion. However, Wallin & Klarich arg...

Past ClientCalifornia Open Carry Gun Laws - Penal Code 26350 PC (114)

“I was originally charged with Exhibition of Speed by a Temecula police officer. But then the District Attorney raised the charges to Reckless Driving and I hired Wallin & Klarich to help me. After several meetings with the District Attorney’s Office, Wallin & Klarich was able to have th...

Past ClientCalifornia Open Carry Gun Laws - Penal Code 26350 PC (115)

Stephen Klarich was successful in obtaining an internet exclusion for me (the removal of my picture and personal information from the sex offender website). My name and face was plastered all over the internet for everyone to see causing great havoc in my life I was asked to leave jobs, stores, rest...

Past ClientCalifornia Open Carry Gun Laws - Penal Code 26350 PC (116)

Thankful for the help that they provided. Really went beyond what I could hope for!

Joey Gonzalez

Sol did a terrific job.

Brad Wind

“I was charged with child abuse, and a misdemeanor complaint was filed against me. I proclaimed my innocence and entered a plea of NOT GULITY. I sought the services of the Wallin & Klarich law firm who willingly took on my case. The firm provided me with the best counsel on their staff. My Wal...

Past ClientCalifornia Open Carry Gun Laws - Penal Code 26350 PC (117)

I received a letter in the mail from the District Attorney’s office informing me that I was being charged with sexual battery against a woman I was seeing. Needless to say I was distraught over the entire ordeal. Here I was facing a year in jail and if convicted, I would have to register as a sex ...

Past ClientCalifornia Open Carry Gun Laws - Penal Code 26350 PC (118)

“I was arrested for possession of Methamphetamine while on probation. The maximum sentence was four years in prison and a minimum sentence of two years eight months in prison. The attorneys of Wallin & Klarich moved aggressively to present my case to the District Attorney and Judge. I received...

Past ClientCalifornia Open Carry Gun Laws - Penal Code 26350 PC (119)

Alexander Tran assistant was amazing to work with . He was always helpful and informative with questions pertaining to my case . Mr Klarich is a very experienced and knowledgeable attorney. Would highly recommend this law firm for legal needs .

Juan Guerrero

Got a call back the same day I inquired about my case from Mr. Wallin himself who offered me a huge amount of valuable advice. He was extremely kind, knowledgeable, and it was clear he wasn’t trying to sell the firm’s services — he simply wanted to provide the best advice for the best outcome for his clients. Cannot recommend this firm enough.

Griffin Chen

I am writing to talk about our experience with Wallin & Klarich. We are extremely thankful for the outstanding legal representation your firm provided for our son, S.H.E.Last week we were in the Bakersfield Superior Court before Judge Stuart. The District Attorney claimed that SH should be s...

Past ClientCalifornia Open Carry Gun Laws - Penal Code 26350 PC (120)

“When I came into your office, I was facing a new drug case and a probation violation on my old drug case. The Judge on the old case had told me that I was facing 180 days in county just on probation violation. I knew I would be looking at another 180 days for the new case. Not only would a year i...

Past ClientCalifornia Open Carry Gun Laws - Penal Code 26350 PC (121)

“I was arrested for theft totaling more than $400.00. A theft conviction on my record after 17 years of employment could have affected my future employment opportunities. My lawyer was able to resolve my case for a trespass. I am very pleased with my representation by my lawyer at Wallin & Kla...

Past ClientCalifornia Open Carry Gun Laws - Penal Code 26350 PC (122)

“I knew I was well represented but the NOT GUILTY jury trial verdict in Los Angeles County just reinforced my praise for my lawyer at Wallin & Klarich. We went up against the governments senior criminalist and a 14 years veteran of the CHP who qualified as a Drug Recognition Expert and still w...

Past ClientCalifornia Open Carry Gun Laws - Penal Code 26350 PC (123)

Wallin and Klarich is a great lawfirm. They helped me with a difficult case. They were quick and honest, which I really appreciated, and most importantly they helped me out. Great great firm.

Dulce Cortez

I would like to sincerely thank you for helping me with obtaining my Certificate of Rehabilitation. I now realize the importance of obtaining a law firm that has years of experience in criminal law. The way the package was organized and presented to the presiding judge was very impressive to me....

Past ClientCalifornia Open Carry Gun Laws - Penal Code 26350 PC (124)

Dear Wallin & Klarich Attorney:Wallin and Klarich provided excellent service when my 18-year-old son was arrested for a DUI. Their dedication to insuring that my son received a second chance at being a responsible, productive adult was impressive, to say the least. As a mother, it means the ...

Past ClientCalifornia Open Carry Gun Laws - Penal Code 26350 PC (125)

I am submitting this letter and the enclosed gift as a token of gratitude to my son’s attorney [from Wallin & Klarich]. My son was charged with two counts of driving under the influence and reckless driving. He was facing at least 60 days in the Orange County Juvenile Detention Facility. After thr...

Past ClientCalifornia Open Carry Gun Laws - Penal Code 26350 PC (126)

“Our son was looking at some serious time. He was looking at the California Youth Authority for escaping camp and for picking up a new offense. His lawyer at Wallin & Klarich was able to keep him from going to the CYA. He was also able to get his juvenile case terminated. We could not have ask...

Past ClientCalifornia Open Carry Gun Laws - Penal Code 26350 PC (127)

I am writing this to express my sincere thanks to your firm, and specifically your attorney Tim Mulhere for representing me in my criminal case. Your staff is knowledgeable and very efficient at what they do. I was treated with respect and felt like I was a priority at your office. You answered all ...

Past ClientCalifornia Open Carry Gun Laws - Penal Code 26350 PC (128)

“When I went to your office, I was looking at some serious jail time. I had two prior DUI convictions and was facing my third in front of an especially tough Judge in Whittier. I was told that I would be spending at least 6 months in jail. I am a person with special needs and could not survive tha...

Past ClientCalifornia Open Carry Gun Laws - Penal Code 26350 PC (129)

"My wife and I wish to thank you all for your efforts on behalf of our Grandson, William J. Marsh over the last six months. Both Bill and our Granddaughter Deborah have kept us informed of the progress that was being made and reassured us of their confidence in your ability to provide him the best d...

Past ClientCalifornia Open Carry Gun Laws - Penal Code 26350 PC (130)

“I would like to tell you that I really appreciate the work my attorney did on my case. My wife had been haunted for years by a very serious crime in her past. She had been arrested for possession of a controlled substance for sale. It was my understanding that the minimum sentence for this charge...

Past ClientCalifornia Open Carry Gun Laws - Penal Code 26350 PC (131)

I was pleased with the time, efficiency and the communication in which they handled my cases. They took their time in explaining the process case by case. Finally, they got the job done with expunging the cases I needed. Alex took most of the ownership with communicating back to me and I appreciate it so much.

Henry Diaz

I am writing to let you know how impressed I was with the employees of Wallin & Klarich. From my initial phone call to your law firm, throughout both the civil and criminal trials, and a follow-up call to see how my son was doing after the verdict, your employees remained consistent in her abili...

Past ClientCalifornia Open Carry Gun Laws - Penal Code 26350 PC (132)

“I had a $30,000 arrest warrant for a DUI probation violation, and I was looking at the possibility of jail. Wallin & Klarich was able to recall the warrant and reinstate my probation without jail. What a relief. Wallin & Klarich was a good investment. Thank you for keeping me out of jail....

Past ClientCalifornia Open Carry Gun Laws - Penal Code 26350 PC (133)

“On March 4, 2000, I was arrested for my second DUI in seven years. I tested for a 0.17 Blood alcohol level. I was concerned about having to serve jail time, having to install the breathalizer machine in my car and having an expensive fines and a lengthy 18 months state mandated program.Thanks...

Past ClientCalifornia Open Carry Gun Laws - Penal Code 26350 PC (134)

“I was very pleased with my legal representation. I was charged with driving under the influence and for damaging prison property. My attorney got me a nonalcoholic related charge. I did not have to do the alcohol classes. He also got me a NOT GUILTY finding by way of a Court Trial on the allegati...

Past ClientCalifornia Open Carry Gun Laws - Penal Code 26350 PC (135)

I was arrested and charged with driving under the influence. I took a blood test, which the police claimed was 0.15. I retained the Law offices of Wallin & Klarich to represent me. My attorney fought for me, he was aggressive and knowledgeable with the issues surrounding my DUI case and ultimate...

Past ClientCalifornia Open Carry Gun Laws - Penal Code 26350 PC (136)

“I truly feel the need to express my gratitude to and my appreciation for Mr. Matt Wallin, Esq., regarding his expertise, ability and effort on my behalf.Although the doctor had grossly over prescribed me, none the less, I was arrested and charged for California Vehicle Code 23152(a) – DUI D...

Past ClientCalifornia Open Carry Gun Laws - Penal Code 26350 PC (137)

“One day out of the blue I was arrested for a crime. I was accused of being a fugitive from justice. The District Attorneys office said that I fled another state to avoid prosecution for a crime I supposedly committed there. The governor of that state was asking California to extradite me. When I ...

Past ClientCalifornia Open Carry Gun Laws - Penal Code 26350 PC (138)

“I hired Wallin & Klarich to defend me when I was charged with burglary, forgery, and illegal possession of a weapon. I stopped the check transactions of the payments I made to a few different cosmetic doctors, who had been negligent and incompetent in the procedures that I received. I was bas...

Past ClientCalifornia Open Carry Gun Laws - Penal Code 26350 PC (139)

“My Wallin & Klarich attorney stood up for me and by my side through the entire DUI process. His legal representation through the judicial system got my license back, when the police had not conducted the chemical test of my blood (BAC) properly.Without my Wallin & Klarich attorney I w...

Past ClientCalifornia Open Carry Gun Laws - Penal Code 26350 PC (140)

“I was on probation for DUI and I was arrested for a second DUI. On the following night I was arrested again for DUI, which would make it my third DUI. I hired Wallin & Klarich to handle my cases. Because of my prior DUI and my blood alcohol level, I was facing a mandatory minimum jail sentence of...

Past ClientCalifornia Open Carry Gun Laws - Penal Code 26350 PC (141)

“My husband and I received a shock recently when our son was arrested for starting a fire at a state park. But our shock turned into horror when he was charged with felony arson. We immediately hired the Law Firm of Wallin & Klarich. After a review of the evidence, Wallin & Klarich had a s...

Past ClientCalifornia Open Carry Gun Laws - Penal Code 26350 PC (142)

“I came into Wallin & Klarich because my other attorney told me I was facing 60 days of mandatory jail time. I have three kids and a house mortgage, I could not handle going away for that long. Wallin & Klarich was able to negotiate with the prosecutors and get me NO JAIL TIME whatsoever. ...

Past ClientCalifornia Open Carry Gun Laws - Penal Code 26350 PC (143)

"Thank you so very much for the wonderful work you did for my son. I appriciate all that you are doing to help us. I didnt really get a chance to say thank you when we left court. I hope you know that your truly appriciated."– D.C....

Past ClientCalifornia Open Carry Gun Laws - Penal Code 26350 PC (144)

I was sent a notice to appear on a hit and run case in Riverside. I hired Wallin & Klarich to represent me. A Wallin & Klarich attorney was assigned to handle my case. The WK attorney was able to negotiate my case with the District Attorney and get them to agree to a Civil Compromise which d...

Past ClientCalifornia Open Carry Gun Laws - Penal Code 26350 PC (145)

When I found myself suddenly in need of legal representation, I looked everywhere and interviewed 7 different lawyers before I decided on Soheil Levy. One of these 7 lawyers told me that Wallin & Klarich is a good law firm, but “it depends on who you get as a lawyer.” Fortunately for me, I got Soheil Levy. Some of these lawyers used scare tactics and were not forthright, but Soheil was straight-forward and transparent.None of these 7 high-powered, brand named lawyers caught a critical mistake the opposing side made in their written statement. When Mr. Levy caught it, I knew he was smarter than the others. I noticed his ability to quickly capture complex information and extract pertinent parts and distill it for his clients. That quality made me breathe a sigh of relief.I found him to be knowledgeable and confident, and this confidence transferred to me when I was convinced that he knew his stuff. It lifted a great weight off of my shoulders and removed most of the burden off of me. He knows the law well enough to offer optional pathways to take. It can be a very personal decision on the choices to make in a legal situation, and Mr. Levy offered both alternatives along with his most prudent advice, which is what people want when in legal trouble.Importantly, Soheil has been a real comfort in knowing that I could lean on him when I was afraid, and count on him to provide me with the best results. I can imagine how difficult it can be to cater to clients but Soheil Levy has an unusual knack for providing exceptional service and expertise. I really felt like he was a reliable person in whom I could confide all the details of my case.Most of all, he is thorough. In a short amount of time, he assessed my situation and offered me choices so that I understood my situation. I trust him, and if any of my friends have a legal concern, I would point them in Soheil Levy’s direction.


“I would like to tell you just how much I appreciate all you did for me. I was charged with 3 serious felonies involving Grand Theft and Commercial Burglary. I was facing serious jail time and felony probation for 5 years. I don’t know how you did it but you were able to dismiss all the felonies...

Past ClientCalifornia Open Carry Gun Laws - Penal Code 26350 PC (146)

“I received an OTHER THAN HONORABLE DISCHARGE from the Military as a result of a positive urinalysis while I was a reservist. This category of discharge effected my ability to get work and generally acted as a black mark on my record. As a result I hired the law offices of Wallin & Klarich who...

Past ClientCalifornia Open Carry Gun Laws - Penal Code 26350 PC (147)

“I was arrested on a warrant that stemmed from alleged crimes that had occurred approximately 10 years ago. These charges could have placed me in State Prison for up to 6 years. I hired Wallin & Klarich. Wallin & Klarich argued to the District Attorney that my right to a speedy trial had b...

Past ClientCalifornia Open Carry Gun Laws - Penal Code 26350 PC (148)

“I was charged with a DUI and due to a prior DUI conviction, I faced the harsh reality of serving significant time in county jail. Without a doubt, I was worried and scared. I hired the law firm of Wallin and Klarich and my attorney David R. Cohn quickly got to work in resolving my case with the b...

Past ClientCalifornia Open Carry Gun Laws - Penal Code 26350 PC (149)

“Prior to retaining the services of Wallin & Klarich, I was convicted of statutory rape, which subjected me to automatic deportation. I retained the services of Wallin & Klarich to set aside conviction and to avoid deportation. The attorneys of Wallin & Klarich moved aggressively to pr...

Past ClientCalifornia Open Carry Gun Laws - Penal Code 26350 PC (150)

“I was charged with spousal abuse against my girlfriend. Because I was on parole I faced a parole violation as well as up to one year in jail. Thanks to the services of Mrs. Garcia at Wallin & Klarich the charges were dismissed against me. I would recommend Wallin & Klarich to anyone in a ...

Past ClientCalifornia Open Carry Gun Laws - Penal Code 26350 PC (151)

This place really cares about their clients. Great work with reasonable prices.


I was stopped for driving without a license. I had priors of the same charge. I knew it was highly possible I was facing jail time. I hired Wallin & Klarich to handle my case. My attorney went to court and fought for me. He was able to get me no jail time at all. My Wallin & Klarich attorney...

Past ClientCalifornia Open Carry Gun Laws - Penal Code 26350 PC (152)

Very happy with the workWallin and klarich law firm did for meEspecially thanks to my attorney Gregory BalderramaExcellent representation very happy with the outstanding results I got in my caseIt changed my life around thank you so much

Jose Ibarra

“The police arrested me for possession of 4 ounces of heroin and for other illegal drug violations. The District Attorney charged me with possession and transportation of heroin for the purpose of sale and for possession of Cocaine for the purpose of sale as well. I was facing a minimum of three y...

Past ClientCalifornia Open Carry Gun Laws - Penal Code 26350 PC (153)

“I truly feel the need to express my gratitude to and my appreciation for Mr. Matt Wallin, Esq., regarding his expertise, ability and effort on my behalf.Although the doctor had grossly over prescribed me, none the less, I was arrested and charged for California Vehicle Code 23152(a) – DUI D...

Past ClientCalifornia Open Carry Gun Laws - Penal Code 26350 PC (154)

“I had a bench warrant out for my arrest and was charged with driving under the influence and false impersonation. My Wallin & Klarich attorney immediately recalled the bench warrant and presented my case in the best light to the District Attorney’s Office. The result was a complete dismissa...

Past ClientCalifornia Open Carry Gun Laws - Penal Code 26350 PC (155)

“I was under 21 years old and was cited for driving under the influence of alcohol. I knew what I did was wrong, but I did not know the full consequence of my actions. I learned that if either the DMV or the court find a person under 21 years of age driving with a blood alcohol level over 0.08% th...

Past ClientCalifornia Open Carry Gun Laws - Penal Code 26350 PC (156)

“I was arrested and charged with six felony counts and facing 34 years in state prison because of sexual child abuse accusations. A rape conviction would have required me to register as a sex offender for a lifetime. My lawyer fought the case from start to finish. During the course of my case, he ...

Past ClientCalifornia Open Carry Gun Laws - Penal Code 26350 PC (157)

“My child was facing jail time even after completing over 15 months of drug rehabilitation classes. We were not trying to avoid his punishment, but rather we were trying to have our child do the time in a safe environment, such as home or a charitable organization. The only way to avoid incarcerat...

Past ClientCalifornia Open Carry Gun Laws - Penal Code 26350 PC (158)

I was arrested for allegedly hitting my wife, I had a prior for the same count, and I was facing jail time. I hired Wallin & Klarich to represent me. My attorney, fought the case hard for me, he never once tried to get me to plead guilty. Thanks to his help the case was entirely dismissed! No Ja...

Past ClientCalifornia Open Carry Gun Laws - Penal Code 26350 PC (159)

“I was arrested for a DUI with injury from a traffic collision. I sought the services of Wallin & Klarich for representation. My Wallin & Klarich attorney was assigned to handle my case. Because this incident involved alcohol and injuries, I was facing a felony charge which could have plac...

Past ClientCalifornia Open Carry Gun Laws - Penal Code 26350 PC (160)

Thank you to the amazing attorney Clinton Chan who supported a loved one during some difficult times. Clinton and the team always went above and beyond answering all questions and concerns. Definitely recommend!

Daisy Serrato

“I was arrested for hit and run and possession of cocaine. A family friend was represented by Wallin & Klarich in the past and they urged me to call them to help me. My family called Wallin & Klarich and arranged to have them represent me in court. My attorney appeared on my first court da...

Past ClientCalifornia Open Carry Gun Laws - Penal Code 26350 PC (161)

I, Juan Flores, was very pleased with the services I received from WALLIN & KLARICH regarding my recent criminal matter.My Wallin & Klarich Attorney handled the matter with professionalism and his dealings with the district attorney was to my satisfaction. My attorney was able to negotia...

Past ClientCalifornia Open Carry Gun Laws - Penal Code 26350 PC (162)

“I was arrested on a five year old warrant for a hit and run. The District Attorney charged me with Felony hit and run. I hired Wallin & Klarich to represent me. The initial court appearance they offered my attorney was a misdemeanor with 3 years probation and 30 days jail. She rejected their ...

Past ClientCalifornia Open Carry Gun Laws - Penal Code 26350 PC (163)

I was arrested for driving under the influence and being under the influence of a controlled substance. I went into court the first day and the District Attorney’s Office offered 120 days in Orange County Jail. Then I hired [a Wallin & Klarich attorney]. After one appearance, [he] reduced the ...

Past ClientCalifornia Open Carry Gun Laws - Penal Code 26350 PC (164)

"I’m writing to thank you for the outstanding legal work you did on my son’s assault case. Bill and I are both extremely pleased with the final outcome and thank you for the significant efforts made in his defense. During my career as a worker’s compensation manager for a large aerospace corpo...

Past ClientCalifornia Open Carry Gun Laws - Penal Code 26350 PC (165)

“I want to say that I am pleased to have been represented by Wallin & Klarich. My attorney represented me in a DUI during a very difficulty time for me. He managed to get my refusal allegations stricken to help me avoid jail. For that I am pleased and will recommend Wallin & Klarich to my ...

Past ClientCalifornia Open Carry Gun Laws - Penal Code 26350 PC (166)

“I, Samantha W., was charged with two counts of commercial burglary and one count of forgery. My maximum exposure was three years in jail. Thanks to Wallin & Klarich the charges were reduced to petty theft with no jail time. Instead of going to jail, I was ordered to complete community service...

Past ClientCalifornia Open Carry Gun Laws - Penal Code 26350 PC (167)

“I was arrested and charged with various felony drug crimes and one count of disorderly conduct. I was facing the possibility of going to prison. Therefore, after searching for law firms with experience in drug cases, I hired Wallin & Klarich to assist me with my case. My attorney was able to ...

Past ClientCalifornia Open Carry Gun Laws - Penal Code 26350 PC (168)

“I was charged with multiple felony counts. I was concerned about going to jail on my case. My attorney fought really hard to get me a good result. I was exposed to 4 years 8 months state prison. My lawyer was able to convince both the prosecutor and the Superior Court Judge to allow me to do a ja...

Past ClientCalifornia Open Carry Gun Laws - Penal Code 26350 PC (169)

I was arrested for a DUI. I was facing a possible suspension of my license and possible jail time. I hired Wallin and Klarich to represent for the court proceedings and also the DMV hearing regarding my license. An attorney was assigned to handle my case. She has conducted many hearings with the DMV...

Past ClientCalifornia Open Carry Gun Laws - Penal Code 26350 PC (170)

“Wow! What a result! On April 5, 2000 I was arrested for possession of a controlled substance and a second time DUI. I was facing the possibility of having to register as a narcotics offender, to serve jail time, to complete a lengthy 18-month alcohol program, and to install a breathalyzer device ...

Past ClientCalifornia Open Carry Gun Laws - Penal Code 26350 PC (171)

“Thank you for the wonderful job that you have done on behalf. When I was arrested in May of this year, I was very frightened. I was charged with “assault with a deadly weapon” and if convicted, I was looking at not only a strike (as in three strikes and you’re out) but also some serious jai...

Past ClientCalifornia Open Carry Gun Laws - Penal Code 26350 PC (172)

I would highly recommend Matt Wallin to anyone in need of a good criminal defense in Newport Beach. Along with his partners and investigators at the firmWallin & Klarich,Matt Wallin was able to get my felony case dismissed prior to any charges bei...

Past ClientCalifornia Open Carry Gun Laws - Penal Code 26350 PC (173)

“I was charged with violating California Penal Code Section 261.5 (b) – Unlawful Sexual Intercourse with a Person Under 18 (Statutory Rape). Matthew Wallin explained to me that I was facing a maximum of up to one-year in county jail. Matthew Wallin is a trustworthy, understanding, hardworking an...

Past ClientCalifornia Open Carry Gun Laws - Penal Code 26350 PC (174)

Sometimes you just have to trust in a voice. I did. And it made all the difference.A few days after I was arrested for my second DUI this past January, I flipped open the Yellow Pages to a section I wouldn’t wish on my most loathsome enemy- law firms touting their DUI expertise. The whole proces...

Past ClientCalifornia Open Carry Gun Laws - Penal Code 26350 PC (175)

“I have a neighbor who was harassing me, coming onto my property without permission and riding his bicycle on my property. I was ultimately charged with assault with a deadly weapon but the District Attorney’s office did not file charges until almost two years later. I hired Wallin & Klarich...

Past ClientCalifornia Open Carry Gun Laws - Penal Code 26350 PC (176)

Excellent Results

Duke Le

"My husband and I received a shock recently when our son was arrested for starting a fire at a state park. But our shock turned into horror when he was charged with felony arson. We immediately hired the Law Firm of Wallin & Klarich. After a review of the evidence, Wallin & Klarich had a ser...

Past ClientCalifornia Open Carry Gun Laws - Penal Code 26350 PC (177)

My son was facing serious felony molestation charges in Juvenile Court. We hired a criminal defense attorney of the law firm of Wallin & Klarich to represent my son. It was a very long process, but my Wallin & Klarich attorney was with us throughout each step of the way. At the conclusion, m...

Past ClientCalifornia Open Carry Gun Laws - Penal Code 26350 PC (178)

“I was arrested and charged with petty theft. I was facing up to 6 months in the county jail. A representative from the store indicated that they had me on video attempting to steal over $250.00 worth of merchandise. I had never been in trouble before and I immediately hired the Law Firm of Wallin...

Past ClientCalifornia Open Carry Gun Laws - Penal Code 26350 PC (179)

We had a great experience working with Matthew Wallin. We were going through a difficult time and Matthew was able to come in and calm us down and helped us by clearly answering all of our questions. He was very helpful and patient through the entire process.Matthew is a great attorney and we were glad he was on our side. His knowledge of the different parts of the law was very comprehensive and he was able to put across his arguments in a very articulate manner at the hearing.Overall Matthew helped us navigate this experience in a very dependable way and we would recommend Matthew with many more than the 5 stars allowed.


So since day one I had no idea what would happen and was lost , I called multiple lawyers and everyone seemed allot more interested in making sure I had the money to pay rather than actually giving me any type of feedback on the case I had . Lucky for me I found wallin & klarich who actually took the time to explain things to me and how things work in the courts . They assigned SOHEIL LEVY to my case who to me is a blessing sent from a higher power. Originally if I had no kids I would have not had any issues doing jail time for the firearm charges I was fighting but since I’m a father to 6 wonderful kids I couldn’t afford to leave them alone while I took a vacation behind bars, I couldn’t run the risk of getting locked up and my kids going homeless or hungry cause of my stupid mistake. A true blessing SOHEIL LEVY was able to get me a great outcome by getting me a no jail and 35 days of community service sentence. Thank you for your hard work my kids and I truly appreciate what you did for me.


“I was charged with a felony for fraud, facing incarceration and fines. Additionally, my professional license was going to be revoked if I was found guilty. My Wallin & Klarich attorney never gave up on my case and continued to fight for me. He understood the negative impact a conviction would...

Past ClientCalifornia Open Carry Gun Laws - Penal Code 26350 PC (180)

“I was charged with a domestic violence case and was also facing a probation violation. My attorney at Wallin & Klarich was able to get my case dismissed. I am very pleased with my results.”-N.Q....

Past ClientCalifornia Open Carry Gun Laws - Penal Code 26350 PC (181)

” The San Bernardino County Sheriff’s Department came to my father’s house in response to an anonymous tip of large amounts of drugs being sold there. They indicated that they were there for a different reason and gained access to my house without consent. Then, they proceed to ask for consent...

Past ClientCalifornia Open Carry Gun Laws - Penal Code 26350 PC (182)

“My child was facing jail time even after completing over 15 months of drug rehabilitation classes. We were not trying to avoid punishment, but simply letting my child do the time in a safe environment such as home or a charitable organization. The only way to avoid incarceration was to convince t...

Past ClientCalifornia Open Carry Gun Laws - Penal Code 26350 PC (183)

I was arrested and charged with felony grand theft and embezzlement. I was caught stealing over $3,000 in cash from my employer. I was referred to Attorney Matt Wallin of Wallin & Klarich. After meeting with him, my family and I understood the charges against me, the potential consequences, and ...

Past ClientCalifornia Open Carry Gun Laws - Penal Code 26350 PC (184)

“It has been my extreme pleasure to have had Wallin & Klarich law firm represent me in my legal matters. My attorney did a great job keeping me informed on my concerns due too my case. He handled the situation in a professional manner and explained everything thoroughly as the case went on. So...

Past ClientCalifornia Open Carry Gun Laws - Penal Code 26350 PC (185)

I was arrested and charged with three DUI cases in California all within about one calendar year. I hired the law firm of Wallin & Klarich and Attorney Andrei Lapine handled all of my cases at the DMV. I am happy to say that Mr. Lapine was able to win all three DMV cases for me! Retaining Wallin...

Past ClientCalifornia Open Carry Gun Laws - Penal Code 26350 PC (186)

“I am grateful to the services of Wallin & Klarich. I was facing 60 days in jail for a probation violation. Thanks to Wallin & Klarich I suffered no jail time for my probation violation. I would recommend the law offices of Wallin & Klarich to anyone else in my situation.”-D. C....

Past ClientCalifornia Open Carry Gun Laws - Penal Code 26350 PC (187)

Soheil Levy is a great lawyer. He was reassuring and confident, which put me at ease. He had charges against me dismissed in a city attorney meeting that lasted less than fifteen minutes and made the whole process very easy and relatively painless, asking basically as little of me as possible throughout. I felt like I was well taken care of and there are no charges against me to show for it :)

rhana tabrizi

Here is my story. One day I come home and go to check the mail and to my surprise I have a letter from the DA saying I am being charged with felony possession of a controlled substance, stemming from an accidental overdose 16 months ago. To top it off it stated that I had to appear in court 2 days l...

Past ClientCalifornia Open Carry Gun Laws - Penal Code 26350 PC (188)

I was charged with 3 Felony Counts of Aggravated Assault with a Deadly Weapon and Great Bodily Injury – all serious and violent strikes. I was facing the possibility of many years in prison. My attorney David Cohn believed in my innocence and fought hard for my freedom. After fully discussing the ...

Past ClientCalifornia Open Carry Gun Laws - Penal Code 26350 PC (189)

“I was arrested with four other individuals. Thanks to the services of Wallin & Klarich I received no jail time and a reduction in the charges I faced. The other individuals all were represented by other attorneys and they all received jail time and had to plea to burglary charges. I am extrem...

Past ClientCalifornia Open Carry Gun Laws - Penal Code 26350 PC (190)

“I was charged with driving under the influence when driving from Las Vegas to California. I am a lieutenant in the Navy and was immediately sent to sea; however, prior to leaving I hired the law firm of Wallin & Klarich. While at sea, my attorney and I communicated from email aboard my ship a...

Past ClientCalifornia Open Carry Gun Laws - Penal Code 26350 PC (191)

I highly recommend Wallin and Klarich for their exceptional legal expertise and unwavering support throughout my case. The attorneys demonstrated a deep understanding of laws, providing insightful guidance at every step. Their commitment to my case, coupled with clear communication, resulted in a favorable outcome. I am immensely grateful for their professionalism and would trust them with any legal matter.

Blair London

“I am writing this letter to tell you about Wallin & Klarich. I was arrested for felony burglary and felony domestic violence. I was told I was facing a minimum of 32 months in state prison. My life was never going to be the same. I realized I needed the help from an attorney expert in crimina...

Past ClientCalifornia Open Carry Gun Laws - Penal Code 26350 PC (192)

Today I want to acknowledge my attorney as he has changed our livesJohn-Patric E.LujanWee were the luckiest to have you touch Pedro’s file, your good vibes resonated as you had the right words to convince us to trust you on this matter, but more important it was your back and forth negotiating with our family to stay and finish the MOTION to VACATEI believe that your honesty and voice also engage the DA whom you were negotiating as well , it takes a connector like you to tip justice to the people seeking just procedures. Tipping Point is a book that discusses your character you have something special not easily seen or define yet you have it to make that difference and tipping the point to the exact point where it needs to be. In this case you tipped Pedro’s life and our shared family will thrive freely in this country. He will finish his school and continue to support us and the community. All of my kids prayed today and we all came back to discuss what a difference you have made and to trust the justice systems when it is in your hands. Words don’t exist to show gratitude and appreciation please tell your mother and father that they created the best attorney in the world.I see you in your firm thriving in a community that needs leaders and models like you , YOU MAKE A DIFFERENCE !!!!!!!!

ruth Fraire

They are amazing! They got back to me in minutes regarding any questions that I have and giving legal advice!! Definitely the way to go when looking for trust worthy attorneys!!!

leslie Ramirez

I was charged with driving on a suspended license as a misdemeanor, facing up to six months in jail and $1,000 in fines. Then I hired Wallin & Klarich. My attorney knew the courthouse very well when he found out which judge would be hearing my case, he acted quickly. He was able to convince the ...

Past ClientCalifornia Open Carry Gun Laws - Penal Code 26350 PC (193)

“I was facing state prison time for possession of methamphetamine. I had a prior strike and needed the representation of a great attorney with experience and knowledge pertaining to my case. Thus, I hired Wallin & Klarich to handle my case. Due to my prior strike, the court was required to dou...

Past ClientCalifornia Open Carry Gun Laws - Penal Code 26350 PC (194)

“My uncle was looking at state prison for a repeat felony probation violation out of the Compton Superior Court. I heard the prosecutor keep saying 16 months state prison. I knew then I needed a good lawyer so I hired Wallin & Klarich. My uncle’s lawyer was able to get him in a jail alternat...

Past ClientCalifornia Open Carry Gun Laws - Penal Code 26350 PC (195)

I have a commercial drivers license. I got a ticket for speeding and incorrect lane change they went to court. Dropped it to a parking nonmoving violation. Feel great i chose wallin & klarich

Jeffrey Mendoza

“My son was facing a Petition to send my son to the California Youth Authority for 8 years and 8 months for allegedly violating camp rules by getting into two fights and violating gang terms. Our lawyer at Wallin & Klarich was able to get the case dismissed. No deals, no penalties. We could no...

Past ClientCalifornia Open Carry Gun Laws - Penal Code 26350 PC (196)

I was charged with 10 counts of Penal Code Section 288(a) for lewd and lascivious acts upon two children under the age of 14 years; I was also charged with 6 counts of Penal Code section 288.5 for continual sexual abuse of two children under the age of 14 years. Because of the nature of these crimes...

Past ClientCalifornia Open Carry Gun Laws - Penal Code 26350 PC (197)

I was recommended Wallin and Klarich from Teamsters through work after receiving my first D.u.i. They were very professional and handled everything for me even the Dmv process. My lawyer was John-Patrick E. Mullen-Lujan and he was very helpful with understanding what the court was offering and the trial process making it as less stressful as possible. With John-Patrick E. Mullen-Lujan advising I made the decision to go to trial and my case was dismissed.

Anthony Varelas

“I am writing this letter to thank you for your great effort on my behalf. I was charged with a DUI and an accident and to make things worse, with an allegation that I refused a blood alcohol test. Wallin & Klarich worked hard on my case. I was looking at 45 days in the county jail, but my Wal...

Past ClientCalifornia Open Carry Gun Laws - Penal Code 26350 PC (198)

They beat me ticket 76 in 55 for a semi is serious business. They beat it no points . I’d work with them again very professional and no back and forth.

Dominic Carter

“Thank you so very much for all of your work on my behalf.I was charged with a major felony theft crime. I was certain that I would go to prison for a long time. I received a brochure and letter in the mail from your firm. I felt that the firm would help me in this time of great stress and fea...

Past ClientCalifornia Open Carry Gun Laws - Penal Code 26350 PC (199)

Wallin and Klarich boasts an exceptional and highly proactive team, with its legal professionals demonstrating remarkable prowess. For individuals seeking a legal representation committed to vigorous advocacy, engaging the services of WK Law is highly advisable. Distinguished by the principled stance of its founder, Paul Wallin, this firm refrains from making exaggerated commitments, setting it apart from prevalent practices in the legal sphere. It is important to note that WK Law prioritizes integrity and esteem over facile assurances, which accounts for their enduring 40-year presence in the industry.

Carlos Cortez

My attorney Soheil Levy appeared to my court on time. Before the court started he had a brief meeting with my wife and me regarding my case. He was really attentive to my case, really kind and 100% on it. I really recommend his service. I also want to thank Jackline Iniguez for her help, I really appreciate both of them. And of course he won my case.

Yolanda Torres

“I had a public defender when I started my case. The public defender said I was looking at one year or year and a half jail. I was also looking at substantial fines. My attorney of Wallin & Klarich helped me avoid that offer and saved me substantial money in fines. I will recommend him to all ...

Past ClientCalifornia Open Carry Gun Laws - Penal Code 26350 PC (200)

“I was arrested for domestic violence. I felt that everyone was against me including the Police and the Prosecutors. They all wanted to send me to jail without even hearing my side of the story. This is all before I retained Wallin & Klarich to represent me. My attorney was the only person tha...

Past ClientCalifornia Open Carry Gun Laws - Penal Code 26350 PC (201)

“I sold some furniture, to friend at the time, who later refused to pay the balance owing. I later approached him to discuss the money owed and he started a big fight. I then defended myself. I was arrested for felony assault with a deadly weapon because I won the fight he started when I returned ...

Past ClientCalifornia Open Carry Gun Laws - Penal Code 26350 PC (202)

My son was charged with driving under the influence (DUI) of alcohol; and while this was his first offense, he was charged with a felony DUI with great bodily injury. There was an accident which caused my son’s passenger to get seriously injured as a result of the driving. He had a designated driv...

Past ClientCalifornia Open Carry Gun Laws - Penal Code 26350 PC (203)

Had a great experience working with them. Extremely professional and were always available for any questions i had. Made all my worries go away

Rabih Aboul Hosn

“I was charged with three criminal counts including grand theft concerning $4,500.00. After several court appearances, my attorney at Wallin & Klarich was able to get the case dismissed and helped me avoid any jail time. I am very pleased with my results.”-O. S....

Past ClientCalifornia Open Carry Gun Laws - Penal Code 26350 PC (204)

“I had an argument with my neighbor after she yelled at my son for going into her yard to retrieve his ball. She called the police and advised them that I had assaulted her. I hired Wallin & Klarich to represent me, as I proclaimed my innocence. My attorney at Wallin & Klarich handled my c...

Past ClientCalifornia Open Carry Gun Laws - Penal Code 26350 PC (205)

“I was charged with unlawful sexual intercourse, Penal Code Section 261.5 for having sex with a minor. Substantial evidence, including my confession, proved I committed the crime. The indicated sentence from the court if I plead guilty was 60 days in jail, registration as a sex offender, and four ...

Past ClientCalifornia Open Carry Gun Laws - Penal Code 26350 PC (206)

Shiiiii... I can't speak on what the prices are for hiring them, since I was able to get them thru my Union. The only thing I can say is that if I ever get "accused" of speeding again in Cali, this is the first group of lawyers I'm calling to take care of my problem. Crazy how a "supposed" 72 in a 55 speeding ticket went away and it's all because of you guys. Once again thank you.

Carlos Manzanera

“I got a DUI and was on active military duty, I live and travel out of state a lot and therefore needed someone to appear for me and take care of this matter. I hired Wallin & Klarich and Attorney Andrei F. Lapine to handle my case and I didn’t have to be present at all, which saved me tons ...

Past ClientCalifornia Open Carry Gun Laws - Penal Code 26350 PC (207)

I was charged with misdemeanor vandalism and was uncertain about the consequences, since I have never been in trouble with the law before. I contacted the law firm of Wallin & Klarich and my Wallin & Klarich attorney represented me in my case. My Wallin & Klarich attorney was able to ans...

Past ClientCalifornia Open Carry Gun Laws - Penal Code 26350 PC (208)

Alex & Gregory an the whole team at W&L are the truth!These are excactly the type of individuals you would want fighting for you …they did such an amazing job wit my case.. Always keeping me in the loop, answering any questions i had with wisdom and so glad an greatful i was able to hv them represent me! Some of the best lawyers in california folks look no further i promise you will not regret it!!Thankx again team !

Cameron Daniel

“I was charged with driving under the influence; my blood alcohol level was a 0.19, which is over twice the legal limit. I hired the LAW OFFICES OF Wallin & Klarich to defend me in the court matter and for the DMV hearing. I learned that while the court could have restricted my license for 90 ...

Past ClientCalifornia Open Carry Gun Laws - Penal Code 26350 PC (209)

California Open Carry Gun Laws - Penal Code 26350 PC (2024)


California Open Carry Gun Laws - Penal Code 26350 PC? ›

Penal Code 26350 PC is the specific California statute that makes it a crime to carry an unloaded handgun in a public place openly or in a vehicle. If you're convicted of this crime, you could face up to one year in county jail. It's a crime in California to carry an unloaded firearm in a public place or in a vehicle.

What is the penal code for open carry in California? ›

A charge under PC 26350 under the Open Carry laws of California is a misdemeanor offense. If convicted, you could be sentenced to County Jail for upwards of one year. You would be required to serve at least 50% of that time in custody. You could also be subject to fines upwards of $1,000.

Can you openly carry a gun in California? ›

It is generally illegal in California to carry firearms in public, regardless of whether they are loaded or unloaded, openly carried or concealed. That said, there is an exception that allows counties with populations of less than 200,000 to issue licenses to people to open-carry loaded handguns (not long guns).

What is the PC for carrying a loaded firearm in California? ›

In California, carrying a loaded firearm and not being the registered owner is charged under Penal Code 25850(c)(6) pc[1] making it unlawful to possess a firearm and not be its registered owner.

Is it illegal to carry a firearm in public in California? ›

California law prohibits any person from carrying an exposed and unloaded handgun in a public place or public street, if the place or street is in an incorporated city or city and county, or if it is otherwise unlawful to discharge a weapon in that location.

Why can't you open carry in California? ›

The prohibition to open carry in California also applies to unloaded firearms, so people can't carry any firearms on the street, even if it's an unloaded handgun. Criminals often use firearms - loaded or not - to intimidate civilians, so they are dangerous for other people, too.

Do you have to tell police you have a gun in the car in California? ›

You can exercise your right to remain silent if you are carrying a gun in the car. California is one of the few states in the country with a ban on any type of concealed carry, including in cars. In 2016, a federal court upheld California's concealed cary law.

Can I carry an unloaded gun in my backpack in California? ›

Therefore, even if you conceal carry a gun that is unloaded and inoperable (for example, the firing pin is removed), it is still a violation of Section 25400, and you could theoretically be charged with a crime. The law prohibits you from carrying firearms on your person.

Can you open carry in California with a CCW? ›

Unlike many other US states, it is against the law to carry a gun in public in the state of California without a permit. The law doesn't differentiate between open carry and concealed carry – a permit to carry a concealed weapon, also known as a CCW permit, is required to carry a gun in public at, with few exceptions.

What is a 25850 a PC in California? ›

(a) A person is guilty of carrying a loaded firearm when the person carries a loaded firearm on the person or in a vehicle while in any public place or on any public street in an incorporated city or in any public place or on any public street in a prohibited area of unincorporated territory.

What is the PC for carrying a firearm? ›

It should be noted that Penal Code 25400 only criminalizes the act of carrying a “concealed” firearm. This means if you carry a firearm in plain view, you would be charged with California Penal Code 26350 PC, which makes it a crime to openly carry an unloaded firearm in a public place.

What is the PC for carrying loaded firearm? ›

Definition and Elements of the Crime

There are several restrictions on gun ownership that apply to the time, place and manner in which firearms may be lawfully possessed. One of these restrictions is reflected in California Penal Code Section 25850 PC, which makes it illegal to carry a loaded firearm in public.

Can I take my gun hiking in California? ›

The state law doesn't allow you to open carry within 100 feet of a building or within city limits. If you're hiking, it's likely up to the local jurisdiction. If you're on National Forest land or Bureau of Land Management land where hunting is legal, you're fine.

What is the new gun law in California 2024? ›

The law, which was updated to include more restrictions in 2021 and in 2024, is meant to cut down on straw purchases of guns, in which one person buys a gun for another person who may be legally barred from purchasing it themselves.

Where is CCW not allowed in CA? ›

In California, carrying a concealed weapon in state government buildings and offices is generally prohibited. This includes state courthouses, the State Capitol, and other state-owned properties. These restrictions are in place to ensure the safety of government employees and the public visiting these facilities.

What is the penal code 25850 in California? ›

There are several restrictions on gun ownership that apply to the time, place and manner in which firearms may be lawfully possessed. One of these restrictions is reflected in California Penal Code Section 25850 PC, which makes it illegal to carry a loaded firearm in public.

What is the penal code 26150 in California? ›

PC 26150 authorizes county sheriffs to issue CCW permits; PC 26155, on the other hand, gives that authority to police chiefs in incorporated cities. If you live in an unincorporated area, you'll apply for your CCW at your county sheriff's office.

What is the penal code 25610? ›

Under California Penal Code section 25610, if you are a U.S. citizen, over 18, living permanently or temporarily in California, and lawfully permitted to own a firearm, you are legally allowed to transport a revolver, pistol, or other concealable firearm as long as it is unloaded and in a locked container.

When did California make open carry illegal? ›

Background Since 1967, in California it has been illegal to openly carry a loaded firearm in public except when engaged in hunting or law enforcement. However, beginning January 1, 2012, public open carry of unloaded handguns also became illegal.

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