Cash Flow Calculator - For Forecasting and Analysis (2024)

";libsWin ="","","width=400,height=350,toolbar=yes,menubar=yes,scrollbars=yes");libsWin.document.write(Vcashflow);libsWin.document.close();}function computeLine(pmtPerYear,pmtAmount) {var moAmount = 0;if(pmtPerYear == "" || pmtPerYear == 0) { moAmount = 0; } else { moAmount = ((pmtPerYear * pmtAmount) /12); } return parseInt(moAmount,10); }function computeForm(form) {jQuery('.email-my-results').removeClass('hidden');var accumBal = 0;//COMPUTE INCOMEvar Vincome_totMoAmt = 0;var Vincome_ppYr1 = sn(form.income_ppYr1.value);var Vincome_pmt1 = sn(form.income_pmt1.value);if(Vincome_ppYr1 > 0 && Vincome_pmt1 > 0) { var Vincome_moAmt1 = (Vincome_ppYr1 * Vincome_pmt1) / 12; form.income_moAmt1.value = fn(Vincome_moAmt1,2,1); Vincome_totMoAmt = Number(Vincome_totMoAmt) + Number(Vincome_moAmt1);}var Vincome_ppYr2 = sn(form.income_ppYr2.value);var Vincome_pmt2 = sn(form.income_pmt2.value);if(Vincome_ppYr2 > 0 && Vincome_pmt2 > 0) { var Vincome_moAmt2 = (Vincome_ppYr2 * Vincome_pmt2) / 12; form.income_moAmt2.value = fn(Vincome_moAmt2,2,1); Vincome_totMoAmt = Number(Vincome_totMoAmt) + Number(Vincome_moAmt2);}var Vincome_ppYr3 = sn(form.income_ppYr3.value);var Vincome_pmt3 = sn(form.income_pmt3.value);if(Vincome_ppYr3 > 0 && Vincome_pmt3 > 0) { var Vincome_moAmt3 = (Vincome_ppYr3 * Vincome_pmt3) / 12; form.income_moAmt3.value = fn(Vincome_moAmt3,2,1); Vincome_totMoAmt = Number(Vincome_totMoAmt) + Number(Vincome_moAmt3);}var Vincome_ppYr4 = sn(form.income_ppYr4.value);var Vincome_pmt4 = sn(form.income_pmt4.value);if(Vincome_ppYr4 > 0 && Vincome_pmt4 > 0) { var Vincome_moAmt4 = (Vincome_ppYr4 * Vincome_pmt4) / 12; form.income_moAmt4.value = fn(Vincome_moAmt4,2,1); Vincome_totMoAmt = Number(Vincome_totMoAmt) + Number(Vincome_moAmt4);}var Vincome_ppYr5 = sn(form.income_ppYr5.value);var Vincome_pmt5 = sn(form.income_pmt5.value);if(Vincome_ppYr5 > 0 && Vincome_pmt5 > 0) { var Vincome_moAmt5 = (Vincome_ppYr5 * Vincome_pmt5) / 12; form.income_moAmt5.value = fn(Vincome_moAmt5,2,1); Vincome_totMoAmt = Number(Vincome_totMoAmt) + Number(Vincome_moAmt5);}var Vincome_ppYr6 = sn(form.income_ppYr6.value);var Vincome_pmt6 = sn(form.income_pmt6.value);if(Vincome_ppYr6 > 0 && Vincome_pmt6 > 0) { var Vincome_moAmt6 = (Vincome_ppYr6 * Vincome_pmt6) / 12; form.income_moAmt6.value = fn(Vincome_moAmt6,2,1); Vincome_totMoAmt = Number(Vincome_totMoAmt) + Number(Vincome_moAmt6);}var Vincome_ppYr7 = sn(form.income_ppYr7.value);var Vincome_pmt7 = sn(form.income_pmt7.value);if(Vincome_ppYr7 > 0 && Vincome_pmt7 > 0) { var Vincome_moAmt7 = (Vincome_ppYr7 * Vincome_pmt7) / 12; form.income_moAmt7.value = fn(Vincome_moAmt7,2,1); Vincome_totMoAmt = Number(Vincome_totMoAmt) + Number(Vincome_moAmt7);}var Vincome_ppYr8 = sn(form.income_ppYr8.value);var Vincome_pmt8 = sn(form.income_pmt8.value);if(Vincome_ppYr8 > 0 && Vincome_pmt8 > 0) { var Vincome_moAmt8 = (Vincome_ppYr8 * Vincome_pmt8) / 12; form.income_moAmt8.value = fn(Vincome_moAmt8,2,1); Vincome_totMoAmt = Number(Vincome_totMoAmt) + Number(Vincome_moAmt8);}var Vincome_ppYr9 = sn(form.income_ppYr9.value);var Vincome_pmt9 = sn(form.income_pmt9.value);if(Vincome_ppYr9 > 0 && Vincome_pmt9 > 0) { var Vincome_moAmt9 = (Vincome_ppYr9 * Vincome_pmt9) / 12; form.income_moAmt9.value = fn(Vincome_moAmt9,2,1); Vincome_totMoAmt = Number(Vincome_totMoAmt) + Number(Vincome_moAmt9);}var Vincome_ppYr10 = sn(form.income_ppYr10.value);var Vincome_pmt10 = sn(form.income_pmt10.value);if(Vincome_ppYr10 > 0 && Vincome_pmt10 > 0) { var Vincome_moAmt10 = (Vincome_ppYr10 * Vincome_pmt10) / 12; form.income_moAmt10.value = fn(Vincome_moAmt10,2,1); Vincome_totMoAmt = Number(Vincome_totMoAmt) + Number(Vincome_moAmt10);}form.income_totMoAmt.value = fn(Vincome_totMoAmt,2,1);accumBal = Vincome_totMoAmt;form.adminBal.value = fn(accumBal,2,1);//COMPUTE ADMINvar Vadmin_totMoAmt = 0;var Vadmin_ppYr1 = sn(form.admin_ppYr1.value);var Vadmin_pmt1 = sn(form.admin_pmt1.value);if(Vadmin_ppYr1 > 0 && Vadmin_pmt1 > 0) { var Vadmin_moAmt1 = (Vadmin_ppYr1 * Vadmin_pmt1) / 12; form.admin_moAmt1.value = fn(Vadmin_moAmt1,2,1); Vadmin_totMoAmt = Number(Vadmin_totMoAmt) + Number(Vadmin_moAmt1);}var Vadmin_ppYr2 = sn(form.admin_ppYr2.value);var Vadmin_pmt2 = sn(form.admin_pmt2.value);if(Vadmin_ppYr2 > 0 && Vadmin_pmt2 > 0) { var Vadmin_moAmt2 = (Vadmin_ppYr2 * Vadmin_pmt2) / 12; form.admin_moAmt2.value = fn(Vadmin_moAmt2,2,1); Vadmin_totMoAmt = Number(Vadmin_totMoAmt) + Number(Vadmin_moAmt2);}var Vadmin_ppYr3 = sn(form.admin_ppYr3.value);var Vadmin_pmt3 = sn(form.admin_pmt3.value);if(Vadmin_ppYr3 > 0 && Vadmin_pmt3 > 0) { var Vadmin_moAmt3 = (Vadmin_ppYr3 * Vadmin_pmt3) / 12; form.admin_moAmt3.value = fn(Vadmin_moAmt3,2,1); Vadmin_totMoAmt = Number(Vadmin_totMoAmt) + Number(Vadmin_moAmt3);}var Vadmin_ppYr4 = sn(form.admin_ppYr4.value);var Vadmin_pmt4 = sn(form.admin_pmt4.value);if(Vadmin_ppYr4 > 0 && Vadmin_pmt4 > 0) { var Vadmin_moAmt4 = (Vadmin_ppYr4 * Vadmin_pmt4) / 12; form.admin_moAmt4.value = fn(Vadmin_moAmt4,2,1); Vadmin_totMoAmt = Number(Vadmin_totMoAmt) + Number(Vadmin_moAmt4);}var Vadmin_ppYr5 = sn(form.admin_ppYr5.value);var Vadmin_pmt5 = sn(form.admin_pmt5.value);if(Vadmin_ppYr5 > 0 && Vadmin_pmt5 > 0) { var Vadmin_moAmt5 = (Vadmin_ppYr5 * Vadmin_pmt5) / 12; form.admin_moAmt5.value = fn(Vadmin_moAmt5,2,1); Vadmin_totMoAmt = Number(Vadmin_totMoAmt) + Number(Vadmin_moAmt5);}var Vadmin_ppYr6 = sn(form.admin_ppYr6.value);var Vadmin_pmt6 = sn(form.admin_pmt6.value);if(Vadmin_ppYr6 > 0 && Vadmin_pmt6 > 0) { var Vadmin_moAmt6 = (Vadmin_ppYr6 * Vadmin_pmt6) / 12; form.admin_moAmt6.value = fn(Vadmin_moAmt6,2,1); Vadmin_totMoAmt = Number(Vadmin_totMoAmt) + Number(Vadmin_moAmt6);}var Vadmin_ppYr7 = sn(form.admin_ppYr7.value);var Vadmin_pmt7 = sn(form.admin_pmt7.value);if(Vadmin_ppYr7 > 0 && Vadmin_pmt7 > 0) { var Vadmin_moAmt7 = (Vadmin_ppYr7 * Vadmin_pmt7) / 12; form.admin_moAmt7.value = fn(Vadmin_moAmt7,2,1); Vadmin_totMoAmt = Number(Vadmin_totMoAmt) + Number(Vadmin_moAmt7);}var Vadmin_ppYr8 = sn(form.admin_ppYr8.value);var Vadmin_pmt8 = sn(form.admin_pmt8.value);if(Vadmin_ppYr8 > 0 && Vadmin_pmt8 > 0) { var Vadmin_moAmt8 = (Vadmin_ppYr8 * Vadmin_pmt8) / 12; form.admin_moAmt8.value = fn(Vadmin_moAmt8,2,1); Vadmin_totMoAmt = Number(Vadmin_totMoAmt) + Number(Vadmin_moAmt8);}var Vadmin_ppYr9 = sn(form.admin_ppYr9.value);var Vadmin_pmt9 = sn(form.admin_pmt9.value);if(Vadmin_ppYr9 > 0 && Vadmin_pmt9 > 0) { var Vadmin_moAmt9 = (Vadmin_ppYr9 * Vadmin_pmt9) / 12; form.admin_moAmt9.value = fn(Vadmin_moAmt9,2,1); Vadmin_totMoAmt = Number(Vadmin_totMoAmt) + Number(Vadmin_moAmt9);}var Vadmin_ppYr10 = sn(form.admin_ppYr10.value);var Vadmin_pmt10 = sn(form.admin_pmt10.value);if(Vadmin_ppYr10 > 0 && Vadmin_pmt10 > 0) { var Vadmin_moAmt10 = (Vadmin_ppYr10 * Vadmin_pmt10) / 12; form.admin_moAmt10.value = fn(Vadmin_moAmt10,2,1); Vadmin_totMoAmt = Number(Vadmin_totMoAmt) + Number(Vadmin_moAmt10);}form.admin_totMoAmt.value = fn(Vadmin_totMoAmt,2,1);accumBal = Number(accumBal) - Number(Vadmin_totMoAmt);form.personBal.value = fn(accumBal,2,1);//COMPUTE PERSONNELvar Vperson_totMoAmt = 0;var Vperson_ppYr1 = sn(form.person_ppYr1.value);var Vperson_pmt1 = sn(form.person_pmt1.value);if(Vperson_ppYr1 > 0 && Vperson_pmt1 > 0) { var Vperson_moAmt1 = (Vperson_ppYr1 * Vperson_pmt1) / 12; form.person_moAmt1.value = fn(Vperson_moAmt1,2,1); Vperson_totMoAmt = Number(Vperson_totMoAmt) + Number(Vperson_moAmt1);}var Vperson_ppYr2 = sn(form.person_ppYr2.value);var Vperson_pmt2 = sn(form.person_pmt2.value);if(Vperson_ppYr2 > 0 && Vperson_pmt2 > 0) { var Vperson_moAmt2 = (Vperson_ppYr2 * Vperson_pmt2) / 12; form.person_moAmt2.value = fn(Vperson_moAmt2,2,1); Vperson_totMoAmt = Number(Vperson_totMoAmt) + Number(Vperson_moAmt2);}var Vperson_ppYr3 = sn(form.person_ppYr3.value);var Vperson_pmt3 = sn(form.person_pmt3.value);if(Vperson_ppYr3 > 0 && Vperson_pmt3 > 0) { var Vperson_moAmt3 = (Vperson_ppYr3 * Vperson_pmt3) / 12; form.person_moAmt3.value = fn(Vperson_moAmt3,2,1); Vperson_totMoAmt = Number(Vperson_totMoAmt) + Number(Vperson_moAmt3);}var Vperson_ppYr4 = sn(form.person_ppYr4.value);var Vperson_pmt4 = sn(form.person_pmt4.value);if(Vperson_ppYr4 > 0 && Vperson_pmt4 > 0) { var Vperson_moAmt4 = (Vperson_ppYr4 * Vperson_pmt4) / 12; form.person_moAmt4.value = fn(Vperson_moAmt4,2,1); Vperson_totMoAmt = Number(Vperson_totMoAmt) + Number(Vperson_moAmt4);}var Vperson_ppYr5 = sn(form.person_ppYr5.value);var Vperson_pmt5 = sn(form.person_pmt5.value);if(Vperson_ppYr5 > 0 && Vperson_pmt5 > 0) { var Vperson_moAmt5 = (Vperson_ppYr5 * Vperson_pmt5) / 12; form.person_moAmt5.value = fn(Vperson_moAmt5,2,1); Vperson_totMoAmt = Number(Vperson_totMoAmt) + Number(Vperson_moAmt5);}var Vperson_ppYr6 = sn(form.person_ppYr6.value);var Vperson_pmt6 = sn(form.person_pmt6.value);if(Vperson_ppYr6 > 0 && Vperson_pmt6 > 0) { var Vperson_moAmt6 = (Vperson_ppYr6 * Vperson_pmt6) / 12; form.person_moAmt6.value = fn(Vperson_moAmt6,2,1); Vperson_totMoAmt = Number(Vperson_totMoAmt) + Number(Vperson_moAmt6);}var Vperson_ppYr7 = sn(form.person_ppYr7.value);var Vperson_pmt7 = sn(form.person_pmt7.value);if(Vperson_ppYr7 > 0 && Vperson_pmt7 > 0) { var Vperson_moAmt7 = (Vperson_ppYr7 * Vperson_pmt7) / 12; form.person_moAmt7.value = fn(Vperson_moAmt7,2,1); Vperson_totMoAmt = Number(Vperson_totMoAmt) + Number(Vperson_moAmt7);}var Vperson_ppYr8 = sn(form.person_ppYr8.value);var Vperson_pmt8 = sn(form.person_pmt8.value);if(Vperson_ppYr8 > 0 && Vperson_pmt8 > 0) { var Vperson_moAmt8 = (Vperson_ppYr8 * Vperson_pmt8) / 12; form.person_moAmt8.value = fn(Vperson_moAmt8,2,1); Vperson_totMoAmt = Number(Vperson_totMoAmt) + Number(Vperson_moAmt8);}var Vperson_ppYr9 = sn(form.person_ppYr9.value);var Vperson_pmt9 = sn(form.person_pmt9.value);if(Vperson_ppYr9 > 0 && Vperson_pmt9 > 0) { var Vperson_moAmt9 = (Vperson_ppYr9 * Vperson_pmt9) / 12; form.person_moAmt9.value = fn(Vperson_moAmt9,2,1); Vperson_totMoAmt = Number(Vperson_totMoAmt) + Number(Vperson_moAmt9);}var Vperson_ppYr10 = sn(form.person_ppYr10.value);var Vperson_pmt10 = sn(form.person_pmt10.value);if(Vperson_ppYr10 > 0 && Vperson_pmt10 > 0) { var Vperson_moAmt10 = (Vperson_ppYr10 * Vperson_pmt10) / 12; form.person_moAmt10.value = fn(Vperson_moAmt10,2,1); Vperson_totMoAmt = Number(Vperson_totMoAmt) + Number(Vperson_moAmt10);}form.person_totMoAmt.value = fn(Vperson_totMoAmt,2,1);accumBal = Number(accumBal) - Number(Vperson_totMoAmt);form.transBal.value = fn(accumBal,2,1);//COMPUTE TRANSPORTATIONvar Vtrans_totMoAmt = 0;var Vtrans_ppYr1 = sn(form.trans_ppYr1.value);var Vtrans_pmt1 = sn(form.trans_pmt1.value);if(Vtrans_ppYr1 > 0 && Vtrans_pmt1 > 0) { var Vtrans_moAmt1 = (Vtrans_ppYr1 * Vtrans_pmt1) / 12; form.trans_moAmt1.value = fn(Vtrans_moAmt1,2,1); Vtrans_totMoAmt = Number(Vtrans_totMoAmt) + Number(Vtrans_moAmt1);}var Vtrans_ppYr2 = sn(form.trans_ppYr2.value);var Vtrans_pmt2 = sn(form.trans_pmt2.value);if(Vtrans_ppYr2 > 0 && Vtrans_pmt2 > 0) { var Vtrans_moAmt2 = (Vtrans_ppYr2 * Vtrans_pmt2) / 12; form.trans_moAmt2.value = fn(Vtrans_moAmt2,2,1); Vtrans_totMoAmt = Number(Vtrans_totMoAmt) + Number(Vtrans_moAmt2);}var Vtrans_ppYr3 = sn(form.trans_ppYr3.value);var Vtrans_pmt3 = sn(form.trans_pmt3.value);if(Vtrans_ppYr3 > 0 && Vtrans_pmt3 > 0) { var Vtrans_moAmt3 = (Vtrans_ppYr3 * Vtrans_pmt3) / 12; form.trans_moAmt3.value = fn(Vtrans_moAmt3,2,1); Vtrans_totMoAmt = Number(Vtrans_totMoAmt) + Number(Vtrans_moAmt3);}var Vtrans_ppYr4 = sn(form.trans_ppYr4.value);var Vtrans_pmt4 = sn(form.trans_pmt4.value);if(Vtrans_ppYr4 > 0 && Vtrans_pmt4 > 0) { var Vtrans_moAmt4 = (Vtrans_ppYr4 * Vtrans_pmt4) / 12; form.trans_moAmt4.value = fn(Vtrans_moAmt4,2,1); Vtrans_totMoAmt = Number(Vtrans_totMoAmt) + Number(Vtrans_moAmt4);}var Vtrans_ppYr5 = sn(form.trans_ppYr5.value);var Vtrans_pmt5 = sn(form.trans_pmt5.value);if(Vtrans_ppYr5 > 0 && Vtrans_pmt5 > 0) { var Vtrans_moAmt5 = (Vtrans_ppYr5 * Vtrans_pmt5) / 12; form.trans_moAmt5.value = fn(Vtrans_moAmt5,2,1); Vtrans_totMoAmt = Number(Vtrans_totMoAmt) + Number(Vtrans_moAmt5);}var Vtrans_ppYr6 = sn(form.trans_ppYr6.value);var Vtrans_pmt6 = sn(form.trans_pmt6.value);if(Vtrans_ppYr6 > 0 && Vtrans_pmt6 > 0) { var Vtrans_moAmt6 = (Vtrans_ppYr6 * Vtrans_pmt6) / 12; form.trans_moAmt6.value = fn(Vtrans_moAmt6,2,1); Vtrans_totMoAmt = Number(Vtrans_totMoAmt) + Number(Vtrans_moAmt6);}var Vtrans_ppYr7 = sn(form.trans_ppYr7.value);var Vtrans_pmt7 = sn(form.trans_pmt7.value);if(Vtrans_ppYr7 > 0 && Vtrans_pmt7 > 0) { var Vtrans_moAmt7 = (Vtrans_ppYr7 * Vtrans_pmt7) / 12; form.trans_moAmt7.value = fn(Vtrans_moAmt7,2,1); Vtrans_totMoAmt = Number(Vtrans_totMoAmt) + Number(Vtrans_moAmt7);}var Vtrans_ppYr8 = sn(form.trans_ppYr8.value);var Vtrans_pmt8 = sn(form.trans_pmt8.value);if(Vtrans_ppYr8 > 0 && Vtrans_pmt8 > 0) { var Vtrans_moAmt8 = (Vtrans_ppYr8 * Vtrans_pmt8) / 12; form.trans_moAmt8.value = fn(Vtrans_moAmt8,2,1); Vtrans_totMoAmt = Number(Vtrans_totMoAmt) + Number(Vtrans_moAmt8);}var Vtrans_ppYr9 = sn(form.trans_ppYr9.value);var Vtrans_pmt9 = sn(form.trans_pmt9.value);if(Vtrans_ppYr9 > 0 && Vtrans_pmt9 > 0) { var Vtrans_moAmt9 = (Vtrans_ppYr9 * Vtrans_pmt9) / 12; form.trans_moAmt9.value = fn(Vtrans_moAmt9,2,1); Vtrans_totMoAmt = Number(Vtrans_totMoAmt) + Number(Vtrans_moAmt9);}var Vtrans_ppYr10 = sn(form.trans_ppYr10.value);var Vtrans_pmt10 = sn(form.trans_pmt10.value);if(Vtrans_ppYr10 > 0 && Vtrans_pmt10 > 0) { var Vtrans_moAmt10 = (Vtrans_ppYr10 * Vtrans_pmt10) / 12; form.trans_moAmt10.value = fn(Vtrans_moAmt10,2,1); Vtrans_totMoAmt = Number(Vtrans_totMoAmt) + Number(Vtrans_moAmt10);}form.trans_totMoAmt.value = fn(Vtrans_totMoAmt,2,1);accumBal = Number(accumBal) - Number(Vtrans_totMoAmt);form.resideBal.value = fn(accumBal,2,1);//COMPUTE RESIDENTIALvar Vreside_totMoAmt = 0;var Vreside_ppYr1 = sn(form.reside_ppYr1.value);var Vreside_pmt1 = sn(form.reside_pmt1.value);if(Vreside_ppYr1 > 0 && Vreside_pmt1 > 0) { var Vreside_moAmt1 = (Vreside_ppYr1 * Vreside_pmt1) / 12; form.reside_moAmt1.value = fn(Vreside_moAmt1,2,1); Vreside_totMoAmt = Number(Vreside_totMoAmt) + Number(Vreside_moAmt1);}var Vreside_ppYr2 = sn(form.reside_ppYr2.value);var Vreside_pmt2 = sn(form.reside_pmt2.value);if(Vreside_ppYr2 > 0 && Vreside_pmt2 > 0) { var Vreside_moAmt2 = (Vreside_ppYr2 * Vreside_pmt2) / 12; form.reside_moAmt2.value = fn(Vreside_moAmt2,2,1); Vreside_totMoAmt = Number(Vreside_totMoAmt) + Number(Vreside_moAmt2);}var Vreside_ppYr3 = sn(form.reside_ppYr3.value);var Vreside_pmt3 = sn(form.reside_pmt3.value);if(Vreside_ppYr3 > 0 && Vreside_pmt3 > 0) { var Vreside_moAmt3 = (Vreside_ppYr3 * Vreside_pmt3) / 12; form.reside_moAmt3.value = fn(Vreside_moAmt3,2,1); Vreside_totMoAmt = Number(Vreside_totMoAmt) + Number(Vreside_moAmt3);}var Vreside_ppYr4 = sn(form.reside_ppYr4.value);var Vreside_pmt4 = sn(form.reside_pmt4.value);if(Vreside_ppYr4 > 0 && Vreside_pmt4 > 0) { var Vreside_moAmt4 = (Vreside_ppYr4 * Vreside_pmt4) / 12; form.reside_moAmt4.value = fn(Vreside_moAmt4,2,1); Vreside_totMoAmt = Number(Vreside_totMoAmt) + Number(Vreside_moAmt4);}var Vreside_ppYr5 = sn(form.reside_ppYr5.value);var Vreside_pmt5 = sn(form.reside_pmt5.value);if(Vreside_ppYr5 > 0 && Vreside_pmt5 > 0) { var Vreside_moAmt5 = (Vreside_ppYr5 * Vreside_pmt5) / 12; form.reside_moAmt5.value = fn(Vreside_moAmt5,2,1); Vreside_totMoAmt = Number(Vreside_totMoAmt) + Number(Vreside_moAmt5);}var Vreside_ppYr6 = sn(form.reside_ppYr6.value);var Vreside_pmt6 = sn(form.reside_pmt6.value);if(Vreside_ppYr6 > 0 && Vreside_pmt6 > 0) { var Vreside_moAmt6 = (Vreside_ppYr6 * Vreside_pmt6) / 12; form.reside_moAmt6.value = fn(Vreside_moAmt6,2,1); Vreside_totMoAmt = Number(Vreside_totMoAmt) + Number(Vreside_moAmt6);}var Vreside_ppYr7 = sn(form.reside_ppYr7.value);var Vreside_pmt7 = sn(form.reside_pmt7.value);if(Vreside_ppYr7 > 0 && Vreside_pmt7 > 0) { var Vreside_moAmt7 = (Vreside_ppYr7 * Vreside_pmt7) / 12; form.reside_moAmt7.value = fn(Vreside_moAmt7,2,1); Vreside_totMoAmt = Number(Vreside_totMoAmt) + Number(Vreside_moAmt7);}var Vreside_ppYr8 = sn(form.reside_ppYr8.value);var Vreside_pmt8 = sn(form.reside_pmt8.value);if(Vreside_ppYr8 > 0 && Vreside_pmt8 > 0) { var Vreside_moAmt8 = (Vreside_ppYr8 * Vreside_pmt8) / 12; form.reside_moAmt8.value = fn(Vreside_moAmt8,2,1); Vreside_totMoAmt = Number(Vreside_totMoAmt) + Number(Vreside_moAmt8);}var Vreside_ppYr9 = sn(form.reside_ppYr9.value);var Vreside_pmt9 = sn(form.reside_pmt9.value);if(Vreside_ppYr9 > 0 && Vreside_pmt9 > 0) { var Vreside_moAmt9 = (Vreside_ppYr9 * Vreside_pmt9) / 12; form.reside_moAmt9.value = fn(Vreside_moAmt9,2,1); Vreside_totMoAmt = Number(Vreside_totMoAmt) + Number(Vreside_moAmt9);}var Vreside_ppYr10 = sn(form.reside_ppYr10.value);var Vreside_pmt10 = sn(form.reside_pmt10.value);if(Vreside_ppYr10 > 0 && Vreside_pmt10 > 0) { var Vreside_moAmt10 = (Vreside_ppYr10 * Vreside_pmt10) / 12; form.reside_moAmt10.value = fn(Vreside_moAmt10,2,1); Vreside_totMoAmt = Number(Vreside_totMoAmt) + Number(Vreside_moAmt10);}form.reside_totMoAmt.value = fn(Vreside_totMoAmt,2,1);accumBal = Number(accumBal) - Number(Vreside_totMoAmt);form.entertainBal.value = fn(accumBal,2,1);//COMPUTE ENTERTAINMENTvar Ventertain_totMoAmt = 0;var Ventertain_ppYr1 = sn(form.entertain_ppYr1.value);var Ventertain_pmt1 = sn(form.entertain_pmt1.value);if(Ventertain_ppYr1 > 0 && Ventertain_pmt1 > 0) { var Ventertain_moAmt1 = (Ventertain_ppYr1 * Ventertain_pmt1) / 12; form.entertain_moAmt1.value = fn(Ventertain_moAmt1,2,1); Ventertain_totMoAmt = Number(Ventertain_totMoAmt) + Number(Ventertain_moAmt1);}var Ventertain_ppYr2 = sn(form.entertain_ppYr2.value);var Ventertain_pmt2 = sn(form.entertain_pmt2.value);if(Ventertain_ppYr2 > 0 && Ventertain_pmt2 > 0) { var Ventertain_moAmt2 = (Ventertain_ppYr2 * Ventertain_pmt2) / 12; form.entertain_moAmt2.value = fn(Ventertain_moAmt2,2,1); Ventertain_totMoAmt = Number(Ventertain_totMoAmt) + Number(Ventertain_moAmt2);}var Ventertain_ppYr3 = sn(form.entertain_ppYr3.value);var Ventertain_pmt3 = sn(form.entertain_pmt3.value);if(Ventertain_ppYr3 > 0 && Ventertain_pmt3 > 0) { var Ventertain_moAmt3 = (Ventertain_ppYr3 * Ventertain_pmt3) / 12; form.entertain_moAmt3.value = fn(Ventertain_moAmt3,2,1); Ventertain_totMoAmt = Number(Ventertain_totMoAmt) + Number(Ventertain_moAmt3);}var Ventertain_ppYr4 = sn(form.entertain_ppYr4.value);var Ventertain_pmt4 = sn(form.entertain_pmt4.value);if(Ventertain_ppYr4 > 0 && Ventertain_pmt4 > 0) { var Ventertain_moAmt4 = (Ventertain_ppYr4 * Ventertain_pmt4) / 12; form.entertain_moAmt4.value = fn(Ventertain_moAmt4,2,1); Ventertain_totMoAmt = Number(Ventertain_totMoAmt) + Number(Ventertain_moAmt4);}var Ventertain_ppYr5 = sn(form.entertain_ppYr5.value);var Ventertain_pmt5 = sn(form.entertain_pmt5.value);if(Ventertain_ppYr5 > 0 && Ventertain_pmt5 > 0) { var Ventertain_moAmt5 = (Ventertain_ppYr5 * Ventertain_pmt5) / 12; form.entertain_moAmt5.value = fn(Ventertain_moAmt5,2,1); Ventertain_totMoAmt = Number(Ventertain_totMoAmt) + Number(Ventertain_moAmt5);}var Ventertain_ppYr6 = sn(form.entertain_ppYr6.value);var Ventertain_pmt6 = sn(form.entertain_pmt6.value);if(Ventertain_ppYr6 > 0 && Ventertain_pmt6 > 0) { var Ventertain_moAmt6 = (Ventertain_ppYr6 * Ventertain_pmt6) / 12; form.entertain_moAmt6.value = fn(Ventertain_moAmt6,2,1); Ventertain_totMoAmt = Number(Ventertain_totMoAmt) + Number(Ventertain_moAmt6);}var Ventertain_ppYr7 = sn(form.entertain_ppYr7.value);var Ventertain_pmt7 = sn(form.entertain_pmt7.value);if(Ventertain_ppYr7 > 0 && Ventertain_pmt7 > 0) { var Ventertain_moAmt7 = (Ventertain_ppYr7 * Ventertain_pmt7) / 12; form.entertain_moAmt7.value = fn(Ventertain_moAmt7,2,1); Ventertain_totMoAmt = Number(Ventertain_totMoAmt) + Number(Ventertain_moAmt7);}var Ventertain_ppYr8 = sn(form.entertain_ppYr8.value);var Ventertain_pmt8 = sn(form.entertain_pmt8.value);if(Ventertain_ppYr8 > 0 && Ventertain_pmt8 > 0) { var Ventertain_moAmt8 = (Ventertain_ppYr8 * Ventertain_pmt8) / 12; form.entertain_moAmt8.value = fn(Ventertain_moAmt8,2,1); Ventertain_totMoAmt = Number(Ventertain_totMoAmt) + Number(Ventertain_moAmt8);}var Ventertain_ppYr9 = sn(form.entertain_ppYr9.value);var Ventertain_pmt9 = sn(form.entertain_pmt9.value);if(Ventertain_ppYr9 > 0 && Ventertain_pmt9 > 0) { var Ventertain_moAmt9 = (Ventertain_ppYr9 * Ventertain_pmt9) / 12; form.entertain_moAmt9.value = fn(Ventertain_moAmt9,2,1); Ventertain_totMoAmt = Number(Ventertain_totMoAmt) + Number(Ventertain_moAmt9);}var Ventertain_ppYr10 = sn(form.entertain_ppYr10.value);var Ventertain_pmt10 = sn(form.entertain_pmt10.value);if(Ventertain_ppYr10 > 0 && Ventertain_pmt10 > 0) { var Ventertain_moAmt10 = (Ventertain_ppYr10 * Ventertain_pmt10) / 12; form.entertain_moAmt10.value = fn(Ventertain_moAmt10,2,1); Ventertain_totMoAmt = Number(Ventertain_totMoAmt) + Number(Ventertain_moAmt10);}form.entertain_totMoAmt.value = fn(Ventertain_totMoAmt,2,1);accumBal = Number(accumBal) - Number(Ventertain_totMoAmt);form.income_total.value = fn(Vincome_totMoAmt,2,1);form.admin_total.value = fn(Vadmin_totMoAmt,2,1);form.person_total.value = fn(Vperson_totMoAmt,2,1);form.trans_total.value = fn(Vtrans_totMoAmt,2,1);form.reside_total.value = fn(Vreside_totMoAmt,2,1);form.entertain_total.value = fn(Ventertain_totMoAmt,2,1);var VtotalOut = Number(Vadmin_totMoAmt) + Number(Vperson_totMoAmt) + Number(Vtrans_totMoAmt) + Number(Vreside_totMoAmt) + Number(Ventertain_totMoAmt);form.totalOut.value = fn(VtotalOut,2,1);var VnetFlow = Number(Vincome_totMoAmt) - Number(VtotalOut);form.netFlow.value = fn(VnetFlow,2,1);}

Financial Mentor

Operating Cash Flow Analysis Made Easy With This Free Net Cash Flow Calculator

Cash flow analysis can be difficult because income and expenses occur at more instructions

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Track And Improve Your Cash Flow

It's difficult to accurately assess your cash flow.

After all, income and expenses occur at varying times and frequencies making it far from obvious.

This Cash Flow Calculator solves the problem by converting your irregular payments into monthly equivalents so you can properly budget.

It works for both business analysis and personal budgeting as well.

Related: Why you need a wealth plan, not a financial plan.

Below is more information about managing cash flow and how to improve it.

Cash Flow Basics

A cash flow analysis is a financial report of all the cash that is coming in (inflows) and the cash that isgoing out (outflows) of a business or household operation.

Cash flow can be used as an indication of a company's financial strength.

On the personal side, cash flow shows your income and expenses and determines whether you are “living within your means” (or having to borrow money each month).

You know when you're living within your means because after adding all your cash inflow and subtracting the total cash outflow you are left with a net positive figure. That is your positive cash flow, and it accumulates as savings over time to grow assets.

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The advantage to completing a cash flow analysis is it can help point you toward spending reductions and other lifestyle changes to help improve cash flow.

Use this Cash Flow Calculator to conveniently manage all the inflows and outflows in one convenient location.

After all, you can't improve that which you don't track. Using this calculator is an easy way to improve tracking.

Cash Flow Problems

Cash flow is vital to your financial survival.

Without strong, positive cash flow, an entity will never sustain and grow.Having enough cash on hand will ensure that creditors and household expenses can be paid on time.

Negative cash flow drains the assets of the person or organization until eventually bankruptcy occurs. A person is considered broke when they no longer have sufficient cash to support theirday-to-day living expenses.

Excessive debt, non-payment, or late payment of bills are common symptoms of cash flow problems. Similarly, not paying off your credit card bill in full each month is another indication that you may be facing a cash flow problem.

Improving Cash Flow

If you are experiencing negative cash flow, the best way to solve the problem is by re-examining your spending habits and the way your monthly cash flow works.

Fortunately, the principles are simple to understand. You improve cash flow by either raising your income or lowering your expenses – or both. You hurt cash flow by doing the opposite.

A conservative approach to cash flow management would be to pay cash, instead of using credit cards, for everything such as home improvements, cars, furniture, vacations, and other living expenses. This ensures you never spend more than you make.

The best way to increasecash flow is by developing a vigilant attitude toward cutting costs, no matter how small. In fact, one of the primary causes of financially-distressed consumers is how theywaste a lot of money on many little things. The small size of each individual expense hides the overall impact to your budget when multiplied by many.

Overall, the best way to increase your personal cash flow is to be conscious of how much money you spend and why. Start tracking, observing and controlling your cash outflow every month. Think about what you’re doing as a consumer, instead of simply reacting to impulses.

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Fortunately, you can see positive results immediately simply by becoming vigilant. And don’t forget to keep an emergency fund to ensure you don't disrupt your cash flow should a temporary setback such as a layoff or unexpected medical bills occur.

Final Thoughts

Managing cash flow is about managing your income and expenses to result in positive net income.

If you cannot live within your means, you will not be able to generate the surplus money needed each month to invest for your future financial goals. These goals should include controlling expenses and increasing income so you can live comfortably while saving up for retirement.

Try out this Cash Flow Calculator so you can see if you're living within your means.

If you're not seeing positive cash flow then take action. If you are, then keep up the great work and continue to find ways to improve your cash flow over time.

Cash Flow Calculator Terms &Definitions

  • Cash, Beginning Balance– This is the cash you have on hand at the beginning of each month.
  • Cash Inflows– This is the amount of cash generated during the month, which includes your own income, your spouse’s income, rent income, interest earned from savings, and dividend income. Cash inflows usually arise from one of three activities: financing, operations or investing.
  • Cash Outflows– Thisincludes all your fixed and variable expenses every month.
  • Cash, Ending Balance– This is the amount that is left overat the end of each month.
  • Net Cash Flow– This amount indicates your loss or gains each month. A positive number indicates that you make more than you spend and therefore are able to save money each month. A negative number indicates that you spend more than you make and therefore are borrowing money each month to support your expenses.

Other Personal Finance Calculators:

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  • Expense Calculator: How much of my income is going to each expense category?
  • Convert Irregular Payments To Monthly Budget: How much should I budget each month for all my quarterly, annual, and irregular payments?
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  • Latte Factor Calculator: Do periodic, unnecessary expenses really matter?
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  • Wage Calculator – Convert Salary To Hourly Pay: What does my salary equal in hourly pay – both real and nominal?

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Cash Flow Calculator - For Forecasting and Analysis (2024)


How do you calculate the cash flow forecast? ›

The net cash flow formula is: Cash Received – Cash Spent = Net Cash Flow. Cash received corresponds to your revenue from settled invoices, while cash spent corresponds to your business' liabilities (costs such as accounts payable, interest payable, incomes taxes payable, notes payable or wages/salaries payable).

How do you calculate cash flow analysis? ›

How Do You Calculate Cash Flow Analysis? A basic way to calculate cash flow is to sum up figures for current assets and subtract from that total current liabilities. Once you have a cash flow figure, you can use it to calculate various ratios (e.g., operating cash flow/net sales) for a more in-depth cash flow analysis.

How to compute cash flow calculator? ›

Calculate your cash flow: Use your estimated receivables and payables to calculate your cash flow: Cash Flow = Estimated Receivables - Estimated Payables.

How to do a cash flow forecast template? ›

For each week or month in your cash flow forecast, list all the cash you have coming in. Have one column for each week or month, and one row for each type of income. Start with your sales, adding them to the appropriate week or month. You might be able to predict this from previous years' figures, if you have them.

What is the difference between cash flow and cash flow forecast? ›

The cash flow statement records the actual money coming in and going out during a specific period, showing the company's financial health, whereas a cash flow forecast predicts future cash flows, helping businesses plan and ensure they have enough cash to meet obligations.

What are the methods of cash flow forecasting? ›

There are two primary types of forecasting methods: direct and indirect. The main difference between them is that direct forecasting uses actual flow data, where indirect forecasting relies on projected balance sheets and income statements.

What is the formula commonly used to calculate cash flow? ›

You'll find this information in your financial statement. Operating Cash Flow = Operating Income + Depreciation – Taxes + Change in Working Capital.

What are the three types of cash flow analysis? ›

There are three cash flow types that companies should track and analyze to determine the liquidity and solvency of the business: cash flow from operating activities, cash flow from investing activities and cash flow from financing activities.

What is an example of cash flow analysis? ›

Example of Cash Flow Analysis

Cash outflows (expenses like rent and payroll) totaled $25,925. This leaves an ending cash balance of $144,075. Small changes in any of these line items can show the impact of how paying taxes, hiring more people, buying equipment, and more can affect a business.

How do you calculate cash flow for dummies? ›

You figure free cash flow by subtracting money spent for capital expenditures, which is money to purchase or improve assets, and money paid out in dividends from net cash provided by operating activities.

What is the formula for calculating free cash flow? ›

What is the Free Cash Flow (FCF) Formula? The generic Free Cash Flow (FCF) Formula is equal to Cash from Operations minus Capital Expenditures. FCF represents the amount of cash generated by a business, after accounting for reinvestment in non-current capital assets by the company.

What is the formula for cash flow forecast in business? ›

Net-cash flow - net cash flow is the difference between all cash inflows and all cash outflows of a business: net cash flow = cash inflows – cash outflows.

What is the cash flow forecast chart? ›

Cash flow projection chart

At its most basic, it's simply a calculation of the cash you are expected to bring in and spend over the next period. To create this chart, you'll need your: Beginning cash – The amount you start with, which you can gather from your latest cash flow statement.

How to do a free cash flow forecast? ›

To calculate the Free Cash Flow (FCF) of the company for each year of the forecast period, you must use the formula: Revenue - COGS - OPEX - Taxes + D&A - CAPEX - Change in WC. Additionally, you should calculate the tax rate and effective tax rate of the company using historical data or statutory rates.

How do you calculate forecasted cash ratio? ›

The cash ratio formula is the sum of cash and cash equivalents divided by current liabilities. Cash and cash equivalents are the sum of cash, demand deposits and short-term marketable securities. Short-term debts, accounts payable, accrued liabilities, and deferred revenues make up the current liabilities.

How long does it take to make a cash flow forecast? ›

Cash flow projections typically take less than an hour to produce but can go a long way in helping entrepreneurs identify and prepare for a potential shortfall, and make smarter choices when running their business.

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Name: Frankie Dare

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Introduction: My name is Frankie Dare, I am a funny, beautiful, proud, fair, pleasant, cheerful, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.