CLI commands (2024)

show command


show interfaces tunnel [<Tunnel-ID-List> | brief | type {intercept | tap [<Interface-Index> | statistics [<Interface-Index>]]}]Description: Show tunnel configuration and status information.Tunnel-ID-List Summary of network traffic handled by the tunnels.brief Lists all tunnels created and their status.type Specifies the service tunnel type.intercept Shows all intercept service tunnels.tap Shows all tap service tunnels.Interface-Index Status for specific intercept or tap service tunnel. statistics Statistics for all intercept or tap service tunnels.

Example: intercept

The show interface tunnel type intercept command displays all the intercept tunnel information.

HP-E8206zl# show interface tunnel type interceptStatus – Service Tunnel Information Brief Max. Supported Tunnels : 16Total Tunnels : 1 Interface Index : 1000000001Name : ServiceTunnel-01Key : 9991001Local IP Address : IP Address : State : UpInterface Index : 1000000002Name : ServiceTunnel-02Key : 9991002Local IP Address : IP Address : State : Up

Example: intercept <Interface-Index>

The show interface tunnel type intercept <Interface-Index> command displays the specific intercept tunnel information.

HP-E8206zl(config)# show interface tunnel type intercept 1000000001Service Tunnel Configuration Interface Index : 1000000001Name : ServiceTunnel-01Key : 9991001Local IP Address : IP Address : Value : 0TTL :64MTU :1280StatusInterface State : UpInterface Down Reason :Destination Address Route :Next Hop IP :Next Hop Interface :Next Hop IP Link Status :Source Address : Egress Port :

Example: tap

The show interface tunnel type tap command displays all the tap tunnel information.

HP-E8206zl# show interface tunnel type tapStatus – Service Tunnel Information BriefMax. Supported Tunnels : 4Total Tunnels : 1 Interface Index : 1000000001 Name : ServiceTunnel-01 Key : 9991001 Local IP Address : Remote IP Address : Interface State : Up Interface Index : 1000000002 Name : ServiceTunnel-02 Key : 9991002 Local IP Address : Remote IP Address : Interface State : Up

Example: tap <Interface-Index>

The show interface tunnel type tap <Interface-Index> command displays the specific intercept tunnel information.

HP-E8206zl(config)# show interface tunnel type intercept 1000000001Service Tunnel Configuration Interface Index : 1000000001Name : ServiceTunnel-01Key : 9991001Local IP Address : IP Address : Value : 0TTL :64MTU :1280StatusInterface State : UpInterface Down Reason :Destination Address Route :Next Hop IP :Next Hop Interface :Next Hop IP Link Status :Source Address : Egress Port :

Example: intercept statistics

The show interface tunnel type intercept statistics displays all the intercept tunnel statistics. The intercept tunnels show the RX and TX packet counters.

HP-E8206zl# show interface tunnel type intercept statisticsService Tunnel InformationAggregate Statistics Fragmented Packets Dropped (Rx) : Packets to Non-Existence Tunnel :Unknown Source MAC Packets Dropped (Rx) :MTU Violation Drop :Service Tunnel StatisticsInterface Index : 1000000001Name : ServiceTunnel-01Rx Packets : 0Tx Packets : 0Rx 5 Minute Weighted Average Rate (Pkts/sec): 0Tx 5 Minute Weighted Average Rate (Pkts/sec): 0Rx Heartbeat : 0Tx Heartbeat : 0Last Recv Heartbeat Timestamp : 01/01/90 00:00:00Interface Index : 1000000002Name : ServiceTunnel-02Rx Packets : 0Tx Packets : 0Rx 5 Minute Weighted Average Rate (Pkts/sec): 0Tx 5 Minute Weighted Average Rate (Pkts/sec): 0Rx Heartbeat : 0Tx Heartbeat : 0Last Recv Heartbeat Timestamp : 01/01/90 00:00:00

Example: intercept statistics <Interface-Index>

The show interface tunnel type intercept statistics <Interface-Index> command displays statistics for the specified tunnel interface.

HP-E8206zl# show interface tunnel type intercept statistics 1000000001Service Tunnel StatisticsInterface Index : 1000000001Name: ServiceTunnel-01Rx Packets : 0Tx Packets : 0Rx 5 Minute Weighted Average Rate (Pkts/sec): 0Tx 5 Minute Weighted Average Rate (Pkts/sec): 0Rx Heartbeat : 0Tx Heartbeat : 0Last Recv Heartbeat Timestamp : 01/01/90 00:00:00

Example: tap statistics

The show interface tunnel type intercept statistics command displays all the tap service statistics. The tap tunnels show the TX packet counters only.

HP-E8206zl# show interface tunnel type tap statistics Service Tunnel Information Aggregate Statistics MTU Violation Drop : Service Tunnel Statistics Interface Index : 1000000001 Name : ServiceTunnel-01 Tx Packets : 0 Tx 5 Minute Weighted Average Rate (Pkts/sec) : 0 Interface Index : 1000000002 Name : ServiceTunnel-02 Tx Packets : 0 Tx 5 Minute Weighted Average Rate (Pkts/sec) : 0 

Example: tap statistics <Interface-Index>

The show interface tunnel type tap statistics <Interface-Index> command displays the specific tap tunnel statistics configured on the switch.

HP-E8206zl# show interface tunnel type tap statistics 1000000001Service Tunnel Statistics Interface Index : 1000000001 Name : ServiceTunnel-01 Tx Packets : 0 Tx 5 Minute Weighted Average Rate (Pkts/sec) : 0 

show interface tunnel command

Example: show interface

The show interface tunnel command displays the tunnel information with supported fields. Unsupported fields are indicated with n/a. For the tunnel configuration , the possible Mode values are intercept or tap.

HP-E8206zl# show interface tunnelTunnel Configuration : Tunnel : 1000000001Tunnel Name : ServiceTunnel-01Tunnel Status : EnabledSource Address : Destination Address : Mode : Service Tunnel - intercept TOS : TTL : IPv6 : n/aMTU : Current Tunnel Status :Tunnel State : Up Destination Address Route: Next Hop IP : Next Hop Interface : Next Hop IP Link Status : Source Address : 

Example: show interface brief

The show interface tunnel brief command displays the tunnel information with supported fields.

HP-E8206zl# show interface tunnel briefTunnel : 1000000001Mode : Service Tunnel - Tap Source Address : Address : Configured Tunnel Status : Enabled Current Tunnel State : Up 

Example: show interface <Tunnel-ID-List>

The show interface tunnel <Tunnel-ID-List> command displays the tunnel information with supported fields. Unsupported fields are indicated with n/a.

HP-E8206zl# show interface tunnel 1000000001Tunnel Configuration : Tunnel : 10Tunnel Name : Tunnel Status : EnabledSource Address : Destination Address : Mode : Service Tunnel - Tap TOS : TTL : IPv6 : n/aMTU : Current Tunnel Status :Tunnel State : Up Destination Address Route: Next Hop IP : Next Hop Interface : vlan-1 Next Hop IP Link Status : Up Source Address : Egress Port : A1

Example: display interface brief

The display interface brief command displays the tunnel information with supported fields. Unsupported fields are indicated with n/a.

HP-E8206zl# display interface briefThe brief information of interface(s) under route mode:Link: ADM - administratively down; Stby - standbyProtocol: (s) - spoofingInterface Link Protocol Main IP Description1000000001 Down Enabled ServiceTunnel-01The brief information of interface(s) under bridge mode:Link: ADM - administratively down; Stby - standbySpeed or Duplex: (a)/A - auto; H - half; F - fullType: A - access; T - trunk; H - hybridInterface Link Speed Duplex Type PVID Description A1 UP auto A n/a 1 

Example: display interface brief down

The display interface brief down command displays the tunnel information with supported fields. Unsupported fields are indicated with n/a.

HP-E8206zl# display interface brief downThe brief information of interface(s) under route mode:Link: ADM - administratively down; Stby - standbyInterface Link Cause1000000001 Down n/a The brief information of interface(s) under bridge mode:Link: ADM - administratively down; Stby - standbyInterface Link CauseA1 Down Not connected 

Example: display interface <Tunnel-ID-List>

The display interface tunnel <Tunnel-ID-List> command displays the tunnel information with supported fields. Unsupported fields are indicated with n/a.

HP-E8206zl# display interface tunnel1000000001 current state: DOWNLine protocol current state: n/aDescription: ServiceTunnel-74 InterfaceThe Maximum Transmit Unit is 0Internet Address is primaryEncapsulation is TUNNEL, Service-loopback-group ID n/aTunnel source10.10.10.1, destination bandwidth n/aTunnel protocol/transport GRE/IPLast clearing of counters:n/a Last 300 seconds input:n/a Last 300 seconds output:n/a 0 packets input,0 bytes 0 input error 0 packets output,0 bytes 0 output error

Clear command

The clear command deletes the service tunnels and clears the statistics on the switch.


HP-E8206zl# clear interfaces tunnel type {intercept | tap} {all | <Interface-Index> | statistics [all | <Interface-Index>]}type Specify the Service Tunnel typeintercept Delete the Service Tunnel or reset the statistics for all the sessionsall Delete all Service Tunnels of type interceptInterface-Index Delete a specific Service Tunnel of type interceptstatistics Reset the statistics of the Service Tunnel of type intercept

Example: clear intercept all

HP-E8206zl# clear interfaces tunnel type intercept allThis command will delete all the Service Tunnels of type intercept. Make sure the tunnels are not in use by any application. Continue (y/n)?

Example: clear intercept <Interface-Index>

HP-E8206zl# clear interfaces tunnel type intercept 1000000001This command will delete the specified Service Tunnel of type intercept. Make sure the tunnel is not in use by any application. Continue (y/n)?

Example: clear interfaces tunnel type tap all

HP-E8206zl# clear interfaces tunnel type tap all This command will delete all the Service Tunnels of type tap. Make sure the tunnels are not in use by any application. Continue (y/n)?

Example: clear tap <Interface-Index>

HP-E8206zl# clear interfaces tunnel type tap 1000000001 This command will delete the specified Service Tunnel of type tap. Make sure the tunnel is not in use by any application. Continue (y/n)?

Show monitor

The show command lists any mirror sessions that are free for mirroring as well as tap tunnel configuration.


HP-8206zl(config)# show monitorThere are no Remote Mirroring endpoints currently assigned.Network Monitoring Sessions Status Type Sources Mirror-Policy -------- ----------- ----- ------- ------------- 1 active port 1 No 2 not defined 3 Reserved by VXLAN 4 Reserved by Service Insertion Tap Tunnel

Debug command

The debug command enables Service tunnel event debug messages. To view the debug messages, execute the command show debug buffer or show debug logging.


debug tunnel {intercept [heartbeat] | tap}

Example: debug tunnel intercept

HP-E8206zl# debug tunnel intercept heartbeatDescription: Enable heartbeat debug logging for Service Tunnel of type intercept

Example: debug tunnel tap

HP-E8206zl# debug tunnel tap

Show Tech Service Tunnel command

The show tech tunnel command displays output for the intercept or tap tunnel type and is used by technical support.


HP-5406zl# show tech tunnel {intercept | tap}

Example: show tech tunnel intercept

HP-5406zl# show tech tunnel interceptshow interfaces tunnel type interceptStatus - Service Tunnel Information BriefMax. Supported Tunnels : 16 Total Tunnels : 2Interface Index : 100663627 Name : ServiceTunnel-02 Key : 212Local Address : Remote Address : State : DownInterface Index : 100663626 Name : ServiceTunnel-01Key : 212Local Address : Remote Address : Interface State : Down show interfaces tunnel type intercept statisticsService Tunnel InformationAggregate StatisticsFragmented Packets Dropped (Rx) : 0 Packets to Non-Existent Tunnel : 0 Unknown Source MAC Packets Dropped (Rx) : 0 MTU Violation Drop : 0 Service Tunnel StatisticsInterface Index : 100663627 Name : ServiceTunnel-02 Rx Packets : 0 Tx Packets : 0 Rx 5 Minute Weighted Average Rate (Pkts/sec) : 0Tx 5 Minute Weighted Average Rate (Pkts/sec) : 0 Rx Heartbeat : 0Tx Heartbeat : 0 Last Received Heartbeat Timestamp : 01/01/90 00:00:00 Interface Index : 100663626 Name : ServiceTunnel-01Rx Packets : 0 Tx Packets : 0 Rx 5 Minute Weighted Average Rate (Pkts/sec) : 0Tx 5 Minute Weighted Average Rate (Pkts/sec) : 0 Rx Heartbeat : 0 Tx Heartbeat : 0 Last Received Heartbeat Timestamp : 01/01/90 00:00:00 ifmShowIPv4ServiceTunnelsMax. Supported Tunnels : 16Total Tunnels : 2show arpIP ARP table IP Address MAC Address Type Port --------------- ----------------- ------- ----show ip route IP Route EntriesDestination Gateway VLAN Type Sub-Type Metric Dist.------------------ --------------- ---- --------- ---------- ---------- ----- reject static 0 0 lo0 connected 1 0show ipInternet (IP) ServiceIP Routing : DisabledDefault Gateway : Default TTL : 64Arp Age : 20Domain Suffix :DNS server : | Proxy ARP VLAN | IP Config IP Address Subnet Mask Std Local-------------------- + ---------- --------------- --------------- ----------DEFAULT_VLAN | DHCP/BootpVLAN5 | Manual No NoVLAN6 | Manual No Noshow mac-addressStatus and Counters - Port Address TableMAC Address Port VLAN------------- ----- ----tgTunnelShowTechSI Tunnel Show TechTunnel Glue Uport Table---------------------------------------------------------Index noRoleIndex UifIndex IPort Status---------------------------------------------------------0 150995326 134218110 53 Allocated OpenFlow Status : DisabledTunnel Glue Tunnel Entry Table-------------------------------------------------------------Tunnel Interface Status0 100663626 Established1 100663627 Established-----------------------------------------------Tunnel Information for Tunnel : 0-----------------------------------------------PvGre Tunnel Entries at Tunnel GlueifIndex : 100663626TGstatus : ESTABLISHEDFDstatus : ESTABLISHEDTCAMstatus : ESTABLISHEDUPORTstatus : ESTABLISHEDBefore : 16After : 1Uport : 0HwLogPort : 209gatewayIf : 0outLPortIf : 0GRE_key : 212encapType : 4vlan_id : 1gatewayMacAddr: 000000-000000srcMacAddr : 2C59E5-0F20C0TTL : 64MTU : 1468TOS : 0Bandwidth : 1024Tunnel Status : Down No RouteCurrent Rx Counter Rate(HIT) : 0 Packets per secondCurrent Tx Counter Rate(FRAME) : 0 Packets per secondWeighed 5 minute average Rx Counter Rate(HIT) : 0 Packets per secondWeighed 5 minute average Tx Counter Rate(FRAME): 0 Packets per secondlocalIpAddr : : :| Tunnel IOCTL info |------------------------------------------------Rx Counter(HIT) : 0Tx Counter(FRAME) : 0----------------------------------------------- Tunnel Information for Tunnel : 1-----------------------------------------------PvGre Tunnel Entries at Tunnel GlueifIndex : 100663627TGstatus : ESTABLISHEDFDstatus : ESTABLISHEDTCAMstatus : ESTABLISHEDUPORTstatus : ESTABLISHEDBefore : 0After : 16Uport : 0HwLogPort : 209gatewayIf : 0outLPortIf : 0GRE_key : 212encapType : 4vlan_id : 1gatewayMacAddr: 000000-000000 srcMacAddr : 2C59E5-0F20C0 TTL : 64MTU : 1468TOS : 0Bandwidth : 1024Tunnel Status : Down No RouteCurrent Rx Counter Rate(HIT): 0 Packets per secondCurrent Tx Counter Rate(FRAME): 0 Packets per secondWeighed 5 minute average Rx Counter Rate(HIT): 0 Packets per secondWeighed 5 minute average Tx Counter Rate(FRAME): 0 Packets per secondlocalIpAddr : : :| Tunnel IOCTL info |------------------------------------------------Rx Counter(HIT) : 0Tx Counter(FRAME) : 0-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| Tunnel IOCTL info |------------------------------------------------Global Counter(FRAG) : 0Global Counter(DENY) : 0Global Counter(Uport Hit) : 0Global Counter(SA MAC drop) : 0Global Counter(MTU violation): 0-----------------------------------------------PvGre Tunnel Entries at Tunnel Glue---------------TGindex : 0Uport : 0EncapType : 4Vlan ID : 1---------------TGindex : 1Uport : 0EncapType : 4Vlan ID : 1tunnelIndexDumpifIndex tunnel idx ttl MTU lp status frame tos count ------- ---------- ----- ---- ---- ------ --------- ---0x0600014a 0x1c10 0x0040 0x05c5 00d1 (E) 0x00000000 0x000x0600014b 0x1c11 0x0040 0x05c5 00d1 (E) 0x00000000 0x00IPATunnelshowTunnel Table============Number of Configured Tunnels: 0Number of si Tunnels: 2Number of Remote Mirror Tunnels: 0 Rte ArpIfIndex Type Prot Flags Vrf Rtdesc Rtdesc localIpAddr/remoteIpAddr------- ----- ----- ------ ----- ------ ------ ------------------------100663626 5 47 0x000a 0 0 -1 5 47 0x000a 0 0 -1 2Sentinel Tunnels:IP : : 1unresolved: 0IP : : 1unresolved: 0IP : : 0unresolved: 0IP : : 0unresolved: 0IP : : 0unresolved: 0IP : : 0unresolved: 0IP : : 0unresolved: 0IP : : 0unresolved: 0IP : : 0unresolved: 0IP : : 0unresolved: 0IP : : 0unresolved: 0IP : : 0unresolved: 0IP : : 0unresolved: 0IP : : 0unresolved: 0IP : : 0unresolved: 0IP : : 0unresolved: 0Slot 1tunnelReadslot a:-------| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | || | | T | | | | | | | | | F | | | | | || | T | U | | | | | | | | | R | | | | | || | U | N | | | | | | | | | A | M | | | | || | N | N | | | | | | |L | | M | T | | | | || I | N | E | S | D | | | G | |O | | E | U | | | | || F | E | L | R | S | S | D | R | |G | | | | | | | || I | L | | C | T | R | S | E | | | E | C | C | | | | || N | | P | | | C | T | | V | P | N | O | O | | | | || D | R | O | M | M | | | K | L |O | C | U | U | M | T| T| C|| E | A | R | A | A | I | I | E | A |R | A | N | N | T | T| O| O|| X | M | T | C | C | P | P | Y | N |T | P | T | T | U | L| S| S||600014a|0010|1c10|2c59e50f20c0|000000000000|1e1e1e29|32323239|000000d4|0000|00d1|GREv4|000000000|000000000|000005c5|40|00|01||600014b|0011|1c11|2c59e50f20c0|000000000000|0100000a|32323239|000000d4|0000|00d1|GREv4|000000000|000000000|000005c5|40|00|01|=== The command has completed successfully. ===

Example: show tech tunnel tap

HP-5406zl# show tech tunnel tapshow interfaces tunnel type tap Status - Service Tunnel Information Brief Max. Supported Tunnels : 4 Total Tunnels : 2 Interface Index : 100663627 Name : ServiceTunnel-02 Key : 212 Local Address : Remote Address : Interface State : Down Interface Index : 100663626 Name : ServiceTunnel-01 Key : 212 Local Address : Remote Address : Interface State : Down show interfaces tunnel type tap statistics Service Tunnel Information Aggregate Statistics MTU Violation Drop : 0 Service Tunnel StatisticsInterface Index : 100663627 Name : ServiceTunnel-02 Tx Packets : 0 Tx 5 Minute Weighted Average Rate (Pkts/sec) : 0 Tx Heartbeat : 0 Interface Index : 100663626 Name : ServiceTunnel-01 Tx Packets : 0 Tx 5 Minute Weighted Average Rate (Pkts/sec) : 0 Tx Heartbeat : 0 ifmShowIPv4ServiceTunnelsMax. Supported Tunnels : 16Total Tunnels : 2show arp IP ARP table IP Address MAC Address Type Port --------------- ----------------- ------- ----show ip route IP Route Entries Destination Gateway VLAN Type Sub-Type Metric Dist. ------------------ --------------- ---- --------- ---------- ---------- ----- reject static 0 0 lo0 connected 1 0 show ip Internet (IP) Service IP Routing : Disabled Default Gateway : Default TTL : 64 Arp Age : 20 Domain Suffix : DNS server : | Proxy ARP VLAN | IP Config IP Address Subnet Mask Std Local -------------------- + ---------- --------------- --------------- ---------- DEFAULT_VLAN | DHCP/Bootp VLAN5 | Manual No No VLAN6 | Manual No No show mac-address Status and Counters - Port Address Table MAC Address Port VLAN ------------- ----- ---- tgTunnelShowTechSI Tunnel Show TechTunnel Glue Uport Table ---------------------------------------------------------Index noRoleIndex UifIndex IPort Status---------------------------------------------------------0 150995326 134218110 53 AllocatedOpenFlow Status : DisabledTunnel Glue Tunnel Entry Table -------------------------------------------------------------Tunnel Interface Status-------------------------------------------------------------0 100663626 Established1 100663627 Established----------------------------------------------- Tunnel Information for Tunnel : 0-----------------------------------------------PvGre Tunnel Entries at Tunnel GlueifIndex : 100663626TGstatus : ESTABLISHEDFDstatus : ESTABLISHEDTCAMstatus : ESTABLISHEDUPORTstatus : ESTABLISHEDBefore : 16After : 1Uport : 0HwLogPort : 209gatewayIf : 0outLPortIf : 0GRE_key : 212encapType : 4vlan_id : 1gatewayMacAddr: 000000-000000 srcMacAddr : 2C59E5-0F20C0 TTL : 64MTU : 1468TOS : 0Bandwidth : 1024Tunnel Status : Down No RouteCurrent Tx Counter Rate(FRAME): 0 Packets per secondWeighed 5 minute average Tx Counter Rate(FRAME): 0 Packets per secondlocalIpAddr : : :| Tunnel IOCTL info |------------------------------------------------Tx Counter(FRAME) : 0----------------------------------------------- Tunnel Information for Tunnel : 1-----------------------------------------------PvGre Tunnel Entries at Tunnel GlueifIndex : 100663627TGstatus : ESTABLISHEDFDstatus : ESTABLISHEDTCAMstatus : ESTABLISHEDUPORTstatus : ESTABLISHEDBefore : 0After : 16Uport : 0HwLogPort : 209gatewayIf : 0outLPortIf : 0GRE_key : 212encapType : 4vlan_id : 1gatewayMacAddr: 000000-000000 srcMacAddr : 2C59E5-0F20C0 TTL : 64MTU : 1468TOS : 0Bandwidth : 1024Tunnel Status : Down No RouteCurrent Tx Counter Rate(FRAME): 0 Packets per secondWeighed 5 minute average Tx Counter Rate(FRAME): 0 Packets per secondlocalIpAddr : : :| Tunnel IOCTL info |------------------------------------------------Tx Counter(FRAME) : 0-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| Tunnel IOCTL info |------------------------------------------------Global Counter(FRAG) : 0Global Counter(DENY) : 0Global Counter(Uport Hit) : 0Global Counter(SA MAC drop) : 0Global Counter(MTU violation): 0-----------------------------------------------PvGre Tunnel Entries at Tunnel Glue---------------TGindex : 0Uport : 0EncapType : 4Vlan ID : 1---------------TGindex : 1Uport : 0EncapType : 4Vlan ID : 1tunnelIndexDumpifIndex tunnel idx ttl MTU lp status frame tos count ------- ---------- ----- ---- ---- ------ --------- --- 0x0600014a 0x1c10 0x0040 0x05c5 00d1 (E) 0x00000000 0x000x0600014b 0x1c11 0x0040 0x05c5 00d1 (E) 0x00000000 0x00IPATunnelshowTunnel Table============Number of Configured Tunnels: 0Number of si Tunnels: 2Number of Remote Mirror Tunnels: 0 Rte ArpIfIndex Type Prot Flags Vrf Rtdesc Rtdesc localIpAddr/remoteIpAddr------- ----- ----- ------ ----- ------ ------ ------------------------100663626 5 47 0x000a 0 0 -1 5 47 0x000a 0 0 -1 2Sentinel Tunnels: IP : VLAN : 1 unresolved: 0 IP : VLAN : 1 unresolved: 0 IP : VLAN : 0 unresolved: 0IP : VLAN : 0 unresolved: 0 IP : VLAN : 0 unresolved: 0 IP : VLAN : 0 unresolved: 0 IP : VLAN : 0 unresolved: 0 IP : VLAN : 0 unresolved: 0 IP : VLAN : 0 unresolved: 0 IP : VLAN : 0 unresolved: 0 IP : VLAN : 0 unresolved: 0 IP : VLAN : 0 unresolved: 0 IP : VLAN : 0 unresolved: 0 IP : VLAN : 0 unresolved: 0 IP : VLAN : 0 unresolved: 0 IP : VLAN : 0 unresolved: 0Slot 1tunnelReadslot a:-------| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | || | | T | | | | | | | | | F | | | | | || | T | U | | | | | | | | | R | | | | | || | U | N | | | | | | | | | A | M | | | | || | N | N | | | | | | | L | | M | T | | | | || I | N | E | S | D | | | G | | O | | E | U | | | | || F | E | L | R | S | S | D | R | | G | | | | | | | || I | L | | C | T | R | S | E | | | E | C | C | | | | || N | | P | | | C | T | | V | P | N | O | O | | | | || D | R | O | M | M | | | K | L | O | C | U | U | M | T| T| C|| E | A | R | A | A | I | I | E | A | R | A | N | N | T | T| O| O|| X | M | T | C | C | P | P | Y | N | T | P | T | T | U | L| S| S||600014a|0010|1c10|2c59e50f20c0|000000000000|1e1e1e29|32323239|000000d4|0000|00d1|GREv4|000000000|000000000|000005c5|40|00|01||600014b|0011|1c11|2c59e50f20c0|000000000000|0100000a|32323239|000000d4|0000|00d1|GREv4|000000000|000000000|000005c5|40|00|01|=== The command has completed successfully. ===
CLI commands (2024)
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Name: Sen. Emmett Berge

Birthday: 1993-06-17

Address: 787 Elvis Divide, Port Brice, OH 24507-6802

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Job: Senior Healthcare Specialist

Hobby: Cycling, Model building, Kitesurfing, Origami, Lapidary, Dance, Basketball

Introduction: My name is Sen. Emmett Berge, I am a funny, vast, charming, courageous, enthusiastic, jolly, famous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.