Check whether TCP port 80 is available - (2024)

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Last Updated:May 09, 2022

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This article describes how to check whether TCP port 80 is available on different operating systems.


Alibaba Cloud reminds you that:

  • When you perform operations that have risks, such as modifying instances or data, check the disaster recovery and fault tolerance capabilities of the instance to ensure data security.
  • If you modify the configurations and data of instances including but not limited to ECS and RDS instances, we recommend that you create snapshots or enable RDS log backup.
  • If you have granted permissions or submitted security information such as the logon account and password in the Alibaba Cloud Management console, we recommend that you modify the information in a timely manner.

If an instance cannot provide HTTP services, perform the following operations to check whether the port (TCP 80 by default) related to the web service is available:

  1. Log on to the ECS console to confirm that the security group allows the port.
  2. Connect to the ECS instance to confirm that the service is enabled.
  3. Confirm that the port is listened on. If it is not listened on, modify the listen address.
  4. Confirm that the firewall rules for the instance have allowed the service.
  5. If the problem persists, submit a ticket.

This article describes how to check whether TCP port 80 is available on the following operating systems:

  • Windows Server 2012
  • Windows Server 2008
  • CentOS 7.3
  • Ubuntu 16.04

The following section describes how to check whether TCP port 80 is available on a Windows Server 2012 system.

Windows Server 2012

Note: For this example, Internet Information Services (IIS) has been installed on a Windows Server 2012 instance.

  1. Log on to the ECS console. Ensure that the following security group rules have been added to the security group to which the instance belongs:

    Network typeNIC typeRule directionActionProtocol typePort rangeAuthorization typeAuthorization objectPriority
    VPCNot requiredInboundAllowHTTP (80)80/80CIDR block10.0.0.0/81
    Classic networkInternet
  2. Connect to the Windows instance. For more information, see Connect to a Windows instance.

  3. Perform the following steps to check whether IIS is started:

    1. In the Server Manager window, choose Tools > Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager. If this option is unavailable, IIS is not installed. You must install the service first.
    2. In the Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager window, verify the following information:
      • In the left-side Connections pane, right-click the instance ID. If Start is displayed as a dimmed option, IIS is already started.
      • Click Sites and check the status of the website on the right. If the value of the Status column is Stopped, click the website. In the right-side Actions pane, click Start in the Manage Web Site section.
  4. Perform the following steps to check whether the port is listened on:

    1. Open the Command Prompt window.
    2. Run the following command:
      netstat -ano | findstr :80
      If TCP LISTENING 4 is displayed, all traffic from port 80 is listened on. Otherwise, you must modify the listen address.
  5. Perform the following steps to check whether the firewall rules of your instance has allowed HTTP services:

    1. Choose Control Panel > System and Security. In the System and Security window, click Windows Firewall.
    2. Based on the status of the firewall, you can perform different operations.
      • If the firewall is disabled, no other operations are required. If you still cannot access the website, submit a ticket.
      • If the firewall is enabled, perform the following operations:
        1. Click Advanced settings.
        2. In the left-side navigation pane of the window, click Inbound Rules.
        3. Select World Wide Web Services (HTTP inbound). If No is displayed in the Enabled column, click Enable Rule in the Actions pane.
  6. If you still cannot access the instance, submit a ticket.

The following section describes how to check whether TCP port 80 is available on a Windows Server 2008 system.

Windows Server 2008

Note: For this example, IIS has been installed on a Windows Server 2008 instance.

  1. Log on to the ECS console. Ensure that the following security group rules have been added to the security group to which the instance belongs:

    Network typeNIC typeRule directionActionProtocol typePort rangeAuthorization typeAuthorization objectPriority
    VPCNot requiredInboundAllowHTTP (80)80/80CIDR block10.0.0.0/81
    Classic networkInternet
  2. Connect to the Windows instance. For more information, see Connect to a Windows instance.
  3. Perform the following steps to check whether IIS is started:

    1. In the Server Manager window, choose Role > Web Server. If this option is unavailable, IIS is not installed.
    2. In the Web Server window, confirm that All Running is displayed in the System Services section. Otherwise, you must start all services.
  4. Perform the following steps to check whether the port is listened on:

    1. Open the Command Prompt window.
    2. Run the following command:
      netstat -ano | findstr :80
      If TCP LISTENING 4 is displayed, all traffic from port 80 is listened on. Otherwise, you must modify the listen address.
  5. Perform the following steps to check whether the firewall rules of your instance has allowed HTTP services:

    1. Choose Control Panel > System and Security. In the System and Security window, click Windows Firewall.
    2. Based on the status of the firewall, you can perform different operations.
      • If the firewall is disabled, no other operations are required. If you still cannot access the website, submit a ticket.
      • If the firewall is enabled, perform the following operations:
        1. Click Advanced settings.
        2. In the left-side navigation pane of the window, click Inbound Rules.
        3. Select World Wide Web Services (HTTP inbound). If No is displayed in the Enabled column, click Enable Rule in the Actions pane.
  6. If you still cannot access the instance, submit a ticket.

The following section describes how to check whether TCP port 80 is available on a CentOS 7.3 system.

CentOS 7.3

Note: For this example, NGINX is installed on a Linux ECS instance running CentOS 7.3.

  1. Log on to the ECS console. Ensure that the following security group rules have been added to the security group to which the instance belongs:

    Network typeNIC typeRule directionActionProtocol typePort rangeAuthorization typeAuthorization objectPriority
    VPCNot requiredInboundAllowHTTP (80)80/80CIDR block10.0.0.0/81
    Classic networkInternet
  2. Connect to the Windows instance. For more information, see Connect to a Linux instance.
  3. Run the following command:

    systemctl status nginx
    If a similar output is displayed as shown in the following figure, NGINX is started. Otherwise, run the systemctl start nginx command.
    Check whether TCP port 80 is available - (1)
  4. Run the following command to check whether the port is listened on:

    netstat -an | grep 80
    If tcp 0 0* LISTEN is displayed, all traffic from port 80 is listened on. Otherwise, you must modify the listen address.
  5. By default, firewalld is installed on CentOS 7 and later. If firewalld.service is enabled, run the following command to allow traffic on TCP port 80: by running the following command. If success is returned, traffic on TCP port 80 is allowed.

    firewall-cmd --add-port=80/tcp --permanent

    If your operating system version is earlier than CentOS 7 and iptables is enabled, note that iptables does not block access by default. If you have configured iptables rules, perform the following steps:

    1. Run the iptables --line -vnL command to query the list of rules. You can perform different operations based on the returned results.
      • If you have set your default action to block, run the iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 80 -j ACCEPT command to add a rule to allow traffic on TCP port 80.
      • If you have set a rule to drop TCP 80 Port, replace the rule to allow traffic on TCP port 80 by running the iptables -R INPUT [rule ID for port 80] -p tcp --dport 80 -j ACCEPT command.
    2. Run the service iptables save command to save the rule.
  6. If you still cannot access the instance, submit a ticket.

The following section describes how to check whether TCP port 80 is available on a Ubuntu 16.04 system.

Ubuntu 16.04

Note: For this example, Apache2 is installed on a Linux ECS instance running Ubuntu 16.04.

  1. Connect to the ECS console. Ensure that the following security group rules have been added to the security group to which the instance belongs:

    Network typeNIC typeRule directionActionProtocol typePort rangeAuthorization typeAuthorization objectPriority
    VPCNot requiredInboundAllowHTTP (80)80/80CIDR block10.0.0.0/81
    Classic networkInternet
  2. Connect to the Windows instance. For more information, see Connect to a Linux instance.
  3. Check whether the Apache2 web server is started by running the service apache2 status command. If a similar output is returned as shown in the following figure, the Apache2 web server is started. Otherwise, run the service apache2 start command.
    Check whether TCP port 80 is available - (2)

  4. Run the following command to check whether the port is listened on:

    netstat -an | grep 80
    If tcp 0 0* LISTEN is displayed, all traffic from port 80 is listened on. Otherwise, you must modify the listen address.
  5. If you have enabled Uncomplicated Firewall (UFW) on Ubuntu, run the ufw allow 80/tcp or ufw allow http command to allow traffic on TCP port 80 or allow HTTP services. If Rule added is returned, traffic on TCP port 80 or HTTP services are allowed.

    Note: If firewalld has been installed and firewalld.service has been enabled on the instance, run the firewall-cmd --add-port=80/tcp --permanent command to allow traffic on TCP port 80. If success is returned, traffic on TCP port 80 is allowed.

  6. If you still cannot access the instance, submit a ticket.

Application scope

  • ECS
Check whether TCP port 80 is available - (2024)


Check whether TCP port 80 is available -? ›

You can test the connection using the following Linux commands: Enter telnet SERVERNAME 80 . Telnet will simply connect to the 80 host port of the specified host name. If the connection is established via TCP, telnet will respond with the following response: Connected to SERVERNAME.

How do I know if port 80 is available? ›

Port 80 Availability Check
  1. From the Windows Start menu, select Run.
  2. In the Run dialog box, enter: cmd .
  3. Click OK.
  4. In the command window, enter: netstat -ano.
  5. A list of active connections is displayed. ...
  6. Start Windows Task Manager and select the Processes tab.

How do I test TCP port 80? ›

You can test the connection using the following Linux commands: Enter telnet SERVERNAME 80 . Telnet will simply connect to the 80 host port of the specified host name. If the connection is established via TCP, telnet will respond with the following response: Connected to SERVERNAME.

How do I check if a TCP port is available? ›

Enter "telnet + IP address or hostname + port number" (e.g., telnet 1723 or telnet 10.17. xxx. xxx 5000) to run the telnet command in Command Prompt and test the TCP port status. If the port is open, only a cursor will show.

How do I enable TCP port 80? ›

Open port 80
  1. From the Start menu, select Control Panel, select System and Security, and then choose Windows Firewall. ...
  2. Select Advanced Settings.
  3. Select Inbound Rules.
  4. Select New Rule in the Actions window.
  5. Choose the Port rule type.
  6. Select Next.
  7. On the Protocol and Ports page, choose TCP.
Feb 2, 2024

How do I know what is blocking port 80? ›

Find out what's blocking port 80 / 443 on Windows and stopping Qlik services from starting
  1. Open the Command Prompt (cmd.exe) and execute the following: ...
  2. Step 2 - Find the name of the task with the resulting PID: tasklist /svc /FI "PID eq 37400"
  3. The output should give you the name of the task that is blocking your port.
Aug 24, 2020

What happens if port 80 is blocked? ›

Disadvantages of Blocking Port 80

Often, users click on hyperlinks rather than typing them manually. Therefore, if the hyperlink on the referrer's website uses HTTP, it cannot reach your website since the URL will fail.

Should TCP port 80 be open? ›

Leave port 80 open for user convenience so that browsers that default to HTTP on port 80 can get properly redirected to HTTPS on port 443. Otherwise, they're going to get connectivity errors if either their browser doesn't default to HTTPS or at least check if HTTPS is available for them.

What is the tool to test TCP ports? ›

NetCat. NetCat is a free port scanning tool that uses the TCP/IP protocol across different connections.

How to check TCP port using cmd? ›

Open the command prompt (Start > Run > cmd) and use netstat -ano | find /i "<port_number>". It will show you all processes that use the specified port. Notice the PID (process id) in the right column. -a – Displays all active connections and the TCP and UDP ports on which the computer is listening.

How to check if a port is available in netstat? ›

Type “netstat -aon” and press Enter to find out the name of the program that has a specific port open. This command displays the app's protocol, local and distant IP addresses, and, most crucially, the PID of the application that is using that port (the number on the far right).

How do I check my TCP settings? ›

Find Your TCP/IP Properties in Microsoft Windows 10

At the command prompt, type ipconfig /all and press Enter. Note the values that you see for the primary network adapter.

How do I know if my TCP is working? ›

Press the 'windows' key and type 'cmd'. Press “Command Prompt”. Step 3: On the command prompt, type the command “telnet + IP address or hostname + port number” and check the status of the provided TCP port. Step 4: If only the blinking cursor is visible, then the port is open.

How to check if TCP port 80 is open? ›

Perform the following steps to check whether the port is listened on:
  1. Open the Command Prompt window.
  2. Run the following command: netstat -ano | findstr :80. If TCP 0.0. 0.0:80 0.0. 0.0:0 LISTENING 4 is displayed, all traffic from port 80 is listened on. Otherwise, you must modify the listen address.
May 9, 2022

How do I make sure port 80 and 443 is open? ›

To enable port 80 and 443, use iptables (or ipchains on old systems) to port-forward 80 to 9191 (HTTP) 9192/9195 (HTTPS). These commands would typically be placed in an rc init script or the iptables startup config script as provided by your distribution. When you are done, restart the Application Server.

What is TCP port 80? ›

Port 80 is the default network port for web servers using HTTP. It operates on the application layer of the TCP/IP networking model and serves as the communication gateway for HTTP requests and responses between client computers and servers.

Is port 80 automatically open? ›

Note: TCP Port 80 is open for outgoing communications by default in most firewall software.

How do I change my port to 80? ›

How To Change the Default HTTP Port (80) For ClusterControl
  1. Redhat/Centos. Edit the /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf file and change Listen 80. ...
  2. Ubuntu/Debian. Edit the /etc/apache2/ports.conf file and change Listen 80. ...
  3. Redhat/Centos. Edit the /etc/httpd/conf.d/s9s.conf file and change <VirtualHost *:80> ...
  4. Ubuntu/Debian.
Mar 10, 2024

How to check port status in Windows? ›

How to check for open ports on Windows
  1. Open the Command Prompt. ...
  2. Type “netstat -aon” and hit enter.
  3. Look for the port numbers in the LISTening state. ...
  4. If the port numbers aren't in the LISTening state, you'll need to open them manually. ...
  5. Open C:\port_test.
Aug 17, 2022

Are all websites on port 80? ›

While this was once true, most web traffic now happens over port 443. Another misconception about port 80 is that it is entirely obsolete. Many Internet users still connect to the port when surfing the web. But most web servers will redirect these connections to port 443 because it's more secure.

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Name: Duncan Muller

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Introduction: My name is Duncan Muller, I am a enchanting, good, gentle, modern, tasty, nice, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.