Canada’s vertical $10 note (2024)

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Canada’s vertical $10 note (2024)


Is the $10 note vertical in Canada? ›

The $10 note is the first Canadian banknote in history to possess a vertical orientation; future banknotes of other denominations (such as the $20 note) are expected to share the similar vertical orientation.

What is the secret on the $10 bill? ›

Hold the note to light to see an embedded thread running vertically to the right of the portrait. The thread is imprinted with the text USA TEN and a small flag in an alternating pattern and is visible from both sides of the note. The thread glows orange when illuminated by ultraviolet light.

Who is the woman on the Canadian 10 dollar bill? ›

Courage and Dignity. Viola Desmond was a successful black businesswoman who was jailed, convicted and fined for defiantly refusing to leave a whites-only area of a movie theatre in 1946. Her court case was an inspiration for the pursuit of racial equality across Canada.

How much is a Canadian $10 bill worth in the United States? ›

Canadian Dollars to US Dollars conversion rates
10 CAD7.26 USD
25 CAD18.17 USD
50 CAD36.34 USD
100 CAD72.69 USD
7 more rows

What does a Canadian $10 bill look like? ›

The Canadian ten-dollar note is one of the most common banknotes of the Canadian dollar. The current $10 note is purple, and the obverse features a portrait of Viola Desmond, a Black Nova Scotian businesswoman who challenged racial segregation at a film theatre in New Glasgow, Nova Scotia, in 1946.

How can you tell if Canadian money is counterfeit? ›

Canadian polymer bank notes feature transparent, raised inked, and metallic sections which act as security features. “You can shine an ultraviolet light through Canadian currency and it will actually reveal small letters and numbers denoting the value,” Parker explained.

How can you tell if a 10 note is rare? ›

You will want to pay attention to the note's serial numbers as this will tell you if you've got a rare one. These numbers can be found on the side with the Monarch's face, just under the £10 value in the corner of the note. If you find the serial number on your note is quite quirky, then it could be even more valuable.

Why did they change the 10 dollar bill in Canada? ›

Last year, Viola Desmond became the new face of the $10 banknote — a national symbol of the struggles faced by Canadians of colour across the country, and of their efforts to overcome racial discrimination. In 1946, Desmond, a black woman, refused to give up her seat in the whites-only section of a Nova Scotia cinema.

Who is the hidden face on the $10 dollar bill? ›

Portrait Watermark

Hold the note to light and look for a faint image of Secretary Hamilton in the blank space to the right of the portrait. The image is visible from both sides of the note.

Who are the 4 people on the Canadian $10 dollar bill? ›

The front of the bill features portraits of Canada's first prime minister, Sir John A. Macdonald, and fellow Father of Confederation Sir George-Étienne Cartier, Canada's first female member of Parliament, Agnes MacPhail, and James Gladstone, Canada's first senator from a treaty First Nation — the Kainai (Blood) Tribe.

Who is the black Canadian woman on money? ›

Almost a decade before Rosa Parks sparked the civil rights movement in the US, a woman in Nova Scotia kicked off Canada's with a similar act of defiance at a segregated movie theater. And this month, that woman, Viola Desmond, became the first black person to appear on Canadian currency.

What countries have vertical banknotes? ›

Vertical orientation

Bermuda, Cape Verde, Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States, Switzerland, and Venezuela have adopted vertically oriented currency, though Cape Verde has now reverted to horizontal orientation. Since 1979, Sri Lanka has printed the reverse of its banknotes vertically.

What banknotes are in circulation in Canada? ›

Currently, they are issued in $5, $10, $20, $50, and $100 denominations. All current notes are issued by the Bank of Canada, which released its first series of notes in 1935.

What is the largest note on the Canadian dollar? ›

Being developed and distributed by Canada's central bank, the Bank of Canada (BOC), the Canadian dollar banknotes are issued in five denominations: $5, $10, $20, $50 and $100. CAD is divided into 100 cents and its coins are issued by the Royal Canadian Mint in seven denominations: 1c, 5c, 10c, 25c, 50c, $1 and $2.

How do you note Canadian dollars? ›

It is abbreviated with the dollar sign $. There is no standard disambiguating form, but the abbreviations Can$, CA$ and C$ are frequently used for distinction from other dollar-denominated currencies (though C$ remains ambiguous with the Nicaraguan córdoba). It is divided into 100 cents (¢).

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Author: Patricia Veum II

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Name: Patricia Veum II

Birthday: 1994-12-16

Address: 2064 Little Summit, Goldieton, MS 97651-0862

Phone: +6873952696715

Job: Principal Officer

Hobby: Rafting, Cabaret, Candle making, Jigsaw puzzles, Inline skating, Magic, Graffiti

Introduction: My name is Patricia Veum II, I am a vast, combative, smiling, famous, inexpensive, zealous, sparkling person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.