Chewy Salted Caramel Recipe Without Corn Syrup (2024)

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Are you looking for a fantastic chewy caramel recipe without corn syrup? Well, you’ve come to the right place. It can be disheartening when you want to make caramels but find that nearly every recipe out there calls for corn syrup or glucose syrup. Though this syrup can really help with preventing crystals from forming when cooking a caramel, it isn’t actually a necessary ingredient to make a killer caramel — in fact, it isn’t even a traditional ingredient!

Where I live in Tbilisi, Georgia, corn syrup isn’t even available and I would have to special order it from abroad in order to have it. This was frustrating at one point when I was making a caramel for a recipe and continually had problems with it crystalizing and seizing.

After two or three failed batches of caramel, I took to the internet to find out how to prevent this from happening. Much to my chagrin, every tip I found insisted that I needed to add corn syrup or cream of tartar, another ingredient unavailable in Georgia.

Rather than giving up, I set my mind to figuring out just how to make caramel without corn syrup or cream of tartar and through a bit of trial and error, I’ve developed it.

So if you’re looking for a great chewy salted caramel recipe without corn syrup, sweetened condensed milk, cream of tartar or any other odd add-ins, then look no further. In fact, this caramel recipe only uses four ingredients and yields an extraordinary result.

How to Make Caramel Without Corn Syrup

The reason corn syrup is an ingredient that features so heavily in caramel recipes is that it helps prevent the sugar from crystalising and your caramel from seizing.

Sugar crystals are the bane of any caramel’s existence and will ruin your caramel in an instant, so it makes sense that cooks over the years have devised some shortcuts to prevent this from happening. It’s the same reason why you will find cream of tartar in so many recipes, as well — the acidity prevents crystals from forming.

Chewy Salted Caramel Recipe Without Corn Syrup (1)

But the good news is, you absolutely can successfully execute a caramel recipe without corn syrup. It just takes a little extra attentiveness and no half measures – you have to watch that caramel like a hawk while also making sure not to do anything that will result in crystals forming! And once you get the technique down, you can make any caramel-based candy without corn syrup – like caramel apples, peanut brittle or caramel corn! It’s also the same method as in my candy strawberry and candy apple recipes.

Keep in mind that this recipe uses a wet caramel method, as opposed to the dry caramel method I use in my caramel sauce recipe.

First things first, however, you need to prepare your mold where your caramels will cool down. I recommend using a 22x11cm (8.5×4.5in) loaf pan for this. In order to easily release the caramels once they’ve cooled down, I fashion a bit of a parchment sling in the pan.

Grease your loaf pan with butter or cooking spray. Then cut two pieces of parchment so that they are the same width as the long side of the pan and the short side of the pan but longer than the sides so you can use it as a handle. Lay these into the pan so that they’re overlapping, and then brush them with more butter or cooking spray. Set the pan aside until needed.

Chewy Salted Caramel Recipe Without Corn Syrup (2)

To begin this caramel recipe without corn syrup, pour your heavy cream into a small saucepan and add your butter. Melt the butter into the cream, remove from the heat, pour into a jug and set aside (but keep it close to the stove!) until needed.

Now, you need to actually make the caramel that is the basis of these chewy caramel candies. This is where you can easily mess up if you do not heed my advice.

In a medium saucepan over the lowest flame possible, add your sugar and 60ml of water (about 1/4 cup). Stirring constantly with a heatproof silicone spatula, gently dissolve the sugar.

This is the absolute most crucial step to the caramel recipe without condensed milk or corn syrup, you HAVE TO ensure that all of the sugar is dissolved before it comes up to a boil. This will take a bit of time but do no rush it or your caramel will be ruined. This is the same thing you must do when making the syrup for my marshmallow recipe.

Once your sugar is dissolved, bring the mixture to a gentle boil. AS SOON as the mixture has started to boil, stop stirring. Remove your spatula and brush down the sides of the pan with some water to wash off any sugar that has begun to crystalise on the sides of the pot. Increase the heat to medium and allow to bubble.

Chewy Salted Caramel Recipe Without Corn Syrup (3)

This is where your patience will be tested. The sugar can take a while to caramelise (much like caramelising onions for French onion soup!) but once it begins taking on even a shade of colour, it can go from pale to burned in a flash. So make sure to monitor the mixture intensively, just DO NOT stir it — this will cause it to crystalise!

After about 10-15 minutes (but it could be sooner depending on a number of factors), you will notice your caramel begin to take on a honey colour. Keep an extra attentive eye on the caramel at this point. In the next few minutes, you will notice it beginning to darken in colour.

As soon as you see the caramel reach a dark amber colour with the slightest whisps of smoke emerging from the top, turn off the heat. If you have a candy or instant-read thermometer, you want to pull it when it reaches 175°C (350°F). However, if you want to know how to make caramel without a candy thermometer, then just rely on these visual indicators.

Chewy Salted Caramel Recipe Without Corn Syrup (4)

Now, pour in your cream and butter mixture while stirring constantly with the same heatproof spatula. It will sputter and foam up a lot, so do not be alarmed. Then, add your salt. Keep stirring and return to the heat. At a medium flame, cook the caramel (stirring constantly now!) until it reaches 120°C (250°F), this will take about 5-10 more minutes.

Chewy Salted Caramel Recipe Without Corn Syrup (5)

If you don’t have a thermometer, keep a dish of cold water nearby and drop a spoonful of the caramel in there. This will call it to instantly harden and you can gauge the consistency.

We’re cooking the caramels to what is referred to as the firm ball stage. This means that when dropped in water, the syrup will form a ball that won’t flatten when you pick it up but it is still very malleable.

Once you reach this stage, remove your caramel from the heat and immediately pour it into your prepared loaf pan. Set aside in a cool place and allow the caramels to cool for at least 3 hours (or overnight) until the caramels are completely cooled through and firm.

Chewy Salted Caramel Recipe Without Corn Syrup (6)

Using the sling, pull the caramels from the pan once they’re cooled and remove the parchment paper. Using a sharp knife, cut the caramels into 16 even squares and sprinkle with a generous dusting of a flaky sea salt like Maldon or fleur de sel.

You can then wrap the caramels individually in wax paper or store them in an airtight container. Enjoy!

Chewy Salted Caramel Recipe Without Corn Syrup (7)

Chewy Salted Caramel Without Corn Syrup

Yield: 16 caramels

Cook Time: 25 minutes

Additional Time: 3 hours

Total Time: 3 hours 25 minutes

These chewy candies are very sweet, decadent and relatively easy to make. So long as you have the patience, you can whip up these delicious caramels in your sleep!


  • 125ml (1/2 cup) heavy cream
  • 100g (7 tablespoons) unsalted butter
  • 200g (1 cup) sugar
  • 8g (1 teaspoon) salt
  • Flaky sea salt, for garnish


  1. Brush a 22x11cm (8.5x4.55in) loaf pan with melted butter or spray with cooking spray. Cut two pieces of parchment to fit the length of both sides of the pan. Place them in the pan, overlapping, so they form a sling. Brush these with butter or cooking spray as well. Set aside.
  2. In a small saucepan over medium heat, melt the butter into the heavy cream. Remove from the heat and set aside.
  3. In a medium saucepan over very low heat, pour 60ml (1/4 cup) of water over the sugar. Stirring constantly, slowly dissolve the sugar in the water, ensuring that the sugar is completely dissolved before it comes to a boil.
  4. Once the sugar is dissolved, wash down the sides of the pot with a pastry brush dipped in water to prevent any sugar from crystalizing. Once the mixture has come to a boil, stop stirring and allow to boil until the sugar mixture reaches a deep amber colour and an instant-read thermometer registers at 175°C (350°F). Do not stir the mixture at all once it has come to a boil.
  5. Turn off the heat and, stirring constantly, pour in the butter and cream mixture along with the salt. It will sputter, foam and steam at this point so do not be alarmed. Stir until well combined and return the heat to medium and continue to cook, stirring constantly, until the mixture reaches 120°C (250°F).
  6. Remove from the heat and pour into prepared loaf pan. Allow to cool until completely cooled and set, at least 3 hours and up to overnight.
  7. Once cooled, remove from the pan and, using a sharp knife, cut into 16 equal pieces. Garnish with flaky salt and serve.

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Nutrition Information:

Yield: 16 Serving Size: 1
Amount Per Serving: Calories: 120Total Fat: 8gSaturated Fat: 5gTrans Fat: 0gUnsaturated Fat: 2gCholesterol: 22mgSodium: 197mgCarbohydrates: 13gFiber: 0gSugar: 13gProtein: 0g

Nutritional information is automatically generated and provided as guidance only. Accuracy is not guaranteed.

As you can see, it is completely possible to make delicious chewy salted caramels without corn syrup. In fact, once you get the hang of it, you will be able to make these in your sleep.

Have you been looking for a caramel recipe without corn syrup? Have any questions? Let me know in the comments!

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Chewy Salted Caramel Recipe Without Corn Syrup (9)

Chewy Salted Caramel Recipe Without Corn Syrup (2024)


What does corn syrup do in caramel? ›

Light Corn Syrup: This is an imperative ingredient that gives the caramel a softer, chewier consistency. Also, and more importantly, corn syrup helps prevent the cooking caramel from crystallizing into a gritty, grainy texture.

What is chewy caramel made of? ›

Combine butter, brown sugar, condensed milk, corn syrup, and salt in a heavy-bottomed saucepan over medium heat. Bring to a boil, stirring constantly.

Why didn't my homemade caramels harden? ›

If caramels are too soft, that means the temperature didn't get high enough. Again place the caramel back into a sauce pan with a couple of tablespoons of water and heat to 244°F. If you don't have a candy thermometer, you can test with a cold water test.

What do I use if I dont have corn syrup? ›

The best corn syrup substitutes for baking are brown rice syrup, maple syrup, agave, tapioca syrup, honey, golden syrup, and black treacle. Whether you're avoiding using corn syrup, are allergic to corn, or don't have it on hand, there are a ton of substitutes for corn syrup to try instead.

Can you use honey as a substitute for corn syrup? ›

Honey has a similar consistency as corn syrup, but it tends to be a bit sweeter. While it does make for a great swap in baked goods, it should not be used for candy making. Use a 1:1 swap for corn syrup, but do keep in mind that honey may impart a distinct flavor when using it as an alternative.

What are the two methods for making caramel? ›

There are two different techniques for making caramel: wet caramel and dry caramel. The difference is self-explanatory: Wet caramel contains water (which evaporates off during the cooking process), while dry caramel does not. Wet caramel is the most common method for making caramel at home.

What type of sugar is best for caramel? ›

You should use refined white granulated or caster sugar to make caramel. Avoid using brown sugar or raw cane sugar as they contain impurities that inhibit caramelisation and also the already brown colour can make it harder to assess when the all important reaction is taking place.

What enhances caramel flavor? ›

Here are the foods you should consider pairing with caramel for maximum flavor.
  • Apples. This pairing is very well known. ...
  • Coffee. The acidity of coffee is leveled out by the addition of sweet caramel. ...
  • Chocolate. Candy bars, anyone? ...
  • Ginger.
Dec 27, 2019

What is the difference between salted caramel and caramel? ›

When it comes to regular caramel and salted caramel, the difference is all in the salt. Regular caramel is rich, buttery, and sweet, while salted caramel has a slightly more complex and balanced flavor because of the addition of salt.

What are the three types of caramel? ›

Caramel can be produced in so many forms such as, sauce, a chewy candy, or a hard candy because of how much of an ingredient is added and the temperature it is being prepared at.

What makes caramel soft or hard? ›

Temperature is key when making candy. The difference between a soft caramel and one that's hard and overcooked is all in the temperature. Candy thermometers—like this instant-read thermometer—let you know exactly what stage the caramel is in (thread, soft-ball, firm-ball, hard-ball, soft crack or hard crack).

Should you constantly stir caramel? ›

From this point on, gently swirl the pan while the caramel cooks to ensure the sugar solution caramelizes evenly and to avoid too much agitation than can potentially lead to recrystallization.

What to do with failed caramel? ›

Reheat low and slow: If your caramel sauce has seized up with the butter/cream additions or still has crystalized sugar at the end of making it, place it on the saucepan on low heat for a good 15-20 minutes. This usually clears up most of my issues and results in a melted, smooth sauce.

How do you thicken caramel without cornstarch? ›

How to Thicken Caramel Sauce
  1. Add heavy cream. Some caramel sauce recipes call for milk, but if you find this still produces a thin sauce, you can add room-temperature heavy cream and return the caramel sauce to the stove for another few minutes. ...
  2. Cook the sauce longer. ...
  3. Make more caramel. ...
  4. Use a slurry.
Jan 21, 2022

Why use corn syrup in candy making? ›

Provides Smooth Texture: Corn syrup helps to create a smooth and glossy texture in candies, ensuring that they are not grainy or gritty. 3. Adds Moisture and Shine: Beyond candy making, corn syrup can be used to add moisture and a glossy finish to dessert sauces and frostings.

Is brown sugar syrup the same as corn syrup? ›

Both brown sugar and corn syrup have the same amount of calories per gram, which is 4 calories per gram. However, brown sugar is made from sugar cane and is composed of 98% sucrose, while corn syrup is made from corn starch and is composed of glucose.

What can I use as a replacement for cornstarch? ›

Which one you use depends on the recipe, your needs, and what pantry staples you have on hand.
  • Potato Starch. Potato starch is the cornstarch substitute favorite of associate food editor Kendra Vaculin. ...
  • Rice Flour. ...
  • All-Purpose Flour. ...
  • Tapioca Flour. ...
  • Arrowroot Powder. ...
  • Xanthan Gum.
Jun 13, 2022

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