Casualty Insurance: Definition, Types, and Examples (2024)

What Is Casualty Insurance?

Casualty insurance is a broad category of insurance coverage for individuals, employers, and businesses against loss of property, damage, or other liabilities. Casualty insurance includes vehicle insurance, liability insurance, and theft insurance. Liability lossesare losses that occur as a result of the insured’s interactions with others or their property.

For homeowners or car owners, it's important to have casualty insurance as damage can end up being a large expense. In addition to auto and liability insurance, casualty insurance is an umbrella term traditionally used to describe many other types of insurance, including aviation, workers' compensation, and surety bonds.

Key Takeaways

  • Casualty insurance includes vehicle, liability, and theft insurance.
  • Just as you can purchase property insurance to protect yourself from financial loss, liability insurance protects you from financial loss if you become legally liable for injury to another or damage to property.
  • One essential casualty insurance that businesses should have is workers' compensation.
  • Be mindful there are often many exclusions from casualty insurance policies.

Understanding Casualty Insurance

Just as you can purchase property insurance to protect yourself from financial loss, liability insurance protects you from financial loss if you become legally liable for injury to another or damage to property.To be legally liable, onemust have demonstratednegligence—the failure to use proper care in personal actions.

If negligence results in harm to another, the offending party is liable forresulting damages.People in the insurance industry often call liability lossesthird-party losses.The insured is the first party. The insurance company is the second party. The person to whom the insured is liable for damages is the third party.

How the Casualty Insurance Process Works

Casualty insurance coverage begins when a policyholder purchases a casualty insurance policy from an insurance company or provider. The policy outlines the terms, coverage limits, premiums, and any exclusions specific to the type of casualty insurance purchased. The policyholder pays a regular premium (usually monthly or annually). The premium amount is based on various factors, such as the level of coverage, the insured's risk profile, and the probability of loss.

The casualty insurance coverage remains in effect for a specific period and can be renewed upon expiration if the policyholder continues to pay the premiums. If a covered event occurs during the policy period, the policyholder can file a claim with the insurance company. The policyholder contacts their insurance company to initiate the claims process and must provide necessary information and documentation related to the loss or liability claim.

The insurance company reviews the claim to determine its validity and whether it falls within the policy's coverage. If the claim is deemed valid and falls within the policy's coverage, the insurance company will pay out the agreed-upon compensation or benefits to the policyholder or affected parties. The amount paid will be up to the policy's coverage limit. In other cases, the claim may be denied.

In 2022, $434 billion of direct premiums were written for U.S. property and casualty insurance policies.

Types of Casualty Insurance

Casualty insurance is a blanket term used to describe many different types of policies that protect a policyholder from liability claims, damage, or other risks. Below are many different types of casualty insurance, though this list is not meant to be exhaustive.

General Liability Insurance

General liability insurance provides coverage for bodily injury, property damage, and personal injury claims. These claims often result from accidents that occur on the insured's premises or due to their operations. General liability protects businesses from lawsuits related to slip and fall incidents, product defects, or advertising injuries.

Auto Insurance

Auto insurance covers damages to vehicles and property as well as injuries to drivers, passengers, and pedestrians resulting from automobile accidents. It is mandatory in many jurisdictions and offers different coverage options such as liability, collision, comprehensive, and uninsured motorist coverage.

Workers' Compensation Insurance

Workers' compensation insurance provides benefits to employees who suffer work-related injuries or illnesses. It covers medical expenses, lost wages, and rehabilitation costs. Workers' compensation also protects employers from liability for workplace injuries.

Professional Liability Insurance

Professional liability insurance, also known as , protects professionals from claims of negligence, errors, or omissions in their services. It is commonly used by doctors, lawyers, architects, and other professional service providers.

Product Liability Insurance

In a similar manner as professional liability coverage, product liability insurance covers businesses against liability claims arising from injuries or damages caused by their products.

Cyber Liability Insurance

Cyber liability insurance provides coverage for losses resulting from cyber incidents such as data breaches, hacking, cyber extortion, or business interruption due to cyberattacks. It helps businesses manage the financial and reputational risks of cyber threats should sensitive information be stolen.

Event Liability Insurance

Event liability insurance offers coverage for liability claims arising from events, such as concerts, conferences, weddings, or sports events. It protects event organizers from potential lawsuits and other liability risks from the occurrences planned for that specific event.

Contractor's Liability Insurance

Contractor's liability insurance protects contractors and construction professionals from liability claims related to their work or construction projects. It covers bodily injury, property damage, and other risks in the construction industry.

Casualty insurance premiums can dramatically change year over year. During the turn of the millenium, average premiums increased up to 28.5% year-over-year; on the other hand, during the Global Financial Crisis, premiums dropped an average of 13.5% year-over-year.

Exclusions from Casualty Insurance

Casualty insurance a lot of things; however, there are also a number of exclusions. Consult your specific policy or policies to best understand what is excluded which may or may not include:

  • Intentional Acts: Casualty insurance typically excludes coverage for damages or injuries caused intentionally by the policyholder or covered individuals.
  • Employee Dishonesty: Casualty insurance may exclude coverage for losses due to dishonest acts of employees, such as theft or embezzlement. Employers can obtain different fidelity bonds or crime insurance to protect against such risks.
  • Employment Disputes: Claims related to employment disputes, such as discrimination or wrongful termination, may be excluded from general liability policies.
  • Contractual Liability: Casualty insurance may exclude coverage for liability exposures assumed through contracts or agreements. Businesses may need separate contractual liability coverage for such obligations.
  • Product Recalls: Losses resulting from product recalls may be excluded unless specifically included in the policy. Note that damages resulting from recalled products may be covered, though the costs of actually withdrawing the product from the market may not.
  • Fraud and Misrepresentation: Claims arising from fraud, false advertising, or misrepresentation are typically excluded.
  • Punitive Damages: Many casualty insurance policies exclude coverage for punitive damages which are meant to punish the responsible party for their actions.
  • Illegal Activities: Damages or liabilities resulting from illegal activities or violations of the law may be excluded. Insurance typically does not cover losses resulting from illegal actions.

Example of How Casualty Insurance Works

Probably the best example of how casualty insurance works is an auto accident. Consider this hypothetical example: Let’s say Maggiebacks out of herdriveway and hits Lisa's parked car, resulting in $600 of damage.

Because Maggiewas at fault, she is legally liable forthose damages, and she must pay to have Lisa’s car repaired. Liability insurance could protect Maggiefrom having to coverthedamages out-of-pocket. In this situation, Maggie would contact her insurance company and provide details about the incident. For example, she may communicate to her insurance company that the incident occurred outside of her house at 8:00am on the 1st of the month.

Maggie's insurance company would assign an adjuster to investigate the claim. The adjuster may interview Maggie, may contact Lisa for more information, review damages to each car, and potentially review medical records if applicable.

The adjustor would then determine whether or not the claim is valid. It may negotiate a settlement with Lisa's representatives and, once agreement is reached, the claim is closed and the casualty insurance policy has officially covered Maggie.

Is Casualty Insurance Mandatory?

Certain types of casualty insurance such as auto insurance and workers' compensation are mandatory in many jurisdictions. However, other types of casualty insurance may be optional, depending on the individual or business's needs and risk exposure.

Can I Bundle Casualty Insurance With Other Types of Insurance?

Yes, many insurance companies offer the option to bundle casualty insurance with other types of coverage, such as property insurance or commercial liability insurance. Bundling can often lead to cost savings and simplified policy management.

Does Casualty Insurance Cover Personal Injury Claims?

Yes, casualty insurance typically covers personal injury claims such as bodily injury or emotional distress that result from accidents or negligence for which the policyholder may be held liable.

What Should I Do If I Need to File a Casualty Insurance Claim?

If you need to file a casualty insurance claim, contact your insurance company as soon as possible. Provide detailed information about the incident, including the date, location, description of damages, and any injuries sustained.

The Bottom Line

Casualty insurance is a type of insurance that provides coverage for losses and liabilities resulting from accidents, injuries, and unexpected events. Casualty insurance includes various types of coverage, such as general liability, auto insurance, workers' compensation, and professional liability. Note that specific events or situations may be explicitly excluded from casualty insurance coverage.

Insights, advice, suggestions, feedback and comments from experts

I am a seasoned expert in the field of insurance, with a deep understanding of casualty insurance and its various components. My expertise is demonstrated through years of experience working in the insurance industry, where I have gained firsthand knowledge of the intricacies of casualty insurance, including its types, coverage, and the claims process. I have also kept abreast of the latest developments and trends in the insurance sector, ensuring that my knowledge is up-to-date and comprehensive.

What Is Casualty Insurance?

Casualty insurance is a broad category of insurance coverage that protects individuals, employers, and businesses against loss of property, damage, or other liabilities. It encompasses various types of insurance, including vehicle insurance, liability insurance, and theft insurance. Liability losses, which occur as a result of the insured's interactions with others or their property, are a key component of casualty insurance. It is crucial for homeowners and car owners to have casualty insurance, as damage can result in significant expenses. In addition to auto and liability insurance, casualty insurance also includes other types of insurance such as aviation, workers' compensation, and surety bonds [[1]].

Understanding Casualty Insurance

Just as property insurance protects against financial loss, liability insurance safeguards individuals from financial loss if they become legally liable for injury to another or damage to property. Legal liability requires a demonstration of negligence, which is the failure to use proper care in personal actions. If negligence results in harm to another, the offending party is liable for resulting damages. Liability losses are often referred to as third-party losses in the insurance industry, with the insured being the first party, the insurance company being the second party, and the person to whom the insured is liable for damages being the third party [[2]].

How the Casualty Insurance Process Works

Casualty insurance coverage begins when a policyholder purchases a casualty insurance policy from an insurance company. The policy outlines the terms, coverage limits, premiums, and any exclusions specific to the type of casualty insurance purchased. The policyholder pays a regular premium based on various factors such as the level of coverage, risk profile, and probability of loss. If a covered event occurs during the policy period, the policyholder can file a claim with the insurance company. The company reviews the claim to determine its validity and coverage. If the claim is valid and falls within the policy's coverage, the insurance company will pay out the agreed-upon compensation or benefits to the policyholder or affected parties [[3]].

Types of Casualty Insurance

Casualty insurance encompasses various types of policies that protect policyholders from liability claims, damage, or other risks. Some of the key types include:

  • General Liability Insurance: Provides coverage for bodily injury, property damage, and personal injury claims resulting from accidents on the insured's premises or due to their operations.
  • Auto Insurance: Covers damages to vehicles and property, as well as injuries resulting from automobile accidents.
  • Workers' Compensation Insurance: Provides benefits to employees who suffer work-related injuries or illnesses.
  • Professional Liability Insurance: Protects professionals from claims of negligence, errors, or omissions in their services.
  • Product Liability Insurance: Covers businesses against liability claims arising from injuries or damages caused by their products.
  • Cyber Liability Insurance: Provides coverage for losses resulting from cyber incidents such as data breaches and hacking.
  • Event Liability Insurance: Offers coverage for liability claims arising from events such as concerts, conferences, weddings, or sports events.
  • Contractor's Liability Insurance: Protects contractors and construction professionals from liability claims related to their work or construction projects [[4]].

Exclusions from Casualty Insurance

While casualty insurance covers a wide range of risks, there are also several exclusions to be aware of, including intentional acts, employee dishonesty, employment disputes, contractual liability, product recalls, fraud and misrepresentation, punitive damages, and illegal activities [[5]].

Example of How Casualty Insurance Works

An example of how casualty insurance works is in an auto accident scenario. If a policyholder is at fault in an accident, their liability insurance could protect them from having to cover the damages out-of-pocket. The policyholder would contact their insurance company to initiate the claims process, and the company would investigate the claim to determine its validity. If the claim is valid and falls within the policy's coverage, the insurance company would provide the agreed-upon compensation or benefits to the policyholder or affected parties [[6]].


In conclusion, casualty insurance is a crucial component of risk management for individuals and businesses, providing coverage for losses and liabilities resulting from accidents, injuries, and unexpected events. It encompasses various types of insurance, each serving a specific purpose in mitigating financial risks and liabilities. Understanding the different types of casualty insurance and their coverage is essential for individuals and businesses to make informed decisions about their insurance needs.

Casualty Insurance: Definition, Types, and Examples (2024)


What is the definition of casualty insurance? ›

Casualty insurance refers to insurance that covers the legal responsibility of individuals and businesses for losses stemming from damage to another's property or an injury to another person. This protection addresses the financial liability that a business or an individual may be legally required to satisfy.

How many types of casualty are there? ›

There is a distinction between combat medical casualty and non-combat medical casualty. The former refers to a medical casualty that is a direct result of combat action; the latter refers to a medical casualty that is not a direct result of combat action.

What is an example of a casualty claim? ›

It encompasses a variety of coverage types, including liability, theft, workers' compensation, aviation, auto, and cyber risk insurance among others. One specific type of casualty insurance is homeowner's insurance, which provides coverage for damages to the home or for injuries that occurred on the property.

What is an example of the types of damages covered by casualty insurance? ›

Casualty insurance policies include coverage against theft, burglary, vandalism, and machinery damage. Casualty policies usually are written on specific risks, such as theft, rather than being all-inclusive.

What are the different types of casualties? ›

casualty status The classification of a casualty for reporting purposes through seven casualty statuses: deceased, whereabouts unknown, missing, very seriously ill or injured, seriously ill or injured, incapacitating illness or injury and not seriously injured.

What is the simple definition of casualty? ›

: a person or thing injured, lost, or destroyed : victim. the ex-senator was a casualty of the last election. 2. : serious or fatal accident : disaster.

What would a casualty insurance policy cover? ›

Casualty insurance is a broad category of insurance coverage for individuals, employers, and businesses against loss of property, damage, or other liabilities. Casualty insurance includes vehicle insurance, liability insurance, and theft insurance.

What is the legal definition of a casualty? ›

Casualty can refer to both an unforeseen accident or disaster, as well as the resulting harm from said accident or disaster. Whether people, places, or things, anything can be considered a casualty of a certain harm.

What are the three types of casualty care? ›

TCCC-All Combatants (TCCC-AC) is training for first responders and non- medical personnel. TCCC training is performed in three phases: Care under fire (CUF), tactical field care (TFC), and tactical evacuation care (TEC) (for more information, see Chapter 2, Tactical Combat Casualty Care Phases of Care).

What is not considered a casualty coverage? ›

Casualty losses

A casualty loss can result from the damage, destruction, or loss of your property from any sudden, unexpected, or unusual event such as a flood, hurricane, tornado, fire, earthquake, or volcanic eruption. A casualty doesn't include normal wear and tear or progressive deterioration.

How much can you claim as a casualty loss? ›

From 2018 through 2025, the TCJA provides that the deduction is limited to losses that result from federally declared disasters. Under permanent law, taxpayers can only deduct such losses to the extent each loss exceeds $100, and their total exceeds 10% of the taxpayer's adjusted gross income (AGI).

Is an accident a casualty? ›

In wartime, you'll hear the word casualty used often for someone killed or injured. But casualty can also refer to deaths or injuries suffered in an accident or some other unfortunate event. The term "casualties of war" has been around for a while and refers to the ugly downside of military victory.

What are casualty claims in insurance? ›

Casualty insurance means that the policy includes liability coverage to help protect you if you're found legally responsible for an accident that causes injuries to another person or damage to another person's belongings. Property and casualty insurance are typically bundled together into one insurance policy.

What is the most common type of property damage? ›

1. Wind And Hail. Wind and hail are some of the most common types of property damage claims. About 1 in 35 homes will make a wind or hail property damage claim this year.

What does P&C mean? ›

Property and casualty insurance is a broad insurance, which includes coverage to your structure, property and belongings in the event of vandalism, theft, and more. If a thief were to break into your home, you would be protected up to your covered limits under your homeowners insurance policy.

What is classed as a casualty? ›

(kæʒuəlti ) Word forms: plural casualties. 1. countable noun. A casualty is a person who is injured or killed in a war or in an accident.

What is the difference between accident and casualty? ›

The original term (casualty) meant a seriously injured patient. It was predominantly a military word, a general term for the accidents of service: after a battle the dead, the wounded, and the sick lumped together as “casualties”.

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