Can Day Trading Make You Rich? (2024)

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Last Updated on 11 September, 2023 by Samuelsson

Can Day Trading Make You Rich? The idea of sitting on the beach with a laptop and making a lot of money from the market can appeal to anyone. In fact, many people tend to think that day trading is an easy gateway to great riches. But can day trading really make you rich?

Yes, you can become very rich from day trading if you are lucky and everything goes just right, but it is extremely difficult. Most people fail in day trading because the odds are already against them as retail traders. The competition in the market is so stiff that finding a strategy with an edge to trade manually is almost impossible. The only little chance you may have is in a systematic trading approach.

Obviously, this is quite different from what you were expecting to read. It goes against the perception you get from those deceptive brokerage adverts — a flashy young fellow with a sports car and seemingly endless riches. Well, that is far from reality. Our hope in this post is to tell you exactly what day trading entails. So, in this post, we will discuss the following:

  • What day trading is
  • The unrealistic expectations
  • What day trader experience
  • Why day trading is difficult
  • How you can make day trading a lot better
  • The best way to start trading for a beginner

What is day trading?

Day trading refers to a style of trading where the trader buys and sells a security within a single trading day. This style of trading can be used in any market, but it is most commonly practiced in the foreign exchange (forex) and stock markets.

In the stock market, the trades are usually placed after the market opens and closed before the closing bell, so day traders have only a few hours to get money out of the market. So, to make money from day trading, the trader must have a good strategy with a proven edge in the market and must also be very efficient in executing the strategy. In other words, the trader must have a robust trading plan and always follow the plan. It is normal to use leverage and short-term trading strategies to capitalize on small price movements that occur in highly liquid stocks.

There are different strategies day traders use in their trading, but all of them are designed to capture intra-day moves in the market. So, trading based on the news is a popular technique, as scheduled announcements such as economic statistics, corporate earnings, or interest rates tend to cause intra-day market movement when the actual data beat or do not meet expectations. However, many day traders base their strategy on technical analysis, which they either execute manually or with an automated system.

Manual (discretionary) trading is very difficult these days because the competition in the market is very stiff that manually identifying a strategy with an edge and efficiently implementing it is almost impossible. Automated trading, or what they call algorithmic trading, makes things a little better because the strategies can easily be backtested on the historical price action to be sure that it is profitable before using them in live trading.

Whether manual or automated, day trading is not for everyone, as it involves significant risks. Timing those short-term price movements requires an in-depth understanding of how the market works and a high level of mental strength to withstand the pressures associated with trading frequently. Moreover, luck plays a major part — a stroke of bad luck can hurt even the most skillful trader.

The expectations of prospective day traders

Most aspiring day traders tend to think that day trading is a get-rich-quick scheme. They believe that day trading is a fast way to make tons of money in the shortest possible time — after all, it offers more trade setups and hence, more opportunities for making money. To them, day trading is about sitting in front of a big trading screen and placing orders and getting excited by one winning trades after another — there’s never a dull moment.

Some may even have the idea of a digital nomad in an exotic beach trading with a laptop while having fun. This is the kind of lifestyle that many brokers and so-called trading gurus sell to them with their deceitful Instagram and YouTube adverts that portray day trading as the key to an effortless life full of riches, and they naively bought the idea.

To put it simply, most aspiring day traders think that they are coming to make easy money, with all their trades turning out winners and making them lots of money. Another expectation is constant excitement from trading activities, market sentiment and market movements that they wrongly assume to always move in their favor. To them, there will be no losing trades. Above all, they think about all the free time they will get since they are effectively their own bosses and can choose when to trade or not. Moreover, they already believe that they can make all the money within a few hours of trading and use the rest of the time to enjoy their limitless wealth.

What they don’t realize is how far away they are from reality. While there are a few traders who make a successful living from day trading, so a lot of factors are involved.

The reality in day trading

Well, “Experience is the best teacher”, they say. It is only when you have traded for some time that you will realize that all those expectations are different from the real thing. The truth is that most day traders fail to make money — a great majority lose their trading capital in less than a year. Most of those adverts that paint pictures of effortless success in trading are made for internet day trading scams that promise unrealistic returns in a short period. But many people fall for them and jump into day trading without sufficient knowledge.

Succeeding in day trading requires a lot of effort — from learning how the market works and how to analyze the markets to mastering the skills necessary for the proper execution of the trading strategies. So, day trading is not an easy way to make money. In fact, it is the toughest way to make easy money.

To be able to make money from day trading, you will have to be diligent, persistent, and hardworking. You can’t just trade occasionally only when you want to and expect to be profitable. Trading is a game of probability with random outcomes. It could be that most of the profitable trades for your strategy are the ones you missed when you are away from your trading screen. Thus, the idea of trading when you want, and having lots of free time, is deceptive.

Related reading: Can I Live Off Day Trading?

Moreover, there is much more to trading than placing buy and sell orders in the market. Experienced day traders would agree that most of their trading time is spent watching and analyzing the market to find the right trade setups. You must have a functioning trading strategy and be ready to drop it and use another if the market condition does not favor that strategy. Also, you need to keep track of your trades and emotions in a trading journal to know what areas of your trading you need to work on to improve your trading skills.

While all these may seem like a lot of work, remember that day trading is not for everyone. If you are not ready to put in the hard work, it may be better to look for some other job. If you intend to day-trade, what you must keep at the back of your mind is that day trading is time-consuming and extremely hard — it is the toughest way to make easy money.

Related: Can Futures Trading Make You Rich?

Why is day trading difficult?

There are many reasons why day trading is very tough, especially when you follow the discretionary approach where you manually execute your trades. These are some of them:

  • Lower timeframe: In day trading, you make your trades on the lower timeframes, and it is a well-known fact that trade setups that form on the lower timeframes don’t work as well as those that form on the higher timeframes. Creating a profitable trading strategy with an edge on the intra-day timeframes is quite difficult.
  • Random price movement and too much noise: On the lower timeframes, the price movement is almost completely random. A market may have a trend in a particular direction, but the price movement on the lower timeframes may just be random. The excess market noise makes it difficult to know the right direction to trade.
  • Time-consuming and constant monitoring: Apart from the issues about trends and finding good trade setups, day trading is time consuming. You need to be monitoring the market all the time because price bars are being printed in hourly or 15-minute intervals (depending on the timeframe you are using) and the data can affect your position in the market.
  • Prone to mistakes due to stress: As a result of the need to constantly monitor the market and make quick trading decisions, you may often feel stressed out. And, when you are under stress, you are prone to making trading mistakes, such as placing larger position sizes, jumping the guns, and chasing missed trades.
  • Mental skills to execute properly: Owing to the high pace nature of day trading and the stress involved, you need to have superior mental skills to be able to effectively implement your trading plan. While trading emotions, such as greed, fear, hope, despair, and anger, can affect any style of trading, those emotions are most dangerous in day trading where you have to make trading decisions within a short time.

The alternative approach to day trading

Now, you may ask, “if day trading is this difficult, can one really become successful in it; can day trading make one rich?

Well, as we stated earlier it is near impossible to make money from discretionary day trading as it has become too difficult to find a profitable day trading strategy. The markets are becoming more random, which makes it harder to find any real edge that can be exploited manually.

However, you can still become a successful day trader if you follow a systematic approach where you can simulate the performance of your strategy on historical price action before bringing trading the strategy on a live market. A systematic approach can be completely automated with trading algorithms that are based on the strategy, or it could be a manually implemented system with specific rules that have been simulated on a strategy tester.

Backtesting a strategy to confirm that it truly has an edge in the market helps you to have an idea of how the strategy has performed in the past so that you know what to expect when you start implementing it in real trading. In the case of a manually implemented systematic approach, while the trade execution may be manual, the backtesting is automated, so you can easily backtest many strategies in a short time. But with a fully automated approach, both the backtesting and the actual trading are automated.

So, with a systematic trading method, day trading can make you rich if you do everything the right way and have a bit of luck. The ability to simulate a strategy on the historical price action to see what works or doesn’t before going live is crucial in today’s efficient markets. You can’t do without out it.

Start with swing trading as a beginner

Even though you may prefer day trading or Forex, it may be better to start with day trading if you are new to trading. There are many reasons why this is important. One of them is that swing trading gives you enough free time to do other things, including keeping a 9-5 job. That is not possible with day trading as it can easily become your full-time job.

So, testing the waters with swing trading allows you to determine whether your interest really lies in trading while you still keep your full-time job and earn an income. Another reason to start with swing trading is that it is easier and less stressful, so it is the right place for a beginner.



As a seasoned expert in the field of trading and finance, my extensive experience allows me to shed light on the concepts discussed in the article titled "Can Day Trading Make You Rich?" authored by Samuelsson. Let's delve into the key elements covered in the article:

1. Day Trading Defined: Day trading involves the buying and selling of a security within a single trading day. It is commonly practiced in markets such as foreign exchange (forex) and stocks. The limited timeframe for trades in the stock market, from market open to closing bell, requires traders to have efficient strategies and execution skills.

2. Trading Strategies: Day traders employ various strategies to capture intra-day market moves. These strategies include trading based on news, technical analysis, or a combination of both. The article highlights that manual (discretionary) trading has become increasingly difficult due to stiff market competition, leading many traders to explore automated, algorithmic trading for better efficiency.

3. Unrealistic Expectations: The article addresses the common misconception among aspiring day traders that day trading is a quick path to wealth. It critiques the unrealistic expectations perpetuated by deceptive brokerage advertisem*nts, portraying a glamorous lifestyle with flashy cars and limitless wealth.

4. Reality of Day Trading: Contrary to popular belief, day trading is portrayed as a challenging endeavor. The article emphasizes that success in day trading requires extensive effort, knowledge, and a disciplined approach. Many traders fail to make profits, and the reality is far from the rosy picture painted by some trading gurus.

5. Challenges in Day Trading: The article outlines specific challenges in day trading, including the lower timeframes, random price movements, excessive market noise, constant monitoring requirements, and the susceptibility to mistakes under stress. Mental skills, such as the ability to manage emotions effectively, are deemed crucial for successful day trading.

6. Systematic Approach: The article suggests that a systematic approach, involving backtesting trading strategies on historical price action, is essential for success in today's competitive markets. Whether through manual implementation or full automation, systematic trading methods can potentially provide an edge.

7. Swing Trading as a Starting Point: For beginners, the article recommends starting with swing trading before venturing into day trading. Swing trading allows individuals to test their interest in trading while maintaining other commitments, such as a 9-5 job. It is considered less stressful and serves as a suitable entry point for those new to the trading world.

In conclusion, day trading, while potentially lucrative, is portrayed as a challenging and complex endeavor that requires dedication, discipline, and a realistic understanding of the market dynamics. The article encourages aspiring traders to approach the field with caution, dispelling the notion of easy wealth and advocating for a systematic and informed approach to trading.

Can Day Trading Make You Rich? (2024)


Can Day Trading Make You Rich? ›

While some day traders end up successful and make a lot of money, they are the exception rather than the norm. If you want to try day trading, start small and do not commit your entire investment account. Test out strategies and learn without risking all your savings.

Can you become a millionaire from day trading? ›

Many people have made millions just by day trading. Some examples are Ross Cameron, Brett N. Steenbarger, etc. But the important thing about day trading is that only a few can make money out of day trading and the rest end up losing their entire capital in day trading.

Can you realistically make money from day trading? ›

In theory, day trading offers the opportunity to earn a lot of money in a short period of time. However, the chances are extremely poor: only around 3 % make profits in the long term.

How many day traders get rich? ›

Around 1% – 20% of traders earn a profitable margin at the end of the day. The low success rate often discourages the newbies who learn new ways from an online course or television. Studies have shown that around 97% of day traders have lost their money in two years.

Can you make $200 a day day trading? ›

A common approach for new day traders is to start with a goal of $200 per day and work up to $800-$1000 over time. Small winners are better than home runs because it forces you to stay on your plan and use discipline. Sure, you'll hit a big winner every now and then, but consistency is the real key to day trading.

Can you make 200k a year day trading? ›

Yes, it's certainly possible to make $200,000.00 per year day trading, but you're looking at your potential profit capacity in the wrong way. You need to take into consideration how much money you have available to trade with, known as your initial capital.

Why is day trading so hard? ›

Why Is Day Trading So Hard? Day trading is challenging due to its fast-paced nature and the complexity of the financial markets. It requires traders to make quick decisions based on real-time information, which can be overwhelming, especially in volatile market conditions.

Can I make $1000 a day day trading? ›

In order to make $1,000 a day by day trading, you have to have a lot of money — or margin — to start with. Rare (if not extinct) is the stock that doubles its price in a single day. Even a price increase of 10% in a single day is very uncommon.

What is the 3-5-7 rule in trading? ›

The 3-5-7 rule in trading is a risk management guideline that suggests limiting the amount of capital you put into any single trade. According to this rule, you should not risk more than 3% of your trading capital on any one trade, no more than 5% on any one sector, and no more than 7% on all trades combined.

Can you live off day trading? ›

Some professional traders make a living from day trading. If you enjoy this strategy enough and make it work for you, it could become your primary profession.

Why do so many day traders fail? ›

The Biggest Reason Most Day Traders Fail

When there is a large lottery jackpot, day trading activity declines. Many day traders with a gambling mindset have moved to cryptos and have lost even more money even faster. The less capital a trader has, the more likely they are to take extreme risks.

Is trading luck or skill? ›

There is an element of luck at play in the stock market. Of course, skill and hard work will play a part in your success, but other factors such as timing and luck also play a part in a stock's performance. For instance, there are times when stocks go on streaks and outperform themselves.

How many hours do day traders work? ›

Most independent day traders have short days, working two to five hours per day. Often they will practice making simulated trades for several months before beginning to make live trades. They track their successes and failures versus the market, aiming to learn by experience.

Is day trading gambling? ›

Day trading is similar to gambling because traders rely on luck and speculation to make money. Gambling is not based on a market analysis or on a consideration of fundamentals, unlike trading.

What is the failure rate of day traders? ›

So, what percentage of day traders actually stick around? According to various studies and industry observations, it is estimated that around 80% to 90% of day traders eventually quit within their first year.

How long does it take to get rich from day trading? ›

Many people put in multiple years before breaking into consistent (or even any) profitability. It takes at least a year to consistently make money from day trading or swing trading, if working at it full-time or with a mentor, and only working one (maybe two) strategies.

How much money do day traders with $10,000 accounts make per day on average? ›

On average, day traders with $10,000 accounts can make $200-$600 per day, with skilled traders aiming for 2%-5% returns daily. So, it is possible to achieve a daily profit of $200 to $600 with a $10,000 account.

Is it possible to make $1000 a day trading? ›

In order to make $1,000 a day by day trading, you have to have a lot of money — or margin — to start with. Rare (if not extinct) is the stock that doubles its price in a single day. Even a price increase of 10% in a single day is very uncommon.

Do day traders make a good living? ›

The most obvious risk is losing money—sometimes all of it. Few day traders consistently earn a profit over time. Therefore, consider spending your time and money on other, more productive activities and types of longer-term investing.

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Name: Lakeisha Bayer VM

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Introduction: My name is Lakeisha Bayer VM, I am a brainy, kind, enchanting, healthy, lovely, clean, witty person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.