Cheap Stocking Stuffers to Help Stay on Budget! - Fun Cheap or Free (2024)

Trying to figure out what you should stuff your Christmas stockings with this year? Don't worry, we've got a great list of cheap stocking stuffers! Plus, we're talking about how to stay on budget, too.

Cheap Stocking Stuffers to Help Stay on Budget! - Fun Cheap or Free (1)

Since we spent lots of time talking about how much we should spend on our kids for Christmas, I thought it was time to give our oh-so-important stocking friends some love and attention.

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Many of us think to make a budget for Christmas gifts but rarely stop and think about the stockings. I've made that mistake in years past! I've bought all sorts of fun trinkets and random whatnots for my kids and hubby. Then, before I knew it, I had spent more on stockings than I had on gifts!

It's deceiving because “little things” don't seem like much, so you want more of them…but they really add up! Here are some guidelines, tips, ideas, and parameters for your stockings so you don't go overboard this year. Plus, I've got some great, cheap stocking stuffers that will keep you on budget! So, let's get to it!


Cheap Stocking Stuffers to Help Stay on Budget! - Fun Cheap or Free (2)

I propose that the purpose of a Christmas stocking is NOT to use them as another platform for giving gifts. Rather, it's a fun Christmas tradition that holds treats and small items to help your loved ones feel even more special, and have a few more little things to enjoy, at Christmas.

I repeat…it should NOT be an outlet for squeezing/sneaking in more gifts! If you want to give them a gift that is small enough to fit into a stocking, wrap it up and put it under the tree anyway, even if it is tiny! Make it count as a gift in your holiday budget just as every other gift does! Stocking stuffers should not be wrap-able (or should be very difficult to wrap) if that helps you visualize better.


Cheap Stocking Stuffers to Help Stay on Budget! - Fun Cheap or Free (3)

As a rule, I propose that$25 per stocking is reasonable, regardless of age. It might not seem like much of a budget to some, but think about it… If you have five people in your family, that's an extra $125 just on stockings! That's more than you should be spending on most of your kids' Christmas gifts.

If your kids are young like mine, then $25 is PUH-LEN-TEE. Go to the dollar store and grab six or seven trinkets, and they'll love you 'til they're 82! Don't feel like you have to spend that $25 per stocking, either! If $10 is all you can afford, then make that work. You can get a lot for $10, especially if you make their favorite homemade treats, like peanut butter fudge or chocolate chip cookies.

Don't forget to track what you spend with our free holiday envelope budget printables!If you're like me and don't really do gifts for your spouse, then feel free to do a little more in their stockings, maybe up to $40. But set a reasonable budget and stick to it.


Every family has their own stocking traditions. A friend of mine always gives her kids a toothbrush and a Matchbox car. My dad always put an orange in the toe of our stocking, a rolled-up magazine, a package of beef jerky, chapstick, and one of those Lifesaver books of candy.

While traditions are important, just keep in mind that I propose stockings should be for small, non-gift items. That's the best way to keep your wallet in check this Christmas. Here's a list of ideas to illustrate what items are appropriate for stockings.


Cheap Stocking Stuffers to Help Stay on Budget! - Fun Cheap or Free (4)
  • Fruit – Oranges, apples, bananas, anything that will fit in a stocking and has a protective skin. (Berries would be a bad idea!)
  • Nuts – Keep this cheap by buying a large bag of nuts and portioning it out into smaller baggies for everybody.
  • Beef Jerky – Just like with the nuts, make this cheaper by buying a large bag when it's on sale at Costco and break it down into smaller baggies.
  • Candy – Make sure it won't melt if it's hanging over a fireplace with a roaring fire!
  • Favorite Treats – Granola bars, fruit snacks, or even their favorite homemade banana bread!
  • Gum – If your kids are old enough, buy them their favorite gum! You could give them each a pack, or just a few pieces in each stocking to stretch your wallet further.
  • Mints – There are not many kids I know that'll turn down those soft peppermints!


Cheap Stocking Stuffers to Help Stay on Budget! - Fun Cheap or Free (5)
  • Hairbrush – We love our Bathpack hairbrushes! (Use the code JORDAN to get 10% off your purchase!)
  • Nail Polish – The dollar store, Walmart, Target, TJMaxx, Ross, Amazon, and so many other places have fun bottles of nail polish that are super cheap!
  • Hair Accessories – You can never go wrong with cute scrunchies, clips, and head bands. They're definitely a must-have in our hair bag!
  • Inexpensive Makeup – Bonne Bell, N.Y.C, and E.L.F are all great options!
  • Lip Balm – These aren't just for girls! Our boys love getting lip balm, especially since we go through it so much when we're outside at our family cabin.
  • Lip GlossShine Cosmetics has my absolute favorite lip gloss, but you can find plenty of cheap options at the store that younger girls who don't need a nice product will love.
  • Toothbrush – This is one of the easiest cheap stocking stuffers there are! We buy a big variety pack at the store and each kid always gets the same colored toothbrush to make sure we don't get confused.
  • Floss – The kids flossers are so fun and they taste like fruit, so our kids get pretty excited when they get these in their stockings.
  • Toothpaste – You can never have enough toothpaste!
  • Travel-Sized Toiletries – The kids get so excited over how cute the little bottles are! We give lotion, deodorant, body spray, hair spray, etc.


Cheap Stocking Stuffers to Help Stay on Budget! - Fun Cheap or Free (6)
  • Crayons – I usually stock up on these when they're on sale at the beginning of the school year, but you can usually find them pretty cheap at Walmart or the dollar store.
  • Coloring Books – The dollar store is definitely one of the best places to find coloring books!
  • Stickers – Man, are your kids sticker crazy? You can never go wrong with stickers!
  • Trading Cards – If your kids are into trading cards, then they'll get crazy excited when they see these cheap stocking stuffers!
  • GlovesGloves are a necessity around here, and it's always fun to get a new pair of gloves.
  • Beanies – You can never have too many beanies, so it's fun to get a new one every year!
  • Travel Games – It's always a good idea to keep some travel games in the car to keep everybody entertained.
  • Playing CardsCard games are so fun! Whether it's regular playing cards or a fun game like Go Fish, the kids will be excited about these cheap stocking stuffers.
  • Pencils – Man, we can go through the pencils in our house! I usually have lots on hand from stocking up on them during back-to-school sales.
  • Pens – The same goes for pens!
  • Cute Notebook – You've gotta have somewhere fun and cute to use those pencils and pens!
  • Fun Bandaids – What kid doesn't like bandaids?! They're definitely a fix-all in our house, which is why we love giving them as cheap stocking stuffers.
  • Small Toys – We're talking about the cheap dollar store toys, here.


  • Travel Lint RollerThis is a great one to keep in your bag so you always have a lint roller!
  • KeychainThese are fun, whether your kids have a key to the house for it or they just play with it at home.
  • Magazine – These are always fun to get, especially if everybody gets a different one, because then they can share them!
  • Small Book – You can never go wrong giving a book as a stocking stuffer!
  • $5 Gift CardsGift cards as affordable stocking stuffers are great for places like McDonalds, iTunes, or even Redbox!
  • Socks – Can you really ever go wrong with new socks?!
  • Underwear – Our kids actually get crazy excited when they get new underwear, especially if it has their favorite characters on them.
  • Christmas CouponsPinterest has so many fun Christmas coupons that you can print out for the different people in your life!

There are a million and one things you could put in a stocking to make it memorable, fun, and stay under $25. Bubba (my husband) loves Burt's Bees lip balm. I usually toss a few of those, a magazine, and some treats in his stocking, and he's happy as pie. My stocking usually has some inexpensive lip gloss, some gloves, and my favorite candy.

Whew, okay! What are your favorite cheap stocking stuffers to give? Share your fun ideas with us in the comments below!

Cheap Stocking Stuffers to Help Stay on Budget! - Fun Cheap or Free (7)

Looking for more Christmas ideas?

  • Print off this holiday bucket list and get started checking those boxes off!
  • Learn how we do Christmas traditions and make them amazing!
  • Try out these 7 holiday shopping tips and hacks to save you money!
  • Like to host holiday get togethers with your friends and family? Get some great tips for entertaining on a budget!

Now get to stuffing those stockings!

Cheap Stocking Stuffers to Help Stay on Budget! - Fun Cheap or Free (8)
  1. Cheap Stocking Stuffers to Help Stay on Budget! - Fun Cheap or Free (9)

    Nanon December 28, 2013 at 11:44 pm

    I ran across your blog when I saw the picture of those darling stockings so I read the article. I will say I laughed out loud as I read, “Every family has their own stocking traditions…regardless of what your traditions are just keep in mind that stockings should be small, non gift items.” Our family’s tradition is that Santa brings only stockings. As a result our children do receive gifts in their stocking. It is not the dollhouse gift that is given from mom and dad but may be the doll or craft project supplies. These gifts are included in the budget just as everything else is. When recognizing that everyone has their own traditions it may be well to not limit traditions to a very narrow minded view.


    • Cheap Stocking Stuffers to Help Stay on Budget! - Fun Cheap or Free (10)

      FunCheapOrFreeon December 29, 2013 at 8:43 pm

      Good point! In re-reading that I see exactly what you’re saying and agree with you! haha! I’ll update it with more appropriate wording, thanks for pointing that out! And I love the idea of “santa brings the stockings”. I think that’s genius. Thanks for reading and commenting!


      • Cheap Stocking Stuffers to Help Stay on Budget! - Fun Cheap or Free (11)

        Jessicaon November 24, 2017 at 9:44 pm

        well i think you should just leave it i think it sounds fine to me but that is just my opinion.


    • Cheap Stocking Stuffers to Help Stay on Budget! - Fun Cheap or Free (12)

      Nadiaon December 1, 2023 at 3:47 pm

      What a strange reason to leave a comment. Most people do not have this tradition and you shouldn’t berate Jordan for such a small issue. I hope Santa brings you a less self-involved attitude next year.


  2. Cheap Stocking Stuffers to Help Stay on Budget! - Fun Cheap or Free (13)

    Sonyaon September 7, 2014 at 9:00 am

    Loved your article! We love stockings in our family. (In fact we get new ones every year). A few years ago, when our two daughters were teenagers, we started a new tradition of exchanging names for filling each other’s stockings. We have a budget limit of $20 per person. On Christmas Eve we all go to Walmart or the Dollar Store and shop for each other. Of course we have to hide from each other in the store and then fill the stockings in secret that night. It’s fun to see how creative we can get. It has also taken the pressure off my husband and me with that last Christmas thing.


    • Cheap Stocking Stuffers to Help Stay on Budget! - Fun Cheap or Free (14)

      FunCheapOrFreeon September 8, 2014 at 2:27 pm

      That is the cutest idea EVER! We may have to adopt that in our family, if it’s ok with you 🙂


  3. Cheap Stocking Stuffers to Help Stay on Budget! - Fun Cheap or Free (15)

    Amberon November 13, 2015 at 7:28 pm

    Target’s $1 bins are great for better quality stocking stuffers then the dollar store, which is cheap, but also looks cheap. In my experience, dollar store stuff breaks a LOT easier then regularly priced items do.

    We also get our stockings from santa, he typically brings stockings (for everyone, even adults), a few gifts for littler kids, and a couple for older kids. Adults only get santa gifts of we’ve run out of nonsanta wrapping paper, lol. We do christmas really big though, since we don’t give gifts for birthdays or mother/father/grandparents/Valentine’s day.

    We also wrap stocking stuffers. When you’ve got six year olds and special needs 15 year olds, waiting for everyone to wake up and come downstairs is nigh impossible, so they’re allowed to open stockings whenever they wake up christmas morning. Wrapping the stuffers also makes the real presents less tempting, lol!

    Standard stuffers for us are an Apple and orange in the toe, toothbrushes, chapstick, socks, and everyone gets their favorite lindt truffles. Then any other stuffers are mostly random things our couponing aunt picks up. One year we were all sick, so we got tissue, cold medicine, and nasal spray, lol!


  4. Cheap Stocking Stuffers to Help Stay on Budget! - Fun Cheap or Free (16)

    Kamryn Carlsonon February 24, 2018 at 6:08 am

    Love these simple but great ideas!


  5. Cheap Stocking Stuffers to Help Stay on Budget! - Fun Cheap or Free (17)

    Jessicaon December 18, 2020 at 1:46 pm

    I like to order my daughters something each from Sephora and then use my points I’ve saved and get them stocking stuffers! Lot’s of great free samples and small gifts available with points!
    I love your blog and I have gotten so many tips from you! Thanks! From Canada!!


    • Cheap Stocking Stuffers to Help Stay on Budget! - Fun Cheap or Free (18)

      Fun Cheap or Freeon December 21, 2020 at 8:26 am

      Oh, that’s a great idea! Thanks for sharing! 🙂


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Cheap Stocking Stuffers to Help Stay on Budget! - Fun Cheap or Free (2024)


How to fill a stocking on a budget? ›


Fruit – Oranges, apples, bananas, anything that will fit in a stocking and has a protective skin. (Berries would be a bad idea!) Nuts – Keep this cheap by buying a large bag of nuts and portioning it out into smaller baggies for everybody.

How much does the average person spend on stocking stuffers? ›

But how much exactly do they spend on that one stocking? The majority (51%) spends between $10-25, while 24% spend between $26-50.

What can I use instead of a stocking? ›

Repurpose PJs. Put those annual, matching holiday pajamas to good use — long after your kids inevitably outgrow them. Pull the cozy pants from the back of your closet, and use the fabric to create these fun, festive stockings. Mix and match patterns from over the years for a fashionable, and nostalgic, holiday mantel.

What do you put in a stocking for adults? ›

Show them you care with a stocking stuffed with gifts that are big on sentiment. From socks and slippers to grooming gifts and gadgets, there are countless options to choose from. If they're a bit of a coffee nut, you could treat them to a travel mug or one-cup cafetiere.

What do you normally put in a stocking? ›

This is where you can get in trouble just filling their stocking with junk (or worse—junk food).
  1. Play silks. ...
  2. Nail polish or a manicure set. ...
  3. Coffee or tea. ...
  4. An adorable mini jigsaw puzzle. ...
  5. Cheerful (or funny, or luxe) underwear. ...
  6. A headlamp or mini flashlight, these can usually be found at the front of Home Depot or Lowes.

What is traditionally put in a Christmas stocking? ›

Stocking fillers usually consist of small affordable gifts and toys along with essentials such as socks or handkerchiefs. Fruit – usually oranges, satsumas or mandarins are included – along with nuts and candy canes.

What fruit goes in a stocking? ›

They're Said to Represent a Gift of Gold from Saint Nicholas

One theory behind the tradition of oranges in the stocking stems from the generosity of Saint Nicholas (also known as Santa Claus, Father Christmas, Kris Kringle and Old Saint Nick), who was the son of a wealthy merchant and later in life a bishop.

How many items should be in a Christmas stocking? ›

Are you familiar with the four-gift rule? It's the way many parents have chosen to simplify Christmas—and it's freaking genius. You buy each child four gifts–something they want, something they need, something they wear, and something they read.

How do you shop for Christmas on a tight budget? ›

  1. Key holiday spending statistics.
  2. Save money in advance.
  3. Make a budget.
  4. Do your holiday shopping early.
  5. Look for discounts and free shipping.
  6. Look at other holiday gift options.
  7. Consider homemade gifts and experiences.
  8. Frequently asked questions.
Sep 19, 2023

How do you make a no sew Christmas stocking? ›


Cut out two stocking shapes from the fabric and lay one down with the right-side of the fabric facing up. Squeeze a line of fabric glue around the edge of the stocking shape. Lay the second stocking shape with the right side facing down onto the first shape.

What do the French use instead of stockings? ›

Shoes by the Fire

In other countries, the tradition varies slightly with stockings and nibbles and drinks for Father Christmas, but French children leave their shoes by the fireplace in the hope that Father Christmas will fill them with presents.

What do Dutch children use instead of Christmas stockings? ›

Sixteenth century Dutch kids left straw-filled clogs by the hearth so Santa's (or Sinterclass, if you're Dutch) reindeer could have a snack. And, of course, they left cookies for Santa, but not in their clogs. In exchange, Sinterclass brought the children treats. Over time, the clogs evolved into stockings.

What can I use to put names on stockings? ›

Lay out cling wrap flat on a counter and draw your names in glue on top. Add glitter and wait for it to completely dry. Peel off letters and use a hot glue gun or any glue to stick them to the stockings. Saved me a ton of frustration.

How to fill up a Christmas stocking? ›

Stuff the stocking with foods for a good snack or dessert.

You can choose healthier foods, like oranges, apples, or nuts, or opt for holiday treats like gingerbread cookies, chocolates, or lollipops. It's a good idea to buy these items, especially candies, in bulk if you're filling more than one stocking.

How much stuff should be in a stocking? ›

I like to include just 3-4 small stocking stuffers because I think that too many can become overwhelming. Click on any of the links or pictures to add it to your Amazon cart. I love all things art, so some easy options for boys or girls are crayons or unique coloring options like Crayola's Color Wonder drawing markers.

What is normally in a stocking? ›

Stocking fillers usually consist of small affordable gifts and toys along with essentials such as socks or handkerchiefs. Fruit – usually oranges, satsumas or mandarins are included – along with nuts and candy canes.

How much material needed for a stocking? ›

If you are in need of some Christmas stockings and don't want to spend a bunch of money then I've got you covered. Here's what you will need: 1/2 yard of fabric for base of stocking (I used plaid flannel, but any type of fabric will work) 1/4 yard of fabric for top and hanging tab (I used white snuggle flannel)

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Name: Merrill Bechtelar CPA

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