CHAPTER 5 (2024)




Section 1

General Provisions

5-100 Marking and Designation Rules

All classified information shall be identified clearly by electronic labeling,designation or marking. If physical marking of the medium containing classifiedinformation is not possible, then identification of classified information must beaccomplished by other means. The term "marking" is intended to include the otherconcepts of identification. Classification markings must be conspicuous. Marking is theprincipal means of informing holders of classified information about specific protectionrequirements for that information. Marking and designation of classified information arethe specific responsibility of original and derivative classifiers. Markings anddesignations serve these purposes:

    a. Alert holders to the presence of classified information.
    b. Identify, as specifically as possible, the exact information needing protection.
    c. Indicate the level of classification assigned to the information.
    d. Provide guidance on downgrading (if any) and declassification.
    e. Give information on the source(s) of and reasons for classification of the information.
    f. Warn holders of special access, control, or safeguarding requirements.

5-101 Exceptions

No classification or other security markings may be applied to any article or portionof an article that has appeared in a newspaper, magazine, or other public medium. If suchan article is evaluated to see if it contains classified information, the results of thereview shall be kept separate from the article. However, the article and the evaluationmay be filed together. Exceptions to specific marking requirements are included with thediscussions of the markings.

5-102 Marking Classified Documents and Other Material

a. Classified documents must bear the following markings. Material other than ordinarypaper documents must have the same information either marked on it or made immediatelyavailable to holders by another means. (Specific requirements for each type of marking arefound in Section 2 of this chapter.) Requirements for specialtypes of documents are covered in Section 3. Marking materialother than paper documents is covered in Section 4. Requiredmarkings are:

    (1) The overall classification of the document.
    (2) The agency, office of origin, and date of the document.
    (3) Identification of the source(s) of classification of the information contained in the document and, for originally classified information, a concise reason for classification.
    (4) Declassification instructions, and any downgrading instructions that apply. This requirement does not apply to documents containing Restricted Data (RD) or Formerly Restricted Data (FRD). This information is not marked with declassification instructions.
    (5) Identification of the specific classified information in the document and its level of classification (page markings and portion markings).
    (6) Control notices and other markings that apply to the document.

b. The holder of an improperly marked classified document should contact the documentoriginator to obtain correct markings.

Section 2

Specific Markings on Documents

5-200 Overall Classification Marking

Every classified document must be marked to show the highest classification ofinformation it contains. This marking must be conspicuous enough to alert anyone handlingthe document that it is classified. The overall classification will be marked, stamped, oraffixed (with a sticker, tape, etc.) on:

    a. The front cover, if there is one.
    b. The title page, if there is one.
    c. The first page. If the document has no front cover, the first page will be the front page. If it has a cover, the first page is defined as the first page you see when you open the cover. In some documents, the title page and first page may be the same.
    d. The outside of the back cover, if there is one.

5-201 Agency, Office of Origin, and Date

Every classified document must show on the first page, title page or front cover(hereafter referred to as the face of the document), the agency and office that originatedit, and the date of origination. This information must be clear enough to allow someonereceiving the document to contact the preparing office if questions or problems aboutclassification arise.

5-202 Source(s) of Classification

a. Originally Classified Documents. Every originally classified document musthave a "Classified by" line placed on the face of the document that identifiesthe original classification authority responsible for classification of the information itcontains. The original classification authority shall be identified by name or personalidentifier and position title. If the information normally included on the"Classified by" line would reveal classified information not evident from therest of the document, the "Classified by" line should be completed with anunclassified personal identifier that can be traced through secure channels. Example:




b. Derivatively Classified Documents. Derivatively classified documents shallnot be marked with a "Classified by" line. Instead, they will be marked"Derived from" and the line completed as follows:

    (1) If all the information was derivatively classified using a single security classification guide or source document, identify the guide or document on the "Derived from" line. Include the date of the source document or classification guide unless the identification of the classification guide implicitly includes the date. Example:


dtd _________ or


dtd _________

(2) If more than one security classification guide, source document, or combination of these provided the derivative classification guidance, place "Multiple Sources" on the "Derived from" line. If "Multiple Sources" is placed on the "Derived from" line, a record of the sources must be maintained on or with the file or record copy of the document. When feasible, this list should be included with all copies of the document. If the document has a bibliography or reference list, this may be used as the list of sources. Annotate it to distinguish the sources of classification from other references.

c. Combinations of Original and Derivative Classification. If some informationwas originally classified at the time of preparation of the document and other informationwas derivatively classified, mark the document with a "Classified by" line andplace "Multiple Sources" on the line. (The responsible original classificationauthority shall be identified by position title as one of the "sources" in thelist prepared to be maintained with the file or record copy of the document.)

5-203 Reason for Classification

Each originally classified document shall bear a concise statement of the reason forclassification, determined by the original classifier. This shall be included on a lineaccompanying the "Classified by" and "Declassify on" lines on the faceof the document. A citation of the appropriate category of information listed in Section1.5 of E.O. 12958 will satisfy this requirement. (See subsection 2-301, above, for thelist of categories.) Example:


REASON: Foreign Relations or

REASON: 1.5(d)

Note that this marking is NOT required on derivatively classified documents.

5-204 Declassification Instructions

Every classified document (except those containing Restricted Data and FormerlyRestricted Data) must be marked on the face of the document with a "Declassifyon" line, with instructions concerning the declassification of the information in thedocument. The "Declassify on" line shall be completed according to the followingrules:

a. Originally Classified Documents. If all the classified information in thedocument is classified as an act of original classification, the original classifier mustspecify the instruction (a date or event less than or equal to 10 years, or an indicationthat the information is exempt from the 10-year declassification rule) to be placed on theline. If any of the information in the document has been exempted from the 10-year rule(see subsection 4-202, above), the "Declassify on" line will be completed withan "X," followed by a number or numbers that show the applicable exemptioncategory or categories from paragraph 4-202b, above. Examples:


REASON: 1.5(d)



REASON: Military Plans

DECLASSIFY ON: 20 Jan 1999 or end of Engineering/Manufacturing/Development (EMD)

b. Permanently Valuable 25-Year-Old Documents Exempted from the 25-Year Rule.Only those permanently valuable 25-year-old documents that are approved as exempted fromthe 25-year automatic declassification system (see Chapter 4, Section 3) will be markedwith the designator, "25X," along with the number of the exemption category. Theexemption categories are listed in paragraph 4-301a, above. Unless the informationconcerns a confidential human source or a human intelligence source, the document mustalso be marked with the declassification date or event set by the exempting authority. Anexample would be a document exempted from automatic declassification at 25 years thatwould reveal information that would impair U.S. cryptologic systems or activities, andthat was to be declassified on 25 April 2030 might be marked as follows:


REASON : Cryptologic Systems



REASON: Cryptologic Systems

DECLASSIFY ON: 25X3, 25 Apr 2030

A document that would reveal the identity of a confidential human source would bemarked: "Declassify on: 25X1." These markings shall be applied when theexemption from the 25-year rule is approved. Normally, this will mean replacing an olderdeclassification instruction with the exemption marking. Agencies need not apply a"25X" marking to individual documents contained in a file series exempted fromautomatic declassification until the individual document is removed from the file.

c. Derivatively Classified Documents. In derivative classification, differentdeclassification instructions may apply to the various items of information in yourdocument. To ensure that all the information in the document is protected for as long asnecessary, the MOST RESTRICTIVE declassification instruction that applies to any of theinformation in the document shall be placed on the "Declassify on" line.Examples:

(1) If all the information in the document has THE SAME declassification instructionassigned, and that instruction is an allowable option under E.O. 12958, place thatinstruction on the "Declassify on" line. The "allowable options" are adate for declassification, an event for declassification, or an exemption marking.Example:

DERIVED FROM: Multiple Sources


DERIVED FROM: SCG Program_____

DECLASSIFY ON: Source dtd 15 July 1995

(2) If all the information in the document has been extracted from a pre-14 October1995 document marked "OADR," place the statement "Source marked OADR"on the "Declassify on" line, along with the date of the source document.(Example: You extract classified information from a document dated 3 June 1992 and marked"OADR." You mark your document, "Declassify on: Source marked OADR; Date ofsource: 3 June 1992.") If there is more than one such source, use the latest datefound on any of them. Example:


DECLASSIFY ON: Source marked OADR,

dated ______

(3) If your document is classified by "multiple sources," and differentdeclassification instructions apply to information you include, you must determine theMOST RESTRICTIVE declassification instruction that applies to any of that information andplace it on your "Declassify on" line. The following procedure applies:

(a) If declassification dates are specified for ALL of the information in the document,place the latest date (the date farthest in the future) on the "Declassify on"line. (Example: Your information is extracted from documents marked for declassificationon 20 March 1998, 1 June 2002 and 3 April 2009. Mark your document "Declassify on 3April 2009.")

(b) If the sources of classification indicate a combination of a date or dates with anevent or events, indicate that declassification should occur on the latest date or theoccurrence of the event(s), whichever is later. (Example: One source specifies"Declassify on 3 August 2001"; the other is marked "Declassify oncompletion of tests." Mark your derivatively classified document "Declassify on3 August 2001 or completion of tests, whichever is later.")

(c) If any of the information in the document does not have a definitive date or eventfor declassification, you will have to determine which marking is most restrictive. Thefollowing rules apply:

1 If you are using information classified under E.O. 12065 or earlier Orders,any information with an indefinite declassification is treated as though it is marked"OADR." (For example, if you are using information classified under E.O. 10964that indicates "Group 3," this would be treated as though it is marked"OADR.") When using several sources of information classified under previousExecutive Orders that are marked or treated as "OADR," the "Sourcedated" line will show the source with the most recent date. (For example, with one"OADR" document dated 2 August 1989 and one marked "Group-3" and dated3 December 1962, the new document would be marked "Declassify on: Source marked OADR;Source dated 2 August 1989.") No matter what combination of indefinitedeclassification instructions and document dates you use as your derivative guidance, youneed only find the document with the most RECENT DATE and this will determine whatthe "Source dated" line is going to be. Whatever the "Declassify on"line indicates will be your "Source marked" line. (If you have three documents,each marked "OADR," and with the dates of 2 September 1990, 3 December 1992 and5 October 1995, the most resent date (5 October 1995) is the "Source dated"line. You would mark your document "Declassify on: Source marked OADR, Source dated 5October 1995")

2 Sources marked with E.O. 12958 10-year exemption markings require a differentapproach. With documents marked "X1" through "X8," complete your"Declassify on" line with the exemption marking found on the sources. (You havetwo sources you use in making a derivative classification decision. Their declassificationinstructions are "X1" (14 October 1995) and "X2" (18 October 1995).Your declassification instruction would be "Declassify on: X2.")

3 Sources marked with E.O. 12958 25-year exemption markings will normally havedefinite declassification dates indicated. The exception is information marked"25X1" and concerning the identity of a confidential human source. Thisinformation will not have a declassification date, and will always be considered your mostrestrictive source. Mark your document "Declassify on: 25X1."

4 With sources having a combination of these types of declassificationinstructions, you must analyze the combination to determine which is most restrictive.Generally, the most current source document would provide your declassification on line.For example:

Source Declassify on:

Source 1 OADR dtd April 85

Source 2 17 Mar 99

Source 3 OADR dtd Oct 90

The derived document would be marked as follows:




This information would be subject to declassification 25 years from the date of itsorigin, thus the date of the source document should always be placed on thedeclassification instruction line.

If the source information included exemption categories, the same process applies.Example:

Source Declassify on:

Source 1 25X2 (weapons of mass


Source 2 17 March 99

Source 3 X5 (foreign government information)

The derived document would be marked as follows:



The information can be extended in successive ten year increments, therefore, the X5exemption category becomes the most restrictive declassification guidance.

d. Combinations of Original and Derivative Classification. If the classification of thedocument is through a combination of original and derivative classification, determine thedeclassification instruction by following the rules in paragraph 5-204.c, above. Use theinstruction supplied by the original classifier as if it came from a source document orclassification guide.

5-205 Downgrading Instructions

Downgrading instructions are not required for every classified document, but must beplaced on the face of each document to which they apply. Mark the document "Downgradeto Secret on..." and/or "Downgrade to Confidential on...," and add theappropriate date or event. (Note: A downgrading instruction is used in addition to, andnot as a substitute for, declassification instructions.) Downgrading instructions shallnot be applied to documents containing foreign government information or Restricted Dataor Formerly Restricted Data.

5-206 Identification of Specific Classified Information

Every classified document must show, as clearly as is possible, which information in itis classified and at what level. Specific marking of each portion ("parentheticalportion marking") shall be used.

a. Each section, part, paragraph, and similar portion of a classified document shall bemarked to show the highest level of classification of information it contains, or that itis unclassified. When deciding whether a subportion is included in the term "similarportion," the criterion will be whether the marking is necessary to eliminate doubtabout the classification of its contents.

    (1) Portions of text shall be marked with the appropriate abbreviation ("TS," "S," "C," or "U"), placed in parentheses immediately before the beginning of the portion. If the portion is numbered or lettered, place the abbreviation in parentheses between the letter or number and the start of the text.

      (a) Portions containing Restricted Data and Formerly Restricted Data shall have abbreviated markings ("RD" or "FRD") included with the classification marking, for example, "(S-RD)." Critical Nuclear Weapon Design Information shall be marked with an "N" in separate parentheses following the portion marking: "(S-RD)(N)."
      (b) Portions of DoD documents containing foreign government or North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) information shall include identification of the foreign classification in the parenthetical marking, for example, "(UK-S)" or "(N-S)." Use the letter "R" to identify NATO or foreign government Restricted information.
      (c) The abbreviation "FOUO" is used to designate unclassified portions that contain information that may be exempt from mandatory release to the public under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). See Appendix C for details.

    (2) Subjects and titles of classified documents shall be marked to show their classification. Use the same abbreviations as for other portions, but place them in parentheses after the subject of title. This is the only exception to the placement rule.

    (3) Charts, graphs, photographs, illustrations, figures, drawings, and similar portions of classified documents must be marked to show their classification. Captions or titles of these portions must also be marked.

      (a) Charts, graphs, and similar items shall be marked with the unabbreviated classification, or "UNCLASSIFIED," based on the level of classified information they contain or reveal. The marking shall be placed within the chart, graph, etc., or next to the item.
      (b) Captions and titles of charts, graphs, etc., shall be marked as required for text portions (see subparagraph 5-206a(1), above). The marking will indicate the classification of the caption or title, not of the chart itself. (See also paragraph 5-401, below.)

b. If an exceptional situation makes individual markings of each portion clearlyimpracticable, a statement may be substituted describing which portions are classified andtheir level of classification. Such a statement must identify the information asspecifically as parenthetical portion marking. For classification by compilation, thestatement required by subsection 5-302, below, meets this requirement. A waiver is notrequired in these situations.

c. Documents containing information classified by compilation (as described insubsection 2-400, above) shall be marked as follows:

    (1) If portions, standing alone, are unclassified, but the document is classified by compilation, mark the portions "(U)" and the document and pages with the classification of the compilation. You must also add an explanation of the classification (see subsection 5-302, below).
    (2) If individual portions are classified at one level, but the compilation is a higher classification, mark each portion with its own classification, and mark the document and pages with the classification of the compilation. Cite the explanation for the classification by compilation on the Classified By/Derived From line or with the record copy of the material.

d. Waivers of the requirements of this subsection may be granted only by the Directorof the Information Security Oversight Office. Waivers granted before 14 October 1995 byDoD officials are no longer valid. Requests for waivers from DoD Components shall beforwarded to the Principal Director (Information Warfare, Security &Counterintelligence), ODASD(I&S) for submission to the Director, ISOO. Waiver requestsfor Special Access Programs will be forwarded to the Director, Special Programs,ODTUSD(P)PS, who will then forward them to the Director, ISOO. The waiver request mustinclude the following:

    (1) Identification of the information or class of documents for which the waiver is sought;
    (2) A detailed explanation of why the waiver should be granted;
    (3) The Component's judgment of the anticipated dissemination of the information or class of documents for which the waiver is sought; and
    (4) The extent to which the documents subject to the waiver may be a basis for derivative classification.

5-207 Page Marking

a. Each interior page of a classified document (except blank pages) shall beconspicuously marked, top and bottom, with the highest classification of the informationon the page. These markings must stand out from the balance of the information and thus aparticular size is not specified. Pages containing only unclassified information shall bemarked "UNCLASSIFIED." Blank interior pages will not be marked.

b. An alternative interior page marking scheme is the same as described above exceptthat each page is marked with the highest classification of information in the document.If this alternative is used, parenthetical portion markings must be used instead of themeans specified in paragraph 5-206b., above.

5-208 Special Control and Similar Notices

Besides the following, other notices may be required by other DoD Directives. Unlessanother Directive prescribes different placement, these additional control notices shallbe placed on the face of the document.

a. Restricted Data. Documents containing Restricted Data shall be marked:


"This material contains Restricted Data as defined in the Atomic Energy Act of1954. Unauthorized disclosure subject to administrative and criminal sanctions."

b. Documents containing Formerly Restricted Data, but no Restricted Data, shall bemarked:


"Unauthorized disclosure subject to administrative and criminal sanctions. Handleas Restricted Data in foreign dissemination. Section 144.b, Atomic Energy Act, 1954"

c. The Director of Central Intelligence (DCI) establishes policies and procedures forthe control of dissemination of intelligence information. The current DCI Directive onthis subject is at Appendix E.

d. COMSEC Material

The following marking will be placed on classified COMSEC documents before release tocontractors. Apply it when the document is created if release to contractors is likely.

"COMSEC Material - Access by Contractor Personnel Restricted to U.S. CitizensHolding Final Government Clearance."

e. Dissemination and Reproduction Notices

Classified information that is subject to specific dissemination or reproductionlimitations may be marked with notices such as:

"Reproduction requires approval of originator or higher DoD authority", or

"Further dissemination only as directed by (insert appropriate office or official)or higher DoD authority."

f. Special Access Program Documents

Special Access Program documentation and information may be identified with the phrase"Special Access Required" and the assigned nickname, codeword, trigraph, ordigraph.

g. For Official Use Only. See Appendix C for guidance on the marking of For OfficialUse Only information contained in classified documents.

h. Other Special Notices

Other requirements for special markings on Restricted Data and Formerly Restricted Data, intelligence and intelligence-related information, COMSEC information, technicaldocuments, NATO-classified information, and other information are found in DoD and otheragency directives and publications. Consult the references (Appendix A) for furtherguidance.

Section 3

Marking Special Types of Documents

5-300 Documents with Component Parts

If a classified document has components likely to be removed and used or maintainedseparately, each component shall be marked as a separate document. Examples are annexes orappendices to plans, major parts of a report, or reference charts in a program directive.If the entire major component is unclassified, it may be marked on its face, top andbottom, "UNCLASSIFIED," and a statement added: "All portions of this[annex, appendix, etc.] are Unclassified." No further markings are required on such acomponent.

5-301 Transmittal Documents

Transmittals are documents that have classified documents enclosed with or attached tothem. An example is a letter with classified enclosures. The transmittal document itselfmay contain information classified as high or higher than the documents transmitted. Moreoften, though, the transmittal document itself is unclassified or classified at a lowerlevel than the transmitted documents.

a. If the transmittal contains information classified higher than or at the same levelas the documents it is transmitting, mark it as you would any other classified document.If any special control notices discussed in subsection 5-208, above, apply to thedocuments transmitted, place them on the face of the transmittal document.

b. If the information in the transmittal document is unclassified or classified at alower level than one or more of the attachments or enclosures, mark the transmittaldocument as follows:

    (1) Mark the face of the transmittal document conspicuously, top and bottom, with the highest classification found in it or any of the documents transmitted. (Example: An unclassified transmittal document has one Secret and two Confidential attachments. Mark the face of the transmittal document 'SECRET.")
    (2) Mark the face of the transmittal document to show its status when separated from the classified material. Examples include: "UNCLASSIFIED WHEN SEPARATED FROM CLASSIFIED ENCLOSURES," "UNCLASSIFIED WHEN ATTACHMENT 2 IS REMOVED," "CONFIDENTIAL UPON REMOVAL OF ENCLOSURES," or a similar statement.
    (3) If any of the special control notices described in subsection 5-208, above, apply to the transmittal document or any enclosures, place them on the face of the transmittal document.
    (4) Transmittal documents that are classified standing alone must be marked like other classified documents. Unclassified transmittal documents shall not be portion marked. The marking of classification at the top and bottom of interior pages of an unclassified transmittal document is not necessary.

5-302 Classification by Compilation

When a document consisting of individually unclassified items of information isclassified by compilation (see subsection 2-400, above), the overall classification shallbe marked conspicuously at the top and bottom of each page and the outside of the frontand back covers (if there are covers). An explanation of the basis for classification bycompilation shall be placed on the face of the document or included in the text. Mark theportions in accordance with paragraph 5-206c, above.

5-303 Translations

Translations of U.S. classified information into a foreign language shall be markedwith the appropriate U.S. classification markings and the foreign language equivalent.(See Appendix F for foreign language classifications.) They must also clearly show theUnited States as the country of origin.

5-304 Information Transmitted Electronically

Information transmitted electronically, such as messages to be retained as permanentrecords, rather than those that are facsimile (FAX) transmissions, must be marked asrequired by this chapter for any other classified document, with the following specialprovisions:

a. The first item in the text must be the overall classification of the information.
b. For information printed by an automated system, overall and page markings may beapplied by that system, provided they stand out conspicuously from the text. In oldersystems, this may be achieved by surrounding the markings with asterisks or other symbols.
c. A properly completed "Classified by" or "Derived from" line,("Reason," when appropriate), declassification instructions, and downgradinginstructions (when appropriate) must be included in the last line. Declassification anddowngrading instructions shall not be used for information containing Restricted Data orFormerly Restricted Data. The abbreviations "CLASS" for "Classifiedby," "RSN" for Reason," DECL" for "Declassify on,""DERV" for "Derived from," and "DNG" for "Downgradeto" may be used.

5-305 Documents and Material Marked for Training Purposes

Documents and material that contain no classified information, but are marked withclassification markings for training purposes, must also have a marking which clearlyshows that they are actually unclassified. A suitable marking shall be placed on each pageof the document, for example, "Unclassified - Marked Classified for TrainingOnly."

5-306 Files, Folders, and Groups of Documents

Classified files, folders, and similar groups of documents must have clearclassification markings on the outside of the folder or holder. Attaching a classifieddocument cover sheet (Standard Forms 703, 704, or 705) to the front of the folder orholder will satisfy this requirement. These cover sheets need not be attached when theitem is in secure storage.

5-307 Printed Documents Produced by AIS Equipment

Because of the volume and nature of the printed products of automated informationsystems (AISs), special provisions for marking some AIS-generated documents are required.These special provisions do not apply to documents produced by AISs that function as wordprocessing systems. Documents produced on these AISs are marked like other documents. Theexceptional provisions are:

    a. Classification markings on interior pages of fan-folded printouts are required. These markings may be applied by the AIS equipment even though they may not meet the normal test of being conspicuous.
    b. Special control notices, identification of classification sources, and downgrading and declassification instructions must either be marked on the face of the document or be placed on a separate sheet of paper attached to the front of the document.
    c. Portions of AIS printouts removed for separate use or maintenance shall be marked as individual documents.

Section 4

Marking Special Types of Materials

5-400 General Policy Statement

When classified information is contained in AIS media, audiovisual media, hardware andequipment, or other media not commonly thought of as documents, the provisions ofsubsection 5-100, above, must be met in a way that is appropriate to the type of material.The main concern is that holders and users of the material are clearly warned of thepresence of classified information needing protection. The information provided by othermarkings required by this chapter must also be made available, either on the item or indocumentation that accompanies it. Particular exceptions are as noted in subsections 5-401through 5-408, below.

5-401 Blueprints, Schematics, Maps, and Charts

Blueprints, engineering drawings, charts, maps, and similar items not contained in aclassified document must be marked with their overall classification. The classificationmarking must be unabbreviated, must be conspicuous, and should be applied top and bottomif possible. The legend or title must also be marked to show its classification. Anabbreviated marking in parentheses following the legend or title may be used. If theblueprints, maps and other items are large enough that they are likely to be rolled orfolded, classification markings must be placed to be visible when the item is rolled orfolded. For guidance on marking these items when they are pages of a classified document,see subparagraph 5-206a.(3), above.

5-402 Photographs, Negatives, and Unprocessed Film

a. Photographs and negatives must be marked with the overall classification ofinformation they contain. Photographs should be marked on the face, if possible. If thiscannot be done, the classification marking may be placed on the reverse side. Othermarkings required by this chapter shall be placed on photographs along with theclassification marking, or will be included in accompanying documentation.

b. Roll negatives and positives, and other film containing classified information mustbe marked with their overall classification. This marking must be placed either on thefilm itself or on the canister, if one is used. If placed on the film itself, the markingmust be placed at the beginning and end of the roll.

5-403 Slides and Transparencies

a. Slides and transparencies shall have the overall classification and special controlnotices (detailed in subsection 5-208, above) marked on the image area of the item andalso on the border, holder, or frame. Information on the image area of the item shall beportion marked in accordance with subsection 5-206, above. Other required securitymarkings may be placed in the image area; on the border, holder, or frame; or indocumentation accompanying the item.

b. If a group of slides or transparencies is used together and maintained together as aset, each slide or transparency must have the classification marking and special controlnotices on it. The other required security markings may be placed on the first slide ortransparency in the set; these markings are not needed on the other slides ortransparencies. Slides or transparencies that are permanently removed from a set must bemarked as a separate document.

5-404 Motion Picture Films and Videotapes

Classified motion picture films and videotapes must be marked with their classificationand any appropriate control notices at the beginning and end of the played or protectedportion. Other required security markings shall be placed at the beginning of theprojected or played portion. Reels and cassettes shall be marked with the overallclassification of the item and kept in containers marked with the classification and otherrequired security markings.

5-405 Sound Recordings

Sound recordings containing classified information must have an audible statement oftheir classification at the beginning and end. Reels or cassettes shall be marked with theoverall classification of the item and kept in containers marked with the classificationand other required security markings.

5-406 Microforms

Microfilm, microfiche, and similar media must have their overall classification markedin the image area that can be read or copied. They also must have this marking applied soit is visible to the unaided eye. Other required security markings shall be either placedon the item or included in accompanying documentation.

5-407 Removable AIS Storage Media

Removable storage media include magnetic tape reels, disk packs, diskettes, CD-ROMs,removable hard disks, disk cartridges, optical disks, paper tape, reels, magnetic cards,tape cassettes and micro-cassettes, and any other device on which data is stored and whichnormally is removable from the system by the user or operator. All such devices bearingclassified information must be conspicuously marked with the highest level ofclassification stored on the device and any special control notices that apply to theinformation using one of the labels specified in subsection 5-409, below. As an exception,in the case of CD-ROMs, the label may be affixed to the sleeve or container in which theCD-ROM is stored. Other information normally provided by document markings (e.g.,"classified by" and "declassify on" lines) shall be available asfollows:

    a. If the information is stored in readily accessible format on the device, it does not have to be marked on the outside of the device. As an example, if classified files or documents prepared with a word processor are stored on a floppy diskette, and each file bears its own declassification instructions as entered with the word processor, the diskette does not need to be marked with declassification instructions. This should be true with respect to most diskettes containing classified word processing files and documents, even though a few of them may not have all of the prescribed markings.
    b. If the required information is not stored in readily accessible format on the device, it must be marked on the outside of the device (normally with a sticker or tag) or placed on documentation kept with the device.

5-408 Fixed and Internal AIS Storage Media

System managers shall ensure that AISs, including word processing systems, provide forclassification designation of data stored in internal memory or maintained on fixedstorage media.

5-409 Standard Form (SF) Labels

a. If not marked otherwise, AIS storage media and other items covered by this Sectionmust be marked with the following labels:

    (1) SF 706 - TOP SECRET
    (2) SF 707 - SECRET
    (3) SF 708 - CONFIDENTIAL
    (4) SF 709 - CLASSIFIED
    (5) SF 710 - UNCLASSIFIED
    (6) SF 711 - DATA DESCRIPTOR

b. SF 711 should be used any time classified AIS storage media are removed from theoffice in which they were created. There is no intention to require use of SF 710 inenvironments where no classified information is created or used. SF 709 should not be usedif the appropriate classification label (SF 708, SF 707, or SF 706) is available.

5-410 Intelligence Information

a. Additional security controls and markings are established for the dissemination ofintelligence information. Appendix E contains a reprint of the current Director of CentralIntelligence Directive (DCID) 1/7. The DCID 1/7 establishes policies, controls andprocedures for the dissemination and use of intelligence information and is applicable toclassifiers of intelligence information.
b. The DCID eliminates several markings. Refer to the DCID for instructions on marking andreleasing procedures for information marked with the following obsolete caveats:

    Not Releasable to Foreign Nationals (NOFORN)
    Release to (REL TO)
    Warning Notice-Intelligence Sources or Methods Involved (WNINTEL)
    Not Releasable to Contractors/Consultants (NOCONTRACT or NC)

c. Information previously marked NOFORN continues to be non-releasable to foreignersand must be referred to the originator. NOFORN is not authorized for new classificationdecisions. A limited amount of information will contain the marking US ONLY. Thisinformation cannot be shared with any foreign government. As with all disclosuredecisions, the National Foreign Disclosure Policies must be adhered to.

    Section 5

    Changes in Markings

    5-500 Downgrading and Declassification in Accordance with Markings

    a. When a document or item of material is marked for downgrading or declassification ona date or event, the downgrading or declassification is automatic at the specified timeunless word to the contrary has been received from the originator or other authority.There is no requirement to refer the material to the originator on that date for adowngrading or declassification decision. If a holder of the material has reason tobelieve it should not be downgraded or declassified, he or she shall notify the originatorthrough appropriate administrative channels. The document or material shall continue to beprotected at the originally assigned level of classification until the issue is resolved.

    b. When a document is declassified automatically in accordance with declassificationmarkings appearing on it, the overall and page markings on the document should becanceled, if practical. For a bulky document, where canceling each page marking is notpractical, cancel at least the markings on the cover (if one exists), title page (if oneexists), and the first page.

    c. If a document is downgraded in accordance with its markings, cancel the oldclassification markings and substitute the new ones. As a minimum, the markings on thecover (if one exists), title page (if one exists), and the first page must be changed.

    5-501 Downgrading and Declassification Earlier Than Scheduled

    If a document is declassified or downgraded earlier than indicated by its markings, therules for remarking in subsection 5-500, above, must be followed. In addition, place thefollowing information on the document:

      a. The date of the downgrading or declassification remarking.
      b. The authority for the action (e.g., the identity of the original classifier who directed the action, or identification of the correspondence or classification instruction that required it). When possible, file a copy of the correspondence authorizing the downgrade or declassification with the document.

    5-502 Upgrading

    If a document is upgraded, all classification markings affected by the upgrading mustbe changed to the new markings. Also place the following information on the document:

      a. The date of the remarking.
      b. The authority for the action (e.g., the identity of the original classifier who directed the action, or identification of the correspondence or classification instruction that required it).

    5-503 Posted Notice on Bulk Quantities of Material

    If the volume of material involved in a declassification, downgrading, or upgradingaction is so large that individually remarking each item would cause serious interferencewith operations, the custodian may attach a notice to the inside of the storage unitproviding the information required by subparagraph

    5-500, 5-501, or 5-502, above, whichever applies. When individual documents are removedfrom the storage unit, they must be marked in the manner prescribed under subsection5-500, above. If documents are removed to be transferred to another storage unit, theyneed not be remarked if the new storage unit also has a proper notice posted.

    5-504 Extensions of Duration of Classification

    If information has been marked for declassification at 10 years from its date ofclassification and the duration of classification is subsequently extended, the"Declassify on" line shall be changed to show the new declassificationinstructions, the identity of the OCA or other authority authorizing the extension, andthe date of the action. (Example: "Declassify on: Classification extended on 1 Dec.2000 until 1 Dec 2010 by D. Jones, Ch., Div 5.")

    Section 6

    Remarking and Using Old Classified Material

    5-600 Old Markings Can Remain

    Some classified documents and other material are still in use that were marked inaccordance with E.O. 12356 and earlier orders. There is no need to remark this materialwith the new declassification and downgrading instructions specified by E.O. 12958. If thematerial is marked for automatic downgrading or declassification on a date or event,downgrade or declassify it in accordance with those markings. If the material is ofpermanently historical value and does not show a specific declassification date or event,it will be subject to the automatic declassification provisions of E.O. 12958 as itreaches 25 years from its date of origin.

    5-601 Earlier Declassification and Extension of Classification

    The requirements for declassification and for extension of classification found inChapter 4 of this Regulation apply to information classified under E.O. 12356 and earlierExecutive orders, as well as to information classified under the current Executive Order.

    Section 7

    Foreign Government Information/Equivalent U.S. ClassificationDesignation

    5-700 General

    Classification designations for foreign government information in many cases do notparallel U.S. classification designations. Moreover, many foreign governments andinternational organizations have a fourth level of classification that generallytranslates as "Restricted," and a category of unclassified information that isprotected by law in the originating country and is provided on the condition that it willbe treated "in confidence." A table of U.S. and foreign governmentclassification markings is at Appendix F.

    5-701 Marking NATO Documents

    NATO classified documents (i.e., documents prepared by or for NATO and NATO membernation documents that have been released into the NATO security system and which bear aNATO classification marking) shall be marked in compliance with USSAN Instruction 1-69.

    5-702 Marking Other Foreign Government Documents

    a. Except as described in subparagraph b., below, other foreign government classifieddocuments shall be marked in English to identify the originating country and theapplicable U.S. classification designation . If a classification designation has beenapplied to a foreign document by the originator, and it is the applicable U.S. Englishlanguage designation, only the identity of the originating country need be applied to thedocument. Examples:

      (1) A German document marked "Geheim" would be marked:


      (2) A UK document marked "SECRET" would be marked:

        UK SECRET

    b. Foreign government documents that are marked with a classification designation whichequates to Restricted, and unclassified foreign government documents that are provided toa DoD Component on the condition that they will be treated "in confidence,"shall be marked to identify the originating government and whether they are Restricted orprovided "in Confidence" Additionally, they shall be marked "CONFIDENTIAL -Modified Handling" and be protected in accordance with section 6-600, below. Example:

    A French document marked "Diffusion Restreinte" would be marked:


      Protect as

      CONFIDENTIAL-Modified Handling

    5-703 Marking of Foreign Government and NATO Information in DoD Documents

    a. When used in DoD documents, foreign government information (FGI) must be marked toprevent premature declassification or unauthorized disclosure. To satisfy thisrequirement, U.S. documents that contain foreign government information shall be marked onthe cover or first page, "THIS DOCUMENT CONTAINS (indicate country of origin)INFORMATION." In addition, the portions shall be marked to identify theclassification level and the country of origin, e.g., (UK-C); (GE-C).

    If the identity of the foreign government must be concealed, the cover or first page ofthe document shall be marked, "THIS DOCUMENT CONTAINS FOREIGN GOVERNMENTINFORMATION," and applicable paragraphs shall be marked FGI together with theappropriate classification (FGI-S). The identity of the foreign government shall bemaintained with the record copy which must be appropriately protected.

    b. The "Derived From" line shall identify the U.S. as well as foreignclassification sources. If the identity of the foreign government must be concealed, the"Derived From" line shall contain the marking "Foreign Governmentinformation." In that case, the identity of the foreign government will be maintainedwith the record copy and protected as in paragraph 5-703a., above. To mark the"Declassify On" line, refer to paragraph 5-204c(2), above. A U.S. documentmarked as described herein, shall not be downgraded below the highest level of foreigngovernment information contained in the document or be declassified without the writtenapproval of the foreign government that originated the information. Recommendationsconcerning downgrading or declassification shall be submitted through the DoD entity thatcreated the document to the originating foreign government.

    c. DoD classified documents that contain extracts of NATO classified information shallbe marked as follows on the cover or first page: "THIS DOCUMENT CONTAINS NATOCLASSIFIED INFORMATION." Portions shall be marked to identify the NATO information(e.g., N-S). All other markings prescribed in subsection 5-102, above, are applicable tothese documents.

    d. When NATO or other foreign government RESTRICTED information is included inotherwise unclassified DoD documents, the following statement shall be affixed to the topand bottom of the page containing the information: "This page contains (indicate NATOor country of origin) RESTRICTED information." The Restricted portions shall bemarked (e.g., (N-R); (UK-R), The cover, (or first page, if no cover) of all documentscontaining NATO RESTRICTED information shall be marked with the following statement:"This document contains NATO RESTRICTED information and shall be safeguarded inaccordance with USSAN 1-69." The cover (or first page, if no cover) of all documentscontaining foreign government RESTRICTED information other than NATO shall be marked:


      Protect as

      CONFIDENTIAL - Modified Handling"

    5-704 Marking for Transfer to Archives

    When classified records are to be transferred for storage or archival purposes to theNational Archives and Records Administration or to other locations, the records thataccompany them shall identify the boxes that contain foreign government documents as wellas DoD documents containing foreign government information.

    CHAPTER 5 (2024)
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    Name: Lidia Grady

    Birthday: 1992-01-22

    Address: Suite 493 356 Dale Fall, New Wanda, RI 52485

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    Hobby: Cryptography, Writing, Dowsing, Stand-up comedy, Calligraphy, Web surfing, Ghost hunting

    Introduction: My name is Lidia Grady, I am a thankful, fine, glamorous, lucky, lively, pleasant, shiny person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.