Cold Storage: What It Is, How It Works, Theft Protection (2024)

What Is a Cold Wallet?

A cold wallet is used offline for storing bitcoins or other cryptocurrencies. With a cold wallet, also originally known as cold storage, the digital wallet is stored on a platform not connected to the internet, thereby protecting the wallet from unauthorized access, cyber hacks, and other vulnerabilities that a system connected to the internet is susceptible to.

Cold storage methods are useful for individual investors, but cryptocurrency exchanges and companies involved in the crypto space also make use of this type of wallet. Cold storage also can refer more broadly to other modes of operation for storing inactive data, such as data for regulatory compliance, video, photographs, and backup information.

Key Takeaways

  • Most cryptocurrency wallets are digital, but hackers can sometimes gain access to these storage tools in spite of security measures designed to prevent theft.
  • Cold wallets are a way of holding cryptocurrency tokens offline.
  • By using a cold wallet, cryptocurrency investors aim to prevent hackers from being able to access their holdings via traditional means.

Why Do You Need a Cold Wallet?

When a checking, savings, or credit card account with a traditional bank has been compromised, the bank is able to refund the lost or stolen money back to the account holder. However, if your cryptocurrency account or wallet has been compromised and your tokens have been stolen, the owner is unable to recover their coins. This is because most digital currencies are decentralized and do not have the backing of a central bank or government. So crypto investors must be cognizant of the security measures necessary to protect their tokens. Hence, there is a need for a safe and secure medium of storage for bitcoins and altcoins.

A bitcoin wallet is associated with the public and private keys of a bitcoin owner. All cryptocurrency storage methods involve the protection of these keys because they provide access to the tokens within the wallet. A cryptocurrency owner's private key is a unique string of alphanumeric characters required to access the user’s crypto holdings for spending purposes. The public key is akin to an account name or email address and helps to identify a destination for coins that are being sent to the wallet.

Two people making a transaction with a cryptocurrency like bitcoin, in which one is a seller and the other a buyer, will have to share their public keys with each other in order to complete the transaction. The buyer of the commodity or service sends the required number of bitcoins to the seller’s divulged address as payment and the blockchain verifies the validity of the transaction and confirms that the sender really has those funds to send. Once the payment has been delivered to the address, the receiver can only access the funds through their private key. It is, therefore, imperative for private keys to be kept secure because if stolen, the user’s bitcoins or altcoins could be unlocked and accessed from the address without authorization.

Cold vs. Hot Wallets: What's the Difference?

There are many ways of storing cryptocurrencies. Besides cold storage, one of the other most popular methods is known as "hot storage." Hot wallets are those that are always connected to the internet, including wallet apps and some wallets provided by cryptocurrency exchanges. What are the benefits of cold vs. hot storage for cryptocurrencies?

  • Cost: When it comes to cost, hot wallets generally win out. Most hot wallets are free. Cold wallet options range from free as well (in the case of a paper wallet, as described below) to up to $100 to $200 for various types of hardware wallets.
  • User experience: Because they are already connected to the internet, hot wallets tend to be the most convenient for users. There is no additional step of connecting the wallet online in order to facilitate a transfer of tokens.
  • Security: The primary way that cold wallets have an advantage over hot wallets is in security. Hot wallets are highly secure, thanks to various cryptographic protections. However, they cannot match the security of cold wallets overall.

To solve the dilemma of choosing a hot or cold wallet as a storage method, many crypto investors use both. It is common to hold a small portion of your cryptocurrency tokens in a hot wallet to facilitate easy transactions, and to keep the larger remainder of your holdings in a more-secure cold wallet.

How Do Cold Wallets Prevent Theft?

Private keys stored on a wallet connected to the internet are vulnerable to network-based theft. With a hot wallet, all the functions required to complete a transaction are made from a single online device. The wallet generates and stores private keys, digitally signs transactions using private keys, and broadcasts the signed transaction to the network.

The problem is that once the signed transactions have been broadcast online, an attacker crawling the networks may become privy to the private key used to sign the transaction.

How Does Cold Storage Work?

Cold storage resolves this issue by signing the transaction with the private keys in an offline environment. A cold storage method shouldn't have the ability to communicate with any other electronic device unless it is physically plugged into that device when you're accessing your keys.

Any transaction initiated online is temporarily transferred to an offline wallet kept on a device such as a USB drive, a compact disk (CD), hard drive, paper, or offline computer, where it is then digitally signed before it is transmitted to the online network. Because the private key does not come into contact with a server connected online during the signing process, even if an online hacker comes across the transaction, they would not be able to access the private key used for it. In exchange for this added security, the process of transferring to and from a cold wallet device is somewhat more burdensome than the process for a hot wallet.

As an example, if a crypto investor has tokens on a hardware wallet (see below for additional information), a cryptocurrency transaction to receive new tokens might look like this:

  1. The investor connects the hardware wallet to an internet-enabled computer.
  2. The investor selects the option to receive tokens. The device generates an address to facilitate the transaction.
  3. The sender initiates a transfer of tokens to the address generated above.
  4. The investor disconnects the hardware wallet, which contains the public and private keys, and the information remains offline.

Paper Wallets

The most basic form of cold storage is a paper wallet. A paper wallet is simply a document that has public and private keys written on it. In the case of a bitcoin paper wallet, a bitcoin holder can print the document from the bitcoin paper-wallet tool online with an offline printer. The paper wallet or document usually has a quick response (QR) code embedded on it so that it can easily be scanned and signed to make a transaction.

The drawback to this medium is that if the paper is lost, rendered illegible,or destroyed, the user will never be able to access the address where their funds are. If you choose this method, be sure to have a safe box or another secure storage method for the paper wallet itself.

Hardware Wallets

Another form of cold storage is a hardware wallet that uses an offline device or smartcard to generate private keys offline. The Ledger USB Wallet is an example of a hardware wallet that uses a smartcard to secure private keys. Two other popular hardware wallets are TREZOR and KeepKey. The device looks and functions like a USB drive; a computer and a Chrome-based app are required to store the private keys offline. You can use anything from a standard USB storage drive to an advanced device with a battery, Bluetooth, software, and other features. Like a paper wallet, it is essential to store this USB device and smartcard in a safe place, as any damage or loss could terminate access to the user’s bitcoins.

Air-gapped devices have no connection ability and are more secure than ones that can connect wirelessly. You can buy commercial hardware wallets from retailers and merchants; many are waterproof and virus-proof—some even support multi-signature ("multi-sig") transactions. Multi-sig is a cryptocurrency signature method that requires more than one user to approve a transaction using private keys.

Sound Wallets

Sound wallets are an obscure and expensive way to store your keys, depending on your chosen medium. Sound wallets involve encrypting and recording your private keys in sound files on products such as CDs or vinyl disks (records). The code hidden in these audio files can be deciphered using a spectroscope application or high-resolution spectroscope.

Deep Cold Storage

Placing your hardware wallet in your safe is secure but it isn't considered deep cold storage because it is easy for you to access. Deep cold storage is any method that is very inconvenient and requires time and effort to retrieve your keys. This could be anything from placing your hardware wallet in a waterproof container and burying it six feet down in your garden to using a third-party service that stores your cryptocurrency keys in a vault that requires multiple steps to access.

Burying your keys deep in the garden has several drawbacks, including lots of digging and remembering where you buried then, but so does the ultra-secure vault service. Vault services generally require your identity, proof of address, or other means of identification. Additionally, it can take hours or days to access your keys, depending on where they are physically stored.

Cryptocurrency funds held in deep cold storage are not readily accessible for transactions.

Offline Software Wallets

Finally, users looking for cold storage options can also opt for offline software wallets, which are quite similar to hardware wallets but are a more complex process for less-technical users. An offline software wallet splits a wallet into two accessible platforms—an offline wallet that contains the private keys and an online wallet that has the public keys stored. The online wallet generates new, unsigned transactions and sends the address of the user to the receiver or sender on the other end of the transaction. The unsigned transaction is moved to the offline wallet and signed with the private key. The signed transaction is then moved back to the online wallet, which broadcasts it to the network. Because the offline wallet never gets connected to the internet, its stored private keys remain secure. Electrum and Armory are often quoted as the best offline software wallets in the crypto economy.

Cryptocurrency users should ensure that the wallet of their choice is compatible with the coins they transact with or trade in, as not all wallets support all cryptocurrencies.

Is Cold Storage Best for Cryptocurrency?

Cold storage removes your private keys from your wallet, so it is currently the best method for storing your cryptocurrency private keys because it denies anyone access to them.

What Happens When You Put Cryptocurrency in Cold Storage?

When you place your keys in cold storage, they are removed from your wallet. You still see your cryptocurrency in your wallet because ownership is stored on the blockchain but you cannot use them until you move the keys you want to use back to your wallet.

Is Coinbase's Wallet Cold Storage?

The wallet provided by the exchange Coinbase is not cold storage. However, Coinbase offers a vault to all customers, which takes private keys and stores them offline. For institutions, the exchange provides cold storage through Coinbase Custody, a third-party fiduciary with offline storage.

Why Do We Need Cold Wallets?

Cold wallets are a way of holding cryptocurrency tokens offline to try to prevent hackers from being able to access the owner's holdings via traditional internet-hacking means.

How Does a Hot Wallet Compare to a Cold Wallet?

Hot wallets are usually free, so they cost less than cold wallets, but they offer less protection against theft or unauthorized use than cold wallets do. Because they are already connected to the internet, hot wallets tend to be the most convenient for users, as there is no additional step of connecting the wallet online to transfer tokens.

Cold Storage: What It Is, How It Works, Theft Protection (2024)


Why is cold storage more secure? ›

Because it's offline, cold storage offers excellent security for Bitcoin (CRYPTO:BTC) and other cryptocurrencies. Hackers won't be able to gain access to your crypto without it being connected to the internet.

How do you secure crypto cold storage? ›

Perhaps the most secure way to store cryptocurrency offline is via a paper wallet. A paper wallet is a cold wallet that you can generate off of certain websites. It then produces both public and private keys that you print out on a piece of paper.

Can Cold storage crypto be hacked? ›

Cold storage can protect your digital assets by taking them offline and harboring your crypto in a digital wallet. Since these digital wallets aren't connected to the internet, they're less susceptible to hacks.

Can people steal cold wallet? ›

Why Hardware Wallets (or Cold Wallets) are Superior to Hot Wallets. To put it simply, once your private keys are exposed to a bad actor, your cryptocurrency is no longer under your control and can easily be transferred to any place the hacker chooses.

What is cold storage security? ›

With a cold wallet, also originally known as cold storage, the digital wallet is stored on a platform not connected to the internet, thereby protecting the wallet from unauthorized access, cyber hacks, and other vulnerabilities that a system connected to the internet is susceptible to.

What happens if your cold storage wallet breaks? ›

If your hardware wallet is lost or damaged, as long as your recovery seed is intact, it is all good. You will just need a new hardware wallet or a compatible software wallet/app to access your coins.

Are cold wallets worth it? ›

A cold wallet offers a good solution for storing some of your cryptocurrencies safely. Just be aware that if you lose your cold storage or you forget your private keys, you might not get those coins back.

What is the most secure way to store your cryptocurrencies? ›

Offline crypto storage is widely considered the best option from a security perspective, and many platforms use it to protect most of their own crypto. While your crypto is offline, it can't be stolen by hackers. For large amounts of cryptocurrency, a cold wallet is a good investment.

How much does a cold wallet cost? ›

Most hot wallets are free to use. Cold wallets typically cost anywhere from $50 to $150.

What are the types of cold storage? ›

Types of Cold Storage
  • Potato Cold Storage Room.
  • Onion Cold Storage Room.
  • Red Meat Cold Storage Room.
  • Fish and Seafood Cold Storage Room.
  • Poultry Cold Storage Room.
  • Bakery Cold Storage Room.
  • Milk and Milk Products Cold Storage Room.
  • Apple Cold Storage Room.

How many Bitcoins are in cold storage? ›

Cryptocurrency exchange Coinbase holds approximately 994,904 Bitcoin in cold storage, according to ChainInfo, a Bitcoin analytics platform. By today's prices, this amounts to over $11 billion.

Which is more secure hot or cold wallet? ›

Winner: Cold wallets

Cold wallets aren't connected to the internet, so they're less vulnerable to online hacks or theft than a hot wallet.

Where can I hide a cold wallet? ›

For the ultimate in safety and peace of mind, you'll need to hide your hardware wallet away from any prying eyes.
  1. More Than Just the Hardware. ...
  2. Bathtub. ...
  3. Birdhouse. ...
  4. Books. ...
  6. Carpet. ...
  7. Geocaching. ...
  8. Lamps.
13 Dec 2019

Is cold storage safer than hot wallet? ›

Also known as “cold storage,” these wallets offer more security than hot wallets because they don't leave your cryptocurrency vulnerable in an online platform.

What are the two types of cold storage? ›

6 Major Types of Cold Storage
  • Bulk Cold Stores. ...
  • Multi-purpose Cold Stores. ...
  • Small Cold Stores. ...
  • Frozen Food Stores. ...
  • Mini Units/Walk-in Cold Stores. ...
  • Controlled Atmosphere (CA) Cold Stores.

What are the cold storage guidelines? ›

According to the food-safety rules, food must be cooled to 41°F or below within six hours after cooking/heating.
  • Properly cool food that is hot before refrigerating. ...
  • Store cold food items at a refrigerator temperature (40°F or lower) to stay below the 45°F temperature danger zone.

What called cold storage? ›

1. uncountable noun. If something such as food is put in cold storage, it is kept in an artificially-cooled place in order to preserve it. The strawberries are kept in cold storage to prevent them spoiling during transportation.

Which material is used for cold storage? ›

KPS Global uses polyurethane foam in walk-in coolers and freezers as well as for scientific chambers due to its strong thermal performance. We also use expanded polystyrene for large cold storage applications as it is a cost-effective option and the additional depth is not typically an issue.

What is the effect of cold storage? ›

Cold storage temperature can also affect juice content, fruit firmness, weight loss, reduction of pulp content, decrease of soluble nutrients rate, pH, changes in the pigmentation like internal browning, bleaching, skin/peel darkening, changes in texture, increased rates of electrolyte leakage, surface lesions, failure ...

What if my Ledger is stolen? ›

No problem! Losing your Ledger device does not mean losing your crypto! Your PIN – which only you can ever know – prevents anyone else from using the device, while your securely stored recovery phrase keeps you linked with your precious blockchain addresses, so you can access your accounts no matter what.

What is a 24 word recovery phrase? ›

Your 24-word recovery phrase serves as a backup to all your private keys. As long as you have your recovery phrase, you will always be able to regain access to your crypto assets. You can restore any Ledger device from your recovery phrase to recover the wallet configuration and access your funds.

How long do cold wallets last? ›

It seems like the general consensus on how long the actual cryptographic chip in the Ledger and Trezor devices will last is ~20-30 years, comparable to a standard flash drive.

Can I use my phone as a cold wallet? ›

Many find this more convenient than a hardware wallet, while also offering the peace of mind that comes with knowing your cryptocurrency is safe and secure. This method of using a secondary phone as a cold wallet would be more secure than a typical mobile hot wallet but less secure than a hardware cold wallet.

Can a cold wallet fail? ›

Like a software wallet, if your cold storage device is lost or destroyed, you can still recover your funds as long as you still have the recovery phrase you set the device up with.

What are examples of cold wallets? ›

Examples of cold wallets include hardware wallets and paper wallets.

How do you set up a cold wallet? ›

How to use a cold wallet?
  1. Turn on your cold wallet and follow the on-screen instructions. ...
  2. Write down the 24-word seed phrase and store it somewhere safe. ...
  3. You might need to install apps on your cold wallet to access different cryptocurrencies, NFTs, or other digital assets.
2 Aug 2022

Where is the least safe place to keep your cryptocurrency? ›

Where is the LEAST SAFE place to keep your cryptocurrency? Answer : On an exchange.

How many Bitcoins are left? ›

How Many Bitcoins Are There Now in Circulation?
Total BTC in Existence19,219,825
Bitcoins Left to Be Mined1,780,175.0
% of Bitcoins Issued91.523%
New Bitcoins per Day900
Mined Bitcoin Blocks765,172

How do you scan a cold wallet? ›

1. Cold wallet: Click on “Receive” to display the QR code of the cold wallet. 2. Hot wallet: Click on "Add Wallet" on the top right of the homepage, select "Import Watch Wallet", and then scan the QR code of the cold wallet to add its watch wallet.

Can you backup a cold wallet? ›

Due to their ease of use and security, we recommend a hardware wallet for cold storage. To save / backup your Ledger or Trezor device, simply write down the 24-word phrase on the card they provide and keep it very, very safe. Never put this key on an online device or type it into

What is class 5 cold storage? ›

Class 5 in cold storage means storing food materials in a cold environment. Mostly frozen foods, seafood, meat, etc. In addition to spending on electrical energy, there is also the problem of food safety.

Is cold storage safe? ›

Cold storage is one of the most secure storage methods—find out what it is and learn some of the most common techniques for keeping your cryptocurrency safe.

Is crypto in cold storage taxable? ›

John transfers his ETH to a cold wallet

Remember, holding crypto is not a taxable event. To do so, John transfers his 10 ETH from the Coinbase wallet to his newly bought Trezor. The transaction fee is 0.1 ETH ($100).

Which wallet is the most secure? ›

1) ZenGo – Most Secure Non-custodial Wallet. ZenGo is the most secure non-custodial wallet in Web3 by removing the private key vulnerability, making it the simplest yet most secure wallet to invest in cryptocurrency. Create an account in less than 60 seconds and be the true owner of your crypto.

Which is the most secure type of wallet? ›

If maximum security and privacy is what you're after, then consider investing in a cold wallet. Cold wallets, also known as hardware wallets, are by far the most secure way to store cryptocurrency keys—think of them as USB sticks that store digital assets.

What is a private key? ›

A private key, also known as a secret key, is a variable in cryptography that is used with an algorithm to encrypt and decrypt data. Secret keys should only be shared with the key's generator or parties authorized to decrypt the data.

What are the disadvantages of cold storage? ›

The main and only drawback of a cold storage system is that not all types of products are suitable. When freezing a food its nutritional values ​​are not lost, both the nutrients and the minerals and vitamins that are present in the same fresh variety are maintained.

Which is the best storage of cold data? ›

Good examples of cold cloud storage are Amazon Glacier and Google Coldline. Cold data is best kept on storage mediums that provide lower speeds and are more affordable. Tape is one such cold data storage medium. LTO (Linear Tape-Open), developed in the late 1990s, is also another option.

Can a USB be a cold wallet? ›

USB flash drives have several advantages for storing cold wallets: Cost: USB flash drives are far more affordable than most hardware cold wallets. Bulk USB drives are an especially cost-effective option that can also come in handy for many uses besides crypto.

Are cold storage wallets safe? ›

Cold Wallets: Pros and Cons

Generally, cold storage wallets are quite secure. Stealing from a cold wallet usually would require physical possession of or access to the cold wallet, as well as any associated PINs or passwords that must be used to access the funds.

What is the purpose of cold storage room? ›

"A cold storage room is a refrigerated food storage chamber that prevents perishable food from spoiling." The primary purpose of a cold storage room is to refrigerate fresh, pre-cooled and frozen foods.

What happens if you lose your cold storage wallet? ›

Back to our scenario: if you lose your device, you can simply enter your 24 words into a new hardware wallet, and you'll recover absolutely everything that was secured on your lost device.

What are the types of cold wallet? ›

The two most popular types of cold wallets, hardware and paper, fall on opposite sides of the technology gamut. Paper wallets are about as low-tech a solution as you can get, while hardware wallets often contain sophisticated high-tech components. Both are considered a highly secure way of securing your crypto.

How do you store coins in cold storage? ›

Storing cryptocurrency in a cold wallet

But the most common type of cold wallet is a hardware wallet. Hardware wallets are small devices that connect to your computer and store cryptocurrency. They connect to the internet when sending and receiving cryptocurrency, but, other than that, they keep your funds offline.

What is required for cold storage? ›

The cold storage room basic design and requirements:

The temperature requirement: 4˚C ± 2˚C. Humidity of the storage space: 85-90%. The outer ambiance temperature is assumed to be: 43˚C. Storage materials: vegetables and fruits.

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