Caramel Sauce Recipe | The Prairie Homestead (2024)

33 Comments | Jill Winger | Last Updated: June 13, 2023

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This caramel sauce recipe is almost sinful.

But I’m posting it anyway. Just because I love you guys.

Now keep in mind, I’m a big believer in the importance of reducing sugar. I used to have a fierce sweet tooth, and have since tamed it considerably.


Sometimes you just gotta splurge. Like this—>

And thick-and-gooey-homemade-salted-caramel made with real butter and cream is the perfect time to do said splurging.

Should you make this homemade caramel sauce recipe everyday. Well, no.

But fall is the perfect time to enjoy this decadent sauce–especially if you need a quick treat to take to those fall parties and festivities. And I’m of the opinion that if you combine this caramel sauce with apples, it officially makes it healthier. Right??

Okay, so I’ll stop leading you astray now.

(And just so you know–I’m totally redneck in my pronunciation of “caramel.” I say ‘CAR-mel’, even though all the fancy foodies on TV pronounce it “car-ah-mel”. I can’t help it.)

Easy Caramel Sauce Recipe

  • 3/4 cup sucanat or rapadura *see note below (where to buy)
  • 6 tablespoons butter
  • 1/2 cup heavy cream (half n’half will work too)
  • 1 teaspoon real vanilla extract (how to make your own vanilla)
  • pinch of sea salt (I use this one)

In a saucepan, melt the butter and sugar over low heat. You’re looking for the sugar to dissolve and the mixture to become smooth.

Pour in the cream and whisk well to incorporate.

Bring to a gentle simmer and continue to stir/cook for 3-4 minutes, or until the caramel sauce is nice and smooth.

Remove from the heat and mix in the vanilla and salt.

Serve warm or cold. It will thicken as it cools. If it becomes too thick, you can gently reheat it before serving. Store in the refrigerator.

Kitchen Notes

  • I have made this both with sucanat (aka rapadura– a coarse, dark, unrefined cane sugar) and a lighter organic evaporated cane sugar. You can see the difference in the color above. Both had excellent flavor, with the sucanat sauce being richer, with more of a molasses-taste. If you don’t have these sugars, regular old brown sugar will work in a pinch.
  • Want homemade salted caramel sauce instead? Increase the salt (1/2 to 1 teaspoon).
  • Using half n’ half will result in a slightly thinner, yet still yummy, caramel sauce.
  • Your caramel sauce should last in the fridge for several weeks– but I doubt it’ll be around that long…
  • Drizzle this caramel sauce over ice cream, pies, or serve as a fruit dip.
  • Or swirl it into your coffee.
  • Or dunk an apple in it for the ultimate caramel apple treat. You’re welcome.


Easy Caramel Sauce Recipe

Caramel Sauce Recipe | The Prairie Homestead (8)


  • 3/4 cup sucanat or rapadura *see note below (like this)
  • 6 tablespoons butter
  • 1/2 cup heavy cream (half n’ half will work too)
  • 1 teaspoon real vanilla extract (how to make your own vanilla)
  • pinch of sea salt (I like this one)


  1. In a saucepan, melt the butter and sugar over low heat. You’re looking for the sugar to dissolve and the mixture to become smooth.
  2. Pour in the cream and whisk well to incorporate.
  3. Bring to a gentle simmer and continue to stir/cook for 3-4 minutes, or until the caramel sauce is nice and smooth.
  4. Remove from the heat and mix in the vanilla and salt.
  5. Serve warm or cold. It will thicken as it cools. If it becomes too thick, you can gently reheat it before serving. Store in the refrigerator.

More Tasty Fall Recipes:

  • Honey Maple Pumpkin Bread
  • Apple Puff Pancake Recipe
  • Homemade Chai Tea Concentrate
  • Rustic Pear Tart
  • Maple Walnut Blondies with Maple Butter Sauce
  • Pumpkin Pie Milkshake

Caramel Sauce Recipe | The Prairie Homestead (9)

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Reader Interactions


  1. Caramel Sauce Recipe | The Prairie Homestead (14)Prairie Wife says

    This looks fab…apples and caramel just go together in the fall. But really, is there anything caramel doesn’t taste fab with? PS I am pinning this for my readers 🙂

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  2. Caramel Sauce Recipe | The Prairie Homestead (18)Malori says

    Sounds delish!! And I say “car-mel” too – I think it’s weird to say “car-a-mel”! lol

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  3. Caramel Sauce Recipe | The Prairie Homestead (19)Mary P says

    Your recipe looks amazing, and I love that it uses all “real food” ingredients. I grew up on a small (100 acre) farm just outside of Torrington, WY and I am loving reading your blog. I now live in South Carolina, and to folks here, 100 acres is huge! I live just outside the city limits of a fair sized city, and have 6 backyard hens even though I just have a large lot in a subdivision. I still have family living in various parts of Wyoming, and get back to see them occasionally. I am now retired and will stay here because that is where most of my kids and their families are.

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    • Caramel Sauce Recipe | The Prairie Homestead (20)Jill Winger says

      We’re not too far from Torrington– it’s a lovely area!

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  4. Caramel Sauce Recipe | The Prairie Homestead (21)lesley says

    I say car-mel when it is caramels or caramel apples, but say car-a-mel when it is caramel sauce or salted caramel…don’t ask me why.
    Even easier sauce, put a can of (Eagle Brand), Sweetened Condensed milk submerged completely in water into a crock pot of minimum of 3 hours, usually 5, depending on the heat of the crock pot.
    remove from water, open, voila, caramel sauce. (dolce de leche)

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    • Caramel Sauce Recipe | The Prairie Homestead (22)Jill Winger says

      Cool! I’ve never tried that!

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    • Caramel Sauce Recipe | The Prairie Homestead (23)Debbie says

      Are you kidding?! I did this years ago and when I opened it up, it sprayed boiling milk on my face. Make sure it cools off first. Even then….the pressure builds up in the can when it’s heated!

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      • Caramel Sauce Recipe | The Prairie Homestead (24)Chris says

        Double the caution to cool! My kids loved fall growing up because we’d do this in the crockpot and dip apples after school the next day. Teachers always looked forward to their ‘gifts’ as well lol. Usually coincided with the annual school trip to the apple farm!

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  5. Caramel Sauce Recipe | The Prairie Homestead (27)Athene says

    Sounds delish! Could you can this?

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    • Caramel Sauce Recipe | The Prairie Homestead (28)Jill Winger says

      Probably not– dairy products don’t can well unfortunately.

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  6. Caramel Sauce Recipe | The Prairie Homestead (29)Ashley @ Crowe About Farm says

    I love me some caramel sauce!! I make an identical recipe except I use coconut sugar. I’ve tried sucanat and of course brown sugar, but coconut sugar is my favorite!! And it doesn’t get too hard in the fridge so it is easy to scoop out. Mmmmm

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  7. Caramel Sauce Recipe | The Prairie Homestead (30)Lori says

    I assume that coconut cream will work for those of us who can’t have dairy.

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    • Caramel Sauce Recipe | The Prairie Homestead (31)Jill Winger says

      Yes– coconut oil should work as a replacement. coconut cream is a bit different though.

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  8. Caramel Sauce Recipe | The Prairie Homestead (32)Nick Deck says

    Whoa, this looks fantastic! Great post and great site all around! All my clients think I don’t splurge and have sweets but I think I’ll make some of this and show them that I let loose too!

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  9. Caramel Sauce Recipe | The Prairie Homestead (33)Delia Trenholm says

    OK so this caramel is the best thing to ever happen in my whole life ….well ok not the best … my life to the Lord ,my husband and kids are thee best but after that its the best !!!!! I have been using it on everything …..I just mixed it up with some fresh popcorn …oh so yummy and this afternoon we had caramel macchiato

    reply to comment

    • Caramel Sauce Recipe | The Prairie Homestead (34)Jill Winger says

      Oooooooh…. popcorn……… YUM!

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  10. Caramel Sauce Recipe | The Prairie Homestead (35)Janet Lovell says

    Could this also work using coconut sugar instead of sucanat?

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    • Caramel Sauce Recipe | The Prairie Homestead (36)Jill Winger says


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  11. Caramel Sauce Recipe | The Prairie Homestead (37)Elizabeth says

    I love this recipe! I use unrefined cane sugar and half ‘n’ half. It is the perfect balance of sweet and creamy for coffee. It is now a weekend favorite to add to our special weekend coffee.

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  12. Caramel Sauce Recipe | The Prairie Homestead (38)Jeannette says

    Thank you for this recipe! Besides this, you have great ideas! I grew up on a farm, but don’t know a lot, as we always had hired hands. I also say ‘car Mel’ To tell you something funny, one of my cousin’s grandson is Cameron and I never know how to pronounce his name, so I just call him ‘honey’!!!!!!
    Anyway, my question is: Can I use full fat canned coconut milk instead of the cream? If you say yes, would it be the cream part or the milk part?
    Thank you!

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    • Caramel Sauce Recipe | The Prairie Homestead (39)Jill Winger says

      Hey Jeannette,
      That just might work! I can’t guarantee the results, but I would definitely give it a try. I would use the coconut milk to replace BOTH the milk and cream. Let me know how it goes.

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  13. Caramel Sauce Recipe | The Prairie Homestead (40)Jenny says

    Do you think one could use honey as the sugar?

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  14. Caramel Sauce Recipe | The Prairie Homestead (41)Sandy Ressler says

    Maple syrup works well too, in place of the sugar! And since we make it on our farm, it’s my “go-too” for sweetener.

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  15. Caramel Sauce Recipe | The Prairie Homestead (42)Apalachian Stephen says

    What, dear Montana princess, do you call the eggs and potatoes recipe featured as the first photo in this here free book of yorn, and what spices y’all use please.

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  16. Caramel Sauce Recipe | The Prairie Homestead (43)Krystal Wight Armstrong says

    I’m wanting to have a little, all natural, make-your-own candy apple bar at a birthday party, would this work in that way? Like if it was left out at room temperature would it be thick enough to stick to apples without running off, but gooey enough to have topppings stick to it?

    Thanks so much! : )

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    • Caramel Sauce Recipe | The Prairie Homestead (44)Kayla- Prairie Homestead Assistant says

      Hi Krystal! I would think this would work for that, but I don’t have personal experience with using this for a candy apple bar 😉 But please check back and let us know how it works if you use this recipe!

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  17. Caramel Sauce Recipe | The Prairie Homestead (45)Diane says

    I have never heard of sucanat. So I googled it. So if I understand it right this has or keeps more molasses than regular brown sugar? Thank you for the post.

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Caramel Sauce Recipe | The Prairie Homestead (2024)


How is caramel sauce made from scratch? ›

Combine brown sugar, butter, and milk in a saucepan and bring ingredients to a boil. Remove thickened mixture from heat before adding (optional) vanilla extract. Let the caramel cool slightly before using. The result is an impossibly rich sauce that is guaranteed to satisfy your sweet tooth.

Is white or brown sugar better for caramel? ›

Sugar Note: Most chefs say that only granulated sugar can be successfully caramelized; other sugars — such as brown sugar and unrefined sugar such as cane sugar — contain impurities that can inhibit caramelization. It's those impurities that can burn before the sugar has time to caramelize.

Why is my homemade caramel sauce not thickening? ›

Add more sugar to the sauce.

Most caramel sauces are made by caramelizing sugar and adding milk and a little salt. If you increase the amount of sugar in the recipe you'll end up with a thicker caramel. Try increasing the sugar by about 1/3.

Why is my homemade caramel sauce grainy? ›

If too many bits of sugar get stuck to the side of the pan, they will harden and can cause the caramel to seize or become gritty or grainy when you add in the butter and/or the cream. Prevent this by gently swirling the sugar around as it melts, while holding the pan's handle, instead of using a utensil to stir it.

What are the two methods for making caramel? ›

Wet caramel is made by combining sugar and a liquid and cooking them together, while dry caramel is made from just sugar, heated in a dry pan until it liquefies and browns.

What thickens homemade caramel? ›

To thicken a caramel sauce, use one tablespoon of cornstarch or tapioca starch (sometimes known as tapioca flour) and one tablespoon of water per cup of caramel. Then simmer the caramel, stirring it constantly with a wooden spoon until it becomes thick.

What is caramel sauce made of? ›

Ingredients for this Caramel Sauce Recipe

Sugar, butter, and cream are the essence of making caramel, but I also add water, vanilla, and salt, which play important roles. Water helps the sugar dissolve, reduces the risk of burning, and heat more evenly. Salt turns caramel sauce into salted caramel, which is amazing.

What is homemade caramel made of? ›

Never leave your caramel sauce unattended: To make caramel sauce you essentially toast white sugar until it's melted, before adding in butter, cream, and salt. Your sugar can go from toasty to burnt pretty quickly though, so make sure you keep a close eye on it! Don't forget the salt!

How is caramel traditionally made? ›

Traditionally, caramel is made by heating sugar at a particular temperature until it melts and gradually turns brown. Usually, this process begins around 320°F, when the sugar melts and becomes a clear molten liquid. After that, if the temperature increases, the caramel will begin turning into a darker shade of brown.


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