Code Optimization in Compiler Design - GeeksforGeeks (2024)

Last Updated : 04 Sep, 2024




Code optimization is a crucial phase in compiler design aimed at enhancing the performance and efficiency of the executable code. By improving the quality of the generated machine code optimizations can reduce execution time, minimize resource usage, and improve overall system performance. This process involves the various techniques and strategies applied during compilation to produce more efficient code without altering the program’s functionality.

The code optimization in the synthesis phase is a program transformation technique, which tries to improve the intermediate code by making it consume fewer resources (i.e. CPU, Memory) so that faster-running machine code will result. The compiler optimizing process should meet the following objectives:

  • The optimization must be correct, it must not, in any way, change the meaning of the program.
  • Optimization should increase the speed and performance of the program.
  • The compilation time must be kept reasonable.
  • The optimization process should not delay the overall compiling process.

When to Optimize?

Optimization of the code is often performed at the end of the development stage since it reduces readability and adds code that is used to increase performance.

Why Optimize?

Optimizing an algorithm is beyond the scope of the code optimization phase. So the program is optimized. And it may involve reducing the size of the code. So, optimization helps to:

  • Reduce the space consumed and increases the speed of compilation.
  • Manually analyzing datasets involves a lot of time. Hence, we make use of software like Tableau for data analysis. Similarly, manually performing the optimization is also tedious and is better done using a code optimizer.
  • An optimized code often promotes re-usability.

Types of Code Optimization

The optimization process can be broadly classified into two types:

  • Machine Independent Optimization: This code optimization phase attempts to improve the intermediate code to get a better target code as the output. The part of the intermediate code which is transformed here does not involve any CPU registers or absolute memory locations.
  • Machine Dependent Optimization: Machine-dependent optimization is done after the target code has been generated and when the code is transformed according to the target machine architecture. It involves CPU registers and may have absolute memory references rather than relative references. Machine-dependent optimizers put efforts to take maximum advantage of the memory hierarchy.

Ways to Optimize Code

There are several ways to optimize code. Some of them are mentioned below.

1. Compile Time Evaluation:

(i) A = 2*(22.0/7.0)*r  Perform 2*(22.0/7.0)*r at compile time. (ii) x = 12.4  y = x/2.3  Evaluate x/2.3 as 12.4/2.3 at compile time.

2. Variable Propagation:

//Before Optimization c = a * b x = a till d = x * b + 4   //After Optimization c = a * b x = a till d = a * b + 4

3. Constant Propagation:

  • If the value of a variable is a constant, then replace the variable with the constant. The variable may not always be a constant.


(i) A = 2*(22.0/7.0)*r  Performs 2*(22.0/7.0)*r at compile time.(ii) x = 12.4 y = x/2.3  Evaluates x/2.3 as 12.4/2.3 at compile time.(iii) int k=2; if(k) go to L3; It is evaluated as :  go to L3 ( Because k = 2 which implies condition is always true)

4. Constant Folding:

  • Consider an expression : a = b op c and the values b and c are constants, then the value of a can be computed at compile time.


#define k 5x = 2 * k y = k + 5 This can be computed at compile time and the values of x and y are :  x = 10 y = 10

Note: Difference between Constant Propagation and Constant Folding:

  • In Constant Propagation, the variable is substituted with its assigned constant where as in Constant Folding, the variables whose values can be computed at compile time are considered and computed.

5. Copy Propagation:

  • It is extension of constant propagation.
  • After a is assigned to x, use a to replace x till a is assigned again to another variable or value or expression.
  • It helps in reducing the compile time as it reduces copying.

Example :

 //Before Optimization  c = a * b  x = a  till  d = x * b + 4   //After Optimization  d = a * b + 4

6. Common Sub Expression Elimination:

  • In the above example, a*b and x*b is a common sub expression.

7. Dead Code Elimination:

  • Copy propagation often leads to making assignment statements into dead code.
  • A variable is said to be dead if it is never used after its last definition.
  • In order to find the dead variables, a data flow analysis should be done.


8. Unreachable Code Elimination:

  • First, Control Flow Graph should be constructed.
  • The block which does not have an incoming edge is an Unreachable code block.
  • After constant propagation and constant folding, the unreachable branches can be eliminated.
#include <iostream>using namespace std;int main() { int num; num=10; cout << "GFG!"; return 0; cout << num; //unreachable code}//after elimination of unreachable codeint main() { int num; num=10; cout << "GFG!"; return 0; }

9. Function Inlining:

  • Here, a function call is replaced by the body of the function itself.
  • This saves a lot of time in copying all the parameters, storing the return address, etc.

10. Function Cloning:

  • Here, specialized codes for a function are created for different calling parameters.
  • Example: Function Overloading

11. Induction Variable and Strength Reduction:

  • An induction variable is used in the loop for the following kind of assignment i = i + constant. It is a kind of Loop Optimization Technique.
  • Strength reduction means replacing the high strength operator with a low strength.


Example 1 : Multiplication with powers of 2 can be replaced by shift left operator which is less expensive than multiplicationa=a*16 // Can be modified as : a = a<<4Example 2 : i = 1; while (i<10) {  y = i * 4; }//After Reductioni = 1t = 4{  while( t<40)  y = t;  t = t + 4;}

Loop Optimization Techniques

1. Code Motion or Frequency Reduction:

  • The evaluation frequency of expression is reduced.
  • The loop invariant statements are brought out of the loop.


 a = 200; while(a&gt;0) { b = x + y; if (a % b == 0) printf(%d, a); } //This code can be further optimized as a = 200; b = x + y; while(a&gt;0) { if (a % b == 0} printf(%d, a); }

2. Loop Jamming

  • Two or more loops are combined in a single loop. It helps in reducing the compile time.


// Before loop jammingfor(int k=0;k<10;k++){ x = k*2;}for(int k=0;k<10;k++){ y = k+3;}//After loop jammingfor(int k=0;k<10;k++){ x = k*2; y = k+3;}

3. Loop Unrolling

  • It helps in optimizing the execution time of the program by reducing the iterations.
  • It increases the program’s speed by eliminating the loop control and test instructions.


//Before Loop Unrolling for(int i=0;i<2;i++){ printf("Hello");}//After Loop Unrollingprintf("Hello");printf("Hello");

Where to Apply Optimization?

Now that we learned the need for optimization and its two types,now let’s see where to apply these optimization.

  • Source program: Optimizing the source program involves making changes to the algorithm or changing the loop structures. The user is the actor here.
  • Intermediate Code: Optimizing the intermediate code involves changing the address calculations and transforming the procedure calls involved. Here compiler is the actor.
  • Target Code: Optimizing the target code is done by the compiler. Usage of registers, and select and move instructions are part of the optimization involved in the target code.
  • Local Optimization: Transformations are applied to small basic blocks of statements. Techniques followed are Local Value Numbering and Tree Height Balancing.
  • Regional Optimization: Transformations are applied to Extended Basic Blocks. Techniques followed are Super Local Value Numbering and Loop Unrolling.
  • Global Optimization: Transformations are applied to large program segments that include functions, procedures, and loops. Techniques followed are Live Variable Analysis and Global Code Replacement.
  • Interprocedural Optimization: As the name indicates, the optimizations are applied inter procedurally. Techniques followed are Inline Substitution and Procedure Placement.

Advantages of Code Optimization

  • Improved performance: Code optimization can result in code that executes faster and uses fewer resources, leading to improved performance.
  • Reduction in code size: Code optimization can help reduce the size of the generated code, making it easier to distribute and deploy.
  • Increased portability: Code optimization can result in code that is more portable across different platforms, making it easier to target a wider range of hardware and software.
  • Reduced power consumption: Code optimization can lead to code that consumes less power, making it more energy-efficient.
  • Improved maintainability: Code optimization can result in code that is easier to understand and maintain, reducing the cost of software maintenance.

Disadvantages of Code Optimization

  • Increased compilation time: Code optimization can significantly increase the compilation time, which can be a significant drawback when developing large software systems.
  • Increased complexity: Code optimization can result in more complex code, making it harder to understand and debug.
  • Potential for introducing bugs: Code optimization can introduce bugs into the code if not done carefully, leading to unexpected behavior and errors.
  • Difficulty in assessing the effectiveness: It can be difficult to determine the effectiveness of code optimization, making it hard to justify the time and resources spent on the process.


The Code optimization is a vital component of compiler design that focuses on the refining and enhancing the performance of generated machine code. Through various techniques like loop optimization, dead code elimination and constant folding, compilers can produce the more efficient code that executes faster and uses fewer resources. The Effective optimization contributes significantly to the overall efficiency and performance of software applications.

Code Optimization in Compiler Design – FAQs

What is the main goal of code optimization?

The main goal is to improve the performance of the executable code by the reducing execution time and minimizing resource usage while maintaining the program’s functionality.

What is loop unrolling?

The Loop unrolling is an optimization technique that involves expanding a loop’s body to the decrease the number of iterations and reduce loop control overhead.

How does dead code elimination improve performance?

By removing code that does not affect the program’s output dead code elimination reduces the size of the code and improves execution speed.

What is the purpose of constant folding?

The Constant folding evaluates constant expressions at compile time and replaces them with their results to reduce runtime computations and improve performance.

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Code Optimization in Compiler Design - GeeksforGeeks (2024)


Is code optimization hard? ›

Increased complexity: Code optimization can result in more complex code, making it harder to understand and debug. Potential for introducing bugs: Code optimization can introduce bugs into the code if not done carefully, leading to unexpected behavior and errors.

What is local optimization in compiler design? ›

Local optimization refers to a search technique in computer science where a randomly generated hypothesis is iteratively improved using a greedy algorithm with a set of operators.

What is the purpose of code optimization in compiler design? ›

The goal of code optimization is to discover, at compile time, information about the runtime behavior of the program and to use that information to improve the code that the compiler generates. Improvement can take many forms. The most common goal of optimization is to make the compiled code run faster.

What is optimization of basic blocks in compiler design? ›

Optimization of basic blocks can be machine-dependent or machine-independent. These transformations are useful for improving the quality of code that will be ultimately generated from basic block. There are two types of basic block optimizations: Structure preserving transformations.

What is the hardest thing to learn in coding? ›

Here are five of the toughest parts about learning to code and what you can do to not let them get you down.
  • Developing a plan and sticking to it. ...
  • Applying to your first job. ...
  • Avoiding tutorial hell. ...
  • Learning something new. ...
  • Being okay with failure.
Feb 8, 2022

How long does it take to code fluently? ›

Generally, most people can learn basic coding skills in as little as three to four months. Developing more profound programming knowledge takes most people between six months and a year. The process of learning to program requires you to learn new concepts and languages, such as HTML, Java, or Python.

What are the four optimization techniques used in the compiler? ›

Code optimization in a compiler is achieved through techniques like loop optimization, constant folding, dead code elimination, and strength reduction. Loop optimization is a technique where the compiler makes changes to the loop structure to reduce the overhead of loop control.

Is GCC an optimizing compiler? ›

The compiler optimizes to reduce the size of the binary instead of execution speed. If you do not specify an optimization option, gcc attempts to reduce the compilation time and to make debugging always yield the result expected from reading the source code.

What is the default optimization level for GCC? ›

Some optimizations reduce the size of the resulting machine code, while others try to create code that is faster, potentially increasing its size. For completeness, the default optimization level is zero, which provides no optimization at all. This can be explicitly specified with option -O or -O0.

What is an example of code optimization? ›

Machine-independent Optimization

For example: do { item = 10; value = value + item; } while(value<100); This code involves repeated assignment of the identifier item, which if we put this way: Item = 10; do { value = value + item; } while(value<100);

Do compilers optimize code? ›

Special-purpose use: If the software is compiled for machines with uniform characteristics, then the compiler can heavily optimize the generated code to those machines.

How to write optimized code? ›

How do you optimize your code quickly?
  1. Identify the bottlenecks.
  2. Apply the 80/20 rule. Be the first to add your personal experience.
  3. Choose the right data structures and algorithms. Be the first to add your personal experience.
  4. Use built-in or standard libraries. ...
  5. Follow coding best practices. ...
  6. Here's what else to consider.
Aug 31, 2023

What is optimal code in compiler design? ›

Role of Code Optimization

It is the fifth stage of a compiler, and it allows you to choose whether or not to optimize your code, making it really optional. It aids in reducing the storage space and increases compilation speed. It takes source code as input and attempts to produce optimal code.

What are two types of optimisation? ›

Answer. The two types of optimization are "Media mix optimization" and "Channel optimization." Media mix optimization involves finding the most effective allocation of resources across different advertising channels to maximise overall performance.

What are the techniques of optimization? ›

The three primary techniques for optimization are classical, numerical, and evolutionary, and each is now described. Classical optimization methods: These methods can be employed to find the optimal solution of problems involving continuous and differentiable functions.

Is coding a very hard job? ›

Is programming hard if you take on everything at once? Definitely, but if you focus on a specific language at a time, you can easily master it. There are a lot of programming languages to choose from, and it can be difficult to pick one. But don't worry, you don't have to learn every language out there.

How hard is it to break into coding? ›

Yes, it can get complicated if you try to do too much too soon—without help, a purpose, or learning fundamental skills. But then no, it's also not hard to learn to code if you start learning where you're at. It's easier when you start with foundational skills, like-minded people, mentors, and a goal in mind.

How hard is coding actually? ›

No, coding is not hard to learn; however, it can initially seem intimidating. When learning anything new, the beginning can be challenging. Coding gets easier over time with patience and persistence. If you're considering learning how to code, it can be easy to focus on the difficulty.

What are the disadvantages of code optimization? ›

The principal advantage is that your code typically uses less CPU cycles, which means it runs faster and (usually) uses less power. This is a very significant advantage. Disadvantages: optimized code is usually harder to debug (the debugger cannot resolve as many symbolic expressions)

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Name: Chrissy Homenick

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Introduction: My name is Chrissy Homenick, I am a tender, funny, determined, tender, glorious, fancy, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.