Can Ragdoll cats go outside? It may not be a good idea! (2024)


As members of your family, Ragdoll cats are perfect.

Always waiting for you at home, friendly and attentive, watching your every move, and up for any games around the house, Raggies are brilliant to have around.

You may notice, though, that your Ragdoll never seems to venture into the great outdoors.

Many breeds—such as Maine Coon, Abyssinian, Norwegian Forest cat, and Bengal—will happily spend all day or night roaming the garden and only returning home for food.

Ragdolls seem content to spend their days and nights around the house.

Can Ragdoll cats go outside, or should you rather leave them in peace to take over every nook and cranny in your house? Read on and find out!

Can Ragdoll cats go outside? It may not be a good idea! (1)

An unusual sight!

Source: Pixabay

Are Ragdoll cats indoor cats?

Ragdolls love nothing more than being near you. This will mean that they will stay inside the house and may follow you around as you move from room to room.

As primarily nocturnal creatures, you may see your Raggie snoozing extensively during the day, and many Ragdolls will have several favoured spots in your house. These will usually be places where:

  • They can watch everything going on
  • It’s warm
  • They are in an elevated position

When they are active, Ragdolls love playing—often boisterously—with toys, laser pointers, or lures. The games will quite often get out of hand, and you may frequently experience collateral damage to furniture, ornaments, or photo frames on display.

All their activity tends to be indoors. While they will happily spend hours watching bird TV—staring out of the window watching the possible prey fly past—they are generally satisfied with letting the outdoors remain a foreign country, unworthy of exploration.

Can Ragdoll cats go outside? It may not be a good idea! (2)

Orienteering is not a Ragdoll’s best discipline!

Source: Pixabay

Why can’t Ragdoll cats go outside?

In theory, there is nothing stopping Ragdolls from going outside like any other cat.

In practice, Ragdolls are best left inside due to a couple of breed-specific issues, including them being:

  1. Not particularly street-savvy
  2. Prone to tummy upsets
  3. At risk of infestations
  4. Useless in a fight

Ragdolls aren’t street-smart

Ragdolls are not used to the outdoors and can easily get lost or disoriented.

Once outside familiar surroundings, Ragdolls are prone to panic and forget where they are. This can be particularly dangerous if there is traffic outside your house—your Ragdoll has no idea about cars or lorries and could easily wander into the middle of the road.

Raggies have sensitive stomachs

While they may look robust and able to eat anything, Ragdolls are fairly susceptible to gastrointestinal disorders, resulting in:

  • Diarrhoea
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Constipation
  • Irritable bowel disease (IBS)

These are often caused by eating something that disagrees with them, the chances of which are considerably higher in the street than in your house, where you control the menu.

If Ragdolls venture outside, there is a good chance they will try whatever they can find, such as:

  • Mice or small rodents (alive or already dead)
  • Birds
  • Snails, slugs, or frogs
  • Insects, like moths or grasshoppers
  • Contents of rubbish bins
  • Grass, garden refuse, or plants

If your Ragdoll has been used to eating only commercial cat food—with its controlled and safe ingredients—any of the above could cause a stomach upset.

Ragdolls can catch fleas, or worse

Ragdolls that live as indoor cats have the luxury of a clean environment, normally free from fleas, ticks, and other parasites. Venturing outside can change this in a heartbeat, and your Ragdoll can quickly become infested.

Most infestations are relatively harmless and can be treated with local ointments and cures, but there is a risk that your cat could develop:

  • Flea allergy dermatitis—This is an intense itching sensation caused by an allergic reaction to flea saliva
  • Tick bite fever—Cats that roam through grassy or wooded areas can pick up ticks, some of which carry tick bite fever. While you can inoculate your feline against the disease, you may consider it unnecessary if your cat lives predominantly indoors
  • Lice infestations—Lice can nest in cats’ fur and cause skin irritations, resulting in excessive shedding, over-grooming, and increased production of hairballs
  • Mange or scabies—Ear mites, sarcoptic mites, and Cheyletiella mites can all infest your cat, leading to an irritation of the skin known as mange or scabies

If your Ragdoll comes home with a parasite infestation, you will have to address your kitty’s problem while at the same time performing extensive decontamination of your house to make sure the issue doesn’t spread to the rest of your household.

Ragdolls are wimps

Although adult Ragdolls are large cats, they don’t have a good reputation as bruisers.

Their legendary friendliness and tendency to go floppy when picked up translates into an inability to adequately defend themselves against attacks by predators.

This means that allowing Ragdolls to wander outside could bring them into contact with dogs or other cats, some of which might be spoiling for a fight or wanting to defend their territory.

Ragdolls will generally come off second best in such encounters.

Can Ragdoll cats go outside? It may not be a good idea! (3)

“This is better than that noisy street any day!”

Source: Pixabay

Your Ragdoll cat’s in the garden—what should you do?

Letting your Ragdoll wander around the garden is fine as long as you are there to supervise.

If your Ragdoll has managed the Great Escape, you should entice them back into the house as soon as possible. This may be easier said than done.

A Ragdoll’s playful nature could result in your attempts to retrieve your cat turning into a game of tag that you are unlikely to win. Your best bet is to lure your Ragdoll back inside the house with a favourite toy, a laser pointer, or—better still—food.

The best food to keep your Ragdoll safe and healthy at home

Ragdolls are more likely to go walkabout if the nutrition they receive at home isn’t giving them everything they need. The better the food you offer, the less likely your Ragdoll will be to go wandering off around the neighbourhood.

When it comes to food for your Ragdoll, you need to opt for quality as the breed—while not usually prone to food allergies—has a reputation for being both fussy and sensitive.

If you get your choice wrong, you may find Ragdolls turning their nose up at your food—regardless of whether you have chosen wet, dry, semi-moist, raw, or homemade meals or a mixture of more than one type.

A proven formula for success is to make sure the food you offer contains ample amounts of:

  1. Protein from meat or fish
  2. Animal fat

Protein from meat or fish

Cats need animal protein to provide them with essential amino acids, such as taurine.

The amino acids cats need are used to:

  • Provide energy
  • Build strong muscles
  • Maintain healthy skin and coat
  • Support healthy organs

Plant protein doesn’t do the job—vegan cats don’t exist—so when choosing the best possible food for your Ragdoll, you should check the ingredients list for any of the following in first place:

  • Chicken (raw or cooked)
  • Salmon
  • Prawns
  • Mackerel
  • Tuna
  • Liver

You should avoid products that contain vegetable protein, such as:

  • Soya
  • Corn or sweetcorn
  • Wheat
  • Peas
  • Carrots
  • Rice

Animal fat

As well as being an excellent secondary source of energy, animal fat gives your Ragdoll:

  • Essential fatty acids, important for their organ function and overall health
  • A great taste that your cat will find irresistible

What is good for your Ragdoll?

The best food for your Ragdoll will contain:

  • High levels of animal protein
  • Sufficient calories to maintain energy levels without weight gain
  • No grains, cereals, or carbohydrates

The percentages you should look for in high-quality cat food are:

Nutrient group

Optimum percentage

Animal protein

50% or more

Animal fat

Up to 20%


Less than 3%

Can Untamed help keep your Ragdoll happy at home?

Untamed is the perfect way to keep Ragdolls where they are happiest—at home!

Every Untamed recipe is designed to give your cat the right balance of excellent nutrition and great taste, so your Ragdoll will keep coming back for more.

You can expect the following in every tin of Untamed jellies and gravies:

  1. Vet-formulated recipes
  2. Huge amounts of real meat or fish
  3. Environmentally friendly nutrition

Vet-formulated recipes

Designed and honed by our vets, Untamed recipes can help with the most common diet-related ailments cats suffer from, such as:

  • Weight control, whether your kitty is a kitten needing to grow, an overweight, neutered, or lazy adult, or a senior suffering from weight loss, digestive problems, gum disease, or tooth decay
  • Urinary tract infections (UTIs), such as cystitis or bladder stones
  • Diabetes, pancreatitis, or other blood sugar issues
  • Food allergies (super sensitive kitties can try our single-source-protein meals!)

With Untamed, you can put together the ideal meal plan for your Ragdoll, tailor-made to ensure optimum health and happiness in easily digestible portions.

Huge amounts of real meat or fish

Whatever Untamed flavour variety you opt for, you can rest assured that it contains twice the amount of animal protein found in other commercial cat foods.

Our food is exactly the way your Ragdoll would eat in nature, with the added benefit of the great flavours offered by our top-quality ingredients.

This amount of meat means even the fussiest of Ragdolls will go wild about its taste, even if they don’t normally like wet food. You can rest assured that you are doing the best you can for your feline.

Environmentally friendly nutrition

Untamed is also committed to keeping our planet healthy for your feline friends. We ensure that we:

  • Only source from sustainable, cruelty-free suppliers
  • Use only 100% recyclable packaging material
  • Run our operations on a carbon-neutral basis

Want to keep Ragdolls safe at home? Try Untamed and see how they never leave your side!

Can Ragdoll cats go outside? It may not be a good idea! (4)

The best way to keep your Ragdoll indoors!

Image (c) Untamed

No need to go scavenging for Untamed!

The best way of keeping your Ragdoll indoors is to entice them with Untamed!

Getting Untamed delivered to yourhome is an easy process—all you have to do is:

  1. Tell us all about your Ragdoll
  2. Pick the recipes your cat will love
  3. Order your first trial pack

Once your trial pack lands on your doorstep, your kitty can explore the great taste and healthy nutrition that Untamed offers. Our monthly cat food delivery service will keep you stocked up so your Ragdoll never needs to go scavenging elsewhere.

Hundreds of happy Ragdoll parents tell us you can expect these results:


What Untamed can achieve

In a week

  • More energy
  • Less mess in the litter tray

After 2 months

  • More defined muscles
  • Increased playfulness and verve

Within 4 months

  • A shiner coat
  • Fewer hairballs


  • Natural weight control
  • Fewer little health issues
Can Ragdoll cats go outside? It may not be a good idea! (2024)


Can Ragdoll cats go outside? It may not be a good idea!? ›

So, can a fuzzy, limp noodle do well outside? Truthfully, the answer is no. Ragdolls are best if kept indoors. However, you will be happy to hear there are outdoor activities you can try with your Ragdoll, as long as you provide supervision.

Why are Ragdolls not supposed to go outside? ›

Ragdolls are not used to the outdoors and can easily get lost or disoriented. Once outside familiar surroundings, Ragdolls are prone to panic and forget where they are.

Do Ragdoll cats need to be kept inside? ›

They love to play and do so with their claws retracted, leading to far fewer 'accidents'! Because they have such easy-going natures, Ragdolls do not fare so well in the rough and tumble of the outside world, and so are particularly suited to being indoor cats.

Can Ragdoll cats tolerate heat? ›

Cats most at risk from hot weather are: Overweight cats. Flat-faced breeds such as Persians or Himalayans. Long-haired breeds such as Maine Coon or Ragdolls.

Do Ragdoll cats get cold? ›

Ragdoll cats have a long and dense coat that provides good insulation, which helps them to tolerate colder temperatures better than some other cat breeds. However, just like any other cat, Ragdoll cats can still feel cold in certain situations.

Is it cruel to keep Ragdoll cats indoors? ›

If they're getting stimulation & proper care, it's not cruel. Ragdolls are a sought after breed, putting them outside will definitely make them a target for 'catnapping' & reselling - that's human dangers. Not to mention cars. They're bred to be a family companion.

What is the lifespan of a Ragdoll cat? ›

The average Ragdoll cat will live between 12-15 years. Regular check-ups with a vet are essential for the health and longevity of any pedigree cat.

What are the cons of Ragdoll cats? ›

It's important to remember that Ragdoll cats are large. They have big appetites and will need a lot of high-quality food to maintain their health. They may also need a larger litter tray, lots of toys to keep them entertained, and regular grooming. As with any purebred cat, they can be expensive to buy and keep.

Can I leave my Ragdoll cat alone for 3 days? ›

How long can you leave a Ragdoll cat alone? If your schedule demands absence for hours during the day, Ragdoll may not be the right cat breed for you. Looking after your Ragdoll should be high on your priority list, so you shouldn't leave them alone for more than eight hours.

Are Ragdolls high maintenance? ›

Caring for Ragdoll Cats

Despite their longer fur, Ragdoll cats are relatively low maintenance. The Ragdoll cat's coat benefits from regular brushing with a steel comb to prevent tangles from forming and to minimize shedding. Ragdoll cats do shed, but they don't shed as much as breeds with thicker, wooly undercoats.

Why are Ragdolls so expensive? ›

I can't speak for every breeder, but for Masterpiece Ragdolls, the cost of a ragdoll cat has to do with several factors: pedigree, cost of the queen, demand for the particular lines, and whether or not the breeding program needs the kitten to replace any retiring queens or studs.

Are Ragdoll cats smart? ›

In addition to being so calm and affectionate, Ragdoll cats are also highly intelligent. With a bit of patience, it's possible to teach them basic tricks like 'fetch' and 'roll over'. Despite their easy-going nature, Ragdoll cats still have needs that must be met.

How old is a Ragdoll cat in human years? ›

How many cat years are in a human year? The first year of your cat's life is considered the equivalent of 15 human years. The second year adds nine more human years, so 2 cat years are approximately 24 human years. After this, each additional human year is four 'cat years' i.e., age 3 will be 28 human years.

Can I let my Ragdoll cat outside? ›

Anyone with a Ragdoll breed will probably know it is recommended not to let them outside due to their “lack of survival instinct.”

Where do Ragdolls like to sleep? ›

Ragdolls prefer to be with their people, whether that means following you from room to room, napping on your lap, or sleeping in your bed. Famous for their playful side, they like to chase, to fetch, and to be entertained.

Do Ragdolls get sick easily? ›

Like all cats, Ragdolls are susceptible to bacterial and viral infections such as panleukopenia, calicivirus, rhinotracheitis, and rabies, which are preventable through vaccination.

How to discipline a Ragdoll cat? ›

Training Techniques

This means rewarding good behavior with treats, toys, and lots of praise. Avoid using punishment or negative reinforcement, as this can cause your cat to become fearful or anxious.

Why do Ragdolls go limp when they are picked up? ›

They are the only cat breed said to “go limp” when you pick them up, and they have a sweet and friendly disposition. They go limp because it reminds them of being carted around in their mother's mouth as a kitten, and this relaxed position carries on into adulthood.

Why are Ragdoll cats sick? ›

Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM) is the commonest form of heart disease in cats and it is very common in the Ragdoll breed. With HCM the heart wall abnormally thickens (Liu et al 1981). This thickening causes multiple problems and at some stage prevents normal heart function.

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Author: Velia Krajcik

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Name: Velia Krajcik

Birthday: 1996-07-27

Address: 520 Balistreri Mount, South Armand, OR 60528

Phone: +466880739437

Job: Future Retail Associate

Hobby: Polo, Scouting, Worldbuilding, Cosplaying, Photography, Rowing, Nordic skating

Introduction: My name is Velia Krajcik, I am a handsome, clean, lucky, gleaming, magnificent, proud, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.