Cheap & Simple Vegan Gut Healing Recipes (2024)

Low energy? IBS? Skin issues? These vegan gut healing recipes may help!

By Lora O’Brien

We’ve all heard the phrase: listen to your gut. It normally refers to going with your intuition, but let’s apply it to your physical health, too. If you’ve been feeling somewhat sluggish lately with indigestion, tummy aches or bloating, it may well be your gut telling you something is a little off.

Why our digestive health is super important

Here’s a weird fact: we are only 10 percent human! Ninety percent of our cells are non-human, microbial cells. Since our diet influences our microbes, it’s not so much ‘we are what we eat.’ It’s more like: ‘we are what we feed’.

If you’ve been having some tummy trouble, the good news is that you can cultivate a new microbiota, a.k.a. gut flora – in just 24 hours, by changing what you eat. And if you’re vegan, the news is even better. That’s because gut bacteria really flourishes on colourful, plant-based foods.

Healthy gut bacteria are like little office managers in our bellies.They help our bodies digest and absorb nutrients, synthesise certain vitamins, and rally against intruders, such as influenza and toxic cancer-forming carcinogens.

As if that wasn’t enough, in addition to boosting our immune system, they also maximise the nutrient gain from every single thing we put into our bodies and send messages to our brain and that helps regulate our metabolism.

You can pretty much bet that when you see a morbidly obese person, their gut bacteria are essentially non-existent.

Signs of an unhealthy gut

When you neglect your gut, you also neglect your overall health, as the functioning of the gut affects many different areas of your body. You may find you develop skin conditions such as eczema, acne and psoriasis, and your hair can become dry and thin.

Another way you can tell if your gut is in need of a little TLC is if your energy levels are suffering. When the bacteria find it hard to digest and absorb nutrients into your bloodstream, you can experience symptoms such as fatigue, tiredness and sluggishness.

Some more common symptoms of poor gut health are:

  • frequent indigestion
  • constipation
  • stomach cramping
  • gas
  • bloating
  • irregular bowel movements
  • bad breath.

How to cure an unhealthy gut

1. Remove offending foods

Gluten, eggs, dairy, yeast, sugar, processed foods and alcohol are but a few things you should avoid ingesting, as these often irritate the gut. Even worse are genetically modified foods such as soy, corn, papaya (though non GMO papaya is great for the gut), peanuts and specific grains. The fact is that the glyphosate applied to these GMO foods is designed to act as a pesticide by exploding the guts of insects. But guess what? When you eat glyphosate-saturated foods, these kill off your gut bacteria.

2. Feed your bacteria

Many people are still under the illusion that they need to consume dairy in order to build a healthy digestive system. But for many, dairy can cause digestive upset. So it’s better to find plant-based probiotic sources instead. There are lots of wonderful gut-healing foods you can enjoy on a vegan diet, such as coconut yogurt, sauerkraut, kimchi, miso and even vegan probiotic supplements.

3. Learn what foods are good for the body

Many of us are creatures of habit, so it can feel overwhelming changing our diets. But once you’ve removed potentially harmful foods that can spark inflammation, such as processed foods and refined sugar, you’ll need to focus on eating foods that work to heal you. Load your fridge with lots of fresh fruits and vegetables, leafy greens and grains that are easy to digest such as gluten-free oats, quinoa and millet. Healthy fats will help sustain your energy levels, and foods such as avocado, chia, hemp seeds, coconut and raw nut butters are rich in these.

4. Get enough rest

You may laugh, but believe it or not, the quality of sleep you get has a big impact on your digestive system. When you sleep, it gives your digestive organs the time to both replenish and restore and detoxify the body to eliminate wastes from the day before whilst you sleep peacefully. Gurgling, gas and bloating are signs you may be not be getting enough sleep at night. You should aim for 8-9 hours of sleep every night, but if this isn’t realistic try to aim for at least 7-8.

5. Manage stress

Stress can have a huge impact on your health and one place that really suffers is your gut.

Many of us reach for junk food when stressed, but try to avoid eating at all during these times. Eating when stressed can affect digestion negatively. So try to take a few deep breaths for at least one minute before digging in. Gentle exercise is also a good way to help your bowels move, but even some calming exercises such as yoga and meditation can help to boost your mood.

When you do eat, take the time to only eat; don’t be munch away mindlessly whilst sat at your desk working or whilst you’re on the go. Setting aside time each day to eat and see how much better you feel for doing so.

6. Fast before breakfast

The more time you give your gut to rest, the better. So eat something light at dinner time, and make it early. Try to give yourself 12-14 hours of fasting – that means if you have dinner at 7pm, eating breakfast at 9 will give your belly lots of time for the mitochondria that live in there to clean up all the toxins in your gut and boost your immune system before they get busy digesting again.

Gut healing basics to buy

Some stuff you’ll need to have on hand if you want to start making vegan gut healing recipes are:

Kombucha Scoby Live Culture – to make kombucha tea.

Probiotic capsules – to make coconut yogurt.

Tempeh – best to buy fresh, but if you can’t find it in your area, you can order it online.

Miso paste – perfect for creating a vegan version of ‘bone broth’.

Easy & Cheap Vegan Gut Healing Recipes

Cheap & Simple Vegan Gut Healing Recipes (2)

1. Turmeric Tonic

Turmeric is a natural anti-inflammatory, so it’s a great ingredient to help heal your gut. Ginger helps aid digestion, too. In fact, both turmeric and ginger have been used within Ayurvedic medicine and Indian cooking for thousands of years. This warm turmeric milk is a popular home remedy in the subcontinent.

Get the recipe here.

Cheap & Simple Vegan Gut Healing Recipes (3)

2. Easy Two Ingredient Coconut Yogurt

I couldn’t do an article on vegan gut healing recipes without a yogurt recipe! Vegan yogurt is a really great way to maintain gut health. This recipe has just two ingredients; coconut milk and probiotic capsules. Once combined, you allow the yogurt to activate for 48 hours and you’re left with a thick, tangy yogurt that’s creamy, probiotic-rich and most importantly, gut healthy!

Get the recipe here.

Cheap & Simple Vegan Gut Healing Recipes (4)

3. Banana Flax Turmeric Overnight Oats

Once again, the banana in this recipe can help reduce inflammation and rolled oats (use gluten-free) are an energising carbohydrate whilst providing gut-friendly fibre. Flaxseed and almond milk provide healthy fats, and the yogurt gives you probiotics, while the turmeric tops it off with its anti-inflammatory and healing properties. We’ve got way more recipes with turmeric here.

Get the recipe here.

Cheap & Simple Vegan Gut Healing Recipes (5)

4. Sweet Miso Porridge

Think miso is just for those savoury dishes? Nope! Adding sweet miso to dishes like porridge adds a natural hint of salted caramel, which works super well when paired with sweet fruits such as banana and pear. This may be one of the most unusual vegan gut healing recipes, but it’s a really great way to use miso in your dishes. And if you’re looking for more recipes with fermented foods like miso, check these out in the link!

Get the recipe here.

Cheap & Simple Vegan Gut Healing Recipes (6)

5. Gluten Free Vegan Buckwheat Bread

Bread can be a nightmare if you suffer with digestive issues, and it can cause conditions such as IBS to flare up, which can be a real pain. Literally! But gluten-free bread is actually pretty easy to make. This recipe uses buckwheat flour, chia seeds, almond meal and apple to stimulate digestion. Simply toast the bread and top with whatever you desire! My personal fave? Chia seed jam, yum!

Get the recipe here.

Cheap & Simple Vegan Gut Healing Recipes (7)

6. Napa Cabbage Kimchi

Kimchi is a staple in Korean cuisine, and is something that accompanies most meals. It’s basically fermented vegetables that are spiced with Korean hot pepper powder, garlic and other seasonings. It can be made with almost any vegetable, but napa cabbage is a popular choice. Serve it with salads, in sandwiches, in a super healthy Buddha bowl – however you like!

Get the recipe here.

7. Easy Baked BBQ Tempeh

Never heard of tempeh? It’s a savoury patty made of fermented soybeans. When you buy it plain, you can marinate it and pretty much make it taste the way you want. It’s kinda the same situation with its cousin, tofu. Due to its fermented nature, tempeh contains probiotics which will give a boost to both the gut and immune system. This BBQ tofu is delicious on its own, tossed into a salad or used in wraps.

Get the recipe here.

Cheap & Simple Vegan Gut Healing Recipes (9)

8. Mom’s Sauerkraut Avocado Sandwich

Black German pumpernickel bread isn’t easy to find, but it’s well worth it – it should be gluten free, and high in fibre. Fill it with some hot, probiotic rich sauerkraut and creamy avocado, and you’ve got yourself one hell of a delicious sandwich!

Get the recipe here.

Cheap & Simple Vegan Gut Healing Recipes (10)

9. Lemony Quinoa with Turmeric

Quinoa is wonderful on its own, but if you’re looking to give it a new lease of life, you need to try this recipe for a burst of fresh, new flavour – namely curry, turmeric, cumin and lemon. You could eat this on its own or serve it as a side dish. Either way it’s delicious, and will taste just as good as leftovers the next day.

Get the recipe here.

Cheap & Simple Vegan Gut Healing Recipes (11)

10. Gut Healing Vegan ‘Bone Broth’

Who needs an actual bone broth when this vegan broth provides vitamins, zinc, essential amino acids and prebiotics? In fact, there are many reasons why this is even better than a bone broth – just take a look right here to see why. In short, your body doesn’t absorb collagen you ingest. Your body just needs the building blocks to make its own. And this soup has ’em!

While some argue bone broth is rich in gut healing gelatin, there are many other foods that have been shown to contribute towards healing the stomach lining and digestive tract. These include seaweed, aloe vera, healthy fats and turmeric. Some of which this soup has, too!

There’s also tons of flavour thanks to the Shiitake mushrooms, fibre in the spinach, and good fats due to the coconut oil. It’s perhaps the most vital of all the vegan gut healing recipes! But it’s also perfect for detoxing, too.

Get the recipe here.

Cheap & Simple Vegan Gut Healing Recipes (12)

11. Tempeh Hash with Brussels Sprouts

Here’s the perfect gut-healing brunch recipe: Yukon potatoes are hashed until crispy and golden, and are them mixed with the sprouts and probiotic tempeh that’s been marinated in a smoky tahini, maple and dijon sauce. Delish!

Get the recipe here.

12. Creamy Sweet Potato Noodles w/Tempeh & Kale

Sweet potatoes are not only incredibly delicious, they’re a great source of fibre, too. This recipe also includes kale, which is packed with nutrients including vitamins A, C, E, and K, as well as folate, potassium, sodium, and magnesium. Throw in some garlic tempeh, a fermented food that’d loaded with probiotics, and this bowl will truly nourish you from the inside out.

Get the recipe here.

Cheap & Simple Vegan Gut Healing Recipes (14)

13. Vegan Jota

This is one of the best vegan gut healing recipes for cold winter days! This warming soup is more like smoky bean and sauerkraut hot pot. It’s super simple to make, and the perfect hearty meal to make in minutes. This recipe is also great if you’re new to the wonders of sauerkraut, and not quite daring enough to eat it on its own.

Get the recipe here.

Cheap & Simple Vegan Gut Healing Recipes (15)

14. Chili Garlic Cauliflower

I love replacing rice with cauliflower ‘rice’! It’s not only healthy, but it’s oh-so-easy to make (simply pulse cauliflower down until it reaches a rice texture). It’s also easily seasoned to really bring it to life. Here, the cauliflower is cooked in a nut milk and then a creamy chili and garlic sauce is drizzled on top. Perfection!

Get the recipe here.

Cheap & Simple Vegan Gut Healing Recipes (16)

15. Fermented Unicorn Zebra Cheesecake

This is definitely the prettiest of all the vegan gut healing recipes here! In fact, they’re almost too pretty to eat. You probably think a recipe like these is packed full of all kinds of nasty ingredients, but it’s actually the opposite! There is so much goodness in this recipe, and the cheesecake filling is made from fermented cashew cheese – which is great for gut health!

Get the recipe here.

Cheap & Simple Vegan Gut Healing Recipes (17)

16. Raspberry Kombucha Tea

Kombucha is one of the best vegan gut healing recipes, ever! If you’ve not tried it before, it’s a fermented drink that’s a bit fizzy, and a little sour. Sugar is needed to sweeten the kombucha and keep the scoby (the good bacteria that makes it fizzy) alive, but don’t worry – scoby bacteria eat most of the sugar in the tea.

Get the recipe here.

17. Simple Cashew Yogurt

This is one of the most versatile vegan gut healing recipes! If you’re looking for a gut-healing dessert, this simple yogurt will do the trick. Berries add some sweetness without much sugar, and this recipe is also perfect for anyone who’s not a fan of coconut based yogurt. Add granola, chia seeds, fruit…whatever you fancy!

Get the recipe here.

Cheap & Simple Vegan Gut Healing Recipes (19)

Do you have any vegan gut healing recipes of your own you’d like to share? Let us know in the comments below!

Main image: Green Goddess Gut Healing Soup. Get the recipe here.

  • Author
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Lora O'Brien

Food Editor at Eluxe Magazine

After graduating in Journalism from the University of Greenwich, Lora worked for Sugar and Healing Lifestyles magazines in London before being hired to write about food for Eluxe. She’s recently become a new mom to baby Lulla, and is writing a blog about the experience of being a new mom. See more about Lora here.

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Cheap & Simple Vegan Gut Healing Recipes (2024)


What do vegans eat to heal their gut? ›

One of the best things to start with is consuming probiotic foods. There are plenty of options that are vegan-friendly. Sauerkraut, kimchi and pickled vegetables are good options for foods, or you could include drinks like kombucha and water kefir.

What vegan foods are good for healing? ›

She recommends consuming a “rainbow” of plant-based foods, like berries, kale, chickpeas, oats, and brown rice, for optimal gut health. “Obtaining a diverse color of these foods also increases our diversity of these nutrients,” Hunter tells VegNews. Like dairy yogurt, vegan yogurt is also a good source of probiotics.

What is the best smoothie for the gut? ›

Gut-Friendly Smoothie

Combine 1 medium banana, ¾ cup kefir, ¼ cup non-dairy milk, 1 tablespoon chia seeds, 1 cup kale, ½ cup ice, 1 teaspoon fresh ginger, 2-4 fresh mint leaves, vanilla extract to taste.

What foods should you avoid when repairing your gut? ›

Avoiding processed junk foods, alcohol, sugary beverages, refined oils, and artificial sweeteners may aid the growth of healthy gut bacteria. Cutting out foods containing gluten or common stimulants of digestive symptoms may also help.

How do I heal my gut ASAP? ›

You can improve your gut health by taking steps to improve your overall health. This can include eating more fiber-rich foods, eating fewer ultra-processed foods, getting enough sleep, and managing your stress levels.

What heals the gut the fastest? ›

eating fermented foods, such as pickles, yogurt, and sauerkraut, which can help heal the gut. considering supplements, such as L-glutamine, which may heal the intestinal lining. adding fiber-filled foods, such as whole grains and vegetables, to the diet to enhance intestinal wall integrity.

What is the number one fruit for gut health? ›

Tasty fruits like bananas, apples, blueberries, and peaches are some of the best foods for gut health you can eat, mainly due to their abundance of fiber, vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and many other health benefits.

What should I drink everyday for gut health? ›

Healthy gut drinks have been used for centuries in many cultures and are now at the forefront of many research studies. Fermented drinks like kombucha and kefir may promote gut health. Green tea and ginger tea might also help ease gut symptoms.

Can going vegan heal your gut? ›

The gut benefits of a vegan diet

Research has found that there is a reduction in inflammatory gut bacteria, as well as an increase in the protective species of bacteria. This is likely due to the higher fibre content of the average vegan diet.

What happens to gut bacteria when you go vegan? ›

Research has shown that the number of gut bacteria that can break down fibers from vegan/vegetarian diets is much greater than the number of fat-protein metabolizing bacteria required to digest an animal-based diet.

How do vegans heal leaky gut? ›

Fermented soy products like tempeh and miso pack protein and probiotics that are beneficial for gut health. Tofu is also recommended on the leaky gut diet. Nuts, nut butters, and seeds are also good sources of protein, amino acids, and other nutrients known to support gut health.

Can a plant-based diet heal your gut? ›

Literature suggests that adopting plant-based diets increases beneficial bacteria in our gut, such as the phylum Bacteroidetes, leading to gut and overall health promotion [9].


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Name: Greg O'Connell

Birthday: 1992-01-10

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Introduction: My name is Greg O'Connell, I am a delightful, colorful, talented, kind, lively, modern, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.