Career as a Cryptozoologist 🐼 ONE ZOO TREE (2024)

Cryptozoologist Career Profile

  • Career Name - Cryptozoologist
  • Category - Scientists
  • Skills Required - Life skills 40% - Career skills 60%
  • Basic School Subjects -STEM, Business Studies, Language
  • Required Basic Education - Bachelor's Degree
  • Species Worked With - Mammals, Birds, Fish, Reptiles, Amphibians, Mollusks
  • Kind of Interaction with Animals - Direct

How do I become a Cryptozoologist?

READ: This page helps you to read about the career and the info you need to decide on whether this is indeed the career you want to follow.

RESEARCH: ​Learn about the skills required and minimum subjects to enter this career, as well as the places where you can study further after school.

PREPARE: If you want to plan and prepare for the career, then join the OZT Community! Members have access to tools, while chatting with other students and experts from around the world. Prepare to be amazed!



27 January 2024


Career as a Cryptozoologist 🐼 ONE ZOO TREE (2)

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What is a Cryptozoologist?

A cryptozoologist is a person who studies and investigates creatures that are reported to exist based on anecdotal evidence, folklore, or other unverified sources. These creatures, often referred to as “cryptids,” are said to be legendary or mythical, and their existence is not scientifically proven.

Cryptozoology is considered a pseudoscience by mainstream science because it often lacks empirical evidence and relies heavily on anecdotal accounts and folklore. While some cryptozoologists approach their work with a genuine curiosity and open-mindedness, others may be more focused on myth and legend than scientific rigor. It’s essential to distinguish between the speculative nature of cryptozoology and the rigorous methodology of mainstream biology and zoology.

Career as a Cryptozoologist 🐼 ONE ZOO TREE (3)

Alternative Names

Cryptozoologists may be referred to by different titles or alternative names, depending on the context or their specific focus within the field. Some alternative names include:

Monster Hunter:

This term is often used to describe individuals who actively search for legendary or mythical creatures.

Cryptid Investigator:

Refers to someone who investigates reports and claims related to cryptids.

Cryptozoological Researcher:

Describes someone engaged in the study and research of cryptozoology.


Combining “crypto” from cryptozoology and “biologist,” this term emphasizes the biological aspect of studying unknown or mythical creatures.

Hidden Animal Researcher:

This term highlights the exploration of hidden or elusive animals that are not yet scientifically documented.


A broader term that encompasses the study of various anomalies, including cryptids, paranormal phenomena, and unexplained mysteries.

Mystery Creature Investigator:

Describes someone focused on investigating mysterious or unidentified creatures.

It’s important to note that these terms are not always used interchangeably, and the choice of title may reflect the individual’s approach, focus, or specific interests within the broader field of cryptozoology.

Career Categories

The Cryptozoologist career can be found within the following OZT career categories:​

  • Scientific Specialists
  • Business

What does a Cryptozoologist do?

With which Groups of animals does a Cryptozoologist work with?

Career as a Cryptozoologist 🐼 ONE ZOO TREE (4)
Career as a Cryptozoologist 🐼 ONE ZOO TREE (5)
Career as a Cryptozoologist 🐼 ONE ZOO TREE (6)
Career as a Cryptozoologist 🐼 ONE ZOO TREE (7)
Career as a Cryptozoologist 🐼 ONE ZOO TREE (8)
Career as a Cryptozoologist 🐼 ONE ZOO TREE (9)

What is the level of Interaction with the Animals?

  • Directly - A person works directly with the animals with some form of physical contact at least once every few days
  • Indirectly - The career doesn't require direct or physical contact at all.

What does a Cryptozoologist focus on?

Cryptozoologists explore the possibility of discovering new species or validating the existence of creatures such as Bigfoot, the Loch Ness Monster, chupacabras, and other mysterious beings.

What are the daily tasks of a Cryptozoologist?

Cryptozoologists may collaborate with various individuals and groups in their pursuit of studying and investigating cryptids. The nature of their work often involves interdisciplinary collaboration, as they may need expertise from different fields to gather information, analyse evidence, and conduct research. Here are some groups or individuals with whom a cryptozoologist might work:

Biologists and Zoologists:

Collaboration with professionals in mainstream biology and zoology can provide scientific expertise in the study of animal behavior, anatomy, and ecology.


For cryptids that are reported to be humanoid or have cultural significance, anthropologists can contribute their knowledge of human cultures and folklore.


Understanding the ecological context of reported cryptid sightings can be crucial, and ecologists can provide insights into habitat, environmental factors, and the potential for undiscovered species.

Wildlife Conservationists:

Collaboration with those involved in wildlife conservation can help cryptozoologists understand the broader context of conservation efforts and the impact of potential cryptid discoveries on ecosystems.

Forensic Scientists:

When dealing with physical evidence, such as hair samples or footprints, forensic scientists can provide expertise in the analysis of these materials.


In cases where alleged cryptids are described as having unusual or unique anatomical features, veterinarians can offer insights into the feasibility of such adaptations.

Geographers and Geologists:

Understanding the geological features of an area may be important in the study of cryptids, especially if they are reported to inhabit specific regions.

Local Communities:

Cryptozoologists often work closely with local communities and eyewitnesses who have reported sightings of cryptids. Local knowledge and cooperation can be invaluable in conducting field investigations.

It’s important to note that mainstream scientists may not always embrace cryptozoology, as it often involves the investigation of creatures with limited or no scientific evidence supporting their existence. However, open communication and collaboration between cryptozoologists and experts from various fields can contribute to a more comprehensive and informed approach to the study of unknown or mythical creatures.

The work Environment of a Cryptozoologist

Where does a Cryptozoologist work?

The working environments and places of employment for a cryptozoologist can vary widely, depending on the specific focus of their work and their preferred areas of investigation. Here’s a breakdown of both indoor and outdoor aspects:

Indoor Working Environments:

Research Facilities:

Cryptozoologists may spend time in libraries, archives, and research facilities conducting literature reviews and gathering information on reported sightings, folklore, and historical accounts.

Office Work:

Like many researchers, cryptozoologists may have administrative tasks, data analysis, and communication activities that are conducted in an office setting.

Communication and Collaboration:

Cryptozoologists often communicate with colleagues, experts, and the public via email, phone, or online platforms to share information, discuss findings, and collaborate on projects.

Writing and Publication:

Much of the work involves writing reports, articles, or books to document and share their research. This writing typically takes place indoors, either in a home office or a designated workspace.

Public Outreach:

Cryptozoologists may engage in public outreach through interviews, podcasts, or online platforms, contributing to the dissemination of information about their work.

Outdoor Working Environments:

Field Investigations:

One of the primary aspects of a cryptozoologist’s work involves field investigations. This includes exploring areas with reported cryptid sightings, searching for evidence, and conducting interviews with eyewitnesses.


Cryptozoologists may lead or participate in expeditions to remote or specific locations where cryptids are rumored to exist. These expeditions often involve camping, hiking, and other outdoor activities.

Wilderness and Natural Habitats:

Fieldwork might take cryptozoologists into various natural habitats, such as forests, swamps, mountains, or deserts, where they investigate reported cryptid activity.

Setting up Equipment:

Cryptozoologists may use technology like camera traps, drones, and other equipment to aid in their investigations. Setting up and maintaining this equipment often requires outdoor work.

Community Engagement:

Building relationships with local communities is essential in cryptozoological investigations. This may involve meeting with community members, interviewing eyewitnesses, and gaining permission to explore private or restricted areas.

Places of Employment:

Academic Institutions:

Some cryptozoologists may work within academic institutions, conducting research and teaching courses related to cryptozoology, folklore, or related fields.

Museums and Research Centers:

Cryptozoologists may find employment in museums or research centers focused on the study of natural history, anthropology, or folklore.

Independent Research:

Many cryptozoologists work independently, conducting their own research and investigations. They may be self-employed or supported by grants, donations, or other funding sources.

Online Platforms:

With the rise of the internet, cryptozoologists often share their findings and engage with the public through blogs, podcasts, and social media platforms.

Documentary Production:

Some cryptozoologists collaborate with filmmakers or production companies to create documentaries or TV shows about their investigations.

It’s important to note that cryptozoology is often considered a niche or speculative field, and employment opportunities can be limited compared to more mainstream scientific disciplines. Individuals in this field may need to be resourceful in seeking funding and support for their work.

What is the average annual salary of a Cryptozoologist?

Determining the average yearly salary or wages of a cryptozoologist can be challenging because cryptozoology is not a mainstream or widely recognised profession. Many individuals engaged in cryptozoological activities may not receive a fixed salary and might operate as independent researchers, authors, or enthusiasts.

However, if someone is employed in a related field such as zoology, wildlife biology, or academia, they may earn a salary within the range typical for those professions. Salaries can also vary based on experience, education, and the specific job role. Here are the approximate average annual salaries for related professions in the specified countries and regions:

Note: The figures provided are general estimates and may not specifically reflect the earnings of individuals working in cryptozoology.

United States:

Zoologist/Wildlife Biologist: $63,420 (Source: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, May 2020)


Zoologist/Wildlife Biologist: CAD 67,920 (Source: PayScale, January 2022)

United Kingdom:

Zoologist: £26,000 – £40,000 (Source: National Careers Service, January 2022)


Wildlife Biologist: INR 350,000 – INR 800,000 (Source: PayScale, January 2022)


Zoologist: AUD 60,000 – AUD 90,000 (Source: PayScale, January 2022)

New Zealand:

Zoologist: NZD 50,000 – NZD 75,000 (Source: Careers New Zealand, January 2022)

Nigeria, Kenya, South Africa:

Information specific to cryptozoologists or related professions in these countries may be limited. Salaries for researchers or biologists can vary.

South America, Europe, South East Asia:

Salaries in these regions can vary widely, depending on the specific country and its economic conditions. Salaries for zoologists, biologists, or researchers in related fields can provide a general idea.

Can a Cryptozoologist be promoted?

In the field of cryptozoology, promotion levels are not as standardized or defined as in more traditional professions. However, I can provide a hypothetical structure that includes aspects such as education, responsibilities, and certification that could be relevant for individuals pursuing a career or engagement in cryptozoological activities.

Entry-Level EDT


Master EDT


What are the difficulties a Cryptozoologist may face?

Cryptozoologists may encounter several challenges in their profession, given the unique nature of their work and the speculative aspect of cryptozoology. Here are some challenges they might face:

Physical Demands:

Fieldwork in remote or challenging terrain can be physically demanding. Long hours of outdoor activities, including hiking, camping, and conducting investigations, may be exhausting.

Safety Concerns:

Working in the wild or unfamiliar environments poses risks from natural elements, wildlife, and potential hazards. Safety concerns can arise during interactions with unknown or potentially dangerous animals.

Variability in Working Conditions:

Cryptozoologists may face unpredictable weather conditions, affecting fieldwork and outdoor activities. Work environments can range from dense forests to deserts, presenting diverse challenges.

Emotional Challenges:

Investigating cryptids may involve dealing with scepticism, criticism, or a lack of acknowledgement from the scientific community. Lack of concrete evidence or unsuccessful expeditions may lead to frustration or disappointment.

Business Management:

Independent researchers may struggle with funding and resource management for expeditions and research projects. Balancing the passion for cryptozoology with the need to sustain a viable research program can be challenging.

Regulatory Compliance:

Obtaining permits for fieldwork in certain areas may be challenging due to regulatory restrictions or concerns about potential environmental impact.
Compliance with ethical standards and legal regulations in wildlife research can be crucial.

Continuing Education:

Staying updated on advancements in relevant scientific fields, technologies, and methodologies may be challenging, especially in a field that is not mainstream.

Unpredictable Work Hours:

Field investigations may require irregular and unpredictable working hours, including night-time observations. The need to be available for expeditions or responses to reported sightings can disrupt a regular schedule.

Public and Media Scrutiny:

Cryptozoologists may face public scrutiny, skepticism, or sensationalism from the media, which can impact their credibility. Balancing the desire for public engagement with maintaining scientific integrity can be challenging.

Limited Funding:

Lack of institutional support and limited funding opportunities can hinder the planning and execution of research projects.

Ethical Dilemmas:

Deciding on the ethical treatment of reported cryptids, especially if they are potentially endangered or vulnerable species, can be challenging.

Scientific Credibility:

Gaining acceptance and credibility within the scientific community, which may be skeptical of the speculative nature of cryptozoology, can be a persistent challenge.

While these challenges may be inherent in the field of cryptozoology, individuals engaged in this work often possess a strong passion for exploration and discovery, driving them to overcome obstacles in their pursuit of understanding the mysteries of the natural world.

Future Growth and Career Outlook

The current annual growth for all zoology-related careers is around 5%.

The field of cryptozoology is driven more by individual passion, curiosity, and independent research rather than by traditional employment opportunities. Cryptozoologists often operate as independent researchers, authors, or enthusiasts, and their work may not be associated with a formal job market.

Current Trends and Possibilities Influencing the Future:

Increased Public Interest:

With the rise of social media, podcasts, and television shows focused on mysterious creatures and cryptids, there may be an increase in public interest in cryptozoology. This could lead to more individuals engaging in independent research and investigations.

Technological Advancements:

The use of advanced technologies such as drones, DNA analysis, and camera traps can enhance the capabilities of cryptozoologists in their field investigations. Continued advancements may improve the quality of evidence and data collection.

Collaboration with Mainstream Science:

While cryptozoology is often viewed with scepticism by mainstream science, there may be opportunities for collaboration in the future. If credible evidence or new species are discovered, it could lead to increased recognition and collaboration with traditional scientific institutions.

Citizen Science Initiatives:

The growth of citizen science initiatives and online communities may provide a platform for individuals interested in contributing to cryptozoological research. Crowdsourcing data and engaging the public in research efforts could become more common.

Environmental Conservation:

As cryptozoologists explore remote and often ecologically sensitive areas in search of cryptids, their work may contribute valuable data to conservation efforts. This connection to conservation could influence the perception of cryptozoology within the broader scientific and environmental community.

Documentary and Media Opportunities:

Continued interest from the media, including documentaries, TV shows, and online platforms, may provide opportunities for cryptozoologists to share their findings and engage with a broader audience.

Educational Outreach:

Cryptozoologists may increasingly focus on educational outreach to share their passion for the natural world, foster scientific curiosity, and inspire the next generation of researchers.

Availability of Jobs


Which Skills are required for a Cryptozoologist?

The skills required for a career as a Cryptozoologist can be divided into two very important groups. The first is the group containing life skills, which are the coreskills that are necessary or desirable for full participation in everyday life. The second group iscareer skills, or the specific skills required to allow a person to enter and operate effectively within a specific career. Some or maybe even all of the life skills can assist in strengthening the career skills, and they might even be the same for specific careers.

Life Skills:

  • Self-awareness
  • Empathy
  • Critical thinking
  • Creative thinking
  • Decision making
  • Problem Solving
  • Effective communication
  • Interpersonal relationship

Life Skills


Career Skills

  • Animal handling
  • Handling equipment
  • Excellent survival tactics
  • Good health and physical fitness
  • Computer literacy
  • Businesss

Career Skills


Which subjects must I have at school to prepare for this career?


Business Studies



Business Studies


The subjects you choose at school are important as they lay the foundation for further studies at college or university. While still at school, it’s also important to learn more about the animals you will work with, as well as gain some experience.

OZT has a list of varioustertiary institutions where you can study further, after school. Each of these institutions also have their own Group page on OZT where you will find the exact subjects they require of you to have passed in school. Keep these requirements in mind, and discuss it with your school, guidance counselor and parents to ensure that you are prepared!

What will I need to Study to become a Cryptozoologist?

Minimum educational requirements

A minimum of a Bachelor’s degree in a relevant field such as Biology, Zoology, Anthropology, or a closely related discipline.

Relevant coursework during undergraduate studies, including biology, ecology, animal behaviour, and environmental science, is beneficial.

Study Focus

Subjects for Further Study:


Further studies in biology will deepen your understanding of the principles of life, genetics, physiology, and evolution.


Specialised studies in zoology focus specifically on the animal kingdom, providing detailed knowledge about various species, their behaviours, and classifications.


Anthropological studies can help you understand the cultural contexts and folklore associated with reported cryptids.

Environmental Science:

Advanced studies in environmental science will enhance your understanding of ecosystems, Biodiversity, and environmental factors influencing wildlife.

Advanced Studies (if necessary):

Master’s Degree:

Pursuing a Master’s degree in a relevant field, such as Zoology, Biology, or a specialised programme related to the study of unknown or elusive animals, can provide advanced knowledge and research experience.

Ph.D. (Doctorate):

For those seeking to lead research initiatives or contribute significantly to the field, a Ph.D. in a relevant discipline can offer in-depth expertise and opportunities for original research.

Optional Short Courses:

Field Research Techniques:

Short courses on field research methods, including data collection, tracking, and survey techniques, can be valuable for practical experience.

Wildlife Conservation:

Courses on wildlife conservation provide insight into the broader context of preserving natural habitats and understanding the impact of cryptid discoveries on ecosystems.

Introduction to Cryptozoology:

While not widely available, some institutions may offer short courses or workshops specifically focused on the principles and methodologies of cryptozoology.

GIS (Geographic Information Systems):

Understanding GIS can be beneficial for mapping and analyzing geographical data, which is often relevant in cryptozoological investigations.

Ethics in Wildlife Research:

Courses on ethical considerations in wildlife research can provide guidance on responsible conduct during fieldwork.

Study Duration

The duration of Bachelor’s Degrees are between 3 and 4 years. Masters can take another 2 to 3 years. short courses differ, but can range from a few days to a few weeks.

Possible Career Preparation Paths

If this is your dream career that you want to pursue, then it’s important to plan the way forward.

Why is planning important?

To ensure that you understand the requirements for your career and that you are always prepared for the next step on the road towards your dream. A preparation path is like a road map to where you want to go.

Possible Path(s):

1. Attend Career Guidance Sessions:

Attend career guidance sessions at school to explore various career options and understand the educational paths available.

2. Research Possible Careers:

Conduct thorough research on careers related to zoology, biology, wildlife conservation, and cryptozoology.

3. Explore Educational Paths:

Explore educational paths, including potential universities or colleges offering programs in biology, zoology, or related fields.

4. Align High School Subjects:

Align high school subjects with the prerequisites for relevant tertiary programs. Focus on biology, chemistry, environmental science, and any available courses in anthropology.

5. Obtain a High School Diploma or Equivalent:

Complete high school with a focus on obtaining a strong academic foundation and achieving a high school diploma or equivalent.

6. Learn About Animals:

Gain knowledge about a variety of animals, including both common and more exotic species. This foundational knowledge will be crucial for future studies.

7. Align Post-School Path:

Decide whether to enter the job market directly, pursue further studies in biology or zoology, or explore the possibility of starting a business related to wildlife.

8. Gain Experience:

Gain practical experience through volunteering, internships, or mentorship programmes with local wildlife organisations, zoos, or research institutions.

9. Pursue Extracurricular Activities:

Participate in extracurricular activities related to biology, wildlife, or environmental science. Join nature clubs, participate in science fairs, or engage in outdoor activities.

10. Join Professional Associations:

Join professional associations related to zoology, biology, or wildlife conservation to connect with professionals in the field.

11. Gain specialised Skills:

Develop specialised skills such as observational techniques, data collection, and basic fieldwork skills through courses, workshops, or self-directed learning.

12. Network with Professionals:

Network with professionals in the field by attending conferences, seminars, or networking events. Connect with professors, researchers, and professionals who share similar interests.

13. Enter the Job Market, Finish Tertiary Studies, or Launch a Business:

Depending on the chosen path, enter the job market with relevant qualifications, pursue tertiary studies in a related field, or explore the possibility of launching a business focused on wildlife or cryptozoology.

14. Stay Updated and Pursue Continuing Education:

Stay informed about the latest developments in zoology, biology, and cryptozoology. Pursue continuing education opportunities to stay current with advancements in the field.

Remember that cryptozoology is often considered a niche or speculative field, so it’s essential to be open to diverse career paths within the broader realm of biology and wildlife conservation. Adaptability, continuous learning, and a passion for the subject will contribute to a successful career journey.

Possible Combined Career Paths

It is possible to sometimes combine two or more related careers. This normally happens when you study and practice a specific main career, but the knowledge and experience gained also help you to have a paying hobby or secondary income career.

Possible Alternative(s):

COMBINED PATH 1Cryptozoologist + Photographer = Take photos for scientific study

COMBINED PATH 2Cryptozoologist + Blogger = Write about your expeditions to a wide audience

Stepping stone

A stepping-stone career refers to a job or position that serves as a transitional or intermediate step towards a long-term career goal. Individuals may take on a stepping-stone job as it requires minimum education or finances to enter, or to gain relevant experience and develop skills, or to make professional connections that will ultimately help them progress towards their desired career path.

These interim positions may not be the ultimate or dream job, but they provide valuable learning opportunities and contribute to the individual’s overall career development. Stepping-stone careers are often seen as a strategic approach to building a successful and fulfilling professional trajectory, allowing individuals to gradually move closer to their desired roles or industries.

A background in a field related to cryptozoology can provide individuals with a diverse set of skills and knowledge that may lead to various career opportunities. While cryptozoology itself is a niche field, the skills acquired during education and research in this area can be transferable to other professions. Here are some potential career paths that individuals with a background in cryptozoology or a related field might pursue:

Wildlife Biologist/Zoologist:Apply knowledge of animal behavior, ecology, and biology to study and conserve wildlife.

Museum Curator/Exhibit Developer:Work in museums to curate exhibits related to natural history, biology, or anthropology.

Ethnobotanist or Ethnobiologist:Study the relationships between people and plants, including traditional knowledge of plant and animal species.

Training and apprenticeship

It’s important to note that cryptozoology is not a widely recognised or standardised career path within mainstream scientific institutions. Consequently, there are no specific on-the-job training or apprenticeship programmes designed for aspiring cryptozoologists. The field of cryptozoology is often pursued independently by enthusiasts, researchers, or those with a passion for exploring unknown or mysterious creatures.

However, for individuals interested in gaining relevant experience and skills, there are general steps and opportunities to consider:

Field Experience:

Participate in field expeditions led by experienced researchers or organizations focused on wildlife studies. This hands-on experience can provide valuable insights into fieldwork, data collection, and outdoor skills.

Internships/Volunteer Opportunities:

Seek internships or volunteer positions with organisations involved in wildlife conservation, zoology, or related fields. This can provide exposure to research methodologies and the practical aspects of working with animals.

Network with Researchers:

Connect with professionals in the fields of zoology, biology, or anthropology. Attend conferences, workshops, and seminars to build relationships with researchers who may provide mentorship or guidance.

Acquire Relevant Skills:

Develop skills in areas such as tracking, observational techniques, camera trapping, and data analysis. These skills are applicable in the field and contribute to the scientific rigour of cryptozoological investigations.

Educational Programs:

Pursue formal education in a relevant field, such as biology, zoology, or anthropology. Some universities or research institutions may offer specialised programmes or courses related to wildlife studies or cryptozoology.

Join Citizen Science Initiatives:

Participate in citizen science projects that focus on wildlife monitoring or species identification. This involvement allows you to contribute to scientific research while gaining practical experience.

Read Extensively:

Stay informed about the latest developments in zoology, biology, and related fields. Read scientific literature, books, and articles on cryptozoology to deepen your knowledge.

Online Communities:

Join online communities or forums where cryptozoologists and enthusiasts share experiences, discuss findings, and provide guidance. Engaging with the community can offer valuable insights and potential collaboration opportunities.

It’s essential to approach cryptozoology with a scientific mindset, emphasising evidence-based research and adherence to ethical standards.

Average level of education of those entering this career

High School Certificate0%

Diploma or Short Courses0%

Degree or Higher Studies0%

Licenses, Certificates, Registration and Professional Organizations

There are generally no specific licences or certificates exclusively designated for cryptozoologists, as cryptozoology itself is not a regulated or recognised profession in the same way as mainstream scientific disciplines. However, individuals engaging in wildlife research, fieldwork, or related activities should be aware of relevant legal and ethical considerations. Here are some aspects to consider:

Permits for Fieldwork:

When conducting fieldwork, especially in protected areas or on private property, individuals may need permits from relevant authorities. This is to ensure compliance with environmental regulations and minimise any potential impact on ecosystems.

Ethical Standards:

Adhering to ethical standards in wildlife research is essential. This includes respecting the welfare of animals, obtaining proper permissions for research, and ensuring that activities align with legal and ethical guidelines.

Educational Credentials:

While there may not be specific licences for cryptozoologists, having relevant educational credentials (such as a degree in biology, zoology, or a related field) can enhance credibility and may be required for certain research opportunities.

Wildlife Rehabilitation Licencing:

If individuals are involved in the rescue, rehabilitation, or care of wildlife, they may need licences or permits from wildlife rehabilitation authorities. This ensures proper training and compliance with regulations.

Compliance with Local Laws:

Adherence to local, regional, and national laws regarding wildlife protection, conservation, and research is crucial. It is important to be aware of any regulations governing the study of animals, especially those that are protected or endangered.

Research Ethics Board Approval:

For academic or research-oriented projects, obtaining approval from a Research Ethics Board (REB) may be necessary. This ensures that research involving human subjects or animals meets ethical standards.

Participation in Collaborative Research:

Collaborating with established researchers or institutions may provide opportunities to work within a framework that already complies with legal and ethical standards.

Continuing Education:

Engaging in continuing education, workshops, or training programmes related to wildlife research and ethical conduct can help individuals stay informed about best practices in the field.

It’s essential for individuals interested in cryptozoology or wildlife research to approach their activities responsibly and in accordance with relevant laws and ethical guidelines. Regulations may vary by location, so it’s crucial to research and understand the specific legal requirements in the area where one plans to conduct research or investigations.

Additionally, staying updated on any changes in laws or regulations related to wildlife and research is important for ongoing compliance.

Professional Organizations

There are limited professional associations or societies specifically dedicated to cryptozoologists. However, individuals interested in related fields, such as zoology, biology, or wildlife conservation, can find relevant professional organisations. Here are a few associations that may be of interest:

International Society for Cryptozoology (ISC):

The International Society for Cryptozoology is an organisation that focuses on the study of animals reported in folklore and eyewitness accounts. Note that the level of formal recognition and activity may vary.

The Cryptozoology Society:

The Cryptozoology Society is a community-driven organization that brings together enthusiasts and researchers interested in the study of cryptids.

The Center for Fortean Zoology (CFZ):

While not exclusively focused on cryptozoology, the CFZ investigates a wide range of Fortean phenomena, including mysterious animals and cryptozoological subjects.

It’s important to mention that mainstream scientific organisations, such as those dedicated to zoology, biology, and wildlife conservation, are more widely recognised and offer opportunities for individuals interested in aspects related to cryptozoology. Here are a couple of examples:

The Wildlife Society:

An organisation dedicated to advancing the science and practice of wildlife management and conservation.

International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN):

The IUCN is a global authority on the status of the natural world and the measures needed to safeguard it.

Where can I study further?

All of the above information will help you understand more about the Career, including the fact that there are different paths to take to reach it. But if you are almost done with High School (Grades 11 or 12), you also need to start thinking about further studies, and WHERE you will study.

See the List of Universities, Colleges and Online Training Academies who offer courses towards zoology.


How do I start to prepare for this Career?

If you do decide on following this career, then OZT can assist you in gaining knowledge about the career and the animals you will be working with. We do this by offering you thousands of FREE short courses.

A. You can access the specialised study guide that fits in with the above preparation path

B. If you are still uncertain about choosing this career, then have a look at our special series of WHAT NEXT courses. They take you through all of the questions you might have on how to choose the right career, what to do while and after school, and even how to start your own business.

C. Or, join OZT as a member to access easy-to-use lists of courses to make your career preparation as smooth as possible! And yes, membership is always free.

Your Study Guide


What Next Courses

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Career Profiles and Resources

Career Mentors are Members who assist by volunteering to keep each Career Page factual and current, while mentoring Students in the related Career Group.

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List of Career Mentors/Educators who have contributed to this Career info:

One Zoo Tree

A few pictures about the Career:

  • Link

Some of the best websites to help you decide on a career are:

  1. International Cryptozoology Museum:

    • Website: International Cryptozoology Museum
    • Description: Founded by renowned cryptozoologist Loren Coleman, the International Cryptozoology Museum is dedicated to the study and exploration of unknown or hidden animals. The museum, based in Portland, Maine, offers a virtual tour and features exhibits related to various cryptids.
  2. Cryptozoology News:

    • Website: Cryptozoology News
    • Description: Cryptozoology News is an online platform that provides news, articles, and reports related to cryptozoology. It covers a wide range of topics, including sightings, research findings, and discussions about mysterious and undiscovered creatures.
  3. The Cryptozoology Society:

    • Website: The Cryptozoology Society
    • Description: The Cryptozoology Society is an online community and resource for cryptozoology enthusiasts. The website features articles, forums, and discussions on various cryptids, as well as information on the principles and methodologies of cryptozoology.

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Career as a Cryptozoologist 🐼 ONE ZOO TREE (2024)
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Author: Pres. Lawanda Wiegand

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Author information

Name: Pres. Lawanda Wiegand

Birthday: 1993-01-10

Address: Suite 391 6963 Ullrich Shore, Bellefort, WI 01350-7893

Phone: +6806610432415

Job: Dynamic Manufacturing Assistant

Hobby: amateur radio, Taekwondo, Wood carving, Parkour, Skateboarding, Running, Rafting

Introduction: My name is Pres. Lawanda Wiegand, I am a inquisitive, helpful, glamorous, cheerful, open, clever, innocent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.