Can I Borrow Money From My LLC? - The Essential Guide (2024)

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Join our Newsletter for great tips and updates. We will help yougrow your smallbusiness. What is an LLC? Business Structure Borrowing Options Loan Arrangements Lenders for LLCs Benefits for Small Business Owners How does an LLC work? Taxation and Reporting Flexibility in Management Borrowing Money Through Shareholder Advances Am I legally allowed to Borrow Money from My LLC? Member Loans and Business Loans Loan Arrangements within an LLC Capital Contributions or Shareholder Advances What’s required to Borrow Money from My LLC? Member Approval Proper Documentation Adherence to Interest Rules Penalties and Process for Late Payments What are the risks of Borrowing Money from my LLC? Impact on Limited Liability Protection Complications in Future Financing or Business Loan Arrangements Mishandling Documentation What are the tax implications of Borrowing Money from my LLC? Treating Your Loan as a Dividend or Distribution Exceeding Your Annual Contribution or Canceling the Loan Failure to Document the Loan with a Promissory Note Minimum Interest Rate Compliance What are the benefits and drawbacks of Borrowing Money from My LLC? Borrowing Money from Your LLC Pros & Cons Frequently Asked Questions Can I loan someone money from my LLC? Are there any limitations on Borrowing within an LLC? What are my alternatives to Borrowing Money from my LLC? Lender Options SBA Loan Programs Member Loans Online Lenders and Alternative Financing Understanding Business Loan Requirements Small Business Loan Options Can I Borrow Money From My LLC – Final Thoughts We will help you growyour small business. What is a GPO in Healthcare? – The Essential Guide for Healthcare Providers SBA Loan Options for Self-Employed Business Owners: The Essential Guide Work From Home 101: A Guide For Small Businesses Short Term Business Loans: The Essential Guide Amortization vs. Simple Interest: The Essential Guide Most Recent Articles Ready to grow your business? See how much you qualify for: FAQs

BlogCan I Borrow Money From My LLC? – The Essential Guide

Can I Borrow Money From My LLC? - The Essential Guide (1)

Did you know that approximately 70% of LLC members consider borrowing money from their company at some point? Understanding the guidelines for this process is crucial.

The situation varies based on the LLC’s structure and the members involved, making it essential to navigate these intricacies carefully. It’s important to note that formalities and evidence are pivotal when dealing with LLC financing.

Whether it’s a capital contribution, member withdrawal, or corporate formalities, having a clear understanding of how these work can help avoid potential complications down the road. Obtaining approval within the partnership and ensuring compliance with legal entities is imperative to prevent court-related issues.

This guide covers what you must know about borrowing money from your LLC, including the potential risks and alternatives. Specifically, we’ll answer these questions and more:

What is an LLC?

How does an LLC work?

Am I legally allowed to Borrow Money from My LLC?

What's required to Borrow Money from My LLC?

What are the risks of Borrowing Money from my LLC?

What are the tax implications of Borrowing Money from my LLC?

What are the benefits and drawbacks of Borrowing Money from My LLC?

Can I loan someone money from my LLC?

Are there any limitations on Borrowing within an LLC?

What are my alternatives to Borrowing Money from my LLC?

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    In this article, we’ll answerthe following questionsand more:

    What is an LLC?

    How does an LLC work?

    Am I legally allowed to Borrow Money from My LLC?

    What's required to Borrow Money from My LLC?

    What are the risks of Borrowing Money from my LLC?

    What are the tax implications of Borrowing Money from my LLC?

    What are the benefits and drawbacks of Borrowing Money from My LLC?

    Can I loan someone money from my LLC?

    What are my alternatives to Borrowing Money from my LLC?

    What is an LLC?

    Can I Borrow Money From My LLC? - The Essential Guide (2)

    LLCs, or limited liability companies, offer limited liability protection to their members. They combine features of both a corporation and a partnership, making them popular among small business owners.

    Business Structure

    An LLC is a business structure that provides its owners with limited personal liability for the company’s debts and obligations. This means that in the event of legal action or debt collection, the personal assets of the LLC members are generally protected.

    Borrowing Options

    LLCs can apply for business loans from various sources, such as credit unions or the Small Business Administration (SBA). These loans can benefit small businesses looking to fund expansion, cover operational costs, or invest in new opportunities.

    Loan Arrangements

    Members of an LLC can arrange loan agreements with the company itself. However, following proper legal procedures and documentation is crucial when setting up these loan arrangements. This ensures transparency and accountability within the company’s financial activities.

    Lenders for LLCs

    LLCs can approach traditional lenders like banks or credit unions when seeking financing. They may also explore alternative lending options tailored specifically for small businesses. The Small Business Administration (SBA) offers loan programs to support small business owners, including those operating under an LLC structure.

    Benefits for Small Business Owners

    There are advantages for small business owners who opt for an LLC structure. By establishing separate legal entities for their businesses, they can protect their personal assets while accessing funding opportunities to help grow their ventures.

    How does an LLC work?

    Can I Borrow Money From My LLC? - The Essential Guide (3)

    LLCs, or limited liability companies, offer limited liability protection to owners. Members of an LLC can borrow money from the company through shareholder advances.

    Taxation and Reporting

    LLCs are not taxed as separate entities. Instead, their members report profits and losses on their individual tax returns. This pass-through taxation feature is a significant advantage for small business owners who appreciate its simplicity and flexibility in managing the company’s finances.

    Flexibility in Management

    Small business owners often choose an LLC as their preferred business structure due to its flexibility in managing the company’s finances. Unlike corporations, which have more rigid management structures, LLCs allow for a more adaptable approach to decision-making and financial management.

    Borrowing Money Through Shareholder Advances

    Members of an LLC can access funds from the company through shareholder advances. These advances enable members to borrow money from the LLC without going through a formal lending process with banks or credit unions. This can be advantageous for small businesses requiring quick capital access without extensive paperwork or credit checks.

    Am I legally allowed to Borrow Money from My LLC?

    Can I Borrow Money From My LLC? - The Essential Guide (4)

    Yes, it’s technically legal for a member to borrow money from their LLC. However, you must get approval from other members if you’re not the sole business owner.

    In addition, you must follow specific rules to avoid penalties or risks. Here are crucial considerations about obtaining a loan through your LLC.

    Member Loans and Business Loans

    LLCs have the flexibility to borrow money through member loans or business loans. Member loans involve funds contributed by the LLC members, while LLC business loans are obtained from traditional or online lenders.

    While member loans are allowed by law, the potential risks might make it a less desirable choice. Consider financing from an external financial institution, such as a business bank loan or alternative business loan.

    Loan Arrangements within an LLC

    When borrowing money, it’s essential for LLCs to adhere to interest rules and regulations. This ensures that the loan arrangements comply with legal requirements and prevent any potential issues.

    Capital Contributions or Shareholder Advances

    Borrowing from an LLC may involve capital contributions or shareholder advances. Capital contribution refers to funds injected into the company by its members, while shareholder advances are financial support provided by shareholders.

    For example, a member loan could be utilized if an LLC requires immediate capital for a new project but lacks sufficient funds in its accounts. In contrast, if the LLC wants to acquire substantial financing for long-term growth initiatives, it might opt for a business loan from a bank or an online lender.

    Interest expense is another crucial aspect when borrowing money from an LLC. It’s vital for businesses to carefully manage interest payments on borrowed funds to avoid unnecessary financial strain. By understanding interest rules and regulations applicable to their loan arrangements, businesses can make informed decisions about managing their finances.

    Furthermore, companies need to assess their financial position comprehensively when considering borrowing from an LLC through a capital contribution or shareholder advance. This involves evaluating how injecting additional capital or receiving shareholder advances will impact their overall financial health and long-term sustainability.

    What’s required to Borrow Money from My LLC?

    Can I Borrow Money From My LLC? - The Essential Guide (5)

    Here are some important requirements to know about LLC loans.

    Member Approval

    When borrowing money from an LLC, obtaining member approval before proceeding is crucial. This typically involves presenting a proposal outlining the purpose of the LLC loan, the amount needed, and the terms of repayment.

    Members may need to vote on the decision, and the approval process details should be outlined in the LLC’s operating agreement. It’s crucial to follow the proper procedures and ensure that all members agree to move forward with borrowing money from the LLC.

    Proper Documentation

    Borrowing from an LLC necessitates meticulous documentation and strict adherence to legal guidelines. It’s crucial to formalize the LLC loan arrangement with a written agreement that outlines the amount borrowed, repayment terms, when loan payments are due, and any applicable interest rates. Clearly outlining the loan details can help mitigate conflicts within the LLC.

    Adherence to Interest Rules

    When borrowing money from your LLC, you must comply with interest rules mandated by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). Charging an appropriate interest rate on the LLC loan is imperative to avoid potential tax implications and ensure compliance with IRS regulations.

    Penalties and Process for Late Payments

    It is crucial for LLCs to outline penalties and the collection process for late payments on member loans. This helps to ensure that all members understand the consequences of not meeting their financial obligations and encourages timely payment.

    Clearly defined penalties and collection procedures also help to protect the financial stability of the LLC and maintain trust and accountability among its members. By setting these guidelines, LLCs can minimize the risk of late or missed payments and effectively manage their finances.

    What are the risks of Borrowing Money from my LLC?

    Can I Borrow Money From My LLC? - The Essential Guide (6)

    Borrowing money from your limited liability company (LLC) can lead to potential tax consequences and interest expenses. When you take a loan from your LLC, it’s crucial to consider the impact on your business’s tax situation. Interest expenses incurred on the LLC loan may affect the tax deductions available to your LLC.

    Impact on Limited Liability Protection

    Member loans can significantly impact the limited liability protection offered by an LLC. By borrowing from your own business, you might jeopardize the separation between personal and business finances. This could potentially expose your personal assets to business-related liabilities, thus undermining the fundamental purpose of forming an LLC for liability protection.

    Complications in Future Financing or Business Loan Arrangements

    Borrowing from your LLC may complicate future financing or business loan arrangements. When assessing a company’s financial stability, lenders often view member loans as risk factors. If you plan to seek external funding in the future, having outstanding loans from members may raise concerns among potential lenders. Ensure you understand the impact of LLC loans on your business credit score before proceeding.

    Mishandling Documentation

    LLC loan proceeds must be meticulously documented to avoid confusion between shareholder advances and legitimate business loans. Failing to maintain clear records of these transactions could lead to complications during audits or financial assessments. Proper documentation is essential for distinguishing between personal funds injected into the company and formal business loans.

    When considering borrowing money from your LLC, carefully weigh these risks against potential benefits. While member loans can provide immediate access to funds without involving external lenders, they come with inherent risks that could have long-term implications for both your business and personal finances.

    What are the tax implications of Borrowing Money from my LLC?

    Can I Borrow Money From My LLC? - The Essential Guide (7)

    Most potential tax risks come into play only if you fail to document the loan properly. Here are some of the potential tax liabilities to consider.

    Treating Your Loan as a Dividend or Distribution

    Borrowing money from your LLC is typically used to support business operations or growth. However, if you fail to document it properly, the IRS may view it as personal funds and tax the loan as a dividend or distribution. This is one of the primary reasons it’s essential to document the loan and follow the required procedures properly.

    Exceeding Your Annual Contribution or Canceling the Loan

    The loan might also incur tax penalties if the amount borrowed is more than your annual contribution to the LLC. In addition, if you cancel the loan or pay it off at the end of the year and renew it in the new year, the IRS might also tax the loan.

    Failure to Document the Loan with a Promissory Note

    It’s critical that you document the loan as a legally enforceable promissory note. This helps avoid potential tax ramifications. Ensure the note details the borrowing amount, repayment schedule, interest rate, and collateral, if any.

    In addition, all LLC members must add their signatures, expressing the loan’s authorization, including recording minutes from the approval session. Record the loan in all LLC corporate books, records, and financial statements.

    Minimum Interest Rate Compliance

    At the very least, the interest rate should be equal to the federal rate. Consider any infractions against third parties and potential disputes with shareholders in addition to the tax ramifications. Corporate agreements that are broken may result in fines or even more taxes.

    What are the benefits and drawbacks of Borrowing Money from My LLC?

    Borrowing money from your limited liability company (LLC) can offer several advantages. Firstly, it provides flexibility in arranging loans. Unlike traditional lenders, an LLC may allow more leeway in structuring loan terms, such as repayment schedules and interest rates. This flexibility can benefit small business owners who need customized financial solutions tailored to their specific needs.

    Another advantage is the potential tax benefits associated with borrowing from your LLC. Depending on the structure of the loan and its intended use, there may be opportunities to optimize tax implications.

    Moreover, borrowing from your LLC allows access to funds for various business needs. Whether it’s for purchasing inventory, covering operational expenses during slow periods, or investing in growth initiatives, having access to internal financing can provide agility and autonomy in managing cash flow and capital requirements.

    On the flip side, there are certain considerations and drawbacks to keep in mind when borrowing money from your LLC. One potential concern is the impact on member loans within the company. Depending on how the loan affects distributions to members or shareholders, it could alter their individual financial positions or create tensions within the organization.

    There are significant tax consequences that come with borrowing from an LLC. It’s crucial to understand how these transactions will be treated for tax purposes and whether they might trigger unexpected liabilities or affect the company’s overall tax strategy.

    Furthermore, interest expense is significant when considering borrowing from your LLC. While it provides access to capital, accruing interest can also lead to increased costs over time if not managed effectively.

    When contemplating borrowing from your LLC, evaluating its impact on shareholder advances and debt structure is essential. This involves assessing how additional debt may influence existing financing arrangements and future capital-raising efforts.

    Moreover, exploring potential financing options beyond internal sources is crucial for making informed decisions about whether borrowing from your LLC is the most advantageous route for meeting your business’s financial needs.

    Borrowing Money from Your LLC Pros & Cons

    Can I Borrow Money From My LLC? - The Essential Guide (8)


    • Access to quick funding without needing to go through a traditional lender.
    • Ability to avoid high interest rates and fees associated with traditional loans.
    • Flexibility in repayment terms.
    • Potential tax benefits as the interest you pay back to your LLC can be deductible.


    • Risk of damaging the financial health of your LLC if the borrowed funds are not repaid.
    • Potential strain on the relationship between you and your LLC.
    • Limited access to outside funding in the future.
    • Possible tax implications.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Can I Borrow Money From My LLC? - The Essential Guide (9)

    Here are the most common questions about borrowing money from your LLC.

    Can I loan someone money from my LLC?

    Can I Borrow Money From My LLC? - The Essential Guide (10)

    Yes, you can. As the owner of an LLC, you have the authority to lend money to individuals or other businesses. However, it’s essential to document the loan terms and ensure that it aligns with your LLC’s operating agreement.

    Are there any limitations on Borrowing within an LLC?

    While there are generally no restrictions on lending or borrowing within an LLC, it’s crucial to adhere to the operating agreement and state laws governing intra-company transactions. Ensure all financial dealings are transparently documented to avoid potential legal or financial complications.

    What are my alternatives to Borrowing Money from my LLC?

    Can I Borrow Money From My LLC? - The Essential Guide (11)

    Borrowing money from your LLC is a quick and convenient way to access funds. However, traditional financing arrangements often make more financial sense.

    LLCs can apply for business loans to finance their operations and growth. Small business owners can seek loans from traditional or online lenders for their LLCs.

    Lender Options

    Small business owners should explore various options from different lenders when seeking a business loan. This can include traditional banks, credit unions, community development financial institutions (CDFIs), and online lenders.

    Each lender may have unique terms and conditions tailored to the specific needs of an LLC. Understanding these requirements can help your LLC get a business loan. It would be best if you compared lenders when considering business financing.

    SBA Loan Programs

    The SBA provides several loan programs catering to small businesses’ diverse needs. SBA loans offer favorable terms and lower interest rates compared to conventional loans. For example, the SBA 7(a) loan program is popular among small businesses looking for working capital or funds for expansion.

    Member Loans

    In addition to traditional business loans, LLCs can utilize member loans as a source of funding. Member loans involve injecting personal funds from the LLC’s members into the business. This approach allows flexibility in repayment terms and interest rates while providing an alternative funding source.

    Online Lenders and Alternative Financing

    Online lenders have become increasingly popular due to their streamlined application processes and quick access to funds. These lenders often cater to small businesses with less stringent eligibility criteria than traditional banks. Alternative financing options, such as invoice financing or merchant cash advances, can provide quick access to capital for LLCs with specific cash flow needs.

    Understanding Business Loan Requirements

    Business lenders typically check your business credit score and the personal credit history of each business owner. Most lenders require a good credit score, although there are lenders with bad credit options if you have a low personal credit score.

    In addition, you’ll often have to sign a personal guarantee, which bypasses limited liability protections. That means your personal assets could be at risk if the business defaults on the loan.

    Small Business Loan Options

    You might be interested in one of the following small business loans:

    • Bad credit business loans.
    • Business line of credit.
    • Business loans for women.
    • Business term loans.
    • Equipment financing.
    • Invoice factoring.
    • Merchant cash advance.
    • Revenue-based business loan.
    • SBA loans.
    • Working capital loans.
    • ERTC advance.

    Can I Borrow Money From My LLC – Final Thoughts

    Can I Borrow Money From My LLC? - The Essential Guide (12)

    Borrowing money from your LLC can be a viable option, but it requires a thorough understanding and strategic planning. Take the time to weigh the pros and cons, assess the associated risks, and seek expert guidance to make well-informed decisions that will benefit you and your business in the long run.

    While it can provide flexibility and financial support for your business, navigating the process cautiously is essential to avoid potential risks and complications. Before making any decisions, consult with legal and financial professionals to ensure that you adhere to regulations and make informed choices that align with your business goals.

    Contact us if you have more questions about borrowing money from your LLC or to apply for a small business loan. Our alternative business funding experts can help you find the best options to move your LLC forward.

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      Can I Borrow Money From My LLC? - The Essential Guide (58)


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      Can I Borrow Money From My LLC? - The Essential Guide (59)


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      Can I Borrow Money From My LLC? - The Essential Guide (60)


      $95,000 small business funding for auto parts store

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      Can I Borrow Money From My LLC? - The Essential Guide (61)


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      Can I Borrow Money From My LLC? - The Essential Guide (62)


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      Can I Borrow Money From My LLC? - The Essential Guide (69)


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      Can I Borrow Money From My LLC? - The Essential Guide (70)


      $24,000 working capital for cosmetics store

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      Can I Borrow Money From My LLC? - The Essential Guide (71)


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      Can I Borrow Money From My LLC? - The Essential Guide (2024)


      Can I Borrow Money From My LLC? - The Essential Guide? ›

      While there are generally no restrictions on lending or borrowing within an LLC, it's crucial to adhere to the operating agreement and state laws governing intra-company transactions. Ensure all financial dealings are transparently documented to avoid potential legal or financial complications.

      Can I borrow money from my LLC? ›

      Can You Borrow Money From Your LLC? Yes, but you'll need to get written approval from the other members of your LLC. The members must also create and legalize a contract outlining the amount of debt, repayment schedule, and repercussions of a default during the LLC's minutes.

      Is it legal to borrow money from your own company? ›

      Any member of an LLC can borrow money from it. However, if the LLC has other members, they must approve the loan and report their authorization in the LLC's minutes. An advance of funds to a member can only be considered a loan if the LLC creates a legally enforceable promissory note for the repayment of the loan.

      Can I borrow money from my business tax free? ›

      Even if the financial statements classify the withdrawal as a loan, the IRS has the authority to re-characterize it as a dividend or distribution thus taxable to the recipient…and perhaps not deductible to the corporation.

      How do I fund my LLC with personal money? ›

      LLC Capital Contributions

      This can be done in a variety of ways, such as writing a check or transferring funds from a personal account to the LLC's account. If you're going to use capital contributions to fund your LLC, it's important to document the transaction.

      Can I withdraw money from LLC? ›

      Instead, you pay yourself by taking money out of the LLC's profits as needed. That's called an owner's draw. You can simply write yourself a check or transfer the money for your business profits from your LLC's business bank account to your personal bank account.

      Is it easier to get a loan with an LLC? ›

      If you have good credit and can meet the lender's eligibility guidelines, getting a business loan with an LLC can often be easy. But new businesses and businesses with limited revenue may have difficulty getting approved, especially with traditional banks and credit unions.

      How much can you borrow against your business? ›

      Small business loan amounts by loan type
      LenderAverage small business loan amount
      Short-term loans$5,000 to $750,000
      Business line of creditUp to $1 million
      Equipment financingUp to 80% to 100% of the value of purchased equipment
      Invoice financing/invoice factoring70% to 90% of the amount invoiced
      6 more rows
      Apr 26, 2024

      Can I take a loan from the company I own? ›

      If you own a closely held corporation, you can borrow funds from your business at rates that are lower than those charged by a bank. But it's important to avoid certain risks and charge an adequate interest rate.

      Can you use a business loan to pay yourself? ›

      But can you pay yourself? Yes, if the funding is there. According to the SBA, operating expenses, besides equipment, raw materials and staff payroll, "include your salary as the owner and money to repay your loans." Having said that, one major caveat is that you must be cautious in the amount you pay yourself.

      What is an LLC loan contract? ›

      An LLC loan is any business loan that provides funds for small businesses organized as limited liability companies. An LLC loan isn't a specific type of loan that you'll find offered through lenders. Instead, they are business loans found at traditional banks, credit unions and online lenders.

      Do you pay taxes on borrowed money? ›

      Personal loans can be made by a bank, an employer, or through peer-to-peer lending networks, and because they must be repaid, they are not taxable income. If a personal loan is forgiven, however, it becomes taxable as cancellation of debt (COD) income, and a borrower will receive a 1099-C tax form for filing.

      How do the rich avoid taxes by borrowing money? ›

      Wealthy family borrows against its assets' growing value and uses the newly available cash to live off or invest in other assets, like rental properties. The family does NOT owe taxes on its asset-leveraged loans because the government doesn't tax borrowed money.

      Can I transfer money from my LLC to my personal bank account? ›

      Getting paid as a single-member LLC

      This means you withdraw funds from your business for personal use. This is done by simply writing yourself a business check or (if your bank allows) transferring money from your business bank account to your personal account.

      Can I spend my LLC money? ›

      You can take money out of your business account in any form you want—e.g., cash, paper or electronic checks, ACH payments, PayPal or Venmo. However you do it, you're responsible for applicable income and self-employment taxes on your business income.

      Can I pay myself whatever I want from my LLC? ›

      Paying Yourself a Wage: Single-Member LLCs vs Multi-Member LLCs. If you own a single-member LLC, you cannot pay yourself as an employee unless you are actively working in the business. This means you can't be a passive owner with zero responsibilities and still collect a wage from your LLC.

      What credit score does an LLC start with? ›

      This EIN allows your LLC to open bank accounts, apply for loans, and build credit in its own name. An LLC starts with no credit score. Just like an individual, an LLC must build its credit over time by engaging in responsible financial behavior, such as taking out loans and lines of credit and making payments on time.

      What happens if an LLC can pay back a loan? ›

      Although an LLC helps protect your personal assets from liability for business debts, lenders often circumvent this barrier by requiring a personal guarantee. When you sign a personal guarantee, you agree to assume personal liability for repaying the loan if your company cannot make the payments.

      Can an LLC gift money to an individual? ›

      Yes, but this is still you giving the gift, from a tax perspective (giving either an interest IN the LLC, as described above) or giving a gift of cash from the LLC's cash account, for TAX purposes, is still a gift from the self-employed individual, because the LLC is a pass-through.

      Can you use your LLC money? ›

      Getting paid as a single-member LLC

      This means you withdraw funds from your business for personal use. This is done by simply writing yourself a business check or (if your bank allows) transferring money from your business bank account to your personal account.

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      Article information

      Author: Gov. Deandrea McKenzie

      Last Updated:

      Views: 5611

      Rating: 4.6 / 5 (66 voted)

      Reviews: 81% of readers found this page helpful

      Author information

      Name: Gov. Deandrea McKenzie

      Birthday: 2001-01-17

      Address: Suite 769 2454 Marsha Coves, Debbieton, MS 95002

      Phone: +813077629322

      Job: Real-Estate Executive

      Hobby: Archery, Metal detecting, Kitesurfing, Genealogy, Kitesurfing, Calligraphy, Roller skating

      Introduction: My name is Gov. Deandrea McKenzie, I am a spotless, clean, glamorous, sparkling, adventurous, nice, brainy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.