Can You Gift An NFT? - (2024)

Yes, you can absolutely gift an NFT. Not only that, but gifting an NFT is a great way to introduce someone to the world of NFTs.

What you'll learn in this article show


  • You can gift an NFT as it is essentially the process of transferring an NFT from your wallet to someone else’s wallet.
  • You can use OpenSea to gift your NFT. OpenSea has a transfer button to make it very clear that you are transferring the NFT to another wallet. You do not have to buy an NFT from OpenSea to use this feature, but you do have to connect your wallet to OpenSea.
  • If you are giving an NFT to someone that has never owned an NFT, then you will need to consider how to on-board them to the world of NFTs.
  • Gifting an NFT during this bear market means that you are more likely to find lower cost NFTs that you would like to give as a gift. In addition, you will likely save a bundle on Ethereum gas fees.

Can You Gift An NFT? - (1)

NFT Gift Ideas

Before you go about gifting an NFT, you need to choose an NFT for the lucky receiver.

Picking out a present for someone in real life can be difficult, but picking out a gift in the NFT world may be more so, because you have to also consider the receiver's experience with NFTs.

But let’s start with a few NFT gift ideas.

Art NFTs as a Gift

While art is very subjective, if we are talking about NFTs on the Ethereum blockchain, then certain art projects could work very well as gifts.

For this category I would go with the highly reputable, "classics" (or at least as classic as it gets for NFTs).

Gifting an ArtBlocks NFT

Art Blocks was one of the first generative art projects that has achieved critical success in the world outside of NFTs. Anyone who knows anything about NFT art will know Art Blocks.

Art Blocks has what is called a "Curated" collection. These curated pieces tend to have very high prices (some selling for millions of dollars).

While you can find some bargains in the Curated collection, you'll more likely find something suitable for a gift budget from what is called the "Presents" collection (which was formally called "Factory").

OpenSea (the most popular NFT marketplace for secondary sales) has recently made it more difficult to sort between the different Art Blocks collections, so you have a couple of options here to pick out your perfect gift.

Exploring the Art Blocks Website

One option is to go to the "Explore Collections" page on the Art Blocks website.

You'll see a tab called "Presents". Click on that tab to explore NFTs in the Presents collections and then take note of the collection name of ones that catch your eye (which you can then search for later on OpenSea).

Can You Gift An NFT? - (2)

Screenshot from the Art Blocks website showing the "Presents" tab

If you are feeling a bit more adventurous, you can even mint an NFT directly from the Art Blocks website.

In the drop down from the top of the page, just select the Status as "Open" and see what is still available to mint.

The advantage of taking this approach is that you can say to the receiver of the gift that there have been no other owners of this particular NFT except you. The disadvantage is that you mint what you mint - the design of the NFT will be randomly generated based on the artist's algorithm for that particular collection.

Exploring Art Blocks on OpenSea

I find it a bit difficult to navigate Art Blocks on OpenSea since they don't clearly mark which pieces are from the "Curated" collection and which are from the "Presents" collection (formally called "Factory").

But if you are looking for something budget friendly for a gift, here is what you can do.

Click on "see all items" from the Explore Art Blocks on OpenSea.

Can You Gift An NFT? - (4)

Click on "See All Items" from the Art Blocks page on OpenSea

Once you are viewing all the items, you can then just sort "Price low to high". Most of the lower priced pieces will be from the Presents/Factory collection.

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Sort Prices low to high on OpenSea

You might get a bit overwhelmed by all the choices, but just take you time and look for things that strike you as interesting and might make a nice gift.

I own several pieces from the Presents/Factory collection, including a few from a collection called "Flowers by RVig", which I think make great gifts as they are both aesthetically pleasing as well as not particularly expensive (at the time of this writing, November 2022, the lowest cost Flower was listed for approximately .075 ETH - about $85 USD).

Can You Gift An NFT? - (6)

Flowers by RVig from my personal collection

NFTs Gifts that are Kid Friendly

So high-end art probably won’t go over very well with the kids, but there are some kid friendly type projects out there that might be better suited for the little ones.


Everyone thinks cats are cute, right?

So what better than a classic NFT - CryptoKitties.

Can You Gift An NFT? - (7)

Most CryptoKitties NFTs are actually quite cheap since there are so many of them (there are literally millions of them). Only certain rares (such as older generations with rare traits) are actually expensive.

You can browse CryptoKitties on OpenSea and pick one up for a few dollars.

Please note, this guidance is just for a gift, not as investment advice. There is a reason why most CryptoKitties have a low price - most are not rare. That is not to say they don't have value - but an investor should be much more judicious in choosing such an NFT. So my advice here is just to have some fun, choose something low cost, and don't worry about trying to find something that will gain in value.

AlphaBetty Doodles

AlphaBetty NFTs might also make a nice gift for a small child.

AlphaBetty Doodles describe themselves as follows:

"AlphaBetty Doodles is a vibrant character who helps children go through the alphabet in colorful style. She was created to bring fun into learning the alphabet, and brought into the NFT world to provide that same experience to young people learning about blockchain technology."

AlphaBetty Doodles gained some traction during the bull market of 2021. Things have cooled down significantly since then. As a result, you can pick up an NFT from this collection for a low price. That said, it is worth noting that the project has remained active during this bear market - which is a good thing.

You can browse AlphaBetty NFTs on OpenSea.

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Screenshot taken from the AlphaBetty Doodles website, November 26, 2021

How to Gift an NFT

Now that you have picked out the NFT and have purchased it (so that it is in your wallet), the mechanics of gifting an NFT is actually pretty simple as it is just a transfer from one wallet to another.

The simplest thing to do is to use OpenSea to make the transfer. This allows you to actually see the NFT (in the desktop version of Metamask, you can't actually see the images of the NFTs).

You don’t need to buy the NFT on OpenSea to use the "transfer" feature, but you do need to connect your wallet to the OpenSea site.

Once connected, navigate to the NFT you want to transfer and then click on the transfer icon.

Can You Gift An NFT? - (9)

After connecting your wallet to OpenSea. Navigate to the NFT you want to Gift. Use the transfer button to start the transfer process to the recipient's wallet.

You will then be prompted to enter the receiver's Ethereum address (the wallet address of the person you are giving the gift). Finish by clicking on "Transfer".

Can You Gift An NFT? - (10)

Enter the ETH address to transfer the NFT to the person you are giving the gift

Note: "Quantity" will only appear if you are transferring a certain type of NFT (usually ERC-1155) where there could be multiple of the same NFT as is the case in the screenshot above.

When making the transfer you will be redirected to your wallet to submit the transaction. At this stage you will see the estimated gas fee for the transaction (yes, you do need to pay for gas even for a gift transfer).

After the transfer goes through, you will see a success page on OpenSea.

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Success Page on OpenSea. Includes a link to Etherscan.

To double check that the transfer went through, you can go to Etherscan. There is a link right on the success page in OpenSea to Etherscan (Under "Transaction ID") or you can just go to Etherscan directly and paste the receiver’s wallet address in the search. When the address is opened in Etherscan, you should see the NFT as a "token".

How to Present Your NFT to the Receiver

While the mechanics of gifting an NFT is pretty simple, the act of actually presenting your NFT to someone might take a bit of thought, especially if the receiver is new to NFTs.

Print the NFT and give it to them in person

If someone is brand new to the world of crypto/NFTs and you are going to meet this person in the real world, then you might want to consider printing out the NFT. That way, you can give them the NFT in person and, at the same time, walk them through the process of setting up a wallet like Metamask.

There are even services out there that will print and physically frame NFTs. I did some googling and found a few of these services, but I haven’t tried any of them, so I hesitate to mention them here (but I will update this article if/when I do try one of these services).

Email/text a link to the NFT and provide them with instructions

If you are not going to see the receiver in person, then you could just email or text them a link to the NFT you bought for them. It doesn’t have the same "surprise" factor that a gift might provide, but it works.

In your follow up (email, Zoom, Skype, etc.), you can walk through the set up of MetaMask, etc. and then make the transfer of the NFT to their wallet.

But I think it is a bad idea to set up a wallet for them.

The reason is that, if you set up the wallet for them, then you would have their seed phrase. If they trust you (well, maybe they do :)), then that might work, but even still, if they are new to NFTs, they might not understand how important it is to keep your seed phrase private.

And keeping your seed phrase private is an important concept to understand in the world of NFTs.

If the receiver has experience with crypto and/or NFTs and you know they have a crypto wallet like Metamask or Trust Wallet, then you still have the issue of getting their wallet address.

Unless you already know it or they have made it public, you’ll just have to ask.

Yes, all of this sounds a bit on the cumbersome side, but remember that we are very early in the development of NFTs, so this is the price we pay for "getting in on the ground floor".

In the future, having a crypto wallet address will become much more commonplace, much like an email address that your friends and family already know. Until that time, we have to jump through some hoops.

Learn How to Install MetaMask

MetaMask is the most popular crypto wallet for transacting on the Ethereum blockchain as well as for connecting to OpenSea and purchasing NFTs. Learn more about how to install MetaMask in my post here.

Can You Gift An NFT? - (12)

Final Thoughts

Gifting an NFT is not only possible, but also a great idea to get new people into the NFT world.

And if you do decide to gift someone that is new to NFTs, just know that you may likely become that person’s "NFT coach" - which is a good thing!

So gift-on my NFT friends (or should I say "frens") and be Belichick-like with your coaching.

Can You Gift An NFT? - (13)

About the Author
Ed is NFTska’s lead Editor and Author based in the Los Angeles area. He fell deep down the crypto rabbit hole starting in 2017. Ed actively participates in and follows the fast changing NFT scene. Learn more about Ed.

Can You Gift An NFT? - (2024)


Can you give an NFT as a gift? ›

Instead, you could simply buy the NFT in advance and then help the recipient set up his or her wallet later. Setting up a wallet is simple and takes just a few minutes. Pro tip: As a placeholder for someone without a wallet address, you can gift a printout of the NFT—just a little something to build anticipation!

Can I sell NFT I was gifted? ›

If you receive an NFT as a gift, the value is not considered taxable income, nor will you have to file any forms documenting its receipt (the person giving you the NFT may need to file a gift tax return). If you decide to later sell an NFT that you received as a gift, the sale will be a taxable event.

Can you give away NFTs for free? ›

Generosity: Some creators might just decide to assist their community by giving away their NFTs for free out of goodwill. In this way, creators and artists may give thanks to those who have supported them and reach a larger audience without having to worry about money.

Is it worth turning your art into an NFT? ›

In some cases, NFT art can be more profitable because the artist can set the commission percentage. Unlike traditional art, it can be resold with the artist earning a royalty each time. Some of the other notable differences include: Storage: Traditional physical art requires storage space.

Can I transfer an NFT to someone else? ›

You can also transfer an NFT directly from the item page. Navigate to the arrow-shaped Transfer button in the top-right corner. Enter the recipient's wallet address and click Transfer. Confirm the signature request in your wallet.

How do I buy an NFT for someone else? ›

To get started, you'll need the NFT, a cryptocurrency balance to pay transaction fees, and the recipient's public wallet address.
  1. Get the Recipient's Public Wallet Address. ...
  2. Open Your Cryptocurrency Wallet That Holds the NFT. ...
  3. Prepare the NFT Sending Transaction. ...
  4. Double Check the Details and Send.
Oct 13, 2022

Is gifting an NFT a taxable event? ›

Yes, you generally have to pay taxes on transactions involving Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs), similar to other forms of property or capital assets. NFT taxable events can be triggered by buying, selling, gifting, acquiring, or transferring NFTs.

Can someone copy my NFT and sell it? ›

While it might seem like it would be easy to copy NFTs, this is not actually possible. Each NFT is associated with a unique identifier that can be used to track it. If someone tried to copy an NFT, the original would be invalidated and the copy would become the new original.

Can an NFT be transferred to real money? ›

NFTs can be traded and exchanged for money, cryptocurrencies, or other NFTs—it all depends on the value the market and owners have placed on them. For instance, you could draw a smiley face on a banana, take a picture of it (which has metadata attached to it), and tokenize it on a blockchain.

Do I own the rights to my NFT? ›

This includes the color, composition, and other artistic choices made in creating the piece. It's important to note that the person who buys an NFT does not automatically own the rights to the artwork's subject matter. Instead, they only own the NFT itself.

Can you withdraw money from NFT? ›

Navigate to My NFTs. Click the Withdraw button and search for the NFT you wish to withdraw, then click it. Alternatively, you can also hover an NFT and click View details, and then click the Withdraw button on the right side of the page. You will now arrive on the withdraw page.

When you sell an NFT do you lose the rights to it? ›

Someone who purchases an NFT only owns the asset recorded on the blockchain. The NFT purchaser does not own the creative content. The content creator continues to own the copyright, even if that NFT is resold a million times over.

What type of NFT art sells best? ›

Some of the types of NFTs that sell best include: Digital Art: High-quality digital artworks, including illustrations, animations, and digital paintings, created by renowned or emerging artists.

Do artists get paid every time an NFT sells? ›

NFT royalties give artists a percentage of the sale price each time their artwork is resold. No matter how many secondary sales occur, the royalties will always be paid back to the original creator, and the best part is that the whole process is automated.

Is it possible to become rich from NFT? ›

The most direct way to make money with NFTs is by creating and selling them. As an artist or content creator, you can tokenize your work, turning it into a unique, tradeable asset on the blockchain.

Can you donate an NFT as a tax write off? ›

Donors do not owe capital gains tax on the appreciated crypto that is donated and can typically deduct the fair market value of the donation on their taxes.

Can I give cryptocurrency as a gift? ›

Giving a crypto gift

Gifts under $15,000 in crypto: No tax implications for gifter. Gifts above $15,000: Gifter must report gift to the IRS, using Form 709. Gifts above $15,000 count toward to a lifetime gift exemption of $11.7 million ($12.06 million in 2022)

Can you make an NFT non transferable? ›

A Souldbound or non-transferable NFTs are a special type of digital asset that can't be freely bought, sold, or traded like most other NFTs. Instead, these tokens come with strict rules that limit who can own them and prevent them from changing hands.

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Author: Rueben Jacobs

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Name: Rueben Jacobs

Birthday: 1999-03-14

Address: 951 Caterina Walk, Schambergerside, CA 67667-0896

Phone: +6881806848632

Job: Internal Education Planner

Hobby: Candle making, Cabaret, Poi, Gambling, Rock climbing, Wood carving, Computer programming

Introduction: My name is Rueben Jacobs, I am a cooperative, beautiful, kind, comfortable, glamorous, open, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.