ChinaAMC Bitcoin ETF (3042 HK / 83042 HK / 9042 HK) - China Asset Management (Hong Kong) Limited (2024)

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Hong Kong-Listed ETFs

ChinaAMC Bitcoin ETF (3042 HK / 83042 HK / 9042 HK)

Management fee



Listing Date




Fund Performance




1 Year


3 Year


5 Year


Since Inception

As of 30-08-2024

Investment involves risks, including the loss of principle. Past performance is not indicative of future results. Before investing in the ChinaAMC Bitcoin ETF (the “Fund”), investor should refer to the Fund’s prospectus for details, including the risk factors. You should not make investment decision based on the information on this material alone. Please note:

•The Fund aims to provide investment results that, before fees and expenses, closely correspond to the performance of bitcoin, as measured by the performance of the CME CF Bitcoin Reference Rate (APAC Variant) (the “Index”).

•The Fund is passively managed and falls in the Index may cause falls in the value of the Fund. The Fund is subject to new product risk, new index risk, tracking error risk and trading risk with discount or premium.

•Due to the Fund’s direct exposure in bitcoin only, it is subject to concentration risk and risks related to bitcoin, such as bitcoin and bitcoin industry risk, speculative nature risk, unforeseeable risks, extreme price volatility risk, concentration of ownership risk, regulatory risk, fraud, market manipulation and security failure risk, cybersecurity risks, potential manipulation of bitcoin network risk, forks risk, risk of illicit use, trading hour difference risk.

•The Fund is subject to risks related to virtual asset trading platform (“VATP”), custody risks and risk relating to the difference between executable price of bitcoin on SFC-licensed VATPs and Index price for cash subscription and redemption.

•Listed and Unlisted Classes are subject to different pricing and dealing arrangements. NAV per Unit of each class may be different due to different fees and cost. Dealing deadlines of each class are different.

•Units of Listed Class are traded in the secondary market on an intraday basis at the prevailing market price, while Units of Unlisted Class are sold through intermediaries based on the dealing day-end NAV. Investors of Unlisted Class could redeem at NAV while investors of Listed Class in the secondary market could only sell at the prevailing market price and may have to exit the Fund at a significant discount. Investors of Unlisted Class may be at an advantage or disadvantage compared to investors of Listed Class.

•The Fund is subject to multi-counter risks.

Please note the above list of risks is not exhaustive, please refer to the Fund’s prospectus for details.

Product Details

Investment Objective

The investment objective is to provide investment results that, before fees and expenses, closely correspond to the performance of bitcoin, as measured by the performance of the CME CF Bitcoin Reference Rate (APAC Variant).

Product Overview

Asset Class Virtual asset
Listing Date 30-Apr-2024
Base Currency USD
Net Asset Value (mil) 134.91
Domicile Hong Kong
Management Fee 0.99%(p.a.)
Custodian BOCI-Prudential Trustee Limited
Sub-Custodian OSL Digital Securities Limited, acting via its associated entity BC Business Management Services (HK) Limited
Distribution Policy No distribution will be made to Shareholders
Virtual Asset Trading Platform OSL Exchange (operated by OSL Digital Securities Limited)

As of 13-09-2024

Intra-day Estimated NAV and Market Price ( 1,2,3,4 )

Latest Market Information ( 5,6 )

Date Last Change Change(%)
Official NAV per Unit in USD13-09-20240.9243-0.0013-0.14%
NAV per Unit in RMB (for reference only)13-09-20246.5605-0.0402-0.61%
NAV per Unit in HKD (for reference only)13-09-20247.2093-0.0110-0.15%
Closing Price for USD Traded Unit13-09-20240.9260--
Closing Price for RMB Traded Unit13-09-20246.5800-0.0100-0.15%
Closing Price for HKD Traded Unit13-09-20247.2050-0.0200-0.28%

Trading Information

HKD Traded UnitsRMB Traded UnitsUSD Traded Units
Exchange ListingSEHK – Main BoardSEHK – Main BoardSEHK – Main Board
Listing Date30-Apr-202430-Apr-202430-Apr-2024
Stock Code3042830429042
Trading Board Lot Size100 Shares100 Shares100 Shares
Trading CurrencyHKDRMBUSD
Reuters Code3042.HK83042.HK9042.HK
ISIN CodeHK0001009700HK0001009718HK0001009726
Bloomberg Ticker3042 HK83042 HK9042 HK
Bloomberg NAV3042NAV83042NAV9042NAV
Bloomberg iNAV3042IV83042IV9042IV
Bloomberg Shares Outstanding3042SHO83042SHO9042SHO
IndexCME CF Bitcoin Reference Rate (APAC Variant)
Index ProviderCF Benchmarks Ltd.
Closing Level57947.75
Change (%)-0.14%
Type of IndexPrice Return

As of 13-09-2024

Participating Dealers

  • Both In Kind and In Cash
  • Eddid Securities and Futures Limited
  • Solomon JFZ (Asia) Holdings Limited
  • Victory Securities Company Limited
  • Only In Cash
  • Arta Global Markets Limited
  • China Merchants Securities (HK) Co., Limited
  • DL Securities (HK) Limited
  • Haitong International Securities Company Limited
  • Huatai Financial Holdings (Hong Kong) Limited
  • Korea Investment & Securities Asia Limited
  • Mirae Asset Securities (HK) Limited
  • Valuable Capital Limited

Market Makers

HKD CounterRMB CounterUSD Counter
CLSA LimitedCLSA LimitedCLSA Limited
Jane Street Asia Trading LimitedJane Street Asia Trading LimitedJane Street Asia Trading Limited
Optiver Trading Hong Kong LimitedOptiver Trading Hong Kong LimitedOptiver Trading Hong Kong Limited
Virtu Financial Singapore PTE. Ltd.Virtu Financial Singapore PTE. Ltd.Virtu Financial Singapore PTE. Ltd.
Eclipse Options (HK) Ltd
Flow Traders Hong Kong Limited

Please refer to the Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited’s website the latest lists of Market Makers.

1 Data are provided by ICE Data Indices, LLC (“ICE DATA”), is used with permission. ICE DATA, its Affiliates and their respective third-party suppliers (including but not limited to Factset Research System, Inc.) disclaim any and all warranties and representations, express and/or implied, including any warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose or use, including the index data and any data included in, related to, or derived therefrom. Neither ICE DATA, its Affiliates nor their respective third-party suppliers shall be subject to any damages or liability with respect to the adequacy, accuracy, timeliness or completeness of the Index data or any component thereof, and the index data and all components therefore are provided on an “as is” basis and your use is at your own risk. ICE DATA, its Affiliates and their respective third-party suppliers do not sponsor, endorse, or recommend China Asset Management (Hong Kong) Limited, or any of its products or services.

2 IOPV calculations are performed by ICE DATA.

3 Intra-day Market Price refers to the market price of ChinaAMC Bitcoin ETF on the date and at the time specified above, quoted from the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited (the “SEHK”).

4 The Intra-day Estimated NAV per Unit is updated during SEHK trading hours and is for reference only. The Intra-day Estimated NAV per Unit in RMD and HKD is calculated using the Intra-day Estimated NAV per Unit in USD multiplied by the real time exchange rate provided by ICE DATA. Since the Intra-day Estimated NAV per Unit in USD will not be updated when the underlying share market is closed, the change in the Intra-day Estimated NAV per unit in RMB or HKD (if any) during such period is solely due to the change in the foreign exchange rate.

5 The last NAV per Share in RMB and HKD is calculated using the official last NAV per Share in USD multiplied by an assumed foreign exchange rate using the USD exchange rate quoted by Bloomberg at 4:00 p.m. (Hong Kong time) as of the same Dealing Day. The last NAV per Unit will be updated on days when the SEHK is open for trading. Changes of the official last NAV per Unit in USD and last change of the NAV per Unit in RMB and HKD indicate the change of the NAV per Unit since previous Dealing Day^. Please refer to the Prospectus for more information on the determination of NAV.

6 Changes of the closing price for HKD, RMB and USD Traded Units indicate the change of the closing price since previous SEHK trading day. Source of Closing Price: Bloomberg.

7 Index returns are for illustrative purposes only and are not indicative of future results. Index returns do not reflect any management fees, transaction costs or expenses. Change indicates the change since the last closing index level. Source: CF Benchmarks, Bloomberg.

^ “Dealing Day” generally means a day on which (a) the SEHK and the underlying A shares market are open; and (b) the Index is compiled and published. Please refer to the Prospectus for further details in this regard.

Returns/Historical NAVs Chart

Fund Price

Class Currency Dealing Date NAV per unit
USD USD 13-09-2024 0.9243
RMB RMB 13-09-2024 6.5605
HKD HKD 13-09-2024 7.2093

Historical NAVs


Investment involves risks. Past performance information is not indicative of future performance. Investors may not get back the full amount invested. The computation basis of the performance is based on the calendar year end, NAV-to-NAV, with dividend reinvested. These figures show by how much the Fund increased or decreased in value during the calendar year being shown. Performance data has been calculated in the base currency of the share class (or the ETF), including ongoing charges and excluding subscription and redemption fees and trading costs on SEHK (if applicable). Where no past performance is shown there was insufficient data available in that year to provide performance. Please refer to the Fund Overview section for the inception date of the share class (or the listing date of the ETF).

7 Day Annualized



Holdings. Weighting (%)
Total 99.99

As of 13-09-2024

Holding Details

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Holdings are subject to change. Total allocation percentages shown in the Holdings table may not equal 100% due to rounding, The historical data provided herein is for reference only and does not represent any future performance.

As of 13-09-2024

As of 13-09-2024

Yield Information

There is currently no information available.

Asset Allocation

Asset Typs Weighting(%)

As of 13-09-2024

Tracking Difference & Error


Tracking Difference (TD):

Tracking difference is the return difference between the ETF and its underlying benchmark/ index over a certain period of time.

Tracking Error (TE):

Tracking error measures how consistently the ETF follows its benchmark/ index. It is the volatility (measured by standard deviation) of that return difference.

Tracking Difference / Tracking Error

Graph for Tracking Difference

Calendar Year Performance (#)​

Past performance Vs Benchmark performance

Investment involves risks. Past performance information is not indicative of future performance. Investors may not get back the full amount invested. The computation basis of the performance is based on the calendar year end, NAV-to-NAV, with dividend reinvested. These figures show by how much the Fund increased or decreased in value during the calendar year being shown. Performance data has been calculated in the base currency of the share class (or the ETF), including ongoing charges and excluding subscription and redemption fees and trading costs on SEHK (if applicable). Where no past performance is shown there was insufficient data available in that year to provide performance. Please refer to the Fund Overview section for the inception date of the share class (or the listing date of the ETF).

Distribution History

Distribution History

There is currently no information available.

*“Net distributable income” means the net investment income (i.e. dividend income and interest income net of fees and expenses) attributable to the relevant share class and includes net realised gains (if any) based on unaudited management accounts. However, “net distributable income” does not include net unrealised gains.

The distribution paid will be at the discretion of the Manager. Distribution figures shown are past distributions declared and paid for by the Fund.

Warning: Please note that a positive distribution yield does not imply a positive return. Investors should not make any investment decision solely based on information contained in the table above. There is no guarantee of distribution. Investors should read the relevant offering document (including the key facts statement) of the fund for further details including the risk factors. Distributions will be paid in Base Currency only. Unitholders may have to bear the fees and charges associated with the conversion of such distributions from HKD to USD or any other currency.

Prospectus & Documents

Offering Documents

File name Date File Format
Prospectus 24-04-2024 PDF >
Product Key Facts 24-04-2024 PDF >

Announcements & Notices

File name Date File Format
Announcement - Indicative Net Asset Value of the Sub-Fund 29-04-2024 PDF >


A cryptocurrency is a digital or virtual currency based on cryptographic principles. It uses encryption technology to secure transactions, generate new coins, and verify fund transfers. A key characteristic of cryptocurrencies is their decentralization, meaning they are not controlled by any central agency or government.

Cryptocurrencies operate on a blockchain, a distributed public ledger which serves as a record of all transactions updated and maintained by currency holders. Units of cryptocurrency are created through a process known as mining, which involves using computer power to solve complex mathematical problems that result in the production of coins.

(1) Blockchain technology

It is a decentralized public ledger or a list of cryptocurrency transactions. Completed blocks, consisting of the most recent transactions, are recorded and added to the blockchain in a chronological and verifiable manner. All records are permanent and open to public. The blockchain is managed by market participants through a peer-to-peer network, following a set protocol for validating new blocks. Every connected node or computer automatically downloads a copy of the blockchain, allowing transparent transaction tracking without the need for central record-keeping.

(2) Block mining

It refers to the process of adding a new transaction record to the blockchain as a block. For certain cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, the mining process would generate new coins, increasing the total number in circulation. Mining requires specific software to solve mathematical puzzles and verify legitimate transactions within a block. These blocks are added to the public ledger (blockchain) approximately every 10 minutes.

(1) Decentralization: Cryptocurrencies operate without a central authority, relying on a group of users for maintenance and governance.

(2) Security: Cryptocurrencies employ advanced cryptographic algorithms to protect transactions and control coin generation, making them more resistant to counterfeiting or tampering compared to traditional currencies.

(3) Anonymity: While all transactions are recorded on a public ledger, a user can maintain anonymity by using one or a set of encrypted addresses.

(4) Global Reach: Cryptocurrencies can be used for cross-border transactions, enabling users to send and receive funds anywhere in the world without relying on traditional banking systems.

A cryptocurrency exchange serves as a platform for buying, selling, and exchanging various cryptocurrencies. These platforms typically facilitate the trading of different digital currencies, determine prices based on market demand and popularity, and charge transaction fees as a percentage of the trade value.

Bitcoin was created in 2009 by an anonymous developer or group of anonymous developers under the name of Satoshi Nakamoto. Bitcoin is a decentralized cryptocurrency that operates on a peer-to-peer network and utilizes a consensus mechanism. It is open source and uses blockchain technology as its underlying infrastructure.

The total market capitalization of the cryptocurrency market has exceeded $2.53 trillion since 2024, with Bitcoin, the largest cryptocurrency, experiencing a more than 69% increase in the first quarter of the year. The rise is driven by spot Bitcoin ETFs, which attracted over $12 billion of inflows in the first quarter. Currently, the spot Bitcoin ETFs hold a total of 831,000 bitcoins, with a value of around $59 billion.

Enhancing Portfolio Diversification

Bitcoin’s low correlation with mainstream financial markets makes it an effective tool for diversifying investment portfolios. Meanwhile, as Bitcoin gains wider acceptance and institutional investors incorporate it into their portfolios, its higher risk profile is expected to contribute to better portfolio performance.

ChinaAMC Bitcoin ETF (3042 HK / 83042 HK / 9042 HK) - China Asset Management (Hong Kong) Limited (5)

[1] Statistical period: January 1, 2014, to December 31, 2023.

Source: Bloomberg, as of 31 December 2023. The four hypothetical portfolios shown are comprised of the following asset class representative benchmarks: Stocks as represented by the S&P 500 Index, Bonds as represented by the Bloomberg US Aggregate Bond Index, and Bitcoin as represented by the S&P Bitcoin Index. Bonds in the asset class table on the top are also represented by the Bloomberg US Aggregate Bond Index.

Similar to gold ETFs, spot Bitcoin ETFs are exchange-listed investment funds that enable indirect investments in Bitcoin without purchasing or holding the cryptocurrency.

Bitcoin ETFs are issued and managed by fund companies, listed on traditional stock exchanges, and invested in Bitcoin according to the ETF’s investment objectives and strategies. They aim to provide investors with investment returns that closely track the performance of a Bitcoin index (gross of fees and expenses).

(1) Secure transactions

Regulated spot Bitcoin ETFs listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange offer reduced risks of hacking and fraud due to the involvement of professional fund managers and reputable custodians. This eliminates the need for investors to protect private keys and manage wallets.

(2) Simple and convenient transactions

Spot ETFs can be bought and held through traditional stock accounts, similar to stocks, without requiring a dedicated cryptocurrency trading account.

(3) Low investment threshold

ETFs generally have a lower investment threshold, often starting at $100.

(4) Dual liquidity

Bitcoin, being the largest cryptocurrency in the world, serves as highly liquid underlying assets. The listing of spot ETFs on traditional exchanges further enhances liquidity.

(5) Regulated and legal assets

Bitcoin ETFs are legal investment products approved by Hong Kong regulators, with a reduced level of trading associated regulatory risks[2].

[2] Authorization of a fund product by the SFC does not imply a recommendation or endorsem*nt by the SFC of Hong Kong, nor does it guarantee the commercial merits or performance of the fund product.

Futures cryptocurrency contracts are a more complex investment tool that requires a higher level of professional knowledge from investors. The performance of a futures cryptocurrency ETF may not precisely reflect that of a spot cryptocurrency due to certain tracking errors.
On the other hand, spot ETFs are more straightforward and easier to understand. They closely track the performance of cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin and Ethereum, making them accessible to a wider group of investors. The advantages of spot ETFs include:

(1) Direct tracking of Bitcoin

Spot Bitcoin ETFs directly track the price of Bitcoin, rather than through futures contracts. They allow investors to gain more direct exposure to the price movements of these assets, without concerns about the potential risks associated with futures contracts.

(2) Exemption from expensive rolling costs

Futures ETFs typically incur higher transaction costs due to the management of futures contracts. In contrast, Spot ETFs have a simpler fee structure, often involving only management fees. This makes holding a spot ETF for the long term generally more cost-effective.

(3) Lower tracking error

Futures crypto ETFs require regular rollovers, which can lead to rollover costs, especially in situations where the futures price exceeds the spot price (known as contango).

ChinaAMC Bitcoin ETF (3042 HK / 83042 HK / 9042 HK) - China Asset Management (Hong Kong) Limited (6)

[3] The data is based on the return of one of the Bitcoin futures ETFs listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange compared with the return of Bitcoin and is for reference only. It does not represent the return performance of all Bitcoin futures ETFs listed on the Hong Kong Exchange.

Source: Bloomberg, date as of March 31, 2024.

(1) Time zone

Compared with the United States, local investors in Hong Kong can avoid the inconvenience and risks that may arise from cross-time zone trading.

(2) Innovative subscription and redemption arrangement, allowing both in-cash and in-kind transactions

Surpassing the United States, Hong Kong has introduced an innovative subscription and redemption mechanism that allows investors to choose between subscribing and redeeming ETFs in cash or in kind (physical cryptocurrency).

(3) Tax incentives

Hong Kong residents can enjoy tax benefits when purchasing spot Bitcoin ETFs in Hong Kong, sparing them relevant taxes. In contrast, investing in a U.S. spot Bitcoin ETF may involve additional taxes.

(4) Available to Hong Kong retail investors

Hong Kong investors can purchase Hong Kong’s spot Bitcoin ETFs mainly by completing a cryptocurrency knowledge test, in addition to meeting basic Know Your Customer (KYC) requirements. In contrast, Hong Kong investors purchasing the corresponding ETF in the United States must be professional investors who meet high investment threshold restrictions.

The cryptocurrency knowledge test consists of the following items:

(1) Completion of virtual asset-related training.

(2) Work experience in virtual asset-related fields.

(3) Prior trading experience of virtual assets.

If a customer fulfils any of the above three requirements, they are considered to have passed the test. In case retail investors fail to meet these criteria, intermediaries can provide relevant training to investors before facilitating transactions on their behalf.

Investment involves risks, including the loss of principle. Past performance is not indicative of future results. Before investing in spot bitcoin ETFs investors should refer to the Fund’s prospectus for details, including the risk factors. You should not make investment decisions based on the information on this material alone. Please note:

•Spot Bitcoin ETFs are passively managed and falls in the Index may cause falls in the value of the Fund. Spot Bitcoin ETFs are subject to new product risk, new index risk, tracking error risk and trading risk with discount or premium.

•Due to the Spot Bitcoin ETFs’direct exposure in bitcoin only, they are subject to concentration risk and risks related to bitcoin, such as bitcoin and bitcoin industry risk, speculative nature risk, unforeseeable risks, extreme price volatility risk, concentration of ownership risk, regulatory risk, fraud, market manipulation and security failure risk, cybersecurity risks, potential manipulation of bitcoin network risk, forks risk, risk of illicit use, trading hour difference risk.

•Spot Bitcoin ETFs are subject to risks related to virtual asset trading platform (“VATP”), custody risks and risks relating to the difference between executable price of bitcoin on SFC-licensed VATPs and Index price for cash subscription and redemption.

Please note the above list of risks is not exhaustive, please refer to the Fund’s prospectus for details.

Investing involves risk, including possible loss of principal. Investment in emerging market countries may involve heightened risks such as increased volatility and lower trading volume, and may be subject to a greater risk of loss than investment in a developed country. Please carefully consider the Fund’s investment objectives, risk factors, and charges and expenses before investing. This and other information can be found in the relevant Fund’s prospectus. Please read the prospectus carefully before investing. ChinaAMC Funds are not sponsored, endorsed, issued, sold or promoted by their index providers (only applicable to ETFs and index funds). For details of an index provider including any disclaimer, please refer to the relevant ChinaAMC Fund offering documents.

Source: Fund performance and index data are provided by ChinaAMC and the relevant index providers (if applicable) respectively.

This website is prepared by China Asset Management (Hong Kong) Limited and has not been reviewed by the Securities and Futures Commission.

Performance Simulator

Performance Simulator

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Performance Chart

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aenean commodo ligula eget dolor. Aenean massa. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Donec quam felis, ultricies nec, pellentesque eu, pretium quis, sem. Nulla consequat massa quis enim. Donec pede justo, fringilla vel, aliquet nec, vulputate eget, arcu.Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aenean commodo ligula eget dolor. Aenean massa. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Donec quam felis, ultricies nec, pellentesque eu, pretium quis, sem. Nulla consequat massa quis enim. Donec pede justo, fringilla vel, aliquet nec, vulputate eget, arcu.

ChinaAMC Bitcoin ETF (3042 HK / 83042 HK / 9042 HK) - China Asset Management (Hong Kong) Limited (7)

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China Asset Management (Hong Kong) Limited (“ChinaAMC HK”) is a regulated institution in Hong Kong by the Securities and Futures Commission (“SFC”) pursuant to the Securities and Futures Ordinance (Cap 571). This website is prepared and owned by ChinaAMC HK and contains information about ChinaAMC HK and the services and products offered by ChinaAMC HK. This website has not been reviewed by the SFC.

This information contained in this website is provided for informational purposes only. Funds information is intended to be made available only to residents in Hong Kong that are not U.S. Persons. If you are an individual investor, you acknowledge that you are a resident of Hong Kong. Funds information is not intended for use by any person located in or residing in any jurisdiction that restrict the use or distribution of such information. Nothing on this website should constitute a distribution, an offer to buy or the solicitation of any offer to buy or sell any securities in any jurisdiction where such a distribution or offer would be illegal. Non-Hong Kong investors are responsible for observing all applicable laws and regulations of their relevant jurisdictions before proceeding to access the information contained herein. By proceeding, you are representing that you have understood and accepted the restrictions set out in this section.

None of the information contained in this website constitute an invitation or solicitation to invest in any shares or units of the Funds, nor does it constitute any investment advice or recommendation to acquire or dispose of any investment or to engage in any transactions. Before acting on any information in this website, you should consider whether any investment, security or strategy is suitable for your particular circ*mstance and, if necessary, seek independent professional advice.

Investment involves risks. The price of units or shares of the Funds may go up as well as down. Past performance is not indicative of future results. The value of the Funds can be extremely volatile and could go down substantially within a short period of time. It is possible that the entire value of your investment could be lost. An investment in a Fund often involves investing in international markets. In addition to the normal risks associated with investing, international investments involve the risk of losing all or part of any capital from unfavorable fluctuations in currency values, from differences in generally accepted accounting principles or from economic or political instability in other nations. An investment in emerging markets also involves heightened other risks such as increased volatility and the possibility of lower trading volume. Funds may use or invest in financial derivatives. Please read the Funds’ Prospectuses and Product Key Fact Statements for details, including the risk factors, before making any investment decision.

Where a Fund’s investment objective is to track an index, the Fund is not sponsored, endorsed, issued, sold or promoted by the relevant index provider. None of these companies make any representation regarding the advisability of investing in the Funds. Index returns are for illustrative purposes only and do not represent actual fund performance. Index performance returns do not reflect any management fees, transaction costs or expenses. Indices are unmanaged and one cannot invest directly in an index.

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• Facilitate the daily operations of the services provided to the clients;

• Marketing investment products or services provided by ChinaAMC (HK);

• Maintaining statistical data and providing a database for product and market research;

• Marketing financial and/or investment products or services by any company/companies other than ChinaAMC HK, subject to client’s express prior written consent;

• Compliance with applicable laws and regulations; and

• Any other purposes relating or incidental thereto.

Transfer of Personal Data

Personal data held by ChinaAMC HK relating to clients will be kept confidential but may be transferred to the following parties (whether within or outside the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region) for any of the purposes stated above:-

• Any agent, contractor, third party service provider or any member company of ChinaAMC HK which provides administrative, telecommunications, computer, marketing, professional or other services to ChinaAMC HK in connection with its business operations;

• Any person to whom ChinaAMC HK is under an obligation to make disclosure under the requirements of any law binding on ChinaAMC HK or any of its member companies or under and for the purposes of any guidelines issued by regulatory or other authorities with which ChinaAMC HK or its member companies are expected to comply;

• Any actual or proposed assignee of ChinaAMC HK or participant or sub-participant or transferee of ChinaAMC HK’s rights in respect of the client; and

• Any persons or bodies corporate under a duty of confidentiality to ChinaAMC HK.

Accuracy of Personal Data

ChinaAMC HK strive at all times to ensure accuracy of all personal data collected and processed by us. In order to assist us to deliver on this pledge, please inform us immediately in the event that your personal information has been changed or you discovered that your personal information held by us is incorrect.

Your Rights

It is not a statutory requirement for you to provide personal data to us. However, we will not be able to provide you with the services and products you may require unless you provide us with the necessary personal data or information.

You have a right (i) to be informed whether we hold any of your personal data; (ii) to be supplied with a copy of your personal data we hold; and (iii) to request correction of your personal data we hold. If you wish to access to and/or to correct any of your personal data held by us, please send your written request to the address set out below. We may, subject to the Ordinance, impose a reasonable fee for complying with a data access request.

If you do not wish your personal data to be used for direct marketing purposes, you may notify us in writing to the following address:-

Head of Legal & Compliance

China Asset Management (Hong Kong) Limited

37/F, Bank of China Tower,

1 Garden Road, Central

Hong Kong


Not agree

Important Notes:

By clicking the “Accept” button, you will enter a website for other ChinaAMC(HK) products and consent to be bound by all the terms set out herein. This website is solely for the access of (i) Hong Kong Professional Investors; or (ii) non-Hong Kong investors who are eligible to access. If you are neither one of the above mentioned investor types or do not agree with any of these terms, please click “Disagree” button and leave the website.

You are leaving the Hong Kong site. You will enter a country specific website that is prepared for informational purpose only. It does not intend for and should not be accessed by persons located or resident in any jurisdiction where (by reason of that person’s nationality, domicile, residence or otherwise) the publication or availability of the website is prohibited or contrary to local law or regulation or would subject any ChinaAMC entity to any registration or licensing requirements in such jurisdictions.

None of the information contained in this website constitute an invitation or solicitation to invest in any shares or units of the funds, nor does it constitute any investment advice or recommendation to acquire or dispose of any investment or to engage in any transactions. Before acting on any information in this website, you should consider whether any investment, security or strategy is suitable for your particular circ*mstance and, if necessary, seek independent professional advice.

For Hong Kong investors

None of the funds mentioned in the upcoming country specific website has been authorized by the Hong Kong Securities and Futures Commission to be marketed to the general public in Hong Kong. Any information of the funds in the website is provided solely for Professional Investor and you must qualify as a Professional Investor in order to access to the website. Professional Investor is defined under Section 1 of Part 1 of Schedule 1 to the Securities and Futures Ordinance (“SFO”). If you are uncertain or have doubt on whether you qualify as a Professional Investor, please contact ChinaAMC(HK) for enquiry or consult your finance or legal advisor before proceeding.

By clicking the “Accept” button below, you consent that you qualify as a Professional Investor.

For Non-Hong Kong Investors

It is your responsibility to be aware of, to obtain all relevant regulatory approvals, licenses, verifications and/or registrations under, and to observe all applicable laws and regulations of any relevant jurisdiction in connection with your entrance to the country specific website you enter or with your access to the information contained herein.

By clicking the “Accept” button below, you consent that you have obtained all relevant regulatory approvals and have observed all applicable laws and regulations of any relevant jurisdiction before proceeding.

Investment Risks

Investment involves risks. The price of units or shares of the Funds may go up as well as down. Past performance is not indicative of future results. The value of the Funds can be extremely volatile and could go down substantially within a short period of time. It is possible that the entire value of your investment could be lost. An investment in a Fund often involves investing in international markets. In addition to the normal risks associated with investing, international investments involve the risk of losing all or part of any capital from unfavorable fluctuations in currency values, from differences in generally accepted accounting principles or from economic or political instability in other nations. An investment in emerging markets also involves heightened other risks such as increased volatility and the possibility of lower trading volume. Funds may use or invest in financial derivatives. Please read the Funds’ Prospectuses and Product Key Fact Statements for details, including the risk factors, before making any investment decision.

Prohibited Uses

Except as otherwise stated in these terms or as expressly authorized by ChinaAMC(HK) in writing, you may not:

  • Use this website in any manner that could damage or overburden any ChinaAMC(HK) server, or any network connected to any ChinaAMC(HK) server, as all servers have limited capacity and are used by many people;
  • Use this website in any manner that would interfere with another party’s use of the Website;
  • Include the term “ChinaAMC(HK)” or any ChinaAMC(HK) trademark or executive’s name, or any variation of the foregoing, as a meta-tag, hidden textual element;
  • Use any robot, spider, intelligent agent, other automatic device, or manual process to search, monitor or copy this website or the reports, data, information, content, software, products services, or other materials on, generated by or obtained from this website, whether through links or otherwise (collectively, “Materials”), without ChinaAMC(HK)’s permission, provided that generally available third-party web browsers may be used without such permission; or

Use this website or the Materials in any manner that could create impression of affiliation, sponsorship or endorsem*nt by ChinaAMC(HK).

Limitation of Liability

All information contained in this website is published to the best of the knowledge and belief of ChinaAMC(HK) to be accurate at the time it was posted. However, no representation or warranty, expressed or implied is made by ChinaAMC(HK) as to its accuracy or completeness of the information or data provided in this website. ChinaAMC(HK), its affiliates, directors, officers or employees accept no liability for any errors or omissions relating to information available in this website, and will not be liable for any damages or costs (including but not limited to lost profits, trading losses or damages that result from use or loss of use of this website) arising out of or in any way connected with (i) the use of the information provided in this website; and (ii) any interruption or failure in system operation, delay in data transmission, computer virus or line or system failure.

Trademarks, Copyrights and other Intellectual Property

All copyright, trademarks and similar rights in this website and the information contained herein are owned by or licensed to ChinaAMC(HK) or its affiliate. Information in or any parts of this website cannot be reproduced, distributed or published.


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Terms and Conditions

READ THESE TERMS AND CONDITIONS (“Terms”) CAREFULLY BEFORE REGISTERING OR USING THE SERVICES DESCRIBED ON THE WEBSITE LOCATED AT By clicking the “Accept” button, you consent to be bound by all the terms set out herein. If you do not agree with any of these terms, you are not an authorized user for these services and you should not use this website. Please click “Do not Accept” button and leave this website.

Terms and Conditions

China Asset Management (Hong Kong) Limited (“ChinaAMC HK”) is a regulated institution in Hong Kong by the Securities and Futures Commission (“SFC”) pursuant to the Securities and Futures Ordinance (Cap 571). This website is prepared and owned by ChinaAMC HK and contains information about ChinaAMC HK and the services and products offered by ChinaAMC HK. This website has not been reviewed by the SFC.

This information contained in this website is provided for informational purposes only. Funds information is intended to be made available only to residents in Hong Kong that are not U.S. Persons. If you are an individual investor, you acknowledge that you are a resident of Hong Kong. Funds information is not intended for use by any person located in or residing in any jurisdiction that restrict the use or distribution of such information. Nothing on this website should constitute a distribution, an offer to buy or the solicitation of any offer to buy or sell any securities in any jurisdiction where such a distribution or offer would be illegal. Non-Hong Kong investors are responsible for observing all applicable laws and regulations of their relevant jurisdictions before proceeding to access the information contained herein. By proceeding, you are representing that you have understood and accepted the restrictions set out in this section.

None of the information contained in this website constitute an invitation or solicitation to invest in any shares or units of the Funds, nor does it constitute any investment advice or recommendation to acquire or dispose of any investment or to engage in any transactions. Before acting on any information in this website, you should consider whether any investment, security or strategy is suitable for your particular circ*mstance and, if necessary, seek independent professional advice.

Investment involves risks. The price of units or shares of the Funds may go up as well as down. Past performance is not indicative of future results. The value of the Funds can be extremely volatile and could go down substantially within a short period of time. It is possible that the entire value of your investment could be lost. An investment in a Fund often involves investing in international markets. In addition to the normal risks associated with investing, international investments involve the risk of losing all or part of any capital from unfavorable fluctuations in currency values, from differences in generally accepted accounting principles or from economic or political instability in other nations. An investment in emerging markets also involves heightened other risks such as increased volatility and the possibility of lower trading volume. Funds may use or invest in financial derivatives. Please read the Funds’ Prospectuses and Product Key Fact Statements for details, including the risk factors, before making any investment decision.

Where a Fund’s investment objective is to track an index, the Fund is not sponsored, endorsed, issued, sold or promoted by the relevant index provider. None of these companies make any representation regarding the advisability of investing in the Funds. Index returns are for illustrative purposes only and do not represent actual fund performance. Index performance returns do not reflect any management fees, transaction costs or expenses. Indices are unmanaged and one cannot invest directly in an index.

Prohibited Uses

Except as otherwise stated in these Terms or as expressly authorized by ChinaAMC HK in writing, you may not:

• Use this website in any manner that could damage or overburden any ChinaAMC server, or any network connected to any ChinaAMC server, as all servers have limited capacity and are used by many people;

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• Use this website or the Materials in any manner that could create impression of affiliation, sponsorship or endorsem*nt by ChinaAMC.

Limitation of Liability

All information contained in this website is published to the best of the knowledge and belief of ChinaAMC HK to be accurate at the time it was posted. However, no representation or warranty, expressed or implied is made by ChinaAMC HK as to its accuracy or completeness of the information or data provided in this website. ChinaAMC HK, its affiliates, directors, officers or employees accept no liability for any errors or omissions relating to information available in this website, and will not be liable for any damages or costs (including but not limited to lost profits, trading losses or damages that result from use or loss of use of this website) arising out of or in any way connected with (i) the use of the information provided in this website and (ii) any interruption or failure in system operation, delay in data transmission, computer virus or line or system failure.

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All copyright, trademarks and similar rights in this website and the information contained herein are owned by or licensed to ChinaAMC HK or its affiliate. Information in or any parts of this website cannot be reproduced, distributed or published.

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These Terms shall be governed by, and shall be construed in accordance with, the laws of Hong Kong. The courts of Hong Kong shall have non-exclusive jurisdiction to hear and determine any suit, action or proceeding, and to settle any disputes, which may arise out of or in connection with these Terms and, for such purposes, you agree to submit to the jurisdiction of the courts of Hong Kong. Each party hereby waives any objection which it might at any time have to the courts of Hong Kong being nominated as the forum to hear and determine any proceedings and to settle any disputes and agrees not to claim that the courts of Hong Kong are not a convenient or appropriate forum.

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We understand that our customers and website visitors are concerned about the privacy of information. The following information is designed to help you understand the information collection practices at this Website.

By visiting this Website, you are accepting the practices described in this Privacy Policy. If you do not agree to the below policy, please do not use this Website.

ChinaAMC HK recognizes the importance of personal data to our business and the importance of respecting the privacy rights of our clients. Therefore, we are committed to ensuring compliance with the requirements of the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance (the “Ordinance”). Each employee of ChinaAMC HK must abide by our commitment to privacy in the handling of personal information. To further enhance confidentiality and security of all personal data, only authorized staff will be allowed to have access to the personal information collected. It is restricted to those persons who have a business need to access personal information in order to perform their job duties.

The purpose of this Statement is to establish the policies and practices of ChinaAMC HK’s commitment to protect the privacy of personal data and to inform you about our responsibilities and your rights under the Ordinance.

Types of Personal Data Held

Personal data held by us regarding clients may include the following:-

• Name and address, occupation, contact details, date of birth, their identity card or passport numbers;

• Current employer, nature of position, relevant income of clients;

• Details of financial status of clients; and

• Information obtained by us in the ordinary course of the business relationship such as, investment options, account values and balances etc.

Main Purposes of keeping Personal Data

The purposes for which personal data relating to clients may be used are as follows:-

• Facilitate the daily operations of the services provided to the clients;

• Marketing investment products or services provided by ChinaAMC (HK);

• Maintaining statistical data and providing a database for product and market research;

• Marketing financial and/or investment products or services by any company/companies other than ChinaAMC HK, subject to client’s express prior written consent;

• Compliance with applicable laws and regulations; and

• Any other purposes relating or incidental thereto.

Transfer of Personal Data

Personal data held by ChinaAMC HK relating to clients will be kept confidential but may be transferred to the following parties (whether within or outside the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region) for any of the purposes stated above:-

• Any agent, contractor, third party service provider or any member company of ChinaAMC HK which provides administrative, telecommunications, computer, marketing, professional or other services to ChinaAMC HK in connection with its business operations;

• Any person to whom ChinaAMC HK is under an obligation to make disclosure under the requirements of any law binding on ChinaAMC HK or any of its member companies or under and for the purposes of any guidelines issued by regulatory or other authorities with which ChinaAMC HK or its member companies are expected to comply;

• Any actual or proposed assignee of ChinaAMC HK or participant or sub-participant or transferee of ChinaAMC HK’s rights in respect of the client; and

• Any persons or bodies corporate under a duty of confidentiality to ChinaAMC HK.

Accuracy of Personal Data

ChinaAMC HK strive at all times to ensure accuracy of all personal data collected and processed by us. In order to assist us to deliver on this pledge, please inform us immediately in the event that your personal information has been changed or you discovered that your personal information held by us is incorrect.

Your Rights

It is not a statutory requirement for you to provide personal data to us. However, we will not be able to provide you with the services and products you may require unless you provide us with the necessary personal data or information.

You have a right (i) to be informed whether we hold any of your personal data; (ii) to be supplied with a copy of your personal data we hold; and (iii) to request correction of your personal data we hold. If you wish to access to and/or to correct any of your personal data held by us, please send your written request to the address set out below. We may, subject to the Ordinance, impose a reasonable fee for complying with a data access request.

If you do not wish your personal data to be used for direct marketing purposes, you may notify us in writing to the following address:-

Head of Legal & Compliance

China Asset Management (Hong Kong) Limited

37/F, Bank of China Tower,

1 Garden Road, Central

Hong Kong


Not agree

Important Notes:

By clicking the “Accept” button, you will enter a website for other ChinaAMC(HK) products and consent to be bound by all the terms set out herein. This website is solely for the access of (i) Hong Kong Professional Investors; or (ii) non-Hong Kong investors who are eligible to access. If you are neither one of the above mentioned investor types or do not agree with any of these terms, please click “Disagree” button and leave the website.

You are leaving the Hong Kong site. You will enter a country specific website that is prepared for informational purpose only. It does not intend for and should not be accessed by persons located or resident in any jurisdiction where (by reason of that person’s nationality, domicile, residence or otherwise) the publication or availability of the website is prohibited or contrary to local law or regulation or would subject any ChinaAMC entity to any registration or licensing requirements in such jurisdictions.

None of the information contained in this website constitute an invitation or solicitation to invest in any shares or units of the funds, nor does it constitute any investment advice or recommendation to acquire or dispose of any investment or to engage in any transactions. Before acting on any information in this website, you should consider whether any investment, security or strategy is suitable for your particular circ*mstance and, if necessary, seek independent professional advice.

For Hong Kong investors

None of the funds mentioned in the upcoming country specific website has been authorized by the Hong Kong Securities and Futures Commission to be marketed to the general public in Hong Kong. Any information of the funds in the website is provided solely for Professional Investor and you must qualify as a Professional Investor in order to access to the website. Professional Investor is defined under Section 1 of Part 1 of Schedule 1 to the Securities and Futures Ordinance (“SFO”). If you are uncertain or have doubt on whether you qualify as a Professional Investor, please contact ChinaAMC(HK) for enquiry or consult your finance or legal advisor before proceeding.

By clicking the “Accept” button below, you consent that you qualify as a Professional Investor.

For Non-Hong Kong Investors

It is your responsibility to be aware of, to obtain all relevant regulatory approvals, licenses, verifications and/or registrations under, and to observe all applicable laws and regulations of any relevant jurisdiction in connection with your entrance to the country specific website you enter or with your access to the information contained herein.

By clicking the “Accept” button below, you consent that you have obtained all relevant regulatory approvals and have observed all applicable laws and regulations of any relevant jurisdiction before proceeding.

Investment Risks

Investment involves risks. The price of units or shares of the Funds may go up as well as down. Past performance is not indicative of future results. The value of the Funds can be extremely volatile and could go down substantially within a short period of time. It is possible that the entire value of your investment could be lost. An investment in a Fund often involves investing in international markets. In addition to the normal risks associated with investing, international investments involve the risk of losing all or part of any capital from unfavorable fluctuations in currency values, from differences in generally accepted accounting principles or from economic or political instability in other nations. An investment in emerging markets also involves heightened other risks such as increased volatility and the possibility of lower trading volume. Funds may use or invest in financial derivatives. Please read the Funds’ Prospectuses and Product Key Fact Statements for details, including the risk factors, before making any investment decision.

Prohibited Uses

Except as otherwise stated in these terms or as expressly authorized by ChinaAMC(HK) in writing, you may not:

  • Use this website in any manner that could damage or overburden any ChinaAMC(HK) server, or any network connected to any ChinaAMC(HK) server, as all servers have limited capacity and are used by many people;
  • Use this website in any manner that would interfere with another party’s use of the Website;
  • Include the term “ChinaAMC(HK)” or any ChinaAMC(HK) trademark or executive’s name, or any variation of the foregoing, as a meta-tag, hidden textual element;
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Use this website or the Materials in any manner that could create impression of affiliation, sponsorship or endorsem*nt by ChinaAMC(HK).

Limitation of Liability

All information contained in this website is published to the best of the knowledge and belief of ChinaAMC(HK) to be accurate at the time it was posted. However, no representation or warranty, expressed or implied is made by ChinaAMC(HK) as to its accuracy or completeness of the information or data provided in this website. ChinaAMC(HK), its affiliates, directors, officers or employees accept no liability for any errors or omissions relating to information available in this website, and will not be liable for any damages or costs (including but not limited to lost profits, trading losses or damages that result from use or loss of use of this website) arising out of or in any way connected with (i) the use of the information provided in this website; and (ii) any interruption or failure in system operation, delay in data transmission, computer virus or line or system failure.

Trademarks, Copyrights and other Intellectual Property

All copyright, trademarks and similar rights in this website and the information contained herein are owned by or licensed to ChinaAMC(HK) or its affiliate. Information in or any parts of this website cannot be reproduced, distributed or published.


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Private Funds

ChinaAMC(HK) is uniquely positioned in the market which enables it to leverage its extensive knowledge, research capabilities and investment experience in China to deliver a range of high-value asset management or investment advisory services to institutional clients worldwide. To bridge overseas investors with China opportunities, ChinaAMC (HK) is committed to utilize its local expertise to capture enormous investment potentials in China.

The private fund products issued and managed by ChinaAMC (HK) include Cayman Islands registered funds and Luxembourg domiciled SICAV funds*.

Browse through our website and discover our investment strategies. For private fund products information, please visit the product page by logging into your account.

* SICAV fund is an open-ended collective investment scheme common in Western Europe and may be open to public investors in certain European countries depending on its registration status.

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ChinaAMC Bitcoin ETF (3042 HK / 83042 HK / 9042 HK) - China Asset Management (Hong Kong) Limited (2024)


What is the stock code for Bitcoin ETF Hong Kong? ›

China Asset Management (Hong Kong) Limited - Select OFC Bitcoin ETF Fund (3042.HK)

How to buy bitcoin ETF in HK? ›

Hong Kong investors can purchase Hong Kong's spot Bitcoin ETFs mainly by completing a cryptocurrency knowledge test, in addition to meeting basic Know Your Customer (KYC) requirements.

What is the price of bitcoin ETF? ›

Bitcoin ETF's price today is US$0.000329, with a 24-hour trading volume of $N/A. ETF is +0.00% in the last 24 hours. It is currently -5.05% from its 7-day all-time high of $0.0003465, and 0.31% from its 7-day all-time low of $0.000328. ETF has a max supply of 1 B ETF.

What is ETF in HK? ›

Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs) are passively-managed and open-ended funds, which are traded on the securities market of Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited (HKEx).

What is the name of the Hong Kong bitcoin ETF? ›

Hong Kong's Securities and Futures Commission (SFC) approved the three ETF providers two weeks ago. Spot bitcoin ETFs by ChinaAMC, Bosera HashKey and Harvest were above 3% higher in early trading, but subsequently gave up some gains to trade by about 1.5% higher.

What is the bitcoin ETF called? ›

ETFs: ETF Database Realtime Ratings
Symbol SymbolETF Name ETF NameAsset Class Asset Class
BITBBitwise Bitcoin ETF TrustCurrency
BITOProShares Bitcoin Strategy ETFCurrency
BITX2x Bitcoin Strategy ETFCurrency
ARKWARK Next Generation Internet ETFEquity
4 more rows

Where can I buy Bitcoin ETF in the US? ›

Where to buy spot Bitcoin ETFs
  • Charles Schwab.
  • Fidelity.
  • E*Trade.
  • Robinhood.
  • Interactive Brokers.
Mar 5, 2024

What is the tracking error in Bitcoin ETF? ›

Factors like intraday pricing deviations, market price variations and fund management efficiency contribute to tracking errors. For Bitcoin ETFs, several factors can influence tracking error, which is the deviation between the fund's returns and the performance of the underlying Bitcoin index or benchmark.

What is the best Hong Kong ETF to buy? ›

Table 1: Top 10 HKEX ETF RSP Return
Stock CodeExchange10 Year Return As at 30 April 2022 or since inception (if less than 10 Years)
6 more rows

Which bitcoin ETF pays the highest dividend? ›

Top 100 Highest Dividend Yield ETFs
SymbolNameDividend Yield
BITOProShares Bitcoin Strategy ETF58.61%
AIYYYieldMax AI Option Income Strategy ETF58.00%
TILLTeucrium Agricultural Strategy No K-1 ETF57.79%
KMETKraneShares Electrification Metals Strategy ETF57.25%
93 more rows

How can I invest in Bitcoin ETF? ›

Buy through your brokerage

iShares Funds are available through online brokerage firms. All iShares ETFs trade commission free online through Fidelity. Carefully consider the Funds' investment objectives, risk factors, and charges and expenses before investing.

Does Charles Schwab have a Bitcoin ETF? ›

Clients looking for spot bitcoin ETFs or spot ether ETFs can find these and other third-party ETF and mutual fund products available at Schwab.

What does HK mean in stocks? ›

Hong Kong Stock Exchange
Logo of Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing, owner of SEHK
No. of listings2,621 (August 2024)
Market capHK$31.8 trillion (US$4.06 trillion) (August 2024)
8 more rows

What is the meaning of ETF in China? ›

The term China ETF refers to an exchange-traded fund (ETF) that invests in Chinese securities. Like other ETFs, shares are listed and traded on stock exchanges.

Is it safe to have ETF? ›

Key Takeaways. ETFs can be safe investments if used correctly, offering diversification and flexibility. Indexed ETFs, tracking specific indexes like the S&P 500, are generally safe and tend to gain value over time. Leveraged ETFs can be used to amplify returns, but they can be riskier due to increased volatility.

What is the code for Bitcoin ETF? ›

The codes of 11 ETFs are: ARKB, BITB, FBTC, EZBC, GBTC, DEFI, BTCO, IBIT, BRRR, HODL, BTCW. Step 2 - How to trade Bitcoin ETF: ETF page> Trading. Open the ETF quote page, click Trading, and select the buy or sell direction.

What is the stock code 700 in Hong Kong? ›

700 | Tencent Holdings Ltd.

What is the stock code 123 in Hong Kong? ›

123 | Yuexiu Property Co. Ltd.

What is the stock code 711 Hong Kong? ›

Asia Allied Infrastructure Holdings Limited (0711.HK) Stock Price, News, Quote & History - Yahoo Finance.

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Author: Gregorio Kreiger

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Name: Gregorio Kreiger

Birthday: 1994-12-18

Address: 89212 Tracey Ramp, Sunside, MT 08453-0951

Phone: +9014805370218

Job: Customer Designer

Hobby: Mountain biking, Orienteering, Hiking, Sewing, Backpacking, Mushroom hunting, Backpacking

Introduction: My name is Gregorio Kreiger, I am a tender, brainy, enthusiastic, combative, agreeable, gentle, gentle person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.