Collocations: Types of a Collocation Explained with Examples (2024)


Vocabulary is a crucial part of any language. That is why, while learning any language, higher importance is given to understanding and learning of the vocabulary. As we are covering the majority of the vocabulary in the business world and business corresponding and accounting, today we will focus majorly on collocations. We will start with the basics of collocations, and then understand why do we need them and various types of collocations. We will also give you some of the examples of the collocation.

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What is Collocation?

Collocations: Types of a Collocation Explained with Examples (10)

A familiar grouping of words which appears together because of their habitual use and thus creating the same meaning is called collocation. Suppose, when we say heavy rain instead of big or strong rain, it conveys the meaning that it is raining heavily.

Although in the above example strong rain or the big rain conveys the same meaning. In fact, both of them are also grammatically correct. But, the use of big rain or strong rain will sound strange. Thus, we use heavy rain to sound natural and a lot better English.

Similarly, there are many such examples where we use a particular set of groups of words to sound naturally correct. A group of words that are expected to be together can also be defined as collocations. Some more examples of collocations are to do homework, to make the bed, to take a risk, etc.

Besides the reasons mentioned above, there are reasons as well for using collocations. These are:

  • Making the use of the English language natural and interesting
  • As it follows a particular order, it helps in adhering to pre-decided and a proper structure of the English language
  • Helps in beautifying the language
  • Make better use of words or group of words by presenting it in better form
  • It enhances the use of language and thereby comparatively leads to innovation of the English language

Browse more Topics under Vocabulary

  • Vocabulary and Types of Vocabulary
  • Connotations
  • Synonyms and Antonyms
  • Roots of Words
  • Prefix and Suffix
  • Phrasal Verbs
  • Idioms

Types of Collocations

Verb Collocations

The collocations which are used extensively tend to involve verb + noun formation in the day to day situations. Here are some of the examples of these words for you to understand them better. In each of these examples the verb has other meanings as well, but combining it with the words will resultin a group of words.

  • To save time

You will save a lot of your time if you concentrate on your studies rather than browsing through the internet.

  • To come prepared

You have a presentation tomorrow, so make sure that you come prepared.

  • To find a replacement

Indian team needs to find a replacement for Sachin as soon as possible.

Adjective Collocations

Many collocations can be formed when you add adjectives with noun and adverbs. Here are a few examples of how you can make collocations using a single adjective.

  • Deep: Deep feeling, deep pockets, deep sleep, deep trouble.
  • Heavy: Heavy rain, heavy sleeper, a heavy drinker, heavy snow, heavy traffic.
  • Strong: Strong smell, strong sense, strong denial.

Noun Collocations

In this type of collocations, you can use a verb as well as a noun to form the group of words.

Service industry, tea leaf, dogs bark, water flows, paper flutters, blurred vision, critical analysis.

Business Collocations

Mostly, the use of collocations is critical in various types of businesses and work situations. Here, there are numerous ways in which you can form a collocation using verbs, nouns, adjectives, and adverbs. They can be combined with keywords and a business expression can be formed. Some of the important business collocations are:

Security blanketCash flow
Opinion pollMake money
Forgive a debtCounterfeit money
Key in a PINAnnual turnover
GO bankruptCease to trade
Hard-earned moneyDeposit a check
Close a dealOpen an account

Practice Questions for You

Q.Complete the following collocations

a)___________ a home.
b)__________ trouble
c) I really hate when she criticizes everybody. It really rattles ________
d)Everyday I used to go to Temple under false ________. I never wanted to, but my parents made me go every day.

Answers: a)Get b)Make c)My Bones d)Pretenses

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Collocations: Types of a Collocation Explained with Examples (2024)


Collocations: Types of a Collocation Explained with Examples? ›

Types of Collocations

What are the 7 types of collocation with examples? ›

Types of Collocations
  • adverb + adjective. Correct: fully aware. ...
  • adjective + noun. Correct: deep sleep. ...
  • noun + noun. Correct: round of applause. ...
  • noun + verb. Correct: cats purr, dogs bark. ...
  • verb + noun. Correct: give a speech. ...
  • verb + expression with preposition. Correct: run out of time. ...
  • verb + adverb. Correct: speak loudly.

What are the 10 examples of collocation in English? ›

Types of Collocations
TypesAccepted combinationsUntypical combinations
noun + verbcat purrsbird purrs
verb + nouncommit a sinmake a sin
verb + expression with prepositionjump to conclusionsjump to assumptions
verb + adverbleave quietlyleave silently
3 more rows

How do you explain collocations? ›

A collocation is defined as two or more words that join together to form a unique meaning that is readily understood by English speakers but probably not by those who speak it as a second language. In many cases, the speaker isn't aware of the collocation.

What is the definition of a collocation? ›

/ˌkɑːləˈkeɪʃn/ (linguistics) ​[countable] a combination of words in a language that happens very often and more frequently than would happen by chance. 'Resounding success' and 'crying shame' are English collocations.

What are the 7 types of collocation pdf? ›

There are seven different types of collocations in English: noun + noun, adjective + noun, noun + verb, verb + noun, adverb + adjective, verb + adverb, and verb + preposition or prepositional phrase (phrasal verb). Below are some resources to help you with these combinations.

What are the 7 collocation pairs? ›

There are about seven main types of collocations: adjective + noun, noun + noun (such as collective nouns), noun + verb, verb + noun, adverb + adjective, verbs + prepositional phrase (phrasal verbs), and verb + adverb.

How to identify collocations? ›

Collocation is 'a predictable combination of words' for example we can say heavy rain but not strong rain because it does not sound right' likewise, we can say 'do exercise' but not 'make exercise'. Collocations can be made up of any kinds of words such as verbs, nouns, adverbs and adjectives.

What is the most common collocation? ›

Collocations can occur between words in any part of speech, but the most common collocations are verb + noun (to pay child support), adjective + noun (late payment), and verb + adverb (to pay promptly).

How to memorize collocations? ›

When you learn a new word, write down other words that collocate with it (remember rightly, remember distinctly, remember vaguely, remember vividly). Read as much as possible. Reading is an excellent way to learn vocabulary and collocations in context and naturally. Revise what you learn regularly.

How do you teach collocations? ›

Tell students that you are going to read them a story; while they are listening, they must write down the most important words. You could instruct them to focus on the collocations in the story, or any other language point you may be focusing on. After listening twice, students must reconstruct the story in pairs.

What is an example of a strong collocation? ›

For example, the words "strong" and "coffee" naturally go together as a collocation in English, forming the phrase "strong coffee." Similarly, "take" and "a shower" form the collocation "take a shower," and "make" and "a decision" form the collocation "make a decision."

What is the difference between a collocation and a compound word? ›

Compound nouns are usually two or more words put together to create a new noun. examples sunflower, blackboard etc. Where as collocations are words or phrases which are commonly used together. examples heavy rainfall, deep sleep, to make bed etc.

What is the difference between a phrasal verb and a collocation? ›

A collocation can perform various functions in a sentence ( i.e. act as different parts of speech). Some examples are " bunch of flowers " or " commit a crime. "A phrasal verb is usually a combination of a verb + a preposition which usually changes the meaning from that of the original verb.

What are the two main types of collocation? ›

There are two types of collocations; typical and untypical. Typical collocations are commonly-used; they are familiar and 'feel' natural to speakers of the English language. Untypical collocations 'feel' less natural - they often sound strange, or 'incorrect'.

What is collocation basic examples? ›

Some examples of basic collocations are “make an appointment”, “make time”, “make an excuse”, “make a mistake” and “make a choice”. In some languages, when English uses “make”, that language uses the equivalent of “do”. If you say “I did a choice” in English, the meaning is probably clear but it sounds really strange.

What is an example of a collocation Class 7? ›

Types of Collocations

Adjective + Noun: rich chocolate, spicy food, smooth surface, fresh air. Noun + Noun: piano keys, cheesecake, child care, duct tape. Noun + Verb: volcano eruption, rock climbing, snowboarding, ice-skating. Verb + Noun: do homework, walk the dog, answer the phone, take a shower.

What are English collocations in use examples? ›

Verb Collocations
To feel freePlease feel free to take a seat and enjoy the show.
To find a replacementWe need to find a replacement for Jim as soon as possible.
To make progressWe're making progress on the project at work.
To do the washing upI'll do the washing up and you can put Johnny to bed.
2 more rows
May 29, 2024

What is the best way to learn collocations? ›

One of the best ways to look for collocations is to read and listen to many things in English. This will help you start to recognize them when you see and hear them. In this first exercise, you will hear a short story with several collocations. Most in the story begin with common verbs such as have, get, make and take.

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Author: Corie Satterfield

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Name: Corie Satterfield

Birthday: 1992-08-19

Address: 850 Benjamin Bridge, Dickinsonchester, CO 68572-0542

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Hobby: Table tennis, Soapmaking, Flower arranging, amateur radio, Rock climbing, scrapbook, Horseback riding

Introduction: My name is Corie Satterfield, I am a fancy, perfect, spotless, quaint, fantastic, funny, lucky person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.