Chez Ma Tante’s Pancakes Recipe (2024)

Recipe from Jake Leiber

Adapted by Daniela Galarza

Chez Ma Tante’s Pancakes Recipe (1)

Total Time
20 minutes
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At the Brooklyn restaurant Chez Ma Tante, the brunch pancakes come two to an order, big as dessert plates and almost burnt. “I knew I wanted them to be really, really crispy,” said the chef de cuisine Jake Leiber. He was inspired by a fairly straightforward pancake recipe made with bacon fat he found in “How America Eats,” the seminal cookbook by Clementine Paddleford, an American food historian. Mr. Leiber swaps the lard for butter, adds an extra egg yolk to his batter, cranks up the heat on his vintage cast-iron skillet, then pours in an outrageous amount of melted clarified butter. Fried in shallow pools of hot fat, each pancake gets fritter-like crisped edges. Mr. Leiber serves them with more butter, and glugs of maple syrup. —Daniela Galarza

Learn: How to Make Pancakes

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Yield:6 to 8 large pancakes

  • 1large egg
  • 1egg yolk
  • tablespoons baking powder
  • 2tablespoons granulated sugar
  • 1teaspoon kosher salt
  • cups whole milk
  • 1cup all-purpose flour
  • 1cup plus 2 tablespoons clarified butter (or store-bought), melted
  • Salted butter, for serving (optional)
  • Maple syrup, for serving

Ingredient Substitution Guide

Nutritional analysis per serving (8 servings)

401 calories; 33 grams fat; 20 grams saturated fat; 0 grams trans fat; 9 grams monounsaturated fat; 1 gram polyunsaturated fat; 25 grams carbohydrates; 0 grams dietary fiber; 11 grams sugars; 4 grams protein; 380 milligrams sodium

Note: The information shown is Edamam’s estimate based on available ingredients and preparation. It should not be considered a substitute for a professional nutritionist’s advice.

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Chez Ma Tante’s Pancakes Recipe (2)


  1. Step


    Whisk egg and yolk together in a medium bowl. Add baking powder, sugar and salt; whisk until smooth and fluffy. Pour in half the milk, then half the flour. Using a wooden spoon, stir to combine. Add the remaining milk and flour plus 2 tablespoons clarified butter and stir briefly just until batter comes together but is still somewhat lumpy.

  2. Heat a large 12-inch cast-iron skillet or griddle over medium-high for at least 5 minutes. Pour about ¼ cup clarified butter into the pan. When the surface of the clarified butter starts to shimmer, ladle about ⅓ cup of the batter into the skillet for each pancake, leaving a couple of inches between each pancake. Add more clarified butter as pancakes cook to keep about ⅛ inch of fat in the bottom of the pan at all times.

  3. Step


    Cook until the top of the pancake starts to bubble and edges turn browned and crisp, 2 to 3 minutes. Use a spatula to flip each pancake. The cooked surface should be very crispy, with a dark ring around the edge. Cook until the second side is browned and crisp, 2 to 3 minutes. Repeat to cook the remaining pancakes, adding more clarified butter as needed.

  4. Step


    Serve immediately with pats of salted butter, if desired, and maple syrup. If making a large batch, cooked pancakes can be kept warm on a wire rack set in a rimmed metal baking sheet in a 300-degree oven.


  • The batter can be made ahead and refrigerated overnight. You might need to increase cook time on the pancakes by 1 minute or so on each side.



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Cooking Notes

Julia Danklef

Melt butter, more than the recipe calls for and put in in the refrigerator. As it cools, the fat solids will rise to the top. Remove the top layer of fat and the remainder is clarified butter. Also called Ghee in the grocery store.

Dave Smucker

You are never going to make really great pancakes until you get the right flour ! Not all purpose and heaven forbid not bread flour. You need soft wheat flour - biscuit flour. Try it you will taste the difference.

Clark Landrum

After mixing the batter, wait about 15-20 minutes before cooking the cakes. It takes a few minutes for the dry flour to fully hydrate and makes for lighter pancakes.


For anyone trying these out and turned off by all the pearl-clutchers with the "TOO GREASY AND SALTY OMG MY STARS AND GARTERS": make sure your pan is nice and hot before adding the clarified butter, then make sure the butter is hot before adding the batter. I bet their pans/butter weren't hot enough, which would indeed give you a heavy, greasy pancake. If, on the other hand, you just don't like butter and salt then don't make these, make a different pancake. Good lord.


Saw this today and made it today! Incredibly easy and only had to run to the store for whole milk. Only had 2tbs of ghee for the mix, so instead used unsalted butter in the cast iron (about 1/4 cup). They were DELICIOUS, not very sweet on their own, so some berries and maple syrup are the perfect topping. Now, point me in the direction of the closest gym... 😂


We always have ghee in the house so these pancakes are a winner. Although starting with 1/4 cup of ghee in the pan sounds heavenly, the pancakes can still get crispy with only a couple of tablespoons, adding an add'l Tbl per pancake thereafter. You'll also not want to use a griddle pan as the ghee splatters as you flip the pancake. I use a lodge cast iron skillet since it stays nice and hot, preventing the pancake from absorbing too much ghee. No need to serve with more butter, but why not :)


I had not read this recipe before today, when I made the pancakes. I was sure the baking powder was a misprint. Should I trash this and make another recipe? No..."have faith" I thought, and I carried on. The batter was not the traditional pancake-y batter. It was foamy. By the time I had all the ingredients together, I was prepared for a failure. But...Voila, the pancakes looked exactly like the photo and they were delicious!! Very delicious!! Thanks for this keeper!!


If it was fine, then make it your way. You will not have the same pancakes the author of this recipe makes. Write your own recipes.

Eric Brown

I am a serious pancake maven. We have a winner here. Easy to prepare, these are now my favorite pancakes. Light, with seriously crispy edges, they are heavenly. The only changes I made were using just a good (unclarified) butter for both greasing my 10" cast iron skillet and a pat for each pancake; adding about a full teaspoon of vanilla extract; and getting rid of all lumps. I also make them one at a time, spreading the full tablespoon of batter to make them about 4-inches across. Fantastic.


My grandmother who was a dairy farmer made pancakes like these while I was growing up. The crispy edges are what send these over the top for flavor and appeal. After you learn the technique it is hard to go back to soft pale pancakes of any description. By the way, my favorite pancakes are buckwheat. Mmmmm


Wow. Decadent pancakes. I usually just throw in a few tablespoons of ricotta to make rich pancakes. But this recipe, with its unashamed copious amounts of clarified butter has nudged mine right off the cliff. Delicious, demanding seconds. (You might want to prepare these privately so as not to scare off fat phobes. )


We use coconut oil and get excellent, crispy results for all manner of pancakes.


These were delicious - light, fluffy and crispy, absolutely decadent! A once a month treat, perhaps.I served with our local Ontario Maple Syrup, this year’s dark amber and fresh berries.


For those who ask why people are concerned about limiting baking powder. Baking powder has 488mg of sodium per teaspoon, 20% of daily recommended intake.

Jeff Winett

Cannot possibly rave enough over these pancakes. Followed recipe exactly, including the 12 inch Cast Iron Skillet. Will try again, but I want to experiment with mixing the batter traditionally....all dry whisked together, liquids mixed together and then combine. Want to try the overnight chill thing too. I like to weigh flour, and without clear weights, I opted for 130 g. for the cup. If the batter becomes too thick overnight, I will use 125g on a future iteration. These will be made often.


Anyone make these with gluten free flour?


Made according to the recipe, following the standard techniques of preheating a cast iron skillet for several minutes for an even temp. Used clarified butter because ghee is not.The pancakes are delightful and decadent. They stand well on their own, though maple and salted butter push them into a dessert. Will likely make the batter the same and reduce the butter for more frequent cooking due to the batters simplicity


Add lemon zest to the sugar (just the yellow, none of the bitter white rind). Also, I’d cut the salt a little (using Malden).

Jeffrey Zoldan

Great recipe but missing secret ingredient: lemon zest.From the chef @Chez Ma Tante regarding these pancakes:“The pancakes are different from the other places because we do lemon zest in there. I think it's a secret part. We use just exactly the lemon zest. Just the yellow one.”


Next time cook on 6


my husband and I loved these! Idk if I will ever use another pancake recipe after trying this one. We used EINKORN flour instead of all purpose and they turned out wonderfully!


According to online video from restaurant, eggs/sugar need to be whipped in stand mixer until light (like making a cake). Then follow rest of recipe using the mixer. I did this and the pancakes were super light and airy with crispy edges.


There’s a you tube video of the chef prepping pancakes at this restaurant, and a healthy amount of lemon zest is used


They use lemon zest as well, mixed in with the sugar.


I'm so sorry to say that I pulled the classic amateur move of adding baking soda instead of baking powder. They looked beautiful but my god - they tasted like a butter, awful mess....Don't make the same mistake!

D Derp

The batter was so runny, one 1/3 cup pancake took over the whole pan and became unmanageable. Wish I could get all that butter back haha


Batter was very runny. Not sure what I did wrong, I followed the directions exactly


Tasted good but a little too salty for me, half a teaspoon of salt would be more than enough imo 🥞

my notes

These may be the best pancakes I have made to date. I mean, the copious amount of butter is kind of cheating, but I don’t care! Making again for sure.Any of you who don’t have a cast iron, I made the mistake of hearing the pan too long and burned the butter. I just let the pan cool and tried again with a perfect result. ✌🏻


Pancakes or politics, hard to tell which one elicits the greater debate. Leap of faith for me as I have rarely veered from my grandmother's buttermilk recipe. These are actually quite good. Rich, to be sure. Surprisingly light, very good flavor and interestingly enough, hold heat for an amazingly long time. I'll be quite interested in what the rest of the family thinks when I fix these for them. Cut recipe in half for the trial tasting. 1 egg and everything else by half.

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Chez Ma Tante’s Pancakes Recipe (2024)
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